How to learn to write dictations correctly without mistakes. How to teach a child to write dictations without mistakes in a short time. Ways to teach your child to write quickly

How to teach children primary classes competent writing.

Kabarova I.P. teacher-speech therapist of the highest category


If a child makes a mistake in writing, parents force him to cram the rules and rewrite each text an infinite number of times. As a result, the number of errors somehow increases. And the schoolboy begins to hate Russian language lessons.

Previously, such children were considered quitters, fools, and not amenable to standard training. The teachers gave up on them, gave them “stretched” C grades and periodically left them for the second year.

Now such children are diagnosed with dysgraphia. According to some data, the number of children with dysgraphia among primary schoolchildren in Russia is 30%!

At The child, oddly enough, knows the rules of the Russian language, but when he writes, he cannot apply them. Paradox. How is this possible?

Let's see what a child must do to write without errors?

First, isolate the desired sound from the word. Then remember which letter represents this sound. Then imagine what this letter looks like, how its elements are located in space. After this, the brain “gives a command” to the hand, which performs the correct movements with a ballpoint pen. At the same time, the student must remember which rule needs to be applied in writing at this moment.

As you can see, writing is a complex process in which the entire brain is involved: the frontal, temporal, parietal and occipital lobes. More precisely, in the process of writing, one part of the brain transmits the necessary impulses to the next part, and so on along the chain. If at some stage an obstacle occurs, the process is interrupted, the impulse goes along the wrong path, and the child begins to write with errors.

This means that we must teach the brain to write, and the child’s brain must be ready for this learning.

How can you tell if a child has dysgraphia?

Or does he just not know the rules well?

Let's look at the student's notebook. The following types of errors indicate the presence of dysgraphia:

    Errors in stressed syllables (“joy” instead of “joy”).

    Skipping letters.

    Missing words and letters (“staka...” instead of “stakaN”).

    Rearrangement of syllables ("yabkolo" instead of "apple").

    Repeating the same letter (“magaziM” instead of “shop”).

    The letters "b", "c", "e", "z", the numbers "4", "3", "5" are turned the other way (mirror writing).

    Forgetting and skipping rarely encountered letters ("ъ" and "е").

And finally, “sloppiness” in the notebook:

    The child “does not notice” the margin and continues to write to the very edge of the notebook.

    “Moves out” from the lines towards the end of the sentence.

    Translates words incorrectly.

    Often leaves no spaces between words.

    Doesn't notice the end of the sentence, doesn't put periods, continues to write the next one with a small letter.

How can you help a child with dysgraphia?

Here are some games and exercises that speech therapists use. Parents can play at home with their children.

1. If the child misses letters, we do the “Magic Dictation” exercise.

You read a sentence or part of it (3-4 words). The child taps the syllables (ma-ma, my-la, ra-mu) to catch the rhythm of the sentence. After that, he writes down this rhythm in the form of a dotted line, where he puts dashes instead of syllables. The next step is to write down each word in the form of dots (according to the number of letters in the word).

2. If the child does not complete the endings, we do the “Image of a word” exercise.

Say the word and ask your child to name the word that begins with the penultimate letter of the word you spoke. Or a third from the end. Or to the letter that needs to be remembered in a dictionary word: for example, in the word ship - to the second letter. Words can be selected on one topic (for example, animals, plants) - this will be good training in classification.

3. If a child makes mistakes in vocabulary words, we suggest the “Funny Cartoon” exercise.

We give the child the task of mentally composing a very funny cartoon in which the objects you name will appear in order. The child closes his eyes, and you begin to dictate vocabulary words, very clearly pronouncing all the unstressed vowels, unpronounceable consonants and other complex cases: ship, cow, ladder, basket... He links them in his head into some funny plot, then opens his eyes and tells his cartoon. You react quickly.

After this, the child, remembering the plot he invented, must write all these words. Then - self-test: give the child a sample from which you dictated, and offer to check whether he wrote correctly.

