How to improve memory and brain function? — Exercises, folk remedies, medications. So that Memory Doesn’t Change - Folk Recipes for Improving Memory Advice from Chinese healers for improving memory, classmates

Several years ago, a number of publications appeared in major Western media about whether it is ethical to take drugs that improve memory.

Doctors and journalists wondered whether this was doping, the use of which, like in sports, should be banned. Such attention to the problem was explained by the fact that it was then that students began to use en masse so-called smart drugs, usually prescribed to patients with Alzheimer's disease, attention deficit disorder, etc. In Russia, the issue of ethics is far from being an issue: drugs that mothers traditionally give to those who are lagging behind in school for children or who are admitted by the same students, simply ineffective.

If you ask on any Russian forum: “What should I take to improve my memory?” - someone will definitely suggest glycine or piracetam. Both of these drugs belong to the group of nootropics, which are extremely common in the countries of the former Soviet Union. It is known that nootropics are compounds that stimulate metabolic processes in the brain. However, numerous studies have failed to prove that, for example, piracetam improves memory. Regarding glycine, there has been only one small study that can be considered at all conclusive showing the benefits of this drug. In the West, glycine is seen more as a treatment for schizophrenia, although this is not common practice.

Traditional methods
Those who want to improve memory and at the same time “not be poisoned by any chemicals” often use ginkgo biloba extract, fish oil, vitamin E, ginseng, etc., etc. As is usually the case with alternative medicine, studies that provide at least some There is not much certainty regarding the effectiveness of these drugs. However, ginkgo biloba has not been clearly established to help with dementia (senile dementia). But studies involving healthy people are smaller and less convincing. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are ineffective in improving memory in healthy older adults. Ginseng has only a small effect on cognitive performance. But vitamin E, fish oil, multivitamin complexes and many dietary supplements have not shown their effectiveness.

Smart drugs
Typically, pharmaceutical drugs to improve memory (donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine) are developed for those whose memory becomes worse with age, for example due to Alzheimer's disease. However, for some time now these funds have been actively used for other purposes - they are bought up by students during the session. The same thing happens with drugs for attention deficit disorder (methylphenidate) and narcolepsy (modafinil). They increase the production of various neurotransmitters - norepinephrine, acetylcholine, dopamine, etc. - which improves the transmission of signals between nerve cells.
These drugs really help improve memory for several hours and concentrate attention. However, they have two serious disadvantages. Firstly, while under the influence of such drugs, a person can behave unnaturally, rudely towards everything that prevents him from doing his chosen business. Secondly, these medications were developed for sick people. How such drugs affect young, healthy brains in the long term remains unknown.

Ergasak's comment:
Exercise and movement can replace all kinds of medications, but no medicine can replace the effects of exercise. The brain is like a knife; it becomes dull when inactive. Natural vitamins sharpen a brain dull from excessive activities and tired.
Force yourself to remember the poems you learned as a child. Remember more past pleasant events. Look through your family album often and relive the memories in it. Try to remember phone numbers, cars, houses, street names, names of actors, movies, plays, streets, familiar faces and favorite characters as much as possible. Conduct such training purposefully in the morning, preferably every day, at the same time, confidently setting yourself the task of training your memory. Start with the multiplication table. Remember your ABC book in several languages. Relive a few words and expressions in other languages ​​each. You can use a phrasebook. Go to rhymes and lyrics of your favorite songs. If you are a believer, you probably know several prayers by heart. The main thing is to keep a lesson diary. Record your daily successes day after day. You will see, the result will appear in reality. It is advisable to practice out loud.

Several additional memory training activities:
Bury one drop of your favorite essential oil in 500 g of two percent tea soda in boiled water, and rinse your mouth vigorously for about ten minutes. Avicenna recommended it thousands of years ago, and recently scientists have confirmed the usefulness of this method of brain massage.
A piece of dark chocolate, cheese and four pieces Walnut and a handful of pistachios in the morning regularly nourish the brain well.
From time to time, excite your brain with a honey sandwich with horseradish and mustard.
Eat blueberry jam regularly. Helps strengthen memory and vision.
My balm “Agave Ergashak” not only strengthens your memory, but also your immune system.

