How many kcal are in a piece of watermelon? Watermelon calorie content, beneficial properties. How watermelon acts on the body, diuretic properties of watermelon

Already in late spring we begin to wait for the fresh harvest of watermelons to enjoy its sugary pulp and fresh aroma. But is it possible for those losing weight to indulge in juicy delicacies uncontrollably? And what are the benefits and calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams?

The nutritional value

To find out how high the calorie content of watermelon is, let’s analyze its composition. He will tell us about the benefits of the product and its safety for those losing weight. Such close attention to watermelon nutrients reveals the following facts:

  1. Water makes up one-ninth of the fruit.
  2. It contains absolutely no fat or cholesterol.
  3. 100 grams of fruit pulp contains 0.6 g of proteins and 7.5 carbohydrates, most of which are simple carbohydrates (6.2 g) and fiber (0.4 g).
  4. The sweet taste is due to the presence of sucrose (1.21 g), glucose (1.58 g) and fructose (3.36 g).
  5. The berry contains minerals:
  6. Watermelon is a source of vitamins:
  • iron - 1.3% of human needs per day;
  • magnesium - 2.5%;
  • phosphorus - 1.1%;
  • potassium - 2.4%;
  • calcium - 0.7%.


Thus, watermelon pulp contains a lot of potassium, vitamins A and C. Therefore, the fruit is recommended for diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, heart and blood vessels. It stimulates digestion and prevents oncological diseases. It is known to effectively remove toxins and cholesterol plaques, and has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair. It is a strong antioxidant and strengthens the immune system. But this unconditional usefulness is violated by the abundance of sugar. How will it affect the calorie content of watermelon?

Is it possible or not for people to lose weight?

It’s time to reveal the intrigue and tell how much one watermelon calorie “weighs”. It is believed that the calorie content of the product is low. Two facts contribute to the widespread belief about its beneficial effect on the figure:

  • removes excess fluid;
  • suppresses hunger.

Plus it is actually low in calories - 100 grams contain only 25 kcal.

But your long-awaited encounter with fruit is not limited to a small piece. Let's calculate the calorie content of the entire fruit, the average weight of which is 5-6 kg. It turns out that it contains 1250-1500 kcal. Almost our entire diet.

This is what fresh fruit contains. The canned version already contains 36.5 kcal, and the juice contains 38 kcal. You will be shocked to know how many calories watermelon seeds contain. They contain 557 calories. Controversial question about low-calorie watermelon, right? And it does not quench your appetite for long. What do nutrition experts say?

Nutritionists recommend eating watermelon, whose calorie content for weight loss is quite high, under strict control. If you really want to taste the aromatic pulp, follow these tips:

  1. Eat it on its own without adding extra calories with additional food.
  2. Use for fasting days. But it should only be one day. To dull the feeling of hunger during the day, divide the whole fruit into 5-6 doses.

A one-week watermelon diet sounds scary. Such strict diets are strictly prohibited by nutritionists, because they are a lot of stress for the body.

  1. If you choose watermelon for a snack, then choose the middle between two main meals.
  2. The daily dose of fruit should not exceed 2-2.5 kg.
  3. When losing weight in the evening, you can eat only a small piece.

Healthy watermelon with low calorie content is not a myth. Its benefits have been proven. Only for those on a diet there are small restrictions, subject to which the fruit will become your assistant on the thorny path to your dream figure.

Watermelon has been the favorite berry of many since childhood. But this is not only very delicious product, but also a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It is also useful for those who want to get rid of a few unnecessary kilograms. What are the benefits of striped berries and how can you lose weight with it?

Watermelon: benefits and harm

Many are looking forward to the coming of summer, the time when delicious and sweet watermelons will appear on the shelves. Children perceive this product as a delicacy; for the fair sex, it is an opportunity to lose excess weight without harming their health.

But this is not only a delicacy that can get rid of extra pounds, it also improves the health of the body. We suggest below to learn about the properties, calorie content and consumption rate of watermelon.

The benefits of watermelon

If the berry is chosen correctly and grown without adding nitrates, then you can be sure that this delicacy will bring great benefits to the body. The pulp contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals that can provide the human body with its daily requirement.

