An example of a report on teaching practice at school. Report on teaching practice (sample). What is and features of teaching practice

In any university, during their studies, students need to undergo an internship in order to consolidate their theoretical knowledge and gain practical work skills. During the entire period of study, they undergo introductory (educational) and pre-graduation internships. Completion of the internship requires writing a report, which is accompanied by a diary and a description of the internship. To write a practice report yourself, you need to know the features of each type of practice.

Educational or introductory practice becomes the first test for students. It is taken in the 1st or 2nd year. The goal is to consolidate the general theoretical knowledge acquired during the study process, as well as to obtain a general understanding of the chosen specialty. During the internship, students are given the opportunity to become familiar with the work of the enterprise through lectures and excursions, as well as watch the work of employees of the specialization you have chosen.

Internship takes place in the 3rd-4th year and is the next step in mastering the profession. Trainees are given the opportunity to study the work of the enterprise from the inside under the supervision of a curator, study and analyze documentation, and collect materials.

Undergraduate practice is the final stage of training. Based on the information received at the enterprise, it will be necessary. The report on pre-diploma practice is often the second chapter of the diploma and represents an analysis of the work of the enterprise.

The report on the work of the enterprise must comply with the requirements of the internship program of your university (See also:), as a rule, it contains:

- calendar plan;

- diary;

- characteristics from the place of internship

- introduction;

- main part;

- conclusion;

- bibliography;

- applications

Title page drawn up according to the model from the guidelines. The title page contains information about the name of the university, type of practice (educational, introductory, industrial, pre-graduation), topic of practice, specialty, student, supervisor, place and year of writing.

Sample title page

Calendar plan is drawn up in the form of a table and contains data on the type, timing and location of the work you perform at the enterprise. Sometimes he enters the diary.

Example of a practice report schedule

Practice diary- similar to a calendar plan. The diary is the main document, along with the report, according to which the student reports on the implementation of the practice program.

The trainee notes every day what he did or studied today. Organizes everything in table form.

Example of filling out a practice diary

Characteristic from the place of industrial, educational or diploma internship must reflect data on the knowledge, skills and abilities of the trainee. About the level of his professional training, personal qualities, as well as about the work and assignments that the student performed during his visit to the enterprise. And, of course, the recommended rating.

The student must receive a reference letter from his supervisor and attach it to the report. But in practice, the leader shifts this responsibility to the student.

Sample characteristics from the place of internship

Sample contents of an internship report

Introduction contains:

  • information about the place of internship;
  • its goals and objectives, which are indicated in the guidelines;
  • object and subject of research;
  • assessment current state topic under study;
  • may contain the expected results of the internship.

Introduction example

Main part divided into chapters. Contains theoretical and practical parts. The practical part describes the structure and activities of the enterprise. Analysis is underway. Positive and negative aspects in the work of an enterprise or institution are identified. All calculations, graphs and tables are provided.

Conclusion written based on the material studied. Contains answers to the problems posed in the introduction. Includes all findings obtained in the main part. You can include an assessment of your own work and make recommendations for improving the activities of the enterprise.

Sample conclusion of a practice report

Bibliography contains all the sources used in writing the work, including those indicated in. according to guidelines or GOST. It can include the names of documents received from the enterprise, as well as regulatory literature and Internet sources.

Applications include any data that can be referred to when writing a work in the text of the work. This can be reporting, the organizational structure of the enterprise, extracts from legislation, questionnaires, drawings, diagrams, tables. All documents that you found at the enterprise and that were useful for writing the reporting work.

Writing a practice report on your own is very interesting and informative. But if you have difficulties with writing or you were unable to complete an internship at a company, you can always turn to our specialists for help and receive qualified advice.

Groups M-TFO-14

Izetullaev Yu. L.

Simferopol 2015


2nd year master's student, group M-TFO-14, form of study - full-time

Izetullaeva Yunus

Head of practice: Ph.D. Assoc.Suleymanov R.I.

1. Duration of internship: from October 26, 2015 to November 29, 2015.

2. Place of passage: GBOU HE RK "Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University"

3. Plan of scientific and pedagogical practice:

Kick-off conference

from 10/26/2015

to 9.11.2015

Diary entries

Drawing up an individual work schedule

Study of the structure and content of the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education, training areas 44.04.04 Vocational training

Analysis of the curriculum for preparing bachelors and masters

Study work

Main stage:

Passive practice

(1-3 weeks of practice)

Active practice

(2-4 weeks of practice)

Preparation for a lecture on the discipline: “Theory of Automatic Control”

from 10/26/2015

to 11/16/2015

from 02.11.2015

to 11/23/2015

Diary entries

Diary entries

Text (abstracts) of lectures, presentation

Conducting a lecture on the discipline: “Theory of automatic control”

Selection of material for designing a working curriculum and conducting a practical lesson in the discipline “Programming the machining process on CNC machines”

Conducting a practical lesson in the discipline “Programming the machining process on CNC machines”

Selection of material for conducting a seminar lesson in the discipline “Introduction to the professional pedagogical specialty”

Conducting a seminar on the discipline “Introduction to the professional pedagogical specialty”

Educational work

Active practice

(2-4 weeks of practice)

Attending teacher classes

from 02.11.2015

to 11/23/2015

Diary and report entries

Conducting an educational event

Analysis of the educational event attended

Preparation and protection of the report (week 5)

Selection of material for the report

From 11/23/2015

to 11/29/2015

Diary and report on scientific and pedagogical practice.

Preparation of a diary and report on scientific and pedagogical practice.

Preparation of a report for presentation at the final conference on scientific and pedagogical practice



1.Methodological part

2. Educational work

3.Psychological part

4. Experimental part




Scientific and pedagogical practice is intended for further orientation of future masters in scientific and pedagogical activities inqualityeconomics teacherdisciplines. The peculiarity of the practice is that it involves the implementation of scientific and pedagogical components, each of which must be reflected in the content of the practice and reporting documents and is aimed at developing general cultural and professional competencies in accordance with the requirements of this Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education.

The curriculum provides for practical training in the 3rd semester for 5 weeks.

Maingoals of scientific and pedagogical practice are:

  1. Acquaintance of undergraduates with the specifics of the activity of a teacher of economic disciplines and the formation of skills in performing pedagogical functions.

    Consolidating psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the field of pedagogy and acquiring the skills of a teacher-researcher who owns modern scientific tools for searching and interpreting information material with a view to using it in pedagogical activity.

In accordance with the main goalstasks of scientific and pedagogical practice are:

    deepening and consolidating theoretical knowledge acquired during training in the academic discipline within which the master’s student undergoes scientific and pedagogical practice;

    acquiring and consolidating sustainable skills in working with students;

    acquiring skills in preparing educational materials and using them during classes;

    studying modern technical and information tools that increase the effectiveness of training procedures, and their use in conducting classes;

    acquisition of educational skills.

This type of practice equips undergraduates with the necessary experience in professional and pedagogical activities and assumes mastery of the following professional and pedagogical skills:skills:

    navigate the organizational structure and legal documentation of a vocational education institution;

    didactically transform the results of modern scientific research with the aim of using them in the educational process;

    independently design, implement, evaluate and adjust the educational process;

    use modern innovations in the process vocational training;

    master methods of self-organization of activities and improvement of the personality of a teacher specializing in the field of economics and public administration;

    build relationships with colleagues and students, find, make and implement management decisions in their scientific and pedagogical practice;

    master the culture of speech and communication.

The implementation of the set goals and objectives in the process of undergoing scientific and pedagogical practice will prepare undergraduates for independent teaching activities in higher education.

He completed his scientific and pedagogical practice at the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University.Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University (Ukrainian: Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University, Crimean Catholicate. Qirim muendislik-pedagogika universiteti, English: Crimean Engineering-Pedagogical University) was created in 1993 taking into account the needs of peoples returning from deportation.

The university is accredited at level IV. Former names: Crimean State Engineering and Pedagogical University, Crimean State Industrial and Pedagogical Institute.

The university has 7,000 students studying in 23 specialties in seven faculties. More than 500 teachers work at 32 departments, of which 43 are doctors of science and professors, 226 candidates of science and associate professors. The University has created a Research Center for the Crimean Tatar Language and Literature (director - Ismail Asanovich Kerimov, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor).

Main scientific directions:

    Development of resource-saving, environmentally friendly and adaptive technologies in mechanical engineering and the automotive industry.

    Scientific support for the processes of reforming economic relations and the fullest use of the resource potential of Crimea.

    Scientific support for the formation and development of professional competence of engineer teachers.

    Scientific support for computerization of the educational process.

    Development scientific foundations maintaining ecological balance in the region, environmental education and health improvement of youth.

    Improving the mechanisms of social adaptation and personality formation in multi-ethnic conditions, studying traditions and trends in ethnopedagogy.

    Development of current problems of cultural, ethnopolitical and socio-economic history of Crimea.

    Scientific support for the functioning of languages ​​in multi-ethnic conditions.

    Scientific support for the processes of revival and development of the Crimean Tatar language and literature.

    Scientific support for the formation and development of Crimean Tatar artistic culture.

Historical reference

Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

The Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology was organized in 1994 as a department of general technical disciplines. Its first and permanent head is Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Honored Education Worker of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine, Laureate of the Prize named after. T. G. Shevchenko Yakubov Fevzi Yakubovich. At the origins of the formation of the department were: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Bilyalov Kyazim Bilyalovich(now deceased); Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Abdulgazis Umer Abdullaevich; candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Izzetov Nadir Abduramanovich: candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Bekirov Rasim Nafeevich; Art. teacher Nuriev En-Eli Abduramanovich; Art. teacher Abibullaev Edem Abibullaevich; Ph.D. Sc., Associate Professor Alexander Pavlovich Gresko (now deceased), Art. teacher Menasanova Sadet Enverovna.

