Milk thistle plant medicinal properties how to take. Milk thistle in medicine: treatment of diseases of the liver, kidneys, gall, stomach, pancreas. Contraindications and side effects

In this article we will talk about the healing plant milk thistle. In Rus' it was called: thistle, marina thorns or silver tartar, it was daily in the diet of people and was practiced in treatment various diseases, not only liver diseases.

After some time, doctors and scientists began to become interested in the healing qualities of the plant and began to produce experimental preparations based on milk thistle. Now, based on its seed, various medications are synthesized that successfully carry out therapy.

Milk thistle also finds use in homeopathy. Homeopathy is a new branch of treatment, and it is completely safe for health, and if you follow all the rules, you can achieve recovery over a long period of time with the help of herbal remedies.

In the article we will find out the benefits of milk thistle for the liver, how to use it and what the folk healing practice of treating the liver offers us.

Chemical composition of the plant

The chemical composition of milk thistle is quite diverse; it includes more than five hundred important components for human life:

Action of silymarin in milk thistle

The main beneficial property of milk thistle for the human body is the effect of a substance on it - silymarin, which is a hepatoprotector for the liver (that is, a substance that has a positive effect on its functions).

Silymarin is known for its antibacterial and regenerating properties; they help a person fight infections and poisoning, and also fight powerful viruses.

Medicinal properties of milk thistle

The seed of the plant is unique for its medicinal properties:

Milk thistle is a valuable plant and only it can bring our liver to normal condition after long-term illnesses.

About beneficial properties

What properties does milk thistle have?

Let's look at each of them in order:

How to properly treat the liver with milk thistle?

The liver, like all other organs in our body, is endowed with many different, vital functions; it is a vacuum cleaner, that is, it cleanses the body, removing all waste substances outside, and affects all metabolic processes.

It is directly involved in hematopoiesis and maintaining optimal hormonal levels for the body.

The liver helps the body absorb all important microelements received at the right time and in the required quantity and is a reserve blood reserve, which in fatal situations can save the life of a vulnerable person. Therefore, any impact on it must be fully agreed with the doctor.

It must be remembered that liver health should be maintained at the proper level from the very beginning, avoiding the harmful effects of alcohol, smoking, fatty and salty foods, prolonged stress and external pathogens of various serious diseases.

Milk milk can be consumed to prevent and maintain liver health., many do this before the holidays, when poor nutrition is inevitable. And if you have a disease, immediately turn to this plant, it will certainly help you cope with the disease and relieve you of problems for a long time.

For what liver diseases is milk thistle used in therapy?

As a rule, these are illnesses that are infectious in nature and associated with difficulties in the excretion of bile.

Liver diseases for which milk thistle treatment is actively practiced:

How to prepare an effective medicine from milk thistle at home

In most cases, milk thistle served as an additional source of recovery and was used in conjunction with general treatment (medicines).

Like any other plant, thistle has its contraindications and side effects, pain in the area from the intercostal space to the right side is more common during treatment.

If such undesirable effects occur, contact your doctor immediately. Let's take a closer look at folk recipes using milk thistle.

Milk thistle seeds

Milk thistle seeds, which have already reached maturity, are used to make medicines. Its roots and leaves are also used to make herbal preparations.

We have figured out what diseases milk thistle is used for, now we will look in detail at how to consume it correctly and what treatment methods exist.

For convenient use of milk thistle seeds, they are ground into powder; this is the most effective way to treat liver diseases.

You can easily buy the powder at a pharmacy or grind the seeds yourself using a coffee grinder.

Powdered seeds are prescribed for disease prevention in a course of two weeks or about a month in an amount of 7 grams of powder before meals three to four times a day, in its pure form, washed down with warm liquid in the required amount.

After treatment, the patient must use milk thistle powder for several more weeks to consolidate the positive effect, reducing the number of doses per day to one teaspoon.

The powder is easy to use, easy to store in a dry paper briquette, and has a shelf life of up to two years. It is possible to prepare it yourself, it has vegetable origin, and there is no need to worry about the benefits of its use; among other things, milk thistle powder has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Milk thistle oil

Other physical state useful plant– This is milk thistle oil. It contains the maximum possible amount of all the important substances in milk thistle. The oil absorbs fatty acids, silymarin, retains all vitamins and other equally useful substances.

The oil contains the highest concentration of all the power of the plant. The oil of any plant should not be underestimated; it is extremely useful, especially for the gastrointestinal tract and the condition of the walls and blood vessels of the cardiovascular system, as it is enriched with polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

The oil can be found on the shelves of any pharmacy or you can make it yourself at home, but doctors still advise you to trust experienced specialists and buy oil in specialized places where there is a license for such drugs.

But for homemade lovers, let’s look at how to make butter at home with your own hands:

Milk thistle oil cleanses and restores damaged liver. Helps remove toxins from various poisonings from drugs, industrial chemicals, metals and poisons.

Milk thistle improves the functioning of all systems of the human body, strengthens the immune system, promotes rapid liver recovery after treatment of severe cancer and chemotherapy. The separation of waste bile is enhanced, which speeds up liver recovery many times over.

What is milk thistle meal, what does it look like and how should it be used correctly? This word is often used in medicine. Meal is the residue after oil extraction, in which valuable substances are concentrated.

In order not to lose a large amount of beneficial properties in milk thistle, meal is used. It is obtained in this way: the residue after making the oil is squeezed out again, then given time to dry thoroughly and crushed to a powder.

This way, not a single valuable component of milk thistle will be lost. Meal is very rich in fiber, which has a number of positive qualities.

Milk thistle helps improve the quality of digestion:

  • eliminates the destructive processes of decay in some places of the intestines, which are accompanied by constipation and unpleasant odors, abundant gas formation;
  • removes numerous toxins and bad cholesterol from the body;
  • leads to normalization of the condition and functioning of the intestines and the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • increases food cravings and helps maintain weight at an optimal level.

The meal is consumed in the same way as milk thistle powder, one teaspoon before the time of the intended meal. Therapy is carried out for about a month, but it all depends on the nature of the disease.

As a preventive measure, meal is taken at one's own request periodically when discomfort arises or minor problems appear.

Milk thistle decoction from seeds and roots

Milk thistle decoction is also used for treatment or for preventive cleansing of the organ.

The roots and leaves of milk thistle are used as the basis for the decoction.

If you prepare a decoction at home, you first need to dry the raw material, then chop it, but not too finely; it’s best to just cut it into several pieces with a knife.

