Ointments for the treatment of polyarthritis of the hands. Polyarthritis of the fingers - treatment with ointments. Unconventional methods of therapy

Article publication date: 09/25/2014

Article updated date: 12/02/2018

How does acute arthritis make itself felt? This is usually severe pain, swelling and stiffness in the affected joint. To relieve these symptoms, you need remedies that act as quickly as possible. To quickly deliver the medicine directly to the source of the disease, doctors prescribe ointments. Arthritis ointment is used both for first aid and as part of complex therapy.

There are quite a lot of ointments that are used to treat joint pathologies. Not only pharmacy ones are successfully used, but also homemade ones prepared according to recipes. traditional medicine. This article is a short overview of both.

Ointments from the pharmacy

Voltaren Emulgel (1% ointment)

Analogues: Diclofenac, Ortofen, Bioran gel (active ingredient - diclofenac).

This remedy is used to treat polyarthritis, acute and chronic arthritis of any location and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It relieves pain, reduces inflammation, swelling, and helps restore motor function of joints.

To achieve lasting improvement, diclofenac is used 2–4 times a day, for a course of no more than 2 weeks. The drug is applied to the affected area and rubbed in with gentle movements until completely absorbed. Relief occurs after 1-2 applications.

Contraindications to the use of Voltaren Emulgel:

  • intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen, etc.);
  • pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding);
  • age under 6 years;
  • diseases and damage to the skin at the site of application.

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. If after several uses there is no positive effect, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor so that he can choose another remedy for you.

Fastum gel (2.5%)

Analogs: Bystrum gel, Fort gel, Ketoprom, Artrum gel, Febrofid gel, Oruvel gel, Ketum gel, Ketoprofen, Valusal gel (active substance - ketoprofen). The preparations differ in the composition of the ointment base and additional components ( essential oils, alcohol, etc.).

Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug latest generation with a minimum side effects. When treated locally, it does not affect the entire body and is not addictive. The gel base of these drugs ensures rapid delivery of the active substance deep into the tissue.

In treatment different types arthritis, ketoprofen is used to quickly relieve pain and restore range of motion.

Contraindications to the use of ketoprofen-based products:

  • individual intolerance to components;
  • children's age up to 5–6 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation.

The drugs are sold freely, without prescriptions. The maximum duration of treatment with any of them is 14 days.

Indomethacin (10% ointment)

Treatment of arthritis with indomethacin ointment is indicated for pain, swelling and other symptoms of joint inflammation. It is prescribed for rheumatoid polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. This is a very affordable product (it is produced in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Bulgaria, India), the effectiveness of which is not inferior to its famous analogues.

Indomethacin ointment is rubbed into the area of ​​the affected joint until completely absorbed. When treating polyarthritis, it is important to ensure that a single dose of 2.5 g (a strip of ointment 4–5 cm long) is not exceeded. The time interval between applications should not be shorter than 6 hours.

Contraindications to the use of indomethacin:

  • allergy to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • blood clotting disorder (hypocoagulation);
  • stomach ulcer;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • age up to 14 years;
  • severe bronchial asthma, psoriasis, allergic rhinitis (hay fever).

You can buy this product without a doctor's prescription, but due to the high content of the active substance, prolonged and uncontrolled use can cause complications.

DIP Relief

This complex action gel is made on the basis of two active ingredients: levomenthol (3%) and ibuprofen (5%). The product has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also a distracting effect: when applied to the skin, a slight chill is felt, and then warmth. This also relieves pain before the product has time to be absorbed.

DIP Relief is prescribed for polyarthritis, acute and chronic arthritis with pain and joint injuries. The product is used 1-3 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hours. Duration course treatment- 2 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of DIP Relief are the same as for indomethacin.

A drug similar in effect: Dolgit cream (5% ibuprofen).

Homemade ointment recipes

Arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis and other joint pathologies can be treated and folk remedies. Here are a few recipes for homemade ointments that can be made from available ingredients.

Mustard-honey rub for warming joints


  • 1 part honey
  • 1 part liquid mustard,
  • 0.5 parts salt,
  • 0.5 parts soda.

Preparation and use

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply the prepared mixture to sore joints, trying to rub them gently. Rinse off 30–50 minutes after application.

The good thing about the composition is that it has no contraindications, except for honey intolerance and skin damage at the site of application. It perfectly relieves pain in rheumatoid polyarthritis, rheumatism in the subacute stage, osteochondrosis, and residual symptoms after injuries.

Summer herbal ointment

This composition will be your salvation if your joints are hurt somewhere in the country, since its preparation requires fresh herbs. Used as a basis butter or rendered fat.


  • 2 handfuls of fresh sweet clover flowers,
  • 2 handfuls of St. John's wort flowers,
  • 2 handfuls of hop cones,
  • 50 g butter.

Preparation and use

Pass the vegetable raw materials through a meat grinder or chop finely with a knife, mash, trying to squeeze out as much juice as possible, and mix with butter. Rub the mixture into the affected joints until completely absorbed. There is no need to wash it off.


Homemade ointment can relieve an attack of polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, gout, when the necessary medicine is not at hand. They will also help with incipient arthritis, but with old, chronic illness It cannot be completely cured with them alone. However, pharmaceutical ointments will not replace the entire range of necessary therapy. Which product is best for you? permanent use, and how best to use it, only your attending physician can tell you. Be healthy!

Owner and responsible for the site and content: Afinogenov Alexey.

Arthritis is inflammation of a joint, accompanied by pain, swelling, sometimes redness of the skin in the affected area and fever.

If the disease affects one joint, it is called “monoarthritis,” and if several joints are affected, it is called “polyarthritis.”

The disease affects older people, but it often occurs among young people and even children.

Arthritis can be acute - it appears quickly and unexpectedly, and it can also chronic course, which is characterized by long-term specific symptoms and lack of positive results from treatment.

The need to use local remedies

Arthritis is divided into several types (rheumatoid, gout and others). All of them are characterized by abrasion of joint tissue.

Treatment is prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and is carried out comprehensively using all acceptable methods.

Ointments are prescribed to relieve pain, eliminate inflammation and to slow down the development of the disease. They help relieve symptoms, but do not have a therapeutic effect, because the skin can only pass 8% of the active substance.

Classification of ointments used for arthritis

To treat arthritis, ointments with different active substances and methods of action are used. Your doctor will help you choose the right one. You should not treat yourself to avoid worsening the condition.

All drugs for topical use for arthritis are divided into groups:

  • painkillers– quickly relieve pain and inflammation;
  • warming– have a “distracting” and vasodilating effect;
  • regenerating– stimulate increased blood flow to the sore joint;
  • chondroprotectors– influence the restoration of cartilage tissue;
  • hormonal– boost immunity, relieve inflammation, stimulate metabolism.

Different forms of arthritis require different medications for treatment, which your doctor will help you figure out.


Pain-relieving ointments are made with the addition of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They penetrate the skin well and easily relieve pain and inflammation.

They should not be used by pregnant women, patients with certain diseases and children under 14 years of age.

The most popular products from the presented group:

  • Diclofenac– contains diclofenac sodium, used to treat any joint, has a strong analgesic effect;
  • Nimesulide– relieves inflammation and pain well, belongs to the class of sulfonamides;
  • – contains ketoprofen, relieves pain and inflammation.

Warming group products

Warming ointments are made with the addition of hot pepper, methyl salicylate, and snake or bee venom can also be used in production.

Their purpose is to produce irritation in the diseased joint and tissues around it, which ensures the dilation of blood vessels and the flow of blood enriched with nutrients and oxygen. This improves metabolic processes in damaged tissues and also promotes the removal of toxins.

The most effective ointments are those made with the addition of hot pepper; softer ones are based on salicylic acid.