This is not only delicious food, but also improves the health of the body and saturates it with necessary components. What's the benefit delicious berries:

  1. The main benefit of watermelon is its taste. A tasty berry can relieve depression and lift your spirits;
  2. Eating the pulp will strengthen the immune system and improve vision;
  3. Strengthens the work nervous system;
  4. Improves intestinal function;
  5. Stabilizes blood pressure, has the ability to constrict and dilate blood vessels;
  6. It is an excellent prevention of anemia and atherosclerosis;
  7. The choleretic and diuretic qualities of the berry are considered the most valuable. Thanks to its diuretic properties, watermelon can relieve swelling.

Like any other product, striped berry has not only positive traits, but also contraindications. What harm can a watermelon cause?

Harm of watermelon

Due to human intervention in the berry ripening process, its benefits are beginning to be questioned. In order for the berry to gain more mass as quickly as possible, it is pumped with nitrates.

Nitrates accumulate in the pulp. They themselves are not dangerous, but when they enter the gastrointestinal tract, they turn into nitrites. And these elements can cause cancer.

Nitrites disrupt blood transport, resulting in hypoxia and a lack of oxygen in the tissues.

Watermelon is not allowed:

  1. People with kidney disease;
  2. When diagnosing kidney stones. The diuretic effect of the pulp can start the movement of stones;
  3. People with diabetes;
  4. For diseases of the pancreas and prostate gland.

Calorie content of fresh watermelon per 100 grams and 1 kg

Watermelon diets are very famous. They help not only to reset overweight, but also to cleanse the body of harmful toxins and accumulated toxins. This is the most delicious and low-calorie product. 100 grams of watermelon contain only 38 calories. You can safely eat it without fear of gaining weight.

Calorie table:

The norm for watermelon consumption on a diet

Doctors recommend eating no more than 2 kilograms of watermelon pulp per day. In addition, some experts do not recommend spending many days on a watermelon diet. The best thing is to arrange fasting days. A fasting day will help you lose about 1 kilogram excess weight. There are several options for fasting days on watermelon:

  1. You can limit yourself to eating 1.5 kg of pulp per day, divided into five to six meals. If you feel very hungry, you can eat some rye crackers. Be sure to include drinking clean water or herbal tea in your daily diet;
  2. You can use the option of eating 2 kg of watermelon per day and two pieces rye bread. We must not forget about the mandatory consumption of water;

Eating more than two kilograms of pulp per day will place a very heavy burden on the kidneys. This can cause swelling, so exceeding the norm is not recommended.

How much watermelon can you eat in the evening/at night when losing weight?

Watermelon at night is not only not harmful, but even beneficial. Its properties improve intestinal function. It is at night that toxins are removed from the body, and this is difficult if there is not enough fluid in the body. Therefore, eating pulp at night will be useful not only for weight loss, but also for health.

Many experts say that it is best to consume berries an hour before bedtime. And limit yourself in volumes. It is advisable to eat no more than two slices.

A large amount of pulp can lead to swelling in the morning.

Is watermelon so harmless for those losing weight?

Watermelon diets, due to their diuretic and cleansing properties, can lead to rapid weight loss. Gynecologists believe that sudden weight loss is harmful to the body. Optimal weight loss should be 2 kilograms per month.

In addition, monogamous diets are not beneficial for the body. For example, with a watermelon fasting day, a woman receives only 3 grams of fat. This is a very low rate, which will negatively affect estrogen production. Prolonged mono-diets can lead to menstrual irregularities.

Watermelons are very useful not only for maintaining and strengthening health, but also for losing excess weight. Proper consumption of this delicious berry will lift your spirits and cleanse your body!

And about the beneficial properties of watermelon - additional information in the next video.

The low calorie content of watermelon is in demand!

  • But to what extent are watermelon and its calorie content relevant (indispensable?) for weight loss, especially in mono-diets?
  • How much of this “fruit” will provide benefits and how much will cause harm.

My review will expose this berry and tell you that if the calorie content of 1 kg of watermelon is small, this does not mean that weight loss will be undeniable.


_____________________***Only facts and debunking myths!***____________________

For 10 whole months of the year we live in anticipation of the appearance on the shelves of beautiful and unusually juicy berries grown on melons.

  • For children and men, a dense green “ball” with black stripes and red flesh is an autumn delicacy.
  • For the fair sex, short hair is more attractive watermelon calories and the opportunity to try a new diet.

Girls count the days until August so that they can enjoy themselves for 2 months unique properties melons They have already read information about the benefits of watermelon for weight loss, It’s a dream – to eat sweets and not gain weight!

