Kalgan root medicinal properties and contraindications tincture. Kalgan - beneficial properties and uses of Kalgan root. Looking for benefits in plant parts

The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Kalgan plant ( bloodroot erect) has been used since ancient times as a remedy for gastrointestinal diseases. This plant is superior in its medicinal effect to such modern drugs as aspirin and penicillin. This article will discuss what forms of galangal preparations to use for certain diseases, what properties this plant has, as well as what contraindications to its use exist.

Description of the plant galangal (cinquefoil erecta)

There are about 150 species of cinquefoil on the territory of Russia, but the most valuable of them is considered to be the cinquefoil erecta. This rose-scented plant is characterized by a horizontal, thick, woody rhizome with numerous roots.

The flowering time of galangal is late May - early September. The fruits of the plant ripen between June and July - that is, three weeks after flowering.

The plant grows in meadows, pastures, as well as in sparse coniferous forests, on the outskirts of swamps and along reservoirs.

Kalgan in folk medicine

Kalgan is widely used in folk medicine to treat the following diseases of the gastrointestinal tract:
  • stomach ulcer;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • enterocolitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • diarrhea.
In addition, galangal preparations help cope with diseases of the liver, lungs, throat, mouth and ears.

External use of galangal is indicated for the following skin diseases:

  • weeping eczema;
  • skin cracks;
  • burns;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • inflammatory processes;
Since ancient times, decoctions and tinctures of galangal have been used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and hemostatic agent for intestinal and uterine bleeding. Today, this plant has found its use in the treatment of hemorrhoids (microenemas) and Trichomonas colpitis (douching).

Besides, in folk medicine Potentilla erecta is used in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • angina;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • gout;
  • renal and intestinal colic;
  • inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • insomnia;
  • bronchitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • jaundice;

Benefits of galangal

Kalgan (namely its seeds) is used in herbal medicine to treat malaria, dysentery and cholera.

It should be noted that the use of decoctions, tinctures and tea from galangal helps strengthen human immunity. According to Eastern medicine, regular use of fresh galangal root significantly stimulates the so-called internal heat of a person (in other words, warms the stomach), thereby normalizing digestive processes and accelerating metabolism.

Collection and storage

For medicinal purposes, the rhizomes of galangal are used, dug up during the death of all aboveground parts(this happens in September - October), or in April - May (before the appearance of new root leaves).

After collection, the rhizomes are cleared of soil, washed and lightly scraped (adventitious roots must be removed). The purified raw materials are cut into small pieces, after which they are dried in the shade, but always in the open air (special dryers can be used to dry the rhizomes, the temperature in which should be 60 degrees). It must be said that such “quick” drying is not typical for harvesting medicinal plants, but galangal root is one of the exceptions, since with rapid drying it retains much more useful substances than with slow drying.

Important! Before you start drying galangal, you need to cut the root of the plant into 5 mm pieces, because the dried root becomes almost stone-like, as a result of which it will be extremely difficult to separate it later.

Best before date raw materials is 4 years. Dried galangal has a faint aromatic odor. Repeated harvesting of galangal in the same place can be carried out after 6 – 7 years.

Treatment with galangal

Medicinal preparations of galangal are used in the treatment of cirrhosis, as well as hepatitis, occurring in the chronic and acute stages.

Thanks to taking galangal, patients experience the following improvements:

  • reduction of swelling;
  • reducing fluid accumulation in the abdominal area;
  • increased diuresis;
  • normalization of bilirubin content in the blood.
Cinquefoil erecta is used as a douche for leucorrhoea, while for stomatitis and inflammation of the gums it is recommended to rinse with a decoction from the plant oral cavity.

This plant effectively reduces elevated body temperature, therefore it is used in the treatment of colds and inflammatory diseases. In addition, galangal is one of the components of renal, gastric and antidiarrheal preparations.


The rhizomes of Potentilla erecta have astringent and hemostatic properties, due to which they are used in the form of decoctions as an antidiarrheal and bactericidal agent in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for internal bleeding of various origins. Galangal preparations are also recommended for inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.


Galangal herb (leaves, stems and inflorescences) is used in the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver, accompanied by congestion, including edema and ascites. The herb is also an effective anthelmintic.

Infusions are prepared from the leaves of the plant to treat hemorrhoidal bleeding and hemoptysis, gingivitis and laryngitis.

Application of galangal

The main mechanism of the therapeutic effect of galangal lies in the ability of tannins and flavonoids that make up the plant to significantly reduce the permeability of both capillaries and the cell membranes themselves.

Due to its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, this plant is widely used in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • haemorrhoids;
  • burns;
  • difficult-to-heal purulent wounds;
  • eczema;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • skin cracks.
In order to strengthen the gums, it is recommended to place a small piece of dried galangal root under the tongue and suck it for 15 minutes twice a day.

Composition and properties of galangal

Vitamin C

It is a strong antioxidant, thanks to which oxidized products that negatively affect healthy cells are removed from the body.

It is vitamin C that takes part in the process of restoration of liver cells, not to mention the normalization of the pancreas. It is also important that ascorbic acid(or vitamin C) removes harmful compounds that provoke the development of malignant tumors in the gastrointestinal tract.