From this group the following are often used:

Regenerating drugs

Regenerating ointments are produced with the main component in the form of bee or snake venom. In addition to their warming effect, they enhance the functioning of the joint system, normalize metabolism and improve cell regeneration.

Treatment with ointments containing toxic components is not allowed in children and is prohibited for use by people with skin lesions and pregnant women.

Common ointments in this group for arthritis are:

  • Virapin– with bee venom, relieves pain and inflammation;
  • Apifor– contains bee venom, relieves pain and inflammation;
  • – with the addition of snake venom, dilates blood vessels and relieves pain.


Chondroprotectors help restore cartilage tissue. They also relieve pain and inflammation due to the influence of the ointment components on the cause of inflammation.

There are few ointments with this effect:

  • Glucosamine– contains the active substance glucosamine sodium, improves the condition of joint tissue and protects it from destruction;
  • Target-T- This is a homeopathic remedy that can relieve inflammation and pain.

Hormonal group drugs

Hormonal ointments are used for exacerbations of arthritis and as a last resort when others have not helped. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate the body's protective functions, relieve pain, itching, and redness.

For children and pregnant women, ointment is prescribed in special cases and under the supervision of a doctor. For arthritis, hydrocartisone ointment is usually used, where hydrocartisone is isolated as the active substance.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a special case

This disease is accompanied severe pain in the joints. The situation worsens if treatment is not started. It can be complex, including the use of ointments.

The products used have an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect, increase blood microcirculation, and relieve swelling.

Treatment usually begins with NSAID-based ointments. The most commonly used ointments for rheumatoid arthritis are Diclofenac, Nise. Chondroprotectors and warming ointments for massaging the sore joint are also recommended.

Where does the disease most often strike?

Arthritis most often affects the following joints.


First remedy for arthritis knee joint is the use of ointments with the addition of NSAIDs, as well as those that have a warming effect and chondroprotectors.

All drugs are aimed at relieving inflammation and pain, eliminating swelling and improving blood circulation in the area of ​​the inflamed knee.

Fingers of the limbs

Arthritis of the joints of the fingers and toes brings severe pain to patients and also leads to a condition where the fingers cannot be bent It's simply impossible.

It is important to quickly make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The first remedy for arthritis of the fingers is ointments containing non-steroidal drugs: Diclofenac and its analogues, which relieve pain, redness and swelling.

The presented tools are used on initial stage diseases.

Kick in the feet

Inflammation of the joints of the foot leads to severe pain and stiffness during movement. It is expressed by redness and swelling of the joints.

NSAID-based ointments will help relieve pain and inflammation, and chondroprotectors will stop the destruction of cartilage tissue and partially restore it. The use of ointments is one of the methods of conservative treatment that helps cure the disease.

Five best and most popular

The most popular and effective remedies for arthritis are:

These ointments are used primarily when signs of joint inflammation are detected. They have an increased effect of pain relief and inflammation relief, and are affordable to a wide segment of the population.

What does the public use?

From the practice of using products for external use for arthritis.

Arthritis always takes you by surprise - you just walked and didn’t feel anything, but suddenly you can’t step or turn around. The first step is to visit a doctor and determine the type of disease. He will also prescribe all the necessary procedures that should be performed regularly.

Remember, ointments are part of the treatment package for arthritis; they relieve pain and inflammation, but do not cure the disease. They should be used to eliminate symptoms and alleviate suffering, so as not to reduce the quality of life.


Symptoms characteristic of polyarthritis

Arthritis of any origin is characterized by a large number common symptoms. The main ones are:

  • Painful sensations in the joints.
  • Joint deformity.
  • Violation of their mobility.
  • Temperature surges.
  • Swelling at the site of the lesion.
  • Changes in the color of the periarticular skin.

Arthritis pain can vary in intensity and nature. It can either practically disappear or suddenly become unbearable. Patients usually experience the most severe pain at night and in the morning.

Limitation of mobility in joints can be a consequence of excruciating pain (the patient is once again afraid to move a limb or fingers) or degenerative changes in joint tissues.

With minor cartilage lesions, the patient remains able to work, mobility is only slightly limited. In severe forms of polyarthritis, the functionality of the affected limb may be completely lost, and the person becomes disabled.

Acute inflammatory processes (reactive arthritis) are treatable. Chronic diseases (rheumatoid polyarthritis) remain with the patient until the end of life.

Causes of polyarthritis

There are several main causes of polyarthritis:

  1. disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  2. infectious diseases, for example, viral hepatitis, dysentery, gonorrhea;
  3. various joint injuries;
  4. the presence of autoimmune and allergic processes in the body.

The structure of the synovial membrane includes many blood vessels and nerve endings, which instantly react to both internal and external stimuli with inflammation.

If an infection enters a joint through the blood, the patient may develop severe purulent inflammation of the joints - a pathology caused by waste products from various microorganisms.

Some forms of polyarthritis occur as a result of the deposition of salts in the tissues of the joints, which injure the joint membrane. Crystallization of salts is a consequence of adverse effects environment, failure in immune system organism, genetic predisposition. A striking example of such a disease is gout on the legs, especially its severe form, when not one joint is affected, but several.

Diagnosis and treatment of this disease is complicated by its nature. Gout can be triggered by several factors, and its symptoms may be evidence of the development of other, no less serious diseases in the patient’s body.

Unfortunately, people suffer from polyarthritis, regardless of age and gender.

Treatment of polyarthritis

Treatment of polyarthritis is based on the prescription of symptomatic medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are ideal in this regard. This medicine for polyarthritis exists in different forms (tablets, injection solutions, liniments, powders).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly affect the site of inflammation. This effect is due to the inhibition of prostaglandins (substances that provoke inflammation). NSAIDs are no less effective in relieving pain.

The advantage of NSAIDs is that they act quickly and gently. Non-steroidal drugs cause fewer side effects than other stronger, but very toxic drugs, which are also prescribed for polyarthritis.

Here is a small list of these medications:

  • Roksikam.
  • Brufen.
  • Ortofen.
  • Flugalin.

However, NSAIDs also have significant side effects that must be taken into account when prescribing treatment. Non-steroidal drugs are contraindicated for numerous gastrointestinal diseases, for example, gastric or duodenal ulcers.

Treatment of polyarthritis involves the prescription of corticosteroid drugs, which, by suppressing the body's immune response, relieve the inflammatory process. This effect makes corticosteroids indispensable in the treatment of arthritis of an autoimmune nature, caused, for example, by systemic lupus. When this diagnosis is confirmed, corticosteroids are prescribed first.

To prevent the development of steroid-induced osteoporosis, doctors recommend that their patients take bisphosphonates. These drugs are an excellent preventive measure for bone loss.

In addition to corticosteroids and NSAIDs, DMARDs (mainstream antirheumatic drugs) are prescribed for polyarthritis. With the help of these medications it is possible to modify the course of many pathologies that provoke the occurrence of polyarthritis.

Typically, DMARDs are prescribed in combination with NSAIDs and corticosteroids. This is because the effect of DMARDs begins to be felt only two months after treatment has been started, although the therapeutic mechanism of these drugs is also based on suppressing the body's immune response, as is the case with corticosteroids.

Treatment of polyarthritis is not complete without the drug Methotrexate. This drug has found widespread use in chemotherapy procedures for cancer patients. However, a significantly lower dose is required to treat joint diseases.

Unfortunately, Methotrexate has a serious side effect in the form of liver dysfunction, so patients need to have their blood tested regularly.

Patients suffering from polyarthritis are also prescribed other DMARDs: Sulfasalazine and Hydroxychloroquine. Both of these drugs are antimalarials, but are also effective for arthritis. Medicines can cause side effects on the eyes, although this is extremely rare.

Dead tissue in polyarthritis provokes the development of various inflammations. In such situations, doctors prescribe anti-TNF to their patients. These are drugs that destroy tumor necrosis factor.

