The main sectors of the economy of the Krasnoyarsk region. Economic geography of the Krasnoyarsk region. Krasnoyarsk Territory in the country's economy

Eastern Siberia is preparing for large-scale construction projects. A number of projects presented in the spring at the Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum (KEF) will start in 2019. We are talking about private investments from companies that are already operating in the region. Ambitious plans of metallurgists, oil workers and energy workers will help restore it to the status of the main engine of the country's economy. Now, despite noticeable successes, the region’s potential is far from being fully realized.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory consistently ranks among the top ten regions of Russia in terms of gross regional product (1.767 trillion rubles and 615 thousand rubles per capita). The region firmly holds its position as a strong donor and ranks seventh in terms of filling the federal treasury. This region could be the envy of many of its neighbors. However, against the backdrop of growing revenues in the region, which have grown by 25% over the past couple of years, it is still under pressure from the budget deficit. As of early September 2018, the size of its public debt reached 106.5 billion rubles - the second largest in Russia. All this means that the region is faced with the need to optimize and rebuild its economy, as well as search for new internal resources. The local economy needed new ideas, and they were found.

There is money for large-scale transformations in the region. Expert magazine recently compiled a rating of the 100 largest companies in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the first three positions in which were occupied by Norilsk Nickel, Vankorneft and RusHydro. The total revenue of all rating participants in 2017 exceeded 2 trillion rubles. At the KEF 2018 held in April, they presented their investment projects worth 0.5 trillion rubles. The past six months have been a time of planning, calculations and approvals. Now, if you believe the reports of the leaders of the Eastern Siberian industry, their total investments over the next 10 years could reach 2 trillion rubles. Moreover, the largest of these investment projects already have real outlines.

"South Cluster"

As part of this project, Norilsk Nickel structures will begin to develop the northern part of the Norilsk-1 deposit, the reserves of which turned out to be twice as large as geological exploration data initially showed. In addition, the company will develop production at the Zapolyarny mine in order to increase it from 1.2 to 2 million tons. Resource extraction from the Medvezhiy Ruchey quarry will also develop. By the way, by the end of 2018, the work carried out in the quarry will be completed open method. And within the framework of the Southern Cluster, the company plans to process 5.5 million tons of technogenic raw materials that have been accumulating in the area of ​​the Norilsk enrichment plant since the 1940s.

In total, Norilsk Nickel plans to invest 70 billion rubles in the renovation and construction of mining enterprises. The company will allocate another 40 billion rubles to modernize the Norilsk enrichment plant, which will be fully loaded with raw materials from the Southern Cluster. Now a significant part of the raw materials from the Talnakh ore cluster goes to Norilsk. But after the modernization of the Talnakh concentrator, which has already begun, a separate cluster will appear there, providing both mining and processing of local ore.

On this topic

Investments in the amount of 110 billion rubles will allow updating the fixed assets of the Southern Cluster by 80–90%. All this will make it possible to increase the production of platinum group metals by 20% over 10 years, and then the Norilsk Nickel subsidiary Medvezhy Ruchey will enter the top 10 global producers of platinum group metals. The investment project involves the creation of 1,900 new jobs and an increase in tax payments to the budget of the Krasnoyarsk Territory to 30 billion rubles over 10 years.

"Transport hub"

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is located in the geographic center of Russia, which means it is almost equally remote from European and Asian markets. The development of the region is impossible without a global infrastructure project, within the framework of which roads and railways, new airport terminals and warehouse complexes will be built.

“Our region should not only become an economic leader, but also become a serious logistics center. It is through the Krasnoyarsk Territory that logistics routes for the western and eastern parts of the country will be connected, access through China and other Asian countries to the Northern Sea Route,” said Dmitry Sviridov, Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, recently.

The creation of a transport and logistics platform, the base for which will be the airports of Krasnoyarsk and Cheremshanka, will help solve this problem. The ERA Group company plans to build new terminals there with warehouse complexes and a sorting center. The total area of ​​the facilities will exceed 800 thousand square meters. When the Krasnoyarsk hub is operational, it will be able to transport more than 800 thousand tons of cargo annually. Investments in cargo hub facilities could amount to 65 billion rubles; the logistics center will provide the region with 2 thousand new jobs.

Another expensive transport project is planned to be implemented by Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation JSC. It's about the gasket railway along the route Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino. The length of the highway will be 410 kilometers, it will serve the new mining and processing complex at the Elegest coking coal deposit. The idea is not new; construction of a railway line in this area began back in 2011. However, the work never entered the active phase, and now the investor will have to make up for lost time. If the road is extended further, to Mongolia and China, it will, in fact, turn into a new transcontinental route for the supply of grain, natural resources, and will also contribute to the development of geological exploration and the development of new deposits.

Gold mining and agriculture

Another industrial giant, the Polyus company, plans to significantly increase gold production at its deposits. Currently, about 57 tons of gold are mined in the Krasnoyarsk Territory per year, while more than 500 tons of untapped reserves are registered in the Motyginsky and North Yenisei regions alone precious metal. The Polyus production expansion project involves the construction of a bridge across the Yenisei near the village of Vysokogorsky, which will give impetus to other types of economic activity in the area. As a result of all this, tax revenues to the regional budget may increase by 15 billion rubles over 10 years.

Another interesting project They suggested energy engineers from the Unipro company. They are ready to invest in the creation of the Sibir agro-industrial park, which should be located in the Sharypovsky district of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It is expected that the complex will include a greenhouse facility with an area of ​​60 hectares and a capacity of 45 thousand tons of vegetables per year. As part of the project, a new poultry farm will be built, fisheries and a bioplastics manufacturing facility. The region will receive 5 thousand new jobs and a stable supply of fresh food.

In essence, investors will have to launch a new wave of development of Eastern Siberia, which will significantly increase its geopolitical role. As Elena Bezdenezhnykh, vice-president of Norilsk Nickel, noted at KEF-2018, investors are not only realizing the potential of this resource-rich region, but also fulfilling the orders voiced in the president’s message - the development of the Arctic, the development of human capital, import substitution and improvement of the environmental situation. I would like to hope that at the next economic forum in Krasnoyarsk the first results of the implementation of previously announced investment projects will be announced.


The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest industrial and resource regions of the country, possessing huge reserves of natural resources. Russian colonization reached the Yenisei at the beginning of the 17th century, and the administrative center of the region, the city of Krasnoyarsk, was founded in 1628, but in fact the development of the region began only at the very end of the 19th century, when the Trans-Siberian Railway passed through its territory.