Thanks to this easily digestible carbohydrate, which is converted into glucose, the body is quickly saturated with the energy necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, including the heart.


Preparations containing gum have the following effects on the body:
  • reduce the negative effects caused by taking certain medications;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • reduce appetite;
  • remove toxins.


They have disinfectant, antibacterial, and immunomodulatory properties.


They create a biological film that reliably protects tissues from all kinds of chemical, bacterial and mechanical influences. In addition, they not only reduce capillary permeability, but also constrict blood vessels.


These are carbohydrate-containing substances with a wide spectrum of action, namely:
  • diuretic;
  • vasodilator;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antibacterial;
  • expectorant;
  • sedative.

Essential oils

The essential oils contained in galangal not only normalize the motor and secretory functions of the gastrointestinal tract, but also have the following beneficial properties:
  • bactericidal;
  • antiseptic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • sedative;
  • painkiller.

Organic acids

They take an active part in metabolism (we are talking about the biosynthesis of alkaloids, glycosides, amino acids). In addition, organic acids slow down the putrefactive and fermentation processes occurring in the intestines, thereby promoting regular bowel movements.


These substances inhibit enzymes that destroy hyaluronic acid, without which the normal process of cartilage tissue formation is impossible. By strengthening the walls of blood vessels and improving their elasticity, flavonoids prevent sclerotic damage to the capillaries. It cannot be said that these substances neutralize free radicals.


It has a bactericidal and astringent effect, which accelerates the healing process of wounds.


Effect of manganese on the body:
  • activation of the formation of bone and connective tissues;
  • normalization of lipid metabolism;
  • insulin synthesis;
  • increased absorption of carbohydrates;
  • synthesis of thyroid hormone.
Properties of copper:
  • activation of anabolic processes;
  • participation in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • saturation of cells with oxygen;
  • neutralization of the destructive effects of free radicals;
  • ensuring the strength of bone tissue.
Zinc takes an active part in processes such as skin cell renewal and the formation of collagen fibers.

Properties of zinc:

  • reducing the manifestation of allergic skin reactions;
  • eliminating dry skin;
  • prevention of early wrinkles;
  • regulation of skin sebum secretion;
  • promoting the healing of small wounds and cracks in the skin;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • increasing the body's defenses;
  • destruction of viruses and microbes that enter the body.
Properties of selenium:
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • increasing the body's endurance;
  • removal of heavy metal ions from the body;
  • improvement of the central nervous system;
  • protection against the development of cardiovascular and cancer diseases.

Properties of galangal preparations

  • Bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • pain reliever;
  • choleretic;
  • wound healing;
  • diaphoretic;
  • expectorant;
  • astringent;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • decongestant.

How to brew and take galangal?

In folk and traditional medicine The following forms of galangal preparations are used:
  • decoction;
  • tincture;
  • extract;
  • balm;
  • powder.


Ingestion of a decoction from the rhizomes of Potentilla erecta is indicated for the following pathologies:
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • liver diseases;
  • diarrhea;
  • scurvy;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • lung diseases.

Externally, galangal decoctions are used as a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of the following conditions and diseases:

  • purulent wounds;
  • eczema;
  • burns;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • stomatitis;
  • anemia;
  • gingivitis;
  • Trichomonas colpitis.
To prepare a decoction, pour 30 g of crushed galangal rhizomes into 250 ml of boiling water, then boil for 20 minutes. Next, the broth is filtered and taken 1 tbsp. about 3 – 4 times a day, one hour before eating.

Tincture of galangal

Galangal tincture is used internally for the following pathologies:
  • liver and stomach diseases;
  • dysentery;
  • diarrhea;
  • enterocolitis;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • colitis;
  • cholangitis;
  • gout;
  • nephritis;
  • diseases of the uterus;
  • bleeding.
Externally, the tincture is used as a lotion for eczema and burns, as well as for diseases of the oral cavity. It has been proven that alcoholic extracts, as well as polyphenols from galangal roots, have antibacterial properties.

To prepare the tincture, you need to pour 30 g of galangal rhizomes with 500 ml of vodka (you can use good moonshine), after which it is infused for 21 days. dark place, constantly shaking. Next, the tincture is filtered and consumed 30 drops three times a day, diluted with water. The tincture is taken 20 minutes before eating.

Galangal extract

Galangal extract is used as an astringent, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, expectorant and hemostatic agent for the following diseases:
  • intestinal and uterine bleeding;
  • gum disease;
  • gallbladder disease;
  • skin diseases;
  • thyroid disease;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • gout;
  • angina.
Galangal extract is prescribed for both adults (6 drops three times a day) and children (3-4 drops three times a day), and the drops can be added to juice, compote or warm tea.

For lotions, undiluted galangal extract is used.


Indicated as a preventive and therapeutic agent that helps cure gastric ulcers.

Collection Recipe

  • finely chopped galangal rhizomes - 1 tbsp;
  • thyme – 1 tbsp;
  • clove bud – 1 pc.;
  • forest mint – 1 tsp;
  • large allspice – 0.3 g;
  • liquid honey – 1 tbsp.
This collection is placed in a glass container with a wide neck, and 450 ml of good vodka is poured. The container is hermetically sealed and shaken, leaving to infuse for 15 days (the tincture must be shaken daily) in a cool place. On the sixteenth day medicine shaken, strained and poured into a decanter. Balm is taken 1 tbsp. before lunch. This balm will normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improve appetite.