Here is a small list of the most popular anti-TNF:

  1. Infliximab.
  2. Adalimumab.
  3. Etanercept.

Anti-TNF drugs are administered subcutaneously or intravenously.

Anti-TNF is also not entirely harmless. Treatment with them may cause chills, fever, dizziness and headache, soreness in muscles and joints, increased susceptibility to infections.

Non-drug therapy

Treatment of polyarthritis with folk remedies is acceptable, but it must be agreed upon with a rheumatologist. This precaution is due to the fact that many folk recipes cause a number of side effects that can radically aggravate the situation.

Physiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of multiple joint diseases. With the help of physiotherapeutic procedures, the patient can be relieved of pain, swelling and swelling. Such events include:

  • Paraffin treatment.
  • Ultrasonic waves.
  • Ozocerite therapy.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.

All of the above types of physiotherapy help normalize metabolism, help restore blood flow to diseased joints, and slow down the process of bone loss.

Since it is impossible to completely overcome polyarthritis, its treatment becomes continuous. Only through constant maintenance therapy can a patient maintain natural activity, high quality of life and overall well-being for a long time, which can be found in the video in this article.


Causes of polyarthritis of the hands

  1. Infectious origin. As a result of infectious inflammation developing in the body, the process spreads to the joints of the hands.
  2. When salts are deposited on the surface of the joints, tissue irritation occurs and inflammation develops.
  3. Rheumatoid polyarthritis develops against the background of general damage to internal organs.
  4. Polyarthritis, which develops after injury to the joints of the hands.

Symptoms of polyarthritis of the hands

Rheumatoid polyarthritis. With this form of inflammation of the joints of the fingers, moderate pain, swelling, and redness of the skin around the joint are observed. As the disease progresses, the pain intensity increases.

Infectious polyarthritis. The skin around the joint is severely hyperemic and swollen. Reduced mobility in the joint.

When salts are deposited, the joints of the hands hurt only in certain positions. But as the salt particles grow, the inflammation progresses and the intensity of the pain increases.

With polyarthritis caused by injury, the pain is aching and a crunching sound is heard during movement.

Treatment of polyarthritis with traditional methods

Polyarthritis can be successfully treated at home. There is a large selection of traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of polyarthritis. This therapy brings good results for initial stages polyarthritis of the hands and can quickly relieve symptoms such as pain and inflammation.

Treatment of polyarthritis of the joints of the fingers at home can only begin after consulting a doctor and making an accurate diagnosis. The cause of the disease may be different, but the symptoms are similar. If it is rheumatoid, infectious or crystalline polyarthritis, then the main treatment is medication and is aimed at removing the cause. And traditional medicine methods remove symptoms. Patients note that after such therapy, the joints hurt much less and the symptoms begin to subside.

The most common methods of traditional medicine include:

  • treatment with herbal decoctions;
  • the use of ointments prepared at home;
  • treatment with compresses and lotions;
  • diet.

Treatment of rheumatoid polyarthritis

In this case, treatment consists of following a diet, using compresses, ointments and decoctions. When the joints no longer hurt so much, you can do massage and gymnastics.

  • One of the time-tested recipes for relieving pain in the joints of the fingers is raw grated potato compresses . Soak the prepared potato pulp in a sieve in boiling water for a few seconds and quickly transfer it in this form to a cotton cloth. Carry out the procedure at night. Apply a compress to sore hands, wrap them in plastic and bandage them. Do this compress every day for one week. Usually during this time the joints hurt less.
  • Helps with acute pain vinegar wrap . Dilute a tablespoon of vinegar in hot water(about ½ l). Moisten a towel with this solution and wrap the joints of your hands.
  • You can relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the joints of your fingers with the help of homemade pine balsam . To do this, take 40 grams of pine branches, 2 tbsp. for 2 liters of water. l rose hips, 1 tbsp. l dry onion peel and 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped. Mix everything and boil for 30 minutes, leave for 48 hours. Take small sips throughout the day. Always make fresh balm. Drink no more than 1 liter per day.
  • If you feel that the joints of your hands are aching, then in this case a remedy prepared from two glasses of radish juice, ½ glass of vodka and 1/3 glass of honey will help out. Mix everything well and add 1 tbsp salt. Rub into sore joints of the hands. Afterwards, wrap it up well.
  • A compress of two tablespoons of dry mustard and one glass of warmed red wine has a good warming effect. Soak a cotton cloth with this product and apply it to the hand that hurts. Such procedures can be done for up to one week.

Treatment of polyarthritis with salt deposition

  • You can treat at home not only rheumatoid polyarthritis, but also that caused by excessive salt buildup on the joints. A decoction prepared on the basis of laurel leaves . To do this, take 5g of bay leaves per glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Leave overnight in a thermos. Drink in small sips throughout the day.
  • Taking an infusion from cinquefoil herbs . To do this, take one spoon of herb and pour a glass of boiling water. Soak for 10 minutes in a water bath, and then wrap the dishes and leave for about another 40 minutes. Then squeeze and add boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.
  • You can significantly reduce the pain if you do warm baths for hands. To do this, take spruce or pine needles, pour boiling water over them and let cool to a temperature where you can place your hands. Carry out the procedure for 20 minutes.
  • Dissolve 2 tbsp in hot water sea ​​salt and hold your hands in this solution until the water cools completely. This procedure can be complemented well by massaging your fingers.
  • If you are not allergic to acetylsalicylic acid, you can use a recipe that relieves inflammation well. Finely crush a couple of tablets aspirin , add the same amount iodine And lemon juice to a thick paste. Treat the hand joints with this mixture for three days in a row, then take a week off and repeat the course.

Therapeutic diet

Dietary nutrition is included in the comprehensive treatment of polyarthritis. Food should be prepared with a minimum amount of salt and sugar. Drinking enough fluid is a must. You can drink not only water, but also herbal decoctions, dried fruit compote, jelly, green tea. It is necessary to include fresh and boiled vegetables, herbs, and fruits in your diet. Jellied meat has a beneficial effect on the condition of cartilage tissue. But it should not be an everyday food because it has a high cholesterol content. Completely remove spicy, fatty foods, smoked and rich foods from your diet.

On the contrary, add the consumption of milk and low-fat dairy products, lean meat, fish, and cereals.


Ointments from the pharmacy

Voltaren Emulgel (1% ointment)

Analogues: Diclofenac, Ortofen, Bioran gel (active ingredient - diclofenac).

This remedy is used to treat polyarthritis, acute and chronic arthritis of any location and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It relieves pain, reduces inflammation, swelling, and helps restore motor function of joints.

To achieve lasting improvement, diclofenac is used 2–4 times a day, for a course of no more than 2 weeks. The drug is applied to the affected area and rubbed in with gentle movements until completely absorbed. Relief occurs after 1-2 applications.

Contraindications to the use of Voltaren Emulgel:

The drug is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. If after several uses there is no positive effect, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor so that he can choose another remedy for you.

Fastum gel (2.5%)

Analogs: Bystrum gel, Fort gel, Ketoprom, Artrum gel, Febrofid gel, Oruvel gel, Ketum gel, Ketoprofen, Valusal gel (active substance - ketoprofen). The preparations differ in the composition of the ointment base and additional components (essential oils, alcohol, etc.).

Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug of the latest generation with a minimum of side effects. When treated locally, it does not affect the entire body and is not addictive. The gel base of these drugs ensures rapid delivery of the active substance deep into the tissue.

In the treatment of various types of arthritis, ketoprofen is used to quickly relieve pain and restore range of motion.

Contraindications to the use of ketoprofen-based products:

The drugs are sold freely, without prescriptions. The maximum duration of treatment with any of them is 14 days.