A good memory greatly simplifies the life of any person, especially in our time, when life moves very quickly, and every day a considerable amount of things awaits us. If, amid all this turmoil, you suddenly discovered that you forgot to make an important call yesterday or don’t remember where you left the keys, or maybe forgot about the promise you made, then it’s time to think about how to strengthen your memory.

Causes of memory impairment

  • Stress and overload;
  • Disturbed sleep and wakefulness patterns;
  • Alcohol abuse;
  • Smoking;
  • Various types of infectious diseases such as encephalitis, meningitis;
  • Taking medications, especially sleeping pills, antidepressants, painkillers and antihistamines;
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • Brain injuries;
  • Some diseases: diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, epilepsy, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, thyroid disorders;
  • Natural aging of the body.

Our memory is formed from three components:

  1. Innate Potential. Some people have better memory from a young age, some have worse memory. A person cannot influence this factor, but the capabilities of our brain allow us to develop any memory given by nature.
  2. State of memory at a specific moment. This indicator can be changed. For a number of reasons, memory can become worse, but on the other hand, certain actions can improve it.
  3. Memory training. This factor reflects the extent of your regular or not very regular mental and physical memory development exercises. It is this component in our Everyday life began to decline. Computers and electronic organizers often replace our own memory. We no longer memorize phone numbers or keep lists of birthdays and important things to do in our heads. Having put the pie in the oven, we forget about it, knowing that right time The timer will ring. And our memory begins to “rust” due to its uselessness.

Memory strengthening methods

Methods for strengthening memory are different types: memory training, balanced diet, physical and breathing exercises, natural medicines and drug treatment.

If you notice a severe deterioration in your memory, contact a neurologist and get your blood tested to rule out serious diseases. If you are sure that you are healthy, you can start memory training. If you are diagnosed with a particular disease, you still need to train your memory, but medications should be chosen after consulting with your doctor.

Diet that improves memory

To function properly, our brain requires adequate nutrition. This is one of the main conditions. The brain needs B vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins and polyunsaturated fats to function.

Group vitaminsB necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system, they affect our concentration and memory. To replenish vitamin reserves in the body, regularly eat eggs, poultry, fish, meat, green vegetables, oranges, dairy products, buckwheat, nuts, bananas and wheat germ.

Carbohydrates is fuel for the brain. There are fast and slow carbohydrates. The former are quickly absorbed and provide instant nutrition to the brain, stimulating the thought process and the process of memorization. These carbohydrates include legumes, fish and grains. The latter are broken down much more slowly and enter the brain some time after eating; they support brain activity for a long time. These include vegetables and cereals. Honey is also an important source of carbohydrates and microelements that are beneficial for the brain.

Helps develop good memory Omega-3 fats, which help improve the exchange of information between brain cells. The largest amount of these fats is found in fatty fish, but many of them are destroyed by high temperatures. Fats are also present in vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, pumpkin and peas, which are preferably eaten raw. Eating nuts, sesame and pumpkin seeds, olive oil.

Some are also responsible for brain activity and memory development. amino acids. For example, serotonin is synthesized from the amino acid tryptophan, which is responsible for mood, sexual desire, learning ability, sleep and memory. The amino acid is found in figs, dates, bananas, plums, dark chocolate, tomatoes, milk, eggs.

Squirrels should also be present in the diet, since they are used to build nerve cells and neurotransmitters responsible for transmitting information. Without them, the memorization process is impossible.

Memory training

Proper nutrition will nourish the brain and increase its potential. But developing this potential requires some brain training. This purpose is served by reading and retelling what has been read, as well as writing texts and keeping diaries. Memorizing phone numbers, poems and sayings trains your memory. As well as solving logical problems, scanwords and crosswords, mental arithmetic and solving riddles.

