Incredible, but it works! Points that help relieve pain. Biologically active points for the treatment of joints Treatment points under the knee on

Joints wear out due to poor blood supply. Therefore, to help with joint pain, you need to restore the blood supply around the joint. Lyudmila SEMENOVA, a neurologist and president of the Ukrainian Association of Su-Jok Acupuncture, tells how to do this.


Amazing help for joint pain can be obtained with the help of Su Jok therapy because we will not treat the joint itself, but its projection in the brain. That is why this method is always effective.

There is help on our feet and hands that triggers healing mechanisms, and it always comes. Moreover, it allows you to avoid various painkillers, which, as recent studies have shown, have 6 groups of complications.

But most importantly, it also eliminates the causes of pain, without pills or ointments.

According to Su Jok therapy, areas of the fingers are interconnected with the musculoskeletal system. And when we stimulate the points of correspondence, we force the organ that “belongs” to them to work better, relieve pain and help tissues regenerate faster.

Su-jok therapy can be used independently as an auxiliary measure in the complex treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, spinal deformity, gout, bursitis, tendinitis (inflammation and degeneration of tendon tissue), and ankylosing spondylitis.

The treatment cycle for inflammation of the knee joint is 10 sessions.

The session should be carried out once a day.

Self-massage: The indicated points should be massaged with rotational movements for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to act on pairs of points simultaneously.

Exposure using SHUBOSHI devices : In the first pair it is necessary to obtain a through impulse. Impact on the 1st mode - the "sedative massage" mode. The duration of exposure is 10 minutes for each couple in 1 session.

Special attention should be paid to the point "Doo-bee"(the point is located under the knee, 1 inch outside the middle of the shin). It is this point that must be used to treat local diseases of the knee: pain, swelling, redness and limited mobility in the knee joint. If cauterization with a wormwood cigarette or using the JJQ-3 device is required, increase the duration of the procedure to 20 minutes.

To prevent pain in the knee joints, we recommend performing special active exercises for the hip and knee joints. The suggested exercises improve blood circulation lower limbs and pelvic organs. Warm-up will also be useful for varicose veins of the legs and uterus.

Stagnation in the pelvic organs causes diseases of the genital area (prostatitis in men and inflammatory processes in the ovaries and uterus in women) and creates the preconditions for the development of prostate adenoma. Use warm-up to prevent these diseases:

1. Lying on your back, legs extended. Alternately raise your straight leg up. Then we perform the same exercise with the opposite hand touching the toe of the foot.

2. Lying on your back, legs extended, arms along the body. Raise your pelvis and hold for 10 seconds. Do it 3 times.

3. Lying on your back, hands under your head in a lock. We cross our right leg to the left, reach the floor with our toes, turning our pelvis. Don't lift your shoulders off the floor. Then the same exercise on the other leg. Repeat 3-4 times.

4. Lying on your back, hands under your head in a lock. Pull your socks towards you with tension in your leg muscles. Raise your upper body and look at your toes. Hold your torso for 5-10 seconds. Do it 3 times.

5. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands clasped under your head. Alternately, turn your knees outward, reaching to the floor. Then we do the same with both legs.

6. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and spread wide, hands clasped under your head. Alternately turn your knees inward, reaching to the floor. The same with both legs with the maximum possible rotation of the knees.

7. Lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. We pull our knees with our hands to our stomach and at the same time we rise, trying to touch our knees with our forehead.

8. Lying on your back. “Walk” around the motionless pelvis with your feet in one direction and the other.

9. Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. Alternately bend your legs at the knee joints for 3-5 minutes.

10. Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward. Alternately raise the straight leg up for 3-5 minutes.

11. Lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. Bring your right leg over your left, turning your pelvis, and touch the floor with your toe. Now perform the same exercise on your left leg. Repeat 4-5 times for each leg.

12. Lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. We slide the knee along the floor to the elbow - do it alternately for both legs. Only 4-5 times for each leg.

13. Lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, feet extended along the floor and resting on the pads of your fingers. Raise your pelvis and knees, leaning on your hands and toes, and hold for at least 5 seconds. Perform the exercise 3 times.

14. Lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, feet extended along the floor and resting on the pads of your fingers. “Walk” on your toes to the right and left around the motionless pelvis.

15. Hands under the chin, legs bent at the knees. We lean on our hands and knees. We alternately raise the leg bent at the knee and try to reach the back with the heel. We perform the exercise for about three minutes.

16. Standing on all fours, rest your hands on your palms. Alternately raise the straight leg and the opposite arm. You will need to coordinate your movements - perform them several times until they are synchronized.

17. Standing on all fours, supporting yourself on your elbows. The knee slides towards the elbow of the opposite hand.

18. Standing on all fours, hands resting on the palms. We pull our knee forward, at the same time we lower our head and try to reach our forehead with our knee.