Galangal powder

Galangal powder is used as a powder to treat weeping wounds, external bleeding, burns, and ulcers. In addition, you can brush your teeth with this powder, which will not only prevent gum inflammation, but also eliminate bad breath.

Also, an ointment for various skin diseases is made from the powder of the roots of this plant (the ointment is especially good at moisturizing and healing chapped lips). To prepare the ointment, 5 g of powder must be mixed with 120 g butter. The product is applied to problem areas of the skin.

Contraindications and side effects

Taking galangal preparations is contraindicated in the following cases:
  • heat;
  • reduced acidity of gastric juice;
  • high blood clotting;
  • hypertension in the stage of decompensation;
  • increased prothrombin index;
  • atonic constipation;
  • individual intolerance.

The fact is that galangal reduces the permeability of capillaries, thereby causing vasoconstriction.

Among side effects The following preparations of galangal can be noted:

This symptomatology can be caused by a high concentration of tannins in the plant. Therefore, you should take galangal carefully, following the dosage, form and schedule of taking the drug prescribed by your doctor.

Kalgan for men

ABOUT medicinal properties Kalgan root was known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, who used this plant not only to treat gastrointestinal diseases, but also to restore potency. And this is quite natural - after all, this plant has an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and calming effect, and therefore effectively fights inflammation of the genital area and disorders of the central nervous system in men, which are often the main causes of decreased potency.
The effect of galangal preparations on the male body:
  • prevention of stroke;
  • decrease in pressure;
  • prevention of cerebral hemorrhages;
  • strengthening the function of the gonads, which helps restore the normal functioning of the genitourinary system;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels;
  • decreased capillary permeability;
  • protecting cells from negative impact toxins and other harmful substances;
  • prevention of premature aging;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • reduction in blood sugar;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • normalization of metabolism.

Kalgan and potency

Decreased potency, or impotence, can develop due to a deterioration in the blood supply to the heart muscle, since the onset of an erection directly depends on the flow of arterial blood directly to the genitals. Precisely drugs plant origin, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, can enhance or restore potency.

One of these drugs is galangal, which has a wide spectrum of action, has virtually no side effects and affects many metabolic processes occurring in the body. In addition, this plant eliminates psychogenic potency disorders, including stress and insomnia. The use of galangal preparations is also indicated for the prevention of sexual disorders, not only in men, but also in women.

The use of galangal improves blood circulation, relaxes smooth muscles, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the endocrine system, so the plant is indicated for patients with diabetes. Thanks to its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, galangal preparations effectively fight prostatitis, an invariable companion of which is a decrease in potency.

The following recipe will help restore potency:
100 g of dry galangal rhizomes should be poured with 500 ml of cognac (you can use vodka or 70% medical alcohol) and leave for a week. Use 1 tbsp tincture. twice a day, 20 minutes before meals.

Kalgan for cirrhosis

A disease such as cirrhosis is difficult to treat, but still the process of liver destruction can not only be slowed down, but also stopped by adhering to the following simple rules:
  • follow a diet;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • have a good rest;
  • eliminate alcohol consumption;
  • strictly follow the treatment regimen prescribed by the attending physician;
  • use herbal preparations in combination with drug therapy, one of which is galangal.

Decoction for cirrhosis

Mix 25 g of dry galangal herb with 5 g of plant root, and pour 600 ml of boiling water over the resulting mixture, then leave for half an hour on water bath. After removal from the bath, the broth is infused for another 30 minutes and filtered. This product is taken warm, 50–100 ml three times a day, two hours before eating. This treatment lasts a month and is carried out twice a year (the decoction is recommended to be taken in spring and autumn). While taking the decoction, you should follow a diet and limit salt intake to 4 g per day. In addition, during treatment you can take up to 600 ml of liquid per day.
  • hepatitis.
  • Crushed cinquefoil grass accelerates the healing process of bruises, dislocations, purulent wounds and eczema. In addition, this plant promotes the resorption of tumors (cinquefoil preparations are especially effective in the treatment of glandular tumors and hemorrhoidal cones).

    A decoction of the herb and cinquefoil rhizomes is used to strengthen gums, as well as to relieve toothache.

    Special attention deserves a medicine that contains cinquefoil and galangal.

    Sabelnik-galangal collection is widely used in the treatment of joints and the spine, as it helps relieve swelling and inflammation, aches and pain, not to mention the fact that this collection will improve joint mobility in two to three months.

    A decoction or tincture of galangal and cinquefoil will help cope with the following diseases: water). The tincture is taken as a prophylactic three times a day, before eating, for 20 days. Then a three-day break is indicated, after which the tincture is taken for another 20 days.

    If the collection is used as a medicinal and not a prophylactic agent, then the course of treatment is four doses of 20 days. In case of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. tinctures four times a day.

    When treating cancer, this tincture can be taken continuously for up to three years.