If there are mistakes, the next task: you need to draw the word in which the mistake was made so that it is clear what the difficulty is in this word (for example, in class the author drew a cow on a bicycle or a cow with huge round eyes in the form of two letters O; a train station with capital letter K; stairs with the letter T).

4. If a child does not remember the rules of the Russian language well, we do the “Encryption” exercise.

This is how we play in group literacy classes. The alphabet is written on the board, each letter corresponds to some image: a square, a triangle, a dancing man, etc. We need to write a note to a friend so that at least one word contains the rule that we are practicing.

For example, alternating ber-bir. The entire text of the note is encrypted, except for BER or BIR. The friend must understand what was written to him and respond in the same way.

5. If the child does not apply the rules when writing, we do the “Zoo” exercise.

Everyone sits in a circle, preferably on the carpet. Everyone chooses an animal and symbol: for example, a lynx (with its hands it depicts ears with tassels), a sparrow (waving its elbows-wings)... Everyone demonstrates their movements, the rest try to remember.

The one who starts the game makes his movement, then the movement of one of the participants. Everyone must catch this, repeat their movement and again make the movement of one of the participants. The pace gradually quickens. Anyone who makes a mistake works off the forfeit: publicly sings, dances, reads poetry, etc. This is useful for emancipation and overcoming fear of an audience.

Tips for parents

    Let the child play enough in preschool. Research results show that of children with literacy problems, 95% do not know how to play role-playing games and do not know the rules of even the most well-known children's games, such as hide and seek and tag. In games, you need to follow the rules, so the baby learns to voluntarily regulate his actions and behavior. But it is voluntary regulation that underlies competent writing. schools Massage the child’s neck and occipital area more often.

All this will immediately have the best impact not only on literacy, but also on overall performance at school.

One of the most important indicators of school performance is considered to be the ability to write dictations correctly. But it happens that a child finds it difficult to cope with this seemingly simple task. Are there ways to help learn how to write dictations? How to improve literacy, teach to write without errors and not discourage the desire to learn? Let's consider these and other questions further.

What is the essence of dictation?

From 2nd grade, students write dictations regularly

Dictation is a type of written work that involves checking spelling and punctuation knowledge of the literary form of the language. Dictations in the native language are an integral part of schooling from grades 2 to 11. However, the requirements for writing this type of writing test work united:

  • the child must reproduce in a notebook the text read by the teacher (sentence by sentence);
  • The student hears each sentence three times (for familiarization and understanding of certain rules, for writing and for checking);
  • when writing, the student applies what he has learned spelling rules, checks punctuation marks in accordance with the teacher’s intonation;
  • After finishing the dictation, students independently re-read what they wrote and make corrections if necessary.

Thus, dictation is a form of work that tests the literacy of schoolchildren.

At what age should you pay attention to literacy?

To improve a child’s literacy level, he should be taught individually.

This is interesting. According to a nationwide study of literacy levels in the country, 70% of schoolchildren make more than 4 mistakes when writing dictations.

How happy parents are when the baby begins to babble the first words, and then his speech becomes more and more understandable and meaningful. Then mothers and fathers begin to teach the baby to write. And do it without errors. However, this is a serious miscalculation of parents - the time must come to teach competent writing. Scientists have found that the formation of literacy levels is almost completely completed by the 4th grade. That is, you need to work with your child to improve the level of spelling most intensively from 2nd to 4th grade. Next, there is an increase in knowledge about the language, which falls on the already established information soil formed at the initial level.

Please note that if it is impossible for a child to learn to spell, dysgraphia should be excluded - a violation of the principle of writing in the normal development of intelligence. This disease is usually accompanied by speech disorders and some mental disorders.

How to teach a child to write correctly and without mistakes

Reading - The best way improve literacy levels

So that your child does not have to blush for poor grades in dictation, you will have to make an effort and find an approach to teaching the student. There are several common methods.