19. Standing on all fours, hands resting on the palms. Without lifting your palms from the floor, lower your pelvis onto your heels. Then, without lifting your pelvis from your heels, stretch your arms forward as far as possible.

20. Sitting on your heels, calm your breathing. The back is straight. Slowly raise your arms up in front of you and inhale through your nose. Slowly lower your arms down through your sides and exhale through your mouth.

As hard as it may be to believe, modern medicine confirms that the ancient Eastern art of acupressure - acupuncture without needles - can relieve pain. In China, it has been used by millions of people for centuries.

How can simply touching a specific point on the skin relieve pain?

According to ancient Chinese teachings, acupressure points, or qiubos, are places on the body where the body's vital energy, called qi, can become blocked.

Western science gives another explanation: when pressing on acupressure points, the body releases its painkillers - endorphins and enkephalins.

Push your buttons and the pain will go away

“Although acupuncture is better known than acupressure, hands-on healing predates needle treatment in China,” says Michael Reed Gach, author of several books on acupressure and founder of the Berkeley, Calif.-based Acupressure Institute. Using needles to relieve pain is good for some conditions, but soft, warm fingertips are much better for others, such as arthritis.

Arthritis pain, according to Gach, is concentrated mainly near acupressure points.

In his book Arthritis Relief at Your Hand, Gach writes, “Acupressure reduces joint inflammation by relaxing the muscles, allowing blood to flow more freely...Daily use of acupressure provides significant relief from arthritis pain.”

So where are these points located? Finding them is not difficult at all. “Each of them can be found near so-called anatomical landmarks - the navel, a specific muscle, or behind the bend of the knee,” Gach writes. The following illustrations show several important points used in the treatment of arthritis.

Getting to the point

“You'll know you've hit the right spot when your finger hits a depression or notch between the tendon and the muscle,” Gach says. In addition, the skin in such a place is usually softer than in adjacent areas.

What should you do when you have found the right point? Acupressure specialists offer different approaches. Gach advises pressing on the point with your middle finger, supported by your index and ring fingers, or using your thumb. You can also apply pressure with your knuckles or even a round object like an avocado pit, golf ball, or eraser.

“You need to apply pressure until you feel a balance between pain and pleasure,” says Gach. – Usually you need to press on the points for 3 minutes. It is recommended to relax and breathe deeply. You need to press the point gradually and smoothly,” advises Gach.

If you don't reach a certain point, remember that you can always ask your friend about it.

Point No. 1 is massaged when arthritis affects the hands, wrists, elbows and shoulders. It is located between the thumb and index finger, closer to the bone of the index finger.

Point No. 2 serves to reduce pain in the arm. Apply pressure to your palm at the base of your thumb, in the middle of the pad that connects your palm to your thumb. Massaging this point will relieve you not only from arm pain, but also from indigestion.

Point #3 will help you relieve tension or pain in your shoulders. To find it, bend your palm back. The point is located on the outside of the hand at a distance of two finger widths (about 3 cm) from the bend of the wrist. You need to apply pressure between the bones of the hand. To apply more pressure, wrap something around your hand and press with all your fingers at the same time.

Point No. 4 serves to reduce pain in the joints of the hands, wrists and elbows. It is located 3 cm below the elbow, on the muscle that sticks out if you bend your arm at the elbow. Point No. 5 is located on the elbow joint, on the outer side of the elbow bend. Used to reduce inflammation in the elbows and shoulders.

Point No. 6 is located between the top of the shoulder and the armpit. By applying direct pressure to the muscle, you can relieve shoulder and upper back pain. Point No. 7 is designed to reduce pain in the shoulders and neck; it is located 3 cm below the top of the shoulder, between the base of the neck and the edge of the shoulder.

Point #8 is designed to reduce stiffness, stiffness and pain in the neck and back. Located in the upper part of the neck, one finger width away from the spine. Point No. 9 is located in the depression between two muscles, just below the base of the skull. Pressing on this point relieves back pain, neck pain and headaches.

Point No. 10 - to reduce lower back pain - is located a few centimeters from the spine, at waist level. Use your fingers to apply pressure to the outer edges of the large muscles that run along the spine. Click on two points at the same time or alternately on each point. You can also stimulate these points by massaging your lower back with your knuckles.

Point No. 11 is located at a distance of four finger widths from the kneecap and one finger thickness from outside tibia. You will feel a bulging muscle in this area as you flex and straighten your ankle. Apply pressure to this point to relieve knee pain. You can do this with the heel of the other foot. For example, massage a point on your left foot with your right heel for a minute.

Point #12 is located between the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones at the top of the foot. Pressing it relieves tension in the hips and shoulders, relieves side pain and acute pain. Once you feel the bones, touch the tip of your finger to the desired point and press just below the place where the bones connect.