    Recipes with galangal

    Decoction for rheumatism and gout

    1 tbsp. of galangal rhizomes, pour 300 ml of boiling water, then boil for 15 minutes, cool, and filter thoroughly. The decoction is drunk a quarter glass, three times a day. The same decoction can be used as lotions and baths for hemorrhoids, bleeding purulent wounds, as well as burns and other skin diseases.

    Infusion for dysentery

    1 tbsp. rhizomes, pour 50 ml of boiling water, wrap tightly and infuse for three hours, after which the infusion is cooled, filtered and taken a tablespoon three times a day.

    Tincture for bleeding

    2 tbsp. chopped galangal root pour 20 tbsp. vodka and infuse for 14 days in a dark and always cool place. The strained tincture is taken 30 drops before eating.

    Ointment for burns and ulcers

    The galangal rhizome is ground to a powder and mixed with cow butter in a ratio of 1:5, respectively. The resulting product is applied to the affected areas for 2 – 3 hours.

    Infusion for seizures and tetanus

    1 tsp chopped herbs and galangal roots are poured into a glass of hot milk and left to infuse for 30 minutes. Take a quarter glass of infusion three times a day (preferably before meals).

    Tincture for stomach disorders

    1 tbsp. crushed rhizomes of the plant are poured with 200 ml of good vodka and infused for two weeks in a warm place. The strained tincture is drunk 50 drops three times a day.

    Decoction for stomatitis

    1 tsp crushed cinquefoil root is poured with a glass of water and infused for five hours, after which it is boiled for 2 - 3 minutes. You should rinse your mouth with the cooled broth throughout the day.

    Decoction for diarrhea

    1 tbsp. galangal (roots and grass) is placed in an enamel container and filled with 500 ml of water. The resulting composition is placed on low heat for 15 minutes, after which it is infused for an hour. Drink a decoction of 100 ml three times a day, 20 minutes before meals or an hour after.

    Kalgan (cinquefoil erect): application, folk recipes - video

    Galangal root is sometimes called the “powerful one”, as it has pronounced medicinal properties. Galangal tincture, its production and use are the main focuses of this article.

    1 Wild ginger - medicine under your feet

    Kalgan belongs to the ginger family and its medicinal properties are very similar to ginger root. Even literally translated from Arabic, the name of this plant means “wild ginger”. On the territory of Russia, galangal has many alternative names: cinquefoil, mighty, oak, uznak, chicken-potion, whisper. The plant can be found in open spaces: swamps, pastures, large forest clearings. You can recognize it by its erect stem up to 30 cm high with wedge-shaped leaves and woody roots.

    Kalgan blooms in the first half of summer. Inflorescences are small, yellow flowers attached to the stem by a long stalk. Flowers and leaves collected in June-July are used for medicinal purposes. As for the root itself, it is harvested mainly in September-October. Clean roots are dried in a dark, well-ventilated area. The preparation will retain almost all the healing microelements found in fresh roots. Galangal root has found its use in folk medicine due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic and vasodilating properties..

    At the same time, medicinal plant There is a very small list of contraindications. This includes:

    • low stomach acidity;
    • high blood clotting;
    • hypertension.

    2 What does galangal root treat?

    Kalgan in various forms has been used for healing since ancient times. In folk medicine it is known as an astringent and choleretic agent. Extracts and tinctures of the plant stop bleeding, relieve inflammation, and are used for diseases of the liver, intestines, gall bladder, enterocolitis and some skin diseases. The root helps, as well as, with colds, bronchitis, stress and nervous disorders.

    Of the chemical elements, the underground part of the plant contains essential oils, tannins, gum, galangin, flavonoids, starch, campherin and many other elements beneficial to human health.

    The use of galangal is indicated for:

    • thyroid disease;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • eczema and other skin diseases;
    • bleeding gums;
    • hemorrhoids;
    • burns and frostbite;
    • diarrhea;
    • sore throat;
    • gout;
    • liver diseases;
    • disorders of the pancreas.

    Traditional medicine noted good action galangal in the treatment of various pulmonary diseases. With the help of the root of this plant they fought against tuberculosis and emphysema. For colds and coughs it was used as an expectorant. The substances that make up wild ginger are used to prepare decoctions and ointments. Their use is based on the antibacterial effect of the plant. Compresses and lotions promote wound healing, relieve inflammation and redness of the skin, and quickly heal burns.

    3 Healing tincture - against dysbiosis and bronchitis

    Galangal tincture prepared with vodka is good remedy for the treatment of dysbiosis. A similar recipe, according to popular observations, helps with bronchitis, cholecystitis, enterocolitis and weakness in the legs. To prepare the medicine, take 1 part of dry galangal roots and place it in a dark glass bottle and fill it with 70% alcohol, or other high-quality alcohol with a strength of at least 40 degrees will do. Infuse the root for at least two weeks, shaking the bottle well regularly. The prepared tincture is drunk after dinner and before bed. To do this, dilute 50 grams. in water.

    To treat stomach ulcers, galangal tincture is prepared somewhat differently. Mix galangal root with thyme root, forest mint and liquid honey, taken one tablespoon at a time. Add one bud of cloves and a third of allspice peas. All this is placed in a glass bottle and 450 ml of vodka is poured. They also leave for two weeks, then filter and, pouring into another container, store in a dark place. To treat ulcers, dilute the tincture in water and drink before lunch. The same recipe can be used to increase appetite and normalize the digestive process.

