Orange aromatic oils for use. What properties does orange essential oil have and how to use it? Caution won't hurt

Orange oil is one of the best essential oils for a beginner. Often, it is purchased by those who are just beginning to be interested in aromatherapy. In addition, everyone is familiar with its cheerful, invigorating, lively and sunny aroma. It is easy to use due to its versatility and ease of use. Natural orange oil mixes well with many essential oils, “softens” and warms the mixture. It has many therapeutic uses and provides rest to the mind and body.

Historically, oranges have been associated with generosity and gratitude, symbolizing innocence and fertility. This evergreen tree has dark green leaves, white flowers and bright orange round fruits with rough skin. Essential oil is extracted from orange peels. Neroli essential oil is extracted from the flowers, and petitgrain is extracted from the leaves, a very effective ester for eliminating cellulite.

Orange trees, native to China and India, are now grown widely in the Americas, Israel and the Mediterranean. Orange oil is used in countless foods, including many Curacao-type liqueurs, beverages and confectioneries.

Properties of orange oil

It has a fresh and pungent scent that is synonymous with joy. The color is golden, yellow to orange, and has a watery viscosity. Shelf life is about 6 months.

This low-maintenance essential oil is used in aromatherapy to create a feeling of happiness and warmth, has a calming effect on the human psyche and relieves digestive problems. Orange essential oil copes very well with colds, accelerates the removal of toxins and stimulates the lymphatic system, supports the formation of collagen in the skin.

Orange oil with grapefruit oil contains a high percentage of limonene, a natural mixture that is being studied as a chemopreventive agent for the treatment of cancer. Researchers from Japan found that using orange oil reduced the dosage of medications required for patients suffering from depression.

Medicinal properties of orange essential oil

  • Antidepressant. Orange essential oil is calming, relaxing to the mind and helps relieve stress. Its refreshing and relaxing properties are used to treat anxiety.
  • Anti-inflammatory. Helps with internal and external inflammation of an infectious nature.
  • Antiseptic. It prevents the growth of microorganisms on mucous membranes, relieves sore throats, and heals mouth ulcers when rinsing.
  • Normalizes digestion. Orange essential oil helps with constipation and increases the absorption of vitamin C.
  • Improves skin. Orange oil promotes collagen production and increases blood flow to the skin. Useful for soothing inflamed, acne-prone skin. The oil is used to rub into the feet to prevent the appearance of calluses or their increase.

Therapeutic uses of orange oil

Orange oil helps treat many pathological conditions:

  • Skin problems: acne, age spots, eczema, oily skin, cellulite, psoriasis.
  • Colds: bronchitis, cough, flu, fever.
  • Mental: boredom, syndrome chronic fatigue, depression, fear, lethargy, mental exhaustion, nervousness, anxiety, stress, seasonal affective disorder.
  • Internal: constipation, fluid retention, joint and muscle pain.

Although the oil is safe, caution should be exercised when using it. Orange oil is phototoxic; be sure to avoid exposure to direct sunlight after topical application to the skin (even if diluted). Do not take orange essential oil internally.

Oil combinations

Orange oil goes well with these oils

  • clary sage;
  • vetiver;
  • sandalwood oil;
  • bergamot;
  • ginger;
  • lemon;
  • carnation;
  • grapefruit;
  • lavender.

This is the number 1 oil in the world in terms of frequency of use against cellulite. It forces the body to remove excess fluid, thereby reducing its accumulation in fatty tissues. Baths, mixtures for massage and wraps are prepared with orange essential oil.

Bath mixture recipe: Orange oil and mix 4 drops and dilute in a spoon of milk. Add to the bath and take a water procedure for 20 minutes. You can use grapefruit and orange oil in the same proportion, the effect will be noticeable if the procedure is carried out regularly.

Frequent use for hair and face also justified. Its ability to restore skin tone, soften it, tighten pores and increase blood circulation in the dermis has been appreciated and is actively used not only at home. Upgrade your facial cream or lotion.

Add 5 drops of orange for every 10 g of cosmetic product. It will cope perfectly with mature skin, dermatitis, acne and soothe irritated skin. The dermis acquires tone by supporting the formation of collagen, which is necessary for a healthy and youthful appearance of the face.

Hair becomes manageable and shiny, dandruff disappears. To do this, add 5-8 drops of ether into a bottle of shampoo and shake it before use. Orange oil has found application in cosmetology; a series of products for body, hair and face care have been released. Its “sunny” aroma is the basis for colognes and perfumes.

Essential oil warms and refreshes. Inhale its aroma in the morning, take a cool shower and you will “wake up” much faster.

“Red” oil promotes relaxation. Mix 3 drops of orange and 4 drops of lavender oil and take a bath before bed. The night's rest will be complete, you won't be afraid of insomnia.

To improve digestion and relieving discomfort in the stomach mix 1 drop of mint, 1 drop of orange and 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. Gently massage your stomach in a circular motion and you will soon notice an improvement.

Essential Orange oil has aphrodisiac properties . Systematic and regular use can cure many problems: frigidity, erection problems, impotence, decreased libido.

Trust the orange “miracle” with your body, face and mood. You are unlikely to be able to refuse all the positive moments that it will give you.