Tags: arthritis, arthritis treatment, acupuncture

Acupuncture does not help with knee pain

Acupuncture—both traditional and the new laser version—does not provide significant relief for chronic knee pain or improve joint function, according to a new study published in JAMA. Traditional Chinese acupuncture involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body that supposedly help open channels for “life force.” In modern Western acupuncture, it is believed that needles stimulate nerve endings under the skin, causing the release of endorphins, biologically active substances with powerful pain-relieving effects. Today, acupuncture is offered in a new modification, using a low-power laser. The researchers compared outcomes between patients who received real acupuncture and a control group who received sham acupuncture using special non-penetrating needles not used in real acupuncture. Despite the growing popularity unconventional methods treatments such as acupuncture, scientific research has not yet demonstrated much reliable evidence of the effectiveness of acupuncture for chronic knee pain. A 2006 study of 1,007 patients with knee pain found that 53% of participants in the acupuncture group experienced relief after 26 weeks of treatment. The same was reported by 51% of participants in the sham treatment group. 29.1% of participants who received no treatment also reported decreased pain and improved joint function. In 2010, another study published in the journal Arthritis Care & Research found that real and sham acupuncture produced essentially the same results in patients with knee osteoarthritis. In a new study conducted by researchers at the University of Melbourne, Australia, 282 patients over 50 years of age with chronic knee pain were assigned to receive real acupuncture, sham acupuncture, laser acupuncture, sham laser acupuncture, or no treatment at all. The study was blinded, meaning none of the participants knew whether they were receiving real or sham treatment. After 12 weeks of the experiment, in the groups that received real and sham traditional acupuncture, approximately the same percentage of participants reported improvement and reduction in joint pain. These were fewer among people who did not receive any treatment. However, 1 year after treatment, no improvement in joint well-being or function was noted in any of the groups. In terms of pain and mobility, the researchers found no significant difference between real and sham acupuncture. The scientists also found no difference in secondary indicators such as patients' quality of life.

  • The mood for treatment
  • Patient's expectations and optimism
  • Doctor's confidence in success
  • Doctor-patient interaction
They concluded: “In our study, the benefit of acupuncture occurred solely by chance, so there is no significant difference between active acupuncture and sham treatment. Subjective results, such as reports of decreased pain and improved mobility, were similar in both groups. In patients over 50 years of age with moderate to severe chronic knee pain, neither laser nor traditional acupuncture has an effect on pain and joint function. Our results do not support the use of acupuncture in these patients."

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Below are collected acupuncture points for the treatment of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The points are intended both for conducting sessions by a massage or acupuncture specialist, and for independent work with multifunctional massagers Shuboshi - Comfort. A complete directory of acupuncture points for various diseases: Atlas of acupuncture points.


Disease: Cervical spondylosis. Pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, back, or pain in the back of the head, accompanied by symptoms such as headache, dizziness, swollen eyes, tinnitus, numbness in the hands, limited neck rotation, and so on.

Therapeutic information:

Select the Jian Zhong Shu (IG-15) and Jian Wai Shu (IG-14) points, influence them in pairs on both sides for 20 times in light massage and acupuncture modes, daily, once every day. Other common acupuncture points are Feng Chi (VB-20), Qu Chi (GI-11), He Gu (GI-4), Jian Jing (VB-21), and so on.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: back fasciitis. Painful sensations, sensations of heaviness and tension in the shoulders and back, obvious pain when pressing. This disease is common among workers who have to lower their heads for long periods of time and among older people.

Therapeutic information:

Choose points Jian Zhong Shu (IG-15), Jian Jing (VB-21), Jian Wai Shu (IG-14), Tian Zong (IG-11), Da Zhui (T-14) , shen-zhu (T-12) in pairs. Work on both sides for 20 minutes in acupuncture mode, once a day, daily. The disease can also be treated using Asha's acupuncture points.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: torticollis. It often occurs suddenly due to poor posture during sleep or improper load on the neck. The following symptoms appear: pain in the neck, obvious difficulty in moving the neck and freely turning or tilting the head to the painful side. Sometimes accompanied by mild pain, and sometimes very severe.

Therapeutic information:

Choose the Jian Zhong Shu (IG-15) and Jian Jing (VB-21) points on the painful side. Work on them first in light massage mode, then in relaxation mode for 30 minutes, then in acupuncture mode for 20 minutes, once a day, every day. For the treatment of torticollis, the main points chosen are Hou Xi (IG-3) Lao Gong (MC-8) in combination with Ju Gu (GI-16), Kun Lun (V-60), Da Zhui (T) points -14), feng chi (VB-20) and Ashi points

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: acute sprain of the back muscles. Prolonged pain in the hips, recurring in attacks, aching pain in the lumbar region, aggravated by excessive exertion or changes in weather, and weakened after relaxation. The appearance of a wide range of pain when pressing on the lumbosacral region. There is no pain in the lower extremities.