    The use of a medicinal plant is also possible for the treatment of the thyroid gland. In this case, galangal tincture is prepared with vodka as follows: root weighing 100 g. fits in glassware, is filled with alcohol, taken in a volume of 500 ml, and aged for a month in a dark place. Drink the composition 30 drops before meals three times a day. After a month of treatment, take a week break and repeat the course. In advanced cases, galangal root for tincture is taken in double volume.

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    Erect cinquefoil or galangal is a fairly well-known medicinal plant. Many herbalists know what diseases medicines based on the rhizome of this plant help with, so they collect this healing raw material every season. And in Russia, this medicinal plant is popularly called “mighty,” and the name itself speaks of the strong healing properties this medicinal perennial has.

    To prepare medicinal preparations, the roots of the plant are usually taken - they contain the largest amount of useful active substances; infusions and decoctions can also be prepared from the above-ground parts of the plant - foliage, flowers, seed material. The medicinal raw materials of this plant, like ginseng and ginger, have the ability to restore lost male strength, for which this plant is valued.


    Plants of the cinquefoil genus are found naturally in all countries of the world. In total there are about 140 – 145 varieties. Kalgan is most common on the Eurasian continent.

    The main habitat of this plant is the countries of Western Asia, the European continent, and Transcaucasia.

    In our country, galangal is distributed from Kaliningrad to the Altai region. Moreover, the places where it spreads are moist soil, open space illuminated by sunlight. Grows well on forest edges, clearings in light forests, hillsides and foothills, wastelands, mountain pastures and other areas open to the sun and fresh air places.


    Popularly there are many other names for this medicinal perennial: chicken potion, ovary, ovary root, dubrovka, whisperer, kurzels. Latin name -

    Translated from Arabic Galangal is wild ginger. Indeed, this plant, along with ordinary ginger, is widely used in cooking and in cooking as a spice.


    Potentilla erecta belongs to the genus of perennial cinquefoils from the rose family. The main root of the plant is powerful, strong, well branched, and thickened not too evenly. Thin, forked roots - stalks - diverge from it in different directions. The length of the main root can reach 18 - 20 cm. If you see a photo of a galangal plant once, you will never confuse it with other plants growing naturally.

    The foliage grows along the entire erect stem on petioles (or attached to the stem itself). Their shape is serrated, wedge-shaped. The stems are slightly hairy.

    The stems are not too tall - 15 - 40 cm in height, at their tops there are small single four-petaled yellow flowers, their diameter is 0.8 - 1.0 cm. The petals grow longer than the sepals. Flowering of the plant begins from the first ten days of April to the first ten days of June. The fruits are egg-shaped nuts. Their ripening takes place in the following periods: from the end of August to the second ten days of September.

    Beneficial features

    Examining the composition of the rhizomes, it was discovered that they contain the following active substances:

    • catechin;
    • different types of tannins;
    • glycoside;
    • flavonoids;
    • phlobafen;
    • resins;
    • ellagic and quinic acids;
    • essential oils.

    The mighty has the following healing properties:

    1. has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach, since it contains several types of tannins;
    2. anti-inflammatory and astringent;
    3. bactericidal;
    4. able to stop severe bleeding.

    These properties explain the range of uses of galangal:

    • treatment of increased gas formation in the intestines;
    • enterocolitis;
    • gastritis and ulcers;
    • ulcerative bleeding in the stomach and duodenum;
    • bleeding from the uterus;
    • cystitis;
    • dysentery and diarrhea.

    As an external remedy, preparations based on Potentilla erecta are used for:

    1. rinsing the gums when bleeding from them;
    2. elimination of sore throat with sore throats of various types.

    Lotions based on a decoction of this medicinal perennial are effective in the treatment of frostbite of varying severity, non-healing wounds, burns of varying degrees, and external hemorrhoids. Also, such lotions are used to treat various skin diseases.

    Rhizome powder mixed with toothpastes is used to clean teeth to get rid of unpleasant “aroma” from the mouth.

    An extract from the rhizome of Potentilla erecta is added to herbal teas and herbal teas.

    The use of galangal root in the treatment of impotence

    Preparations based on Potentilla erecta can have a calming, antiseptic and anti-edema effect. Therefore, they are able to treat inflammatory processes in the genital area of ​​the male population, as well as various disorders in the functioning of the central nervous system. It is for these reasons that men may experience decreased potency and develop impotence.

    Also, weakening of potency can be the result of disturbances in the blood circulation - after all, it is the active work of the circulatory system that contributes to the good functioning of the male sexual organ.

    Also, reliquary is one of the main medicinal plants used to combat prostatitis, which is also often the cause of weakening male power.

    To treat male sexual impotence I use decoctions or tinctures based on the powerful.

    This tincture is prepared as follows: 1 glass of dry raw material is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka (diluted alcohol or cognac) and infused in a dark place for 7 days. Men should take this tincture three times a day, 15 mg 15 to 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment should be no more than 45 days. If necessary, this course should be repeated, but the break between them should be at least 14 days.