Let's move on to preparing the milk thistle decoction: Pour 10 grams of raw material into a glass of water room temperature, leave for half an hour and place in a water bath.

The broth should be heated well, but not boiled.

After the prepared medicinal medicine has cooled, filter it. Add boiled water to the original volume. You can take this decoction in a tablespoon several times a day (2-3) before meals.

Milk thistle infusion

Milk thistle infusion also has beneficial properties; it is endowed with the same properties as all previous methods of use.

The infusion can be purchased at a pharmacy or made yourself.

It’s easy to prepare – pour a spoonful of seeds into a glass of boiling water. We insist for six hours, maybe a little more. We drink the infusion half a glass three times a day. The prepared infusion is not so concentrated, you can drink it more often, and it is convenient to take it with you so as not to forget or miss a dose.

Alcohol infusion from milk thistle seed

An alcoholic infusion of milk thistle is used successfully for treatment. For preparation you need one share of seeds and five shares of alcohol or vodka. The infusion is kept for ten days in a dark and cold place.

The infusion should be used with extreme caution, as it is very powerful in action. Treatment begins with a couple of drops, which are diluted in half a glass of water. With long-term use, the amount of infusion is increased to half a teaspoon.

It is better to buy milk thistle infusion at a pharmacy; you should not risk your own health. If you decide to make an infusion, then choose only high-quality vodka or buy alcohol at the pharmacy, and carefully study the recommended proportions for diluting alcohol.

Tea made from milk thistle leaves or stem

Folk sages advise using milk thistle tea to cleanse the liver

To cleanse the liver, folk sages advise using tea.

To prepare it you need to: chop leaves or well-washed and dried milk thistle stems (or seeds), pour boiling water in the amount of half a glass (100 ml), leave for 15-20 minutes.

After steeping, it is better to strain the herbal tea. You can drink it in ¾ of a glass.

The tea can be brewed with other herbs that have sedative properties. For example, lemon balm, mint, chamomile.

Add a small handful of your chosen herb to the crushed leaves, and then everything follows the scheme.

Liver cleansing

If there is a need to cleanse the liver of toxins and unremoved waste products, then you can use milk thistle tea for these purposes. This method is very popular and effective.

Cleansing is carried out according to certain instructions. After the procedure, you need to stay in a calm environment for a couple of hours, lie on your back.

Place a heating pad under your right side so that the bile ducts expand due to the increase in temperature. The heating pad will speed up the process of removing all excess and speed up the recovery of the organ after the procedure.

You need to warm the liver at a comfortable temperature for your own body; the whole process takes about an hour. Afterwards, without changing your position, you should cover yourself with a warm blanket and remain resting for the same amount of time.

During the next time and during the cleansing, it is better to adhere to proper nutrition, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. After cleansing the liver, you should not eat milk thistle, only drink a small amount of pure water or natural juice, which is diluted with water in equal proportions. After two hours you need to do an enema.

The cleansing procedure is carried out every other day, but it is not possible more often. Without fanaticism.

Prepare a new, freshly prepared solution for cleaning procedures each time.

You can cleanse your liver by following these rules:

You need to clean in courses: three weeks every other week. After a full course, you must stop taking tea for seven to ten days.

If there is an urgent need to continue treatment, then before the next intake of milk thistle tea you need to drink agrimony tincture.

The effectiveness of this procedure depends on the quality of its implementation and your special attitude towards it. You must strictly follow all the instructions of your doctor, take the tea carefully, and brew it in small quantities.

A proper diet will help the liver cope with stress, will not cause intestinal blockage, and the toxic substances you are getting rid of will leave the body easily. Otherwise, toxins will remain in the body and begin to poison it, accumulating.

This, as a rule, entails many problems with the functioning of internal organs and disruption of metabolic processes and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Milk thistle capsules

For ease of use of the oil, fat-soluble capsules are produced, the contents of which are milk thistle oil. The exact dosage is determined in the capsules, which is very useful.

For problems such as stomatitis, oral infections, heartburn, capsules will serve as a lifesaver.

Take the capsules a few minutes before or during meals, you can wash it down with tea, juice, or water.

In terms of effectiveness, oil capsules are in no way inferior to regular milk thistle oil. It is important to be systematic in your intake, take capsules at the same time, avoid taking it on an empty stomach and before bed.

You will find it in pharmacies at a price 250 rub.

Some drugs are available in the form of dietary supplements and herbal tea.

How are tablets used in the treatment of liver diseases:

  • Tablets always win with ease of use. They are most often prescribed by doctors after a full examination.
  • Adults take tablets twice a day, two in the morning and two in the evening before meals, like all other forms of milk thistle.
  • Milk thistle herbal syrup is also successfully used, which improves the flow of bile and its removal from the body.
  • One tablespoon per dose will be enough, three such receptions should be done per day.

Contraindications for taking milk thistle

List of contraindications and possible harm from milk thistle if not correct use:

Treatment of the liver of adolescents after 12 years

Children are treated with milk thistle less frequently than adults. And such therapy is allowed only from the age of twelve, since the child’s body has a specific reaction to the substances contained in herbs, and this reaction is very different from that of an adult.

After twelve, a child can safely be given one capsule of milk thistle oil. morning and evening during meals. The duration of treatment should not be extended too much; about 14-20 days is sufficient. You can take oil or freshly prepared, but weakly concentrated teas.

Can Milk Thistle Heal Your Liver?

Be sure to keep in mind that milk thistle is not the main medicine in treatment and can cure a diseased organ. For effective treatment, you need a full range of all necessary measures: diet, healthy lifestyle, proper treatment.

As additional source All the necessary substances and vitamins are supplemented with milk thistle in addition to the main treatment.

Milk thistle itself will not be able to restore, let alone cure, a diseased organ without the help of medications. But with the right approach, improvements in your health will not be long in coming.

The debate about how beneficial this plant is for health has not subsided for many years. Some talk about exceptional ones, others refer to the fact that milk thistle should not be idealized and that, in certain cases, it can cause harm to the body.

What is it really like? I already have many articles on my website where this topic is discussed in one way or another, but I think that one more would definitely not be superfluous. As I write, I will provide links to other articles that cover the topic in more detail. Don't ignore them, go ahead and learn a lot of interesting things!

The benefits of milk thistle - myth or reality

It is used for chronic diseases, drugs, foods, medications, accompanied by intoxication.

Milk thistle is perhaps the only herbal remedy that ensures survival even in the event of severe poisoning with toadstool. In a word, if in case of mushroom poisoning you immediately take milk thistle seeds, even just in ground form, then it will take the brunt of the blow, and you will remain alive. It sounds unlikely, but it's a fact!