Video - orange oil

Orange essential oil has the most beneficial effect on the emotional state due to its pronounced fruity aroma with a hint of sweetness and summer. This smell evokes only positive emotions and improves your mood. But this is far from the main advantage. In cosmetology, oil is widely used to care for damaged hair and skin. This product helps with brittle hair, thanks to its high content of vitamin C. It simply has a revitalizing effect on hair, helps fight brittleness, dryness and dullness of curls, and also protects them from damage. Doctors recognized him good remedy in the fight against seborrhea, so this component can often be found in anti-dandruff shampoos. Many people use it in the fight against extra pounds, since it is able to fight cellulite. In addition, it is the most affordable among other oils.

This substance has a yellow-orange color. It is obtained from orange peel. Due to the fact that the hydrodistillation method used to extract the oil is quite simple, its price is low, which makes it even more popular among consumers. It can also be extracted by cold pressing. To make one liter of the substance, the peel of more than two thousand fruits is needed.

Some manufacturers produce this product along with juice, but the quality of such a product is not very high. But oil from Guinean and Spanish fruits is of the highest quality. This is recognized by many experts. In addition to the zest, tree flowers are also used to obtain oils; neroli oil is made from them. To prevent oxidation of the product, manufacturers add various antioxidants to it. The substance is extracted from both sweet and bitter fruits. Orange produces a product with the most delicate aroma. It is believed that best quality will have ether from fruits grown on trees in China and India.

The product goes well with all essential and cosmetic oils. It is also added to vegetable oil. The aromas of orange and pine combine perfectly. This scent will also be complemented by juniper, geranium, and cinnamon. And chamomile and lavender oils will enhance the calming effect of orange and lift your spirits.

Composition of the substance

  1. Limonene, which contains ascorbic acid, tones, heals wounds, has antiseptic properties. Promotes the restoration of tissues and cells of the body, and also improves the process of microcirculation in tissues.
  2. Linalool - fights depression gently and naturally.
  3. Farnesenes and geraniol slow down aging and accelerate cell renewal.
  4. Citral and cadinene - kills harmful bacteria.
  5. Citronellal – thanks to it, orange has such a pleasant smell that has a good effect on emotions.

Medicinal properties of orange oil

Orange essential oil is widely used not only in cosmetology, but also in folk medicine. It is also indispensable for aromatherapy. This substance calms, relieves inflammation, stimulates the immune system, helps to relax, and promotes regeneration. In addition, it has an antiseptic effect and can relieve headaches, joint pain, and muscle spasms. With its help they fight neuralgia, and women reduce pain during menstruation.

  1. After an illness, the product is used to strengthen the immune system. Thanks to its antiseptic effect, it is indispensable for stomatitis, periodontal disease and bleeding gums, colds, and ARVI. In case of eye fatigue, as well as lack of vitamins, it helps relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes. In addition, vision improves.
  2. It is impossible not to mention the positive effect of the product on the functioning of the digestive system. It improves appetite, and also helps the body remove toxins and prevents the absorption of harmful substances.
  3. This product is used for constipation and poisoning. Due to its choleretic and diuretic effect, it is used for preventive purposes, preventing the formation of kidney and gallstones.
  4. For those who care about their cholesterol levels and overweight, it will be useful to know that orange oil can slow down the formation of cholesterol plaques. In addition, the metabolism in the body is normalized. This is a good help in the fight against obesity.
  5. Due to the fact that it can normalize blood pressure, improve blood composition, and improve blood circulation, it is often used for diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as for the prevention of diseases of these organs.
  6. Per condition nervous system The substance has an extremely positive effect. It calms, relieves insomnia, promotes relaxation. Due to the fact that it helps relieve fatigue and discomfort, I use it in the treatment of nervous disorders, stress and the consequences. When exposed to this product, a person’s concentration increases, he becomes cheerful and focused, ready to work with renewed vigor.

What effect does oil have on skin and hair?

Thanks to orange oil capable of protecting the skin from adverse effects, as well as restoring its structure, cosmetologists very often use it to care for facial skin. It is suitable for caring for any type of skin, has a versatile and extremely positive effect on it. Here are a number of reasons why it is simply necessary for every woman who wants to preserve her beauty and youth to use it.

  1. Helps maintain a healthy complexion, lightens and removes freckles and pigmentation.
  2. Regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which is very important for people with problematic oily skin.
  3. Cleanses the skin, helping to tighten pores. The skin breathes and looks healthier.
  4. Cells more actively produce collagen fibers, which are responsible for the youth of the skin, and therefore for its elasticity.
  5. Toxins are removed from the skin and wrinkles are smoothed out.
  6. If the skin is dry and prone to flaking, then orange oil will have a very good effect on its condition. The product will not only moisturize, but also help maintain the proper level of moisture on the skin of the face.
  7. The ability to stimulate regeneration helps the growth of new cells.
  8. This essential oil is a wonderful remedy for purulent inflammation of the skin and various dermatitis. Raw materials obtained from bitter varieties of fruit are indispensable in the prevention of acne and blackheads on the face, which is very important for those with problematic oily skin.
  9. The substance stimulates blood flow to the skin of the face and also helps in the fight against swelling. This problem often occurs with kidney disease.
  10. If a woman has scars and spots on her face after teenage acne, this miracle remedy will also come to the rescue with this problem.

Manufacturers of cosmetic products add orange essential oil to many products. It is also often an ingredient in anti-dandruff shampoos and many other hair care products for dry hair, as well as cosmetic products designed to combat orange peel hair. Due to its pleasant smell, the substance is also added to perfumes, shower gels, and soaps.

