Scenarios for the New Year for children 2-3 years old. New Year for the little ones. Beads glitter on the Christmas tree

Elena Lyubimskaya
New Year's party for children from 1.5 to 2 years old “Toys visiting children”

New Year's party for children from 1.5 to 2 years

"Toys visiting children"

(Children enter the group to the music and stand near the Christmas tree)

LEADING:- What kind of holiday is coming to us?

It's knocking on our door New Year!

So that we can meet him,

The Snow Maiden needs to be called.

(Adults and children call Snegurochka. Snegurochka joins the group to the music.)

SNOW MAIDEN:- Happy New Year to you guys! Happy New Year, adults!

(addresses DS employees)

LEADING:- The tree is sad for some reason -

I lowered the branches downwards.

SNOW MAIDEN:- We will cheer her up

And we won’t let her get bored!

Let's tell the tree: "One two Three,

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

(The lights on the Christmas tree come on)

LEADING: - Everyone stand near the Christmas tree,

We'll sing a song to her!

Song - dance “Near our Christmas tree” N. Lukonina – L. Chadova Chronicle. 1=56

SNOW MAIDEN:- And I didn’t come alone,

To you brought toys.

They all slept for a whole year,

They were just tired of sleeping.

And today is New Year's

Let a miracle happen!

I brought a doll, a bear,

A very cunning fox.

(The toys are behind the screen. The Snow Maiden takes the bell.)

SNOW MAIDEN:- Ring the bell.

And bring the bear to life!

(The Snow Maiden rings the bell, a bear appears on the screen to the music)

LEADING:- Hello, Mishka!

BEAR:- Hi Hi! It's good that we didn't forget

I was invited to the holiday.

I just really like to sleep

And please don't disturb me!

LEADING: - Misha, the kids want to play with you!

Playing with a bear PKD clear. =No. 62 G. Finarovsky - V. Antonova

BEAR:- I got kind of bored.

SNOW MAIDEN:- How to help your trouble?

LEADING:- All the guys run away as if they don’t know me.

It was in vain that I came to the holiday, because I didn’t find any friends here.

LEADING:- Bear, don’t bother... Snow Maiden, help Mishenka!

SNOW MAIDEN: - Ring my bell,

Bring the doll Masha to life.

(A doll appears on the screen to the music)

DOLL:- I live in your group, you play with me.

I'm called Katya the doll, you all know me.

SNOW MAIDEN: - Katya doll, help,

Teddy bear amused us.

DOLL:- Let's dance together,

And the guys will help.

Dance "Squat" EstNM in arr. A. Roomer Chr. 1=66

(the doll and Mishka are dancing on the screen)

LEADING:- Snow Maiden, you brought the doll with the bear to life, but have you forgotten about the fox?

SNOW MAIDEN:- And we’ll revive the Fox! My bell, ring

And bring the fox to life!

(The Fox appears on the screen to the music)

SNOW MAIDEN:- Hello, red-haired cheat, we are glad to see you!

FOX:- I am a fox, I am a cheat, a golden head.

I really love bunnies, but I see only guys here.

LEADING: - What's the matter? No problem!

Snow Maiden, ring the bell and call the bunnies!

SNOW MAIDEN:- My bell, ring it, turn the guys into bunnies!

A game "Bunnies and Fox" G. Finarovsky-V. Antonova HR. 2=90

LEADING:- Everyone ran away from Chanterelle!

SNOW MAIDEN:- The holiday is coming - New Year!

It's snowing, it's snowing!

Snowflakes, fly to me

And dance your dance with me! (rings the bell)

Dance of Snowflakes with the Snow Maiden under RNM “Like ours at the gate”

(with tinsel) (application or disk)

(or with ribbons = PKD clear =102 A. Filippenko – E. Makshantseva)

SNOW MAIDEN:- We sang and danced, but Grandfather Frost is not there...

For some reason he was delayed on the way!

LEADING: - And we’ll sing a song,

Let's call Grandfather Frost.

Song "Father Frost" A. Filippenko – T. Volgina Chr. 1=55

Father Frost (behind the screen):- I'm coming! I'm coming! (appears on the screen)

I'm a funny Santa Claus

I brought you gifts.

Where is my bag? Here's the secret!

