My nipples hurt a lot. Possible causes of pain in the nipple area. What to do if your nipples hurt

Itching and burning of female nipples can occur for various reasons. Often this unpleasant condition is accompanied by painful sensations. However, due to the sensitivity of the problem, women are not always in a hurry to see a doctor. Women's breasts are naturally highly sensitive, so if the nipple is burning, this is not a reason to panic. Such discomfort does not always indicate pathology and may be temporary. However, in some cases it is still a signal of the development of serious diseases that require consultation and professional assistance from a specialist. Therefore, it is necessary to understand when discomfort is caused by the physiology of the female body, and when it indicates health problems.

The causes of discomfort in the mammary glands may be as follows:

Pregnancy on early stages;


Menstrual cycle;

Failure to comply with hygiene rules;

Dehydration of the body;

Reception hormonal drugs and antidepressants;

Long-term sexual abstinence;


Oncological diseases (Paget's disease).

It is very important that every woman pays Special attention your breasts in order to prevent possible problems in the future. When the nipple hurts and burns, only in a few cases this is normal. This phenomenon usually occurs in early pregnancy, as well as during lactation and breastfeeding. In other cases, including the menstrual period, it is necessary to take certain measures and contact a specialist. Otherwise, a woman risks receiving a disappointing diagnosis that could cost her life.

Burning nipples during pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, the cause of pain and burning in the nipples can be an interesting position. During this period, the body experiences enormous hormonal changes, the milk ducts expand, the breasts increase in size, and the production of the hormone prolactin increases. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that they hurt and burn because they were not prepared for sudden changes. Fortunately, painful and unpleasant sensations are temporary, and by the beginning of the second trimester everything usually goes away.

Burning sensation during lactation

During breastfeeding, the nipples undergo changes and their skin becomes rougher. If the baby is not fed correctly, he will have trouble latching on the breast and biting it. This can cause cracks to appear, which are accompanied by pain and burning. To solve the problem, you need to accustom your baby to proper sucking, and after feeding, lubricate painful areas with healing agents. For treatment purposes, you can use lanolin, Bepanten ointment, Solcoseryl or sea buckthorn oil.

If not only the nipples burn after feeding, but also redness of the skin and an increase in body temperature, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the mammary gland - mastitis. Often this disease occurs due to lactostasis and infection.

For treatment initial stage mastitis is treated with medication. In acute cases, it is often necessary to carry out surgical intervention followed by removal of the abscess with thick pus.

In addition, nipples often suffer from thrush. Moreover, this problem can affect not only the mother, but also the child. The fight against thrush involves regularly washing your hands before and after feeding, keeping your nipples dry and clean, and eliminating foods containing sugar and yeast from your diet. If necessary, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs to treat the disease.

Burning nipple due to menstrual cycle

The condition of the breast directly depends on the monthly cycle. Pain and burning in the mammary gland usually occurs a few days before the start of menstruation. In addition, it is not uncommon for nipples to burn in the middle of the cycle. This discomfort is caused by an increase in the level of progesterone and prolactin in the blood. These hormones tend to retain fluid and electrolytes throughout the body, including the mammary gland, causing discomfort in the breasts and an increase in their volume. With the arrival of menstruation, hormone levels drop and breast tenderness disappears.


It is not uncommon for nipples to hurt and burn before menstruation when fibrocystic mastopathy occurs. The disease is accompanied by pathological growth connective tissue in the mammary gland.

In addition to pain and burning, other symptoms are present:

1. The presence of one or more lumps is noted in the breast.

2. Observable (often transparent).

A characteristic feature of mastopathy is that the symptoms appear immediately before the critical days, and with their onset they decrease or disappear altogether. However, after some time, the disease progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced and prolonged: the pain intensifies and worries not only before menstruation, but also after it.

In order to identify fibrocystic mastopathy, you can perform independent breast palpation. But it’s better to trust a specialist and do an ultrasound and mammogram. The disease is treated with hormonal and non-hormonal drugs. In severe cases, surgical methods are used.

Mastopathy can be either acquired or hereditary. Early diagnosis of the disease allows it to be successfully and irreversibly cured.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

The reason that the nipple burns may be a hygienic component. For example, incorrectly selected bra material (synthetic composition, presence of aggressive dyes), use of cosmetics and personal care products that cause allergies.

