Zakhary Chepega (presentation) presentation for a local history lesson on the topic. Zakhary Chepiga Famous, famous state and public figures of Kuban (Krasnodar Territory) Ataman Zakhary Chepiga

July 3 marks the 230th anniversary of the assumption of office by Zakhary Chepega, chieftain of the Troops of the Loyal Black Sea Cossacks. This name is associated with the resettlement of brave lads to Kuban and the founding of Ekaterinodar. Komsomolskaya Pravda has prepared 10 facts about the first chieftain.

1. Zakhary Chepega is one of the most striking, but at the same time mysterious figures of the Kuban Cossacks. Few people know that Chepega is actually not the chieftain’s real surname, but a nickname that he received in Zaporozhye. And it means “plow handle,” which is why researchers say that Zachary was not a representative of a noble family.

By the way, many Cossacks called Zachariah – Kharko Chepega. There is no mistake here, it’s just that in the Zaporozhye Sich he was known under the name Khariton.

2. After the death of Sidor Bely in 1788, the Cossacks elected their favorite ataman, Kharko Chepega, as Koshev ataman. The election procedure was simple then - voting at the assembly. And the old Cossacks, who themselves were once powerful elders, chipped off the dirt that had dried to their boots and sprinkled it on the head of the chosen chieftain. Only after this ritual did the decision take effect.

3. Many documents related to Zachary have been preserved, but you will not find his autograph on any of them. The Koshevoy Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army was illiterate. A trusted officer signed the papers for him.

4. April 17, 1790, Prince G. A. Potemkin, appointed shortly before as “Great Hetman.” Imperial Cossack troops of the Black Sea and Ekaterinoslav”, presented a saber to Zakhary Chepege. Traces of this valuable gift, unfortunately, were lost.

However, historians were partially able to trace the fate of another saber - the “royal” one. In mid-August 1792, Anton Golovaty returned from St. Petersburg, where he asked Catherine II for lands in Taman and Kuban “for eternal and hereditary possession.” He did not come to Yekaterinodar empty-handed - he presented Chepega with a “saber strewn with expensive stones” granted by Catherine II. For a long time the gift was kept at Zachary’s house. However, after his death, according to historians, all the ataman’s property passed to his nephew Evtykhios Chepege and “his roaming wife, known for her behavior even outside the Black Sea region. Everything that was collected by Chepega was wasted and drunk...” It is possible that the saber given by Potemkin was also lost at this time.

5. The location for the military city - Yekaterinodar - was chosen by Ataman Chepega himself and it was no coincidence. The presence of forest, an average location in relation to the chain of cordons and ideal land for fortification. There was also an elevated place from which the Kuban floodplain was clearly visible, and where, according to all Zaporozhye rules, it was possible to create a fortification. Researchers say that Chepega tried to rebuild the former Sich in the Kuban.

6. Chepega had a simple and unpretentious life as a Cossack, he was never rich, he earned an honest living.

7. Once an Ekaterinodar artist invited Chepega to draw him so that the memory would remain for descendants. But the ataman immediately refused this honor, briefly remarking: “Tilko gods paint.”

8. All his life Chepega was a bachelor - a “orphan”. In the files of the Kuban military archive, a draft letter from the Koshevoy was preserved to some acquaintance of the general, who offered the ataman his daughter as a bride. It is worth saying that the friend in uniform was not at all embarrassed by the age difference - Zakhary was already an old Cossack, and the general’s daughter would have been good enough for him to be his granddaughter. Nevertheless, the old Cossack, who abandoned marriage once and for all in order to devote himself to knightly, according to the concepts of the Cossacks, activities in the fight against enemies, found something to answer.

You are recommending my daughter as a bride. Thank you. May you be healthy and long-lived, the letter says, and then Chepega jumps to another topic. - It’s a pity that she came from Poland and didn’t live up to it... I wanted to take the Polish girl, so no one was taken as headman. I don’t know what will happen next (the author’s style has been preserved - Ed.).

9. At the very beginning of 1797, Zakhary Chepega fell ill with a “prick of the lung” (pneumonia - Author). And on January 14, in a modest hut built in an oak grove above the Karasun River, he died. On the 16th, the ataman was buried in the Ekaterinodar fortress “in the middle of the place designated for the cathedral military church.”