Introduction 3
Natural resources 4
Land resources 4
Mineral resources 4
Forest resources 5
Water resources 5
Biological resources 6
Mining 6
Economy of the region 7
Industry 9
Metallurgy 9
Manufacturing of machinery and equipment 11
Chemical production 11
Coal industry 12
Mining 12
Fuel and energy complex 12
Timber industry complex 13
Construction activities 14
Agriculture 14
Transport 16
Rail transport 16
Road transport 17
Water transport 17
Air transport 17
Pipeline transport 17
Foreign economic activity. 19
Export and import 19
Investment policy 21
Conclusion 23
References 24

The work consists of 1 file

Federal Agency for Education

Kemerovo College of Statistics, Economics and Information Technologies, branch of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI)"


in the subject "Regional Economics"

topic: “Economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory”

Completed by: students of group 2B-1

Checked by: teacher

Kemerovo 2011

Introduction 3

Natural resources 4

Land resources 4

Mineral resources 4

Forest resources 5

Water resources 5

Biological resources 6

Mining 6

Economy of the region 7

Industry 9

Metallurgy 9

Manufacturing of machinery and equipment 11

Chemical production 11

Coal industry 12

Mining industry 12

Fuel and energy complex 12

Timber industry complex 13

Construction activities 14

Agriculture 14

Transport 16

Railway transport 16

Automobile transport 17

Water transport 17

Air Transport 17

Pipeline transport 17

Foreign economic activity. 19

Export and import 19

Investment policy 21

Conclusion 23

Bibliography 24


The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the largest industrial and resource regions of the country, possessing huge reserves of natural resources. Russian colonization reached the Yenisei at the beginning of the 17th century, and the administrative center of the region, the city of Krasnoyarsk, was founded in 1628, but in fact the development of the region began only at the very end of the 19th century, when the Trans-Siberian Railway passed through its territory. The modern Krasnoyarsk Territory was formed in 1934; before the revolution, the Yenisei province existed on its territory, the territory of which throughout the 19th century. served as a place of exile. It was here that the future leaders of the Soviet state, Lenin and Stalin, were exiled.

In terms of area together with districts (2339.7 thousand sq. km), the Krasnoyarsk Territory is second only to Yakutia, and without districts (710 thousand sq. km) it ranks 7th, in terms of population (without districts - 3038.2 thousand people) - 13th place. The majority of the region's population is Russian, there are quite large communities of Ukrainians, Tatars and Germans, but the share of indigenous peoples of the North is very small - less than one percent of the population. The predominant religion of the region is Orthodoxy, the Krasnoyarsk and Yenisei diocese is one of the oldest in Siberia, but the position of Protestant churches in the region is also quite strong.

I chose the Krasnoyarsk Territory as the topic of this essay because it is the most promising region of Russia. It contains huge reserves of coal, land, water, forest and other resources. Natural and climatic conditions satisfy the needs of life, which contributes to the development of large companies and industries. And the wealth of territories and resources attracts investors not only from Russia, but also from international levels.

Natural resources

Resource and raw materials potential represents the provision of balance reserves of the main types of natural resources. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is the largest resource base in Russia, primarily mineral resources, represented by reserves and predicted resources of the main types of minerals.

The main natural resources of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are land, minerals, forests, water and recreational (biological).

Land resources

The land fund of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 72,367.1 thousand hectares.

Mineral resources

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is Russia's largest resource base for the production and reserves of gold, coal, lead, aluminum, copper, nickel, cobalt, platinum group metals, and other minerals, and occupies a leading position in Russia and in the world.

More than 95% of Russia's nickel and platinum group metal reserves, 71% of copper, 50% of cobalt, and 28% of aluminum are concentrated in the region.

All-Russian lead reserves account for 42%, gold - 20%, silver - 6%, about 70% of Russian coal reserves are concentrated, i.e. approximately 20% of world reserves.

In terms of proven gold reserves, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks second in Russia. The main volume of gold mining in the region (87%) is provided by three companies: CJSC ZDK Polyus, LLC Sovrudnik, CJSC Vasilyevsky Mine.

Lead and zinc reserves in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are concentrated in the unique Gorevsky lead-zinc deposit. It contains 42.7% of lead reserves and 2.5% of all-Russian zinc reserves.

The Norilsk ore district is unique in terms of copper-nickel and platinum group metals mineralization. On its raw material base, a mining and metallurgical complex was created - CJSC Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel - the world's largest producer of nickel and platinum group metals. This enterprise fully meets Russia's needs for copper, nickel, cobalt and platinum group metals and is the largest supplier of non-ferrous and precious metals to the world market.

In terms of initial total resources of oil, natural gas and condensate in the amount of more than 53 billion tons of conventional hydrocarbons, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks second in Russia after the Tyumen Region. 25 oil and gas fields have been discovered in the region.

A number of oil and gas fields in the Turukhansky North and in the Angara region have already been prepared for industrial development. From the standpoint of investment attractiveness, the main projects in the oil and gas sector are related to the industrial development of the Turukhano-Vankor group of gas and oil fields, the Yurubcheno-Tokhomskaya zone and the gas fields of the Lower Angara region.

The Porozhinskoe manganese ore deposit is one of the largest in Russia. The state balance of mineral reserves for the deposit takes into account 29.4 million tons of manganese in oxide ores in categories C1+C2.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory has a competitive raw material base of rare metals and niobium - these are the Chuktukonskoye and Tatarskoye deposits.

The Krasnoyarsk region is also very attractive in relation to such types of minerals as aluminum raw materials (Goryachegorsk nepheline syenite deposit, ore reserves - 738 million tons), antimony (Udereiskoye deposit, metal reserves - 37.8 thousand tons), nickel and platinoids (Kingashskoye deposit, balance ore reserves 219.4 million tons, forecast resources - 219.1 million tons), talc (Kirgiteyskoye deposit, balance reserves - 7.6 million tons), magnesite (Verkhoturovskoye deposit, balance reserves - 110.7 million tons), phosphorite (Seibinskoye deposit, ore reserves - 6.6 million tons), zeolite (Sakhaptinskoye deposit, reserves of zeolite-containing rocks - 33.2 million tons) and others.

Forest resources

The forest area of ​​the Krasnoyarsk Territory is (including the Taimyr (Dolgano-Nenets) and Evenki municipal districts) - 155,781.2 thousand hectares (45.1% of the total forest area of ​​the Siberian Federal District). The total timber reserves of the main forest-forming species are 11,120.22 million m 3 (36.4% of reserves in the Siberian Federal District, 13.6% of all-Russian timber reserves).

Forests cover 65.9% of the region's territory. The region's forests are 85.7% coniferous, 34.5% larch, 18.2% pine, 16.9% cedar, 10.7% birch, 8.8% fir, 7. 3% - spruce, 3.6% refers to other tree species.