Paget's disease

Determining on your own why your nipples hurt and burn is not easy. The reason can be either completely harmless or extremely serious. Thus, a painful burning sensation in the nipple area can be a signal of such a terrible illness as In medicine it is called “Paget's disease”.

The insidiousness of the disease lies in the fact that at the initial stage its symptoms are so mild that a woman may not attach importance to them. At an early stage, redness appears and a crust forms, so the disease is often confused with eczema. Later stages are accompanied by increased sensitivity, itching, burning, tingling and pain in the nipples. Droplets of blood may also be released from them.

It is almost impossible to diagnose Paget's disease during examination. If suspected, the doctor prescribes a biopsy, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, surgery is performed. Radiation therapy is prescribed as an auxiliary treatment.

What symptoms should you pay attention to for pain and burning in the nipples?

The appearance of bloody, bloody or purulent discharge.

Changes in the size, shape and color of the nipple and areola.

Formation of ulcers, erosions, cracks on the nipples and areolas.

Soreness and swelling of the breast and around the nipple.

Constant and increasing pain.

Pain in the armpit area.

If these symptoms are detected, you should urgently visit a gynecologist or mammologist, as they may indicate cancer mammary gland.

Diagnostic methods

To find out the cause of a painful condition in the breast area, you should not make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment yourself. To do this, it is better to seek help from a specialized specialist who will help conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe appropriate treatment.

The patient may be prescribed the following diagnostic methods:

Ultrasound of the mammary glands (allows you to detect a tumor and determine its location);

Mammography (recognizes abnormalities and nodules that are not palpable);

MRI of the mammary glands (allows for the most accurate diagnosis).

The purpose of a particular examination depends on the diagnosis that the doctor will assume during the initial examination.

Do not forget that timely seeking qualified help will allow you to carry out effective therapy and avoid wasting valuable time in case of serious illnesses. For prevention, it is recommended to regularly conduct self-examination of the breast and make a scheduled visit to the doctor.

Nipples are an organ that few people pay attention to. Most often these are women, since their nipples are not a vestigial organ, unlike men, and not only perform a certain function while feeding the child, but are also more sensitive.

It is not surprising that the question of why women’s nipples hurt is actually quite relevant. Unfortunately, many women either ignore this problem or prefer to endure it, mistakenly believing that discomfort and pain arise accidentally, due to stress, poor-quality underwear, and so on. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case.

Causes of pain

Most often, when it is necessary to identify the reason why a woman’s nipples hurt, the connection of this symptom with the monthly menstrual cycle is first assumed. In fact, it is this factor that most often plays a key role.

A woman's nipples may hurt as a result of the so-called "PMS", that is, premenstrual syndrome, which can develop several days or even weeks before the start of menstruation. At the same time, discomfort in the chest and pain in the nipples can be observed at almost any stage of ovulation, since the key point here is natural changes in the female body. We are talking about hormonal levels that undergo dramatic changes. At a certain stage, the level of progesterone in a woman’s blood drops sharply, and the amount of estrogens with prolactin increases, which have a pronounced effect on the mammary glands. At this time, there is a fairly high growth of the glands, opening of the milk ducts, hardening and increased sensitivity of the nipples. In the same time low level progesterone reduces a woman’s pain sensitivity threshold.

Another “physiological” factor for nipple pain may be breastfeeding. The fact is that this process itself is a fairly strong mechanical irritation of the nipples and each woman tolerates it individually. Usually it is not too painful, but if feeding the baby causes severe discomfort, this may indicate that the process is not proceeding correctly. As a rule, common breastfeeding mistakes are the incorrect position of the baby in the mother's arms, which is why he cannot take the breast completely. With proper feeding, the baby freely grasps with his mouth not only the nipple, but also the areola around it.

Diseases indicated by chest pain

But you shouldn’t always associate chest or nipple pain with your period. We can say that they are a consequence of a functional state only if they occur in a clearly defined period of the monthly cycle and always manifest themselves in the same way without any accompanying symptoms. Otherwise, you should think about a disease in which a woman’s nipples hurt.

Most often we are talking about mastalgia, which is not cyclical in nature, that is, does not depend on the onset of menstruation or ovulation in a woman. There are several relevant reasons why this pathological condition develops:

  • The appearance of any neoplasm in the thickness of the mammary glands. It could be a benign tumor, a cyst, or even breast cancer.
  • Disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Chest injuries.
  • Disorders nervous system women. One of the reasons for the onset of mastalgia is still mental or emotional stress.
  • Strong hormonal disbalance, provoked by reception oral contraceptives.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the breast. Which can be infectious in nature.