The ataman’s coffin was carried on a chariot drawn by six black horses, on both sides of it walked six foremen with lit candles, in front they carried a lid with two sabers placed crosswise on it, donated by Tsarina Catherine II and Prince Potemkin, military clerk Timofey described the funeral ceremony Kotlyarevsky. Chepega's two favorite riding horses were led nearby and his awards were carried on cushions made of thin green cloth. All military regalia accompanied the Koshevoy on his final journey... Twelve times the procession stopped, and twelve times the military priest read the Gospel, after which the foot and mounted Cossacks fired from their guns, and the gunner fired from a three-pound military cannon - the coffin was lowered into the grave.

10. In the summer of 1930, the brick Resurrection Church on Victory Square (now Postovaya Street) was destroyed. The burial place of the city's founder was trampled for many decades.

Now on the site of the temple and Chepega’s grave there is a square of the Children’s Regional Clinical Hospital.

Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega was born on January 14 (25), 1726. He came from the family of a Ukrainian elder from the noble Kulish family. He grew up in the village of Borki, Chernigov province. As an ataman, he lived alone in a simple, unpretentious environment, in a small hut built above the Karasun River in an oak grove. History has not left a description of the appearance or portrait of this leader of the Cossacks, but before the eyes of those who have thought about the life, activities and actions of Zakhary Chepega, a strong, squat figure of a man is involuntarily drawn, impressive in body and self-possessed, sedate in his methods of address, with a round Little Russian , a smoothly shaven face, and large, but soft contours of the nose, lips and mouth, with gray gentle eyes, with a thick mustache hanging down with an even thicker hair and with a good-natured smile, as if saying to everyone: “good, brothers, good.” According to the stories told by the old Cossacks, Chepega was short, but densely built with broad shoulders, large forelock and mustache. In appearance, he was stern and important, as all prominent elders and sedate Cossacks behaved in general.

Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega spent his entire life as a bachelor. In the files of the Kuban military archive, a draft letter from the Koshevoy was preserved to some acquaintance of the general, who offered the ataman his daughter as a bride. The letter, presumably, was written under dictation, since Zachary was not taught to read and write. But he is distinguished by his inimitable Little Russian humor. In 1750, Zakhary joined the ranks of the Zaporozhye Cossacks, where he received a new surname, nicknamed Chepega. Kharko Chepiga - that’s what his friends liked to call him. During the Russian-Turkish War he distinguished himself during the capture of languages ​​and in the battles near Ochakov. Then he managed the Potovchanskaya palanka (district of the Zaporozhye Sich). After the defeat of the Sich in 1775, he fought in the army. A.V. Suvorov and received the rank of captain (1777) during the formation of a kosh of loyal Cossacks in Ukraine in 1787 under the leadership of S.I. Bely, he was assigned to command the mounted Cossacks (2800 people). After the death of Bely in a battle in the Dnieper-Bug estuary, the Cossacks elected Chepegus as their second kosh chieftain. Under his command, the Cossacks proved their right to the existence of a new “military partnership” by bravely fighting at Hajibey, Akkerman and Bendery, where Chepega himself was wounded by a bullet through the right shoulder and awarded the Order of St. George, 4th class.

During the famous assault on Izmail in 1790, Suvorov instructed him to lead the central column, consisting of Cossacks. Upon the capture of this impregnable fortress, the commander awarded him the Order of St. George, 3rd class, and promoted him to the rank of army brigadier. After the end of the war with the Turks, the Army began to be called the Black Sea, and according to a charter from Catherine the 2nd, it was allocated lands for settlement in Taman and Kuban. At the same time, the main organizational efforts of resettlement, land acquisition and arrangement of 40 Cossack kurens fell on Chepega’s shoulders. In the year he was actively involved in issues of resettlement, the creation of a security cordon line against the raids of the Trans-Kuban highlanders, the construction of the capital of the Yekaterinodar Army and the harbor in the Kiziltash estuary for the Black Sea rowing flotilla. But already in 1794, by order of the tsar, the Koshevoy ataman led part of the Black Sea regiments to Poland, and under the command of Suvorov they again distinguished themselves in battles with the Polish confederates. The ataman himself was awarded the Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd degree, and received the rank of major general. In 1795, Chepega returned to Kuban. While making another trip around the Kuban in January 1797, Chepega caught a cold and soon died. He was buried in a camp crypt Holy Trinity churches

(later the Resurrection Cathedral was built on this site) and Ekaterinodar. In August 1904, his name was assigned to the 1st Ekaterinodar Regiment of the Kuban Cossack Army. Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega 1. What date (according to our time) was Z. A. Chepega born? A) 14 B) 31 B) 25 D) How many times was Chepega married? A) 1 time B) 3 times B) 2 times D) not married 3. In what year did Zakhary join the ranks of the Zaporozhye Cossacks? A) 1750 B) 1795 B) 1775 D) 1765 4. In what year was the Sich defeated? A) 1759 B) 1775 B) 1750 D) 17 90 5. Where did Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega die? A) Kuban B) Chukotka B) Taman D) To the village of Borki, Chernigov province

Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega (Kulish)

Major General. Koshevoy Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army. Hero of the assault on the Izmail fortress

One of the first leaders of the ancestors of the Kuban Cossacks was the Koshevoy Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army, Major General Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega. He came from the nobility of the Chernigov province, from the Kulish family. In his youth, becoming a Zaporozhye Cossack, he received the nickname Chepega, which became his new surname.