As an exercise, try counting from 100 to 0 in your head or reciting the alphabet in reverse order. You can complicate the task and come up with a name, animal or city for each letter of the alphabet. Very useful for memory development foreign languages. You can take up learning a new language or at least memorize individual words from other languages, for example, learn one word in 10 languages.

Vivid images and associations help memorize. Some people find it easier to remember a visual image; in such a situation, it is useful to use colored notes and drawings. It has been proven that events filled with emotions and experiences remain in our memory for years. We remember better and faster information that arouses keen interest.

Healthy sleep

No less important factor To quickly assimilate information, you need to get enough sleep. At night, during sleep, chemical processes of restoration of brain cells occur; in sleep, the brain, disconnecting from the absorption of external information, processes and assimilates what has already been received. Therefore, normal sleep in the dark is especially important for a person; without it, memory cannot work at the cellular level.

Fresh air and exercise

Easy jogging fresh air will supply your brain with the necessary amount of oxygen. In addition, during muscle load, hormones are released that have a positive effect on memory function.

Traditional medicine recipes to improve memory

Heather. Pour half a liter of boiling water over a tablespoon of heather grass and boil for 10 minutes. Then leave the broth for another 3 hours in a warm place and strain. The decoction is drunk in a course of 3 weeks: the first week, half a glass every day, then another 2 weeks, a glass. After which you need to take a break for 2 weeks, and then take another course.

Elecampane. To improve memory, prepare a tincture from the roots of elecampane. It is necessary to grind the roots of the plant and pour half a liter of vodka into a tablespoon of raw materials. Let it brew for a month, shaking the container occasionally. Then strain. Take a tablespoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Pine buds. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of pine buds and leave in a warm place until it cools. Then strain the infusion. Take 2 tbsp. l. after meals 3-4 times a day. The infusion is not recommended for people with weak kidneys.

Dioscarea nipponensis. A decoction of the rhizomes of this plant is useful for improving memory and treating atherosclerosis. Take one and a half grams of crushed dioscarea rhizomes and throw them into a glass hot water. Cook over low heat for half an hour. Strain. Then add boiled water so that the final volume of the broth is equal to a glass. Take a tablespoon after meals 3 times a day.

Vinca grass. 2 tbsp. l. Pour periwinkle herbs into a liter of boiling water and simmer over low heat for 25 minutes. Then let the broth brew for an hour and strain. Drink a third of a glass 4 times a day. The course is at least 3 weeks and up to 4 months.

Juices. To improve memory, it is useful to drink a mixture of beet and carrot juice in a ratio of 1:4. Juices must be freshly squeezed.

Red rowan. Rowan bark is used to prevent atherosclerosis and improve memory. The decoction is prepared from 2 tbsp. l. crushed rowan bark and a glass (250 ml) of boiling water. Boil the bark over low heat for 10 minutes, then leave the broth for another 6 hours and strain. Take the medicine one tablespoon three times a day. Course 3–4 weeks.

Blueberry. Drink a glass of blueberry juice every day. Blueberries improve memory even in older people, for whom a decrease in memory quality is a natural process.

In addition to natural remedies, there are also medications to improve memory. They are based on substances that increase the cognitive functions of the brain and improve communication connections between nerve cells, and also include essential vitamins and microelements. There are plant-based preparations, for example, ginkgo biloba extract. Medicines should not be taken without consulting your doctor.

The capabilities of the human brain are phenomenal, therefore, if observed healthy image Life and constant training of the mind can remain in solid memory until old age.

Today on the site we’ll talk about how to improve memory and attention, what exercises we should do for the brain and what diet we need for the brain. As we age, our memory gets worse year by year, and we often find it difficult to remember the simplest things. Among older people over seventy years of age, and especially when the age approaches the eightieth year of life, memory impairment is observed in a significant proportion of people. But, fortunately, this does not happen to everyone.

Scientists advise from the very early age Constantly train your brain and improve your memory. Brain exercises can not only improve memory processes and enhance concentration, but also maintain high level thinking abilities even in old age. Below, in this, are given simple tips about how to make our thinking more flexible and improve memory functionality.