Water resources

The river flows through the territory of the region from south to north. Yenisei. The total number of lakes with a surface area of ​​1 sq. km or more - 352, in the southern part of the region there is a complex of lakes containing mineral waters and medicinal mud. The approved operational reserves of surface water as of 2007 amount to 1,771.88 thousand cubic meters per day in the region.

The annual water intake throughout the region is 2,731.5 million cubic meters, wastewater discharge is 2,424.2 million cubic meters. Approved operational reserves groundwater on the territory of the region are 1,664.1 thousand cubic meters. per day, 0.61 km cubic. - in year.

Biological resources

The biological resources of the region in terms of the number of species significantly exceed the resources of any territory in Russia. Many species are available hunting resources: brown bear, reindeer, roe deer, red deer, elk, wolf, hares, duck, goose, wood grouse, black grouse, waders, thrushes and others.


The presence of a rich raw material base creates favorable conditions for the development of mining industries. Among the regions of Siberian federal district In terms of volume of mineral extraction, the region ranks third after the Kemerovo and Tomsk regions.

In 2007, 318 organizations were engaged in mining in the region. Mining was carried out by 5 organizations with the participation of foreign capital.

In 2007, the production of oil (4.4%), gas (17.9%), iron ore (2.9%), non-metallic construction materials (10.3%), and graphite (10.2%) increased.

Economy of the region

The economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is focused both on capital-intensive, energy-intensive production, based on the use of a rich resource base, and on the production of intermediate products intended for supply to other regions of Russia and to countries near and far abroad.

The economic development trend of the Krasnoyarsk Territory reflects:

  • specialization in export-oriented types of economic activity;
  • some increase in the share of mining and manufacturing industries in the region due to the implementation of large investment projects to develop the extraction of fuel and energy resources,
  • transport infrastructure of the region, implementation of a comprehensive development program for the Lower Angara region, including the construction of the Boguchanskaya hydroelectric power station;
  • stabilization of mining production volumes;
  • increasing the degree of concentration of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy production;
  • strengthening positions in the market of cultural services, sporting events and tourism business.

When discussing the level of production as a whole, scientists often use the concept of technological structure. In essence, this is a cycle of innovation, a change of generations of technology. The leaders of the world economy work in the fifth mode, Russia – in the fourth. To catch up with competitors, it is necessary to carry out technical re-equipment. But the matter does not end with just replacing equipment. The second step is to organize labor: even on similar machines, we sometimes produce four times less than in foreign factories. Both of these factors must work together. As follows from the ranking of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, labor efficiency in Russia in 2018 was two times lower than in the European Union, and 2.6 times lower than in the United States. At the initiative of the president, the national project “Labor Productivity” was launched in the country. The goal is to reach a growth rate of five percent annually.


– The ultimate goal of activities within the framework of national projects is to put the economy on a new track, make it high-tech, increase labor productivity and, on this basis, raise the standard of living of our citizens, ensure the security of our state for a long historical perspective.

V.V. Putin

As strange as it may seem, our shortcomings can be turned into advantages. Expert group under the national project “Labor Productivity and Employment Support” conducted a survey of three thousand Russian managers. And I found out: downtime accounts for 30% of their working time. The work intensity is also not at its maximum. So it turns out: if during the modernization of a Japanese or German enterprise the increase in labor productivity there will be one to three percent, then in our country it can increase significantly. There are no such conditions as in Russia anywhere in the world. The main thing is to get down to business without delay. Which, in fact, is what the president is calling for.

Competitive selection

Let’s say right away: getting into the national project was not so easy. Ministry economic development The Russian Federation announced a competition and established strict criteria. As a result, 20 Russian regions were selected, which included our Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Krasnoyarsk will receive about 29 million rubles from the federal treasury to support 159 enterprises. “Homework assignment” – labor productivity growth in basic non-resource sectors of the economy should be 5.7% per year by 2024.

In 2019, 19 regional enterprises will join the project. Experts from the Federal Competence Center in the Field of Labor Productivity have already named eight of them. These are CJSC Techpolymer, LLC SibGlass, LLC Geosynthetic Materials Plant, LLC Russian Profile, OJSC Moloko, LLC LPZ Segal, LLC Volna Plant and CJSC Minusinsk Confectionery Factory. Another 11 will be determined based on the results of the competition. And there is plenty to choose from: 26 firms and organizations in the region submitted applications.

Experts to help us

As we know from school, labor productivity is measured by the number of products produced by a worker per unit of time. But this does not mean at all that, taking on a frantic pace and collapsing from fatigue at the end of the day, this same employee will work effectively. There are a lot of subtleties and nuances here, the search for which entire scientific institutes are engaged in.

That is why experts - project managers from the Federal Competence Center - came to the region to help our production workers. Together with working groups created at enterprises, they evaluate Current state production flow, identify waste, implement examples of improvements using lean manufacturing approaches, and so on. A plus are measures to reduce the consumption of raw materials and supplies, the amount of equipment downtime, and improve the quality and culture of production.

Such business consulting on the market usually costs millions of rubles. But for companies participating in the national project, it is free. Moreover, other types of assistance are also provided. Namely, training of managers under the program of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia “Productivity Leaders”, support of the Russian Export Center in Moscow for entering exports, obtaining preferential loans from the Industrial Development Fund at 1% per annum from 50 to 300 million rubles for five years. For small and medium-sized businesses in basic non-resource industries that are participants in the project - loans for investment purposes for up to 10 years (loan size from 0.5 million to 2 billion rubles, interest rate no more than 8.5% per annum).

How does the project work in practice? For example, a painting line is a clearly outdated link for the Volna Krasnoyarsk enterprise. It needs to be modernized and people trained. And the knowledge of the competence center experts will come in handy here. They have already started training department employees, then they will move to the workshop level. In six months, the work system of both the personnel and the entire production must change here. After the experts leave the company, one of the employees will be appointed as the permanent leader of the productivity improvement project.

The costs of training employees of enterprises participating in the national project are reimbursed by the employment service. An agreement has already been reached to provide a subsidy for the training of 187 employees of Tekhpolymer CJSC, Segal Foundry and Press Plant LLC and Geosynthetic Materials Plant LLC. They are joined by Volna Plant LLC and Moloko LLC to train another 173 specialists.

In addition, the service reimburses the costs of staff training. In total, over 15 million rubles have been allocated for these purposes from the federal and regional budgets. Thus, in August, the employment service reimbursed the costs of the Segal foundry and press plant for training 45 people in the areas of “Fire technical minimum” and “Labor safety rules when working at height.” It is also planned to upgrade the qualifications of two employees in the “Practical Materials Science” course. Seven employees of the company will be trained in “Managing the Company’s Operational Efficiency.”

In order to become a participant in the national project, you must submit an application on the productivity.rf website, pass the selection and sign an agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Regional Development of the region.