The department is the founder of four departments: “Operation and repair of automobiles” (formed in 1998); "Occupational Safety" (formed in 2000); Department of Chemistry and Physics (established in 2004); Department of Professional Pedagogy and Engineering Graphics (established in 2008).

In 2001, a postgraduate school was opened at the department, which trains scientific and pedagogical personnel. The main scientific topic of the department is “Development of resource-saving and environmentally friendly technologies machining materials."

The department maintains scientific relations with higher educational institutions Russian Federation, near and far abroad, such as:

    National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

    National Technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute"

    Magdeburg Technical University. Otto von Goericke. "Institute of Technology and Quality Assurance" (Magdeburg, Germany)

    Institute of Superhard Materials of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

    Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Voronezh, Russia)

    Navoi State Mining Institute Navoi (Navoi, Uzbekistan)

    STANKIN Institute (Moscow, Russia)

    State Technical University (Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia).

Active cooperation with the above educational institutions resulted in the successful defense of the dissertation of a candidate of technical sciences by the teachers of the department Yakubov Chingiz Fevzievich (2005), Dzhelyalov Server Idrisovich (2009), Dzhemilov Eshreb Shefikovich (2010).

The Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology has agreements on creative cooperation with leading enterprises of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea:OJSC Fiolent Plant, OJSC Pnevmatika, LLC Prodmash Plant, OJSC Santekhprom, which conduct production, technological, pre-graduation internships for students, scientific experiments for undergraduates and graduate students. These enterprises, together with educational workshops and the department’s research laboratory, successfully instill production skills in students and introduce them to modern achievements of science and technology. The main contingent of graduates of the department, after graduation, are employed at these enterprises, where they achieve significant career growth. Our graduates successfully solve production problems in management positions:

    Saprin Stanislav (graduated in 1999) works as General Director of the Tavria trading house

    Dmitry Baklazhov (graduated in 1999) works as production manager at the Tavria trading house.

    Ablyamitov Elvis (year of graduation 2001) works as a manager. instrumental facilities of OJSC plant "Fiolent"

    Sergey Litvinenko (graduated in 2001) works as chief technologist at the Krymenergo pilot plant.

    Emiraliev Ruslan (graduated in 2001) works as deputy director of a school in Sudak

    Khasanov Andrey(year of manufacture 2002) worksHead of the Design Department of OJSC Fiolent Plant

    Balakhovsky Eduard (year of manufacture 2003) worksdirector of school No. 4

    Vashchenko Valery (year of manufacture 2004) worksdeputy Chief Designer of OJSC Fiolent Plant

    Mukhaev Alexey (year of manufacture 2004) worksHead of the department of tool production technologists of the Fiolent plant OJSC

    Grishchenko Konstantin (graduated in 2006) works as a drawing teacher inSimferopol Higher Vocational School of Construction and Computer Technologies

11. Kurmanov Seyran Narimanovich (year of graduation 2002) works as the head of the technical re-equipment department of the Fiolent plant

12. Pavlikov Alexander Yuryevich (graduated in 2006) works as a leading process engineer at FESTO RF LLC.

13. Nikolay Vladimirovich Doronenkov (graduated in 2004) works as the head of the technological preparation department of CAMOZZI PNEUMATIC LLC.

The first graduation of specialists in the amount of 18 people was carried out in 1999, and masters in the amount of 4 people - in 2004. In total, from 1999 to 2010, 384 specialists and 38 masters were graduated, who work both at industrial enterprises of the country and and in the field of education.

The diploma projects of department graduates Ruslan Emiraliev, Andrey Dereev, Victor Kolokoltsev, Alexander Makarov were implemented at Fiolent Plant OJSC.Graduates of the department upon graduation receive the title of engineer-teacher, with the right to employment, both in industrial enterprises and in educational institutions (schools, industrial and technical schools, technical schools and universities). Some graduates choose schools, colleges and technical colleges.

The quality of specialist training and competitiveness in the labor market are ensured by scientific and pedagogical personnel with scientific, pedagogical and production experience:Doctor of Science, Professor Yakubov Fevzi Yakubovich, Doctor of Science, Professor Shmigalsky Vladimir Nikiforovich; candidates of sciences, associate professors: Galukh Vladimir Ivanovich, Izzetov Nadir Abduramanovich, Paderin Vladimir Nikolaevich, Yakubov Chingiz Fevzievich, candidates of sciences, senior teachers Dzhelyalov Server Idrisovich, Dzhemilov Eshreb Shefikovich; candidate of pedagogical sciences, senior teacher Marlen Limdarovich Shabdinov; senior teachers Shabdinov Limdar Shabdinovich, who has more than 35 years of industrial experience (formerly chief technologist of the Tashkent Tractor Plant), senior teacher Abibullaev Edem Abibullaevich, teacher Seitasanov Fevzi Seytumerovich - a graduate of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, teacher Reshat Ibraimovich Suleymanov, who has 25 years of industrial experience, is currently a graduate student at the Kyiv Pedagogical Academy. Dragomanova; young specialists, graduates of graduate school at the TM department, senior teachers: Aliev Aziz Ibrakhimovich, Abdulgazis Dilyaver Umerovich, Vaniev Eldar Rustemovich.

Brief biographical information about the teachers of the department who made a worthy contribution to the creation and development of our university

1. Head of the department Yakubov Fevzi Yakubovich is an academician of the Higher School of Ukraine, Crimean Academy of Sciences. He is also an honorary professor: Tavrichesky national university, National technical university"KhPI", Tashkent State Technical University, Petrosani University (Romania). Professor Yakubov F.Ya. A well-known scientific school in the CIS and non-CIS countries has been created. Under his leadership, 16 candidate and 3 doctoral dissertations were completed and defended. He has published more than 150 scientific papers, received 12 copyright certificates, and his technologies have been implemented at many enterprises in the CIS. In 2005, Yakubov F.Ya. in collaboration with Doctor of Technical Sciences Kim V.A. The monograph “Structural and energy aspects of hardening and increasing tool life” with a volume of 300 pages was published - published by the Crimean Educational and Pedagogical State Publishing House, Simferopol. He is an active participant and organizer of many international and republican conferences, seminars, round tables related to solving problems of conflict, tolerance and integration processes in Crimea and Ukraine.

During the collapse of the education system, Fevzi Yakubovich became the initiator and organizer of the creation of the Crimean Industrial Pedagogical Institute, the rector of which he has been working since its opening - since 1993.

2. Shmigalsky Vladimir Nikiforovich – Professor of the Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University. He graduated from the construction department of the Novosibirsk Institute of Military Transport Engineers in 1953, and from the Chisinau Institute of Patent Studies in 1982. He worked as a foreman, technical maintenance engineer, construction site manager, and assistant at the mine construction department of the Kemerovo Mining Institute. From 1956 to 1958 he studied in graduate school, and then was sent to continue his scientific specialization in Czechoslovakia, where in 1960 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. In 1968, he defended his doctoral dissertation in Novosibirsk. In 1972 received academic title Professor of the Novosibirsk Institute of Engineers railway transport. Lives and works in Crimea since 1981. In 1990 he received the honorary title “Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine.” Since 1993 - academician of the Construction Academy of Ukraine, and since 1994 - academician of the Crimean Academy of Sciences and member of the Crimean Republican Association "Ecology and Peace". Prepared 21 candidates of technical sciences, six of whom defended their doctoral dissertations. Author of 33 inventions, 13 rationalization proposals, 22 monographs and brochures, 896 scientific articles, 13 of which were published in foreign publications (Paris, Prague, Warsaw, Bratislava), 905 newspaper publications. Participated in 152 scientific conferences, symposia and meetings, at which he made 205 reports. Co-author of 6 normative documents. War participant and labor veteran, awarded the medal “For Valiant Labor during the Great Patriotic War” Patriotic War"and 11 more medals. In 1990 he was awarded the “Inventor of the USSR” badge.

3. Bilyalov Kazim Bilyalovich native of the village Taraktash, Sudak region, born in 1940. He graduated from the Tashkent Polytechnic Institute in 1967 with a degree in civil engineering. Awarded a medal for labor valor. The first head of the department of “General Technical Disciplines”, subsequently the department of “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, dean of the faculty of correspondence courses. More than 35 years of my lifeBilyalov Kazim Bilyalovich devoted himself to the training of engineering personnel, working inTashkent Polytechnic Institute and Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University from the day of its foundation. Bilyalov K.B. More than 20 articles have been published in publications of the Higher Attestation Commission and textbooks.




Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Report on scientific and pedagogical practice

Methodological part

2nd year master's student

Groups M-TFO-14

Izetullaev Yu. L.

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor R.I. Suleymanov

Simferopol 2015

Appendix A

Discipline: Theory of automatic control.

Lecture on the topic:

“The system “machine - cutting process” as a control object”

Teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor Dzhemilov E. Sh .

Group KTM-13

Attended - 9

Date: 11/10/2015

2 pair aud. 210

Observer: Abdurakhmanov A.

Lesson plan


Organizing time

Explanation of new material

Fixing the material


Lesson summary


Conversation, explanation




2 minutes.

79 min.

20 minutes.

2 minutes.

1 min.

Lecture outline:

    General information.

    Control device.

    Model of the control object.

Lecture objectives:


Organization of cognitive activity of students to master the material of the academic discipline "Theory of Automatic Control" to study the system "machine - cutting process" as a control object.


    promote the development of professional significance of personal qualities (accuracy, responsibility, determination);


    create a conscious need for work;

    cultivate initiative and independence in work activities;

    create a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance.