In the Sich, he quickly advanced and by the time of the liquidation of the Zaporozhye Sich by Empress Catherine II in 1775, he held the position of Cossack colonel of the Protovchansky palanka. The fall of the Sich as the center of the Cossack freemen did not affect his biography.

When His Serene Highness Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky began to recruit an Army of loyal Cossacks from former Cossacks, one of the first to respond to the call was Zakhary Chepega, who by that time had the rank of army captain. In 1787, he, along with other elders, recruited a volunteer (volunteer) team, which the following year was deployed to the Black Sea Cossack Army under the leadership of Koshevoy Ataman Sidor Ignatievich Bely.

In the outbreak of the war of 1787–1791, Zakhary Chepega initially commanded the cavalry regiments of the Black Sea Cossacks. The foot part of the army then formed the teams of the rowing flotilla and the landing force on it, operating in the Dnieper-Bug estuary, and then along the northern shores of the Black Sea and in the Danube waters.

Also in 1788, Sidor Bely was mortally wounded in naval battle under the Turkish fortress Ochakov. Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega was elected Koshev Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army. The Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army, Field Marshal General G. A. Potemkin approved the election and awarded Chepega for his military labors - current and future - with a precious saber.

Chepega, who received the rank of brigadier while leading the Black Sea Cossacks, distinguished himself more than once during the Russian-Turkish War of 1787–1791. During the war, the former Cossacks, together with other Cossack units, acted in the vanguard of the Russian army, landed troops, and their rowing flotilla fought its way west along the coast of Taurida and Bessarabia. Chepegi's Cossacks were especially distinguished in landing operations.

On June 18, 1789, at the head of a thousand-strong detachment of Cossack cavalry, on the orders of General M.I. Golenishev-Kutuzov, he conducted a reconnaissance of the Bendery fortress. A fierce five-hour battle with the Turks took place near it, in which the chieftain received a bullet wound through the right shoulder. The Black Sea people, together with the Don and Ekaterinoslav Cossacks who came to the rescue, completely defeated the Turks, who had a noticeable numerical superiority.

On December 11, 1790, Zakhary Chepega participated in the assault on Izmail, the strongest fortress on the borders of the Ottoman Empire, commanding one of the assault columns of Major General Arsenyev, which landed on the fortress itself on the rowing ships of the Russian military flotilla across the Danube from the opposite island of Catal.

In that rush across the river, the Cossacks first of all captured the fortress coastal batteries and only then started hand-to-hand combat in the city limits of Izmail. But, perhaps, the most difficult thing for them during the assault was repelling the enemy counterattack, when a crowd of several thousand soldiers of the Crimean Khan tried to throw troops from the coastal cliffs into the Danube.

In total, four thousand Black Sea Cossacks took part in the “open attack” of the Izmail fortress. The assault column of Zakhary Chepega consisted of the Aleksopol infantry regiment, two hundred grenadiers of the Dnieper Primorsky regiment and a thousand Black Sea Cossacks. The landing force was transported from the island of Chatal to the fortress city, mainly on Cossack oak boats. The night before the attack, the Koshevoy chieftain did not sleep, holding “intimate conversations” with his people.

Chief General A.V. Suvorov-Rymniksky highly appreciated the courage of the Koshe chieftain and the heroism of his Black Sea Cossacks. The all-powerful favorite of Catherine II, His Serene Highness Prince G. A. Potemkin-Tavrichesky, spoke highly of Chepega’s merits as a Cossack military leader. The hero of the Izmail assault received the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George, 3rd degree. The highest rescript said:

“In honor of the diligent service and excellent courage shown during the capture of the city and fortress of Izmail by attack with the extermination of the Turkish army that was there, commanding a column.”

On June 4, 1791, Chepega distinguished himself in the battle of Babodag, forming the vanguard of Kutuzov’s troops with his Black Sea Cossacks. The next day he captured this fortified city, capturing eight copper cannons and a camp of the Turkish army with its convoy as war trophies.