The economic situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the first years of democratic reforms was identical to the all-Russian one. In 1994, an attempt was made to arrest the decline of the industry. In parallel with the ongoing crisis in the country, the region began to gradually increase production volumes.

The economic situation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the first years of democratic reforms was identical to the all-Russian one. In 1994, an attempt was made to arrest the decline of the industry. In parallel with the ongoing crisis in the country, the region began to gradually increase production volumes.

From 1994 to 1998 The economic indicators of the Krasnoyarsk Territory were much better than the Russian average:

In terms of per capita level of industrial production, the region was in 7th place, contract work - in 8th place, trade turnover - in 17th place in the Russian Federation;

The purchasing power of the population is in 12th place in Russian Federation and higher than all other regions of the East Siberian economic region;

The banking system in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the most developed in the East Siberian economic region;

There was an increase in the absolute volume of budget revenues and expenses of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

In terms of investment volume, the region is among the top ten, and in terms of growth rates - in the top twenty best regions of Russia.

The advantages of the region's economy are associated with the use of cheap local electricity and raw materials, the fairly modern technological level of the region's mining enterprises, and a clear export component. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is constantly among the 10 regions of Russia with the highest production volume. The region's share in Russian industry is 4%, the East Siberian economic region - 40%.

In terms of industrial output per capita, the region ranks second among the regions of the Siberian Agreement, second only to the Tyumen region.

Structure and dynamics of gross regional product in 1997 - 1998. has developed as follows: in the structure of the gross regional product of the region, about 53% is industry and about 7% is agriculture. Overall, the region's industry is striving to become more diversified. The leading industries of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering and metalworking, mining, forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper, chemical, light and food.

In the cities of Zheleznogorsk and Zelenogorsk there are 11 military enterprises industrial complex(VPK). The share of military products in 1998 was an insignificant part of the region's volumes, the share of civilian products at these enterprises is 0.1% of the total production volume.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which together provide more than 70% of its trade with foreign counterparties.

State regulation of the regional economy is carried out both at the federal and regional levels, including through a licensing system for certain types of economic activity, setting prices and tariffs for individual species goods, works and services, through antimonopoly regulation, etc.


As you know, economic stability largely depends on foreign trade. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is traditionally one of the largest export-oriented regions of the country. A significant part of the products of timber processing, non-ferrous metallurgy, and the chemical industry is exported from the country. The share of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in Russia's foreign trade turnover is constantly increasing.

Geographically, foreign trade turnover is focused on the countries of Western and Central Europe, Southeast and East Asia, and the countries of America. The largest country to which the Krasnoyarsk Territory exports its products is the Netherlands. Switzerland is in second place, and the USA is in third place. In terms of groups of countries, the leaders are the EU countries, Eastern European countries, and APEC countries.

The structure of the region's exports is determined largely by raw materials and processed products. The basis of exports, as before, includes non-ferrous metals (aluminum - 36.7%, nickel - 19.2%, copper - 18.7%), timber and timber (4.6%). These are mainly sawn timber and unprocessed timber. The main consumers of these products are Japan, Italy, Egypt, Türkiye. Ferrous metals, oil and petroleum products, coal, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, synthetic rubber, mechanical and electrical equipment, and aircraft are also exported.

The leading position in the foreign trade of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is occupied by several large industrial enterprises, such as JSC Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant (37.3%), JSC Norilsk Combine (36.5%), PA Electrochemical Plant (13.6%), JSC Norilsk Mining Company (2.6 %), CJSC "Lesosibirsk LDK No. 1" (1.7%), CJSC "Novoeniseisky LDK" (1.4%), CJSC "Trading Company JSC KraMZ" (1.1%). Also active participants in export operations are the Yenisei chemical plant, Krasnoyarsk Coal Company JSC, and Krasnoyarsk Pulp and Paper Mill JSC. These enterprises have stable connections with foreign partners and extensive experience in carrying out foreign economic transactions.

In 1999, imported goods worth more than $600.0 million were supplied to the region. Despite the fact that the dynamics of the value of imports is constantly changing, in general this does not affect the economy of the region.

The main share in the structure of imports is occupied by products of the petrochemical complex. This group of products is represented mainly by inorganic chemical products, namely aluminum oxide (alumina), plastics and products made from them. Mechanical engineering products are in second place. Engineering products are imported from the USA, Germany, Austria, and Sweden. Imports of fuel and energy complex products account for 4.2% of the total volume. The region also imports food products and raw materials for their production (meat, flour, vegetables, fruits, wine, confectionery), this group accounts for 8.1% of total imports.

The main counterparty countries of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in import operations today are Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Germany, Ireland, China, USA, France, India, Jamaica and Guinea.

The largest importing enterprises in the region are OJSC Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant (44.6%), JSC Norilsk Combine (11.2%), PA Electrochemical Plant (9.0%), OJSC Cement (6 ,2%), LLC "Coca-Cola Krasnoyarsk Bottlers", Railway, NPO "Applied Mechanics", OJSC "Kansk Tobacco Factory", Chemical Plant FIG "Krasmashzavod".

In conclusion, it should be noted that trade relations of the Krasnoyarsk Territory largely determine the picture of foreign economic activity of the entire East Siberian region. IN last years(1999-2000), the region constantly occupies a leading position in terms of volumes of export-import operations among the entities included in the East Siberian region and provides more than 50% of the total volume of exports and 40% of imports.


The transport network of the region consists of 1789.2 km of railway tracks. The operational length of railway access roads of enterprises is 62% of the length of the tracks of the Altai branch of the road. Almost all access roads are broad gauge, providing access to the network common use. The branded train "Altai" runs on the route Barnaul - Moscow.

The length of the network of navigable river routes is more than a thousand kilometers across very picturesque terrain. A quarter of the territory of the region with a population of about a million people is located in the water transport service zone; there are 2 river ports at their service.

There are 5 airports in the region. Existing airlines allow all types of air transportation of passengers and cargo, including international commercial ones. There are paved runways in 25 districts of the region. Communication between the regional center and the capital of Russia is provided by two flights per day on TU-154 aircraft. The international flight "Barnaul - Düsseldorf - Barnaul" has been opened. The construction of the international sector at Barnaul airport is nearing completion.

Net highways public use in the region is 15,442 kilometers, including 13,597 kilometers with hard surfaces.

The Barnaul Post Office cooperates with the express mail enterprises "EMS Garantpost", which is integral part global world network EMC. The EMS Garantpost enterprise offers services for sending abroad and delivery from abroad according to catalogs of international express mail, correspondence, documents, parcels, parcels.

"EMS Garantpost" provides express mail transportation to almost all countries of the world. Delivery of express shipments from Barnaul to Moscow is carried out by express plane within 24 hours; from Moscow, EMS Garantpost will deliver to the capitals of European countries in no more than 48 hours, to the capitals of North America and Japan - no more than 72 hours, as well as provides delivery of express mail to more than 100 cities of the Commonwealth and large industrial centers of Russia.