In cardiology, this plant is used as a prophylactic agent that strengthens the entire cardiovascular system in general, and capillaries in particular.

Still alone useful feature milk thistle is that it normalizes lipid metabolism, removes waste and toxins and thus, indirectly, contributes to the loss extra pounds. For this reason, it is highly advisable to use it.

This plant can lower blood sugar levels, so in some cases it is used in treatment.

Milk thistle should also be used with caution by people with severe shortness of breath. It often provokes severe coughing attacks in such people. But this is rather a warning rather than a contraindication.

Well, of course, you should always remember about contraindications. There are not many of them, but they also exist. These include:

  • Individual intolerance
  • Epilepsy
  • Chronic diseases – cholecystitis, pancreatitis
  • Age up to 12 years (children are allowed to drink a decoction with milk prepared according to a special recipe)
  • Gallstone disease (in case of large stones)

If you don’t find anything described above, feel free to use milk thistle. You won’t get any harm from taking it, but there will be a lot of benefits!

Milk thistle can be taken in different ways:

  • In the form of a decoction
  • Powder
  • Shrota
  • Tinctures
  • Syrup
  • Tablets

All forms of use of this plant are described by me. Milk thistle can also be included in other medications.

The beneficial properties and contraindications of milk thistle are still being studied to this day, since its properties are aimed not only at benefiting humans, but also animals. This is a truly versatile plant, but it offers amazing surprises in traditional and folk medicine.

Milk thistle: benefits and harm for the human body

Milk thistle has an incredible number of health benefits, and the more we learn about it, the more people love it! This little ragweed is a natural herb with many anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It was used as herbal remedy for over 2,000 years for a wide range of conditions, including liver, kidney and gallbladder problems.

One of the main reasons milk thistle is so beneficial for overall health is that it cleanses the body's natural immune block, the toxin-detoxifying organ: the liver. It is your body's main defense against food and environmental toxins. The food we eat can be filled with preservatives, pesticides and other harmful substances. The air we breathe is filled with dangerous components. Even the water we drink contains many harmful toxins such as pharmaceuticals, heavy metals and other compounds such as fluoride. Unfortunately, all this has a very strong impact on the liver.

After some time, the liver can become so saturated with these cumulative toxins that it begins to function poorly and may even stop functioning.

Signs and symptoms of this include poor skin tone, headaches, fatigue and overall decreased immune function. The liver is responsible for over 300 metabolic functions throughout the body, so you can see how ineffective liver function can be such an identified condition.

The active compound in milk thistle extract, called silymarin, has been studied for many years and is considered one of best supplements on the planet for liver health. It has been shown to protect organ cells by essentially blocking or neutralizing certain hepatotoxic compounds such as acetaminophen, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, antidepressants and cholesterol-lowering medications. In addition, preliminary research suggests that silymarin may not only protect liver cells, but also repair those that are damaged.

For a long time, the biochemical mechanisms associated with milk thistle's benefits were unclear. Laboratory studies have shown that silymarin from milk thistle promotes the synthesis and activity of certain enzymes that act in the detoxification pathway. Specifically, silymarin stimulates the glutathione S-transferase pathway, which increases intracellular glutathione concentrations. Glutathione is known as the body's main antioxidant and is vital for correct function of the whole body. It is also important for fighting disease and maintaining overall health.

Milk thistle appears to be a natural way to increase healthy glutathione levels in the body, thereby supporting body detoxification and overall health.

There are many in various ways incorporating milk thistle into your daily routine, but probably the most convenient way is to add milk thistle extract. Minor side effects have been reported for milk thistle, but it is always best to consult your doctor when adding a new supplement to your diet.

Milk thistle: what it helps with - indications and contraindications for use

Milk thistle seeds are used as we age to support health and protect against harmful substances including alcohol, drugs, pollutants and other diseases.

Silymarin is a bioflavinoid complex present in milk thistle that prevents various toxic substances from entering cells. As a result, damage is kept to a minimum. Milk thistle is also known to store the powerful protein “Glutathione”, which contains three extremely essential amino acids in our body. Glutathione present in silymarin has immunomodulatory, hepatoprotective and prophylactic effects.

  • Milk thistle to fight diabetes and blood

A recent review of a large number of clinical trials was published in the Journal of Diabetes Research in June 2016, which showed that milk thistle showed a significant effect on lowering blood sugar levels as well as glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels in the blood. These well-documented benefits of regulating blood sugar levels among diabetics also, in turn, help slow the development of numerous diabetes complications such as diabetic nephropathy (diabetic kidney disease), diabetic neuropathy, diabetic retinopathy and others.

  • Benefits of Milk Thistle for Weight Loss

Although research on its direct effects on weight loss is still in the preliminary stages, it is often used as a supplement in many weight loss plans due to the below mentioned properties:

  • Its ability to maintain health and stimulate metabolism.
  • In addition to maintaining liver health, its ability to regulate and maintain stable blood sugar levels prevents insulin resistance and aids in weight loss.
  • With silymarin (a bioflavonoid complex from milk thistle), which has proven anti-inflammatory and rich antioxidant properties, it helps speed up muscle recovery after exercise.

It is also known that silymarin helps increase the solubility of bile - the juice of the liver and gall bladder. Proper digestion of food and fat metabolism is maintained when bile is healthy. This benefit of silymarin also helps prevent gallstones and maintains gallbladder health.

Researchers have also demonstrated that silybin present in milk thistle (silymarin) is known to reduce the size of fat cells in the body, making them easier to burn.

  • Milk thistle for shiny skin and hair

The rich antioxidant content present in it helps prevent the accumulation of free radicals under the skin. This in turn prevents oxidative damage to skin cells and slows down aging. The cleansing effect of milk thistle on the liver and colon prevents the accumulation of toxins in the body, thereby making the skin more radiant. It is known to have the ability to reduce the level at which it forms a protective layer on healthy cells.

This property prevents damage to skin cells from external pollutants, harmful UVB rays and heat. It is for these benefits that this herb also makes an excellent addition to treat damaged hair and prevent hair loss.

Milk thistle may help prevent cancer as it scavenges free radicals and eliminates toxins. Several studies over the past decade have demonstrated that it reduces bad cholesterol levels among diabetics. As a result, it is known to be good for the heart. Milk thistle is also important in digestion, and prevents stomach cramps, bloating and stomach discomfort. This herb also has a mild laxative effect due to which it helps with bowel movements and makes elimination easier.