  1. Write dictations regularly. This is a rather boring activity, but 2 dictations weekly will give results in a couple of months. Just be sure to analyze the mistakes together with your student, focusing on the correct spelling of those words that previously caused difficulties - this way the child will remember their spelling even better. By the way, in this technique, hints are only encouraged. Also, difficult words should be repeated 2-3 times and written down.
  2. As for the exercises, they should be selected according to the rule of the language that causes difficulty for the child. For example, if these are unstressed vowels in the root, then exercises can be on substituting or filling in missing letters, selecting test words. It is very important to correctly point out the error. You shouldn't highlight it with red paste. It is much more effective to write out a misspelled word surrounded by correctly spelled words. Ask the child to rewrite the entire list several times and identify the mistake. This way, the student will not only carefully think about the rules of writing, but will also remember the graphic image of the words.
  3. Read aloud systematically. Reading is great for developing literacy. After all, it uses all types of memory. This truth has been proven by more than one generation of students. It is advisable, of course, to select texts that are interesting to the child. But it is still worth considering the fact that the purest literary language is presented in the works of Tolstoy, Turgenev, Chekhov and Bunin. You just need to read them correctly: breaking the words into syllables. It will also be effective to teach the baby “role-playing” reading: the baby should read the text as we write, and then as we speak (older children can be asked to explain the rules for writing certain words).
  4. Turn learning into a game. Children love to play - this is an indisputable fact. And best of all, they remember the knowledge that they acquired during the game. Prepare cards with those words in which the child makes mistakes, and hang them above desk. By visually stumbling upon them, the baby will remember the spelling. Periodically play “cards” with him: you should prepare a stack of difficult words, from which the child draws a card and explains the spelling. You can periodically do “Reverse Hour”: invite your student to be a teacher for a few minutes, explaining a rule or dictating a dictation on this language norm.
  5. Offer mutual verification. Dictate short texts to each other. Deliberately make a few mistakes, exchange dictations and check what you have written. If the child cannot find your mistakes, give a hint: indicate the number of incorrectly spelled words or missing punctuation marks. With the help of such a game, the student develops attention and memory in relation to words, phrases and punctuation rules.
  6. Motivate. Few schoolchildren have a clear idea of ​​why they need competent writing skills. The task of teachers and parents is to convey to the consciousness of the younger generation that their literacy is the basis of the life of a literary language, as well as a very remarkable sign of a person’s maturation. For clarity, you can take your child to your work (or to your friends) so that he understands the importance of correctly and competently drawing up legal papers and contracts.

Video: Example of dictation to prepare your child for work in the classroom

Analyzing human life in the 21st century, one might think that it is not at all necessary to be literate. The world is no longer what it was before. The question arises: do today's children need to be literate, and how can a love of language be developed in children?

If you were asked what the word “literacy” means, what would you answer? Is it the ability to write and read? In fact, the word “literacy” is broader in itself and refers to the extent to which a person can read and write in his or her native language. The highest degree Literacy for a person is considered to be knowledge not only of his own language, but also of the languages ​​of other countries of the world.

Remember the history of the development of civilization. Not every parent could afford to teach their child the art of reading and writing or send him to school. Unfortunately, there were not many literate people. But with each Goth, the desire to learn their language, write and read books appeared in more of people.

Now we have literate educated people. We send our children to school and university. But is it possible to live in modern world without, for example, correct spelling and pronunciation of words or clearly structured sentences?

Is literacy necessary?

Many mothers on the Internet complain about their children, because children, in turn, believe that doing well in school is not necessary. In fact, this is simple laziness, which some teachers instill in their reluctance to make the lesson interesting and discuss topics and problems that are important to students. A lot depends on how a teacher loves his profession and treats children. For example, children learn information better if it is presented in the form of a game, where everyone can feel their role through a real-life example.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of teachers who are out of place. But how can we ensure that from childhood onwards the child perceives information well and tries to remember it?

Fostering a love of language and literacy directly depends on the parents themselves.

How to teach a child to love language?

Have you ever met families in which children and parents speak Belarusian? Of course, we have, but you must admit that this is very rare. From childhood, such parents try to show their children that they need to love their homeland, the language and be literate. Some families try from the very beginning early age teach children Russian and English, but they don’t really care about Belarusian.