The attractiveness of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for foreign investment can be increased by attracting state (regional and federal) funds allocated for further geological study of oil and gas promising areas to increase hydrocarbon reserves and resources, as well as for the construction of at least some infrastructure elements: roads, power lines, pipelines, housing.

And if no major changes have yet been observed in the development of infrastructure, several tens of billions of rubles were spent on the geological study of oil and gas promising areas in the Krasnoyarsk Territory through budget funding in 1996-1997. To a large extent, the current state of affairs can be explained by the fact that in recent years a fairly clear mechanism for financing geological exploration work has been created through contributions for the reproduction of the mineral resource base (RMB), and capital investments in the construction of infrastructure facilities are an integral part of consolidated budgets and conditions of the difficult financial situation of the budgetary sector are allocated on the basis of the residual principle.

It is obvious that the greater the volume of foreign investment the Krasnoyarsk Territory can attract, the faster the development of its oil wealth will begin. Of course, it is possible, in principle, to do without foreign investment, but in this case, the development of the region as an oil and gas producing region will occur at a slow pace. An alternative to “dollar” injections could be government investments, but the federal government, apparently, will not be able to allocate the necessary funds to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, since the region itself is a donor to the federal budget, and the Center already has enough problems with subsidies to the territories. The region’s own funds are not enough for the broad development of the oil program.

The predominant forms of attracting foreign investment to the Krasnoyarsk Territory are foreign loans, as well as the creation of enterprises with foreign participation.

The existing experience of interaction between enterprises and commercial structures of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with foreign companies, financial and investment funds and banks so far indicates a rather narrowly focused interest in cooperation on the part of foreign partners.

Taking into account the peculiarities of the industrial potential of the region, the presence of large mineral, forest and energy resources, developed non-ferrous metallurgy, high technology At defense industry enterprises, the main areas of investment in the region are:

Deep processing of mineral raw materials;

Organization of production based on high technologies of the industrial and conversion complex;

Processing of agricultural products, forests and wood;

Transport and communications.

Portfolio foreign investments are directed primarily to securities mining, metallurgy and energy enterprises.

In total, about 200 enterprises have been created in the region with the participation of foreign capital, mainly American, European and Chinese (USA - 10%; Western European countries - 21%; China - 9%).

The total volume of foreign investment in the region over the past two to three years amounts to $500 million. As a rule, the recipients of investments are large industrial enterprises producing products that are in demand. Investments are directed to modernization of production, so there are not many who received investments.

A number of large enterprises in the region that produce raw materials that are in high demand on the world market independently resolve issues of raising funds. Enterprises such as Norilsk Nickel and the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant receive loans of up to $200 million without government guarantees - for metal supplies, or through pledging export contracts in one of the Western banks.

As for the purchase of equipment using their own funds, regional enterprises purchased equipment and technological lines worth $80 million in 1995 at the expense of Russian sources financing.

At the end of September 1998, financial investments had accumulated in the amount of 6,187 million rubles, of which long-term investments accounted for 5,861.3 million rubles (94.7%), and short-term investments accounted for 325.7 million rubles (5.3%).

The main source of financing for large and medium-sized enterprises is their own funds; for financial investments their share is 89.5%, for investments in fixed capital - 72.9%. More than a quarter of all investments come from raised funds (27.1%).

Structure of raised funds by large and medium-sized enterprises for 9 months of 1998 (in percent).

In relation to investors, the region is one of the regions that can easily be classified as undervalued by investors. According to objective conditions, indicators of the investment climate, the Krasnoyarsk Territory occupies a much higher place than in terms of real domestic investment. According to the rating of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Russia, compiled in 1997, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks 4th among Russian regions in terms of the attractiveness of the business climate, second only to Moscow, the Tyumen region and the Samara region.

Among the indicators characterizing the capacity of the regional market, as factors significantly influencing the formation of the investment climate, it should be noted that one of the highest levels of purchasing power of the population of the region in the Russian Federation.


The region has a developed industry and actively participates in the Russian and international markets. In the system of international division of labor, the region acts as a powerful fuel and energy complex with energy-intensive production of non-ferrous metallurgy, chemical industry and mechanical engineering, mining of valuable mineral raw materials, and timber industries. The region's share in the industry of the East Siberian region is more than 40%, in the industry of Russia - 3%. In terms of export potential, the region is one of the five leading regions of Russia and occupies a leading position in Siberia.

Main industries: non-ferrous metallurgy (in Norilsk - a mining and metallurgical plant producing copper, nickel, cobalt; Krasnoyarsk, Sayan aluminum smelters, Sorsk molybdenum plant); mechanical engineering and metalworking (production of equipment for the forestry and pulp and paper industries, combine harvesters, heavy overhead cranes, ships, household refrigerators, televisions, excavators, containers, electrical products, trailers, tools); mining (mining coal, iron ore, non-ferrous and rare metal ores, gold, graphite, Iceland spar); chemical (production of chemical fibers, synthetic rubber, tires, medicines, rubber products); forestry and woodworking, light (textile, leather and footwear) and food. The Krasnoyarsk, Ust-Khantaysk, Sayano-Shushenskaya, Mainskaya hydroelectric power stations, and Nazarovskaya state district power station operate on the territory of the region.

Main industrial centers: Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Abakan, Chernogorsk, Achinsk, Minusinsk.

Leading industrial enterprises. There are 77 machine-building enterprises in the region, including unique ones. The Krasnoyarsk plant "Sibtyazhmash" is the only Russian manufacturer of heavy overhead electric cranes with a lifting capacity of over 200 tons. The Kraslesmash plant in Krasnoyarsk produces half of the country's jaw-mounted timber loaders and timber handling machines. The Krasnoyarsk Combine Harvester Association produces 15.5% of Russian grain harvesters. Krasnoyarsk is home to Russia's largest plant for the production of household refrigerators, Biryusa, which are exported to 40 countries around the world. Research and Production Association of Applied Mechanics - main developer and manufacturer Russian systems space communications. The region also produces river boats, car trailers and refrigerators, televisions and radio-electronic equipment. In addition, in Krasnoyarsk there are the following enterprises: state enterprise Krasmashzavod, Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, Krasnoyarsk Production Association "Combineprom". In Norilsk - Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Plant named after. A.P. Zavenyagina; in Achinsk - PA "Achinsk Alumina Refinery"; in the village of N.-Poima - establishment of post office box U-235.