Milk Thistle for Hangovers: Whether this herb helps hangovers is still debated and an area where little research has been done. Although it has been found that heavy or chronic alcoholics do experience liver-protecting effects with milk thistle, it may not have any benefits for moderate drinkers. This occurs because milk thistle interferes with the alcohol digestive enzyme (MEOS) produced by alcohol drinkers. However, it does not interfere with ADH (alcohol dehydrogenase), an alcohol digestive enzyme found in the liver of light to moderate drinkers.

The rich antioxidant content of this “liver herb” also helps prevent nerve and cell damage during chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

  • Milk thistle dosage

Milk thistle is taken orally and is usually available in supplemental capsules, powders, and tinctures. It is also available in combination with other herbal extracts and teas.

Dosage: Milk thistle is most often recommended for a healthy adult in the form of 1 capsule 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. However, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist to find out the right dosage for you.

A balanced diet and physical activity are important for optimal results. Research has shown that it is safe to take this herb for up to 41 months. Milk Thistle Side Effects It is always recommended to consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before you start taking it. The most known side effects of milk thistle include:

  • Allergies: If you have a known allergic reaction or reaction to daisies or sunflowers, you should avoid consuming them.
  • A woman who is breastfeeding or pregnant should also avoid milk thistle. This herb has been seen to exhibit similar effects as the female hormone estrogen. Therefore, women with uterine related problems such as endometriosis or fibroids should avoid consuming it.
  • This also includes those suffering from ovarian, breast or uterine cancer.
  • Those on antidiabetic medication should always talk to their doctor before taking it as it has a significant impact on blood sugar levels.
  • Clinical trials conducted over the past few years also recommend avoiding the use of milk thistle among those using warfarin as a blood thinner.

Milk thistle contains Silymarin, a bioflavonoid complex consisting of 3 main types of bioflavonoids, named silybin (also called Silibinin), Silidianin and Silychristin. Among these 3 bioflavonoids, silymarin contains up to 50-70% silybin, and most of its medicinal properties are attributed to silybin. In addition to these three bioflavonoids, milk thistle contains vitamin E, proteins, sterols and other ingredients.

Milk thistle during pregnancy

There is insufficient scientific evidence that herbal products such as milk thistle and milk thistle tea are safe for use during pregnancy. It has been used to improve breast milk flow, and two small studies of milk thistle consumption during pregnancy found no side effects.

However, in theory, milk thistle may lower blood sugar levels. Therefore, caution should be exercised if you have diabetes or hypoglycemia.

In addition, plant component extracts may have estrogenic effects. So, if you have hormone-sensitive conditions like endometriosis and uterine fibroids, you should avoid it too.

If you want to improve your breast milk, you can take milk thistle or black cumin while breastfeeding. Both herbs are listed as GRAS (generally recognized or safe) by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) when used in moderation.

Milk thistle for the liver

Milk thistle contains a lot useful substances and mineral complexes. Among them there are many minerals - tyramine, biogenic amines, gymtamine. In addition, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and other useful elements are present. Milk thistle is good for the liver because it stimulates platelets with factor T, which blocks dangerous compounds in the blood. They allow you to filter the blood and protect the liver from the effects of low-quality blood.

Flavonoids and a lipid complex, along with tocopherols, phospholipids and acylglycerols, can permanently rid the blood of severe blood clotting. The active substances are presented in the form of flavolignans, silybin and silicrestin. They have special properties that block minerals and salts, preventing them from spreading through tissue cells into organs. There are also silymarins, which number 15 varieties. They have an intoxicating effect on the liver and regenerative properties.

The organ is quite well supplied with red blood cells, and at the same time the cells are not allowed to grow under the influence of free radicals. Thus, the liver can also protect the components of milk thistle, despite its specific ability to disinfect already clean blood.

How to drink milk thistle for the liver?

Milk thistle meal is usually consumed to treat the liver. It is sold in pharmacies and tea shops. If you buy bagged dry tea, you need to follow the instructions:

  1. A decoction or tincture is prepared only according to the instructions in the manual.
  2. Brew according to the diagram indicated on the package.
  3. Such “warmers” are also used for external use.
  4. Hot herbs are applied in a horizontal position to the hypochondrium to reduce the intensity of pain.
  5. To dilate the bile ducts after drinking, several approaches are used for such manipulations.
  6. The area should be heated for 50-60 minutes, and the milk thistle tincture should be diluted with water. It will be needed to cleanse the body. Its contents in dry form are poured with boiling water or fresh juice of orange, citrus, apple in a 1:1 ratio. Next, you should take a decoction or tincture every 2-3 hours before meals and repeat the procedure every other day.

If you like teas, herbs will benefit you too. You can even prepare dietary soups for weight loss, but the dosage regimen for prevention and treatment does not change. At the end of the course, you need to see a doctor to get the results.

Milk thistle for pancreatitis

Symptoms of pancreatitis occur when the pancreas becomes inflamed. The pancreas plays important role in the production of enzymes that support digestion and hormones that stimulate the sugar process in your body. Patients may be diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, in which symptoms come on suddenly and last for several days. Or they may experience chronic pancreatitis, in which uncomfortable symptoms and sudden pain continue for years.

In mild cases, pancreatitis may go away without treatment. However, in severe cases, if not treated promptly and properly, it can lead to life-threatening complications. Therefore, when you are unsure whether you are experiencing pancreatitis pain, it is important that you make an appointment with your doctor right away to get a diagnosis and proper treatment. Do not take questionable medications yourself.

But what are the signs and symptoms of pancreatitis? They are not the same for every patient. However general symptoms Acute pancreatitis include upper abdominal pain, rapid pulse, fever, vomiting, nausea and weakness. Patients with chronic pancreatitis may experience significant weight loss, upper abdominal pain, and distinctive-smelling stools.

Pancreatitis can be caused by gallstones, alcoholism, abdominal surgery, certain medications, cystic fibrosis, smoking and high level triglycerides in your body, abdominal injuries and infection. If one of your family members has been diagnosed with pancreatitis, you may be more likely to receive the same diagnosis.

Milk thistle contains taraxicin, which acts as an excellent tonic for the stomach, liver and pancreas. It detoxifies and removes harmful waste in the blood and liver. Additionally, it has the ability to stimulate your digestion. By increasing the release of bile, it can heal damaged pancreas and relieve pain caused by pancreatitis. In addition, according to some scientific studies, milk thistle decoction is useful for stimulating the activity of the pancreas.