But there are also opponents of watermelon addictions. In their opinion, the berry is not as wonderful as it seems...

Where is the truth? You will find it below - I will reveal the calorie secrets without hiding, so that your love for watermelon will only bring benefits! So that your figure becomes close to ideal, but through healthy diets rather than mythological means.


***Watermelon, is your low calorie content a determining factor when losing weight?***


“Meet watermelon (calorie content for weight loss – important factor, and he matches it)! You will quickly get rid of excess kilograms, saturate your body with microelements and normalize your metabolism. Eat as much as you can and flush out toxins and unnecessary fluids!

A watermelon weekly mono-diet will permanently remove up to 5 kg in 7 days if you follow the recommendations. Consume 1.5-2 kg of pulp per day, introduce black bread (no more than 200 g) into your diet. Get ready to exit the diet period correctly: give up sweets and buns. 10-14 days – minus 8 kg!”


All the highlighted information is a myth, a delusion of ignorant “nutritionists”. Health after such a mono-diet will not thank you:

  1. You will “magically” begin to lose precious muscle mass in an accelerated mode;
  2. Fat burning will occur a hundred times slower;
  3. The body will become apathetic, strength and tone will be depleted.


I'm not talking about the absolute uselessness of watermelon for losing weight - it is ideal as a means for fasting days! It is during the day that its benefit will be maximum.

Some may think that it is impossible to achieve such a low calorie diet with other products. You are wrong! Let's take the average figure of 1000 kcal:

  • From such an amount of watermelon you will swell like a balloon, I can say with confidence that discomfort in the stomach will accompany you everywhere.
  • Collect in your daily “basket”: an egg, porridge, vegetables and milk for the same calorie amount, and you will get 3 good servings for a full meal + a snack.

****Did you know that eating watermelon can make you gain weight?***

“It has been confirmed that the calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams is only 25-38 kcal. This is a one-of-a-kind sweetness that will never lead to fullness...”


Do you believe this? Then, when you see increased numbers on the scales, look for other options that provoked the sad fact.

For now, I’ll tell you how a low-calorie watermelon “dessert” gives an unexpected increase in kilogram equivalent:

  1. Together with a loaf of white bread, rapid weight gain is guaranteed. A cool option for bodybuilders (they use it often). For those who want to have a slender silhouette, scarlet pulp in combination with flour products is “killer”!
  2. Watermelon does not satisfy hunger, it glycemic index very high - the appetite will definitely increase within an hour after eating the berry. It is important to refrain from indiscriminate consumption of fatty and protein foods.
  3. It’s easy to finish a whole green striped “ball” in one sitting. But the arithmetic of “sugar pleasure” will give a disappointing result. 38 kcal is a small piece; a ripe watermelon itself weighs on average 6 kg. Multiply and calculate the total calorie content of the berry - 2280 kcal (this is the optimal amount of all calories consumed per day). You're not limited to just watermelon, are you? The counter is creeping up along with the kilograms!

***How ​​to avoid getting caught up in this weight gain trend?***

  • Practice watermelon fasting days without mixing the juicy pulp with other food. There will be a cleansing of toxins with excellent absorption of useful elements, of which watermelon is rich. Limit salt in your diet, then avoid swelling in the morning.
  • This berry should act as a snack, and not as an addition to the main table menu. Keep an interval of 1.5-2 hours before and after main meals - this best time for a treat.
  • Add variety to any boring diet when hunger overcomes and eating something substantial is prohibited. The life-giving moisture of watermelon depths will give you a feeling of satiety and sweetness. Maybe not for long, but still. You will become more positive, the motivation to lose weight will not disappear!


***The calorie content of watermelon is important, but let’s think about the benefits and harms of such diets...***


I'll try to dot all the i's...


  1. Magnesium in watermelon is a heart helper and the best companion for the nervous system (for this, the berry is popularly called an antidepressant and a “pill” for mood). Magnesium activates muscle function and good absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  2. Folic acid from pulp is involved in the construction of DNA and the general development of the body. Improved memory, clear thoughts and brain activity are found in a watermelon slice.
  3. Watermelon is effective as a diuretic (with renal failure Consultation with a doctor is required!).
  4. The berry is filled with “energy” vitamin substances.
  5. Dietary fiber with its high amount prevents constipation. They also successfully fight high cholesterol.
  6. Cleansing the liver of toxins, the green berry is ideal for recovery after long-term use of antibiotics.


