Which hormonal pills do not affect weight. How to avoid weight gain when using hormonal medications? Genetics is to blame

They are very popular all over the world. IN developed countries up to 50% of women of childbearing age give preference to them when choosing a method of preventing unwanted pregnancy.

Birth control pills containing hormones are easy to use, do not disturb the harmony of intimacy and are almost 100% reliable. In any case, oral contraceptives are recognized as the most reliable of all currently known methods of birth control. Why does only every tenth Russian woman trust pills?

There are several reasons for mistrust of oral contraceptives. First of all, this is a lack of awareness about the benefits, contraindications and possible risks when using hormonal pills and the conservatism of our compatriots. One of the main motives for women to “abstain” from hormonal hormones is the widespread belief that weight gain is inevitable when using birth control pills.

How justified is it? Like most myths, this judgment is based on some real facts.

To gain a clear understanding of the general mechanism of action oral contraceptives, let's delve a little deeper into the theory and history of the issue.

Who invented birth control pills?

The use of hormones to prevent unwanted pregnancy was first proposed in 1923 by the Austrian physiologist Ludwig Haberlant. His assumption was based on the fact that in a woman’s body, saturated with sex hormones, the maturation and release of the egg from the ovary are inhibited, and thus pregnancy is excluded. It would seem that everything is simple.

However, the path from theory to widespread practice turned out to be long and difficult. And only in 1960, “miracle pills” appeared on sale - Enovid.

By the way, it is with the advent of the first contraceptive pills that sociologists, and now historians, associate the beginning of the sexual revolution in the West. For the first time in history, women who took these pills felt like equal partners in bed with men. Now the weaker sex could finally receive pleasure from intimacy, not overshadowed by the thought of unwanted conception. The drug was truly one hundred percent effective! The widely advertised product quickly gained popularity among hundreds of thousands of women.

Alas, the euphoria did not last long. To our great disappointment, it turned out that the drug had quite pronounced and very unpleasant side effects.

Enovid and other “high-dose” (i.e. containing high concentrations of hormones) contraceptive pills, later called “first generation drugs”, caused not only the development of the so-called “false pregnancy” syndrome (nausea, engorgement of the mammary glands, weakness, fluid retention in the body), but also more serious consequences - increased blood clotting and a shift in its biochemical parameters (primarily the level of liver enzymes and sugar). Now such drugs are no longer available.

The listed undesirable effects were due to two factors: significant doses of hormones and the inclusion of all hormonal components in the preparations, and not isolated highly active fractions.

On the path of modernization

Considering that the first generation drugs were a huge commercial success, pharmacologists began to enthusiastically look for ways to solve the problem." side effect"Contraceptive pills.

And we must admit that over the past three decades very serious results have been achieved in this area. Without going into “technical” details, I will tell you two main directions for the modernization of contraceptive drugs: a significant reduction in the concentration of hormones (currently it has been reduced tenfold - while maintaining 100% contraceptive effectiveness) and the use of not hormones “in their pure form”, but their synthetic analogues , having greater biological activity with significantly lower side effects.

The mechanism of development of weight gain in some women with long-term use of hormonal contraception has been thoroughly studied these days.

It is due to two circumstances.

First. One of the hormones contained in the birth control pill, progesterone, promotes slight fluid retention in the body.

Second. Taking hormonal pills can affect changes in eating behavior, namely, increase appetite.

The drugs themselves do not have “intrinsic calorie content” and, thus, are not directly capable of causing weight gain.

Note that not all women who take oral contraceptives, even for a long time, experience weight gain. Modern drugs have a significantly less effect on weight change - due to an order of magnitude reduction in hormone concentrations compared to the first generation “miracle pills” and the use of synthetic analogues of female sex hormones. Now on sale, including in our country, there are drugs that, instead of progesterone, contain drospirenone, a synthetic hormone that helps remove excess fluid from the body. Unfortunately, the price of tablets with drospirenone is still significantly higher than the price of conventional oral contraceptives (OCs).

In addition, modern contraceptive pills have, in addition to almost one hundred percent reliability when used correctly, proven effectiveness in normalizing the menstrual cycle, in the prevention of ovarian cancer and inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Some of the OK group drugs, having an antiandrogenic effect (an effect aimed at eliminating the influence of male sex hormones), reduce hair greasiness and significantly improve the condition of the skin. Simply put, they reduce acne.