Teaching methods:






    frontal survey

Interdisciplinary connections: programming of machine tools with PU, interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements, metal-cutting machines, physics.

Material and technical base:

    personal computer, projector, multimedia poster;

7. Kamke E. Handbook of ordinary differential equations / Translated from English M Nauka, 1971 576 p.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part

1.1 Checking the availability of students.

    1. Statement of the topic and objectives of the lecture.

2. Presentation of the main material

Lecture outline:

    General information;

    Control device;

    Control object model

    1. General information

The “machine – cutting process” system as a control object.

In general, the control system for machining on CNC machines can be structurally represented as consisting of a control object and a control device, interconnected by direct and feedback channels (Fig. 1.11). A CNC metal-cutting machine, together with the processing process and the motors of the working mechanisms installed on the machine, is a control object. The control device includes drives of working mechanisms and a CNC system, sensors for mechanical movements of the working parts of the machine and processing modes. A machine with the processing process performed on it is called a dynamic machine system, which is formed by a combination of an elastic system of mechanisms and work processes in their interaction. The elastic system consists of the machine itself, fixtures, tools and parts (workpieces). Working processes are, first of all, cutting, as well as the accompanying friction processes in mechanisms and electromagnetic and hydrodynamic processes in the engines of working mechanisms.

Rice. 1.1 Block diagram of the “machine – cutting process” system as a control object.

Let's consider a CNC machine together with the processing process on it, taking into account the fact that it is, on the one hand, a closed system of interaction of an elastic system with work processes, and on the other, a directed action link in the automatic control system of machining. The unchangeable part of the control device is the CNC system, into which a control program is entered, which is a set of individual numbers, numbers and letters, following in a certain sequence. The control program (CP) is written on a software medium in a specific code and contains the following setting values:

movements x, y, z of the tool and workpiece along the axes;

movement speeds dx/dt, dyldt, dzldt along each axis, representing the value of feeds Sx, Sv, Sz of the tool or part along similar axes;

spindle rotation speed n^, ..., n„, where n is the number of speed steps; parameters that determine technological commands L1 ..., At, where m is the number of commands (technological commands are commands that specify the direction of spindle rotation, depth of cut, tool size, tool change, turning on and off the coolant supply, etc.).

After reading from the program carrier, the encoded NC undergoes a reverse decoding process in the CNC system, i.e., the control system is distinguished by the discrete nature of the task and the passage of signals. The coordinates of the vector of the controlled quantity are the following indicators of the results of the machining process: the accuracy of the size of the manufactured part, i.e. the difference between the actually obtained and given (theoretical) dimensions; roughness parameters of processed surfaces; processing productivity Q, characterized by the amount of metal removed during processing per unit time; cost-effectiveness of processing E, characterized by the cost of removing the allowance.

Deviations in the dimensions of parts from those indicated in the drawing when processed on machines occur due to errors caused by imperfections in the mechanical part of the machine, tools and working mechanisms, as well as due to errors associated with the control system. The errors of the control device consist of the following errors: reproduction (static and dynamic errors of feed drives), program (approximation errors and errors associated with discreteness), introduced by noise of communication channels. The main part of the OU is the cutting process, which is a complex physical process, in which elastic and plastic deformations occur, accompanied by high friction, heat generation, build-up, chip shrinkage, hardening, wear of the cutting tool, etc. To the errors of the operating device, which are specific both from the point of view of the technological process and from the point of view of the load on the drives , include: /ts - dimensional wear of the cutting tool; A7\ - change in temperature of the “machine-cutting process” system; A/ - change in the rigidity of the system along the coordinate of movement of the cutting tool; Az - fluctuation of processing allowance; DY - fluctuations in the hardness of the workpiece material; DG2 - fluctuations in the temperature of workpieces when they arrive for processing and during processing; Du - error of workpiece installation, etc.

Consequently, the machine tool, together with the cutting process, is a complex object with characteristics random in time, depending on a large number of variables, and the presence of insufficient a priori information about the object or disturbances (Az, A7\, D7\, ...). This lack of a priori information is as follows: the cutting properties of the tool are continuously changing, and it is impossible to deterministically determine the characteristics in this moment time; the properties of the “machine-cutting process” system are uncertain, since they are subject to a number of random disturbances that are difficult to detect; a specific workpiece from a batch of workpieces has fluctuations in input data (Az, DY, metal structure, etc.). Control quantities, disturbing influences and controlled quantities characterizing the machining process are functionally interrelated. Research has shown that the accuracy of part manufacturing depends on control quantities and disturbing influences. Processing productivity depends on the cutting parameters, which are determined by the technologist and included in the processing program.

During processing, disturbing influences (/t, Az, AY, etc.) lead to deviations in the technological process parameters Q = / (t, v, S, h, z, R, ...). The values ​​of the input variables (Fig. 1.12), which are a set of indicators characterizing the material and dimensions of the workpiece, specifications fixtures, tools, machine tools, etc., are in the intervals (*„ 4) w< *вх« < (*Bi»)m«, задаваемых технологическими допусками на процесс резания. Управляемые процессом обработки переменные (подача S, скорость резания vt, глубина резания t(и др.) также подчинены определенным физическим ограничениям

(vibrations in the system, economic durability of the tool, temperature in the cutting zone, etc.).

The output variables should characterize the technical and economic indicators of the operation of the OS. This may be data on the rate of formation of the treated surface (productivity), on the level of vibration or values ​​that are uniquely associated with them and characterize these indicators. Output variables are also limited in value. The considered variables are controlled quantities; they are physical nature has been sufficiently studied.

In addition, there is a correlation between the qualitative indicators of the op-amp and its output variables. Thus, analyzing the main variables involved in the technological process of processing parts, we can say that this process is characterized by interrelated variables that influence both the progress of the technological and production process and its results. The machine, together with the cutting process, can be classified as complex multi-channel control objects with the presence of mutually correlated input and output variables. The complexity of the control object is manifested in a significant number of parameters that determine the course of the cutting process, in a large number internal connections between parameters, in particular, in such a mutual influence in which a change in one parameter causes a nonlinear change in the others. The noted complexity is enhanced by the emergence of feedback between parameters that change the course of the cutting process.

Control questions.

1 . What physical meaning do the concepts “system”, “ system structure»,

“communication”, “control”, “control object”?

2. List the main elements included in the structural system of the automatic control system.

3. What is the essence of the concept of “feedback”?

4. What are the basic principles of management?

5. How does an astatic system differ from a static one?

6. What is the physical meaning of the concept of stability?


1. Adaptive control of technological processes / Yu M Solomentsev, V G Mitrofanov, SP Protopopov, etc. M Mechanical Engineering, 1980 536 p.

2. Bazrov B.M. Calculation of machine accuracy on a computer M Mechanical Engineering, 1984 362 p.

3. Denisov A.A., Kolesnikov D.N. Theory of large control systems Tutorial for universities L Energoizdat, 1982 288s

4. Dumler S.A. Production management and cybernetics M Mechanical Engineering, 1969 323 p.

5. Egorov K.V. Basic theory automatic regulation Textbook for universities 2nd edition revised and supplemented M Energy, 1967 648s

6. Zenkevich O. Finite element method in technology M Mir, 1975 540 p.

7. Kamke E. Handbook of ordinary differential equations / Translated from English. M Nauka, 1971 576p.

Appendix B

Discipline: programming the processing process on CNC machines.

Practical lesson: on the topic:

Teacher. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Vaniev E.R.

Group KTM-12

Attended - 5

Conducted by: Izetullaev Yu. L., course 2, group M-TFO-14

Date: 11/13/2015

4 pair aud. 235a

Observer: Akmollaev E.

Lesson plan


Organizing time

Updating knowledge

Current briefing


Lesson summary



Explanation, demonstration

Problem solving


5 minutes.

15 minutes.

65 min.

2 minutes.

3 min.

Practical lesson plan:

    Oral survey.

    Writing a program in the “CD SITRAIN Sinumerik 840D” simulator.

    Simulation of the resulting program.

Subject: "Basics of programming in Sinumerik 840D"

Objectives of the practical lesson:


Formation and consolidation of practical skills in programming on CNC machines. Formation of skills and abilities acquired in theoretical training lessons.


Development of cognitive activity and educational-cognitive independence in the process of practical training.


Formation of norms and rules of conscious academic discipline, conscientiousness, responsibility, initiative, perseverance in achieving one’s goal, and a culture of educational work.

Material and technical support.

    Required literature, 1 reference manual for each student.

    Personal computers with system requirements not lower than 3.06GHz/4GB/1TB/GeForce GT130 512GB/SD/ - 12 pcs.

    On personal computers Programs and educational electronic manuals must be installed:

SINUMERIK 840D/840D1/810D Basics. Programming Guide. User documentation 6FC5298-6ABOO-PP1

SNCEditor program

Sandvik Electronic Catalog “Cutting Tools”, 2009

Operator's manual. Vertical machining centers.

Teaching methods:




    technical training aids



    comparison of scientific and real-life explanations of the phenomenon;

    frontal survey

Interdisciplinary connections: interchangeability, standardization and technical measurements, metal-cutting machines, design of metal-cutting tools.

Didactic support for the lesson:

    R.I. Gzhirov, PL. Serebrenitsky.

    JSC "IRLEN-Engineering" SINUMERIC

    JSC "IRLEN-Engineering" SINUMERIC

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational part

1.1 Checking the availability of students, greeting.

    1. Statement of the topic and goals of the practical lesson.


Updating basic knowledge:

    Describe the concept of “CNC system”?