Let's start with the patterns - consuming “bad”, nitrate watermelon will negatively affect you. The chemicals in fertilizers are harmful to humans - frequent poisonings in early August only confirm this.

Expect quality watermelons from melons no earlier than mid-August. Don’t rush for the “early” fruits that lure bored customers to the shelves!

Let's move on to the advice of scientific medicine, which is against abuse juicy pulp persons suffering from blood pressure, heart spasms. This is due to fructose - it causes “trouble” in the digestive tract, causing bloating and gas formation. Internal pressure changes critically, problems can spread to heart rhythm. If you don’t want to deny yourself the pleasure of watermelon, go to your doctor...

The ban on drinking watermelon applies to:

  • Exacerbations of colitis and diarrhea;
  • Difficulty in the outflow of urine (the doctor may give permission in individual cases);
  • Pyelonephritis (specialist advice is also necessary);
  • Kidney stones (watermelon can begin to dislodge large stones);
  • Diabetes mellitus (in rare cases, the treat is available in very small portions);
  • Problems with the prostate and pancreas.


Conclusion about the “healthy” amount of watermelon consumption per day


You understand that the calorie content of 1 kg of watermelon is low (250-380 kcal). But this is not a reason to start mindlessly eating the long-awaited berry. Nutritionists have the same opinion on the daily intake - no more than 2-2.5 kg. Not at once - you shouldn’t arm yourself with spoons, surrounding the watermelon adorning the table with the whole family. Only in portions from morning until early evening.

You need to enjoy treats wisely; discomfort from overeating is not appropriate! I do not recommend watermelon mono diets.

But I myself spend fasting days using this delicacy once every two weeks in August-September. This allows you to keep your figure beautiful (at 37 years old):

These legs are the result of what I developed stretching from simple exercises.



About proper nutrition and weight loss great resource, he will help you with food choices, diets and weight loss methods.


Thank you for reading the review!

Good afternoon, dear readers. It would seem that there is nothing easier and healthier for our figure than vegetables, fruits and berries. They are tasty and sweet, but can they really be eaten? unlimited quantity? For those who really care about their figure and health, it will be useful to know how many calories are in a watermelon.

The watermelon season begins in Russia at the end of summer. During this period, adults and children are not averse to eating this ripe berry, and women are addicted to various mono-diets based on it. In addition, you can make light and delicious desserts from it.

Like most berries, watermelon is very low in calories. For 100g. Watermelon pulp contains only 27 kcal, and 100 ml of fresh juice contains 37 kcal. That is why the product is so attractive for those losing weight. If you look at the table of calorie content of berries, you can see that it energy value the same as grapefruit, orange, strawberry and melon.

His chemical composition It is characterized by a high content of vitamins and macroelements. Among useful substances the following can be distinguished:

  • Folic acid. Watermelon is the leader in the content of this element. Folic acid is especially useful for pregnant women and women planning to have children; they reduce the risk of developing pathologies of internal organs in the fetus.
  • Vitamin C. Increases the body's resistance to colds and strengthens the immune system.
  • B vitamins. They make nails strong and hair shiny. Vitamins B1, B6, B12 are also important for skin condition.
  • Vitamin R. Is a natural flavonoid, strengthens small blood vessels. Reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors.
  • Magnesium. Magnesium restores liver and kidney function, has a beneficial effect on muscle tissue, relaxing them. A lack of magnesium often leads to nighttime cramps in the calf muscles, and pregnant women especially often suffer from this.

Watermelon also contains organic acids that stimulate work digestive tract, and easily digestible sugars. Its seeds contain healthy fatty acids, and the seed oil tastes like olive oil.

How much watermelon can you eat?

For adults, no more than 2 kg of pulp per day is considered the norm. The product contains a large amount of water, so even 2 kilograms are eaten quite easily.

Despite the obvious benefits for adults, the product should be given to children with caution. It is not used for feeding babies under 1 year of age. A two-year-old child can be given 50g. watermelon per day, for a three-year-old - 100-150. It is necessary to observe the reaction child's body. If allergy symptoms or abdominal pain appear, you should consult a doctor.