This oil also provides irreplaceable benefits for hair:

  1. Helps against dryness and brittleness.
  2. Thanks to the acid contained in orange, products based on it reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and also remove residual fat from the surface of the skin.
  3. Such products fight microorganisms that cause seborrhea and other bacterial and fungal diseases scalp skin.

Contraindications and precautions

  1. If you plan to go outside where the sun is shining, you should not apply orange oil products to your skin before doing so. This can cause a burn on the skin, as this substance is phototoxic and will attract a lot of solar energy.
  2. When too sensitive skin You should not use the product frequently, as this can not only lead to irritation, but also increase the sensitivity of the skin to sunlight.
  3. If you are allergic to citrus fruits, you will have to give up this miraculous substance. Check it this way: apply a drop of ether to the inner surface of your elbow. If there is no reaction after half an hour, you can use it.
  4. When storing the product, it should be kept away from sunlight. It is better in a glass container with dark glass, and the lid should be very tightly closed.
  5. Since the substance affects the skin quite aggressively, it is better not to apply it in its pure form. This is especially true for mucous membranes.
  6. Pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding will be harmed by any dose of this substance.
  7. When applied cosmetics with orange ether on skin or hair, use gloves. Otherwise the skin will become stained.

How to correctly identify quality oil

To select high-quality raw materials, you must follow the following rules:

  1. U good oil the color is always yellow-orange, very rich and bright. But the substance itself is almost transparent.
  2. To determine whether the manufacturing technology has been followed correctly, look at how the substance is poured. It should flow evenly and easily.
  3. Consult with cosmetologists or independently read information about which companies produce products of the highest quality.
  4. If the ether leaves a non-evaporating trace of yellow color, this will indicate that it is not diluted with any impurities. During the extraction process, a lot of pigment contained in the peel inevitably gets into it.

How orange oil is used for various purposes

  1. For sore throat, rinse with water with a drop of the substance dissolved in it.
  2. If your gums are inflamed, then applications will help. To do this, mix it in a one-to-one ratio with some vegetable. You can also lubricate your gums with a mixture of a few drops of orange and a teaspoon of St. John's wort ether.
  3. For viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, inhalations are very useful. For this purpose per glass hot water add three drops of the substance. You need to breathe for about 5 minutes. If you suffer from a sore throat, simply apply a few drops to a cloth and inhale. Close your eyes while doing this to avoid irritation.
  4. To help your baby sleep better, place an aroma lamp in the room. Light it every day for half an hour, adding one drop of the product for every 5 square meters rooms.
  5. You can also give your baby a massage by adding 2 drops of orange to the vegetable oil.
  6. To calm your baby down, add a drop of ether diluted in milk to the bath while bathing.
  7. To improve the properties of a cream, mask or shampoo, add five drops of oil for every 10 g of cosmetic product.
  8. Bitter orange ether is well suited for baths. A little water solution is poured onto the stones. But be careful not to stay in the room for more than 5 minutes after this.
  9. For pain during PMS, massage of the lower abdomen is recommended. To do this, add 4 drops of orange, lavender, and juniper ether to 50 ml of vegetable oil.
  10. For joint diseases, take 15 drops of orange for one teaspoon of the main one. It needs to be rubbed into the skin in the area of ​​the source of pain.
  11. For compresses for joint pain, dissolve five drops of the substance in half a glass of water. A cotton cloth is moistened and tied to the site of the diseased organ. The duration of action is half an hour.
  12. It is also recommended to add this ether to any tea, two drops per cup, but you should not get carried away, drink this drink once a day. This will help not only cleanse the blood, but also improve appetite, speed up metabolic processes, lower blood pressure, and forget about insomnia.

Face masks

Masks with the addition of this ester from bitter varieties of fruit make the skin softer and increase its elasticity. Before using masks, your face must first be thoroughly cleansed.

  1. To help tired skin, grate a small cucumber. Mix a spoonful of cucumber pulp, a spoonful of cream and the same amount of orange ether. The effect of this mask is 20 minutes. After this, rinse it off and moisturize the skin with cream. Instead of cucumber, you can use strawberries.
  2. If you have dry facial skin, take the yolk of one egg, beat it with a drop of orange and neroli ether. Wait for the mixture to dry.
  3. Blue clay can help with oily skin. 15 g are mixed with 30 g of grapefruit juice, the white of one egg and three drops of orange ester from bitter varieties are also added. This mask is washed off after 10 minutes.
  4. Add a drop of orange and sandalwood oil to ready-made face creams for one serving.

Recipes for improving hair condition

If you have dry or normal hair, then these recipes will suit you. The products will help get rid of dandruff. The masks last for about half an hour. Then wash off using shampoo.

  1. To 15 ml of jojoba oil add 2 drops of orange and eucalyptus. Mix well and apply to hair. Apply especially carefully to ends that are damaged.
  2. A mixture of 10 ml of burdock oil with orange and eucalyptus oil, a few drops of each, will help get rid of dandruff.
  3. The yolk of one egg is ground with honey, then 3 ml of olive oil is added, as well as 3 drops of cedar and orange oils.
  4. To speed up hair growth, rub a mixture of grape seed oil, orange and lemon oil into the scalp. The procedure must be repeated every 3 days.
  5. If the hair is depleted and the scalp is very dry, then add 3 drops each of ylang-ylang and orange oil to 3 tablespoons of olive oil.
  6. To make your hair stronger and get rid of hair loss, this mask will be useful. Several times a week, rub a mixture of orange, chamomile and pine oils into the scalp.
  7. To make ready-made shampoo more effective, add 5 drops of ether for every 10 ml.