    Preparation of medicinal raw materials

    The main healing raw material of this plant is the rhizome. It must be harvested either in the spring or during September. The root is dug up, then it should be cleaned of unnecessary impurities and soil particles using special brushes with stiff bristles and washed thoroughly in cool running water. Sometimes it is not possible to rinse the roots well - particles of earth may remain in small cracks. To completely get rid of these unnecessary particles, after drying, the roots are shaken on wire racks to remove all the dirt remaining inside the rhizome.

    This medicinal raw material should be dried quickly, therefore, to dry, the roots are laid out in a thin layer in the sun or in special dryers. You can dry the raw materials in a Russian oven.

    Dried roots are stored in a glass container with a lid. Extracts from galangal are added to tea, tinctures and decoctions are prepared, and ground into powder (you can use a coffee grinder).


    Although there are no official statistics on contraindications for the use of drugs based on Potentilla erecta, there are still categories of people who should not use them:

    • expectant mothers or breastfeeding mothers;
    • with high blood clotting; low stomach acidity;
    • for hypertension with regular high pressure accompanied by serious disorders of various internal organs;
    • with hyperthermia;
    • children under 10 years old;
    • people who have a tendency to drink alcohol.

    In case of an overdose of such drugs, sharp pain in the area may occur. abdominal cavity and severe vomiting.

    Since this medicinal plant contains residually strong active substances, you should not use drugs based on it uncontrollably, and consult your doctor before use.

    Watch also the video

    Kalgan officinalis- This perennial of the ginger family, it is called: galangal, alpinia, pharmaceutical or nalgan root, galanga. Its healing properties are stronger than traditional medications such as penicillin and aspirin. That is why it is widely used in alternative, folk medicine. The root of asthenia is mainly used. In ancient times it was used as a spice in cooking.

    Medicinal properties of galangal root

    Kalgan has pronounced healing properties, and therefore is often used in folk medicine in the following cases:

    • (all forms of gastritis, peptic ulcer);
    • when curing flatulence;
    • various bleedings;
    • It has anti-inflammatory properties; in addition, it is used as a bactericidal and for the treatment of bleeding gums or internal bleeding. Since it is rich in glycosides, ellagic and quinic acids, essential oils, flavonoids, phlobafen;
    • is actively used externally for sore throats and tonsillitis, and for bleeding gums, since galangal decoction has a strong antibacterial effect;
    • a decoction prepared from the root of the plant can be used to treat wounds that do not heal well, including in cases of frostbite and burns;
    • has a positive effect on anemia;
    • kidney diseases;
    • an infusion of leaves perfectly helps to cope with fever, replacing aspirin;
    • fresh juice from the root has proven itself in the treatment of liver disease;
    • horse decoction has antibacterial properties and therefore copes well with diarrhea and severe dysentery;
    • the root of the plant is used as an expectorant for lung diseases;

    What are the benefits of galangal for men?

    Quite poor blood supply, especially to the main heart muscle in men, threatens the onset of impotence, since the occurrence of an erection occurs due to a rush of arterial blood.

    1. Kalgan, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscles, stimulates the filling of the arteries with blood and the flow of blood to the pelvic organs. Thus, galangal decoction restores reduced potency.
    2. Having a beneficial effect on the metabolic process in the body and enhancing metabolism, decoctions of galangal root are a natural antidepressant and sedative.
    3. Actively influencing nervous system and eliminating psychogenic causes: insomnia, nervous tension and the consequences of stress contributes to the preventive properties, as well as the direct treatment of existing problems of a sexual nature, not only in men, but also in women.
    4. Medicines based on galangal root are used in the treatment of prostatitis, which is considered one of the main causes of decreased potency in men.

    Harm and contraindications

    The use of a medicinal product prepared using galangal is not advisable:

    • with low acidity;
    • with high blood clotting and hypertension.
    • patients suffering from frequent constipation;
    • patients with a high prothrombin index.

    It is prohibited to use:

    • small children under three years old;
    • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
    • at elevated temperatures;
    • individual intolerance and allergies;
    • It is prohibited to use alcohol-containing tinctures for patients prone to alcoholism.

    In case of overdose, as well as in case of individual intolerance, the patient may experience stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting, since the plant has a high content of tannins. The medicine must be taken strictly according to the instructions, adhering to the specified dosage.

    Methods of use in folk medicine

    Moonshine tinctures

    Finely chopped 5-7 roots, pour a liter of 50% moonshine and leave for ten to fifteen days in a dark glass container, placing it in a dark place. The tincture needs to be shaken well from time to time so that the roots are evenly saturated with moonshine. After preparing a tincture of galangal root using moonshine and filtering it, it can be used for the prevention and treatment of impotence. You can drink it with water, tea or milk.

    If you have an urgent need to use the tincture, then there is a method in which you can prepare it in just 2 to 3 days. To do this, you need to thoroughly grind the well-dried roots in a coffee grinder and pour moonshine over them. For instant cooking take 2 teaspoons of crushed roots and pour half a liter of moonshine over them. The tincture is used 3 times a day, 25-30 drops.