Answer: numerical control (CNC) machine - control of the processing of a workpiece on a machine using a NC program, in which the data is specified in digital form.

    What CNC systems do you know?

Answer: Sinumerik,Fanuc,Heidenhain, NTs-31.

    What CNC system is equipped with the Spin machining center?n er VC750"?

Answer: Sinumerik 840D

    What processing planes does Spin cover?n er VC750"?

Answer: X, Y, Z, B

    What types of parts can be processed on the Spinner VC750?

Answer: You can process planes, shaped surfaces, cut grooves, cut gear teeth, threads, cut metal.

    What command is used to set the working movement of the tool?

Answer: « G01"

7) Which of the sequences for turning on CNC equipment is correct?

Answer: main switch, hydraulic switching on, system emergency shutdown button (“mushroom”).

3. Current briefing.

Each student runs the program "CD SITRAIN Sinumerik 840D". We select turning and turn on the machine in the simulator. We point the cursor at the machine stand and begin programming. Following the prompts, we execute the commands one by one. Using the keys we type:

G54G90 G97 Trans Z50

T1 S2800 M4

G00 X20 Z2 M108

CYCLE G85(2, 20, 20, -19.8, 3, 5)

G00 X100 Z150 M109

T2 S3200 M4

G00 X15.96 Z2 M108

CYCLE G85 (2, 15.96, 15.96, -20, 1, 2)

G00 X100 Z150 M109

T4 S600 M4=3

G00 X0 Z3 M108

CYCLE G83 (2, 5, 13, -20, 1, 2, 0)

G00 X150 Z150 M109



We launch the resulting program in the “Single Block” mode.


    homework assignment:repeat the steps yourself.

    end of the lesson, evaluation of students based on the results of the lesson.


1. R.I. Gzhirov, PL. Serebrenitsky. Programming processing on CNC machines. Directory, L. Mechanical Engineering, 2006, 592 pp.

General mechanical engineering standards time and cutting modes to standardize work performed on universal and multi-purpose CNC machines. Part II, M., Economics, 1990, 474 pp.

    JSC "IRLEN-Engineering" Series e-books"Metalworking CNC machines." D.Yu. Kryazhev. Milling on CNC machines with CNC systemSINUMERIC. Tutorial. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ekaterinburg, 2005

    JSC "IRLEN-Engineering" Series of e-books “Metalworking CNC machines”. G.I. Andreev “Working on CNC lathes with a CNC systemSINUMERIC" Tutorial. St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, 2005

    Lovygin A.A., Vasiliev A.V., Krivtsov S.Yu. “Modern CNC machine and CAD/CAM system.” Illustrated manual. -M.: “Elf IPR”, 2006, 286 articles;:.g

    EBook. High-performance metal cutting. M.: Publishing house "Poligraphia" ISBN 5-89479-027-1

Appendix B

Discipline: Introduction to professional teaching activities.

Seminar session on the topic:


Teacher: Ph.D., Associate Professor Suleymanov R. AND .

Group KTM-15

Attended - 18

Conducted by: Izetullaev Yu. L., course 2, group M-TFO-14

Date 20.11.2015

3 pair aud. 121

Observer: Rustemov A.S.


        1. Describe the four types of vocational schools.

          What are the specifics of the work of an industrial training master?

          Describe the content of the pedagogical work of a teacher of theoretical education.

          What do you mean by specialization? How are the concepts of “professional teaching profession”, “specialty”, “professional training” and “specialization” related to each other?

          What are the specifics of the “Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering” specialization?

          Describe the experience of professional training of teachers abroad.

          What groups of specializations are identified in Russia today?

          What are the prospects for the professional teaching profession?

The first question was answered by students Yayachik and Eredjepov. Rating 4; 4.

The second question was answered by students Chinai and Filipenko. Rating 4; 5.

The third question was answered by students Useinov, Tul-Tul. Rating 5; 4.

The fourth question was answered by students Aliyev and Ibragimov. Rating 4; 3.

The fifth question was answered by students Saliev and Mustafaev. Rating 4; 4.

The sixth question was answered by students Perov and Paniev. Rating 3; 4.

The seventh question was answered by students Ismailov and Asanov. Rating 4; 4.

The eighth question was answered by students Nechai and Gugu. Rating 4; 3.

Analysis of the lesson attended

09.11.2015 attended a lecture by master's student of group M-TFO-14 Akmollaev E.S. in the discipline “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, on the topic “Manufacturability of product design"in the KTM-14 group. The topic of the lecture corresponds to the curriculum.

The lecture started right on schedule. First, those who were absent were noted. Then the objectives of the lesson were formulated. The teacher conducted a short frontal survey on the topic “Error, types of errors.” Further, in a clear and easy-to-understand form, the manufacturability of the product design was described. Theoretical material studied in detail, basic concepts and necessary explanations were included by students in their notes

During the lesson, the interdisciplinary connections of the material presented were noted, it was noted that the presented material is based on the knowledge and skills obtained as a result of studying the disciplines: “Technological processes in mechanical engineering” and “Industrial training”. In the future, this material will be supplemented within the framework of the discipline “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, which will be studied in the 4th year. At the end of the lecture, the main points of the topic were summarized and briefly noted. In the lecture plan, the teacher clearly regulated the stages of the lesson. The timing is correct. The conducted lesson corresponds to the set goals.

Undoubtedly, it is necessary to note pedagogical tact, excellent knowledge of the material, adherence to the scientific principle and the ability to intensify the work of students.




Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Report on scientific and pedagogical practice

Educational work

2nd year master's student

Groups M-TFO-14

Izetullaev Yu. L.

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor R.I. Suleymanov

Simferopol 2015

    Educational part

1.1. Plan of educational work of the group curator

(for the period of internship)


carrying out


National Unity Day.



Curator hour on the topic “Tolerance”



International Students Day



Educational hour on the topic “AIDS plague of the 21st century”



World AIDS Day



Individual work with students.



Work with documents

According to plan

Within a month

1.2. Educational hour

An educational hour was held World Day fight against AIDS with students of the KTM-13 group.

Topic of the educational hour:

"AIDS - the plague of the twentieth century"

Educational purpose : Encourage students to analyze their hobbies and be responsible so as not to contract AIDS

Developmental goal: Develop attentiveness and caution to avoid contracting AIDS.

Cognitive goal: To give students an understanding of AIDS and its prevention

Material support:

1. AIDS posters

2. Cards with questions.

Event plan:

1. Introductory words “What is AIDS?”

2. Student performances:

- How can you become infected with AIDS?

- Are there methods for diagnosing AIDS?

- How to protect yourself from AIDS?

- Who has AIDS?

3. Quiz “What have you learned about AIDS?”

4. Final words “AIDS prevention”.

AIDS prevention

All experts in the world now agree that the most important means of combating AIDS is health education.

In 1983-1984 It has been proven that AIDS is caused by a previously unknown virus that is transmitted through sexual contact and blood transfusions. While the nature of the disease was being studied, the virus quickly spread among the population of the United States, where by 1986. The number of AIDS patients has reached 20,000, and the number of people infected with the virus has reached 200,000.

Only the costs of treating patients and their maintenance amounted to more than 7 billion dollars, and environmental connections with the loss of ability of patients to work amounted to 12 billion dollars. Considering that the number of patients in the United States increases every year, it is not difficult to understand that many American researchers look at AIDS as environmental problem. In 1990 There are 60,000 cases of AIDS reported worldwide. The number of virus carriers exceeds the number of patients tens of times. We. Unfortunately, we do not have reliable data on the complete cure of the disease. More than half of the patients registered in 1980 died within two years from the date of diagnosis. But it is important to note that only 10-15% of infected people develop AIDS within 5 years from the time of alleged infection. For a longer period of time, the patient feels well and, not knowing about his illness, can infect others by having sexual intercourse with them, donating blood for transfusion, or using the same syringe to inject drugs into a vein.

Bye effective means, which can cure AIDS or kill the virus that has entered the human body, have not been found, although there is already encouraging information from studies working on this problem.
And so, the main measure to prevent AIDS should be a negative attitude towards sexual perversions and promiscuity, casual sexual relations.

As a special preventive measure, the use of a physical contraceptive – a condom – should be highlighted.

Persons prone to homosexual relationships and drug addiction must understand that such habits become extremely detrimental not only to their health, but also to the lives of those around them.

AIDS is a serious and dangerous disease. Its treatment is to prevent rather than treat. And since preventive measures are in the hands of every person, they should be used for the benefit of the health of themselves and those around them.

Who has AIDS?

Analysis of data from several thousand patients registered in developed countries, showed that among patients:

7.7% - homosexual men or men who have had sexual contact with both men and women, and persons who are promiscuous;

15% are drug addicts who use drugs intravenously;

1% - persons who received multiple blood transfusions;

1% - children born to mothers infected with AIDS;

5% - the route of infection was clarified due to the death of the patient or refusal to provide the necessary information.


To protect yourself from AIDS, you need to avoid casual sexual contact with homosexuals, drug addicts and people who are promiscuous.

The more sexual partners you have, the higher your risk of contracting AIDS. Using a condom is a risk of contracting AIDS.


When the AIDS virus enters the body, a response occurs - antibodies are formed. This reaction can be detected using special methods during blood testing. A positive reaction indicates that the person has become infected with the AIDS virus. Some people who test positive will go on to develop AIDS. Others may remain apparently healthy, but retain the virus in their body and can therefore infect other people. Based on the results of the reaction, it is impossible to say who will get sick and who will only be a virus carrier.