As we can judge from the above, this product, at a low price, has a huge number of medicinal and cosmetic properties and practically does not cause harm. However, be careful to consult with specialists before using it.

Video: properties and uses of orange oil

The orange tree with its incredibly fragrant fruits was noticed as early as the 4th century BC. It was brought to Europe at the end of the 16th century. For a long time, Europeans monitored the conditions under which more ripe fruits could be obtained and what factors negatively affected yields. The process of cultivation has begun. Nowadays, trees are grown on a large scale: they are planted in entire plantations.

Varieties of orange tree

Currently, several varieties are known. The most popular among them are sweet and bitter orange. Gorky has another name - bitter orange. The citrus fruits of the bitter tree are not edible, but they produce more aromatic orange oil. The color of the resulting product can have different shades, ranging from dark yellow to dark brown.

Unlike bitter orange fruits, sweet citrus fruits are eaten fresh, juice is obtained from them, and canned. However, sweet orange oil has also found wide application. Moreover, its content in the peel is much higher. For reference: to get 1 kg of orange oil, you need to take 50 kg of fresh peel of this fruit. The scent of sweet orange essential oil is less intense, but in both the sweet and bitter fruit it is very close to the natural scent of the fruit. The color of the oil is mainly dark yellow.

Process of obtaining essential oil

Orange oil is obtained in production through a process called “cold pressing”. No less popular is the process in which simultaneous receipt orange juice and essential oil. In this case, fruits pre-crushed in special machines are placed in centrifuges. During processing, solid substances (peel) and liquid substances (juice, pulp) are separated. After which it is obtained from the peel. Its properties are incredibly wide. However, the quality of the oil obtained in this way is somewhat worse, but the quantity significantly exceeds the volume of the product obtained by cold pressing.

Teaching oil at home

Despite the fact that at first glance, obtaining an essential substance is a rather complex and time-consuming process, in fact it can be prepared even at home. The end result is excellent orange oil. It can be used for various purposes. How to get it yourself?

For production you need:

  • fresh, soft, thick orange peel;
  • odorless vegetable oil (not necessarily sunflower, it can be olive, corn, cottonseed).

So, first you need to rinse the peel under running hot water. Then cut it into small pieces and put it in a glass bowl or jar. Pour a layer of about 1 cm of vegetable oil over the zest, close with a lid and put away dark place, For example, Kitchen Cabinet. After three days, the resulting mass must be heated in a water bath for half an hour. Let cool and then press the peel dry to extract more orange oil.

During the manufacturing process, no chemical ingredients are added, only natural products are used, which means that you don’t have to worry about the quality of the resulting essential oil. It is worth knowing that the product can be stored for no more than 10 days, so you should not prepare it for future use.

Application area

Regardless of how orange essential oil is obtained, it can be used for a variety of purposes. It has found wide application in cosmetic procedures: in the manufacture of masks, creams, scrubs, etc. To improve the taste in cooking, orange oil is added to dishes. Its properties are very diverse, which is why it is also used for health purposes.

Properties of orange essential oil

  1. Removes toxins from the body and helps with poisoning.
  2. Promotes appetite and at the same time fights excess weight.
  3. In dentistry it is used as an antiseptic and relieves gum inflammation.
  4. Reduces blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the likelihood of atherosclerosis formation.
  5. Relieves eye fatigue and helps restore visual acuity.
  6. Relieves feelings of anxiety and fear, helps fight depression and relieves tension.
  7. Helps you focus and concentrate on what really matters.
  8. An ideal assistant in the fight against cellulite.
  9. Evens out the tone of the face, gives it a healthy look and helps get rid of age spots.
  10. Increases immunity.
  11. It lifts your spirits.

This is just a small list medicinal properties that orange essential oil has. Its properties and applications are still being studied, so the list is updated every year.

In cosmetology

As mentioned earlier, orange oil is an indispensable assistant in a woman’s arsenal in the struggle for beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair and the overall condition of the female body.

Finding ready-made products containing orange oil - shampoos, masks, creams - is quite difficult, since the shelf life of the essential substance is no more than 6 months. That is why, to obtain a healing product, it is enough to add a few drops to your favorite cosmetic composition or prepare the product yourself.

The most popular masks are those that do not require many ingredients. So, for example, a fairly simple mask of fresh cucumbers and sour cream:

  • To prepare, you need to mix the pulp fresh cucumber with one tablespoon of fat sour cream, add 2-3 drops of orange oil. The mask is ready, apply to the face and leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Another “summer” mask based on strawberries:

  • Take 4-5 ripe strawberries and grind them into a paste. Add one teaspoon of cream and 2-3 drops of orange essential oil. Apply to the face. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

There are many recipes in which not only orange oil is added, but also other essential substances. For example, geranium, sandalwood, tea tree, etc. The basis of the mask can be healing mud, blue or black cosmetic clay, egg yolk and much more.

Important! When preparing a product, you need to check whether its components do not cause allergies.

Hand and hair masks

In order to tidy up the skin of your hands, give it softness and smoothness, it is not necessary to resort to the services of cosmetologists or use expensive creams. Daily care at home will help maintain excellent condition of the skin of your hands for many years. Perhaps the simplest mask is made from sour cream, into which you can drop geranium, chamomile, myrrh and orange oil.