After the capture of the city's environs, the army's provisions were replenished with a significant amount of grain from the reserves of the Sultan's army collected from Babodag. The Turks, when fleeing, did not have time to destroy them, leaving their numerous warehouses of provisions as war trophies to the light-horse enemy.

The Babodag Victoria was given to the Black Sea Cossacks with great difficulty, since up to fifteen thousand Turkish troops and up to 8 thousand Crimean Tatar cavalry stood in camps near the city.

For the valor shown in the Russian-Turkish war, Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega was awarded the rank of brigadier, a golden saber decorated with diamonds (a gift from the Empress) and many military orders: the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George IV and III degrees, St. Vladimir 3rd degree and gold Ishmael cross worn on the St. George ribbon.

In 1792, by the highest order of Empress Catherine II the Great, brigadier Z. A. Chepega led the resettlement of the Black Sea Cossack army from the banks of the Dniester to Kuban. The resettlement took place in two stages. First, the combat Cossacks moved in. After spending the winter in a new place, they met their families the following year.

Chepega did a lot for the arrangement of Cossack villages in a new place, the beginning of arable farming, and the organization of the defense of the Caucasian border fortified line against the raiding actions of the “trans-Kuban peoples” of Circassia. That is, Zakhary Alekseevich showed himself to be a talented administrator: after all, he had to settle in the desert steppe region. To settle down and at the same time serve as a border guard.

During the uprising in Poland in 1794, brigadier Zakhary Chepega, who commanded two cavalry regiments of the Black Sea Cossacks, participated in the suppression of the “indignation.” He distinguished himself once again under the banner of commander A.V. Suvorov-Rymniksky in the assault on Prague, a fortified suburb of Warsaw. His reward for Polish deeds was the rank of major general, the Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd degree, and the golden Polish Cross.

In the last years of his life, Chepega was engaged in the internal structure of the army in the Kuban. The 70-year-old major general and cavalier of St. George Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega passed away in 1797 in the city of Ekaterinodar. He was buried with military honors near the walls of the Holy Trinity Church in the Ekaterinodar Fortress. In 1802, the Resurrection Cathedral was built in its place.

...In order to perpetuate the memory of one of the founders of the Kuban Cossacks, by decree of Emperor Nicholas II Alexandrovich of August 26, 1904, the priority 1st Ekaterinodar Cossack Regiment of the army received the name 1st Ekaterinodar Koshe Ataman Chepega Regiment of the Kuban Cossack Army.

The regiment had a glorious military biography, distinguishing itself during the storming of the Turkish fortress of Anapa in 1828, during the conquest of the Western Caucasus in 1864, on the fields of Manchuria in 1905 and during the First World War. The people of Ekaterinodar were proud of the name of the eternal regimental chief, who was one of those who led the Black Sea Cossack army to the shores of the Kuban.

In 1909, paying tribute to the memory of the brave Koshe chieftain, the Cossack farm of Velichkovsky was renamed the village of Chepiginskaya.

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Friedrich Trenck (1726–1794) Famous Prussian adventurer. A nobleman by birth. At the age of eighteen he received the rank of royal aide-de-camp. Based on a false denunciation, he was accused of treason and imprisoned in a fortress. Two years later he fled to Russia, then Austria. Was in Prussia

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Panteleimon Kulish (1819–1897) writer, publicist, critic, ethnographer, folklorist, public figure During his life, Panteleimon Aleksandrovich Kulish managed to prove himself in almost all areas of writing, scientific and humanitarian activities. You can talk about him as

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JOHN VANBROO (1664-1726) John Vanbrugh was born January 24, 1664. He was the son of a merchant. John's first love was literature. He became a famous English comedian. His literary creativity characteristic of the last stage of the restoration period. In the comedies "Incorrigible"

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (AT) by the author TSB

Gubsky Nikolai Ivanovich
Job title: additional education teacher
Educational institution: MBU DO "House of Children's Creativity"
Locality: X. Olginsky, Krasnodar region
Name of material: Study
Subject:"Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army Chepega Zakhary (Kharko)."
Publication date: 11.04.2017
Chapter: additional education

Research topic:

Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army

Chepega Zakhary (Kharko).

Prepared by:

Gubsky Nikolay Ivanovich, teacher

additional education MBU DO

"House of Children's Creativity" Abinsk,

Krasnodar region.

X. Olginsky

Introduction 3

Chepega Z.A. – organizer of creation 4-5

"Troops of the faithful Black Sea Cossacks."