Not on the right. And not on the left.

Isn’t it on the tree? (Snow Maiden and the Presenter look at the Christmas tree)

Isn't it on the window? (look in)

LEADING: - Grandfather, while you look for gifts, we will show you how we can dance.

Song “That’s what a Christmas tree is” V. Petrova – L. Sparber (Appendix in Chronicle 2)

SNOW MAIDEN: - Grandfather, we found your bag!

(They pull out the bag from under the tree)

Father Frost:- That's the knot! Huh-huh! I can't untie...

Come on, let's all clap together. (clap)

Let's stomp our feet. (stomp)

The knots are all untied

And we got gifts!

(The Snow Maiden and the Presenter distribute gifts to the children)

SNOW MAIDEN:- And now it’s time for Santa Claus and I to leave,

Goodbye, kids!

Publications on the topic:

“The Christmas tree is visiting the guys.” New Year's party for children 1.5–2 years old. Christmas tree visiting the guys. New Year's party for children 1.5 - 2 years old. To the song “The children walked along the path,” children in a flock enter the hall. Presenter:

The most long-awaited and joyful holiday for children, the New Year, has arrived. Goal: To create a joyful mood in children, to cultivate feelings.

New Year's party "Visiting the brownie Kuzi" Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 56" New Year's party "Visiting the brownie Kuzi."

New Year's party for children of the younger group "Masha and the Bear visiting the New Year tree" New Year's party for children junior group. "Masha and the Bear visiting the New Year's tree." Children sit on chairs near the New Year tree.

New Year's party for children of the middle group “Visiting the Bear” Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 28 New Year's party for children middle group“Away.

Anna Nikolaevna Minkina
New Year's holiday scenario for children 2–3 years old (first junior group)

New Year's holiday scenario for children 2 - 3 years old(first junior group)

Characters: Presenter, Snow Maiden, bunny, bear, dog, Santa Claus.

Children enter the hall in a flock, look at the Christmas tree, and get used to the surroundings. Sounds festive calm music. The lights are burning on the Christmas tree. The presenter invites you to come up and look at the decorated Christmas tree.


Christmas tree, Christmas tree,

Prickly needles!

Look with your eyes,

Come closer.

Toys on the Christmas tree

To the very top of my head,

She shines, sparkles,

Invites you to dance!

Round dance "Little Christmas tree"

Presenter: Today, guys, we have holiday. Look how elegant the room is, and you are all very beautiful.

The Christmas tree came to visit,

Winter brought a holiday,

Plays with the children

Flashing fun!

The lights on the Christmas tree go out.

Presenter: Look, guys, the lights suddenly went out. Let's clap our hands, maybe the lights will light up again?

The children clap their hands, but the lights on the Christmas tree do not light up.

Presenter: No, guys, our Christmas tree is not lit. Who will help us light it?

A child is running, dressed in a Dog costume.

Dog: Hello, kids, girls and boys. I am a dog, a nice dog, I brought an envelope for you.

Gives the envelope to the presenter.

Presenter (reads the letter):

There is a hut near the droshky,

The Snow Maiden lives there.

Knock on her window,

She will light your Christmas tree!

Guys, let's go look for the Snow Maiden's house! .

(walk around the hall at random, looking for the Snow Maiden’s house)

Presenter. This is the house. What is this worth here? (rattles). Let's play and invite us to Snow Maiden holiday.

Game with rattles. (Children quietly run up to the house, jingle rattles and then hide behind the Christmas tree).

The Snow Maiden comes out. Who's calling? Who's making noise? These are probably icicles falling from the branches.

The game repeats itself.

Snow Maiden: So these are the kids playing with me! Hello guys! I am the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Father Frost. Look what beautiful mittens, and a hat, and a fur coat I have! And you are all so beautiful! Do you have a Christmas tree? Show me where she is? What a beautiful, elegant Christmas tree you have! Why aren’t the lights on it?

Presenter. Hello, Snow Maiden! We are very glad to have you as our guest.

Look, Snow Maiden, how beautiful our Christmas tree is.

Snow Maiden. How beautiful she is, how many toys she has on her! Why aren’t the lights on the Christmas tree? Let's, guys, ask the Christmas tree to light its lanterns.