For hair, just add orange oil to shampoo. It is not recommended to pour it into the entire bottle at once; it is better to add a couple of drops immediately before use. The enriched product will give your hair smoothness and shine, and will also help get rid of dandruff and hair brittleness. All this is due to the fact that the oil in the composition accumulates, and with each use the condition of the hair improves. This is just a small list of beauty recipes that use orange essential oil. Its use in cosmetics is very wide.

In aromatherapy

Due to the large number of beneficial and medicinal properties that orange oil has, its use for various types of inhalations has become a salvation for many people. Just 15 minutes of being in a room filled with citrus aroma helps to increase performance, gain strength, relieve fatigue, and a person has a feeling of happiness and joy.

Aroma lamps containing orange essential oil are very popular. In order for such procedures to bring only positive emotions, it is necessary to choose the right dosage. So, for a room measuring 16 square meters. Four drops of essential oil are enough. It can be used not only with aroma lamps; it is enough to apply it to a clean cotton cloth and place it, for example, on a heater. In this case, the room will also be filled with a stunning citrus aroma.

It is very useful to take baths with the addition of essential oil of this fruit. It is important to know that it cannot be used undiluted. Milk, honey or sea ​​salt. The bath time should not exceed 15 minutes.

Amateurs are also advised to periodically use orange oil. Reviews after visiting such a bathhouse are only the most pleasant! You should know and remember the dosage: for 0.5 liters of water - 4 drops of an essential product. The time spent visiting the steam room should not exceed 4-5 minutes.

In cooking

Orange oil can be used not only for various masks and aromatherapy procedures, but also for preparing various dishes and drinks. Thus, daily consumption of tea with the addition of one drop of oil helps remove harmful toxins from the body, improve digestion, and increase appetite.

On New Year's Eve, try adding 1 drop of sweet orange essential substance to a glass of champagne. The taste of the drink will instantly transform, become richer, and the color more golden!

Orange essential oil, the properties and uses of which have not been fully studied even now, is extremely popular due to its beneficial qualities.


Like all products, the essential oil of these fruits also has its contraindications for use. The main one is the presence of an allergy to citrus fruits. It is also strictly forbidden for people suffering from cholelithiasis. It should be used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Do not apply to exposed skin before going outside. Do not expose areas of the body to which it is applied to direct sunlight.


And finally, we suggest you take a small test that will help you determine what you really need at the moment.

Imagine two bright smells - the smell of lemon and the smell of orange. What scent do you prefer? this moment? Both scents are citrusy and pleasant, but you only need to choose one.

Have you settled on the lemon scent? This means that you are attracted to matters that cannot be delayed. Perhaps this is related to work or study, or maybe they are related to new interests or hobbies. You don’t always have the energy to do new things, but the aroma of lemon will help you restore and continue the activities you started!

For those who liked the smell of orange, there is another explanation. Your body indicates that it is both physically and psychologically exhausted. He desperately needs rest. It doesn't have to be a trip, just take some time for yourself. Stay alone in a room with a lit aroma lamp. Add a few drops of orange essential oil to it. Just be alone with your thoughts, and then the fatigue will go away. This method is also recommended for people who have experienced severe stress.

Most people come into contact with big amount orange oil when peeling oranges. If you are not familiar with various types uses and benefits of essential oil, you might be surprised at how many different common products it is added to. Have you ever used soap, detergent, cleaning product, or cosmetic product that smells like oranges? This smell is often associated with orange oil present in them to improve their scent and cleansing ability.

Orange essential oil is added to many cosmetics such as lotions, shampoos, acne treatments, and mouthwashes because it has antibacterial properties and a strong, refreshing aroma. You probably already have furniture and kitchen sprays or toilet air freshener sprays in your home that also contain orange essential oil. It is also widely used as a flavor enhancer in drinks such as fruit juices or sodas, although there are much more natural ways to benefit from its use.

Beneficial properties of orange oil

The powerful formula of active ingredients in orange essential oil is responsible for its healing abilities. The most notable active ingredients in orange oil are:

  1. Limonene- makes up about 85-96 percent of the extract.
  2. Myrcene- 0.5-3 percent.

Limonene is considered a powerful antioxidant that fights damage caused by free radicals and inflammation, which can lead to the development of various diseases. These compounds are considered types of monoterpenes, which are a dietary component of many citrus oils that have demonstrated antitumor activity.

According to research, the beneficial properties of orange essential oil include:

  • fight against cancer
  • improved blood circulation
  • suppression of bacteria and pathogens
  • wrinkle reduction
  • improvement of complexion
  • reduction of anxiety
  • reduction of arterial hypertension

Orange oil, used as an all-purpose remedy for improving immune function and combating various diseases, is a popular medicine used in folk medicine throughout the Mediterranean, India and China for hundreds, if not thousands of years. Throughout history, orange essential oil has been used to treat widespread ailments, including:

  • poor digestion
  • chronic fatigue
  • oral and skin infections
  • colds and flu
  • low libido

It is considered an effective antidepressant, antiseptic and antispasmodic, aphrodisiac, deodorant, digestive stimulant and blood circulation enhancer!