Therapeutic information:

Select Yao-Yang Guan (VG-3) points on both sides, apply light massage for 10 minutes, and then acupuncture for 30 minutes, once a day, every day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: acute sprain of the back muscles. The patient has obvious pain in the lower back, radiating to the back, and limited movement; it is difficult for the patient to sit, lie, turn, cough, the pain worsens with deep inspiration.

Therapeutic information:

Select Ming Men (VG-4) and Shen Shu (V-23) points on the painful side, first in soft massage mode, 30 minutes in relaxation mode, and then in acupuncture mode for 20 minutes, daily, once in a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: Transverse process syndrome of the third lumbar vertebra. This condition tends to appear in young or middle-aged people who suffer from lower back injury or prolonged use of the lower back. It manifests itself in the form of diffuse pain in the lower back or in the hip-femoral areas, aggravated when a person wakes up in the morning or bends down. Upon examination, there is obvious pain when pressing in the area of ​​the transverse process and some stiffness when bending forward.

Therapeutic information:

Select Shen Shu points (V-23) on both sides. Start with a light massage mode, then ten minutes in relaxation mode, then acupuncture mode for 30 minutes, daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: lumbar intervertebral disc prolapse. Low back pain or aching pain in the lower extremities, or lower back pain accompanied by aching pain in the lower extremities, sometimes a feeling of numbness, coughing, sneezing, symptoms worsen after walking. Obvious pain when pressing on the lower back, tapping the problem area, limitations in stretching and raising the legs in a horizontal position. Often accompanied by pain in the hips on the problematic side and limited movement in the lower back.

Sciatica: On both sides, select Da Chang Shu acupuncture points (V-25) or painful points on Yao Yang Guan (T-3), start with 30 minutes in light massage mode, and then apply acupuncture mode for 30 minutes, daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:

Pelvic pain: Select Huan Tiao (VB-30) or Zhi Bian (V-54) points on both sides, start with 20 minutes in light massage mode, then apply acupuncture mode for 20 minutes, daily, once in a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:

Pain in the lower extremities: Select the points Zusan-li (E-36) (front side), Xuanzhong (VB-39) (back side), first apply light massage mode for 20 minutes, and then acupuncture mode in for the same time, once a day, daily.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: neuritis of the epithelial tissue of the buttocks. The patient has a history of sprains and bruises in the lower back, stinging, aching, tearing pain on one side of the thigh, nagging pain in the lower extremities, but not reaching the knee. Difficulty bending and sitting, obvious pain when pressing a point 2-3 cm inward from the top point of the iliac crest.

Therapeutic information:

Select Da Chang Shu (V-25) and Pan Guang Shu (V-28) points on the painful side, start with light massage mode, then relax mode for 30 minutes, then acupuncture mode for 30 minutes , daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: damage to the sacroiliac joint. Typically, patients with previous injuries have pain in the sacroiliac joint of the problem side, the torso is tilted on the healthy side, discomfort when walking and in a horizontal position, difficulty turning on the side, often the patient sits on a chair on the healthy side of the thigh.

Therapeutic information:

Select Yao-Yang-Guan (VG-3) points on both sides, start with a light massage mode, followed by a relaxation mode for 30 minutes, then again in a massage mode and acupuncture mode for 30 minutes, daily, one once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: glenohumeral prearthritis. Shoulder pain accompanied by limited movement shoulder joint, worsening night pain, sometimes nagging pain in the shoulders, pain points are usually located on the front, outer, inner and back sides of the shoulders.

Pain on the front and outside of the shoulder:

Therapeutic information:

Select points on the front of the shoulder and jian jing (VB-21), start with a light massage mode, then relaxation mode for 30 minutes, then acupuncture mode for 30 minutes, daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:

Pain on the back and inside of the shoulder:

Therapeutic information:

Select pain points on the front side of the pellet and jian wai shu (IG-14), start with light massage mode, then relaxation mode for 30 minutes, then acupuncture mode for 20 minutes, daily, once a day..

Choice of treatment regimen:

Pain when pressing on the outside of the shoulder:

Therapeutic information:

Select pain points on the front of the shoulder and Bai Huanshu (V-30), start with acupuncture mode for 30 minutes, move to light massage mode, and then to relaxation mode for 20 minutes, daily, once in a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: Pain in the elbow joint. The disease usually appears after injuries or chronic appendicitis, manifests itself in the fact that the patient cannot hold anything in his hands if the palm is facing down, obvious pain in the area of ​​the lateral epicondyle of the humerus and radioulnar joint, the test for radiohumeral bursitis is positive results.