Presenter. We were waiting for you, Snow Maiden, so that you could help us light the Christmas tree.

Christmas tree game:

Snow Maiden. Let's clap our hands and the lights will light up. Children clap. The lights come on. Now let's stomp our feet. The lights go out. The game is played 2 times.

Snow Maiden:(the Christmas tree is lit) invites you to a round dance

A song is being performed "We'll make it out of snow"

Snow Maiden: What great guys, how great they sing and dance! Look, children, little animals came from the forest with me to play with you, dance and wish you a Happy New Year! Come on, look who it is?

A bunny appears

Bunny: Hello kids, girls and boys, I’m a cheerful bunny, jump bunny, I was jumping along the path and lost my carrot.

Snow Maiden: Guys, let's play with the bunny.

There is a game with a bunny. (Pick up carrots)

Bunny: What clever kids, they collected all the carrots!

Dance "The little white bunny is sitting" Fox scares the bunny (bunny leaves)

Snow Maiden pays attention children on a bear who sleeps under the tree.

Snow Maiden: Oh, look who fell asleep under our Christmas tree? The children answer.

Presenter: Guys, let's wake up the bear, otherwise he will sleep so happy holiday.

Children approach the bear. (physical education minute)

Like on a hill - snow, snow. Children raise their hands up.

And under the hill - snow, snow. They lower their hands down.

Like on a Christmas tree - snow, snow. Hands "house" over your head.

And under the tree there is snow, snow. They lower their hands down.

And a bear sleeps under the tree. Place your palms under your cheeks.

Quiet, quiet, don't make noise! They threaten with their index finger.

We stomp a little, stomp our feet.

Let the bear's legs wake up!

bear "wakes up" and catches up children.

bear: Who is walking in my forest?

Who is stopping the little bear from sleeping?

Presenter: Mishutka, you are not in your forest, you are on the children's holiday came.

Snow Maiden: Guys, tell the bear what kind of bear we have holiday?

Children: New Year!

bear: How many years have I been living in the forest?

I know a bunny and a fox.

And about I haven't heard of the holiday.

Presenter: Bear, you overslept him.

In winter you sleep in a den,

Don't walk on the road.

bear: What the New Year holiday!

Snow Maiden: This is a noisy round dance,

Grandfather Frost with gifts,

The lights on the tree are bright.

bear: I slept a lot,

Such didn't see the holiday.

Well, this New Year

Everything will happen vice versa:

I’ll decorate our Christmas tree myself,

I'll call the animals, and here

We'll jump, we'll dance,

The round dance will begin!

The bear decorates the Christmas tree with tinsel.

Dance "We'll warm up a little"

bear: Thank you guys for telling me about the New Year. I'll run home to the forest to get ready for holiday. Goodbye!

Children sit on chairs

Snow Maiden: Oh, how hot it became in the hall.

You danced so well!

But it hurts us to tears,

Where is Grandfather Frost?

He should have come a long time ago

Yes, he can’t find us!

Let's call Santa Claus, let's shout: "AU" Everyone screams together, but no one responds)

Snow Maiden: No. We scream rather weakly,

Come on, let's all come together, guys!

Let's call him seriously

Let's shout: "Santa Claus!"

Children (in unison).

Santa Claus!

Exit of Santa Claus

Father Frost: Hello my dear,

Both small and large

Happy New Year,

I wish you happiness and joy

Look: Christmas tree is a miracle!

And everything around is so beautiful!

Snow Maiden. Hello, grandfather, we've been waiting for you.

Song Santa Claus

Father Frost.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

I'm feeling bad now!

I can't sit, stand,

It makes you want to dance!

Come on, kids, make the circle wider.

I'm starting. Three four!

Performed "Dance oh frost!"


Grandfather is tired and tired.

So he danced merrily!

Let him rest by the Christmas tree,

Who will read poetry to him? (Grandfather sits on a chair)

Children sit on chairs

Snowball game

Father Frost. Well done, guys! You have a lot of fun! I have gifts for you...

Now let's go and find some gifts.

Father Frost (jokingly): No mommies? Isn’t it under the Christmas tree? Are there no chairs? Not under the chairs. But here they are in the snowdrift.