Benefits and harms

The rich chemical composition of the berry is a real treasure for the body. Here are the benefits watermelon can bring:

Despite the obvious benefits and sweet taste of the berry, can eating watermelon be harmful? Here are some cases where you should be careful:

  1. For diabetes mellitus. The berry has a high glycemic index and is not suitable for diabetics.
  2. If you have large kidney stones.
  3. For frequent attacks of pancreatitis, diseases of the pancreas.

It is also better to discuss the acceptable amount of pulp for people suffering from pyelonephritis and flatulence. Another point is that when growing watermelons, various chemicals are often used. This leads to the fact that toxins can penetrate into the fetus. This is the cause of food poisoning from watermelons. In order not to buy a product filled with nitrates and other substances of little use, you must wait until the season, which begins no earlier than August. Buying fruits in July is not the best idea.

The benefits and harms of watermelon should be known to everyone who likes to enjoy it in the autumn season.

For weight loss

Fasting days and watermelon-based diets are very popular among women. Girls consider them not only an easy, but also a tasty way to lose weight.

A fasting day on watermelon has the following advantages:

  • Behind a short time weight may decrease by 0.5-1.5 kg;
  • The skin becomes more hydrated;
  • Excess fluid is removed from the body;
  • The metabolic process accelerates;
  • Due to the large amount of carbohydrates in the berry, there is no feeling of weakness.

It is necessary to understand that after one or two fasting days you will not be able to get rid of a large amount of fat. To radically and permanently lose weight, you need to adhere to proper nutrition and do physical exercise. But unloading on a watermelon will help you maintain your shape after a well-spent vacation and give you a feeling of lightness.

How to properly spend a fasting day? Throughout the day you are allowed to eat up to one and a half kilograms of watermelon pulp. From drinks you can drink pure drinking water, black or green tea sugarless. To prevent the body from suffering from a lack of protein, you can add up to 200g to the diet. cottage cheese, dividing it into two meals - 100 grams. eat in the morning, and 100 in the evening.

What is the watermelon diet? For 3-5 days, only its pulp can be eaten. The maximum daily dose is up to 2.5 kg per day. It is prohibited to drink sweet drinks. Many people, while on a watermelon diet, do not feel thirsty at all, due to the large amount of water in it.

However, there are diets in which the consumption of watermelon is contraindicated. These include the popular Japanese diet. For 14 days, you need to exclude high-carbohydrate foods, such as watermelon, from your diet.

Is it possible to get better from watermelon? Even though it is a low-calorie product, it can still harm your figure if eaten with sugar and bread - a combination that many people love. But if you carefully plan your diet, you can easily use it for weight loss.

How to choose a good product?

You can buy a ripe and sweet specimen no earlier than August. Supermarkets often sell unripe products, so it is better to purchase watermelons at the market.

You should not choose a fruit that is too small - it is a big risk to buy green fruit; it is also better to ignore overgrown ones. The optimal weight of a watermelon is 5-7 kg.

A ripe watermelon has a hard and tough rind with contrasting stripes. Only an unripe fetus can have a soft crust. On one side you can see a light yellow spot - which means that it was on this side that the watermelon came into contact with the ground. Normally, the diameter of this spot is from 5 to 10 cm. If it is much larger, most likely he did not receive enough sunlight and the pulp will not be sweet.

You need to pay attention to the tail. If the stalk is torn off, this is a bad sign; perhaps the seller did this to hide the low-quality fruit. A ripe fruit has a tail that is yellow and dry, but not overdried.

What can you tell by the color of the flesh if the watermelon has already been cut? If it is purple, it means that artificial fertilizers and nitrates were used during cultivation. A “correct” berry will have bright red flesh, while an unripe one will have pale flesh. Seeds should normally be dark brown in color.

Delicious and healthy recipes

Watermelon is a seasonal delicacy that is sure to bring benefits if consumed wisely. Those who want to lose weight will find many delicious and healthy recipes for themselves.

Since its pulp contains many macroelements, all these recipes will allow you not only to enjoy the sweet taste, but also to improve your health.

All these recipes are quite simple to make and will appeal to both children and adults. Dishes can be prepared for a party, or you can diversify your daily diet with them.