Therapeutic information:

Select Qu Chi points (GI-11) on both sides, start with acupuncture mode for 30 minutes, then light massage mode for 20 minutes, daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: acute sprain and bruise of the wrists. Caused by an acute injury, after injury the pain is concentrated on the inner or outer side of the ligament, obvious local pain when pressed, swelling may appear, limited joint mobility, it is forbidden to use the device for 24-48 hours after injury, if the injury is severe enough, local cyanosis appears , swelling and hematomas, the patient should use the device for treatment only under the supervision of a doctor.

Therapeutic information:

Select da-lin points (MC-7) on both sides, then pain points on the back side, start with acupuncture mode (30 minutes), then 20 minutes in light massage mode and relaxation mode, daily, once a day .

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: Stenosing tenosynovitis of the radial styloid process. Caused by chronic appendicitis, it manifests itself mainly in women wearing tight-fitting or fitted clothing. Explicit pain occurs when pressing in the area of ​​the styloid process. The patient may experience a sensation of friction when bending the thumb, the pain intensifies when bending the wrist joint towards the elbow.

Therapeutic information:

Select Tai Yuan points (P-9) on both sides, start with light massage for 20 minutes, then move on to acupuncture for 30 minutes, daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: Pain in the knee joint. The main diseases that cause pain on both sides of the knee joint are: damage to the ligament of the inner and outer side of the knee joint, damage to the medial and lateral meniscus of the knee joint, etc. These diseases are mainly caused by acute injury, so the diagnosis in this case is quite defined

Therapeutic information:

Select Xiyan 59 points on both sides, start with a twenty-minute exposure in light massage mode, proceed to acupuncture mode (30 minutes), daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: Pain on both sides of the knee joint. The main diseases that cause such pain are: damage to the ligament of the inner and outer side of the knee joint, damage to the medial and lateral meniscus of the knee joint, etc. These diseases are mainly caused by acute injury, so the diagnosis is not difficult.

Therapeutic information:

Choose Wai-Si-Yang (Du-Bi E35) and Nei-Si-Yang points on both sides, start with a twenty-minute light massage, proceed to acupuncture (30 minutes), daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: Pain in the kneecap area. Chondromalacia patella and patella inflammation can lead to pain in the kneecap area, chondromalacia patella mainly causes pain on the outer and inner edges of the kneecap, and patella inflammation on the bottom.

Therapeutic information: Select Wai Xi Yang (Du Bi E35) and Nei Xi Yang points on both sides of the knee and Wei Zhong (V-40). Start with a light massage mode, then go to relaxation mode - 10 minutes, then go to acupuncture mode for 30 minutes, daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: acute sprain of the ankle joint after damage (trauma). Pain points are concentrated on the outer and inner sides of the foot; some patients experience swelling and hematomas, acute pain and difficulty while walking. It is prohibited to use the device within 24-48 hours from the onset of the disease, if the resulting harm is relatively severe, local cyanosis, swelling and hematomas appear; the patient must use the device for treatment under the supervision of a physician.

Therapeutic information:

Select Shen Mai points (V-62) on both sides, start with light massage (30 minutes), then move on to acupuncture (30 minutes), daily, once a day.

Choice of treatment regimen:


Disease: facial paralysis. Paralysis of the facial muscles caused by damage to the peripheral nerves on one side. Facial muscle activity is lost, the corner of the mouth is slightly open, and it is difficult for the patient to protrude his lips and whistle.

The central part of the leg is not only one of the most sensual, but also energy-filled areas of the human body.

As Qigong teaches, knee massage, the video of which is presented below, is often targeted, but very careful, because discomfort appears from any careless gesture. It is worth noting that this practice does not often occur independently, because it is used in a set of exercises to activate Qi.

Types of knee massage

Massage of 4 surfaces of the legs

The development of this part of the limb is included in the so-called massage of the 4 surfaces of the legs. First you need to knead the skin of each knee with two brushes, imagining that you have a soft and delicate silk covering in your hands.

Then stroke your knees with your palms at the same time, trying to visualize your hands being filled with the energy of different elements or natural images. You need to massage your knees on the front, back, and sides. At the same time, if you bend over, you do not need to lower your head: only the body that is parallel to the floor at the moment of tilting works.

This type of massage is convenient because it can be performed mentally in cases where the painful state of the body does not allow movement.

Joint massage

Massage of the joints is of great importance in the practice of Qigong. Eastern traditions consider joints as passages for Qi energy, so there should not be any stagnation in this part of the body. This massage is useful for relieving inflammation, preventing injuries, and having a rejuvenating effect.

In the express version, it simply takes the form of rubbing the knees clockwise and in the opposite direction. If you have little time, then, of course, it is more convenient to massage both legs at the same time. But full-fledged practice involves working with both hands on one knee, when the right leg is worked out first, and then the left. The actions are very easy and unhurried.