Fuel and energy complex. The main branch of the region's specialization is energy. In recent years, the region's contribution to the overall Russian volume of electricity production has constantly increased. The Krasnoyarsk Territory produces about 6% of the total electricity produced by the country. On the territory of the region there are large energy facilities - Krasnoyarsk Hydroelectric Power Station, Krasnoyarsk State District Power Plant - 2, Nazarovskaya State District Power Plant, the Boguchanskaya Hydroelectric Power Station under construction and Berezovskaya State District Power Plant-1.

The region ranks second in Russia in terms of electricity production per person. Due to the high energy potential of rivers, a high specific gravity is observed. It is no coincidence that the two largest hydroelectric power stations in Eurasia were built on the Yenisei: the Krasnoyarsk and Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power stations. On the basis of the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin, the Kansk-Achinsk Fuel and Energy Complex (KATEK) is being created with the most powerful Berezovsky GRES-1 and GRES-2 in the world. The existing open-pit mines in the basin annually supply about 55 million tons of coal for the needs of power engineers. A significant part of the coal is supplied to thermal stations in neighboring regions - Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and other regions.

In 1999, the region generated more than 50.0 billion kWh of electricity. In 2000, according to economic forecasts, this figure will be much higher. The share of hydroelectric power stations in the total production volume is also relatively high, which determines the establishment of relatively low tariffs for electricity and heat, compared to other regions of Russia.

The energy system of the Norilsk industrial region operates independently from the Krasnoyarsk energy system, using natural gas as a raw material: about 5.6 million m2 per year. Centralized power supply in the region covers 99% of consumers.

Metallurgy. Traditionally, the basic industry in the region is metallurgy, which combines non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy. In total, the region produces more than 30 heavy, light, alloying and rare earth metals and elements, the most important of which are considered to be: aluminum, nickel, cobalt, copper, platinum and gold. Non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy accounts for about 45% of the region's industrial output. On the territory of the region there are large metallurgical enterprises: Krasnoyarsk plants - aluminum, metallurgical and non-ferrous metals, the Achinsk Alumina Refinery, the Gorevsky Polymetallic Mining and Processing Plant. The flagship of the non-ferrous metallurgy not only of the region, but also of Russia is the world's northernmost Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, which produces 1/6 of the region's industrial output. With the beginning of conversion, the production of highly pure metals for the radio-electronic industry, such as tellurium, germanium, silicon, and ultra-pure aluminum, began to develop in the region.

In contrast to non-ferrous metallurgy, the output of basic ferrous metallurgy products has decreased slightly in recent years compared to previous years.

In general, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy accounts for more than 50% of the region's industrial output. These same industries play a leading role in the foreign economic activity of the region.

The chemical complex of the region is represented by enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical, microbiological and medical industries. Among the main products of chemical complex enterprises, oil refining products, synthetic rubber and products created on its basis stand out first of all; only about 300 types of products. The region's enterprises produce 10% of Russia's high-quality artificial rubbers, 15% of car tires, 12% of artificial fibers, and a significant share of domestic antibiotics and blood substitutes.

The share of the chemical and petrochemical industry in the volume of industrial production of the region in recent years has been consistently maintained at the level of 6 - 7%. In 1999, the volume of output of goods and services in these industries increased by 15.4% compared to the 1998 level. The largest enterprises include Krasnoyarsk factories - tire, chemical fiber, synthetic rubber, rubber products, medical supplies, as well as the Kansk Biochemical Plant, the Sibvolokno plant.

Mining industry. Raw materials for metallurgy are supplied by mining enterprises. The region is undergoing industrial development of deposits of gold, lead, zinc, magnesite and other minerals.

Currently, almost 90% of the industry's output comes from the extraction of raw materials for the production of non-ferrous metals. The second largest production volume is coal mining. Average annual coal production is over 50 million tons. The main fields are the Kansko-Achinsky basin, Nazarovskoye, Berezovskoye, Irsha-Borodinskoye fields.

The volume of industrial production in 1996 was 98% of 1995; in 1995 - 106% of the 1994 level.

Production of main types of industrial products:

electricity - 49.0 billion kWh (108% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 105% from level

coal - 38.5 million tons (120% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 87% of the 1994 level);

commercial timber - 5.4 million pl. m3 (85% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 99.5% of the 1994 level);

lumber - 1.6 million m3 (82% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 100.3% from level

hard fibreboards - 37.5 million conventional m2 (100.1% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 134% of the 1994 level);

cardboard - 58.4 thousand tons (73% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 161% of the 1994 level);

cement - 1353 thousand tons (80% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 103% of the 1994 level);

chemical fibers and threads - 23.4 thousand tons (79% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 125% of the 1994 level);

tires - 688 thousand units (181% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 28% of the 1994 level);

refrigerators and freezers - 60.9 thousand units (10% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 76% of the 1994 level);

televisions - 13.9 thousand units (88% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 27% of the 1994 level);

meat, including category 1 by-products - 35.7 thousand tons (84% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 76% of the 1994 level);

whole milk products in terms of milk - 47.5 thousand tons (81% from level

1995; in 1995 - 66% of the 1994 level);

confectionery products - 264 thousand tons (90% of the 1995 level; in 1995 - 99.6% of the 1994 level).

An important place in the industrial structure is occupied by the fuel and energy and forestry complexes, non-ferrous metallurgy and the chemical industry. Mechanical engineering and light industry are also of interregional importance.

Sectoral structure of industry (1997):

Electric power industry (13.1%);

Fuel (8.6%);

Ferrous metallurgy (1.0%);

Non-ferrous metallurgy (43.7%);

Chemical and petrochemical (8.6%);

Mechanical engineering and metalworking (5.9%);

Forestry, woodworking and pulp and paper (5.6%);

Construction materials (3.3%);

Light (0.8%);

Food (7.4%).

Forestry and woodworking industry. The combination of branches of the timber industry - logging, wood processing and pulp and paper - is of national and international importance. The country's timber industry and timber export base is developing in the region. Forests occupy 168.2 million hectares, which is 45% of the territory of the region. Among the main forest-forming species, the most represented are Siberian larch, cedar, pine, aspen, and birch. Forests are of operational importance; only high-quality coniferous wood is harvested. Every year, 55 million cubic meters of wood are harvested in the region. In terms of timber harvesting volumes, the region ranks third in Russia, and in the production of lumber it occupies a leading place in the country. Transportation of wood is carried out by water along large rivers of the region and by rail.

Agriculture. The region is rightfully considered the largest agricultural region in Central and Eastern Siberia, fully meeting the population's needs for basic food products. The region's share in the East Siberian region accounts for more than half of the total grain production, more than 40% of potatoes, 37% of vegetables, 43% of milk, 36 - 43% of meat and eggs. Due to the harsh climatic conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, agriculture is developed mainly only in the southern regions. The leading branches of agriculture are crop production, meat and dairy cattle breeding and poultry farming. Fine-fleece sheep breeding is developed in the south, in middle lane They raise cows, pigs, and sheep; in the north, reindeer husbandry and fur farming and fur farming predominate. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is an important fur-growing region of the country. On average, up to 15 thousand white arctic foxes, more than 50 thousand commercial sables, and 400 thousand squirrels are caught on its territory.