Is excess weight a necessary evil?

Is it possible to avoid weight gain for that group of women who still gain weight while taking oral contraceptives?

Yes and yes again. This is not only possible, but also necessary. All in your hands! It is enough, especially in the first months of taking birth control pills, to control your eating behavior, not only monitor the amount of food consumed and its calorie content, but also reverse Special attention on its quality composition. In other words, follow the fundamental principles healthy eating: limit fatty foods, confectionery, refuse canned food (especially in oil), smoked meat and fish, give preference to low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Eliminate mayonnaise from your diet, reduce consumption vegetable oil(it is very high in calories) and season salads with soy sauce or, even better, lemon juice, limit salt intake. I’ll say it again: eat more vegetables. Having a meager calorie content and a large volume, they will help deceive the “saturation center” of the brain, filling the stomach with fiber, which also perfectly regulates the function of the intestines and is practically not absorbed into it.

Be honest with yourself: you will never be able to fool the scales! It is from women who overeat that today’s large group of “friends” is formed, who persistently spread the myth about the inevitability of weight gain when taking oral contraceptives.

A doctor will help you

There is another extremely important aspect when choosing contraception, which all doctors have been writing and talking about for a long time. Unfortunately, only a small part of women listens to this undoubtedly important rule- Before starting to take birth control pills, you should definitely visit your doctor. Even if you feel great, and your best friend cannot get enough of the “absolutely wonderful and inexpensive” new oral contraceptive and insistently advises you to try it.

Firstly, there are a lot of drugs belonging to the group of contraceptives - currently about five hundred of them are registered in the Russian Pharmacopoeia.

Secondly, OCs have a number of contraindications for use. For example, they should not be taken by those who suffer from severe diseases of the liver, blood vessels, or heart. Caution is required in choosing medications for patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as those using continuous treatment for a number of chronic diseases(in the latter case, the effectiveness of birth control pills may be significantly reduced).

Only a qualified specialist can understand your condition and, if necessary, conduct additional examination.

Only a doctor can understand the nuances of many contraceptive drugs, each of which has its own characteristics and specifics for use by different groups of women of childbearing age.

What to choose?

So, if you and your doctor decide that after giving birth you should start or continue using hormonal contraceptives, then the following options are possible.

Breastfeeding women are suitable for medications that contain exclusively gestagens - hormones produced in the ovaries, which are especially abundant in the second phase of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy. Reception should begin after the sixth week after birth (let us clarify that during the first 6-8 weeks after birth, sexual intercourse should be excluded). If these are mini pills ( Microlute, Escluton etc.), then they are taken constantly, without breaks, 1 piece daily, i.e. When one package (35 pieces) ends, the next one begins immediately. It is very important to take the pill at the same time every day.

During breastfeeding, it is not recommended to use combined oral contraceptives: they reduce the amount of breast milk, shorten the duration of lactation and can affect the growth of the child. Therefore, switching to COCs is allowed only after stopping breastfeeding. Women who are not breastfeeding can start using these medications 6 weeks after giving birth.

Who needs pills?

What is the generalized portrait of our compatriot, who is an ideal consumer of birth control pills?

This is a woman who is married or has regular sex life with a regular partner (for casual sex or for multiple partners, there is a condom, because in addition to AIDS, there are many unpleasant, sometimes incurable, sexually transmitted diseases) a woman of childbearing age who is not planning a pregnancy in the coming months . She smokes a little, and even better, abstains from nicotine; she drinks alcohol rarely and in symbolic quantities. This woman is leading healthy image life not in words, but in deeds. Her nutrition is rational and balanced. She does not rush to the extremes of new-fangled diets and nutritional supplements, eats in moderation, giving preference to low-calorie foods, and includes in her diet fish, white poultry, a lot of vegetables, primarily green, and fruits. Reasonably limits the consumption of strong coffee and tea. Such a woman, as a rule, is well educated, successful at work, and responsible. She strictly adheres to the recommended pill schedule. Our heroine takes care of her beauty and health not only with the help cosmetics, but also dosed sports activities, and most importantly - regular visits to doctors of leading specialties for the purpose of preventive examination: to identify disturbing aspects at the earliest stages of the development of possible diseases.