Indomethacin (10% ointment)

Treatment of arthritis with indomethacin ointment is indicated for pain, swelling and other symptoms of joint inflammation. It is prescribed for rheumatoid polyarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and other diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. This is a very affordable Russian-made product, the effectiveness of which is not inferior to foreign analogues.

Indomethacin ointment is rubbed into the area of ​​the affected joint until completely absorbed. When treating polyarthritis, it is important to ensure that a single dose of 2.5 g (a strip of ointment 4–5 cm long) is not exceeded. The time interval between applications should not be shorter than 6 hours.

Contraindications to the use of indomethacin:

You can buy this product without a doctor's prescription, but due to the high content of the active substance, prolonged and uncontrolled use can cause complications.

DIP Relief

This complex action gel is made on the basis of two active ingredients: levomenthol (3%) and ibuprofen (5%). The product has not only an anti-inflammatory, but also a distracting effect: when applied to the skin, a slight chill is felt, and then warmth. This also relieves pain before the product has time to be absorbed.

DIP Relief is prescribed for polyarthritis, acute and chronic arthritis with pain and joint injuries. The product is used 1-3 times a day with an interval of 4-5 hours. The duration of the course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Contraindications to the use of DIP Relief are the same as for indomethacin.

A drug similar in effect: Dolgit cream (5% ibuprofen).

Homemade ointment recipes

Arthritis, polyarthritis, arthrosis and other joint pathologies can be treated with folk remedies. Here are a few recipes for homemade ointments that can be made from available ingredients.

Mustard-honey rub for warming joints


  • 1 part honey
  • 1 part liquid mustard,
  • 0.5 parts salt,
  • 0.5 parts soda.

Preparation and use

Mix all ingredients until smooth. Apply the prepared mixture to sore joints, trying to rub them gently. Rinse off 30–50 minutes after application.

The good thing about the composition is that it has no contraindications, except for honey intolerance and skin damage at the site of application. It perfectly relieves pain in rheumatoid polyarthritis, rheumatism in the subacute stage, osteochondrosis, and residual symptoms after injuries.

Summer herbal ointment

This composition will be your salvation if your joints are hurt somewhere in the country, since its preparation requires fresh herbs. Butter or melted fat is used as a base.


  • 2 handfuls of fresh sweet clover flowers,
  • 2 handfuls of St. John's wort flowers,
  • 2 handfuls of hop cones,
  • 50 g butter.

Preparation and use

Pass the vegetable raw materials through a meat grinder or chop finely with a knife, mash, trying to squeeze out as much juice as possible, and mix with butter. Rub the mixture into the affected joints until completely absorbed. There is no need to wash it off.


Homemade ointment can relieve an attack of polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, gout, when the necessary medicine is not at hand. They will also help with incipient arthritis, but an old, chronic disease cannot be completely cured only with them. However, pharmaceutical ointments will not replace the entire range of necessary therapy. Only your doctor can tell you which remedy is best for you to use on a regular basis and how best to use it. Be healthy!


What types of ointments for arthritis are there?

» />The use of topical agents for the treatment of arthritis is accessible, safe, and has virtually no contraindications. All creams and gels for arthritis are divided into groups depending on the principle of action:

  1. For pain relief – they contain pain relief agents, they help restore blood circulation around the affected joint;
  2. For tissue regeneration (chondoprotectors) – the composition includes substances that prevent further breakdown of the connective and cartilage tissue of the joints;
  3. Anti-inflammatory drugs - relieve swelling, increasing local blood circulation, reduce inflammation;
  4. To warm the affected area, the area where the pain is localized is warmed up, as a result, blood circulation increases and the nutrition of the cells of the diseased organ improves;
  5. Combined drugs have several effects at once: relieve inflammation, promote tissue restoration, increase microcirculation, and prevent the formation of blood clots;
  6. Liniments based on homeopathic medicines - the use of this remedy activates metabolism and increases local immunity.
  • drugs with non-steroidal effect (NSAIDs) - the composition does not contain hormones, the drugs reduce pain, inflammatory reaction, heat in case of arthritis of the toes, shoulder or knee damage;
  • steroid drugs - contain hormonal substances, have a wide range of actions, when there is a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis, ointments help cure the disease in a shorter period, since hormones actively participate in metabolic reactions and also activate the body’s immune forces.

In addition, there are liniments that are used during massage; for arthritis of the joints, they anesthetize the affected area, reduce inflammation, the active substances of the cream and gel penetrate faster through the skin into the tissues.

Topical products, such as ointment for arthritis of fingers, toes, gel for arthritis shoulder joint or knees with gouty or rheumatoid type of illness do not treat the disease. These drugs are intended to promote recovery; the positive properties of the drugs have the following effects:

  • reduce inflammation in the affected area, thereby relieving pain;
  • activate microcirculation of the blood of the diseased area, while simultaneously warming the joint;
  • relieve muscle spasms around the affected area;
  • improve metabolism, help remove waste from bone joints;

» />Some medications for arthritis of the knee, elbow, or fingers and toes, as well as ointments for rheumatoid arthritis, have an antimicrobial effect, enhancing the effect of tablets or injections.

Ointments for the treatment of inflammation of the feet, fingers, wrists

The main reason for the development of arthritis of the fingers of the extremities is their high motor activity; in other words, the joints wear out with age, their metabolism slows down, and blood supply is disrupted. Injuries also provoke inflammation of the joints: bruises, fractures, or microorganisms: staphylococci, streptococci.

Patients feel aching in the fingers, tingling and pain, which intensify in the evening, as well as when the weather changes:

  • fingers swell, swell, swell, squeak;
  • their physical activity is limited;
  • in severe cases, complete lack of mobility is possible;
  • when degenerative changes in bone joints begin, the fingers become severely disfigured, complicating the patient’s life;
  • the disease is prone to progression, so ointments in this case are indispensable for pain relief.

External therapy for this condition includes the use of painkillers, warming gels, chondoprotectors, liniments based on snake or bee venom, as well as massage creams.

Important! Non-steroidal drugs with local effect are preferable to tablets or injections, since patients are forced to use the drugs for a long time; the use of ointments has fewer side effects on the stomach and intestines.

Ointments for rheumatoid arthritis

During this disease, multiple joint damage, that is, polyarthritis, is most often observed. The process involves the foot, hands, wrist, knee, elbow, and the shoulder may become inflamed. Rheumatic syndrome of other joints is less likely: hip, vertebral; joints can become inflamed symmetrically.

  1. The patient is bothered by constant aching pain of a wave-like nature, which intensifies at night;
  2. In the morning, swelling and stiffness of the joints appear;
  3. An increase in body temperature is possible.

Such symptoms require relief from inflammation: along with anti-inflammatory and steroid drugs, which are used orally or by injection, local treatment with ointments is used to treat arthritis.” />

As is customary for this condition, a gel based on Diclofenac, Indomethacin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) is prescribed, and anti-inflammatory, analgesic and complex liniments are also used.

Attention! Local agents do not cure the disease itself, they only help increase the effectiveness of complex drugs, temporarily relieve pain and inflammation, and help restore the functions of the affected joint.

List of drugs used for topical treatment of arthritis

  • Ointment 1% sodium Diclofenac, gel 5% sodium Diclofenac - anesthetizes, relieves inflammation and heat at the site of injury, reduces stiffness, swelling, is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Analogs of Diclofenac - the drug can be replaced with ointments Voltaren, Ortofen, Ketoprofen, Indomethacin, Butadione, Clofezon, Ketonal;
  • Diclofenac gel substitutes - Naklofen, Dicloran, Piroxicam, Naproxen, Diclobene, Finalgel, Fastum-gel, Bystrum-gel;
  • Chondoprotectors for restoring a damaged lesion - Chondroitin, Chondroxide;
  • Combined products - Bishofite, Fitobene, Dolobene, Traumeel increase the effectiveness of complex therapy, activate the immune system, restore blood circulation to affected tissues, relieve pain, swelling, redness;
  • Liniments Viprosal, Apizatron, Cobratoxan, Virapin, Apireven, Ungapiven - topical preparations based on bee or snake venom, warm the damaged area, increasing blood circulation, removing toxins, increasing contractions of muscle fibers;
  • Arthrocin, Sophia Cream, Comfrey Cream, Valentin Dikul Balm - these medications are used during massage procedures.

