How to install gas heating in a private house. A simple heating scheme for a private house with a gas boiler. Disadvantages of gas heating

The simplest and correct scheme heating of a private house with a gas boiler is presented on this page. Since the design for gas boilers differs from other types of heat generators, we will look at it in a little more detail.

In addition, the heating scheme for a private house with a wall-mounted or floor-mounted gas boiler also implies some differences. They concern production hot water for hot water supply, more about them below.

And finally, the heating scheme for a private house also brings “diversity” to the arrangement of CO in our home.

So, let's take it in order.

The simplest heating scheme with a gas boiler

The simplest heating scheme for a house with a gas boiler is definitely a heating system powered from a wall-mounted boiler.

Why? Because usually a wall-mounted boiler already includes circulation pump and an expansion tank - expansion tank. In addition, they also already contain a security group.

All these devices, together with the boiler heat exchanger and gas burner, are combined in one housing - a modern gas boiler is obtained.

On the one hand it is convenient. On the other hand, a scheme with separate central heating units and an expansion tank is much more maintainable.

So, what does our simple scheme include:

  1. Gas wall-mounted boiler as a heat generator.
  2. Coolant supply pipes to CO.
  3. Heating system radiators or heated liquid floors.
  4. Shut-off valves.

In fact, that's all. In this configuration, if there is a coaxial chimney, you can hang a turbocharged gas boiler in the kitchen, subject to the requirements of the gas company.

DHW scheme

Regarding the production of hot water for domestic hot water supply. If you use a wall-mounted double-circuit boiler, then you do not add anything else to this circuit. It is enough to connect the supply pipeline with cold water to the second circuit of the boiler, responsible for DHW, and you receive hot water at the outlet. Using pipes, you can supply it to water distribution points - in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen.

If you have a single-circuit gas boiler, wall-mounted or floor-mounted, then in order to obtain hot water for hot water supply, you will need an indirect heating boiler that will heat tap water thanks to the heat removed from the CO supply pipe.

That is, one more unit has appeared in our scheme - an indirect heating boiler or BKN.

It is better to connect it closer to consumers; it is not necessary to place it. If you want to use the heat from your boiler as efficiently as possible, you will need to install a hot water supply system with circulation.

Otherwise tap water will cool down in the “dead ends” of the hot water supply system in front of the water collection points when the taps are turned off. That is, almost 90-95 percent of the time.

Gas boiler in a separate boiler room

You can afford to post. In this case, a heating main from the boiler room to the house will be added to our diagram. Naturally, the heating main must be insulated - both the supply and return lines.

Make a boiler room in the house or install a boiler in a separate boiler room? Here we must consider what is more profitable. Sometimes you can hold out gas pipe to the house itself is more expensive than pulling an insulated heating main over the same distance. And this is even taking into account the inevitable heat losses on the heating main during operation.

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In order for it to be safe and comfortable to live in a private house, the owner must take the trouble to install a good heating system. There are several ways to keep your home warm, but the most popular is gas heating.

Today we’ll look at this topic in more detail, let’s look at the disadvantages and advantages of gas heating, how to choose a gas boiler, and find out what heating options exist using this method.

The advantages of heating a house with gas are:

  1. The price of the gas itself. It is the most adequate based on labor costs for heating.
  2. Low losses. Gas heating guarantees that 80-90% of the heat it generates will be used to heat your home, and will not be wasted.
  3. Despite the small size of the equipment, it is capable of heating large rooms.
  4. The unit is silent and does not require special care. The system is autonomous and can maintain the required temperature itself, so you don’t have to constantly monitor it.
  5. There is no dirt from the gas boiler.
  6. Dual-circuit gas boilers not only heat the house, but also supply hot water.
  7. Gas holders containing gas are considered safe for humans.

As you can see, purchasing such a heating system is quite profitable. But we must not forget about the disadvantages that any type of heating has.