Remember the immutable rule: any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. And the earlier it is detected, the more effectively and quickly it is cured.

Are you saying that I want too much from an ideal woman? I assure you, this is not a figment of imagination, such women exist in the vastness of our country - and in large numbers. And their army is growing by those who choose hormonal pills, which are so easy and convenient to use and give a feeling of complete harmony intimate life with a loved man.

If for one reason or another you have decided to abstain from using oral contraceptives or your doctor has not advised you to do so, do not be upset. Now there are others modern means protection against unplanned pregnancy, and each couple will be able to choose the most suitable method for themselves.

If you are undecided whether to take the drug, or are firmly convinced of the advisability of using OCs, do not delay visiting your doctor. The doctor will conduct the necessary examination and be able to recommend the optimal drug for your particular case, telling you about the features of its action and use.

In conclusion, I would like to wish our readers and, possibly, readers, prosperity, love and health. And may you always meet only competent and friendly people in white coats on your way!

It seems that nothing has changed in the diet, but jeans say the opposite? Don't rush to panic. You may already be able to identify the cause of your weight gain and be able to get rid of it.

It seems that nothing has changed in the diet, but jeans say the opposite? Don't rush to panic. You may already be able to identify the cause of your weight gain and be able to get rid of it.

Possible causes of excess weight: Top 8

Taking medications

Regular use of large amounts of antibiotics and immunomodulators can lead to a decrease in detoxification functions, to fermentopathy, to a decrease in the absorption of food, which inevitably contributes to weight gain. Also, drugs such as oral contraceptives, hormonal agents, steroids, beta blockers for heart disease and hypertension, antidepressants and antipsychotics.

If you notice weight gain while taking medications, consult your doctor immediately. In no case should serious medications be “cancelled” or “prescribed” on your own - this can cause serious damage to health, since many medications must be taken in courses, decreasing or increasing the dosage.

Remember: the medicine for poison differs only in dose. And only a good doctor can choose this dose correctly.

Eating salty foods

As a rule, if a person abuses products containing high amount of salt(especially if he takes such food in the evening), then one day the scales may scare him with a sudden gain of several kilograms. First of all, this can be noticed by those who have impaired water-salt metabolism and a tendency to swelling and pastiness of the lower extremities.

The fact is that excess salt retains water in the body (one extra sodium ion “pulls” 16-18 water molecules onto itself!).

And excess water in the body means edema, high blood pressure, the risk of heart attacks and strokes, delayed elimination of toxins, and slowed fat metabolism.

To avoid this, it is enough to limit your salt intake to 2 g per day, which is our physiological norm. After 15 hours, it is better to generally be on a salt-free diet, because in the foods we eat during the day, with a balanced diet, there is enough salt as is.

Sensitivity to the milk protein casein

There is a category of people who have casein intolerance. It can be expressed not only in the presence of allergic reactions that manifest themselves when consuming casein-containing foods (kefir, cheese, cottage cheese), but also in a tendency to fluid retention. This is observed in 8-12% of the population.

By using a step-by-step study of the effect of various foods on the body, it is possible to exclude foods containing casein, which clearly contribute to fluid retention in the body.

Casein intolerance can be determined using immunoglobilin G4 testing (a method for diagnosing food intolerance by the presence of specific antibodies in a person’s blood, which allows diagnosing even hidden forms of food allergies).

Having identified products that this moment are insufficiently or completely not perceived by the body, and by eliminating them from the diet, you can solve the problem excess weight.

Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle

Fluctuations in the menstrual cycle most directly affect weight fluctuations. In the first half of the cycle, body weight, as a rule, “goes away”. On the 5-7th day of the cycle there is a period of ideal weight.

And after ovulation, from the 13th to the 15th day, weight begins to increase and reaches its apogee by the 26-28th day.

Weight gain occurs due to fluid accumulated in the luteal phase, as well as due to fat and mineral salts. And if pregnancy does not take place, then along with the beginning of the cycle, excess weight begins to go away.