In fact, there are much more local remedies used for joint inflammation. Sometimes they differ only in one excipient or dosage of the main drug. It can be difficult for the uninitiated person to understand the huge selection of creams and gels that the pharmaceutical market offers.

Important! This list is provided for informational purposes only. You should not choose a remedy on your own; it is better to entrust it to a specialist.

Application rules and precautions

» />Liniments for deformation and inflammation of the joints are easy to use; they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, however, when using any ointments, gels or creams, certain rules must be followed:

  1. Before use, please read the attached description of the product. Do not forget that the drug is intended only for external purposes; if the ointment gets inside or on the mucous membranes, contact the clinic.
  2. May cause an allergic reaction, so an allergy test is recommended first. To carry out the test, a small amount of gel or cream is applied to the forearm area. The product can be used if redness, swelling, and skin itching do not appear over time. A test for an allergic reaction is especially relevant if the patient has previously experienced intolerance to any medications.
  3. The drug should be applied in a thin layer, rubbed well into the skin, used according to instructions, usually 1-2 times a day, until signs of inflammation and pain disappear.

Carefully! Do not apply the product if there are visible damage to the skin: abrasions, scratches, wounds, cracks, burns.

Some topical remedies for tissue inflammation are used as a prophylactic to prevent sprains; this method is used by people experiencing severe physical exertion, as well as athletes.

Polyarthritis is a pathological condition that is chronic and requires complex treatment of polyarthritis. If the pathology is left unattended, it can result in serious health consequences. High-quality treatment of polyarthritis involves a combined effect on the entire body as a whole. Drug therapy consists of various groups of drugs that inhibit the mechanism of development of the disease and reduce its manifestations. Besides medicines, effective use of folk remedies, physical therapy. There are a number of methods that can be used at home.

Types of polyarthritis and its symptoms

Do not destroy sore joints with ointments and injections! Arthritis and arthrosis are treated...

In general, the following methods of treating polyarthritis can be distinguished:

  • outpatient

This includes self-administration of medications according to the regimen established by the doctor, and exercises for the joints. The patient independently monitors his condition and consults a doctor for diagnosis at the appointed time. Traditional methods can be used.

  • stationary

It may be an emergency if another exacerbation of the disease occurs. Planned treatment of polyarthritis is carried out approximately 1-2 times a year to maintain the condition, diagnose and prevent exacerbations.

  • sanatorium

It is carried out during the period of remission. Includes physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, and general strengthening activities. Useful for the complete healing of the body.

  • surgical

It is used in extreme cases when the structure of the joint is completely damaged and the disease leads to disability. It involves removing non-viable tissue or replacing a joint.

Only a doctor can prescribe treatment. It is important to turn to a professional, because poor-quality care is a waste of precious time and aggravates the disease.


The selection of medications is carried out after determining the causes of polyarthritis. If the disease has an infectious etiology, antibacterial agents are used to remove the damaging factor. The most common type of disease is rheumatic.

I'm tired of repeating myself! If the joints of your arms and legs begin to hurt, immediately remove them from your diet...

For this pathology, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • cytostatics

Their task is to stop the inflammatory process, preserve the anatomical structure of the joint and its function. The following drugs are used: Methotrexate, Leflunomide, Sulfasalazine. These are tablet medications that must be taken over a long period of time under the supervision of a doctor. Each of the medications has level of evidence A, which indicates high effectiveness.

  • glucocorticosteroids

Used to reduce tissue swelling and pain. This group includes methylprednisolone, prednisolone. Applied by the course, has high level evidence.

  • non-steroidal drugs

A common group of medications that is used to reduce the manifestations of inflammation. Contains the following medications: diclofenac, meloxicam, nimesulide, lornoxicam, aceclofenac, etoricoxib, ketoprofen. Level of evidence - B.

  • genetically engineered biological drugs

It has a high evidence base and significantly improves the condition of the joints. The group includes the following drugs: tocilizumab, etanercept, adalimumab, golimumab.

  • calcium carbonate
  • folic acid
  • tramadol

It is used for severe pain as symptomatic therapy.

Folk remedies for polyarthritis of the joints

Treatment of polyarthritis with folk remedies can be used if it is carried out without compromising the main therapy. Be sure to consult your doctor about traditional medicine. It is better to use this method outside of exacerbations. An important point - people with allergies and hypersensitivity should avoid medicinal herbs and honey.

Below are some traditional methods:

  • Combine dried elder flowers, thorn flowers, birch and nettle leaves. Prepare a decoction by boiling the resulting mixture for about 15 minutes. Drink 1 glass daily.
  • Mix wheatgrass. burdock root, speedwell in a ratio of 3:3:2. To prepare the medicine, take a tablespoon of the mixture and add 250 ml of water. After boiling for 15 minutes, cool. Frequency of administration: 2 times a day. after eating food.
  • Combine dry sage, St. John's wort, nettle and calendula. To prepare the product, take 1 spoon of the mixture and add 200 ml of water, then boil for 10 minutes. Take the prepared decoction 2 times a day for a week.
  • Mix horsetail herb, burdock root, juniper berries and buckthorn bark in an even ratio. Drink a decoction of the resulting mixture in the morning and evening.
  • Mix elderflower flowers, horse chestnut seeds and linden blossom in equal proportions. Drink the prepared decoction 1 glass 2 times a day.

Treatment of polyarthritis at home

The patient carries out the treatment prescribed by the doctor at home. This could be taking medications, folk remedies, physiotherapy. However. All of the above methods will not bring effect if you do not modify your lifestyle.

A patient with a disease must adhere to the following rules:

  • prevention of infectious pathology;
  • avoidance of stressful situations;
  • quitting tobacco and alcohol;
  • normalization of body weight;
  • a balanced diet that takes into account the consumption of carbohydrates and proteins. fats, vitamins and minerals;
  • prevention of physical inactivity - optimal physical activity;
  • physiotherapy;

Exercise therapy

Physiotherapy. The type of exercise depends on the affected joint and is designed for those structures that are involved in the inflammatory process. The attending physician explains to the patient the procedure for performing gymnastics and recommends the duration of each exercise.

Exercise therapy helps the patient:

  • prevent joint dysfunction;
  • stimulate metabolism in tissues;
  • reduce pain;
  • improve the performance of the musculoskeletal system.

As you can see, treatment is a complex process that brings results only if all recommendations are followed. Consult a doctor at the onset of illness. follow the recommendations and believe in yourself, because this is the main factor in recovery.

How many times to repeat! If your knees or lower back start to hurt, rub it every morning...

Orthopedist: “If your knees or hips ache, make it a habit...

Polyarthritis is a type of arthritis that affects not one, but several joints at once. In this condition, making a diagnosis is extremely difficult, and treatment of an already diagnosed disease is no less problematic.

This is due to the fact that the symptoms typical of polyarthritis are also inherent in many other joint diseases. Therefore, doctors are often mistaken when diagnosing.

Arthritis of any origin is characterized by a large number of common symptoms. The main ones are:

  • Painful sensations in the joints.
  • Joint deformity.
  • Violation of their mobility.
  • Temperature surges.
  • Swelling at the site of the lesion.
  • Changes in the color of the periarticular skin.

Arthritis pain can vary in intensity and nature. It can either practically disappear or suddenly become unbearable. Patients usually experience the most severe pain at night and in the morning.