The brain constantly receives, processes and transmits a lot of information. Despite its low weight (about 2 percent of body weight), it needs nutrition. Its food is glucose and oxygen. Although the brain weighs a little, it consumes about 20% of all energy reserves entering the body.

In order for the brain to work fruitfully, it requires:
1. Iron, contained in meat, vegetables, fruits.
2. Glucose is a necessary source of energy for cells; there is a lot of it in flour products, potatoes and bananas.
3. Vitamins: B12, B5, B1, which are found in yeast, liver, cereals and dairy products.
4. Lecithin - improves the ability to concentrate and enhances thinking abilities. There is a lot of it in chicken eggs, butter, nuts, mackerel and herring fish.
5. Copper and zinc - enhance thinking. Found in potatoes, cauliflower, rye,
6. Magnesium and calcium - strengthen nervous system, there are many of these microelements in mango, avocado, chicken, cheese, and yogurt.
7. Water is a vital nutrient for the brain.

In addition, you should not ignore: brisk walking, active lifestyle, exercise. All this together enhances blood circulation and metabolism throughout the body. This means that the brain will work efficiently.

Three types of memory

Memory is divided into short-term and long-term memory. Short-term storage allows you to store information for very little time (usually about 2 seconds), and long-term storage provides a more or less long term of remembering. In memory we store data such as first name, last name, address, mathematical rules, etc.
For all memory components to work effectively, they must function as a single mechanism.
Just like physical training keeps the body fit, memory exercises improve the functionality of our brain and lead to a healthy life.

Exercises to improve memory

“House of Memory” - imagine a house with many walk-through rooms in which additional information is located (in your imagination). When reproducing one information, you need to open the next door of the house and so on. This storage method develops imagination.
Solve crosswords and logic problems, fun quizzes and sudoku.
Play Board games, as well as popular games like “How to Become a Millionaire” that develop erudition.
Memorize poems, phone numbers, create a shopping list in your mind, and do association-based exercises in which you create imaginary stories.
Learn foreign languages.
Create a memory bank. Write down or store messages in your memory, and sometimes test your memory by repeating them.
Practice your art of memorization.
Learn to play the piano, sing, draw.
Do physical

We propose to consider 14 simple and effective ways memory enhancements to enhance your own academic and/or professional performance.

Use mnemonics

Just as a computer uses binary code to store data and retrieves it in a user-friendly form, human brain records information in a specific order and later presents it in a specific form. Mnemonics uses exactly this technique. It helps to store information in a specific code and then easily recall it. It may sound abstruse, but it's actually very simple.

Mnemonics involves using simple associations to remember information. For example, images, words, smells and other things that are familiar to you that can be associated with new information. Use your imagination to master this memory improvement technique.

Learn something new

Memory is like a car: if you don't use it, you lose it.

To improve your memory and maintain brain performance, learn new things as often as possible. There is no recipe for longevity, but all long-livers have a common feature (except healthy eating): They constantly use their mind. Learn a new dance, a new language, a new game.... At the same time, you will also make new friends, and sociability is also very important, but more on that a little later.

Get enough sleep

The process of storing information occurs while you sleep. The brain then switches from a receiving state to a storing state: during rapid eye movement sleep, all the events that happened during the day are classified and associated with other already accumulated memories and knowledge.

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, studied memory decline in adults and found that it was associated with poor sleep. And another study found that getting enough sleep helps children improve their academic performance. Combining these results, we get the main conclusion: to improve your memory, you need to get enough sleep, no matter how old you are. Every adult needs eight hours of sleep, perhaps a little more or less, depending on the individual.

The best way to remember the information you need is to focus on it just before you go to bed.

Focus on exercise

The research carried out Dr David Jacobs at the University of Minnesota, led to the conclusion that people who regularly practice cardiovascular exercise in their youth have better memory by middle age, namely after 45 years. This statement did not become a sensation, since it is already known all over the world that swimming, running and other activities help people avoid memory deterioration in the long term. After all, exercise raises your heart rate and increases blood flow to the brain.