To ensure minimal weight gain in the second half of the cycle, first of all, do not give in to increased appetite.

If you have a passion for sweets, limit yourself.

For example, you can “protect yourself” with chromium preparations or replace “aggressive” sweets with products that have a sweet taste (cakes with dried fruits, sugar with honey).

And do not eat fruits after 16.00 (before this time, the pancreas is active and can adequately respond by releasing insulin to a rapid increase in blood sugar levels). After 16.00, only 30 g of dark chocolate is allowed from sweets.

Gluten sensitivity

Gluten is a group of proteins that are found in the seeds of cereal plants: wheat, rye, oats. Like flour, gluten is a provocateur of uncontrolled weight gain - for those who have gluten intolerance.

To determine individual sensitivity to gluten, it is necessary, as in the case of the milk protein casein, to be tested using the immunoglobulin G4 method.

The duration of the study is 5-7 days.

If the results of the analysis exclude a large group of gluten-containing products, it is recommended to conduct a control study after 4 months.

IN as usual a control study is carried out after 6 months. It is recommended to repeat the analysis during the first two years, every six months or year.

Lack of proper sleep

Scientific studies have shown that if a person does not get 2-3 hours of sleep every night for a week, then the level of insulin in his blood turns out to be consistently higher than normal - and the sugar level, naturally, is constantly lower.

This creates conditions for development insulin resistance(decreased tissue sensitivity to the action of insulin), and in the future can lead to type II diabetes mellitus.

If you fall asleep after midnight or have inadequate, intermittent sleep due to chronic stress, then from 23.00 to 02.00 the phase of active fat breakdown is shortened. As a result, the lack of recovery process during sleep reduces metabolic processes. And this not only prevents weight normalization, but also contributes to the acquisition of extra pounds.

Insufficient fluid intake

Water is the main vehicle involved in the process of removing toxins and fat breakdown products from the body. And a lot of it is required. To the human body 30 grams of clean (well, spring, bottled artesian) water per kilogram of body weight per day is necessary and sufficient. You need to drink water regularly throughout the day and never forget about it.

If there is not enough water in the intercellular space, then the release of waste products from fat cells becomes difficult. Metabolic processes slow down, fat breakdown is blocked.

This means that weight loss becomes impossible - on the contrary, the weight can “creep” up. Please note that clean natural water cannot replace any drink.

Tea, coffee and other drinks contain calories, and therefore are not liquid, but food for us. Therefore, it is a mistake to think that by drinking, say, a liter of fruit drink and a liter of clean water a day, you are consuming a sufficient amount of liquid.

State of stress

Stressful situation can lead to hormonal imbalances and lead to weight gain. Therefore, it is important to maintain not only physical but also mental health. After all, the reason for gaining excess weight in the vast majority of cases is discord in the soul.

Internal conflict creates tension and anxiety at the cellular level, traps kilograms of excess fat, toxins, and breakdown products in adipose tissue, causing chronic stress to “eat up.”

Therefore, it is important to identify the psychological reason for weight gain (this could be dissatisfaction with your environment, relationships with family, friends and colleagues; dissatisfaction with work; a sudden problem that needs to be solved) and try to get rid of this reason.Remember - everything is in your hands! published

If you have any questions, ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet


To prevent unwanted pregnancy, you need to take care of the protective equipment in time. One of the most effective methods is taking hormonal pills. There is an opinion that such a drug affects weight. Is it so? And how to choose birth control pills that don’t make you fat at all?

How to choose birth control pills

You cannot choose such a drug yourself, otherwise you can not only get better, but also seriously harm your health. Side effects effects from birth control pills can be very diverse: from decreased libido to increased hair growth. If you don’t want the use of oral contraception to affect your figure, and then you don’t have to lose weight to restore your usual shape, your doctor should select the pills.

The body of a young girl at 18 years old is different from the state of a woman at 35. Modern drugs differ in the amount of hormones in their composition and other components, so contraceptive pills, which do not make you fat at a particular age, are prescribed by a specialist. The main factors that the doctor takes into account include:

  • age;
  • height;
  • condition of the mammary glands;
  • degree of pubic hair;
  • regularity of menstruation and cycle status;
  • presence of chronic diseases.