Participation of the Black Sea Cossacks under the leadership

Koshevoy Ataman Chepegi Z.A. in the Russian-Turkish wars. 6

Relocation of the Black Sea Cossacks to Kuban and

development of new lands. 7-8

Personality of Chepega Zakhary (Kharko) Alekseevich 9-10

Conclusion 11



In connection with the introduction of study in educational institutions


"Cuban Studies"



an in-depth study of the history of the Kuban Cossack army. Life studies and

activities of the first Koshe atamans, as well as other prominent and public

figures of Kuban. In the scientific literature, one

one of the most prominent representatives of the Black Sea Cossacks of the late 18th century - ataman,

Major General Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega. However, in school textbooks, on


not enough.


schoolchildren can use special literature to find out additional information

about this hero.

The relevance of this topic is also obvious because with the revival of the Cossacks



The system of youth education is being built on the traditions of the Cossacks. Cadets are being created

housing, in secondary schools Cossack classes and “republics” are organized

additional lessons and elective classes are introduced, clubs are organized and




high-quality organization of this work requires simple and accessible material about

the first atamans of the Black Sea Cossack army, about the traditions and customs of the Kuban

morals and life.

What is celebrated this year is also important

significant date - the 225th anniversary of the resettlement of the Cossacks to Kuban.

The purpose of the research topic: to find out and show the role of Z.A. Chepegs when created

Black Sea Cossack army, its resettlement and development of new lands on

Problems that will be solved during the research:

Explore life path BEHIND. Chepegi





Identify character traits - like the personality of a “Cossack-Sich”






Black Sea



The chronological framework of the study is from 1750 to 1797.

In the course of working on the topic, sources and literature on the history of Kuban were used.

Shcherbina F.A. History of the Kuban Cossack Army Vol. 1, which provides detailed and

a complete history of the Kuban Cossacks, as well as characteristics of the atamans. In historical

essay by Korolenko P.P. Bicentennial of the Kuban Cossack Army 1696 -1896., given

brief description of the Kuban Cossack army. It should be noted the collective

work “Ekaterinodar - Krasnodar two centuries of the city in dates and events, memories...

materials for the chronicle", which displays in chronological order all

the most important historical events Kuban. One of the most important sources for studying

this topic is an Encyclopedic Dictionary on the history of Kuban from ancient times

times before October 1917. Under the general editorship of Trekhbratov B.A. In Matveev's work



most glorious

materials were provided about the first atamans of the Black Sea Cossack army, about the combat

the paths of the priority regiments of the Kuban Cossack army. Bardadym V.’s book “Ratnaya”

valor of the Kuban people,” talks about the patriotic and glorious military deeds of the Kuban

from ancient times there is certain material on the topic studied.



Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army, Major General Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega

is one of the most prominent representatives of the Black Sea Cossacks of the end

XVIII century. His life has been studied by many Kuban historians, but in many ways it remains

a mystery for researchers. This is not surprising, since information about Z.A. Chepege

(especially about the first half of his life) are extremely scarce, fragmentary and contradictory.

Where did the future ataman of the Black Sea army live and what did he do in the first

decades of his life is unknown. “In 1750 he appeared in the Zaporozhye Sich and

signed up for service as a Cossack in the Kislyakovsky kuren. In 1767 he headed the guard

borders “at Pereveskaya palanka” i.e. district, at the mouth of the Ingulets River. "From 1769 to 1774

on campaigns, in parties and travels towards Ochakov, and others along the Black Sea and rivers

places on the Dniester, and where, at the same time, there was military business with the enemy, and for this he

Chepega happened to keep up: here, according to the testimony of those who noticed, he stood courageously.”

After the end of the Russian-Trek war of 1768 - 1774. and until the destruction of Zaporozhye

Sich in 1775 BEHIND. Chepega held the position of colonel of the Protovchansky palanka." “During the destruction of Sich by Tekelii, Chepega remained in the ranks of the Cossacks.

The Russian government did not include him among those restless leaders who were

sent and imprisoned in fortresses in Russia. Zakhary Chepega himself did not bother anyone

unstable Cossacks, who wanted to make peace neither with the destruction of Sich, nor with

Russian rulers, nor with

fled to Turkey to found Sich and



awarded the army rank of captain.

Cossack foreman, among whom was Chepega, who lost the right to Zaporozhye lands



Catherine II





newly acquired lands in the Northern Black Sea region by Catherine II under the influence of G.A.

Potemkina agreed to the formation of the Faithful Army of the Black Sea Cossacks. Among

other elders began to gather cavalry detachments of Cossacks and captain Chepega...” of the military operations that had now opened,

Mr. Captain Zakhary Chepega, filled with commendable zeal and zeal for

service of Her Imperial Majesty […] expressed a desire to gather volunteers and with

They used to be with the army, entrusted to my superiors. That's why I allow it

he should recruit hunters (volunteers – author) from free people...”