It is worth noting that all of the above disorders cannot be diagnosed independently. Based only on the presence of pain in the nipple area. All of them are accompanied by additional symptoms that require attention. For example, with inflammatory diseases caused by infection or other factors, pathological discharge from the nipples may occur. If neoplasms are present, they can be detected in the breast tissue during self-examination and palpation of the mammary gland. Also, many pathological diseases are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Who to turn to for help

What to do if a woman has sore nipples? You should contact a specialist - a mammologist, who will prescribe additional examinations and be able to establish an accurate diagnosis in order to prescribe adequate treatment. For this. Depending on the woman's age and symptoms, a mammogram or breast ultrasound may be required.

There are many various reasons for nipple pain - from allergies to washing powder to discomfort associated with a bra that doesn't fit the right size. Nipple pain is a common occurrence during menstruation, pregnancy or breastfeeding.

There are also more serious reasons, such as infections or cancer. Therefore, women who are bothered by obsessive pain in the nipples should visit a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Symptoms of sore juices vary among women. Some call their nipples painful and too sensitive, others complain of sharp pain or pain that is accompanied by itching.

In this material we will look at possible causes of nipple pain.

The content of the article:

Why do my nipples hurt?

1. Friction

Nipple soreness can result from friction with clothing during sports.

Friction is a common cause of this type of pain. Friction occurs when nipples come into contact with clothing or a loose bra. This often happens during physical activity - when a woman jogs, does fitness, or plays basketball.

Rubbing the nipple often causes pain and burning. The skin in this situation may become dry or cracked.

Long-term training increases periods of harmful effects. Therefore, women who are sensitive to friction may want to take extra precautions, such as using surgical tape to protect their nipples.

2. Infections

Nipples that have been damaged by friction, an allergic reaction, or are cracked or bleeding are at high risk of infection. Lactation and breast-feeding can also cause infection.

There is a possibility of yeast infections on the nipples, in particular Candida albicans. This may be the result of damage to nearby tissue, recent use of antibiotics, or if the woman has previously had fungal infections.

Yeast infections, also known as thrush, often cause a burning sensation in the nipples. The burning pain does not go away even if you get rid of the sources of friction. The nipples may turn a bright pink color, and the areolas usually become reddish and flaky.

Many breastfeeding mothers describe thrush as a sharp, burning pain that occurs immediately after feeding. The child may also show signs of infection.

Mastitis, or inflammation of the mammary gland, sometimes appears during pregnancy if milk stagnates in the milk ducts. The bacteria may appear in the canal and begin to spread. This type of infection causes swelling, redness, and inflammation of the breast and nipple.

Mastitis must be treated with antibiotics. If this disease is left untreated, it can take the form of an abscess. Any woman who has the following symptoms along with breast and nipple pain should see a doctor:

  • fever or chills;
  • breast warm to touch;
  • redness of the skin on the chest or nipples;
  • irregular swelling of the chest.

3. Allergies or atopic dermatitis

Laundry detergents and fabric softeners can make painful skin conditions worse

Pain and irritation accompanied by flaky, hard, or blistered skin may be signs of an allergic reaction or atopic dermatitis (eczema).

Certain household products can irritate nipples and aggravate existing skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis. The list of these products includes:

  • body lotions;
  • washing powders;
  • soap;
  • shaving creams;
  • fabric softeners;
  • flavorings;
  • fabrics.

Other symptoms of an allergic reaction include red or cracked skin around the nipples and areola, and persistent itching. In some cases, a skin rash may appear.

Appropriate anti-inflammatory creams can treat mild cases of allergies, but if the rash or redness gets worse, spreads, and does not respond to creams, you should discuss the condition with your doctor.

4. Sexual contact

Sexual activity can also cause nipple pain. Rubbing bodies and foreplay with nipples can cause pain. Usually in such cases there is temporary pain, which just needs time to get rid of.

Using nipple moisturizers can help minimize friction and prevent symptoms from worsening.