Which contraceptives do not affect weight

New generation hormonal pills have a diverse effect on the body. Hormones are prescribed not only to protect against unplanned pregnancy, but also to treat cycle disorders and various diseases. This suggests that if contraceptives were suitable for your girlfriend or sister, they may be completely contraindicated for you. However, when making the right choice they do not have a negative effect, do not disrupt hormonal levels, but normalize it. Therefore, the question of whether birth control pills make you fat disappears in itself.

Young nulliparous girls are often prescribed medications that contain 21 pills containing small amounts of hormones. You need to drink them every day at the same time with a break of a week between blisters. Women over 35 are prescribed medications for 24 or 28 days. The effect after using the contraceptive occurs only after 10-14 times of use. If you choose and use the medicine correctly, you will be able to choose birth control pills that will not make you gain weight.

How do new generation birth control pills work?

The composition of the pills includes substances such as progestin and estrogen. The first is often called the male hormone, the second – purely female. When the amount of the latter in the girl’s body reaches its peak, ovulation occurs. Contraceptive pills of the new series of combined action allow you to:

  • control the level of estrogen in the body, thereby preventing the occurrence of ovulation;
  • make menstruation regular;
  • prevent ectopic pregnancy;
  • reduce the likelihood of developing diseases such as breast cancer;
  • reduce rashes on the face;
  • the mucus located in the cervix becomes denser, preventing sperm from penetrating the egg.

Low-dose drugs

Suitable for mature women who lead an active sex life, as well as girls for whom microdosing is not enough. The action is aimed at preventing pregnancy and bleeding between periods, controlling the menstrual cycle. The pills can be used for medicinal purposes. In addition, dragees have a cosmetic effect. In very rare cases, they can cause malaise, increase appetite, and disrupt metabolism. With the right selection, you will find those birth control pills that do not make you fat, but keep you healthy.

Microdosed birth control pills

They are considered the most harmless and safe drugs. They contain a minimal amount of hormones, which is suitable for young girls who are just starting to be sexually active. After taking such pills, you will not lose weight or gain weight, since they have practically no significant effect on the body. If you are worried that birth control pills will make you fat, then it is better to choose pills from this category.


Progestin-based drugs are suitable for nursing mothers. During lactation, a woman can become pregnant, so it is necessary to protect herself during sexual intercourse. Mini-pills are contraceptive pills that do not make you fat at all; they do not affect the composition of milk and its formation in the body. They should not contain estrogens, because they are contraindicated during this period. It is necessary to drink the pills on an ongoing basis without a 7-day break, as with conventional hormonal contraceptives.

Prices for contraceptives that don't make you fat

Modern medicine offers a wide range of birth control pills. Contraceptives, which will prevent you from losing weight, are inexpensive. Considering that the pills provide a 100% guarantee against unwanted pregnancy and help solve some women's health problems, you can take them on a regular basis. You can only buy high-quality pills at a pharmacy. The cost of a package of medicine starts from 300 and reaches 1000 rubles.

Which hormonal birth control pills are better?

To understand which birth control pills do not make you fat in your case, you need to make an appointment with a doctor for a consultation. Some drugs can cause changes in metabolism, retain water in the body, and lead to various disorders. Popular and safe tablets, the dosage of hormones in which does not exceed 20 mcg, include:

  • Claira;
  • Novinet;
  • Jess;
  • Lindinet-20;
  • Miniziston 20 fem;
  • Logest;
  • Mercilon.

Side effects from these drugs are minimal and easily tolerated by the body. They fight the appearance of rashes on the face and reduce pain during menstruation. If their dosage is not sufficient to eliminate bleeding between menstruation, then you can buy stronger products. They are harmless to health, so the question of whether hormonal pills make you fat will be unnecessary. These include the following:

  • Yarina;
  • Lindenet-30;
  • Janine.

Video: why hormonal pills make you fat

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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Weight gain occurs when caloric intake from food exceeds the body's energy needs over a long period of time.

Also, weight gain may not be caused by fat deposition, but by fluid retention in the body due to poor functioning of the kidneys, heart, or hormonal disorders.

If weight gain is caused by regular overeating, then the reason for this is often emotional factors - depression, anxiety, guilt, etc.