Milk thistle for weight loss

Milk thistle is often used for weight loss under normal circumstances and healthy way life. Its initial dose is ¼ tablet or 2.5 mg BID (twice daily). This amount may be increased to ½ tablet or 5.0 mg BID if your weight has not budged within 1-2 weeks.

You should also consider some dietary features:

  1. Do not take milk thistle in liquid form.
  2. Do not combine it with other food or drinks.
  3. Do not add to or dilute with food or snacks.

Milk thistle contains several compounds that researchers believe give the plant special health-promoting abilities. The compounds rosavin, rosin and salidroside are biologically active components. Of these agents, milk thistle particularly helps the body burn unwanted fat.

As you know, fat deposits are stored in adipose tissue. When fat is stored in it, it is difficult to act on it. That's why some people simply can't get rid of certain fat deposits, including butt ears or a fatty "splint" around the abdomen. The body does possess an enzyme called hormone-sensitive lipase that can break down the fat contained in adipose tissue. But this enzyme is not particularly active. This is where Rhodiola milk thistle enters. Its extracts have the ability to activate hormone-sensitive lipase, thereby increasing the destruction of fat contained in adipose tissue.

Apparently, this compound specifically promotes the breakdown of fat. And when the extract is taken in combination with moderate exercise, the breakdown of fat tissue increases. In human clinical studies, administration of the extract in combination with moderate exercise techniques resulted in significant weight loss.

Several studies indicate that the free amino acid 4-hydroxyisoleucine plays a valuable role in insulin regulation and glucose regulation. 4-hydroxyisoleucine stimulates insulin secretion, thereby limiting the degree of increase in blood glucose levels (glycemic index). Elevated blood glucose levels after meals lead to increased fat production. It promotes insulin secretion and inhibits increases in blood glucose levels, which helps reduce body fat. The milk thistle component has a certain effect on the “islands” in the pancreas. These cells are directly responsible for producing the enzyme.

Additionally, the 4-hydroxyisoleucine in milk thistle shows that stimulating insulin, which benefits everyone, can regulate blood glucose levels. In non-insulin-dependent diabetics, standardized extracts of 4-hydroxyisoleucine may help maintain stable glucose levels. Additionally, 4-hydroxyisoleucine is beneficial for those looking to reduce weight gain and for athletes whose insulin needs tend to exceed those of non-athletes.

The supplement industry focuses on thermogenic or metabolic herbs in concentrated doses. These drugs suppress appetite, increase energy in the short term, and potentially modulate carbohydrate metabolism. They usually contain caffeine, pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine.

Thus, milk thistle weight loss supplements with concentrated doses of guarana extract, bitter orange, green tea and volatiles are not recommended for long-term healthy weight loss. Herbs that modulate carbohydrate metabolism found in concentrated doses for weight loss may include bitter melon, milk thistle, garcinia, and gymnema.

Any thermogenic supplement should be used with extreme caution. Unlike herbal medicine, the production of concentrated, dosed extracts does not address individual health needs for lasting weight loss.

Tartar, thistle and milk thistle - are they the same thing?

As you already understood, if all three names of herbs are present in one place of mention, then we will talk about them. But why - they are somewhat similar to each other. It is worth noting that some combination of these active substances is unacceptable, since the dosage of the active substance is increased. Let’s talk further about what this is and why we will talk about these herbs.

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ThistleMilk thistle
Often used for oncological diseases when hormonal therapy does not help. It is consumed in the form of decoctions and infusions, but the color of the final product is much duller than milk thistle decoction.It has lilac flowers, which contain many useful vitamins. If we talk about the complex, then this is not a thistle - it has a single and narrow “specialty” to influence certain organs.It is called milk thistle and grows like milk thistle. This plant contains flavonoids and a complex of vitamins.
It can also affect blood pressure and cleanse blood vessels, preventing unwanted blockages and platelet formation.Affects hormonally dependent components that settle in the glands of the thyroid, endocrine and reproductive systems.Milk thistle affects the liver and blood vessels, the thyroid gland and mammary glands.
It has almost the same flowers and petals as milk thistle, only much smaller. However, it has practically no thorns, and is distinguished by its special composition.Thistle produces dark flowers and is often found among wild field plants.People call it pink thorn, which can bloom anywhere.

If milk thistle helps the liver most of all, then you should pay attention to third-party and minor organisms that will enhance or complement the effect. It may be worth eliminating any product from the diet in order to completely give the herbs the place of action. Thus, it can be assumed that all three plants, although they have something in common regarding their purpose and effect on the body, they cannot be taken at the same time. Perhaps the residual properties will affect other organs human body, but it will never intersect with the components of a third-party substance.

Milk thistle is a plant that everyone knows. Many people know it under another name – “thistle”. These lilac flowers on thin stems with small leaves can be found near any body of water, along fields and roads, in the garden. Many believe that milk thistle is a common weed that requires immediate removal. However, this flower can give a person health and longevity.

Healers and herbalists speak positively about this plant. According to them, milk thistle can quickly relieve many chronic diseases. The extract, seeds and oil of this flower form the basis of a number of medicinal preparations. Milk thistle contains a whole storehouse of useful substances: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, flavonoids, enzymes and more. Thanks to silymarin, the plant can have a positive effect on liver function.

Beneficial substances contained in milk thistle

The plant contains more than 200 chemical components that are important for the normal functioning of the human body. Milk thistle contains vitamins A, group B, D, F, K, E. It also contains histamine, tryptophan and tyramine - essential amino acids. Thanks to chlorophyll, which is abundant in the plant, it provides a rejuvenating effect and accelerates the processes of regeneration and restoration. The complex of nutrients slows down natural aging.

Silymarin is the most valuable substance in milk thistle. It has a positive effect on the condition of the liver and the entire gastrointestinal tract. Active substances help strengthen cell membranes, as well as accelerate the appearance of new tissues. The fruits of this plant contain the following chemical elements:

  • Flavolignans – promote the restoration of liver tissue, accelerate its regeneration, and protect against pathogenic influences.
  • Fatty oils have a general strengthening effect on the body.
  • Resin – helps improve immune abilities.
  • Biogenic amino acids– activate recovery processes and have a beneficial effect on the body.

The seeds of this plant are no less useful. valuable plant. They contain unique vegetable oils, proteins, and monosaccharides. Also in the composition you can find flavolignans, quercetin, taxifolin, B vitamins, chlorophyll and more. The seeds are distinguished by a high concentration of macro- and microelements, such as magnesium, manganese, copper, calcium and others.