Father Frost. Guys, I wish you to grow up and not get bored, and not to upset mothers and grandmothers too much. Be happy, kids! Goodbye!

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Snow Maiden


Father Frost

Children enter the hall to the music of the song “A Christmas tree was born in the air,” music by L. Beckman, lyrics by R. Kudasheva.


Our hall is so elegant -

The Christmas tree came to visit

Do you want a Christmas tree

Have you lit your lights?

Let's say together: one, two, three!

Our Christmas tree is on fire!

The lights on the tree come on and everyone claps their hands.


This beautiful Christmas tree

Santa Claus gave us

And on New Year's Day

He invited us all together.

And at first our Christmas tree was very small...

The song “Christmas Tree” is performed, music by M. Krasev, lyrics by 3. Alexandrova.


Our tree is big

Our tree is tall -

Taller than dad, taller than mom:

Reaches to the ceiling.


With colored eyes

The Christmas tree is blinking.

Dance around yourself

Children are invited.

The song “Christmas Tree” is performed, music by T. Popatenko, lyrics by N. Naydenova.


We all feel very good

Fun today

Because he came to us

New Year's holiday!

A round dance “One or two to the Christmas tree” is held (at the choice of the musical director).

Children sit on chairs.


Hush, hush, what do I hear? —

Someone is coming to visit us.

Sings his song.

Snow Maiden.

All the animals know me -

The name is Snegurochka.

They're playing with me

And they sing songs.

And gentle snowflakes,

Like soft fluff,

And naughty bears,

And the little bunnies -

They are all my friends

I love them very much.


Snow Maiden, why are you alone?

Where is Grandfather Frost?

Snow Maiden. Santa Claus is still on his way. He asked me to tell you that he will be a little late.

A hare and a bear appear on the screen.

puppet show


Tired of waiting for Frost.

I can not take it anymore.

I'm from Santa Claus

I'm waiting for a delicious treat.

Let's play better.

We adjust to each other.

(The little bear does not answer.)

Little bear, let's play.

Do you hear, Misha, answer.

Little bear. Don’t bother thinking, Hare.

Hare. Well, let's play.

Teddy Bear(angry).

Customize yourself

And don't pester me.

Hare. What are you thinking about?

Little bear.

Grandfather Frost will come,

He will bring gifts to everyone

Who will give it to him?

Who will give him joy?


Exactly, Misha, we’ll think about it.

We can come up with something."

Both. What should I give him?

Hare. Let's give you something sweet.

Little bear.

Yes, yes, something very sweet.

But what? We don't know the taste.

Both(interrupt each other). I came up with it, I came up with it!


I'll give you a carrot

Its very tasty.


Little bear.

Well, I am fragrant honey,

This whole barrel is here.



But carrots are tastier -

Yes, both sweeter and more satisfying.

Little bear.

There is no better honey in the world,

Even children will tell you.

Hare. No, carrots are better.

Little bear. No, honey.

Hare. No, carrot.

Little bear.

Well, okay, okay.

We'll give you carrots and honey.

We will bring joy to Grandfather.


I'll go and have a look there

Maybe he’s already coming here?!

Teddy Bear(reasons).

Why are carrots tastier?

Honey is more fragrant, juicier.

Oh, so sweet, yum-yum.

Santa Claus will like it.

(He eats and slowly leaves.)


No, Santa Claus is not visible

(Repeats the words of the bear cub.)

“There is no better honey in the world!”

Still, carrots taste better -

Yes, both sweeter and more satisfying.

Oh, how delicious, sweet!

Eating carrots. A little bear comes in and eats honey.

Hare. Misha, let me try the honey.

Teddy Bear. And I want your carrot.

Hare(looks into the barrel). And where, Mishka, is the honey?

Teddy Bear(he also looks in and says in bewilderment). And my mouth ate it all.

Where's your carrot?

Hare. The teeth were chewed.

That's it!

What should we do, friends?

To Grandfather Frost

How to look into your eyes now?


Oh guys, help me

What should we do, tell me!

Snow Maiden. Don't be upset, little bunny and little bear. Let's learn a dance for Santa Claus together with the guys.

Near the decorated Christmas tree

We will all dance merrily -

One-two! One two Three!

Bear, Bunny, look!..