5. Hormonal changes

Hormonal changes associated with menstrual cycles can be a factor that exacerbates breast tenderness. Typically, a woman begins to feel symptoms the day before her period begins, when estrogen and progesterone levels rise, which attracts additional fluid to the mammary glands.

Pain associated with hormonal changes usually subsides when menstruation begins. If the pain continues for several days, the woman should talk to her doctor about it.

6. Cancer and Paget's disease

Sometimes nipple pain, along with other symptoms, can be a sign of more serious problems, such as cancer, although tumors do not usually cause pain. Nipple pain caused by cancer usually affects only one breast or one nipple.

Paget's disease is a rare type of cancer that, among other things, affects the nipples. It usually appears together with a tumor in the same breast. Women with Paget's disease and breast cancer may experience the following symptoms:

  • flattened or inverted nipple;
  • yellowish or bloody discharge from juice;
  • itching or tingling sensation;
  • red, scaly, or crusty skin around the nipple and areola.

Paget's disease and breast cancer are diagnosed by examining the affected cells. Paget's disease is rare, but women who are unsure about their symptoms and want to be on the safe side should see a doctor.

7. Pregnancy

Nipple pain is also common in women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. In such conditions, the breasts usually become larger and more sensitive. The nipples and areola darken and often cause pain to the woman. Small bumps may appear around the nipples.

A well-fitted bra can reduce friction and alleviate soreness. Some pregnant women find it helpful to wear a supportive bra while sleeping. This method can also help reduce pain in the nipples and breasts of recent mothers.

Special cooling gels can also help soothe sore nipples in nursing mothers.

8. Breastfeeding

A breastfeeding mother may experience nipple pain due to the baby's improper latch on the breast.

Breastfeeding is another common cause of nipple pain. This is mainly due to the baby's nipple latching technique. If the baby does not cover the breast wide enough with his mouth, the nipple will be located near the gums and hard palate. Babies should latch deeply so that the nipples are at the back of the mouth.

When a breastfeeding mother uses a breast pump, it can also lead to nipple pain, which is usually caused by using too much suction or using the wrong breast shield. Discomfort can be reduced by adjusting the breast pump so that it makes contact with the nipple more comfortably. You can also purchase a more suitable funnel.

When a child begins to teethe, there is an additional reason for pain. The fixation of the nipple often changes, and sometimes the baby may even bite his mother on the soft and sensitive tissue. Breastfeeding mothers can try to encourage the baby to place the breast deeper into the mouth. This will make it more difficult for him to find the nipples with his teeth.

If a baby squeezes the nipple too hard between the gums and the top of the mouth, it can restrict blood flow to the nipple and lead to a condition called vasospasm. In such cases, the nipples become painful and in quick succession turn white, then red, and then purple.

What to do for nipple pain and how to treat it?

Nipple pain caused by friction can be prevented by wearing a properly fitting sports bra, soft synthetic clothing, or nipple protection. Some creams or ointments may also reduce friction. Nursing mothers must monitor the feeding process or use the services of a consultant who will help the child develop the right habits when consuming breast milk. Sore nipples caused by hormonal changes during menstrual cycles or pregnancy may respond well to heat and pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Paracetamol). Breast cancer is usually treated with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. Treatment for mild cases of Paget's disease usually involves removing the nipples and giving radiation to the affected breasts. In some cases, complete breast removal may be necessary.

When should you see a doctor?

In the vast majority of cases nipple pain does not pose a serious threat to the body and goes away immediately after the main cause is eliminated. Those women who experience regular symptoms should make an appointment with their doctor. He will diagnose and prescribe the correct treatment.

About 60% of women experience periodic nipple pain. In most cases, they are directly related to a sharp change in hormonal levels. In some situations, soreness in the nipples may be a symptom of a pathological condition of the mammary glands.

Cyclic mastodynia

There can be a large number of reasons why nipples hurt in women. One way or another, not all of them are associated with the development of diseases. The phenomenon of pain in the mammary glands is called mastodynia.

This disease is associated with cyclical changes in the body that are observed during menstruation. Thus, many women note moderate pain in the nipples during the menstrual cycle, which is usually observed after ovulation or in its middle. This is due to an increase in the blood hormone progesterone, as well as prolactin. It is they, together with other biological substances in a woman’s blood, that contribute to the retention of fluid and electrolytes, both throughout the body and in the mammary gland. The result is pain and swelling, which sometimes causes the breasts to increase in volume.