It is not necessary to teach your child the Belarusian language, but try to make sure that your child at least loves the Russian language, reads Russian fairy tales with pleasure and understands what a rich language he is mastering.

Stages of preparing a child for spelling

Instill a love of language from a very young age. Play games with your baby that develop thinking. Show pictures of animals, call them by their names, and let the child at least visually remember what this or that animal looks like and, of course, what it is called.

Today, every mother can buy an educational toy for her child in any store. Whether it's a construction set or a regular machine. While playing, the child grasps more of the words that you say to him during the game.

For very young children, you can buy an easel on which they can draw with chalk or felt-tip pens and learn to write. Small children perceive magnets best, so magnets with different letters are suitable for a child, which in the future he will definitely put into words.

Read as many interesting fairy tales as possible with your children. Moreover, if the child has already learned to read, let him try to read you a fairy tale, and then retell what he saw.

Young children most likely do not understand what is being told to them; they can look at pictures in a book and remember what is shown there. When your child gets a little older, read fairy tales to him on your own, without using audio.

The child has grown up - we learn to write

Is it necessary to teach a child to write letters and words at a young age? Everything, of course, depends on you. Many teachers believe that it is better to let teachers and educators try to teach children to write beautifully and correctly. But, if you decide to teach your child to write yourself, start from the most important stage - teach how to sit and hold a pen correctly.

Remember, the child's back should be straight. Teach your baby sit correctly and maintain this posture when he is busy drawing or writing.

The next important stage is to teach your child hold the pen correctly or a pencil in your hands. Make sure that the child is comfortable and that his hands do not hurt after a while.

Next, teach your child coordinate the work of the hands, forearms and arms while writing. You can start learning with such simple activities, because the child, first of all, must learn to sit correctly, hold a pen in his hands and move it while spelling.

When your baby learns to do these three things at the same time, without hesitation, calmly start learning letters and numbers. Why is this so important? Because if a child sits correctly, holds a pen well and coordinates his movements, then his handwriting will be beautiful and understandable.

In addition, from a very young age, monitor the child’s posture, because it is at this age that you can correct and ensure that the child does not bend and injure his back.

Don't yell at your child if he does something wrong, help him understand what is right and what is wrong. Psychologists also advise that it is best to find a comfortable body position with your child, then you will make fewer comments, and the child will be comfortable and will think about what he is writing.

How to write correctly?

Back in 1879, the French Hygiene Society created basic rules - the key to successful and beautiful handwriting. Scientists argued that the child must sit straight, without resting his elbows on the table, and hold the notebook with his left hand (if the child is right-handed). In this case, the handwriting will be beautiful, and the letters will be slanted, thanks to this arrangement of the notebook and hands.

Now that the child has learned to sit correctly, let's start possible options teaching competent writing.

Golden right for every parent - try to conduct dictations at home as often as possible. It is in them that the child perceives words by ear, and then reinforces his new knowledge with visual perception.

Scientists have found several more ways to help make any child literate. The famous linguist, Dmitry Ivanovich Tikhomirov, found the most suitable way to teach children correct writing. He believed that parents should give the child the opportunity to read words as they see them, that is teach children spelling reading. This means that any text consists of sentences, those - of words, words - of syllables, individual sound units of a word. In order for a child to learn to read the word tselik, he must first learn to pronounce it syllable by syllable. When a child has learned to read syllables, he can pronounce the whole word. After the child knows the words, try to return him to syllables and teach him to write the words he recently spoke.

After some time, you will definitely notice that the child not only quickly grasps new words, but also writes them extremely competently.

In addition, teachers believe that Read and written words are best read aloud. Every mistake will hurt your ear, because if a letter is out of place, it’s immediately noticeable.

It is best to devote 5 to 10 minutes a day to reading and spelling syllables. You can decide for yourself when and at what time it is best to do this.

It will also be useful reading words in a spelling dictionary. Teachers advise reading and memorizing about 10-15 new words every day.