Krasnoyarsk administration portal

Krasnoyarsk region

The date of formation of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is December 7, 1934. The center is Krasnoyarsk, founded in 1628. The distance from Moscow to Krasnoyarsk is 4,000 km. The area of ​​the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 2,340 thousand square meters. km, or 13.6% of the entire territory of the country. The region is part of the Siberian Federal District.

Geographical position. The Krasnoyarsk Territory extends from the shores of the Northern Arctic Ocean to the mountains of Southern Siberia. The southern part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is occupied by the Eastern Sayan Mountains, up to 3000 m high. The climate is sharply continental; the average temperature in January is from -18 to -25 degrees, in July - from +20 to +35 degrees; precipitation ranges from 300 mm in the north to 800-1000 mm in the south. In the north there is permafrost. Most of the territory is covered with taiga.

Population. The population of the region is almost 3 million people, including: 2,200 thousand people - urban (of which 1 million live in Krasnoyarsk), and 700 thousand people - rural.

Municipal structure and largest cities. There are 581 municipalities in the region.
The largest cities: Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Achinsk, Kansk, Zheleznogorsk, Zelenogorsk, Minusinsk.

Economic advantages and disadvantages. The Krasnoyarsk Territory has a variety of favorable preconditions for economic development. The region ranks first in Russia in timber reserves, second in hydropower reserves, and third in mineral fuel reserves (mainly brown coal and oil). Here are deposits of ferrous and non-ferrous metal ores, gold, natural stone, nonmetallic building materials. Excess electricity contributes to the development of energy-intensive industries.
Unfavorable factors are: high transport costs due to the region’s remoteness from the main centers of consumption of manufactured products; harsh natural and climatic conditions and difficult terrain.

Features of the region's economy.

Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the most industrially developed regions of Russia. Thanks to the unique natural resources, many types of industrial activities have been developed in the region - hydropower and solid fuel power, non-ferrous metallurgy, mining, and forestry.

At the same time, key sectors of the regional economy play a significant role not only at the state, but also at the global level. Thus, the region produces more than 80% of the total Russian volume of nickel (or 20% of world production), more than 70% of copper, about 30% of primary aluminum, and almost 98% of platinum group metals. In terms of gold production volumes, the region takes first place in Russia, providing 18% of Russian production; in the all-Russian oil production, the region provides 2.5% of oil production, 0.3% of gas production.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is consistently among the top ten constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of gross regional product (GRP) production. The vast majority of the region's GRP comes from industry, in particular such sectors as non-ferrous metallurgy, electric power, mining and chemical industries, forestry and wood processing.

The advantages of the region's economy are associated with the use of local electricity and raw materials, the modern technological level of the region's mining enterprises, and a clear export component. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is constantly among the regions of Russia with the highest production volume. The region's share in Russian industry is 4%, the East Siberian economic region - 40%.

In the structure of the gross regional product of the region, about 53% is industry and about 7% is agriculture.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of 15 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, which together provide more than 70% of its trade with foreign counterparties.

The natural resource potential that has existed for many years has created the prerequisites for the development of industrial production, and then investment potential. Thus, two-thirds of the territory of the region is covered with forests, there is a high supply of water resources, over six thousand deposits various types mineral resources provide the region with first place in terms of volume of shipped industrial products among the regions of the Siberian Federal District. At the same time, the annual growth rate of industrial production volumes is, on average, 2-7%, characterizing a fairly dynamic sustainable development.

The competitive advantages of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, according to the strategy for the socio-economic development of Siberia until 2020, are:

  • high level industrial development;
  • high investment activity;
  • diversified system higher education and research institutions;
  • rich natural resource potential;
  • favorable geographical and geopolitical position in the system of international relations;
  • developed fuel and energy complex;
  • high level of agricultural development;
  • developed transport and communication infrastructure in the central and southern regions of the region;
  • developed construction complex.

Leading industries The Krasnoyarsk Territory is ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, fuel and energy complex, mechanical engineering and metalworking, mining, forestry, woodworking, chemical, agriculture and food industry.

Main industrial centers: Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Nazarovo, Sharypovo, Kansk, Zheleznogorsk.

Metallurgy. Traditionally, the basic industry in the region is metallurgy, which combines non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy. In total, the region produces more than 30 heavy, light, alloying and rare earth metals and elements, the most important of which are aluminum, nickel, cobalt, copper, platinum and gold. On the territory of the region there are large metallurgical enterprises: Krasnoyarsk plants - aluminum, metallurgical and non-ferrous metals, the Achinsk Alumina Refinery, the Gorevsky Polymetallic Mining and Processing Plant.

The flagship of the non-ferrous metallurgy not only of the region, but also of Russia is the world's northernmost Norilsk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, which produces 1/6 of the region's industrial output. The region has developed the production of highly pure metals for the radio-electronic industry, such as tellurium, germanium, silicon, and ultra-pure aluminum. In general, non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy accounts for more than 50% of the region's industrial output. These same industries play a leading role in the foreign economic activity of the region.

Mining industry. Raw materials for metallurgy are supplied by mining enterprises. The region is undergoing industrial development of deposits of gold, lead, zinc, magnesite and other minerals. Currently, almost 90% of the industry's output comes from the extraction of raw materials for the production of non-ferrous metals. The second largest production volume is coal mining. Average annual coal production is over 50 million tons. The main fields are the Kansko-Achinsky basin, Nazarovskoye, Berezovskoye, Irsha-Borodinskoye fields.

Among the regions of the Siberian Federal District in terms of mineral production, the region ranks second.

Hopes for realizing the potential of the Krasnoyarsk Territory are also placed on the development of the natural resources of the Russian Arctic.

Chemical complex The region is represented by enterprises of the chemical, petrochemical, microbiological and medical industries. Among the main products of chemical complex enterprises, oil refining products, synthetic rubber and products created on its basis stand out first. The region's enterprises produce 10% of Russia's high-quality artificial rubbers and 15% of automobile tires.

Forestry and wood processing industry. The forest area of ​​the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 164.0 million hectares, or more than 45% of the total forest area of ​​Siberia. Forests cover more than 65% of the territory of the region and 85% consist of coniferous species. Among the main forest-forming species are Siberian larch, cedar, pine, aspen, and birch. Every year, 55 million cubic meters of wood are harvested in the region. In terms of timber harvesting volumes, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks third in Russia, and in the production of lumber it occupies a leading place in the country.