You can enhance the result of the massage by visualizing filling your hands with earth energy and a golden glow. If, as a result of practice, you manage to relieve tension in the knee joints, then the goal has been achieved.


Self-massage should begin just above the knees, on the front of the thighs. You need to use both the middle part and the skin on the sides. The inner and outer half of the thighs can be massaged using both the base of the palms and the rib. As you get closer to the knee, you need to move on to a gripping technique, when the muscles are rubbed and activated.

Vibrating movements are used to target acupuncture points above the knee, which are first pressed with the index (or thumb) and middle fingers. Palms slide from top to bottom towards knees. You need to stroke the skin about 10 times, then you need to massage the knee itself with a rib or the base of your palms. From the knee and below, the skin should be pressed and rubbed, individual points should be stimulated.

Spend a lot of time on your knees because they can deepen any massage practice by automatically relaxing the muscles of your torso.

Acupressure of the popliteal fossa

Some areas around the knee are considered in Qigong as a kind of gateway for Qi energy on the way to the main nerves. Nervous system It is strongly connected with Qi, and it also connects it with the brain, so massage for the large nerves of the knee must be very thorough and complete. First of all, we are talking about acupressure of the popliteal fossa.

It is important to regulate the pressure with your fingertips here, because you can inadvertently increase tension in the knee and create a block in the flow of blood and Qi.

Full foot massage

As part of a full leg massage, you first need to grab your knee and shin with both hands. Rotational movements in the hip joint begin: 5 times in a one-hour circle and the same amount in the other direction. Then comes stroking and rubbing with the edge of the palm or its base from the pelvis to the knees.

It is also helpful to grip the thigh muscles as the arm moves down. You need to move not only along the front of the thigh, but also on the sides. Next, the main points on the surface of the thighs are stimulated with two fingers. Tapping with the edges of the palms from the upper half of the thigh should also cover the knee area. Then there is a light massage of the lower leg and foot.

Features of knee massage

Most often, the edge of the palm is used to develop the knee joints. They need to massage the skin after stimulating it with their fingertips, when the Qi energy has already come from the depths of the body to the surface. In addition, the palmar rib allows you to give an effective relaxing massage to the knee because the muscle lactic acid begins to distribute throughout the body. You can do rubbing movements in a circle or the so-called pushing massage, which involves moving in a straight line.

In Qigong, rubbing pinching or so-called kneading is considered very effective for developing the knees.

This action is performed with two fingers, one of which is the thumb. You need to grab a piece of skin on both sides, squeeze it and start rubbing it. It is especially convenient to massage the back of the knee in this way, which stimulates the flow of Qi.

The circulation of bone marrow energy most often occurs through stimulation of the bones located closer to the surface of the skin. Therefore, the knee area is ideal for such targeted massage. The technique is quite simple - you just need to apply pressure on the joint part of the leg with your nails. The skin moves but does not scratch. On the one hand, such a massage causes slight pain in the knee, but on the other hand, it excites and stimulates even the deepest processes of the body.