Perhaps, when purchasing a boiler, you should not forget that:

  1. System autonomy is often ensured by electricity. Therefore, in case of interruptions or malfunctions, the operation of the boiler will stop and fail. Electricity creates the traction necessary for closed sediments and is responsible for water circulation. If it is turned off, for example, in winter, then there is a high probability of stagnation.
  2. The autonomy of the system is purchased at a considerable cost, which can reach several hundred thousand.
  3. The room must be ventilated and have a chimney. This is necessary to remove exhaust gases. Applies more to open-type gas units
  4. Upon purchase gas heating you need to adhere to the climate of your area. Boilers of European brands will not survive severe frosts, since they are not designed for sudden changes in Russian temperatures.
  5. Burner wear reduces the efficiency of a gas boiler. But this is not a minus, but rather something to keep in mind.

Calculation of gas consumption for heating a house

Now let’s calculate whether it is profitable to install gas heating in a private house. To do this, let’s calculate how many liters are spent on heating.

To calculate the gas consumed, it is necessary to multiply the amount of kW needed to heat the house by one tenth of the volume of gas. Then you will be able to find out how many cubic meters of gas are consumed in one hour.

For example, we have housing with an area of ​​250 square meters. Then a 25 kW boiler is needed to heat the house. Then:

25 kV * 0.1 m 3 = 2.5 m 3 / h.

This means that the following is consumed per day:

2.5 m3/h * 24 h = 60 m3

For a month (we take 30 days):

60 m 3 * 30 d = 1800 m 3

They calculate a year like this: choose three cold months and add three more months to them, during which the boiler will work at half power. For convenience, take 100 days in the first and 100 days in the second case. Then for a year it turns out:

(60 m 3 * 100 d) + (30 m 3 * 100 d) = 9000 m 3

For houses with a smaller area, this figure is, of course, less. Moreover, what comes out mathematically does not always correspond to practice. Usually the real figure is less than the stated one.

When calculating, only heating is taken into account.

Simple manipulations will help reduce the amount of heat loss and gas consumption:

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the thermal insulation of the house. This also applies to the roof.
  2. Replace, if necessary, the windows with plastic ones and replace the doors.
  3. Install a heat accumulator, heating radiators, that is, equipment that allows you to use heat economically.
  4. Insulate the floors.

Selection and types of gas boilers

You should know that. Each type has its own right to exist and will provide good gas heating for a private home.

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers

Single-circuit boilers They are intended exclusively for heating and do not perform any other functions. Purchased if you do not need to heat hot water directly from a gas boiler.

Such boilers work directly on the heating system. They can also be used to heat an indirect heating boiler, which in turn is used to power the home hot water

Double-circuit gas boilers Ideal for both space heating and water heating. It should be noted that double-circuit boilers are not always effective for heating water. Usually only enough for one active point. If, for example, you go to the shower and someone decides to wash the dishes, then you will already take a cold shower. You should take this into account when purchasing.

Wall and floor boilers

Wall-mounted boilers are safe and automated, but often operate only on one type of gas - natural. (There are models in which you can change the burner and they will also work on liquefied gas). They can be installed in kitchens, since it is smaller in size compared to floor-mounted ones.

The power of wall-mounted boilers is often limited to 35-40 kW. Therefore, if you want to make gas heating in big house, then you will have to either install two wall-mounted boilers in cascade operation mode, or install a floor-standing boiler.

Floor-standing boilers can heat large rooms, as they have greater power. They are universal in terms of fuel consumption: natural, liquefied, and main gas are suitable. They can be energy-dependent and independent. Often a cast iron heat exchanger is used. Due to their design, they have an efficiency lower than that of a wall-mounted one, but at the same time more long term services.

Gas heating options

While reading the article, you probably noticed references to liquefied and main gases. A reasonable question arises: how do they differ? It is more profitable to heat a private house using a line or cylinders? Let's figure it out now.

Types of gas heating:

  1. Trunk. The most environmentally friendly. It consists primarily of methane, which is purified from various impurities, leaving a tiny amount of odorant that allows people to detect gas leaks. However, installing it is not without headaches. You will need to coordinate documents with official authorities, you will need to worry about sufficient pressure in the pipes, and the wiring itself is a rather complicated undertaking.
  2. Liquefied. The same gas in bright red cylinders in which the familiar propane-butane mixture is stored. But they will not interfere if you install an underground tank in which the cylinders can be safely stored. It needs to be replenished once or twice a year. Suitable for any boilers.

As you can see, liquefied gas is more profitable than main gas, but it is important to remember that about 50 liters of gas fit into one cylinder. One such cylinder is changed every two to three days. While the main one flows through pipes to your apartments. And gas tanks, in which gas is stored in cylinders, are filled with a special machine. This fact is taken into account in winter. The storage area must be cleared of snow.