Medicinal properties of milk thistle

The unique biochemical composition of milk thistle determines the healing effect of this plant. Its properties were first studied in the 19th century at the Munich Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Then scientists realized that this flower would help people save themselves from a number of chronic diseases. Special meaning Thistle is useful in the treatment of liver diseases, since it contains substances that provide protection and restoration of this organ.

Research has shown that milk thistle has powerful antioxidant effects. It can quickly remove waste and toxins from the body. This plant can also relieve inflammation and allergic reactions. short term. The benefit of milk thistle is that it can help cure:

  • Negative consequences of bites from poisonous animals: snakes, spiders, arthropods;
  • Poisoning with heavy metals, drugs, poisons;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Intoxication with drugs and alcohol.

Most often, milk thistle is used as a powerful hepatoprotector - it protects and restores liver cells. Many studies have already proven the effectiveness and complete safety of using this plant.

How it is used in folk medicine

Milk thistle is one of the few plants that has received official recognition in traditional medicine. It is actively used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Not only the seeds, but also the leaves and roots of this plant are of particular value. When used correctly, you will be able to renew cells, speed up the process of regeneration and recovery. Thistle is of particular importance for the treatment of liver diseases.

Due to its unique actions, milk thistle is actively used in dietary supplements. Also, its extracts can be found in many medications that have general strengthening and protective effects.

IN folk medicine This plant is used quite often.

  • Pain in the liver. You can get rid of discomfort in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium with the help of ground plant seeds. You can add them to any dishes or eat a teaspoon a day, while drinking plenty of water. The seeds are taken according to the following scheme: 3 times a day for a whole month. Please note that constipation may occur with prolonged use.
  • Liver cleansing. Milk thistle oil will help remove all toxins and waste from the intestines. It can be purchased ready-made or made independently. On average, this recovery continues for a month, taking a teaspoon of oil before each meal.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver . You can stop the development of this disease with milk thistle tea. With its help, it will also be possible to normalize the functioning of the remaining areas of healthy tissue. Dry herbs or powder are suitable for brewing tea. Drink this decoction every day on an empty stomach and immediately before bed. Alcohol tincture will also help cope with cirrhosis. Take a teaspoon of the medicine 3 times a day and continue this treatment for about a month.
  • Burns. Thermal skin lesions respond well to treatment with milk thistle oil. Experts have long established that wounds treated with this remedy heal much faster. This remedy also relieves suppuration. Every day, treat the burn surface with the oil of this plant and apply a gauze bandage. Repeat the procedures until the area is completely healed.
  • Joint pain. They can be defeated using normal alcohol tincture. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, thanks to which it is possible to get rid of pain in the bones. To achieve excellent results, rub the alcohol tincture of the plant into your joints every evening in the evening, then wrap them in woolen clothes. Treatment must be continued until pain is completely relieved.
  • Gastritis. Thistle will help stop the development of this disease. It has wound-healing, restorative, enveloping effects in the treatment of gastritis. To do this, you need to drink a special decoction every day. It is very simple to prepare: pour 50 grams of herbs with a liter of water, add a teaspoon of natural honey. Place the mixture on low heat and keep it there for an hour. After this, strain and cool the broth, take a glass before each meal.
  • Varicose veins. It will be possible to maintain healthy veins if you start milk thistle therapy on time. A mixture of the oil of this plant and a decoction of red licorice will help restore the normal state of blood vessels. These two components must be mixed in equal proportions, and then rubbed into areas with affected veins. There will be an effect from such exposure, but it will appear after 4-6 months of regular treatment.
  • Skin diseases. Any lesions on the skin quickly disappear after treatment with milk thistle oil. To quickly get rid of pimples, blackheads, local irritations and inflammations, you need to lubricate the affected area with this product 2-3 times a day.
  • For weight loss. Thanks to thistle, you can quickly get rid of excess body weight. Toxins, accumulating in the liver, interfere with the normal digestion of food, which is why excess fats can be retained in the body. To prevent this, take a teaspoon of meal per day or oil before meals. Seeds are considered no less effective in this matter - they are added to any dishes.

Milk thistle is a unique medicinal plant that will help get rid of serious diseases. It can also be used as a prevention of complications, for general strengthening and restoration of the body.

Medicines based on milk thistle

Due to its unique chemical composition, milk thistle is actively used in the manufacture of various medications. The most valuable substance in it is considered to be silymarin. Its action is to protect the liver from toxins and remove waste from the body. It is milk thistle that allows you to quickly get rid of cirrhosis, inflammation of the liver or its toxic damage.

Milk thistle meal

Meal is the husk (powder) that remains after processing milk thistle. It is obtained by extraction, the films are pressed, and then form a fine powder. Meal is called a unique remedy that has a beneficial effect on the condition of the liver. Thanks to it, you will reduce cholesterol levels and remove existing poisons from the body.

Meal is actively used in medicine. Doctors do not deny its effectiveness and prescribe it to patients as a prevention of serious diseases. Also, ground seeds can be prescribed for:

  • Cleansing the body.
  • Improves intestinal function and metabolism.
  • Normalization of kidney function.
  • Increased appetite.
  • Restoration of the liver and pancreas.
  • Reduced blood sugar levels.

You can prepare thistle meal yourself. Grind the seeds of this plant in a coffee grinder or blender until you obtain a fine powder. It should be stored in a dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Thistle oil

The unique composition of thistle oil makes it indispensable in the treatment and prevention of many diseases. It has powerful bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, restorative and other effects. Long-term use helps improve the body's immune capabilities.

The effectiveness of milk thistle oil has been proven by research. The advantage of such a product is the absence of contraindications and possible harm. With this product you will be able to:

  • Normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Restore damaged areas of the liver;
  • Remove waste and toxins from the body;
  • Normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Normalize the amount of sugar in the blood;
  • Recover quickly from poisoning;
  • Improve your sexual function;
  • Recover from radiation or chemotherapy;
  • Nourish the body with useful elements;
  • Overcome reproductive system disorders.

You can prepare milk thistle oil at home. To do this, you need to fill this grass with any vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:2. Leave the medicine for 2-3 weeks, stir it every other day. After this time, drain the oil and use it as intended.


The main value of milk thistle seeds lies in their chemical composition: they contain more than 200 different elements that are important for the body. The main value of the seeds lies in their healing effects: choleretic, hepatoprotective, antioxidant and others. With regular use, this will help you restore the body's protective functions and also improve digestion.

Milk thistle seeds are actively used in folk and traditional medicine. With their help, it is possible to cope with many deviations. Indications for the use of such a remedy are:

  • Hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver dystrophy;
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Consequences of alcoholism;
  • Poisoning by poisons;
  • Excess body weight.