Chepegi, who reached just over 90 people, took the oath.

A few days after taking the oath Z.A. Chepega received a copy sent from

G.A. Potemkina.M.I. Kutuzov, through whom this transfer took place, in his order dated

your honor

superiors, always have it with you." At the same time G.A. Potemkin undertook

energetic measures to speed up the recruitment of Z.A.’s small cavalry team.

Chepegi. He ordered all Cossack elders wishing to receive army ranks

report to Chepega’s team in person and bring several more people with you to serve.

By May 1778 The size of the equestrian team increased to 289 people.

In April, Chepega and his detachment were sent to Ingul to monitor

coastline. Actually, the activities of the equestrian team were limited to traveling

Ochakov was wounded, and on the 19th the military ataman of the loyal Cossacks, S.I., died. White.

Prince G.A. Potemkin wrote to the Empress about this: “This is a loss for me.”

great, and in place of this venerable old man, I entrusted the reign of the Kosh to Major Chepege,

1788 A very interesting and important point should be noted in this historical fact about

which is reported by F.A. Shcherbina: “P.P. Korolenko, without indicating sources, reports that

after the death of Koshevoy Bely, two parties were formed between the Black Sea residents, of which

one wanted to elect Anton Golovaty as kosh, and the other wanted to elect Zakhary Chepega. Every

the candidate had a chance of being selected [….]. however, the Cossacks preferred Golovaty to Chepega,


because of


abilities. Potemkin only confirmed Chepega as Kosche [...] Potemkin in his

order speaks of the desire of the army, and not of the military choice […] We must assume that,

firstly, the general Military Rada was not assembled, according to the terms of the distribution of the unit

Cossacks in various places of hostilities, but that the division into two parties was already








The Military Rada, those and other Cossacks could only express their desires in this way. IN -

thirdly, in addition to the assessment of Chepega’s military qualities by the Cossacks, he apparently also had on his side

G.A. Potemkin, who not only approved Chepega as Koshevoy ataman, but also gave him

an expensive saber as a sign special attention to the military merits of the ataman. Is not subject to,

finally, there is no doubt that the sympathies of the majority of the Cossacks were on the side of Chepega

[…] Anton Andreevich Golovaty did not declare himself to be any kind of military man at that time

feat […]. Chepega had excellent friendly relations with his competitor Golovaty

relationships. The authorities also favored him. All this was very important for

a fragile army that was just being formed. It was required that our own people be respected

the Koshevoy and trusted him, and so that the Koshevoy himself, on occasion, could stand up for the army. Necessary

to salute Chepega, he managed to maintain this honorable and responsible position throughout

time of war with the Turks." On this issue in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of


having gathered

Ataman Chepegu..." Based on these facts, it cannot be said that there was

complied with





Combined Arms Rada. But

undoubtedly, the wishes of the Cossacks were taken into account, as can be said

judge by the order of Potemkin that has reached us: “According to courage and zeal for

to the highest throne of Her Imperial Majesty and at the request of the army of the faithful

Cossacks, determined by ataman koshev Khariton Chepega. Announcing this to the entire army,

Another representative of the military foreman of the former Zaporozhye Sich became ataman

Zakhary Chepega, who was more often called Khariton or, more simply, Kharko.





Correcting the position of ataman Z.A. Chepega retained command

Cossack cavalry and personally participated in many battles of the Russian-Turkish War of 1787 -





Hadzhibey (Odessa) and set fire to a barn with food. For this operation he was

awarded the Order of St. George. 4 degrees." "For many of these braveries

and courage... especially during the burning of enemy shops near Hajibey" 7

November 1788.

“He participated with his Cossacks in a number of skirmishes, large and small battles,





experience and management." Campaign of 1789 started for Chepega

unsuccessful. In the month of May G.A. Potemkin instructed the Don, Black Sea, Bug

near the village of Ternovka there was a battle with the Turks, in which the ataman received a serious

wound. In the report of Kosh M.I. Kutuzov was informed: “On the 18th, at the opening of Bendery

Ataman Chepega was seriously wounded by a bullet in the right shoulder, went to his home for treatment

the capture of Hajibey, where he hit the enemy who had fled from the fortress, then on campaigns










According to


Suvorov, the second of these columns in the number of 1650 people (of which 1000 Cossacks)

was headed by foreman Z.A. Chepega. The Order of St. George, 3rd degree, became an award

ataman for this glorious deed." Appendix No. 1, No. 2. In 1791. BEHIND. Chepega

distinguished himself in the battle of Magin, for which he received the highest favor and

Order of St. Vladimir, 3rd degree.