Eating deliciously and losing weight is a gourmet’s dream, inspired by the fact that the calorie content of watermelon per 100 grams of sweet pulp eaten does not exceed 38 kilocalories. A diet in which the only product is watermelon attracts the attention of any woman who dreams of getting rid of extra pounds. The method allows you to lose weight without exhausting yourself with water-based porridges, calculating the content of fatty acids (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in each serving of food, studying tables with calorie content per 100 grams of weight of products chosen for weight loss.

The benefits of the watermelon diet lie in its beneficial qualities, known since the times of Ancient Rome and Egypt. Medical recipes already used the diuretic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties of watermelon. Later it was found that the water-salt balance of watermelon pulp has a beneficial effect on the processes of hematopoiesis and digestion, fiber removes cholesterol, and vitamin C and folic acid fight atherosclerosis.

Watermelon diet calculation

The main task is to determine the number of fruits that will become the only food for 5 days. First of all, find out how many calories are in 100 g of watermelon using food calorie tables. For calculations, take 40 kcal, rounding the table value 38 for simplicity.

It is known that the minimum caloric intake that does not cause weight gain is:

  • 2400 kcal for women with an active lifestyle,
  • 2000 kcal for women with a sedentary lifestyle.

The minimum allowable amount of food consumption to meet all the physiological needs of the body is 1300 kcal per day. By eating the number of calories in watermelon in the safe range (1300-2000), you will notice how your weight will decrease faster the closer your daily diet is to the minimum value of 1300 kcal.

To go to the diet menu, you need to divide your daily kilocalories by 40 (calorie content of watermelon in 100 grams of pulp). It turns out that from 3.5 kg to 5.5 kg of tender watermelon pulp will be eaten per day, and taking into account the rind - up to 7 kg of fruit. Divided into 5-6 meals a day, we get a single amount of food from 700 g to 1 kg of watermelon pulp. If the last piece of a tasty diet comes before bed, then night trips to the toilet will add a fly in the ointment to the menu, but the joy of losing weight will overshadow this temporary inconvenience.

Calories in watermelon are determined by carbohydrates in the form of glucose and fructose, which are transferred when long-term storage into sucrose. The monotony of a diet when losing weight can only be diluted with carbohydrates. It should be taken into account that how many carbohydrates will be eaten per day is determined not only by the watermelon, but also by a small addition to the menu in the form of rye bread (no more than 100 g per day). This diet option can last up to 10 days, although the rate of weight loss is slightly less than without bread.

During the dietary period you should avoid large physical activity as active rest, carrying heavy objects, long trips. Moderate gymnastic exercises and walking contribute to the beneficial effects of a monotonous carbohydrate diet.

Hidden dangers of dieting

Any diet based on one type of food without taking into account the BJU (the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) upsets the balance in nutrition and cannot be long-lasting, so the watermelon diet is designed for 5-10 days. The benefits of it, expressed in weight loss, may be short-term if, after its completion, excessive food consumption begins.

Diabetes is a contraindication to a carbohydrate diet. Watermelon for diabetics is allowed to be eaten under the strict supervision of a glucometer. If the blood glucose level exceeds the norm, this carbohydrate weight loss diet is completely excluded, regardless of how many calories are in the watermelon.

The property of watermelon to accumulate nitrates can cause nausea and vomiting, as in case of poisoning. In this case, you should immediately stop continuing the diet. Drinking plenty of fluids and crackers is prescribed to quickly remove nitrates.

The diuretic properties of watermelon remove sand from the kidneys during urolithiasis, but can cause stone movement and acute inflammation. It is necessary to consult a doctor about the condition of the genitourinary system before prescribing a diet, so as not to harm your own body.

For arterial hypertension, the watermelon diet is prescribed with caution. It doesn't matter how many calories there are in watermelon, since the increase in blood pressure from excess water can cause a hypertensive crisis. Kidney and vascular diseases are also contraindications. Individual intolerance to watermelon pulp in large quantities It is rare and manifests itself on the first day in the form of nausea and abdominal pain, which is a signal to immediately stop the diet.

Results and exit from the diet

In 5-10 days of one of the watermelon diet options, 5-7 kg of weight are lost.

In addition, the body is cleansed of excess salt and water, the skin is rejuvenated, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

The transition from a carbohydrate diet to a balanced diet should be carried out by gradually increasing the calorie content of food consumed. You should not immediately introduce fatty meat into the menu immediately after the diet period. spicy dishes. The most suitable foods are low-fat dairy products, vegetables and fruits.

The duration of exit from the watermelon diet is 2 weeks.