Limitation of mobility in joints can be a consequence of excruciating pain (the patient is once again afraid to move a limb or fingers) or degenerative changes in joint tissues.

With minor cartilage lesions, the patient remains able to work, mobility is only slightly limited. In severe forms of polyarthritis, the functionality of the affected limb may be completely lost, and the person becomes disabled.

Acute inflammatory processes () are treatable. Chronic diseases (rheumatoid polyarthritis) remain with the patient until the end of life.

Causes of polyarthritis

There are several main causes of polyarthritis:

  1. disruption of metabolic processes in the body;
  2. infectious diseases, for example, viral hepatitis, dysentery, gonorrhea;
  3. various joint injuries;
  4. the presence of autoimmune and allergic processes in the body.

The structure of the synovial membrane includes many blood vessels and nerve endings, which instantly react to both internal and external stimuli with inflammation.

If an infection enters a joint through the blood, the patient may develop severe purulent inflammation of the joints - a pathology caused by waste products from various microorganisms.

Some forms of polyarthritis occur as a result of the deposition of salts in the tissues of the joints, which injure the joint membrane. Crystallization of salts is a consequence of adverse environmental effects, a malfunction in the body’s immune system, and genetic predisposition. A striking example of such a disease is, especially its severe form, when not one joint is affected, but several.

Diagnosis and treatment of this disease is complicated by its nature. Gout can be triggered by several factors, and its symptoms may be evidence of the development of other, no less serious diseases in the patient’s body.

Unfortunately, people suffer from polyarthritis, regardless of age and gender.

Treatment of polyarthritis

Treatment of polyarthritis is based on the prescription of symptomatic medications. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are ideal in this regard. This medicine for polyarthritis exists in different forms (tablets, injection solutions, liniments, powders).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs directly affect the site of inflammation. This effect is due to the inhibition of prostaglandins (substances that provoke inflammation). NSAIDs are no less effective in relieving pain.

The advantage of NSAIDs is that they act quickly and gently. Non-steroidal drugs cause fewer side effects than other stronger, but very toxic drugs, which are also prescribed for polyarthritis.

Here is a small list of these medications:

  • Roksikam.
  • Brufen.
  • Ortofen.
  • Flugalin.

However, NSAIDs also have significant side effects that must be taken into account when prescribing treatment. Non-steroidal drugs are contraindicated for numerous gastrointestinal diseases, for example, gastric or duodenal ulcers.

Treatment of polyarthritis involves the prescription of corticosteroid drugs, which, by suppressing the body's immune response, relieve the inflammatory process. This effect makes corticosteroids indispensable in the treatment of arthritis of an autoimmune nature, caused, for example, by systemic lupus. When this diagnosis is confirmed, corticosteroids are prescribed first.

To prevent the development of steroid-induced osteoporosis, doctors recommend that their patients take bisphosphonates. These drugs are an excellent preventive measure for bone loss.

In addition to corticosteroids and NSAIDs, DMARDs (mainstream antirheumatic drugs) are prescribed for polyarthritis. With the help of these medications it is possible to modify the course of many pathologies that provoke the occurrence of polyarthritis.

Typically, DMARDs are prescribed in combination with NSAIDs and corticosteroids. This is because the effect of DMARDs begins to be felt only two months after treatment has been started, although the therapeutic mechanism of these drugs is also based on suppressing the body's immune response, as is the case with corticosteroids.

Treatment of polyarthritis is not complete without medication. This drug has found widespread use in chemotherapy procedures for cancer patients. However, a significantly lower dose is required to treat joint diseases.

Unfortunately, Methotrexate has a serious side effect in the form of liver dysfunction, so patients need to have their blood tested regularly.

Patients suffering from polyarthritis are also prescribed other DMARDs: Sulfasalazine and Hydroxychloroquine. Both of these drugs are antimalarials, but are also effective for arthritis. Medicines can cause side effects on the eyes, although this is extremely rare.

Dead tissue in polyarthritis provokes the development of various inflammations. In such situations, doctors prescribe anti-TNF to their patients. These are drugs that destroy tumor necrosis factor.

Here is a small list of the most popular anti-TNF:

  1. Infliximab.
  2. Adalimumab.
  3. Etanercept.

Anti-TNF drugs are administered subcutaneously or intravenously.

Anti-TNF is also not entirely harmless. Treatment with them can cause chills, fever, dizziness and headache, soreness in muscles and joints, and increased susceptibility to infections.

Non-drug therapy

Treatment of polyarthritis with folk remedies is acceptable, but it must be agreed upon with a rheumatologist. This precaution is due to the fact that many folk recipes cause a number of side effects that can radically aggravate the situation.

Physiotherapy plays an important role in the treatment of multiple joint diseases. With the help of physiotherapeutic procedures, the patient can be relieved of pain, swelling and swelling. Such events include:

  • Paraffin treatment.
  • Ultrasonic waves.
  • Ozocerite therapy.
  • Cryotherapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.

All of the above types of physiotherapy help normalize metabolism, help restore blood flow to diseased joints, and slow down the process of bone loss.

Since it is impossible to completely overcome polyarthritis, its treatment becomes continuous. Only through constant maintenance therapy can a patient maintain natural activity, high quality of life and overall well-being for a long time, which can be found in the video in this article.

Acute arthritis, in most cases, makes itself felt by severe pain, swelling and stiffness of movement of the diseased joint.

To relieve the main symptoms, you need drugs that act very quickly. To deliver medications to the site of the disease in a short time, painkillers are prescribed.

Ointments for rheumatoid arthritis are suitable for first aid, and are also used in a therapeutic complex.

Ointments for the treatment of knee joint pathology and other disorders are widely available in pharmacies. But you can successfully use not only pharmaceutical products, but also ointments prepared at home from the arsenal of traditional medicine.

Pharmacy ointments

Voltaren Emulgel (1% ointment)

There are analogues of the product:

  • Diclofenac,
  • Ortofen,
  • Bioran gel.

Voltaren Emulgel is a treatment for acute and chronic arthritis of the fingers, hands and other areas, polyarthritis and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

The product has the following properties:

  • removes pain,
  • reduces inflammation,
  • eliminates swelling,
  • restores motor function of the knee and other joints.

To achieve lasting improvement, you need to use diclofenac 2-4 times a day. One course of treatment lasts no more than 14 days.

Diclofenac is applied to the affected area and rubbed in with gentle movements until completely absorbed.

Voltaren Emulgel has contraindications:

  • lactation and pregnancy,
  • intolerance to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or aspirin,
  • age less than 6 years,
  • diseases and wounds on the skin of the hands in the area of ​​application.

The product is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. If after several applications the effect is not noticed, then stop this treatment of the knee or other joint and consult a doctor to select a different drug.

Fastum gel (2.5%)

The main analogues are:

  • Fort gel,
  • Bystrum gel,
  • Ketum gel,
  • Ketoprom,
  • Artrum gel,
  • Febrofid gel,
  • Oruvel gel,
  • Ketoprofen,
  • Valusal gel.

The products differ in composition; they can be based on different substances and additional components.

Ketoprofen is a modern non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has a minimum side effects. As part of local treatment, ketoprofen does not affect the general condition of the body and is not addictive.

The drug is gel-based, which ensures rapid penetration into the depths of tissues.

Ketoprofen is used to treat arthritis of the knee joint, fingers and other types of disease that involve stiffness of movement and pain.

There are contraindications to the use of drugs based on ketoprofen:

  • children up to 6 years old,
  • lactation,
  • intolerance to components,
  • pregnancy.

Medicines are sold without a doctor's prescription. The course of treatment can be the longest - 14 days.