Catherine II about sending two regiments from the Black Sea army to Poland under




established route, and Chepega himself went to the capital, where he was invited to

personal acquaintance Count P.A. Zubov. “...Having joined the active army,

the Black Sea people, together with the Don Cossacks, carried out reconnaissance and patrol service,

participated in a number of small battles. The Cossacks especially distinguished themselves during the assault

confer the rank of major general. For his participation in the attack on Prague he was awarded

Order of St. Vladimir, 2nd degree. The regiments returned to Kuban at the end of 1795.


Bravely fighting under Russian banners, the Black Sea people did not forget about

that the created army had to settle somewhere firmly and forever, have its own




In Kremenchug, the Cossacks raised the issue of this. At least already in the name

concerns the request and desire of those in the mentioned army, so that they can be given

for settling land in Kerch Kutu or Taman. This is a very useful thing

you can dispose of it at your best discretion.” Chepega together with

The foremen of the army are seeking the allocation of land in Taman and Kuban.


Black Sea residents of the Kuban lands and charged them with the duty of “vigilance and border




The ataman himself set out with a detachment of 2063 people. Small groups of Cossacks

joined them along the way. “Chepega walked the “northern route” through

borders of the “granted” lands and stopped for the winter in the Khan town (now

at this place the city of Yeysk).”

winter location" went to the Kuban River in the Ust-Labinsk fortress for

meeting with General Chief I.V. Gudovich and the subsequent occupation of the border

Kuban […]




main cordon and camped in the Karasun Kut, near Lake Orekhovoye. IN

the same day, report No. 201 was sent to the Tauride Governor […] with a request

“to make a resolution” on the organization of villages “above the Kuban River[...] and the main

military city




letter: “I congratulate you who have arrived in Taman on military land,” I inform you that

I have placed border guards along the Kuban River and am in charge of it with the government

at the Karasunsky Kut tract, where I found a place for a military city...”




Black Sea Cossack Army, was a control device and connection with

him orders. On the first day of the new year, 1794 Koshevoy ataman Zakhary Chepega,





drew up and signed the order of the military government, which they called “Order

common benefit." This document regulates all aspects of life

Black Sea Cossacks.

F. Shcherbina “notes the negative aspects of the “Order of Common Benefit” especially

on the issue of self-government “Chepiga’s sins in relation to



Having excluded



bodies of Cossack self-government, the Military Rada, creating without the knowledge or participation

Cossacks main act of Cossack self-government “Order of common benefit”, Chepega





to say, the same branch on which he himself sat.[...]. From Cossack history it is impossible

erase this major mistake of Koshevoy Chepega, but he, like Golovaty, was

son of his age.

In March 1794 The military government, at the suggestion of Chepega, made a decision

hold 4 fairs annually in Yekaterinodar.

"In 1796 Under the control of Chepega, the Cossacks built a harbor in the Kiziltash estuary

for the Black Sea Rowing Flotilla. At the same time, along the shore of the Kuban there were

barter yards for trade were built

with Trans-Kuban Circassians and cleared

the old road, which the Black Sea residents nicknamed “Pochtovaya”. It was in




numerous villages, bridges and roads, mills and cordons were built, or

in other words, the foundation of the Black Sea Cossack army was laid.


“According to P.P. Korolenko, Z.A. Chepega was born in 1726. in the village of Borki, which is on

Chernigov region, and came from a noble Little Russian family of Kulish. Indirect

archival evidence can to some extent confirm the fact of the birth of Z.A. Chepegi in





We cannot document it." Cossack dictionary - reference book by G.V. Gubareva also

states the ataman’s year of birth is 1726, and his surname is the nickname “Chepega - Kulish”. Quite recently, evidence appeared in one of the monographs about

Albanian origin Z. Chepegi. In principle, there is nothing inaccurate about this, since

immigrants from the Balkans made up a noticeable layer in the Cossack troops. Nevertheless,

it is necessary to double-check the reliability of the source used by the author..”





compares Chepega V.N. Ratushnyak. However, best characterization gives F.A. Shcherbina: “