Thistle seeds are taken fresh. You will find them at the farmer's market from experienced herbalists. In the fall, you can prepare the product yourself by collecting seeds from dried flowers.

Milk thistle extract tablets

Tablets based on milk thistle extract will help the body recover from serious liver pathologies. Impaired functioning of this organ can lead to a deterioration in a person’s general well-being, as well as a decrease in immune abilities.

The instructions for use say that the plant extract in tablets is used exclusively for liver pathologies. Among the indications are:

  • Cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis;
  • Toxic organ damage;
  • Fat metabolism disorders;
  • Dystrophy and fatty infiltration.

You can easily find milk thistle extract in tablets at any pharmacy. The production of such products is carried out by the companies Evalar, Federal District named after. Pasteur, Biokor. Take the medicine for 2 weeks, 3 tablets with each meal.

Milk thistle oil capsules

Thanks to the capsules, consuming plant oil has become more convenient and enjoyable. They contribute to the rapid recovery of the body after mental stress and physical activity, injuries and surgical interventions.

Milk thistle capsules can provide your body with omega-3 fatty acids. They help get rid of cholesterol deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Typically, capsules are prescribed as a preventive measure:

  • Ischemia;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Hypertension;
  • Metabolic syndrome disorders;
  • Obesity;
  • Diabetes mellitus;
  • Hormonal imbalances.

Realcaps is the only manufacturer producing oil of this plant in capsules. You need to take them 4 times a day, 3 pieces for a month.

Milk thistle is a plant that has a beneficial effect on the body. It can quickly improve its functioning, as well as restore damaged tissue. However, there are a number of contraindications in which it is prohibited to use it for the treatment of certain diseases. Due to its high phosphorus content, this plant is not recommended for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Milk thistle should be used with extreme caution in children under 12 years of age. Special contraindications for this plant include the presence of an allergic reaction or intolerance to substances.

Contraindications for taking milk thistle medications are:

  • Pathologies of the biliary tract - due to the fact that the plant provokes powerful production of bile, there is a strong load on the organ - internal bleeding occurs. It is also forbidden to take milk thistle for gallstones.
  • Pregnancy and lactation – active ingredients plants have a negative effect on intrauterine development and, with prolonged exposure, can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Harm from milk thistle breastfeeding consists of the entry of toxins and waste into the child’s body through mother’s milk.
  • Mental illnesses, depression and epilepsy.
  • Asthma – due to the active substances it contains, thistle can cause shortness of breath, which is dangerous for this disease.
  • People with urolithiasis should use milk thistle with caution.

Milk thistle is a powerful medicinal plant. We strongly recommend that you consult a doctor before using it to prevent the development of serious complications.

Video: Liver and milk thistle

Milk thistle is a plant that is extremely important for liver health. This flower has powerful regenerating, restorative, healing and other properties. You will learn more about how important milk thistle is for the liver in this video:

Milk thistle is a plant that has many beneficial qualities. If you have ever used it for medicinal purposes, be sure to leave a review. Also share this article on in social networks so that more people know about this useful and miraculous flower.

Hi all! Let's talk about such a unique plant as milk thistle, about the use of milk thistle and its features.

Today, milk thistle preparations occupy a leading place among herbal medicines, so knowing a little more about it than usual will always be useful.

Let's take a closer look at the use of milk thistle, the main indications, and all its beneficial properties.

From this article you will learn:

The use of milk thistle and its beneficial properties

What is milk thistle?

Milk thistle (Latin name Silybum) belongs to the genus herbaceous plants from the Asteraceae family.

The genus includes annual and biennial herbs up to 1.5 m in height with large alternate leaves, pinnately dissected or pinnately lobed, spiny-toothed, white-spotted.

The flowers are bisexual, tubular, in most cases purple or shades of color, appearing in July–September. The fruits are a compressed achene with a tuft.

Milk thistle comes from the Mediterranean, has two types - Silybum eburneum, or Silver Milk Thistle, and Silybum marianum, or Spotted Milk Thistle, also popularly known as Milk Thistle, St. Mary's Thistle, Mary's Tartar, Virgin Mary's Grass, Spicy-Veg.

The first species is found in Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria; the second is widespread throughout the world and it is this one that has a pronounced therapeutic effect.

History of the herb milk thistle

The use of milk thistle as a medicinal plant has been known for a very long time.

Thus, Sappho, an ancient Greek poetess (VI–V centuries BC), writes about milk thistle rhizome as an effective aphrodisiac. The Greek scientist Theophrastus (III – II centuries BC) in his “Research on Plants” talks about the type of milk thistle and how to use it for medicinal purposes.

In the 1st century AD the herbalist Dioscorides - a Greek military doctor, naturalist and pharmacologist, author of De Materia Medica - one of the most extensive collections of medicinal recipes - advised the use of milk thistle for many diseases.

Avicenna, the legendary Persian philosopher and physician (9th – 10th centuries), recommended bozovard (milk thistle decoction) for hemoptysis, gout, and stomach weakness.

Another written evidence of the properties of the plant was found in the writings of Hildergarde, a resident of West Germany in the 11th century, the abbess of the Bingen convent. In her diary, the abbess collected medical information from her time, including recipes with milk thistle.

The antiquity of the use of the herb is also evidenced by Slavic/Russian herbalists (collections of recipes recorded from the words of folk healers on folklore expeditions and hikes).

Chemical composition of the herb milk thistle

The chemical composition of milk thistle seeds is extensive - it contains about 400 components that are valuable to humans:

  • 1 g of raw material contains macroelements (in mg) - calcium - 16.6; iron - 0.08; potassium - 9.2; magnesium - 4.2;
  • 1 g of raw material contains microelements (in mcg) - manganese - 0.1, zinc - 0.71, boron - 22.4, selenium - 22.9, iodine - 0.09, chromium - 0.15, copper - 1 ,16;
  • B vitamins, vitamins A, E, K, F, D;
  • flavolignans (up to 3.8%) - silybin (silymarin), silicristin, silydianin, taxifolin;
  • biogenic amines - tyramine, histamine;
  • oils - fatty oils (up to 32%), (up to 0.1%);
  • factor T - platelet stimulator;
  • flavonoids - querticin, etc.;
  • lipid complex - tocopherols, phospholipids, acylglycerols.

Main active components of milk thistle

The main active components of milk thistle are 12 varieties of silymarin - a unique plant complex that has hepatoprotective, detoxification, regenerating and antioxidant effects.