Alternative methods of heating a private home

Gas is not the only heat source that can heat your home. There is also indoors. But are they so beneficial compared to the gas system?

Methods alternative heating private house:

  1. Electricity. The most common and accessible source of energy, however, it is almost the most expensive. It may simply not be enough to heat a private home, since not every electrical network will be able to transfer the amount of energy required for heating. Problems cannot be ruled out in the winter. Not the most economical and practical option.
  2. Diesel. Diesel fuel has a high price. It tolerates a very unpleasant aroma, which cannot be removed by anything, either at home or on the street. And if you take diesel fuel the quality is not high enough, the heating system may break down. Not the best option.
  3. Solid fuels. Coal and wood. They must be supplied to the heating system two to four times a day. Every day it is necessary to remove ash from the heating system. Naturally, heating a house will require a considerable amount of fuel of this kind per year. This requires large cash. You should have a separate warehouse for them; in addition, they are dangerous, as they can emit carbon monoxide. In this plan gas installations more economically profitable and safer.
  4. Pellets. These are special granules that are made from peat and wood waste. Its disadvantages are similar to the negative sides of coal and firewood: you need a room to store a large number of pellets, they do not smell very good and they often need to be loaded into the heating system. The difference is that they are cheaper than all the types of fuel listed above, except gas. And they need to be loaded less often than firewood or coal: no more than once a week. Not a bad option.

Obviously, gas heating wins in many respects: efficiency, ease of operation, minimal heat loss, low cost of the fuel itself. Therefore, if you decide to install good system heating, then opt for a system with gas heating of the coolant.

Useful videos on the topic

Which boiler is better: single-circuit or double-circuit?

Which boiler to choose: wall-mounted or floor-standing?

The most economical heating resource today is natural gas. In addition, it is the most affordable. That is why the most optimal option for installing a heating system in a private house is gas heating of a private house. Even if the energy supply is impossible, there are alternative options (gas cylinders, gas tank).

Gas is the most popular heating resource

And if there is a gas main in the area, then the installation of gas heating for a private house is greatly simplified. There are several optimal schemes for heating private houses with gas. One of the excellent options for permanent use in a private home is a gas boiler.

How to choose a gas boiler

Gas boilers differ depending on different indicators. By power they are: low power(up to 65 kW), medium (up to 1700 kW) and large (up to 15000 kW). Low and medium power are perfect for heating a residential private house. High power boilers are usually used in industrial facilities.

In terms of functionality, gas boilers can be single-circuit or double-circuit.

Single-circuit boilers are intended only for use in heating systems. Double-circuit boilers are also intended for heating water in CO and the needs of residents. Double-circuit boilers can be of the flow-through type. Such boilers are used only when the volume of hot water consumed is insignificant. Double-circuit boilers with a built-in boiler provide full heating in a private house with gas and a supply of hot water. There are also boilers to maintain temperature regime water in swimming pools, etc. (in this case, these are specialized solutions).

Diagram of a double-circuit gas boiler

Burners in gas boilers can be atmospheric or ventilated. Atmospheric burners are the most common option for heating private homes. Ventilation burners are usually used in industrial facilities.

According to the type of draft, boilers are available with natural draft (there must be a chimney) and with forced draft (gases are removed using a fan).

Depending on the installation method, boilers used in the gas heating system of a private home can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Floor standing boilers have more high power, their sizes are larger. They are also more durable and their cost is slightly higher. Wall-mounted gas boilers are relatively inexpensive appliances; they are compact and have lower power. Also wall-mounted boilers are less durable.

Water gas heating system for a private house

The most common heating system is water: the role of heat carrier is played by water, which circulates through a closed pipeline circuit. The water is heated in the boiler and then transfers heat through pipes and heating radiators (batteries).

Such a gas heating system for a private house has several advantages:

  • water is an effective coolant;
  • the circulation system is closed, so after the initial filling the volume of water should not change;
  • water gas heating of a private house, the video, which can be viewed below, will show that such a system can be installed independently;
  • in such a system it is easy to create a circuit that ensures uniform heat supply to each room.