The best way to consolidate the literacy that your child will acquire every day is by reading classical Russian literature. Turgenev, Tolstoy and Bunin will give your child more words to use, many of which will help him navigate life and grow up to be a well-read and interesting conversationalist.

Dear readers! How are your children's literacy? What methods help you fight illiteracy? Share your experience in the comments.

Greetings to all readers of the ShkolaLa blog on a new important topic.

“How to teach a child to write beautifully?” - this is the question that more than one generation of parents of primary schoolchildren has puzzled over. “Like a chicken paw!” “There is dirt in the notebook!” “You explain, show, correct - but still, instead of letters, you end up with some scribbles!” Sound familiar? And you want to help the child, but how? Well, let's figure it out together.

But let’s first find out, is it necessary? Or maybe let the child write to himself as God wishes. Handwriting is not the most important thing in life. Moreover, now in adulthood everyone mostly types texts on a keyboard, rather than writing by hand.

Well, it’s the same in adults. But at school, everything is basically the old fashioned way, pens, notebooks and lots and lots of notes. And if a child writes ugly and sloppy, then expect a decline in academic performance on all fronts. Including oral subjects. After all, teachers of geography, history, and biology also want to see cleanliness and order in their notebooks.

And while the child is in 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade, the situation with ugly handwriting can be changed. To do this, you need to know what influences the beauty of handwriting. So that letter to letter, number to number, and everyone is the same height and just like a ruler. And at least send all your notebooks to the exhibition.

Lesson plan:

The main components of calligraphic success

Developed fine motor skills

A child will not be able to write quickly and beautifully if his fine motor skills are not prepared for this. The arm muscles must be ready for the upcoming loads at school. And for this they need to be developed.

The following entertainment tasks are suitable for this:

  • drawing and coloring with pencils;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • construction from small parts, for example, from Lego;
  • beading;
  • origami;
  • working with scissors;
  • sorting through cereals, etc.

You can do this every day and not only train your motor skills, but also have fun.

Not paying attention to the development of fine motor skills is stupid not only from the point of view of beautiful handwriting, but also from the point of view of the development of thinking, memory, and imagination. And without them there is nowhere in school life.

Strong back

It would seem, how are physical education and sports connected with beautiful handwriting? It turns out that the connection is direct! A straight back, a strong shoulder girdle, reliable posture, all this will allow the child to sit at a desk or desk correctly and levelly.

And the posture during writing also affects handwriting. It will be difficult to write beautiful letters while lounging on the tabletop or bent over.

So, “Get ready to exercise!” A simple daily set of morning exercises will bring your child closer to beautiful handwriting. The “School” blog is dedicated to exercise, be sure to read it.

Correct pen

Handles are different:

  • gel and roll-on;
  • thin and plump;
  • smooth and rough;
  • beautiful and not so beautiful.

Which one to choose for a primary school student?

When choosing, you should focus on the physiology of a child’s hand. Our hands are still small and not strong. Therefore, we put the thick, heavy “feathers” aside.

It’s great if the pen is beautiful, but, you see, this is not the main thing.

When choosing between gel and ball-on ones, preference should be given to the latter. Gel pens tend to suddenly stop writing or scratch the paper, and the gel smears very well on the paper.

The pen shaft should be thin and leave a neat, thin mark behind it. When buying a pen in a store, test it in practice; it should glide easily and simply across the paper, without requiring much effort.

If the handle is made entirely of metal or plastic, then it is not the most the best choice. The child's fingers will slide along it. It is better to choose a handle that has a special rubber pad with ribs or pimples where your fingers grip it.

Well, one more thing, the teacher will probably be very grateful to you if you give up pens with buttons, which can be very fun to click during lessons.

Correct grip of the handle

If a child holds a pen like this

or like this

Do you think he will be able to write beautifully? It may work, but the writing will be very slow. Therefore it is worth paying Special attention to hold the handle correctly.