Main acupuncture points of the knee

  • Xue-hai point located near the knee on the inner thigh. It is stimulated by pressing the thumb so that the Qi energy descends. It is important to create vibrations around this point. Its importance is due to the fact that it relieves blood stagnation, uterine bleeding, and treats circulatory disorders. It is also activated to eliminate certain skin ailments, such as eczema or hives.
  • Also in the lower area of ​​the front side of the thigh there is point fu-tu. It should also be worked out during a knee massage, because in a passive state it causes stagnation of energy and, as a result, paralysis of the lower limbs, pain in the lower back and groin area. The point is also kneaded to cure a person of arthritis. Stimulate this point with your thumb, pressing the pad and creating internal vibrations. This will help direct the Chi energy even lower. For maximum effect, you can first stimulate the point with the base or edge of your palm, and then rub it towards the knee using your elbow.
  • Wei-chung point on the back of the knee in the popliteal fossa. To activate it, you need to lower the Chi energy directly into this part of the leg. This is ensured by stimulating the Zhong-kun, Bai-huan-shu or Zhi-bian point. They are massaged with the base of the hand, as well as with the thumb (or index) and middle fingers. You need to rub the skin in a circular motion, without focusing too much on the direction of the gestures. The Wei-chung point itself refers to the channel Bladder, therefore helps with his diseases. It is advisable to massage it after relaxing the thigh muscles so that the Qi energy descends further than the foot. This point also relieves lower back pain, alleviates neuralgia and improves lymph circulation. Wei-zhong is massaged with the same fingers as the points indicated above.
  • Just ahead of the Wei-Zhong point in the popliteal fossa (the outer border of the popliteal fold) there is Wei-Yang point. Her massage is caused by bladder problems, pain in the back, lower back and spine, cramps, as well as tumors in the armpits.
  • Yin Gu point located at the inner end of the fold under the knee when the leg is bent. Rubbing it improves kidney function, relieving unpleasant symptoms of genitourinary diseases, such as swollen joints, itching, and discomfort in the lower abdomen.
  • Directly below the knee, on the outer front of the shin, there is Yang-Ling-Quan point. It is used for panic attacks and a depressed person. It is responsible for psychological relief if you press it in a circle with your index finger for 5 minutes. Impact on this area also reduces unpleasant signs of disease digestive tract, problems with the gallbladder. For such ailments, it is more useful to twitch this point, that is, move the skin to the sides with your finger.
  • Just below the knee there is Tzu-San-Li point. It is useful for treating nervous disorders. Pressure on it reduces depression, insomnia, improves heart rhythm, and eliminates vomiting and diarrhea. Some act on this area to treat gynecological disorders, skin diseases, hypertension, and muscle weakness.
  • In a small depression at the level of the lower border of the kneecap there is Du-bi or Wai-Si-Yan points. It helps with swelling of the knee joint and the corresponding loss of mobility, excessive redness in this area.
  • He-ding point located in the center of the upper border of the kneecap. A person will notice it in the depression if he bends his leg. Activation of the area helps with pain in the knee joint and with paralysis of the lower limbs of varying degrees.
  • Qi-Yan or Xi-Yan point located away from the patellar ligament, parallel to its lower border. Accordingly, one of these symmetrical areas coincides with the Du-Bi point. Massaging the area helps with arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joints.
  • Xi-Yang-Guan point located on the front of the knee in the fossa, 3 cun above the Yang-Ling-Quan. This place is very important if a person has problems with the knee joints, incl. arthritis. The point is massaged for muscle paresis, gallbladder diseases accompanied by nausea, and numbness of the lower leg. It is enough to press on this point for half a minute, but you can also tap it with your fist.
  • Cheng-Gu point located on the front of the patella, the protruding part of the femur. Her massage reduces pain in the knee joint and sacrum, treats lumbago.

  • Yin-ling-quan- a point in a small depression 2 cun below the border of the kneecap, closer to the calf muscles. This area is very important for the regulation of water metabolism and the activity of the spleen. Massage helps with vomiting, jaundice, pain in the genitals. Basically, this point is affected by tapping with the side of the fist. It takes 30 kicks for one leg with the knee bent.
  • Below the knee is also located Diji point. She is three cun lower than Yin-Ling-Quan. Massage of this point is needed to normalize the energy Yin channel. Activation of this area helps to get rid of blood and spleen diseases. Diji is massaged to remove hernia, dropsy, diarrhea, and bloating. It even helps with lower back pain and difficulty urinating.

Qigong knee massage, the video of which is accessible and understandable even to beginner lovers of oriental practices, allows not only to develop the lower limbs in the presence of an inactive lifestyle. Regular exposure to this part of the body helps in the prevention and treatment of many diseases of the internal organs.

Even if you cannot at first remember and find all the necessary acupuncture areas for acupressure, you can simply knead the skin and muscles of this area.

Training video

Pain in the joints of the legs is familiar to many of us. Previously, it was believed that diseases of the musculoskeletal system were the lot of older people, but in last years There is a rapid “rejuvenation” of such ailments. And today every second or third person in the world has similar problems. Many diseases of the leg joints - the treatment of which is started on time - go away successfully and no longer bother a person, but if they are left to their own devices, very serious consequences are possible.

Joint pain is summarized here of various etiologies, as well as arthritis, arthrosis, neurological pain along the nerve and joint injuries. The use of Zhen Ju therapy and oriental massage has an analgesic, healing and general strengthening effect. Taking into account the ancient recommendations, the provisions of TCM (the theory of Chinese medicine) should be used: in case of any pathology, first a sedative effect is carried out, dissipating external damaging qi - massage of biologically active points counterclockwise. Then the patient is warmed up with wormwood pyramids, which are placed on the corresponding acupuncture points.

Legs are a favorite location for arthrosis, since they have to constantly withstand heavy loads (the weight of the whole body). Symptoms of arthrosis will always include pain in the joints (arthralgia), difficulty walking and, as the disease progresses, deformation of the legs. First, thickening of the epiphyses of the bones and atrophy of the adjacent muscles appear, and in severe forms, curvature of the legs develops, especially noticeable with arthrosis of the knee.