Among the disadvantages of a water gas heating system:

  • Heating radiators must be kept clean at all times, since if they are covered with dust, the efficiency of heating the premises will be lower;
  • in comparison with air heating, water heating, after switching on, will not be able to provide the same rapid heating of the air;
  • elements that are part of a water heating system can often crack, corrode, etc. This can not only worsen the microclimate in the house, but also cause damage to the interior of the premises;
  • there are special requirements for the quality of the heat carrier: the amount of salts in the water must be minimized;
  • The heating cannot simply be turned off in winter, when it is very cold outside, as this can lead to freezing of water, which will increase in volume and burst the pipes. Therefore, gas heating of private houses of this type is not suitable for dachas where the owners do not visit often, especially in winter.

Heating schemes for a private house

Depending on how the coolant circulates inside a closed loop, there are CO with natural and forced circulation. In the first case, circulation occurs due to the difference in density of cold and hot water, and in the second case, the pump operates. If you want to make a heating system for a private house yourself, then you need to make a careful calculation of the optimal CO scheme.

Heating distribution is an important element in the system. It comes in two types:

  • single-pipe. It is not often used in private homes, since with such wiring the temperature in the radiators varies. This option is suitable for houses that are small and have few rooms;
  • two-pipe. This option is quite material-intensive. But the system is suitable for regulating the temperature in individual rooms.

The single-pipe gas heating scheme for a private house has one significant drawback - the lower radiators heat up less, since they receive slightly cooled water. And if you have a two-story private house, then the rooms on different floors will also warm up unevenly. If you want to equip gas heating with your own hands, then this scheme will be much simpler.

In addition, little material is wasted when laying the pipeline. The problem of uneven heating of radiators is solved by installing a jumper and increasing the number of sections. And to circulate the coolant faster, a circulation pump is used.

Note that a natural circulation scheme will be suitable if it is possible to install the boiler below the level of the radiators. Also, for the normal circulation process to occur, a natural slope of the supply and return pipelines is necessary.

As for artificial circulation, the use of a pump is necessary. Such schemes are quite easy to install, but they have several disadvantages. These include the same uneven heating, as well as the appearance of air jams and dependence on the electrical supply.

Very often you can find such an option as the Leningrad wiring of the heating system (Leningradka). The meaning of this system is that water circulates in a pipe closed to the boiler. Heating equipment (radiators) is connected to it, through which the coolant will flow parallel to the supply circuit. The system is quite effective for a private home.

The next scheme is a two-pipe one. In this case, the radiators will heat evenly, but the cost of laying pipes will be higher. The heating of individual heating radiators can be regulated using special shut-off valves.

A two-pipe system with natural circulation and bottom wiring is well suited when the boiler is located in the basement.

Stages of installing a gas heating system in a private house

Gasification of a private home is an important and responsible process. Gas heating equipment includes several stages:

  1. Preparation and approval of design and permitting documents. The gas heating project for a private house should be created by specialists, since this is an important element on which further arrangement depends.
  2. Purchase necessary equipment and materials.
  3. Inserting a house system into a street gas pipeline.
  4. Installation of gas networks inside the house, arrangement of a special room for a gas boiler.
  5. Installation of gas equipment.
  6. Filling the heating system with coolant.
  7. Test run. It would be better to produce it with working and increased pressure.
  8. Acceptance of the finished system.

Gas heating installation schemes must be thought out to the smallest detail, so projects must be carried out by professionals.

One example of drawing up a professional heating system plan

When choosing equipment for gas heating, remember that the main indicator is the area of ​​the heated room. The volume of equipment, the number of radiators, the footage of pipes, fittings, valves and valves, and plugs depend on it.

When choosing a method for laying heating pipes and installing them, remember that the cold and hot distribution lines must be laid with a slight slope directly towards the hot water flow.

Experts recommend installing taps on each battery. Thanks to this, it will be possible to control the supply of hot water to a separate room of a private house. If you use an expansion tank of 20 to 30 liters, then it should be installed at a height of 3 meters above the heating boiler.


Gas heating of a private residential home is the most effective and affordable option if there is a highway in the area of ​​your home. In this case, fuel is consumed economically, gas equipment is easy to operate, and you can set up such a system yourself.