Judging by historical data, Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega or Kharko Chepega, as

the Cossacks liked to call him, he was a typical Little Russian gentleman, behind his stern appearance

which showed through the simplicity and cordiality of a kind soul of a person. History has not left

descriptions of the appearance or portrait of this representative of the Cossacks, but before the eyes of those

anyone who has thought about the life, activities and actions of Kharko Chepega involuntarily draws a picture

squat figure of a man, impressive in body and self-possessed, sedate in appearance

handling techniques, with a round Little Russian, clean-shaven face, large, but

soft outlines of the nose, lips, mouth, with gray gentle eyes, with a thick mustache,

hanging down, with an even thicker chuprina and a good-natured smile, as if to everyone

who said: good, brothers, good.” Appendix No. 3. When this squat gentleman is a Cossack

sat on a horse, it was as if he had become one with it and squeezed it with his short but strong

legs, as if in a vice. This was a Cossack warrior from birth, and when he stood facing

face against the enemy with his brothers - the Cossacks, then he immediately turned all into

energy, vigilantly watched his own and others, loudly gave orders and in a hot battle

He set an example of selfless courage and courage to everyone. Then Kharko was a hero and a knight.

There is no doubt that in Zakhary Alekseevich the ordinary masses of his time saw precisely

her hero, a knight impeccable in military affairs, to whom she clung under the influence




administrative abilities and activities, how much for personal Cossacks. Beyond the harsh

appearance of the father - ataman of the Cossacks

saw a kind soul, and the simplicity of the head of the army

brought ordinary Cossacks closer to him. According to stories told by old Cossacks P.P.




large forelock and mustache. In appearance he was stern and important, the way prominent people generally behaved

elders and sedate Cossacks. He lived alone in a simple and unpretentious environment, in

a small hut built over the river. Karasun in an oak grove, nothing special

without standing out from ordinary Cossacks. External gloss and fashionable quirks of the arrogant

He apparently did not recognize the lordship. Even to the positive aspects of culture,

connected with the personal needs of the upper circle of people, was negative.

When, according to stories, some artist wanted to paint a portrait of Z.A. Chepegi, then

the stern chieftain refused this honor, briefly remarking: “the gods are just being painted.” He is not

He was even literate. […]. Having personally participated in the resettlement of Cossacks from beyond the Bug to Kuban,

Chepega, by his own example, set examples of endurance for the tired Cossacks. Diseases

and the hardships along the way affected some of the Cossacks, so they decided



hesitant Cossacks and, improving their position as much as possible, managed to bring them to the place

relocation of the entire army. […]. If we add to this that Chepiga spent his entire life

a bachelor, an “orphan,” then in the Koshevoy ataman it is not difficult to guess the fading type of true

a Cossack who valued the military field and Cossack glory. […].

This was Kharko Chepiga according to the few memories of him and according to general features from







are scarce enough to allow them to be properly characterized

personality and activities of the first Koshe chieftain in the Black Sea region.[ 28, p. 532,533,534].

Ekaterinodar fortress “in the middle of the place designated for the cathedral church.” Under the fire of a cannon, the coffin was lowered into the grave. .

Soon a wooden Resurrection Cathedral was built on this site, and the grave of the ataman

ended up under its floor, which ultimately caused complete oblivion. "In the 70s

XIX century The old military cathedral was dismantled due to its disrepair, and a few years later, in July

1887, while digging a ditch for the foundation of a church being built again on this site, workers

We came across 6 graves. The remains in one of the coffins were identified as the ashes of Z.A.

refectory of the church under construction. Summer 1930 Fortress Church of the Ascension of the Lord

destroyed and the grave of Zakhary Alekseevich Chepega was lost again.





famous sculptor M.O. Mekeshin in his

sculptural composition of the monument

Catherine II also assigned a place to the Koshevoy chieftain. “At the foot are bronze figures of Prince G.A.




Holovaty and Kosh chieftain Zakhary Chepega."

became the following: “1st Yekaterinodar Koshevoy Ataman Chepega Regiment.”


In the process of abstract research, it was possible to clarify and show the role of Koshevoy

ataman of the troops of the faithful Black Sea Cossacks in military operations, in the creation of troops, in

his resettlement and development of Kuban lands. While studying his personal life, he







an extraordinary, popular figure of a real “Cossack Sich”.

For him, the most important thing is the interests of the Cossacks, the state, and personal life In second place.

This work can be used in Kuban studies lessons, when studying history

Kuban Cossacks. It is especially important to use it on extracurricular activities. On

The example of Z.A. Chepega has something to teach students and young people.


Z.A. Chepega"



abstract studies on the activities of other koshevs, military and Cossacks

atamans of the Kuban Cossack army.

In remote villages

from regional centers, Krasnodar there are certain

difficulties in selecting sources and literature on the topics being studied.






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