In older people, weight gain usually occurs in the context of normal eating habits but a decreased metabolism. Among women, a common cause of weight gain is pregnancy.

Weight gain is a common occurrence with forced limitation of physical activity - cardiovascular diseases, lung diseases, etc. Obesity can also be the result of treatment with certain drugs (hormones).

Medical reasons for weight gain include:

1. Acromegaly. This disease can cause moderate weight gain. Other symptoms of the disease include: changes in facial features, prognathism, hirsutism, enlarged hands and feet, sweating, oily skin, deep voice, joint pain, drowsiness, heat intolerance.

2. Cushing's syndrome (increased production of adrenal hormones). Such patients may experience serious weight gain, with fat accumulating around the shoulders (the effect of corticosteroids). Other signs include: moon face, weakness, emotional lability, susceptibility to infections, hirsutism, acne, gynecomastia in men, irregular periods in women.

3. Diabetes mellitus. Increased appetite in diabetes mellitus leads to obesity, but some patients, despite increased appetite, experience weight loss. Other symptoms include: increased urine output, weakness, drowsiness, extreme thirst.

4. Heart failure. Despite anorexia in HF, weight gain in patients may be associated with edema (accumulation of fluid, but not fat). Other typical signs include: shortness of breath, weakness, intolerance physical activity.

5. Hyperinsulinism ( increased level insulin). This disease causes increased appetite. Patients also experience emotional lability, tachycardia, visual disturbances, and sometimes loss of consciousness.

6. Hypogonadism (insufficient function of the gonads). In this condition, weight gain is a common symptom. Hypogonadism can manifest itself in different forms. Prepubertal (before puberty) hypogonadism is characterized by underdevelopment of secondary sexual characteristics. With postpubertal (after puberty) hypogonadism, impotence and infertility are possible while maintaining secondary sexual characteristics.

7. Hypothalamic dysfunction. A disease such as Lawrence-Moon-Biedl syndrome causes increased appetite, disruption of thermoregulation and sleep rhythms.

8. Hypothyroidism (low thyroid function). With this disease, weight gain is observed. Such patients may experience fatigue, cold intolerance, constipation, uterine bleeding, lethargy, dry and cold skin, dry hair, abnormal nail structure, muscle pain, bradycardia and other symptoms.

9. Metabolic syndrome. This syndrome, also called metabolic syndrome X or insulin resistance syndrome, consists of a group of different metabolic disorders.

Characterized by obesity, hypertension, high cholesterol, changes in carbohydrate metabolism, insulin resistance, etc. Such patients have a very high risk of stroke, heart attack, diabetes and other serious complications.

10. Nephrotic syndrome. With this syndrome, the kidneys cannot cope with removing fluid from the body, and weight gain occurs due to the accumulation of fluid (edema). Severe edema (anasarca) can increase body weight by 50% or more. Nephrotic syndrome is a serious disorder of the kidneys and requires mandatory treatment.

11. Tumor of insulin-producing cells of the pancreas. This type of tumor causes constant hunger, which leads to obesity. Other symptoms include: emotional lability, weakness, fatigue, anxiety, sweating, tachycardia, blurred vision, etc.

12. Preeclampsia in pregnant women. In this condition, weight gain occurs faster than expected. normal pregnancy. Nausea and vomiting, pain in the upper abdomen, hypertension, blurred vision, and double vision are observed.

13. Sheehan syndrome. The syndrome usually develops in postpartum women with severe gynecological bleeding. In this syndrome, weight gain is caused by disruption of the pituitary gland.

14. Medications. Corticosteroids (dexamethasone), phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants can cause fluid retention in the body and increase appetite. Oral contraceptives (COCs) cause fluid retention. Drugs such as lithium (for psychosis) can provoke hypothyroidism (see reason No. 8).

Weight gain in children can be the result of serious endocrine disorders, Cushing's disease, Prader-Willi syndrome, Down syndrome, Werdnig-Hoffman disease, late stage muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy and other serious diseases.

For patients suffering from weight gain for unknown reasons, it is advisable to undergo:

1. Tests for thyroid hormone levels.
2. Tests for cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
3. Tests for blood sugar levels.

: Master of Pharmacy and professional medical translator