Indomethacin (10% ointment)

Treatment of arthritis of the fingers with indomethacin is required if there is severe pain, swelling and inflammation, or deformation of the fingers. Indomethacin ointment is prescribed for:

  • arthrosis,
  • gout,
  • arthritis of the fingers,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • gout,
  • radiculitis and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

The ointment is affordable, the Russian analogue is in no way inferior to foreign products.

Indomethacin ointment is rubbed into the area of ​​the affected joint and absorbed. Treatment of polyarthritis should not involve exceeding single doses. The optimal amount of ointment is 2.5 g. Arthritis ointment should be applied several times a day at intervals of no shorter than six hours.

Indomethacin is used for:

  1. allergies to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
  2. blood clotting disorders, that is, hypocoagulation,
  3. ulcer,
  4. under 14 years of age,
  5. pregnancy and lactation,
  6. severe form of bronchial asthma,
  7. psoriasis,
  8. allergic rhinitis - hay fever.

The product can be purchased without a doctor's prescription. It is worth noting that the drug contains a high content of active substance, so it should be taken with caution.

DIP Relief

This is a gel that acts comprehensively and is based on two main components:

  • levomenthol (3%)
  • ibuprofen (5%).

The drug has not only anti-inflammatory, but also distracting characteristics. At first the skin feels cold, but as you rub it in you feel warm. This effect reduces pain.

DIP Relief is prescribed for the acute and chronic phase of arthritis of the fingers, if there is polyarthritis of the knee joint and for other types of arthritis, as well as for joint injuries.

The drug should be used up to three times a day, with four-hour breaks. The course of treatment is no more than two weeks.

DIP Relief has contraindications similar to indomentacin. Dolgit cream is similar in action to DIP Relief.

Homemade ointments

Arthritis of the fingers, arthrosis, polyarthritis and other joint diseases are successfully treated with folk remedies. There are several ointment recipes that have long been recognized as effective and safe.

Rubbing with honey and mustard to warm joints

Main ingredients:

  • 1 part mustard in liquid form,
  • 1 part honey
  • half a part of soda,
  • half a portion of salt.

You need to mix all the ingredients, achieving the best homogeneity. The mixture is applied to the area of ​​the knee joint, the surface of the hands and fingers, and rubbed gently. The rubbing should be washed off 50 minutes after application.

This product has no contraindications, other than individual intolerance to honey and damage to the skin of the hands in the area of ​​application.

Rubbing perfectly relieves pain from rheumatism in the preacute stage, osteochondrosis, rheumatoid polyarthritis, arthritis of the knee joint, hands and fingers, as well as residual symptoms after injuries.

For purulent arthritis and hemarthrosis, no rubbing should be performed.

Summer herbal ointment

The composition will be a salvation if your joints get sick away from medical institutions, for example, in the country. For cooking you will need fresh herbs. The base is melted fat or butter.

For the ointment you will need:

  • two parts fresh clover,
  • two parts of St. John's wort flowers,
  • two parts of hop cones,
  • 50 g butter.

All ingredients must be ground in a meat grinder and, if necessary, chopped with a knife. Then you should mash the mass, trying to squeeze out a lot of juice and mix it with butter.

The mixture is rubbed into the affected joints of the hands and fingers until completely absorbed. There is no need to wash off the medicine.

When the right medicine is not available, a homemade ointment may have a beneficial effect on:

  • polyarthritis,
  • osteochondrosis,
  • gout,
  • arthritis of the fingers.

Homemade ointments help with incipient arthritis of the knee joint, but chronic illness they cannot be cured. Treatment is carried out only with the help of pharmaceutical ointments and pharmaceuticals.

Only the attending physician determines the extent of the disease and methods of further treatment. Homemade ointments can only act as an additional element of therapy.

Polyarthritis of the fingers and its treatment

Polyarthritis of the fingers is a disease accompanied by simultaneous multiple inflammation of the wrist joints (poly - many, arthr - joint, it - inflammation). During this disease, all joints can be affected - metatarsophalangeal, interphalangeal. Due to polyarthritis, the quality of life deteriorates. After all, the hand can no longer fully function as a working organ, and performing everyday and professional skills becomes difficult, if not completely impossible.

Predisposing factors

The high incidence of polyarthritis of the fingers is largely due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure and location of the wrist joints. These joints are classified as small. The hand itself is also small in size, devoid of large muscle masses, and is located distally - at a distance from the body (in terminology, distal - far, proximal - near). Due to these circumstances, any pathological effect (infection, hypothermia, injury) quickly leads to disruption of the blood supply and innervation of the hand. As a result, various negative processes quickly form in the hand, including multiple inflammation of the joints.

The causes of polyarthritis of the hand are varied. The most common of them is rheumatoid arthritis. A kind of calling card of this disease is polyarthritis of the fingers. At the core of this disease lies the autoimmune process - a perverted immune reaction in response to infection. Rheumatoid arthritis is often confused with another similar disease – rheumatism. Although rheumatism mainly affects large joints, and the fingers are rarely involved.

Another cause of multiple polyarthritis is dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. At the same time, toxic products (toxins) accumulate in the body. The deposition of these wastes in the joints of the hands leads to polyarthritis. Polyarthritis with gout has a similar mechanism - here uric acid acts as waste.


Polyarthritis often develops as a result of infections. Infections include pyogenic microbes in sepsis, as well as pathogens of tuberculosis, syphilis, and gonorrhea. All these microbes are carried through the blood or lymph into the joints of the hands.


Moreover, these do not necessarily have to be severe injuries with open crushing injuries. For polyarthritis of the fingers, not strong, but regular influences - vibration, physical activity, stereotypical movements. In this case, damage is formed at the microscopic level of the tendons, ligaments and joint capsules of the fingers, which leads to inflammation.


The essence of arthrosis changes lies in dystrophic changes in articular cartilage. The causes of arthrosis are age-related degeneration, concomitant pathology - diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis.


The nature of this skin disease is not yet fully understood. However, psoriasis is often accompanied by arthritic lesions of the joints of the hand.

There is also idiopathic arthritis of the wrist joints, the cause of which cannot be determined, despite diagnostic studies.


The disease, as a rule, is chronic, with periods of exacerbations and remissions (remissions). The main symptoms of polyarthritis of the hands:

  • Pain (arthralgia). As a rule, it is aching in nature, and intensifies during exacerbations, as well as as a result of provoking factors (hypothermia, physical activity).
  • Local soft tissue swelling. It is a consequence of the inflammatory process.
  • Changing the configuration of joints. An increase in joint volume is a consequence of the accumulation of inflammatory fluid (exudate) in their cavity. In later stages, irreversible structural changes occur in the joint in the form of destruction and sclerosis.
  • Sensory disturbances. Due to a disorder of innervation, patients complain of numbness, tingling, and chilliness of the hands.
  • Decreased range of motion. At first there is stiffness, and in later stages there is a complete lack of movement (ankylosis).
  • Skin manifestations. Diverse. This includes redness of the skin in the area of ​​inflamed joints, dry skin over the entire surface of the hand, and the appearance of Heberden’s nodes on the fingers in the area of ​​the affected joints. These nodules are a consequence of inflammation and necrosis (necrosis) of the cartilage joint tissue.
  • Increased local skin temperature in the area of ​​the affected joints.
  • Deformation of fingers according to the so-called type. ulnar deviation - deviation of the fingers towards the radius. It is a consequence of atrophy of the muscles of the hands and subluxation of inflamed joints. Different kinds deformations have figurative names “walrus fin”, “musician’s hand”, swan neck.

The severity of these symptoms may vary depending on the disease. For example, with rheumatoid arthritis there is never redness of the skin, but with psoriasis this is a typical symptom. Tuberculous polyarthritis occurs with a blurred clinical picture. And with sepsis, the symptoms are violent, accompanied by damage to other organs and systems, as well as an extremely serious condition of the patient.