D-limonene, more than 90% of which is found in orange peel oil, is a monoterpene that has potent chemopreventive activity as it has been shown to reduce tumor growth in many animal studies. Research shows that monoterpenes block cancers of the breast, skin, liver, lung, pancreas and stomach. The ability to combat carcinogenesis is likely due to the induction of Phase II carcinogen-metabolizing enzymes, which leads to the detoxification of carcinogens. Monoterpenes also help induce apoptosis and growth-regulating proteins.

Uses of orange essential oil

1. Strengthening the immune system

Limonene, a monocyclic monoterpene present in orange oil, is a powerful protector against oxidative stress. Orange essential oil even has cancer-fighting abilities, as monoterpenes have proven to be very effective chemopreventive agents against tumor growth.

2. Fight against pathogenic bacteria

Citrus essential oils have antimicrobial activity, which is why they are often used to improve safety food products. One 2009 study published in an international journal International Journal of Food and Science Technology Orange essential oil has been found to prevent the proliferation of E. coli bacteria. E. coli is a dangerous type of bacteria found in contaminated foods such as vegetables and meat that can cause serious reactions if ingested human body, including renal failure and even death.

Another 2008 study published in the journal Food Science, showed that orange oil can inhibit the spread of salmonella bacteria because it contains powerful antimicrobial compounds, especially terpenes. When eating food contaminated with salmonella, a person may experience gastrointestinal reactions (vomiting, diarrhea), fever and serious side effects such as dehydration.

3. Improved blood circulation

Orange essential oil is a natural remedy for high blood pressure. It can improve blood circulation and fight hypertension, which is one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease. Due to its ability to improve blood circulation, this remedy may also be useful in increasing libido, reducing headaches and symptoms associated with PMS. Use orange oil in combination with a carrier oil to make a massage oil that can be massaged into the skin in the abdominal area to improve circulation.

4. Elimination of inflammation

The powerful anti-inflammatory properties of orange oil have been researched for its effects in fighting pain, infection, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In fact, among several popular anti-inflammatory oils, including lemon oil, pine oil, and eucalyptus oil, orange essential oil showed the greatest reduction in inflammation. This was demonstrated in a 2009 study published in the journal European Journal of Medical Research, which examined the antioxidant potential of various essential oils.

5. Reduce pain

If you suffer from muscle, bone or joint pain, orange oil may help turn off inflammatory responses that increase tissue swelling. This makes it a natural remedy for bone and joint pain. Orange essential oil also helps improve mood, which is great for increasing pain tolerance and helping you sleep better when you're in pain or uncomfortable. Rub orange oil mixed with a carrier oil onto sore muscles or swollen areas to reduce inflammation and reduce pain.

6. Improved mood

Diffusing orange oil in your home, adding some to your shampoo, body wash or perfume, or directly inhaling it can lift your mood and have a relaxing effect. Orange essential oil has a direct effect on the olfactory system of the brain, which quickly triggers emotional reactions. This essential oil is great for balancing hormones, as it can help “turn off” reactions from stress hormones such as cortisol. Research shows that orange oil is both "uplifting" and "calming," making its aroma a great way to brighten your mood in the morning or calm your nerves after a long day.

7. Skin care

Citrus fruits are known to provide the human body with large amounts of vitamin C, which helps protect and heal the skin. Oranges are one of the best products, rich in vitamin C. Orange essential oil is also very beneficial for fighting signs of aging such as wrinkles and dark spots as it promotes collagen production. Thanks to its antioxidant capacity, it slows down the rate of skin damage associated with exposure. ultraviolet radiation, pollution and toxicity.

You can apply a very small amount of orange oil to your face along with a carrier oil, but be sure to do a skin test first to avoid any negative reactions. Try combining it with other skin-repairing oils, such as frankincense oil and tea tree oil.

8. Elimination of acne and pimples

Orange essential oil is effective in fighting bacteria and inflammation on the skin that can lead to acne and pimples. This is an ideal remedy for treating pimples and acne. Remember that orange oil can only be used in small quantities in combination with coconut oil. Apply the oil mixture to the skin affected by pimples and acne using cotton pads or pieces of cotton wool. The redness, pain, and swelling caused by acne should subside, and you'll avoid the skin-drying chemical ingredients found in most acne treatments. Try using it with other powerful oils, such as geranium oil or cinnamon oil.

9. Improved digestion

Because orange essential oil has anti-inflammatory, laxative, and circulation-boosting properties, it may help improve nutrient absorption and relieve colic or constipation. Add some of it to massage oil and massage it into the abdominal area. Orange oil also improves detoxification when taken orally as it acts as a mild diuretic that increases urine production and prevents bloating. Since orange oil helps stimulate lymphatic system, liver, kidneys and bladder, it helps remove toxins, excess sodium and waste from the digestive tract.

10. Natural mouth rinse and gum treatment

Since orange oil has the ability to fight bacterial growth, it can protect your teeth and gums from infections. It is also used for quick relief of sore throat along with water and salt gargles. You can use orange oil to treat cold sores and mouth ulcers. Just add a few drops of this oil to water and rinse your mouth with the mixture several times a day. Herpes can be treated by using a mixture of orange essential oil with natural unrefined coconut oil.

11. Use as a kitchen cleaner

Orange essential oil has a naturally fresh, sweet, citrus scent that will fill your kitchen with a clean aroma. At the same time, when diluted with water, it turns out to be an excellent countertop cleaner, cutting boards or kitchen appliances without the need for bleach or harsh chemicals found in most cleaning and detergents.