The AIDS response is carried out with every blood donation. Donor blood that gives a positive reaction is destroyed.


AIDS is a low-grade disease. As a result of studying several thousand patients registered in the world, it was found that the AIDS virus is transmitted:

- during sexual contact with a patient or infected with the AIDS virus, more often during sexual perversion. Using a condom reduces the risk of infection;

- as a result of the use of unsterile syringes for injection, and mainly drug addiction;

- by introducing blood or blood preparations containing a virus;

- from a pregnant woman infected with AIDS to a newborn.

The AIDS virus is not transmitted through the air by talking, coughing, etc. When using shared utensils and other household items, bathrooms, bathtubs, swimming pools, etc. You cannot get AIDS.

Not a single case of AIDS infection occurred through household contact or contact at work. Not alone medical worker did not become infected while providing assistance to AIDS patients.

Every person should be aware of the peculiarities of sexual behavior, which in themselves pose a real threat to the health and life of themselves and those around them.

It is now firmly established that Main way HIV transmission and the spread of AIDS in the human population – sexual. This is not surprising, because most often the causative agent is found in the blood, semen and vaginal secretions of infected people. Sexual contacts between people also play a major epidemiological role in the spread of infection. Feature this path transmission of the virus is that the most dangerous epidemiologically was the route of transmission of the virus from an infected person to a healthy person during sexual intercourse between men. Such acts are accompanied by damage (cracks, ruptures) to the mucous membrane of the rectum, which has an abundant blood supply, which greatly facilitates the possibility of the virus entering the body of a sexual partner. In terms of the potential risk of infection, such sexual acts undoubtedly take first place.
What is AIDS?

Over the past five years, we have increasingly heard the word AIDS on television and radio programs, and on the pages of newspapers and magazines. Since the beginning of the 80s in the USA, and 2-3 years later in Western Europe and a number of other countries, a previously unknown disease began to develop. Its main feature was that it did not have its own clinical symptoms, but manifested itself in the increased tendency of affected individuals to a number of relatively rare infectious and tumor diseases. AIDS - for some it causes concern and fear, for others - a burning interest, wanting to know everything, and not only about what and how is happening there, abroad, but also about the situation in our country.

At the first stage of research, it was established that AIDS is a deep lesion of the human cellular immune system, clinically manifested by the development of progressive infectious diseases and malignant neoplasms.
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is caused by a specific virus. This virus enters the blood and damages a certain type of white blood cells (lymphocytes), which are an important part of the body's defense (immune) system. As a result, an infected person becomes “defenseless” against germs and tumors. The disease develops slowly over several years. The only sign of the disease may be enlargement of several lymph nodes. Then the temperature rises, long-term intestinal disorders, sweating, and weight loss begin. Subsequently, inflammation of the lungs, pustular and herpetic skin lesions, sengis (infection) of the blood, and malignant tumors, mainly of the skin, occur. All this leads to the death of the patient.


1. Brochure “AIDS – a threat to humanity”

2. Brochure “Prevention against AIDS”

3. Brochure “What is AIDS?”

4. Brochure “AIDS guidelines to help the lecturer" 1989

1.3. Analysis of an educational event conducted by a fellow student

11/13/2015 attended the conversation of the master's student of the M-TFO-14 group E. S. Akmollaev on the topic “Stop terrorism” at the KTM-14 group

Akmollaev E. S.had a quality conversation. Wasthe topic of the conversation is revealed, the assigned tasks are solved, the goal is achieved at the time set for the conversation.It is worth noting that in the group the teacher created favorable climate. The students showed interest and interest. The conversation was held at a high level.




Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Report on scientific and pedagogical practice

Psychological part

2nd year master's student

Groups M-TFO-14

Izetullaev Yu. L.

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor R.I. Suleymanov

Simferopol 2015

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the KTM-13 group.

    General information about the group.

The students of the group are studying in their third year at the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, majoring in “computer technology in mechanical engineering.” The group consists of 9 young men. The group is fairly homogeneous in terms of age. The age difference is about 2 years, only one student is 4 years older than the rest. All students, with the exception of one – Dmitry Duzhnikov, are from intact families. Dmitry is being raised without a father.

The group is quite academically disciplined, but most of group regularly misses classes. Those who are lagging behind are helped by more successful students, which characterizes the cohesion of the group. Compared to the other four groups of the faculty, this team is one of the most successful. All have secondary school education. In the group, three students stand out in their academic performance: Dzhemilev Amet, Temendarov Ilyas and Stankevich Viktor.

The headman and trade union organizer of the group is Memetov Refat. Deputy headman - Stankevich Viktor. The unofficial leaders are also: Dzhemilev Amet and Temendarov Ilyas. Assetsteamdeals with general issues and problems. The same asset organizes unofficial events.

    Characteristics of educational activities.

The level of preparation and general development of students is above average. Sometimes there are noticeable gaps in some areas of knowledge and this is more likely due to class attendance. Students' interests lie in a wide area and this is due to the large number of disciplines studied. Interestingly, teachers who are more demanding of students are more respected. The teacher’s personal example and his attitude to his work are also important here. The disadvantage of educational interaction between students is the borrowing of the works of others. If there is a sample, the work is performed formally, without understanding what is written. Often the same error can occur consistently among the rest of the group.

The team is quite active in both academic and extracurricular activities. Dzhemilev Amet, Stankevich Viktor and Dzhinikov Dmitry distinguished themselves in the sports life of the university. Amet is actively involved in powerlifting and rugby. Victor is a member of the university rugby team, and Dmitry is a prize-winner in arm wrestling competitions.

    Characteristics of joint activities in a group.

Students of the group are not limited to communication only within their team, but also communicate with other senior students. There is mutual understanding in the team, the guys quickly find mutual language and this is due to their similar age and common interests. The team is quite united and integral, so any events in the life of the group do not go unnoticed by anyone. In general, one can note goodwill, respect and sympathy for each other. Sometimes conflicts arise in difficult situations. But still, overcoming difficulties together unites the team and conflicts exhaust themselves over time. Relationships with teachers develop differently. It all depends on the personality of the teacher and his chosen manner of communication with the children. Discipline in classes depends on the authority and rigor of the teacher.


The KTM-13 group under consideration is cohesive, friendly, and has common positive goals and objectives. The team is quite homogeneous in age and social status. Among other groups, KTM-13 is one of the leaders in academic performance. The children are quite active both in academic and extracurricular activities. There are no established groups and closed guys in the group. Discipline in classes depends on the authority and rigor of the teacher. The class has a pleasant microclimate and normal performance.




Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology

Report on scientific and pedagogical practice

experimental part

2nd year master's student

Groups M-TFO-14

Izetullaev Yu. L.

Head: Ph.D., Associate Professor R.I. Suleymanov

Simferopol 2015

Full name ________________________________ group _______________

1 Describe the concept of “system”?

A) A set of elements or devices that are in relationships and connections with each other and form a certain integrity, unity.

B) The subject or process to be studied.

C) A set of control object and control device, the interaction of which leads to the fulfillment of the set goal.

D) A parameter of a production, technological process or technical object that must be maintained constant or changed according to a certain law.

2 Describe the concept of “Management”?

A) A set of control object and control device, the interaction of which leads to the achievement of the set goal.

B) The process of organizing such a targeted impact on an object, as a result of which the object goes into the required (target) state.

C) Order, structure and method of functioning.

D) The subject or process to be studied.

3 List the main elements included in the structural system of the ACS?

A) Measuring device, setting device, adding device.

B) Control object, measuring device, setting device, adding device.

B) Control object, measuring device, master device, summing device, amplifier, actuator.

D) There is no correct option.

4 What is the essence of the concept of “feedback”?

A) The impact of the output of the control system on its input.

B) The influence of the control system input on its output.

B) The impact of the control object on the actuator.

D) The influence of the control object on the master device.

5) What is included in the CNC machine control device?

Drives of the main movement and feed movement, sensors of cutting modes and drives.

Questioning is a procedure for conducting a survey in writing using pre-prepared forms. Questionnaires (from the French “list of questions”) are filled out independently by respondents. One of the pioneers of using this method was Francis Galton, who studied the origin of a person’s mental qualities based on the self-reports of respondents. The results of the survey were presented by him in the book “English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture” (1874).

This method has the following advantages:

- high efficiency of obtaining information;

- the possibility of organizing mass surveys;

- relatively low labor intensity of the procedures for preparing and conducting research, processing their results;

- lack of influence of the personality and behavior of the interviewer on the work of respondents;

- lack of expression of the researcher’s relationship of subjective bias towards any of the respondents,

However, questionnaires also have significant disadvantages:

- the lack of personal contact does not allow, in a free interview, to change the order and wording of questions depending on the answers or behavior of the respondents;

- the reliability of such “self-reports” is not always sufficient, the results of which are influenced by the respondents’ unconscious attitudes and motives or their desire to appear in a more favorable light, deliberately embellishing the real state of affairs.

But due to its advantages, this research method was chosen. 9 people took part in the survey. To conduct the survey, 5 questions were developed regarding “Systems “machine – cutting process” as a control object ».

Among the respondents, 21% of students mastered the material passed by 3 points, 40% of students mastered the material passed by 4 points, 24% of students mastered the material passed by 4.5 points, 15% of students mastered the material passed by 5 points. From this we can conclude that 79% of students in the KTM-13 group mastered the material covered. The average score for the entire group was 4.23 points.


During the course of scientific and pedagogical practice:

- knowledge and skills have been formed to carry out teaching activities in higher educational institutions of various levels of accreditation based on a research approach;

- improved knowledge and skills for implementation in the educational process high school modern technologies training, didactic teaching aids

- skills in preparation for conducting educational work in a higher educational institution have been improved;

- mastered methods for organizing and managing students’ scientific work, preparing scientific reports for participation in scientific and practical seminars, pedagogical readings, scientific and theoretical conferences of the university.