Noncyclic mastalgia

The second reason why nipples may hurt is female breast, is . This type of disease has nothing to do with hormonal fluctuations. It is caused by such pathologies as:

  • inflammatory process;
  • neoplasms;
  • disruption of the pituitary system;
  • dysfunction of the central and peripheral nervous system, etc.

Also, pain in the nipples is often the result of various types of psychological disorders ( Bad mood, experience, stress and others). In addition, sometimes a girl, tormenting herself with the question: “Why do my nipples hurt?”, does not even suspect that this is a consequence of taking hormonal drugs, for example, contraceptives.

Pregnancy and lactation

Women often complain of pain in the nipples when touched during current pregnancy, and a little less often during breastfeeding. These pains are caused by the growth and expansion of the milk ducts in the gland. In addition, the presence of pain can sometimes be one of the signs of pregnancy that has just begun.

Quite often, young mothers position their baby incorrectly when feeding, which results in mild pain in the nipples. Also, at the beginning of feeding, the newborn may latch onto the breast incorrectly, pulling the nipple too hard, which also causes pain.

What to do?

If a girl encounters such a common phenomenon as nipple pain for the first time, then, as a rule, she does not know what to do. In such situations, diagnosis plays a major role.

First you need to find out whether these pains are cyclical in nature. If they appear and disappear, then most likely this is due to hormonal changes in the body. In such cases, no treatment is required, and the woman can only wait until they go away on their own.

Particularly noteworthy are those cases when, along with painful sensations, a woman also notes the presence. As a rule, they are the main symptom of a large number of diseases, the differentiation of which is carried out exclusively by a doctor.

Thus, pain in the nipples can mean either the development of pathology in a woman’s body or be a separate symptom of a complex disease. In any case, when they appear, a woman should be wary and try to seek help from a doctor as quickly as possible, who, if necessary, will prescribe comprehensive treatment.

The female breast is a special part of the body, which is highly sensitive to external stimuli and internal factors.

Women's nipples hurt for various reasons. Both natural cyclical changes in the body and a number of dangerous diseases can provoke unpleasant sensations. Therefore, if you experience constant pain in the bust area, or if the nature of the pain and the degree of its intensity change, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor to determine the cause of the symptoms.

Natural symptoms

Natural causes of periodic breast tenderness are considered to be monthly hormonal changes in a woman’s body, as well as periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The so-called premenstrual syndrome is characterized by a sharp change in hormonal levels. The dominant estrogen is replaced by progesterone, the main purpose of which is to prepare female body to possible conception. In this regard, at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, a woman may experience depression, frequent mood swings and irritation.

In most cases, the breasts begin to hurt, and the nipples become particularly sensitive. These sensations are associated with fluid retention in the body, so the mammary glands increase slightly from the second phase of the menstrual cycle: the ducts swell, squeezing the nerve fibers.

When menstruation occurs, the pain in the bust area goes away.

After a successful conception throughout the first trimester, the expectant mother may also experience discomfort in the nipple area and swelling of the mammary glands.

The culprit of this condition is the same progesterone, which is produced in large quantities, because it is vital for the successful development of pregnancy. Its task is not only to ensure the successful development of the fertilized egg, but also to prepare the mammary glands for lactation. During this period, the nerve endings do not have time to form as quickly as the ducts expand, which is why the expectant mother feels pain in the chest.

The nipples on the chest often hurt during breastfeeding, and several reasons also contribute to this phenomenon:

  1. Incorrect positioning of the baby at the time of feeding, which is why unfinished milk remains in the breast.
  2. Due to the irregular shape of the female nipple;
  3. Incorrect grasp of the breast by the baby during feeding (only the nipple is grasped).
  4. Violation of hygiene rules after feeding. After each procedure of putting the baby to the breast, you need to thoroughly but gently wash the breast. warm water, drying it with a soft towel. When even the smallest cracks appear, you need to start treating them with softening creams or ointments, preventing their further development.
  5. Lactose, which causes milk stagnation.
  6. Mastitis. Dangerous disease, which develops due to the fact that the infection penetrates the mammary glands. Has pronounced symptoms: swollen breasts, pain in the nipple, increased performance body temperature. Treatment of the disease must be immediate, otherwise an opening of the abscess will be required. Therapy is carried out only with antibiotics. During the treatment period, breastfeeding is stopped.