A private home can be called comfortable and cozy only if the homeowner was able to solve all heating problems. Today, there are various options for heating suburban buildings, which simultaneously ensures comfortable living and reduces payment costs. utilities. The heating scheme for a private house with a gas boiler is very popular, which is ideal for buildings for various purposes.

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    Description of equipment

    The popularity of autonomous gas heating boilers is explained by the availability and low cost of this type of fuel. Today, many villages and individual development areas have a central gas supply, which allows homeowners to completely solve problems with heating buildings. The use of natural gas allows you to reduce the cost of heating a private home by 2 times compared to solid fuel installations.

    This technique, subject to the use of high-quality equipment and correct installation will be completely safe to use, and thanks to automation, autonomous operation of heating installations is ensured. If in the past the operation of a gas heat generator presented certain difficulties, today there are reliable boilers that can completely solve problems with heat, both small dacha, and in a building with an area of ​​200−300 square meters.

    A heating and water supply scheme from a gas boiler would be an excellent choice for a private home with year-round use. This is the most economical option that will simultaneously solve problems with hot water and heating. Moreover, the cost of such equipment with two circuits will be lower than purchasing a gas boiler and an electric boiler separately.

    The best heating system for a private home!

    Working nodes

    The gas heating and water supply system of a private house is planned individually in each specific case, depending on the characteristics of the structure, the mode of operation of the equipment, as well as the climate in the region. The standard scheme includes the following elements:

    In double-circuit systems, an insulated tank is additionally installed in which the water heated in the boiler is stored. Subsequently, the liquid is used for the technical needs of homeowners. Boilers can be additionally equipped with safety and temperature valves, control pressure gauges and have appropriate shut-off and control valves.

    Gases can be removed either using a standard chimney or through a hole cut in the wall along a coaxial pipe. A boiler with an open firebox takes air directly from the room. If the heater has a closed combustion chamber, then a coaxial chimney is installed, which is responsible for the supply of oxygen and the removal of smoke.

    Heating of a private house 1/1 / Heating of a private house from A to Z

    Gas heating boilers

    Modern gas heating boilers are fully automated; they are reliable and safe to use equipment. The heat generator can be wall-mounted or floor-mounted. Boilers powered by natural gas are economical, allow you to quickly heat the room, and the equipment itself, thanks to high degree automation can be fully integrated into the smart home system.

    Heaters differ in their power, so you can choose options for both small country house with an area of ​​50−60 square meters, as well as floor-mounted installations that cope with heating country cottages with an area of ​​300−400 square meters. In each specific case, equipment is selected based on the size of the room, the required degree of automation, gas supply parameters, as well as the financial capabilities of the homeowner.

    Heating devices

    Heat from the coolant heated in the boiler is transferred to the room through radiators, which can differ in the number of sections and dimensions. Most widespread Today we received the following types of batteries:

    Traditionally, cast iron batteries are popular because they hold heat well, are durable and are offered to customers at an affordable price. The disadvantages of such radiators include their high inertia, so they take a long time to heat up, and it is difficult to make effective compact radiator models from cast iron.

    Copper and bimetallic radiators are considered the most effective and expensive. They are compact, have excellent efficiency, and allow you to quickly heat the room after turning on the heater. IN last years owners of private houses and apartments often replace old cast-iron batteries with new aluminum, bimetallic and copper ones, which significantly increases the efficiency of the autonomous and central gas heating system of a private house.

    Expansion tank and pump

    IN classic scheme heating with cast iron radiators, the circulation pump is installed on the return pipe through which cooled water or antifreeze is returned to the heater. Additionally, the pump is equipped with a filter, which increases the reliability of the equipment used.

    In underfloor heating systems, a coolant with a temperature of up to +50°C circulates, which makes it possible to install the pump directly at the inlet distribution manifold. It makes it easier installation work, while simultaneously increasing the efficiency of heating equipment.

    In high-temperature heating systems, it is mandatory to install an expansion tank, the main purpose of which is to relieve excess pressure. Depending on their type, tanks are made with a closed or open design. In the latter, hot steam and air are released directly into the boiler room through a special valve. The expansion tank is installed at the highest point of the heating circuit. This allows you to ensure complete safety and efficiency of the home heating system.

    Thermal circuit pipe

    Selecting pipes and laying out a heating circuit presents certain difficulties, since it is necessary not only to correctly calculate the optimal layout of the riser, but also to complete this work even before the completion of repairs in the house.