    Balm recipe

    Balm from the roots of galangal is widely used as a preventive and therapeutic agent used to treat peptic ulcers of varying severity. To prepare the balm at home you need to take:

    • chopped galangal root;
    • thyme;
    • carnation;
    • forest mint;
    • large allspice;
    • liquid honey

    Place all the necessary components in a glass container. Pour 450 ml of 40% vodka, seal tightly and shake. Leave for 15 days, be sure to shake every day. Strain the prepared balm and store in a dark place. The balm helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract, cures peptic ulcers and improves appetite.


    Powder from the dried rhizome of galangal is used for external treatment. To do this, the root must be finely ground in a coffee grinder. Used as a powder for external bleeding, wounds, cuts, for weeping, non-healing wounds. As an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent it is used for inflammatory processes of the gums, as well as for unpleasant odor from the mouth, it is recommended to brush your teeth with powder daily.


    Based on the powder, many specialists make all kinds of ointments that help cure skin diseases. The ointment is prepared as follows: you need to take 5 grams. powder and 120 gr. unsalted homemade butter and mix everything well. This ointment should be applied to problem areas. This will perfectly moisturize the skin and speed up the healing process.

    How to prepare raw materials

    In order to prepare galangal tincture, first of all, you need to properly prepare the raw materials. Since galangal roots dug up in spring or early autumn are suitable for medicinal use, they are at their most saturated during this period useful substances. After thoroughly clearing the roots from the soil and washing them, you need to dry them, placing them in a place where there is no direct sunlight. Be sure to cut the root, because after drying it becomes very hard.

    You can dry them carefully in the oven, making sure they don't burn. Raw materials prepared in this way are stored in paper bags in a dry and dark place. Shelf life up to four years. After this period, the roots lose their healing properties. The root is infused with vodka, alcohol or moonshine, depending on the use of the tincture, from 10 to 30 days. When taking the tincture, you must wash it down well so as not to burn your stomach and enhance its effect on the body.

    Photo of galangal root

    Despite the popularity of galangal root and its applicability for the treatment of various diseases, not everyone knows exactly what this plant looks like in nature. You can study it in detail in the photo. appearance galangal root, including in processed form. The benefits of the plant are difficult to overestimate; the main thing is to prepare it correctly and take it in accordance with a certain type diseases or as a preventive measure.

    A more correct name for galangal would be cinquefoil. The term galangal is used in popular usage. But it has become so firmly established that even sometimes in literature you can find this name as a synonym.

    Not only in Russia, but also in other countries, this plant has found a place in the state register of medicinal herbs. Its healing properties have been known for a long time. It was used in folk medicine to combat male problems. Although this fact, unfortunately, is not found scientific confirmation. We can partly agree with this, since the plant has a general strengthening effect on the body.

    Useful properties and chemical composition

    In our country, this plant can be found in coniferous forests. The root part of the cinquefoil has the greatest medicinal value. Raw materials are harvested at the very end of spring or at the beginning of autumn. If someone was unable to prepare it for future use, you can purchase the plant at the pharmacy. When it is collected independently, the root must be thoroughly cleaned of any remaining soil before drying.

    The healing effect of the root is due to the many chemical components it contains. The following components can be found in the composition:

    • Tannins.
    • Flavonoids.
    • Various representatives of the acidic organic series.
    • Starch.
    • A large number of different glycosides.
    • Essential oils.
    • Resins.
    It is easy to understand that the composition is very diverse and variegated in the presence of chemical components. All of them are combined and provide the therapeutic effects that galangal root has. They can be reduced to the following positions:
    1. The plant has an antiseptic effect.
    2. The spectrum of medicinal effects of the plant includes bactericidal and antifungal effects.
    3. The components of the plant can enhance the flow of bile.
    4. When viscous sputum accumulates in the bronchi, galangal root will help liquefy it and enhance discharge.
    5. Cinquefoil can have an analgesic effect.
    6. With the use of galangal root, the wound healing process proceeds faster.
    7. In addition, the plant has a hemostatic and astringent effect.


    Not everyone will benefit equally from the use of galangal root. Limit or eliminate its use altogether if the following conditions occur:

    • Pregnant women and breastfeeding women.
    • Feverish conditions accompanied by high temperature.
    • Hypertension in the stage of decompensation.
    • Increased blood clotting.
    • Low secretory activity of the stomach.
    • Atonic constipation.
    • Alcohol abuse.
    • Young children.

    Consumption of the root of this plant normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, accelerates metabolic processes, and increases appetite. Pain in the stomach is eliminated, increased formation of gases in the intestines disappears. In the form of decoctions, it can be used to correct the following conditions:

    • Gastritis.
    • Ulcerative processes in the stomach.
    • Enteritis and enterocolitis.
    • Diarrhea and flatulence.
    • Dysentery infection.

    If the patient suffers from cholecystitis, accompanied by jaundice, inflammatory liver diseases, then the use of the rhizome of the plant will provide effective help. In addition, the plant is indicated for the following ailments:

    • Intestinal disorders.
    • Uterine, gastric bleeding.
    • Inflammatory processes in the bladder.
    • Haemorrhoids.
    • Conditions associated with rheumatism.