During the internship, 4 classes were conducted, with a total duration of 8 academic hours. Attended classes taught by other teachers. Methodological support for tests has been developed to monitor student progress. A method for assessing the psychological microclimate in the group was selected and carried out.

Based on the results of the practice, I made the following conclusions:

    Liberal teaching methods make it possible to conduct classes in a better-quality environment, in terms of the level of training. But excessive liberalism leads to the emergence of an anarchic mood among unmotivated students.

    More attention should be paid to student motivation.

    To conduct a high-quality lesson, you should have a clearly developed lesson plan, accurate to the minute, because When free time appears, some students “drop out” from the learning process and then slowly return, which slows down the entire learning process.


    Mykhnyuk, M.I. Pedagogical practice / M. I. Mykhnyuk. - Simferopol: DIAIP, 2012. - 296 p. Textbook for students. engineer-ped. specialist.

    Zagvyazinsky V.I.Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research: textbook. aid for students universities – 2012 Textbook

    Podlasy, I.P.Pedagogy. Advanced course / I. P. Podlasy. - M.: Yurayt, 2015. - 799 p.

    Yakusheva, S.D.Basics pedagogical excellence and professional self-development / S. D. Yakusheva; rec.: I. V. Dubrovina, V. P. Sergeeva, V. G. Aleksandrova. - M.: Forum; M.: Infra-M, 2014. - 416 p.

    Yakusheva, S.D.Fundamentals of pedagogical skills / S. D. Yakusheva. - 2nd ed., stereotype. - M.: Academy, 2010. - 256 p.; -12/22/2015;-12/23/2015

    [Electronic resource] / - Access;-12/23/2015

    [Electronic resource] / - Access;-12/25/2015


I, Elena Nikolaevna Poznyak, completed a teaching internship at secondary school No. 8 in Mozyr from 09/05/2010 to 10/24/2010.

Teaching practice began with an orientation conference at the university. The goals and objectives of the practice were explained to us. On the same day, a conversation took place with the group leader, during which we were told the main direction of the teaching activities of student trainees: mastering the methodology of conducting lessons, the ability to intensify the activities of students during class time.

I was assigned to class 9 “A”, in which there were 27 students. In this class I did my internship as a subject teacher.

The class teacher of this class is Elena Vladimirovna Daineko. She introduced me to the plan of educational work in grade 9 “A”.

The main goal that was set at the beginning of the internship was to develop professional pedagogical skills.

In the first week, I attended physical education classes with subject teacher Senko I.G. in order to study the methodology of conducting lessons, familiarize themselves with the types, goals and objectives of lessons, the structure of the lesson, monitor the organization of discipline and maintain the attention of students, study methods and techniques for explaining new material, and organize independent work of students. Attending classes helped me in preparing and conducting my lessons and writing notes.

I also attended lessons in history, mathematics, history, the Belarusian language, etc. in grade 9 “A” in order to get acquainted with the students of this class and the student for whom a psychological profile was written.

In accordance with the individual plan, I taught 13 lessons, 11 of which were credit lessons.

In the process of conducting training sessions, I acquired professional pedagogical skills and abilities, including the ability, based on the curriculum and textbook, to specify the content of upcoming training sessions and determine the teaching, developmental and educational goals of the lesson, the ability to determine the type and structure of the lesson, the ability to prepare for classes, the necessary educational visual aids and technical teaching aids, the ability to draw up a lesson plan and other types of educational activities, the ability to use a variety of techniques for establishing order and discipline of students at the beginning of the lesson, the ability to give work on the material covered a repetitive educational character, the ability use oral, written and practical exercises to apply acquired knowledge in practice and many others.

I also attended lessons taught by student interns in order to monitor the organization of discipline and maintain students’ attention in the process of presenting new material, the organization of students’ comprehension and memorization of new knowledge in the lesson, the organization of students’ work with a textbook when consolidating new material, and the skills of interns pose problematic questions in the learning process, the ability to use additional material as a method of enhancing the cognitive activity of students, etc. This allowed me to compare the methods of conducting my lessons with the lessons of my comrades.

I have developed very good relationships with the students.

Throughout the practice, I used methods with the class to write psychological characteristics.

Thus, during my teaching practice at school, I carried out all the necessary educational work. Teaching practice had a positive impact on the development of my professional personal properties and qualities. I learned to meaningfully apply psychological and pedagogical theory in real conditions school education and upbringing. Experience was gained in the preparation and step-by-step development of training sessions, skills in determining the topic, goals and objectives of the lesson, as well as in the correct selection of the necessary educational visual aids.

I consider my main achievement and success during the practice to be the acquisition of pedagogical confidence and meaningfulness of my actions during the lesson, which I definitely lacked at the initial and trial training stages of practice. I believe that teaching practice of this kind is quite effective and helps to master teaching skills in general; Such pedagogical practice should continue to be used for the training of future subject teachers in the future.

After completing teaching practice, I noticed a lot of interesting things for myself. The first thing is that my attitude towards the teaching profession has changed in a positive direction. Secondly, despite the fact that I did not imagine myself as a teacher, now I understand that I have a lot of inclinations for this.

Internship report

I, Kudryavtseva Anna Andreevna, master's student in the specialty " Elementary education", gr. ZMNO – 14, underwent teaching practice at the State Budgetary Educational Institution higher education Republic of Crimea "KIPU" during the period from

Pedagogical practice is an important component of the professional training of masters in the main educational program, aimed at developing in future teachers a systematic approach to designing the educational process at a university, analyzing and designing training sessions, as well as developing a culture of teaching work and professional competence.

Before starting work, the goal of teaching practice was determined: familiarization with the specifics of a teacher’s activity in a higher education institution. educational institution, as well as the formation of readiness for teaching activities in higher pedagogical educational institutions.

In this regard, the following tasks were set:

    Consolidation, deepening, expansion of professional skills and teaching skills;

    Mastering selection skills educational material, choosing the form of methods for organizing the study of a specific topic;

    Formation of a professional position, style of behavior and professional ethics of a teacher.

    Familiarization with job responsibilities teacher, areas of activity, working documentation;

    Attending training sessions for teachers in order to familiarize themselves with teaching methods in a higher educational institution, and subsequently writing an analysis;

    Selection of educational material in the disciplines “Philosophy and History of Education”, “History of Pedagogy”, “Pedagogy”, and others;

    Conducting lectures, practical classes, educational activities;

    Attending training sessions for undergraduates in order to familiarize themselves with and identify inaccuracies in teaching methods at a higher educational institution. Subsequently, writing the analysis;

    Draw conclusions and suggestions for improving the content and organization of teaching practice.

During my internship, I became acquainted with the profile of the educational institution, its activities, as well as its leaders and teaching staff. Studied the main goals and objectives of organizing educational activities. Studied the basic techniques of organizing the educational process. Researched the level of development of the educational team.

During my practice, I acquired a lot of knowledge and useful information, which will certainly be very useful to me in the future. In this work, all the objectives were achieved.

I believe that I have coped with my tasks and I can say with confidence that novice teachers need to look up to their senior colleagues.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution

higher professional education

"Izhevsk State Technical University"

Faculty of EPIGN

Department of Professional Pedagogy

on pedagogical practice

Student (full name) Mamontova Maria Andreevna

Faculty of EPiGN

Group 8-53-2

Practice dates: 1.02.10 - 1.05.10

Head of the department: Evstunina N.V.

Place of practice: Izhevsk State Polytechnic College

Educational institution of secondary vocational education

Final grade for
teaching practice: _________________________

Izhevsk, 2010


1. Description of the structure of the educational institution……………………......5

2. Description of the organization of the educational process…………......9

3. Description of the methodology of theoretical and

industrial training………………...……………………….…16

Self-analysis of the lesson………………………………………………………21

4. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………………25

5. list of references………………………………………………………26


“A teacher should be kind, but without weakness, demanding, but without pickiness, allow for jokes, but not turn a serious matter into a joke.”

K.D. Ushinsky

It was not in vain that I took as an epigraph the words of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky for my work; in practice, I became convinced of the correct meaning of these words. The words of K. D. Ushinsky make you think and recognize that education is a very serious and responsible job that can make a person happy, and this is reflected in the words of the great psychologist A. S. Makarenko: “You cannot teach a person to be happy, but you can raise him so It’s possible to make him happy.”

In my teaching practice, I moved from the role of a student to the unusual role of a teacher. After all, a person can understand how difficult it is or, on the contrary, how accessible and easy it will be for him in a given area only when he tries himself in it. Pedagogical practice, in my opinion, helps the student understand all the subjects that he studied these four years and gives the opportunity to apply his knowledge.

The goals of teaching practice are:

Introducing students to the pedagogical reality of an educational institution of primary (secondary) vocational education, school;

Change of social role (transition from the position of “student” to the position of “teacher”);

Direct participation in the educational process of the educational institution;

Verification of professional and theoretical knowledge acquired at a university.

Practice objectives:

Obtaining practical skills in planning educational work in a group of students;

Gaining experience in the professional activities of a teacher in preparation for a cycle of theoretical teaching lessons;

Obtaining initial skills in conducting lessons on a chosen subject in a group of students;

Studying the teaching experience of qualified teachers of an educational institution.

I completed my teaching practice at Izhevsk State Polytechnic College from 1.02.10-1.05.10. The director of the college is V.A. Dolganov. The head of the practice was Anna Sergeevna Avdyukova, a former graduate of our university, and now a teacher of technical mechanics and computer science.