Add a few drops to a spray bottle along with other cleansing oils (such as bergamot oil) and water. Once applied to the surfaces to be cleaned, you do not need to completely wipe it off like most detergents, as it is not harmful to the surfaces themselves.

Research on the properties of orange essential oil

There have been approximately 50 different scientific studies examining the effects active ingredients orange essential oil on cancer cells. In addition to containing high levels of tumor-reducing limonene, it also contains other phytochemicals that protect DNA and cells from damage, including polymethoxyflavones. Hydroxylated polymethoxyflavones (PMFs) are a class of flavonoid antioxidant compounds commonly found in citrus plants.

According to a 2010 study published in the journal Journal of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, orange oil can effectively help stop proliferation cancer cells human lungs and colon. This is due to the presence of PMFs in orange oil, which are associated with modulating key signaling proteins associated with cell proliferation and apoptosis.

In another study published in the journal Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, orange oil has demonstrated the ability to suppress tumor growth as it enhances liver detoxification functions, nerve signaling, and cell rejuvenation. Rats given orange oil for five and a half months showed the oil's chemopreventive effects, which were monitored by measuring their liver weight. Administration of orange essential oil resulted in decreased liver weight and improved cell density and polarity compared to the control group.

Orange essential oil has also been shown to be uplifting and calming. For centuries, traditional healers have used this oil as a mild sedative and an antidepressant. Because it has anxiolytic properties and reduces symptoms associated with anxiety, just five minutes of exposure to orange essential oil vapor can alter your mood and improve motivation, relaxation, and mental clarity.

A study published in 2014 in the journal Journal of Complimentary Therapies of Medicine, showed that olfactory stimulation using orange and rose oils induces physiological and psychological relaxation. The study examined the effects of orange and rose essential oils on the activity of the prefrontal cortex of 20 women, which showed their level of stimulation or relaxation. After half the women were exposed to atomized orange and rose oils for 90 seconds, they experienced a significant decrease in oxyhemoglobin concentration in the right prefrontal cortex compared to the control group, resulting in an increase in feelings of comfort and relaxation.

Orange Oil Recipes

To get the most benefits from orange oil, you should only buy oil that is cold-pressed from orange peel. This method preserves heat-sensitive antioxidants and active ingredients that can easily be destroyed during heat treatment and steam distillation.

Since the extract comes exclusively from the outer layer of the orange exposed to environment environment in which it grows, it is also important to look for organic (oranges grown without the use of pesticides or herbicides) cold-pressed orange oil - this avoids chemical toxicity.

Orange oil is truly versatile and works well with any other oil, which is why it is added to all types of oil blends, including relaxers, stimulants, cleansers, purifiers, and aphrodisiacs. You can mix it with essential oils:

  • cinnamon
  • allspice
  • anise
  • basilica
  • bergamot
  • sage
  • eucalyptus
  • incense
  • geraniums
  • ginger
  • sandalwood
  • jasmine
  • carnations

Here are some ways to safely use orange oil at home:

  • Aromatically: You can diffuse the oil in your home using an essential oil diffuser or directly inhale its vapors. To make a natural room freshener, place a few drops of this oil along with water in a spray bottle and spray the mixture around your home.
  • Externally: Before applying orange oil to the skin, it should be diluted with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil and coconut oil in a 1:1 ratio. Before applying it to your skin, you should check yourself for any allergic reactions - simply apply a little orange essential oil to your wrist and wait for 15 minutes. If you do not experience any redness or itching, then you can safely use it by rubbing it into your skin. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to a warm bath, lotion, or shower gel.
  • Ingestion: Orange essential oil can only be taken internally if very high quality and organic oil is used. You can add a drop to water or take it as a dietary supplement by mixing it with honey or adding it to a smoothie. It helps reduce bloating, improves digestion and detoxification of the body. The FDA recognizes it as safe for consumption, but that is only if you purchased pure, unadulterated oil. You get what you pay for, so be sure to find a reputable, trusted brand!

Try these simple recipes using orange essential oil:

Homemade Honey Citrus Shampoo Recipe

This home recipe Honey Citrus Shampoo is great for your hair! This shampoo helps balance hair's natural pH levels, kills bacteria, eliminates dry hair and reduces dandruff.

Total cooking time: 2 minutes.

Number of uses: 20-30.


  • 1 glass of water
  • 5 tablespoons natural honey
  • 5 drops orange essential oil
  • 5 drops lemon essential oil
  • glass bottle with dispenser


Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Place the mixture in glass bottle with dispenser. Shake well before each use.

Recipe with orange oil and honey to treat acne (pimples and acne)

This natural acne treatment does not leave skin dry, flaky or red and helps reduce acne spots, dark spots and bacteria-induced pimples and acne. Honey and orange promote healthy skin by fighting infections, bacteria, inflammation, swelling and redness.

Total cooking time: 2 minutes.

Number of uses: 30.


  • 1 tablespoon of natural (unrefined) coconut oil.
  • 3 tablespoons of natural honey.
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar.
  • 20 drops orange essential oil (or 10 drops orange oil and 10 drops cinnamon oil).
  • 2 capsules of live probiotics.


Mix all ingredients together and mix thoroughly with a hand blender. Pour into a convenient bottle and store in a cool place.