Agriculture. The Krasnoyarsk Territory is rightfully considered the largest agricultural region in Central and Eastern Siberia, fully meeting the population's needs for basic food products. The region's share in the East Siberian region accounts for more than half total volumes grain production, more than 40% potatoes, 37% vegetables, 43% milk, 36-43% meat and eggs. Agricultural land in farms of all categories amounts to 3,850 thousand hectares, or 1.6% of all land in the region, arable land - 2,573 thousand hectares, or 1.1%. The region's agriculture is dominated by the production of grain, potatoes and vegetables; Animal husbandry for meat and dairy production, sheep breeding, poultry farming, beekeeping and fur farming are developed. (Honey from the Krasnoyarsk Territory is even supplied to Japan). For the eighth year in a row, grain yields are the highest among the regions of the Siberian Federal District (2011 - 23.7 c/ha). Due to the harsh climatic conditions of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, agriculture is developed mainly in the southern regions. The Minusinsk Basin is rightfully considered the breadbasket of Eastern Siberia; the best vegetables and fruits in Siberia are grown here, in particular, Minusinsk tomatoes, unsurpassed in taste, and amateurs even cultivate grapes.

Food industry, associated mainly with the processing of local agricultural raw materials (dairies, condensed and powdered milk factories, meat processing plants, flour mills, flour and pasta factories, distilleries and breweries, etc.), concentrated mainly in the cities of the southern part of the region

Fuel and energy complex. The main branch of the region's specialization is energy.

The presence of a rich raw material base (water resources, brown coal deposits) creates favorable conditions for electricity generation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory there are 20 operating and 1 power plant under construction:
the total installed capacity of power plants in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is 13,910 MW.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory produces about 6% of the total electricity produced by the country.

In terms of electricity production per person, the Krasnoyarsk Territory ranks second in Russia. The two largest hydroelectric power stations in Eurasia were built on the Yenisei: Krasnoyarsk and Sayano-Shushenskaya. Created on the basis of the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin Kansk-Achinsk Fuel and Energy Complex (KATEK) with the most powerful in the world Berezovsky GRES-1 and GRES-2. Operating sections of the basin ( Borodinsky, Nazarovsky, Berezovsky) annually supply about 55 million tons of coal for the needs of power engineers. A significant part of the coal is supplied to thermal stations in neighboring regions - Novosibirsk, Irkutsk and other regions.

The main volume of electricity consumption (more than 70 percent) in the region falls on the organizations of mining and manufacturing industries, production and distribution of electricity, gas and water. This is explained by the fact that the main consumer of fuel and energy resources in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are organizations of the industrial complex that are focused on energy-intensive activities.

One of the priority directions for the development of the economy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is energy efficiency- reducing energy consumption by enterprises and the population of the region. The target program “Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency in the Krasnoyarsk Territory” is already working in the region and is producing results.

Transport. Currently, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is a major transport, distribution and transit hub of the Siberian Federal District. The transport complex of the region is represented by all types of transport - railway, pipeline, air, inland waterway and road. A special role for the region in the functioning of the transport system is given by its unique location at the intersection of railway, air and highway routes.

Railway transport. The dominant position in the transport system of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is occupied by railway transport. It accounts for 94% of the region's total cargo turnover. From west to east, the region is crossed by the Trans-Siberian and South Siberian Railways.
The operational length of the Krasnoyarsk railway is 3.2 thousand kilometers.

The length of public roads with hard surfaces is 47.3 thousand kilometers. Two federal highways pass through the territory of the region: Novosibirsk - Krasnoyarsk - Irkutsk and Krasnoyarsk - Kyzyl.
The enterprises carry out direct road transport of goods to China, Mongolia and Western Europe.

The length of the waterways connecting the northern and eastern parts of the region with the city of Krasnoyarsk is 7 thousand kilometers.
The river ports of the cities of Krasnoyarsk and Lesosibirsk on the Yenisei River provide interaction between river and railway transport. Estuary ports in the north of the region are accessible to sea vessels.

A multimodal transport hub is being formed on the basis of Krasnoyarsk Airport. The airspace of the region and the Krasnoyarsk airport are used for flights as part of cross-polar air routes through the North Pole.

Export and import.

The Krasnoyarsk Territory is traditionally one of the largest export-oriented regions of the country. A significant part of the products of timber processing, non-ferrous metallurgy, and the chemical industry is exported from the country. The share of the Krasnoyarsk Territory in Russia's foreign trade turnover is constantly increasing.

The volume of foreign trade turnover between the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Netherlands in 2012 amounted to almost $2.9 billion, China is in second place - just over $1 billion, and the United States is in third place - more than $500 million.

In the structure of exports, almost 71% is made up of metals and products made from them - about $4 billion.

The structure of the region's exports is determined largely by raw materials and processed products. The main exports include non-ferrous metals (aluminum, nickel, copper), timber and timber products. The main consumers of these products are Japan, Italy, Egypt, Türkiye. Ferrous metals, oil and petroleum products, coal, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, synthetic rubber, mechanical and electrical equipment are also exported.

The leading position in the foreign trade of the Krasnoyarsk Territory is occupied by several large industrial enterprises, such as the Krasnoyarsk Aluminum Plant, the Norilsk Combine, the Electrochemical Plant, the Norilsk Mining Company, JSC KraMZ, the Lesosibirsk LDK, the New Yenisei LDK.

The main share in the structure of imports is occupied by products of the petrochemical complex. This group of products is represented mainly by inorganic chemical products, namely aluminum oxide (alumina), plastics and products made from them. Mechanical engineering products are in second place. Engineering products are imported from the USA, Germany, Austria, and Sweden. Imports of fuel and energy complex products account for 4.2% of the total volume.

Trade relations of the Krasnoyarsk Territory largely determine the picture of foreign economic activity of the entire East Siberian region. In recent years, the region has constantly occupied a leading position in terms of the volume of export-import operations among the entities included in the East Siberian region, and provides more than 50% of the total volume of exports and 40% of imports.

Investment climate

The basis for the sustainable socio-economic position of the region and its potential further development is the implementation of large investment projects in the region for the development of traditional and creation of new high-tech industries. Krasnoyarsk Territory is one of the leading Russian regions in terms of investment activity. In terms of the volume of attracted investments, the region is the leader in Siberia and is among the top ten in the Russian Federation.

Regional authorities in the Krasnoyarsk Territory actively support investment activities: regional laws and regulations have been adopted, the main task of which is to create a favorable investment environment. The region actively uses public-private partnership mechanisms. An Investment Council has been created under the Government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Chairman of the Investment Council is the Deputy Governor.

There are measures in place in the region aimed at creating a favorable investment climate:

  • state guarantees of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  • provision of subsidies to reimburse part of the costs of payment interest rates on loans;
  • provision of budget investments;
  • tax benefits.