Types of treatment

Treatment of polyarthritis of the fingers should begin with a protective regimen for the hands. In this regard, hands need to be protected as much as possible from hypothermia and physical exertion. In cold weather, warm gloves are required. For persons engaged in physical labor or precise monotonous work (musicians, seamstresses, typists), it is advisable to create an optimal alternation of work and rest.

Drug treatment of polyarthritis of the hands is carried out using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, Voltaren, Ibuprofen), applied externally in the form of gels and ointments. For infectious bacterial polyarthritis, antibiotics must be prescribed. In rheumatoid arthritis, excessive immune activity should be suppressed. For this purpose, various groups of cytostatics (drugs that inhibit cell growth) are prescribed - Delagil, Plaquenil, Crizanol, D-penicillamine. Immune suppression in rheumatoid arthritis is a necessary measure. And to eliminate it Negative consequences, use general strengthening agents, complexes of vitamins and minerals.

Along with medications, folk recipes are also used for treatment. These recipes involve the use of natural remedies - herbal infusions, decoctions, as well as some food products(butter, honey, fat). Mixtures of these compounds are applied externally in the form of compresses, lotions, and ointments. During the remission (quiescence) phase, light massaging of the hands and the use of physical procedures are indicated. Among them are magnet, paraffin, ozokerite, phonophoresis with Hydrocortisone. During the interictal period of chronic polyarthritis of the hands, it is advisable to periodically recover at mud resorts.

To treat joint diseases, you can use various ointments that have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Their active ingredients easily penetrate the skin, providing a beneficial effect directly in the area of ​​application. They can be used almost anywhere on the body that a person can reach with his hand. Modern cream formulas ensure rapid absorption of the medicine, which quickly relieves a person from pain.

There are few causes of unpleasant symptoms, and the main ones are rheumatoid arthritis and arthrosis. These diseases have a different nature, but lead to a natural outcome - impaired mobility in the joints of the legs and fingers. Treatment with ointments does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but slows down its progression as much as possible, reducing the intensity of inflammation.

The lack of effect from using the cream is often explained by its improper use. This is due to the different localization of the disease - for the treatment of arthritis of the knee joint or joints of the foot and fingers, drugs that differ in properties are often required. Therefore, before choosing a medicine, you should consult your doctor to choose a suitable and effective remedy.


Damage to the joints of the arms or legs rarely occurs against the background of absolute health, since the joint capsule is well isolated from the internal and external environment. Therefore, to treat the inflammatory process in the joint, it is necessary to find out its cause, since the choice of drug will depend on the underlying disease:

  • If it is of microbial or traumatic origin, then an ointment with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect is selected. In this case, a short course is carried out, which ensures quick and complete elimination of arthritis. Since the treatment is short-term, there are minimal side effects.
  • Ointments for rheumatoid arthritis, on the contrary, should be designed for long-term use. Elimination of signs of exacerbation may take several months, so creams with a high concentration of medication are not recommended. The choice falls on drugs that have a long-lasting effect without accumulating in the body.

It is possible to distinguish between these diseases only by their localization - rheumatoid arthritis mainly affects the fingers, and a nonspecific process affects the large joints of the legs.


Damage to this part of the skeleton is often associated with trauma - the ankle joint and joints of the foot can be damaged by various impacts and falls. It is very difficult to provide them with functional rest, so the most powerful drugs are used to treat them:

  • Voltaren Emulgel contains the active substance (diclofenac) in high concentration, which ensures its rapid penetration to the source of pain. The drug is available in the form of a polymer-based gel, which does not allow the skin to become an obstacle to the medication.
  • Ortofen contains similar components, but with less activity. The convenience of the product is its low cost compared to other ointments. Treatment of foot arthritis requires frequent application of medication, which is very expensive for the average person.
  • Deep Relief contains an anti-inflammatory and analgesic component that is combined with menthol. This provides not only symptom relief, but also a good distraction effect. The drug is recommended for people who find it difficult to limit activity after an injury.

For inflammation of the joints of the foot, arthritis ointment is used for short term to relieve signs of illness - then the body recovers on its own.


In rheumatoid arthritis, exacerbation usually begins with damage to small joints, which leads to even limited self-care. The patient needs immediate relief from pain and stiffness in the fingers. But the mechanism of the disease does not allow this to be done quickly, which requires the prescription of ointments with a cumulative effect:

  • Amelotex includes meloxicam, a modern anti-inflammatory drug. It no longer causes side effects typical of previous generations similar means. But it is characterized by a slow action, which is associated with the gradual accumulation of the drug in the tissues of the joints.
  • From another group of drugs, Nise gel has a good effect, which, unlike previous products, does not have a specific odor. Since it is applied to the area of ​​the fingers, not all patients will like the constant unpleasant aroma. Its active ingredient is the safest and most modern, according to research.

To eliminate the signs of rheumatoid arthritis, it is better to use only modern gels, since long-term treatment with old drugs inevitably led to the development of side effects.

Knee joint

The localization of inflammation in this joint can have different origins, so it is better to use highly active drugs to treat it. They will help relieve pain and stiffness when moving while the cause of knee arthritis is determined:

  • Fastum-gel has a polymer base, which ensures that the drug reaches the site of inflammation within a few minutes. It is not greasy and is quickly absorbed, which allows it to be used in almost any conditions. The therapeutic effect lasts for 8 hours, which eliminates its frequent application.
  • Ketoprofen is a cheap analogue of the previous remedy, which allows it to be used in conditions of lack of finances. It is distinguished by a less rapid onset of analgesic action, as well as the instability of this action. Therefore, it needs to be applied to the knee joint area much more often – up to 4 times a day.

The knee joint is quite large in size, so you should not skimp on ointment for it. Many patients complain of a weak effect, although they apply the product only to one side, where the pain is more severe. To achieve the desired result, you should cover the skin around the entire joint with gel.


The basis of this disease is the gradual wear and tear of articular cartilage, which leads to pain. The administration of gels containing precursors of cartilage tissue allows for maximum reduction of unpleasant symptoms:

  • Condronova includes chondroitin and glucosamine - Construction Materials for cartilage tissue. It is recommended to combine the use of the gel with the simultaneous administration of capsules to speed up the recovery process of the joint. The therapeutic effect is achieved very slowly - over several weeks, so you should not stop application prematurely.
  • Gel Hyalripayer-02 contains hyaluronic acid, which increases the amount of intra-articular fluid. The only drawback of the gel is that for treatment it must be injected into the joint using a syringe. But one procedure is carried out only once every two weeks. Immediately after administration, a decrease in pain and stiffness is observed - with regular procedures, the effect lasts for a long time.

The use of painkillers will not provide a long-term therapeutic effect, since they have almost no effect on the cause of the symptoms. The use of these agents slows down the destruction process, improving the condition of articular cartilage.

Some patients unreasonably refuse to use ointments, citing this choice as insufficient relief of the symptoms of the disease. To get the maximum effect from treatment, you should follow some instructions that affect the activity of the drugs:

  1. Before each procedure, you need to wash the skin in the area of ​​application well, and then dry it thoroughly with a towel. This allows you to remove any remaining medication from it, as well as sebum and sweat, which prevent the gel from fully penetrating into the tissue.
  2. It is recommended to carry out the procedures regularly, preferably at the same time, in order to create a constant concentration of the drug in the joint.
  3. There is no need to rub the ointment in until it dries completely - this can lead to the development of adverse reactions. A few light massaging movements are enough to ensure the absorption of the required amount of gel.
  4. The main thing is to study the instructions for any medicine before use. There are always basic recommendations that give the patient a basic understanding of the effect of the drug.

The timing of use of the medicine should always be indicated by the doctor, who sets them according to the course of the disease. Therefore, the patient should not independently make adjustments to the treatment - in best case scenario incomplete elimination of symptoms will occur, and in the worst case, the development of adverse reactions.