Treatment of the disease must begin with eliminating the cause, whenever possible. So, if it led to illness excess weight- it is necessary to reduce it, if the reason is a long stay on your feet - you need to think about organizing periodic rest or a change in activity, work (however, unloading the joints alone is not enough to restore them). But most often, pain syndrome with arthrosis is often a manifestation of a cold-like disease of the joints and bones of the lower extremities, associated with exposure to weather humidity and cold on the body. The main symptom is constant pain, which intensifies with any changes in weather. In Chinese medicine, this disease is referred to as “ku bi” syndrome, or the penetration (attack) of pathogenic atmospheric humidity (dampness) and cold. Therefore, the prerogative is precisely the warming of acupuncture points - Zhen Jiu therapy. In European medicine, it is believed that the joints of the foot, ankle, knee, and tibia are involved in the pathological process.

Zhen Jiu therapy arthrosis of the foot : Xing Jian F2, Tai Chun F3, Tai Xi R2, Kun Lun V60, Nei Ting E44.

Zhen Jiu therapy arthrosis of the ankle joint : Jie Xi E41, Kun Lun V60, Qiu Xu VB40.

Zhen Jiu therapy arthrosis of the knee joint : Liang qiu E34, Zu san li E36, Nei ting E44, Xue hai RP10, Qu quan F8.

Zhen Jiu therapy arthrosis hip joint : Ju Liao VB29, Huan Tiao VB30, Yang Ling Quan VB34, Yin Liang F11.

Arthritis due to general infections of the body (such as rheumatism, borreliosis, Lyme disease and others) are not characteristic exclusively of the joints of the legs, but are often localized there, since the legs are most loaded and are not always well supplied with blood. Symptoms of arthritis, unlike arthrosis, will be signs of inflammation - swelling, redness, pain, increased skin temperature over the affected area. Depending on the severity of the inflammatory reaction, the general condition may also suffer: fever, intoxication, etc. may develop. With chronic arthritis in the later stages of the disease, joint deformation often develops due to degenerative processes in the cartilage tissue.
Pain and impaired mobility of varying degrees in the joints of the legs depend on the location of the inflammation: inflammation around the joint, inflammation of the tendons of the corresponding leg muscles, inflammation of the joint capsule, and other disorders. But there is only one reason - it arises due to the lack and weakness of nutritious Qi, the local penetration of “wind-cold”, which causes “stagnation of Qi and blood.” Therefore, Zhen-Jiu therapy (warming of acupuncture points) is also appropriate in treatment.

Zhen Jiu therapy arthritis of the foot : Di wu hui VB42.

Zhen Jiu therapy ankle arthritis : sedate Kun Lun V60, Jie Xi E41, Yang Fu VB38, Fu Liu R7, Zhan Gu R2.

Zhen Jiu therapy knee arthritis : sedate Xue Hai RP10 and Yin Bao F9, Yin Ling Quan RP9, Qi Guan F7, Zhu Bin R9, Qu Quan F8 and Yin Gu R10.

Zhen Jiu therapy hip arthritis : Jie Xi E41, Zu San Li E36, Shi Men VC5, Zhong Wan VC12, Tan Zhong VC17, Yong Quan R1.

The most common injuries are various bruises, sprains, dislocations and tendon injuries. Among the variety of injuries, serious damage to joint ligaments is often encountered. This damage is usually associated with severe stress on a specific segment of the fibrous capsule of the joint and the ligaments that strengthen it. Therefore, it is also necessary to apply heat to acupuncture points in order to achieve maximum relaxation. Zhenjiu therapy is one of the main components in the complex treatment of injuries and injuries of various origins, as well as in the post-traumatic rehabilitation period.

The use of various acupuncture points can significantly improve all psychophysical functions of a person. This includes the following indicators of life-supporting systems, such as lymph and blood circulation, activation of the elasticity of muscles and tendons, normalization of the functions of the lower extremities, etc. Most often, sprains and dislocations occur in the block joints: ankle, knee and finger joints.

Zhen Jiu therapy toe injury : F2, F3, R2, V60, E44, VB42.

Zhen Jiu therapy ankle injury : Li Dui E45, Yin Bai RP1, Zu Qiao Yin VB44, Da Dun F1, Si Bai E2, Quan Liao IG18.

Zhen Jiu therapy knee injury : sedate the Yang Ling Quan point VB34.

Zhen Jiu therapy hip injury : immediately after a joint injury Yong Quan R1, Tai Chong F3, Fu Liu R7, Da Dun F1, Qu Quan F8, Qu Gu VC2.

Acupuncture points for conducting Zhen Ju therapy sessions either by a specialist in the field of Chinese medicine or independently using Chinese medicine devices “Shuboshi” and “Comfort”, see the atlas of acupuncture points on our website.

Also for more effective treatment arthritis and arthrosis when affecting the feet and knee joints We recommend using special conductive socks and knee pads, which independently find points of influence and conduct a therapeutic impulse throughout the entire contact area. Following the path of least resistance, the healing impulse automatically finds the necessary acupuncture points and thus affects the problem area. Socks and knee pads made of silver-plated conductive thread easily connect to all devices of the Shuboshi - Comfort series.