How is this correct? And this is when the pen rests on the middle finger, is held by the pad of the thumb and covered with the index finger. And the little and ring fingers serve to support the hand and slide, bent, across the paper.

This is where difficulties arise. Well, our little schoolchildren cannot get used to the correct position of the handle and when it is not grabbed.

Fortunately, dear parents, there are very specific ways to correct this situation. Now I will tell you about them and show you. We made a special video for you with my first-grader son Artem.

Method "Tweezers"

This exercise will help your child understand how to hold this naughty ballpoint pen. The idea is to grab the handle with three fingers (thumb, index, middle) at the very top and gradually slide your fingers down. In this case, the handle itself will fit into your hand as needed. Watch the video.

Method "Checkpoint"

Before you begin any written work, draw a bright dot on your child's middle finger. This will be where the handle lands. And on the handle you can use colored tape or tape to mark the lower limit beyond which your fingers should not go.

“Rubber” method

A regular rubber band will help you hold the writing instrument correctly. Great trainer. We put an elastic band on the child’s arm and wrist. And voila! The handle fits in the hand as it should. By the way, this also trains the arm muscles well.

Method "Napkin"

Another great and simple exercise. Fold an ordinary napkin so that the child can hold it with his little finger and ring finger, pressing it to his palm. So, the little and ring fingers are busy and cannot take part in the writing process. Only the correct “writing” fingers remain.

Method “Self-taught pen”

Let's not forget about a special device called a self-taught pen. This is a handle on which you can put a special attachment. The attachment most often looks like a beautiful toy. It is simply impossible to grasp a handle with such an overlay incorrectly. We haven't tried it ourselves, but we've heard a lot of positive reviews.

Exercise machine for right-handers “Self-taught pen” | Buy with delivery |

Left-handed trainer “Self-taught pen” | Buy with delivery |

These five methods, if practiced constantly, will be quite enough for the child to understand and remember how to hold a pen correctly.

Okay, we’re training our motor skills and learning how to hold a pen correctly. What else? What is the third principle?


There is no way to do this without constant training! You need to train constantly, both in preparation for lessons and outside of this process. Here various recipes will come to your aid. For 1st grade students, you can take copybooks according to age, you can even purchase an additional set of copybooks, the same as at school.

Well, for older children, for students in grades 2, 3 and 4, a cheating exercise is perfect. Just take any text and copy it into a notebook. This exercise, among other things, will help the child get used to cheating. After all, in schools now they not only write essays, expositions and dictations, but also periodically conduct so-called test cheating.

Exercises on shading, tracing and drawing in cells have also not been canceled. You can read more about them.

All of the above, dear parents, is enough to make your child’s handwriting, if not calligraphic, then at least very, very pleasant. Yes, and I also advise you to read an article about dysgraphia, it can make beautiful handwriting impossible.

I wish you patience and perseverance, and your little schoolchildren success in their studies and good health.

See you again, in new interesting articles!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich

“One day you will ask me what I love more: theirs or theirs. I will answer: go to bed, and you will leave here along the corridor without knowing that in general I don’t care.” A familiar meme from the internet, right? But I really want my beloved child not to become a character in one of these sketches. And so that teachers don’t sit over excerpts from his works. How to achieve this? There are ways.

Innate literacy,” I shrugged in response to the question of how I manage to get “excellent” for punctuation, spelling and other syntax.

I actually wrote without errors, without thinking about it at all. I intuitively placed commas correctly. Without knowing a single rule in the Russian language - except perhaps “zhi-shi”. Completely, in my opinion, obvious.

But is literacy truly innate? Maybe it's something else? Probably yes. I read a lot, and books in good editions. I absorbed beautiful, literate speech straight from the pages. Experts also say that it has more to do with visual memory. And it can be developed - and thereby help both the child and yourself to begin to speak and write “in Russian”, without any “padonkaffian”.