    Thermal circuit pipes can be made of the following materials:

    If previously metal pipes were the most popular, today homeowners are increasingly choosing polypropylene or cross-linked polyethylene. Such materials are characterized by thermal stability, they are durable and not subject to corrosion.

    For underfloor heating systems, it is recommended to use cross-linked polyethylene or metal-plastic. Such a heating system has the necessary strength, it is not afraid of high temperatures, and the pipes inside the screed will maintain their thermal efficiency indicators for a long time, easily transferring heat to the concrete, heating the floor and the entire house.

    How to connect a heating boiler wiring diagram

    Optimal wiring diagram

    Depending on the power rating heating installation, area and number of floors of the house, the layout of the thermal circuit may vary. They are usually divided into several main parameters:

    • depending on the type of wiring, it can be radial, single-pipe or double-pipe;
    • in direction - horizontal and vertical;
    • depending on the number of circuits - single- and double-circuit;
    • by type of circulation - natural or forced.

    Ideally, the choice of a gas heating scheme in a private home should be made by a specialist with extensive practical experience. This is the only way to ensure the maximum possible efficiency of the heat generator and the absence of heating problems.

    The optimal wiring option can be indicated in project documentation to a private house with detailed description heating equipment used.

    Beam, single and double pipe configuration

    The simplest heating scheme for a private house is a single-pipe distribution, when a circuit departs from the boiler, to which the batteries are connected in turn. This option would be an excellent solution for a country house or small country house. In the two-pipe circuit layout there is a “return”, which is responsible for returning the cooled coolant to the boiler. The disadvantages of this pipe laying technology include an increase in the cost of home improvement engineering communications, as well as the structural complexity of the entire system, which negatively affects its reliability and durability.

    For a country house and a spacious cottage, the best option would be radial wiring, which implies at least one collector unit, from which an individual pipe with hot coolant goes to the battery. This allows for the highest possible heating efficiency of the building. The disadvantage of beam distribution is the difficulty of installation and the high cost of arrangement.

    Forced and natural circulation

    With natural circulation, the pipeline is installed with a barely noticeable slope, which helps the coolant move by gravity from the boiler through the pipes, heating all the batteries and subsequently returning to the heat generator.

    In schemes with forced movement of the coolant, one or several pumps are used, which are responsible for maintaining the required pressure in the system.

    Heating a house with a gas boiler with natural circulation will be an excellent choice for a small room. If it is necessary to heat a full-size cottage, then an additional “return” is installed, on which powerful pumps are installed that quickly drive the coolant through the radiators, effectively heating the room.

    One or two circuits

    There are no fundamental differences between single-circuit and double-circuit wiring diagrams. Such equipment has only operational features. When the hot water supply is turned on, the heating immediately turns off. Therefore, when arranging a two-pipe circuit, it is necessary to provide for the inertia of the system, which should remain warm for a long time even when heating stops.

A comfortable private home should have comfortable heating. Even during the design process, it is necessary to lay out and think through the layout of the heating systems. Gas heating is often chosen as heating. Since this heating system reliably and efficiently heats the entire room.

Which heating scheme with a gas boiler is best suited for a cottage or private house?

When you plan to arrange the entire system without the help of professionals, you need to calculate the heating circuit.

There are two types of gas heating circulation:

  • forced circulation is produced thanks to pumps;
  • natural produces movement due to the difference in the densities of hot and cold water.

IMPORTANT. Natural works better when installing equipment at a lower level relative to radiators. For stable movement of the coolant, you need to make a natural slope of the pipelines.

With an artificial one, it is possible to install a pump. Installation is simple, but the pump with artificial circulation has disadvantages: uneven heating, dependence on electricity and the possible appearance of air locks.

Heating distribution is:

ATTENTION. When using single-pipe wiring, a big disadvantage is revealed: the lower part of the radiator does not heat up well. Radiators will warm up differently on different floors of the house. This problem can be solved by installing jumpers to the batteries and increasing the capacity of the batteries. It is also recommended to install pumps to ensure sufficient coolant movement.

The advantage is the easy installation of wiring, which you can do yourself. During installation, a small amount of materials is consumed, which is also a plus.