Milk thistle beneficial properties

Milk thistle preparations (decoctions, infusions, teas, oils, dosage forms) have a wide range of positive effects:

  • They are used as natural immunomodulators, significantly increasing the body's resistance to diseases;
  • as metabolism stimulants and antioxidants, including in cosmetology;
  • as a means for weight loss,
  • skin cleansing,
  • improving the functioning of the intestines and stomach;
  • to relieve and relieve allergic reactions,
  • headache prevention;
  • to lower sugar levels in diabetes and cleanse the blood.

Milk thistle medicinal properties

Particularly impressive results are shown by drugs created on the basis or entirely from milk thistle in the treatment of liver diseases.

However, the medicinal properties of the herb are not limited to this.

  • Milk thistle is effective in wound healing (the effect is similar to sea buckthorn oil),
  • in the fight against salt deposits (osteochondrosis, gout, osteoarthritis, etc.),
  • for diseases of the spleen,
  • blood, thyroid gland,
  • edema of various etiologies and dropsy,
  • when veins dilate,
  • allergies,
  • radiculitis,
  • in the treatment of vitiligo (pigmentation disorder),
  • to cleanse skin from acne,
  • relieving exacerbations of psoriasis,
  • in the initial stages of baldness,
  • for acute toothache,
  • the occurrence of gingivitis,
  • stomatitis,
  • in case of stool disorder,
  • for constipation, colitis,
  • as a diuretic

What are the benefits of milk thistle herb?

Milk thistle meal stimulates intestinal activity and fights dysbiosis.

Oil and meal have a pronounced anti-sclerotic effect due to the presence of vitamin F (in oil) and a large proportion of fiber (meal).

Vitamin B, the volume of which in milk thistle is significant, helps normalize fat metabolism; this vitamin is necessary to nourish the heart muscle, work nervous system, maintaining eye health and youth, .

Vitamin E, the volume of which is especially large in milk thistle, helps normalize the activity of the sex glands of women and men, is necessary in the treatment of psoriasis, and neutralizes free electrons that disrupt enzymatic processes in the body.

Milk thistle indications for use

The use of milk thistle herb in gynecology

Milk thistle-based preparations are indicated for women suffering from severe premenstrual syndrome and menopausal symptoms, in particular menopausal atrophic vaginitis.

Milk thistle, especially its oil fractions, contains estrogen-like phytosterols and some other bioactive components that harmonize the hormonal levels of the female body.

To treat menopausal atrophic vaginitis, 3 ml of oil is injected into the vagina using a syringe without a needle, then while lying on your back, bend your legs, raise your hips (it is better to put something under it) and remain in this position for 5 - 7 minutes. The procedure must be repeated 12 times.

To treat cervical erosion and trichomonas colpitis, douching is done with a mixture of 50 ml of milk thistle oil and ½ tsp. tea tree oil in the same way as described above. The procedure is repeated 12 times.

The use of milk thistle herb in cosmetology

In cosmetology, oil is mainly used. If you make it regularly, simply applying it to cleansed skin, you can significantly prolong its youth.

  • Vitamin A increases skin elasticity and ability to retain moisture;
  • vitamin E promotes overall rejuvenation;
  • vitamin K fights rosacea and relieves inflammation;
  • Vitamin F stimulates cell regeneration, stabilizes the function of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which the skin is cleared of acne and the pores are narrowed.

The oil has a pronounced effect in protecting the skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, chapping, and frostbite.

Using oil in hair masks stimulates hair growth, awakens dormant hair follicles, and gives hair shine and strength.

Milk thistle oil

Contains chlorophyll, carotenoids, tocopherols, a complex of polyunsaturated acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic, arachidic, palmitic, behenic), and contains a high proportion of vitamin P.

Vitamin P is able to bind cholesterol and prevent it from settling on the walls of blood vessels; is a natural stimulator of fat metabolism and is able to remove fat cells even from fat depots (lower abdomen, sides, thighs).

Milk thistle oil has a general strengthening and immunomodulatory effect and is used in the treatment of liver diseases, acute and chronic gastritis, stomach ulcers and duodenum, periodontal disease, stomatitis, gingivitis, burns and skin ulcers, gynecological diseases, in cosmetology.

The use of milk thistle in urology

In urology, milk thistle is used as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic drug in cases where a person suffers from impaired renal function, kidney stones, inflammatory processes in the bladder and kidneys, and kidney toxicosis.

For these ailments, use herbal tea (infusion) and fresh juice.

Milk thistle for the liver

In what form can spotted guts be used?

Milk thistle is used in the form of infusion (tea), alcohol tincture, fresh juice, oil, meal, powder, and in the form of medicines (extracts).

How to prepare your own milk thistle preparations?

  • Milk thistle tea

To prepare (infusion) from milk thistle, 1 tsp. seeds are poured with boiling water and infused for several minutes, used fresh.

  • Alcohol tincture

An alcohol tincture is prepared from fresh raw materials, for which the plant is crushed, placed in a glass vessel (preferably dark) and filled with alcohol (good quality vodka) in a ratio of 1 part herb to 5 parts alcohol.

The vessel is sealed and left in a dark place for the time specified in the specific recipe (from several days to several months). After the expiration date, the tincture is filtered and poured into a vessel for permanent storage (for 1 year).

To prepare the juice, fresh milk thistle leaves are passed through a juicer; the resulting juice can be stored in the refrigerator by adding medical alcohol (25 ml of alcohol per 500 ml of juice).

  • Decoction
  1. A decoction of milk thistle seed is prepared as follows. 30 g of ground seed should be poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and boiled in a water bath until the water evaporates by half, then strain through several layers of cheesecloth.
  2. To obtain a decoction of rhizomes, 1 tsp. l. raw materials are poured with 1 glass of boiling water and boiled in a water bath for half an hour, then filtered through gauze in several layers and topped up with boiling water to the original volume.

Where to buy real milk thistle preparations?

Milk thistle (silymarin) in seeds and capsules - organic quality from the world's best producers. A very wide range, see here (click on the banner)

Milk thistle - useful video

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle herb

Taking milk thistle-based drugs is excluded for liver cirrhosis, acute cholecystitis, liver failure, pancreatitis, asthma, epilepsy, depression, and mental disorders.

Use with caution and only after consulting a doctor - for people with cardiovascular diseases, pregnant and lactating women.

Milk thistle is such an amazing herb, use it consciously and it will only bring you benefits!

Alena Yasneva was with you, be healthy!

See you again!!!

photo@@ joannawnuk