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Why children forgot how to write

  • Teachers, psychologists and sociologists first of all unanimously name the first and main cause of illiteracy: lack of reading habit . Moreover, not only children and teenagers do not read, but also most adults. Or they read, but that’s not it: in the “literary waste paper” not only will you not find examples of literate speech, but also with proofreading things are very bad there. Comics, detective stories in paperbacks - you won’t see either syllable or literacy there.
  • Contributing to illiteracy is Internet communication : abbreviations, slang, careless handling of spelling and other “as I hear, so I write” involuntarily carry over into normal written speech.
  • Problems with grammar may appear and due to speech therapy problems . A child’s literacy very often depends on whether he pronounces all sounds correctly (if he pronounces it incorrectly, he will write incorrectly). Before school, or better yet, be sure to visit a speech therapist. After all, a professional can sometimes hear something that even a mother cannot hear. If you manage to correct your pronunciation in time, it will be much easier for your child to avoid many problems with correct spelling.

How to develop visual memory

The task is generally simple. And even fun. In general, everything should be taught to children in the form of play. And we will work with memory while also playing. For example:

  • “Find 10 differences” pictures are not only a way to kill time, but also an excellent method for developing attention and memory;
  • game "What's missing?" Place several items on the table (5-10, depending on age). Let the child look at them and remember. Then ask him to turn away and remove something or rearrange it. The challenge is to determine what has changed;
  • game "Draw from memory". Show your child a piece of paper with simple shapes or patterns on it. Let him try to draw them from memory;
  • tablet to help. Yes, educational games have reached the memory. There are such varieties of solitaire - you turn over a card, see the value, and then look for a pair for it. Willy-nilly, you will remember where you saw which map. Passion does its job.

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How to develop literacy

In preschool age

  • Read to your child. When reading, pronounce all words clearly. Even if it is the same fairy tale that the baby demands again and again.
  • Talk to your child more. Every time you read fairy tales, have a conversation: who main character, where he lives, what he does... And make sure that the child does not answer in monosyllables, but constructs sentences.

IN primary school

  • In 1st grade, look at which words the child makes mistakes and always work on the mistakes. And don’t focus on mistakes! If a child asks how to spell a word, immediately give the correct answer. That is, we construct the phrase differently: “Here it is written not “a”, but “o.” And like this: “The correct way to write the letter “o.”
  • Regular dictations will also help to develop literacy. For example, from textbook exercises. When arranging home dictations, first be sure to read the text out loud and ask the child to close his eyes and, while listening, imagine what the text says. And only then start writing.

Photo GettyImages

In middle school

If your child missed school, do not only homework, but also everything that the children went through in class. And in general, the golden rule is that it is not the most capable, but the most diligent who passes the exams best. That is, someone who is not lazy to complete the entire routine of daily tasks. Then the spelling rules will be followed automatically. Moreover, there are not many really difficult ones among them. And if something doesn’t work out, you need to turn to the teacher for help.

As in primary school, working on mistakes remains the most important weapon in the fight against illiteracy. It must be there! With a good teacher, all students have a special notebook where they write down words in which they made mistakes. Then these words are used to make dictations.

I cannot help but write in this article about the rules of pronunciation of some words that are very often pronounced incorrectly and terribly hurt the ear. This is just a cry from the heart...

  • Let's start with the banal It's calling And their. If anyone still mispronounces these words, write them down in red marker and hang them in a visible place. The emphasis in the word “rings” is similar to the word “knocks”. And remember – the pronoun “theirs” DOES NOT EXIST! Speak and write - THEIR!
  • Verbs "dress" And "put on". Remember that clothes are WEARED, but a person is DRESSED. If this is difficult to understand, then remember the phrase: “Put on Hope, put on clothes.”
  • There is NO word for “to lie” in the Russian language! With prefixes - please: Put, PAY, REMOVE. There is a word "put", here it is used without prefixes - in no case “poklad” or “put”!
  • Never say: “I will win” or “I will win”! At the verb "win" no 1st person form singular in the future tense. It is replaced by - "I will win", “I can win.”

Phew, feel better. Of course, this is not the entire list of typical mistakes. But getting rid of them at least is already cool.