    The plant will be an effective remedy for gingivitis, stomatitis, and various sore throats. If you have bronchitis, then galangal will help in the form of inhalations. If you have a mild toothache, then with the use of galangal it can disappear. Bad breath will also be eliminated.


    A collection that includes galangal, nettle and licorice helps with this condition. All these plants are taken in the form of a root. Each component is taken in the volume of a teaspoon. The mixture is poured into three glasses of water. The composition is brought to a boil and cooked for those minutes. You should drink a whole glass of it in the morning and evening hours.

    Liver problems

    Remedies prepared from galangal root will help you recover from hepatitis. It is necessary to prepare an infusion. For it, you should take the grass and galangal root in a ratio of 25 g:5 g. This amount should account for 600 ml of boiling water. The composition is kept in a water bath for 30 minutes. He must stand for exactly the same amount of time in conditions room temperature. For prevention, take 50 ml, and for treatment - in a double dose three times a day. The course of treatment is two months. For the purpose of prevention, courses are held twice a year.

    During treatment, it is necessary to completely eliminate alcohol, forget about salt and fatty foods. This requirement is not a whim. The point is that it is necessary to reduce the load on the liver as much as possible. Antibiotics were probably used in the treatment of hepatitis. It is no secret that they have a detrimental effect on the state of the intestinal microflora. With the help of galangal root mixed with its herbs, you can recover from an illness and correct your condition for the better.

    Internal hemorrhages

    A decoction based on the rhizome of galangal will help eliminate bleeding and colic associated with the stomach and intestines. A liter of water is poured into the raw material in the amount of 100 g. The composition is cooked over fire with an exposure time of 10 minutes. Then it must be left for an hour. Reception is carried out 4 times a day.

    Skin diseases

    Galangal root can be used to treat various skin diseases. They can treat purulent wounds, burns, frostbite. The root significantly speeds up their healing. Eczematous conditions and vasculitis are also indications for treatment with galangal root. The use of the plant can combat lichen, neurodermatitis, skin cracks and scars. Treatment is carried out with preparations based on galangal in various dosage forms for external use. Consumption of galangal root in any form leads to strengthening the body's immune forces. But most often it is used by the strong half of humanity to strengthen men's health.

    Use of galangal root by men

    Due to the presence of a soothing, decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect, the plant is used to eliminate problems that originate in genital area. In addition, the use of the plant will improve the function of the nervous structures. All this together helps fight the phenomenon of impotence. It will also help eliminate ailments caused by inflammation of the prostate gland.

    The plant can and is used in various dosage forms. If we are talking about impaired potency, then for therapeutic correction the plant is used in the form of a decoction and tincture.

    Preparing the tincture
    The basis for its preparation will be vodka. To prepare it you will need:

    • dry vegetable raw materials in the amount of 100 g;
    • vodka - half a liter (you can use alcohol diluted with water or even cognac).

    It is necessary to infuse the composition for a whole week. A tablespoon will serve as a measuring container. The tincture is consumed immediately before meals. The course should be no more than 1.5 months. Then a break is required, which should be at least two weeks. If necessary, the course is repeated. If a man’s professional activity prohibits the consumption of alcohol (drivers), then the tincture is taken in the evenings. They drink it three times a spoon. At least two hours should pass between doses.

    Preparing a water decoction
    You need to take one tablespoon of the root. This amount should be poured into a glass of boiling water. The mixture sits over low heat for a third of an hour. After preparation, the decoction is infused for at least two hours. Dosage regimen: two tablespoons before meals three times a day.

    Our ancestors prepared an alcoholic drink using this root, which was called “kolganovka”. Moonshine served as the basis for its preparation. This product was credited with universal properties. They were used to treat many diseases. We struggled with problems associated with the digestive tract, tried to increase male potency. This action is not recognized by official medicine, but at the same time, it does not refute this fact. 100 g of galangal root was added to a liter of moonshine. The root was first crushed. Infusion was carried out in the dark for 21 days. After this, the composition acquired a red-brown tint.

    If there are organ disorders, then the use of galangal oil is unlikely to help. But if the cause of the disorder is a functional level, then the remedy may well help. This is evidenced by numerous positive results. How are such conditions corrected? Take one teaspoon of tincture in the evening. Reception starts at 17:00. A total of three approaches are done with an interval of 2 hours between them. It is no coincidence that this is done in the evenings. The fact is that at this time the biochemical activity of the male reproductive system is at its peak.

    Course duration is 30 calendar days. In total, it is necessary to conduct three courses with an interval of 10 days between them.

    Fact! The famous healer Vanga recommended that older people drink a small glass of galangal milk before lunch.

    Cognac tincture
    Take a bottle of cognac, to which 50 g of galangal root is added. It must first be crushed. The composition is infused for three weeks. Accepted in all cases where galangal root is indicated. Up to 40 drops are required per dose.

    Side effects

    If an overdose occurs, then undesirable effects from the digestive tract may occur. Pain in the projection of the stomach and phenomena associated with nausea and vomiting may appear.

    The treatment has no absolute contraindications.

    For those who decide to start treatment with galangal root, it is advisable to first consult with their doctor. He will give useful recommendations on its application. In this case, the treatment can achieve maximum effect.

    Video: healing properties of galangal root