Two-pipe distribution heats the pipes evenly. However, it requires a large amount of material for installation and pipe laying. The advantage of two-pipe wiring is the ability to regulate the pipes using shut-off valves.

REFERENCE. There is also a Leningrad wiring. A pipe is connected to it, which circulates liquid in parallel. This system is suitable for furnishing a cottage or private home.

The best option equipment arrangement in the basement will be a two-pipe distribution with natural circulation.

Installation of equipment is carried out by employees of the gas organization. There are official requirements that must be met when installing equipment in a cottage. Such documentation includes:

  • SNiP "Gas distribution systems".
  • SNiP “Gas Supply” does not contain mandatory requirements, however, it will help you understand the installation.
  • In addition to these requirements, there are a number of necessary rules described in SNiP.

According to official regulatory documents setting up a gas boiler is allowed in the basement, on the basement of the house.

Safety measures and precautions for installing a double-circuit gas boiler in a private house

It follows from the rules that when setting up gas appliances in a cottage, the room for the boiler room must meet the following parameters:

Therefore, dual-circuit appliances should be installed in the kitchen. Since the kitchen has a layout that meets all safety requirements and regulations. Wall-mounted appliances are best suited for the kitchen, as they can be easily placed in the room and will solve the problem of connecting cold and hot water. And to install a floor-standing device, an additional room or boiler room is required.

For wooden house All requirements and standards remain the same. But there are a number of nuances that need to be observed:

How to install a gas boiler in a private house

Installation of boilers always begins with the preparation of relevant documents and the conclusion of an agreement for the supply of gas to a private house. After this, you need to contact the appropriate organization and obtain consent for gasification and installation of equipment.

Installation and connection of a gas boiler

There are only two types: floor-standing and wall-mounted boilers. Installation of devices differs slightly.

Installation of wall equipment:

Procedure for installing floor-standing equipment:

Before performing grounding, it is necessary to select a grounding conductor; there are artificial and natural grounding conductors. Grounding a double-circuit boiler is a complex process, in which you need to check the equipment resistance and soil conductivity in advance. Grounding consists of a number of actions:

  1. You need to dig a rectangular groove in the ground, 35–40 cm wide, 50 cm deep.
  2. Drill holes at the corners of the ditch.
  3. Drive corners 60 millimeters wide and 3 meters long into the pits.
  4. Scald the triangle with a 4 cm strip, stretch the same strip from the ditch to the house.
  5. Weld a spire onto the end of the strip and attach a ten-centimeter spire to the base of the building.
  6. Ground from the spire to the gas equipment.

Grounding guarantees the safety of using the gas boiler.

The nuances of installing a wall-mounted gas boiler

The wall-mounted device must be free of dents, signs of damage and repairs. If a gas boiler has external defects, you should contact the store where it was purchased.

The chimney for a wall-mounted boiler must meet certain standards:

The necessary piping guarantees the long-term service of the boiler. There is a direct and mixing method for tying a wall-mounted boiler. It involves an emergency strapping method, which is divided into:

  • water supply source - water supply;
  • gravitational circulation;
  • power supply from UPS;
  • emergency circuit.

When installing the device, three outlets must be installed inside the chimney, throughout it. And the length of the pipe that connects the boiler and the chimney should be around 25 cm.

You need to choose the correct position of the floor-standing boiler for ease of repair in the future. Also, shut-off valves and valves must be installed in each line of the boiler, which will allow it to be removed without draining the coolant from the entire system.

Floor-standing equipment is capable of heating a large space. Installation of this equipment is more complicated and expensive, as is its wiring diagram. It is more complicated, since the floor equipment comes together with the security group. And that is why it is necessary to independently mount the pump and expansion tank.

Floor-standing boiler piping schemes are divided into two types:

  • with a jumper: the sensors are located outside, and a pump is mounted in place of the jumper;
  • with three-way valve.

What is important to know for constructing a heating circuit and connecting a gas boiler in a private house

When choosing a gas heating system as a heating system. You need to know that when connecting and designing a heating circuit, you need approval from government organizations. This is necessary to comply with safety regulations. When constructing a diagram, you need to start from the selected gas boiler model. The best option is a two-pipe boiler, but its installation and installation requires the help of employees of the gas organization that supplies gas to the house.