The dance “Gopachok” is performed, a Ukrainian folk melody arranged by M. Rauchwerger.


Snow, snow is spinning,

The whole street is white.

We gathered in a circle,

They spun like a snowball.

A song about a bunny is performed (at the choice of the music director).

Snow Maiden.

It's cold for the bunny to stand

Bunny needs to jump.

Come on, Bunny, jump, jump,

Paw, paw, tap, tap.

“Dance of the Bunnies” is performed, music by A. Filippenko.

Bear and Hare. Thank you guys for teaching us.

Oh, here comes Santa Claus.

Father Frost(appears on the screen). Happy New Year to everyone.

I went through all the obstacles.

I knew that I would be welcome here.

I also prepared gifts for the guys.

Snow Maiden. Guys, let's sing a song to Santa Claus.

The song “Father Frost” is performed, music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina.

Santa Claus distributes gifts.

Snow Maiden.

The Christmas tree shakes its branches,

He must be saying goodbye to us.

Let's tell her too:

“Farewell, see you next winter!”

They say goodbye and leave.

New Year's holiday scenario for 1st junior group

"Visiting the Snow Maiden"

Children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.


Having unraveled its needles,

The Christmas tree shines with beauty.

How many balls, toys,

Cones, stars, firecrackers.

We need to look at the Christmas tree,

Let's stand in a circle quickly, guys.

Children walk around the Christmas tree to the music, looking at the toys.

Presenter: Let's play with the Christmas tree.

! Game "Blow out the lights on the Christmas tree."

Children clap their hands and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Children blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out.

Children stomp their feet - the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Children blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out.

Presenter: Let's wake up the Christmas tree.

Give bells to girls, spoons to boys

Orchestra “Music of the Forest” M.Yu. Kartushina

When the music ends, the lights on the tree light up.

Presenter: Wow, the Christmas tree is beautiful!

Let's sit down, kids.

Children sit on chairs. The presenter finds a mitten under the tree and picks it up.

Presenter: Who was dancing at the Christmas tree?

Lost your mitten?

He takes a bell out of his mitten.

Now the bell will help us. I'll ring the bell and find the owner. (rings the bell, the answer ringing is heard outside the door)

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys. How beautiful it is here! And what smart children!

How good are you here?

So beautiful and light.

Did I end up in kindergarten?


Today is a holiday for the guys!

All the people are having fun.


This holiday is New Year!

Snow Maiden:

That's right, that's right, New Year!

The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.

We'll sing her a song now,

We'll have fun together.

A song chosen by the music director is performed.

Snow Maiden: And I didn’t come to you alone, bullfinches flew with me from the winter forest.

Boys perform “Dance of Bullfinches at the Christmas Tree” by I. Ponomareva

Snow Maiden:

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit

I'll take a look at the guys.

I will be glad to have poems,

You need to try.

Reading poetry.

1st child:

It's snowing, it's snowing!

The holiday is coming - New Year!

2nd child:

Grandfather Frost will come,

He will bring us a Christmas tree.

3rd child:

The Christmas tree will sparkle

We should blink the lights.

4th child:

Let's sing a song for the Christmas tree

Let's start our round dance!

Snow Maiden:

Thank you my friends

Now I will please you!

He takes a snowflake out of the bag.

I love all Snowflakes

I give them whiteness.

They all shine amazingly!

Look how beautiful it is!

Hey, Mischievous Snowflakes

My dear sisters,

Fly, circle,

Have fun with all the guys.

The dance of snowflakes is performed.

Snow Maiden:

He came to us for a holiday

This cute Bunny himself.

Even the Bunny knows the song

He will play a game with you.

The song-game “Bunny” is performed


Good in winter. Isn't it true?

The kids are so happy about winter!

Sleds, skis, snowing,

Christmas tree, holiday - New Year!

And children are happy with gifts.

Did you bring them to the guys?

Snow Maiden:

Here they are, in a bag.

Oh oh oh! At the very bottom.

Grandfather Frost folded

I didn't forget about the gifts.

Takes out gifts

What kind of product is this?

Snowball, no legs, no arms.

It must be a difficult one,

Someone is hiding in it!

Who could get in there?

Opens the lid.

Oh, yes, there are gifts here! Gives out gifts

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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