Location of the college 426053, Izhevsk, st. Salyutovskaya, 33


Izhevsk State Polytechnic College is a state educational institution of secondary vocational education of federal subordination, implementing basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational education at basic and advanced levels and primary vocational education.

By order of the Council of the Udmurt Autonomous Region No. 154 dated November 2, 1920, a factory school was formed at the Izhevsk Arms Steelworks. In accordance with the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR “On the organization of educational institutions of Labor Reserves,” on October 2, 1940, the factory school was reorganized into the Vocational School (RU No. 1). By Order No. 147 of August 12, 1956 of the State Committee for Vocational Education under the Council of Ministers of the UASSR, the educational institution was reorganized into a city vocational school (GPTU No. 1). By Order No. 160 of June 20, 1977 of the State Committee for Vocational Education under the Council of Ministers of the UASSR, the educational institution was again reorganized into a secondary city vocational school No. 1 (SPTU No. 1). In 1994, by order No. 1 of 01/05/1994, issued by the Ministry of Public Education of the Udmurt Republic, the educational institution was reorganized into the state educational institution “Secondary Vocational School No. 1”. In 1995, on the basis of order No. 249 of 06/20/1995 of the Ministry of public education of the Udmurt Republic, the educational institution received the status of “Automotive Technical Lyceum (VPU No. 1)”, a license to train specialists of secondary vocational education in the following specialties: 1201 “Mechanical Engineering Technology”, 1207 “Welding Production Technology”, 1705 “ Maintenance and repairs road transport».

By Order No. 326 of September 25, 1998, issued by the Ministry of Public Education of the Udmurt Republic, VPU No. 1 was reorganized into “Automotive Technical Lyceum No. 1”.

In 2000, “Automotive Technical Lyceum No. 1” received the status of a state educational institution of secondary vocational education “Izhevsk State Auto Mechanical College”, becoming a multidisciplinary, multi-level educational institution. A new department “Vocational Training” has been opened, implementing the state educational standard of secondary vocational education higher level in specialty 0308 “Vocational training (by industry).”

SPO "Izhevsk State Polytechnic College" has: License Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science for the right to implement educational activities; Certificate of state accreditation dated July 17, 2009.

Currently, the college offers full-time and part-time education.

Day department

· Primary vocational education


· Advanced secondary vocational education

List of specialties and professions


30.20 “Car mechanic”

2.12 “Machine operator (metalworking)”

2.4 "Welder"

1.12 “Electrician (maintenance and repair of electrical equipment)”


DAY department (based on 9 classes)

032002 “Documentation management and archiving”

080106 “Finance (by industry)”

190604 “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”

100120 “Transport service”


151001 “Mechanical Engineering Technology”

190701 “Organization of transportation and management in transport (by mode of transport)”

210501 “Postal service”

100108 “Hairdressing art”


DAY department

(based on 11 classes)

Correspondence department (based on 11 classes)

050501 Vocational training (specialization “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles”)

080501 Management (specialization “Economic and legal activities”)

Being a multi-level educational institution of secondary vocational education, IGPC is rightfully considered one of the oldest educational institutions in Izhevsk, having extensive professional experience and rich historical traditions. The main social partners of the college today are the Izhmash, IzhAvto, Bummash, Aksion, Radiozavod plants, as well as other industrial enterprises and enterprises of the motor transport complex of Izhevsk and the republic. The college has developed a concept for teaching and training specialists within the framework of social partnership with industrial enterprises the city of Izhevsk and the republic, which is in last years is being successfully implemented. The main motto of the college is “Flexible response to the needs of enterprises in one or another category of specialists.” The college has a graduate employment assistance department.

I’ll tell you in detail about the specialty of the T25P group with which I worked during my internship. Graduate qualification: master of vocational training. Specialization: “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.” Duration of study: on the basis of secondary (complete) general education: 3 years 10 months. Full-time form of education

The graduate must be: ready for professional activities in training, retraining and advanced training of workers (employees) as a master of vocational training in educational institutions of various types and types, as well as for professional activities as a mid-level specialist in the relevant specialty of secondary vocational education in enterprises (organizations) of various organizational and legal forms of ownership.

Educational work

Educational work in college is a purposeful activity to organize the joint life activities of adults and students with the goal of the most complete self-development and self-realization of students.

Creation of a mechanism that ensures the formation and functioning of a system of spiritual, moral, physical, intellectual education of an individual capable of active creative activity, with the needs and abilities for self-knowledge, self-activation, self-determination, and self-improvement.

Carry out the humanization of the educational process, expressed in creating conditions for the full development of the individual, to encourage introspection, self-esteem, and self-education;

Contribute to the formation of civil-patriotic consciousness; developing a sense of involvement in the destinies of the Fatherland;

To introduce students to the wealth of universal human culture, the spiritual values ​​of their people through knowledge, communication, family, culture, health;

To promote the education of a creative personality, the development of abilities, knowledge, skills, intelligence, and life creativity.

All activities of the educational system are aimed at ensuring that students during their studies are able to develop personal qualities that correspond to a college graduate. The image of a graduate is made up of individual potentials:

· moral potential;

· informative;

· communicative;


· physical potential.

At this stage of a person’s life, the formation of their active life position takes on special meaning. For young students, it remains relevant to educate them as cultural, competent specialists, as well as future defenders of the Fatherland.

Education in college is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

purposeful management of the development of a student’s personality as an integral process, taking into account our regional and national characteristics, as well as professional specifics;

a personal approach that recognizes the interests of the individual student and his family;

citizenship, expressed in the correlation of educational activities with the interests of society and the state.

The college has local acts regulating educational activities and a plan for educational work for the year. Instructions for conducting classroom hours have been developed.

Educational work in college is carried out very intensively. During my stay in practice, 2 events took place at the entire college level. Patriotic posters are hung throughout the building, calling on future defenders of the homeland to be patriotic.

Psychological and pedagogical portrait of the group

I did an internship at the Izhevsk State polytechnic college, in the T25P group. The specialty stands for “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.” At the time of my internship, the group was studying in the 2nd year, 4th semester.

My leader Anna Sergeevna assigned me the group she was in class teacher. Group T25P consists of twenty-three people, all guys:

T25P group list:

1) Abidin Alexander Yurievich

2) Andreev Denis Alexandrovich

3) Varlamov Konstantin Andreevich

4) Vozalkov Maxim Viktorovich

5) Glukhov Nikolay Alexandrovich

6) Grebenkin Dmitry Alexandrovich

7) Druzhinin Alexander Semenovich

8) Elkin Roman Andreevich

9) Efremov Roman Borisovich

10) Kaplukovsky Anton Sergeevich

11) Kutyavin Alexander Vladimirovich

12) Kirshin Evgeniy Vadimovich

13) Kirilin Mikhail Alekseevich

14) Krasilnikov Yaroslav Mikhailovich

15) Lebedev Alexander Sergeevich

16) Limonov Alexey Igorevich

17) Gushchin Ruslan Vadimovich

18) Saparov Vecheslav Alekseevich

19) Sevastyanov Andrey Igorevich

20) Styazhkin Vladimir Evgenievich

21) Chernitsin Alexey Igorevich

22) Shirobokov Maxim Vladimirivich

23) Yakovev Grigory Anatolyevich

Having sat in the classes of this group, I can conclude that the guys are calm, but there are also discipline violators. There are no prone to violence or crime.

Having looked at the group's magazine, I can say that most of the guys are from two-parent families, with working parents. The entire group studies on a budget basis.

I identified the following types of thinking among students: theoretical, visual-figurative, intuitive and reproductive. Among all of them, I can single out several guys who have good academic performance: Dmitry Aleksandrovich Grebenkin, Alexander Semenovich Druzhinin, Roman Andreevich Elkin, Maxim Vladimirovich Shirobokov. Limonov Alexey Igorevich and Saparov Vecheslav Alekseevich performed at the evening of patriotic songs. The guys in the group devote a lot of time to sports and go to the gym. Elkin Roman Andreevich performs at athletics competitions for the honor of the college.

In general, the group is active and takes part in events held at the college. I have not identified a clear leader. All the guys listen carefully to the headman, Denis Alekseevich Andreev, and treat him with respect, I think he is an extracurricular leader among the guys.

They responded to all my suggestions and requests with interest, no one refused to cooperate. Students know how to work collaboratively. The guys value the honor of the group. When solving collective problems, they quickly find their bearings and find a common language. In general, students know each other well and relations between them are friendly.

A critical attitude towards one's shortcomings is not always manifested, but most can evaluate their work. The group is dominated by a calm, business-like, friendly attitude. The guys unite in groups based on interests, but nevertheless, all the guys communicate with each other, I didn’t notice that anyone was an “alien.”

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student

Andreev Denis Alekseevich is the head of the group and an extracurricular leader among the children. He is 18 years old and has not identified any psychological or physiological abnormalities.

Raised in full family: Mother - Svetlana Fedorovna, father - Alexey Eduardovich. Father and mother enjoy authority from their son. The father's opinion influenced the teenager's choice of future profession; his father works at an automobile repair plant.

During his studies, he established himself as a capable, diligent student. Receives a scholarship, studies without C grades. During lessons, he is characterized by sustained attention and the ability to quickly switch from one type of activity to another. The most pronounced abilities are in technical disciplines, such as technical mechanics and auto electrics. He is also interested in sports. Takes an active part in all sporting events.

He enjoys authority among friends and classmates. Very reliable in friendship, treats elders with respect. During my studies at college I had no comments from teachers or elders. His distinguishing features were always: good manners, neatness, and daily routine.