Causes not related to hormones

In this case, the nipples of the breasts hurt due to a malfunction in the functioning of various organs and systems, often unrelated to the mammary glands.

Sometimes pain in the bust is associated with the development of benign and malignant neoplasms. The pain syndrome in this case can be localized only in the left or right breast. At the same time, the nature of the pain is different: only the nipple, the entire breast or the aureole may hurt; discomfort occurs during palpation or at rest.

A painful right or left nipple indicates the location of a tumor or pathological change.

With oncology, nodules appear on the halos, the skin changes color, and the nipple becomes deformed, increasing sensitivity.


Women who often experience breast tenderness before menstruation should have their breasts visually examined and palpated monthly. If there is the slightest disturbance, you should contact a gynecologist or mammologist for a detailed examination. By using early diagnosis You can quickly begin treatment, preventing the development of a dangerous disease.

Let's look at the most common causes that provoke pain in the chest or nipples.

Oral contraception

Oral contraceptives contain hormones. Incorrectly selected medications or incorrectly calculated dosage leads to hormonal imbalance, which causes pain in the chest.

A characteristic feature of the symptoms in this case is tingling in the mammary glands and pain.


Before starting to use oral contraceptives, be sure to consult your doctor! Using the results of special tests, he will be able not only to select a drug with the desired formula, but also to calculate the correct dosage.

If you experience any unpleasant symptoms after using oral contraceptives, you should consult a specialist and choose another drug.

Skin diseases

If your nipples hurt because of small cracks from which white coating, most likely we are talking about the development of candidiasis.

The fungus, the provocateur of the disease, penetrates the mammary glands through small wounds.

No less unpleasant is the appearance of herpes on the chest.

These diseases require immediate treatment, especially during pregnancy, as they pose a danger to the preservation of the fetus.


Chest discomfort or pain may occur due to injury or pinched nerve.

Moreover, the second factor is often provoked by the first, since the nerve is damaged due to blows, falls or surgery.

Most often, in this case, the pain syndrome disappears on its own after a short time.

However, if the pain is accompanied by bruises or bleeding, you should immediately seek medical help.

Neurological causes

Very often, a woman’s physical health is related to her psychological state. Prolonged stress, depressive moods, shocks lead to a general deterioration of the condition. And since the hormonal background quickly reacts to a psychologically negative state, pain begins in the chest and nipple area. The symptoms are very similar to the sensations experienced by a woman during the premenstrual period.


Long-term use of antidepressants also causes discomfort in the mammary glands.

Fashion trends

Some young girls following fashion trends, began to get tattoos on the nipple halo. Also popular is the procedure of breast piercing, where the nipple is pierced.


These procedures require special precision and professionalism from the person performing the procedure. Any incorrect movement will lead to injury to the ducts or their blockage. In addition, piercing and tattooing must be carried out in strict compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, since with these procedures there is a high chance of infection, which will result not only in pain in the chest and nipples, but also in their inflammation.

Excessive stimulation of the mammary glands during intimacy can also cause discomfort and pain. After all, the area around the nipple in women is especially sensitive.


When choosing underwear, it is important to consider your body size and features. So, a bra that is too tight can rub delicate skin, causing discomfort. And artificial fabrics often cause allergic reactions. In this case, not only does the nipple hurt a lot, but it also itches.


During puberty, girls begin to experience intensive growth of the mammary glands, which leads to excessive sensitivity.

As a rule, the pain goes away on its own after a short time. However, if the pain does not disappear for a long time, it is worth visiting a gynecologist for consultation.

Other reasons

Sore nipples can also be caused by the following factors:

  • Adrenal dysfunction;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Malfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • and liver;
  • Diseases of the central nervous system.

All of these diseases have pronounced symptoms, where discomfort in the nipples is only an additional symptom.

Causes for concern

Despite the many reasons that cause pain in the breasts and nipples, there are a number of factors that you should pay close attention to and be sure to consult with your doctor:

  • Liquid that is yellow, green or white and contains blood is regularly released from the nipples;
  • The nipple became deformed and changed color;
  • The mammary glands are swollen;
  • Sores or cracks have appeared;
  • The pain syndrome is so strong that it radiates to the armpits or arms;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Toxicosis, indigestion.

Such symptoms most often indicate the development of oncology, so an examination by a specialist should take place as early as possible.

Video - Breast self-examination