Natural deodorizer recipe with orange oil

  • Deodorize your dishwasher by combining orange oil and 1 cup lemon juice (fresh squeezed is best). Add them to the bottom dishwasher and run only a rinse cycle to disinfect and deodorize. You can use the same formula to clean your sink.
  • You can also freshen and deodorize indoor air by filling a pan with water and adding essential oils of orange, lemon (or lemon and orange peel), cinnamon sticks, and cloves. Simmer this mixture over low heat or spray these oils with a spray bottle after mixing them with water.

Side effects, interactions and contraindications

Because orange oil is so potent, it can cause skin reactions when used topically, so start with a small amount and make sure you don't experience any redness, swelling, or rash. Before using it externally on large areas or delicate areas such as the face, test on a small area of ​​skin (such as the forearm). Simply apply a drop of orange oil to your forearm and wait 10-15 minutes. If the above reactions do not occur, then it is safe to use.

If you are allergic to oranges or other citrus fruits, you should not use orange oil as it can cause serious reactions both internally and externally. Also be careful when using it topically on your children's skin, or if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have any serious medical condition. Essential oils are very potent and interact with other medications, so consult your doctor if you are unsure how using orange oil will affect your current health condition. You should be especially careful if you have cancer, heart disease, liver damage, or skin disease.

Another thing to keep in mind is that citrus oils can increase the effects of UV exposure on your skin. Just avoid direct sunlight or UV rays for 12 hours after applying orange essential oil to your skin to prevent sunburn.

The sweetish, light, slightly tart and sunny smell of orange zest fills one of the main cosmetic oils- orange. The bright fruity aroma, which always evokes a festive mood, is not the only advantage of this essential oil. Due to the availability of the starting material and the relatively simple production process, it belongs to the group of the most affordable aromatic oils.


Orange oil is obtained by hydrodistillation or cold pressing from citrus peels (leaves and flowers are used to obtain other oils - and). Oils of Guinean or Spanish origin are considered the best; products obtained in America or Brazil, where the production of orange aroma oil is often combined with the production of orange juice, are less valued.

This essential oil is externally a fairly fluid liquid, which always leaves yellow-orange traces on clothes or a napkin: the dyes and pigments contained in the peel of oranges also end up in the oil during distillation.

Almost all orange essential oils contain special antioxidant components: this is one of the most rapidly oxidizing oils, requiring additional additives for long-term storage.

Among orange essential oils, it is customary to distinguish two subspecies - sweet and bitter orange oils, which differ not only in composition, but also in aroma: bitter orange oil has a more refined, refined aroma.

Orange aroma oil combines well and mixes with the vast majority of essential oils. Complementary aromas for orange oil are considered to be all citrus and pine oils, as well as essential oils, savory, oregano, and. Orange oil is considered an ideal partner, emphasizing and complementing its calming effect.

The use of orange oil is based on its anti-inflammatory, soothing, tonic, regenerating, immunostimulating, antiseptic, and relaxing properties.

Impact on the emotional sphere

Orange oil is an essential oil with a psychologically warming effect. The warm and soft aroma of orange oil belongs to the tonic odors that help improve mood and emotional state, relieve fatigue, get rid of anxiety, internal discomfort, anxiety, nervousness, and sadness.

Medicinal properties

For medical purposes, orange essential oil is used to treat bleeding and inflammation in the oral cavity, with obesity and edema and fluid retention, acute respiratory diseases, blood circulation disorders.

The therapeutic effect of using essential oil is also manifested in the relief of muscle, joint, menstrual pain, neuralgia and headaches.

Use in cosmetology

Orange aroma oil is most widely used in the field of cosmetology, showing itself as an excellent restorative agent for all skin types. Cosmetic creams and emulsions enriched with orange oil help restore skin elasticity and reduce wrinkles, and are used as a vitaminizing, whitening, and protective agent.

This oil is also perfect for problem skin: it will help cope with enlarged pores and acne scars.

As part of hair cosmetics, this essential oil helps fight dandruff and excessive dryness.

Use in everyday life

In addition to the cosmetic effect, orange aroma oil has another useful property- it perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors in the house, while also disinfecting the air and increasing efficiency. In this case, you can use both traditional and simpler means.

The standard dosage for a room of 20 square meters is 5 drops of oil, which can be added to water in an aroma lamp or simply applied to a napkin placed on the heater.

Contraindications and dosages

Before using orange essential oil, be sure to conduct a sensitivity test by applying a drop of oil to the delicate skin behind the ear or on the bend of the elbow for several hours.

This essential oil is classified as phototoxic and should be used with caution on sunny days. This oil should be used carefully by pregnant women, as well as anyone suffering from epilepsy, allergies to citrus fruits, hypotension, and cholelithiasis.

  • The standard dosage for improving the quality of cosmetics - creams, tonics, milks, lotions - is 5 drops of essential oil for every 15 grams of cosmetic base. The resulting compositions are best used for normal, sensitive or dry skin, while for oily skin it is better to prepare a mixture of orange oil with naioli and juniper (2:1:1) as a supplement.
  • The same dosage - 5 drops of aroma oil - is used to take delightfully relaxing and restorative powers (after dissolving the essential oil in honey or milk).
  • For 2-3 drops of orange oil, mix with vegetable oil or a special relaxing massage cream.
  • For rinses or compresses, use the oil more carefully - no more than 1 drop per glass of water.
  • Orange oil can also be used internally, adding a drop of oil to a glass of tea or juice no more than 2 times a day.
  • As food additives Orange oil is used in making drinks and sauces, and baking.