Has no bad habits. He does not succumb to negative influences, has his own opinion and knows how to defend it.

Educational event

Class hour is a form of educational work in which students, under the guidance of a teacher, are involved in specially organized activities that contribute to the formation of their system for the world around them.

I spent time in a group Classroom hour on the theme “Be merciful” The day is March 15th. It was attended by 20 people.

The objectives of the event are

· talk about best qualities person, to show that mercy and kindness are the fundamental principles of man, the basis of human relationships;

· develop the ability to reflect, think about people’s actions;

· promote the development of skills to work in a group, lead a discussion, defend one’s point of view;

Venue: auditorium.

Values ​​in communication between the system of educational work and this team: show the children how important it is to modern world be merciful.

The format of the event is collective. The relevance of the topic, the correspondence of educational tasks to the age-old characteristics and interests of students are traced.

The interaction between teacher and students was clearly visible. Responsibilities were distributed; completed tasks were adequately assessed without causing dissatisfaction to opponents.

Educational value of events:

Cultivating in students a non-indifferent attitude to what is happening in the circle of evil and injustice

Participation of students in the event, manifestation of initiative and independence.

A friendly atmosphere during the event, broadening the horizons, developing the cognitive skills of students.

Problems during the process extracurricular activity was not observed.

Success achieved thanks to high level cognitive interest of students, their activity and cohesion. Events of this kind can be carried out within each group - this will make the children think about their attitude towards elders and help enrich the spiritual world.

There was also an event where I met the guys - a snowball game (February 8)

During my teaching practice, I found a common language with the class, and I had only positive impressions.

2. Description of the methodology of theoretical and

industrial training

Group: T25-p

Lesson on the subject of strength of materials. Theme "Center of Gravity"

Lesson type: combined lesson

Lesson objectives: Educational:

1) Learn static forces about an axis, methods for determining the center of gravity of a body and formulas for composing and determining the position of the center of gravity of the center.

2) Be able to determine the position of the center of gravity of simple geometric shapes made up of standard profiles.

3) Have an idea of ​​the system of parallel forces and the center of these forces. Educational:

4) Be able to break down complex geometric figure into a few simple ones.


5) Ability to work independently.

Type of lesson: lecture Type of lesson - monologue. The pair is designed for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Forms of teaching: conversation with leading questions. Problematic question: “How to determine the center of gravity?”

Tutorials: Tables with formulas for determining the center of gravity of simple figures

Visual aids: tables of static moments and drawings of simple figures with finding the center of gravity.

Lesson Plan

Formulation of lesson objectives.

We write down the topic: Coordinates of the center of gravity.

The concept of the center of gravity was first studied approximately 2,200 years ago by the Greek geometer Archimedes, the greatest mathematician of antiquity. Since then, this concept has become one of the most important in mechanics, and has also made it possible to solve some problems relatively simply.

It is the application to geometry that we will consider. To do this, you need to introduce some definitions and concepts. A material point is understood as a point equipped with mass. For clarity, you can physically imagine a material point in the form of a small heavy ball, the dimensions of which can be neglected. In this regard, we will often indicate only the numerical value of a particular physical quantity, but we will not note its name, considering that it is implied by itself. For example, the expression: “In D ABC, side BC is equal to a, and at vertex A we place mass a” means: “The length of side BC is equal to a naioeiao?ai, and ianna, iiiau?iia i at vertex A is equal to a gram.”

If a mass m is placed at point A, then the resulting material point will be denoted as follows: (A, m). Sometimes, when this cannot cause misunderstandings, we will denote it with a single letter A. Mass m is sometimes called “point A load”.

The center of gravity of two material points (A, a) and (B, b) is such a third point C, which lies on the segment AB and satisfies the “leverage rule”: the product of its distance CA from point A by mass a is equal to the product of its distance CB from points B on mass b; Thus,

Let a system of material points be given on the Oxy plane

P 1 (x 1 ,y 1); P 2 (x 2 ,y 2); ... , P n (x n ,y n)

with masses m 1 , m 2 , m 3 , . . . , m n .

The products x i m i and y i m i are called static moments masses m i relative to the Oy and Ox axes.

Let us denote by x c and y c the coordinates of the center of gravity of this system. Then the coordinates of the center of gravity of the described material system are determined by the formulas:

These formulas are used to find the centers of gravity of various figures and bodies.

Center of gravity of a flat figure.

Let this figure, bounded by the lines y=f 1 (x), y=f 2 (x), x=a, x=b, represent a material flat figure. Surface density, that is, the mass per unit surface area, will be considered constant and equal to d for all parts of the figure.

Let's divide this figure with straight lines x=a, x=x 1 , . . . , x=x n =b into strips of width Dx 1, Dx 2, . . ., Dx n . The mass of each strip will be equal to the product of its area and density d. If each strip is replaced by a rectangle (Fig. 1) with a base Dx i and a height f 2 (x) - f 1 (x), where x, then the mass of the strip will be approximately equal to

(i = 1, 2, ... ,n).

Approximately, the center of gravity of this strip will be in the center of the corresponding rectangle:

Now replacing each strip with a material point, the mass of which is equal to the mass of the corresponding strip and is concentrated at the center of gravity of this strip, we find the approximate value of the center of gravity of the entire figure:

Examples of solving typical problems at the board:

For the one shown in Fig. 1.1. cross section required:

1. Determine the position of the center of gravity of the section;

2. Determine the position of the main central axes of inertia;

3. Calculate the values ​​of the main central moments of inertia.

Initial data: a = 1.8 m.

1. Determination of the position of the center of gravity of the section.

We divide the sections into simple figures whose centers of gravity are known

1) semicircle with radius R=a;

2) a rectangle with sides 3/4a*2a;

3) a triangle with base a and height a/2.

Ways to work with weak students: Individual explanation of incomprehensible material while solving problems.

Ways to work with strong students: Additional tasks increased falsity.

Homework assignments (creative work): Individual work for 2 weeks.

Methods of monitoring students' knowledge, assessing work results: solving problems at the board.

This lesson was analyzed by teacher Anna Sergeevna Avdyukova, teacher of technical mechanics.

Student activity table

K ef=(23*2)+(20*1)+(74*20)+(3*21)/23*80=46+20+1480+63/1840=0.8

K >0.7, which means that students’ knowledge has reached the planned level.

Self-analysis of the lesson

The lesson I taught on the topic “Center of Gravity” is based on knowledge of the basic laws of geometry, physics and mechanics.

Just think how excited the children are to meet their new teacher. I adhered to the principles of not giving unsatisfactory marks at the board. At the same time, it was difficult to get an “excellent” grade.

After their strict teacher left the office, the pun immediately began. But I am indifferent to all sorts of methods of attracting attention, so I did not raise my voice. Seeing that I was not paying attention to them, the noise gradually died down.

When developing the lesson plan, I was guided by standard manuals and recommendations for teachers. My lesson plan is a typical lesson with the above structure.

To explain, I used a combination of methods: survey, conversation, discussion.

Second pair. Designed for 1 hour 20 minutes.


Section: Strength of materials

Lesson topic: “Basic provisions on sapromat”

A lesson in learning new knowledge.

Purpose of the lesson: to introduce students to the basic principles and assumptions of sapromat.

1 Educational: introduce the types of calculations in the resistance of materials and define the classification of loads.

2 Educational: education of attentiveness;

3 Developmental: development of interest, logical thinking;

Greeting students, bringing silence and order, checking on those who are absent.

Formulation of lesson objectives.


What does the strength of materials section study?

What types of calculations of the resistance of materials do you know?

New topic.

Basic requirements for parts and structures and types of calculations in the resistance of materials.


· Sustainability

· Rigidity

· Assumptions about material properties

· Assumptions about the nature of deformations

· Specimen tensile test

Problem solving.

Homework. (solve the problem written down in class)

Third pair designed for 40 minutes.


Section: Strength of Materials

Lesson topic: problem solving.

Purpose of the lesson: testing the knowledge and skills of students.

1. Educational: students acquire theoretical knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice.

2. Educational: instilling responsibility; fostering a culture of mental work.

3. Developmental: development of logical thinking;

Greeting students, bringing silence and order, checking on those who are absent.

Formulation of lesson objectives.

Checking homework.

Problem solving:

Independent work: test (application 1)


During my internship, I became acquainted with the profile of the educational institution, its activities, as well as its leaders and teaching staff. Studied the main goals and objectives of organizing educational activities. I got acquainted with the main provisions of the IGPK Charter, became acquainted with the types of local acts of an educational institution. Studied the basic techniques of organizing the educational process. Researched the level of development of the educational team, studied the characteristics of the student team. During my practice, I managed to develop and teach 4 lessons and analyze them.

During my practice, I acquired a lot of knowledge and useful information, which will certainly be very useful to me in the future.

In this work, all the objectives were achieved, namely:

· Obtaining practical skills in planning educational work in a group of students;

· Gaining experience in the professional activities of a teacher in preparation for a cycle of theoretical teaching lessons;

· Obtaining initial skills in conducting lessons on a chosen subject in a group of students;

· Studying the teaching experience of qualified teachers of an educational institution.

I believe that I have coped with my tasks and I can say with confidence that novice teachers need to look up to their senior colleagues.


1. Andreev V.I. . Pedagogy of higher education. Innovation and forecasting course: Textbook.? Kazan: Center innovative technologies, 2005.? 500 s.

2. Methodological manual “Methodological recommendations for teaching practice”

3. Suzdaltseva N.A. Methodological instructions for implementation test work discipline “Technical Mechanics”, course “Machine Parts”, 2005.-120 p.