Watch your diet

The term “brain food” is quite common. There are foods that improve brain function and prevent memory loss. A new study conducted at the University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland, found that green tea among these super foods. Omega-3 fatty acids found in nuts, ocean fish and olive oil have also been shown to be effective memory enhancers. Other foods to include in your diet include eggs, tomatoes, red wine (use with caution), capers, blueberries and turmeric.

Previous, lesser-known studies have found that vanilla, rosemary and sage may also stimulate memory.

Chewing gum is another proven way to improve memory, as it increases your heart rate and releases certain aromas. Both activate memories.

Practice meditation and proper breathing

Meditation is actively promoted these days as a panacea for various ills. It really can bring you real benefits and pleasure.

First, meditation can speed up your heart rate, thereby increasing blood flow to the brain and enriching it with oxygen. Secondly, this practice will help you relax and concentrate, which has a surprisingly beneficial effect on your mental abilities and overall well-being.

Most meditation techniques involve deep breathing, which also helps improve memory and relieve stress. In just a few minutes a day, you will improve your health, gain a positive attitude and feel more energetic. Plus, it's free.

Enjoy nature

Walking in the fresh air improves memory. This theory was confirmed by researchers from the University of Michigan by testing two groups of people who were asked to remember a list of certain items. At the same time, one group was invited to take a walk in the garden, and the other - to walk around the city. The first group had 20% better memory. But the researchers did not stop; they tested the subjects again. This time people were shown photographs of natural landscapes and cityscapes. The results were repeated!

The next time you forget something, open pictures of green forests on your computer and your memory will come back to you.


Computer games may be great, but they are unlikely to improve your cognitive function. But logical and strategic games will have a positive effect on memory and attentiveness. The most suitable games are chess, sudoku and the like. The gray cells in your brain will thank you.

Use neuro-linguistic programming (NLP)

The concept of NLP is relatively new, but it is very effective. The main idea is that the limits of human capabilities are invented by man himself, so they can be destroyed by self-hypnosis.

Basically it works like a placebo. Meditation is an excellent prelude to NLP, and when combined with diet, aromatherapy and training, you will effectively improve your memory and mental abilities.

Use aromatherapy

Perfume is not only a pleasant aroma, but also a way to revive memories. Aromatherapy is one of the most accessible means of improving memory. Many studies have proven the effectiveness of rosemary and mint.

Experiments conducted on mice confirmed that rosemary increases alertness and helps prevent age-related memory loss. Similar properties Peppermint has this effect, so next time before preparing for an exam, stock up on peppermint chewing gum.

Get acupressure or acupuncture

Acupuncture has been used in Chinese medicine for centuries and produces excellent results in almost any area, so it is not surprising that it is also effective for improving memory.

Every part of your body is riddled with nerves and energy channels. You can activate certain points with a very fine needle or by pressing with your fingers.

To stimulate your memory and remember something important, apply gentle pressure to your temples with your fingertips for a few seconds. This way you will relieve stress and remember, for example, where you put your keys.

Visualize Memories

A study conducted at the University of Helsinki confirmed that people have powerful visual memory. Matching certain images with new information helps to recall that information when seeing the same picture again. That's why it's so easy to tear up when looking at old photos.

Stop multitasking

Multitasking is one of the biggest productivity misconceptions in the history of the human race. Even though all companies look for this skill in future employees, it actually significantly reduces the quantity and quality of things that can be accomplished within a given time.

To improve your memory and become more productive, stop doing too many things at once and start focusing on one thing at a time. Do the most important tasks first, then take a short break. Leave the easiest tasks for last. It is better to plan meetings in the first half of the day.


Communication is good for the brain and overall mood. Don't underestimate the power of a good conversation, even if you're not particularly interested in it. Simply chatting about recent events can improve memory by stimulating multiple areas of the brain at the same time.

The process of speaking keeps the contact points between neurons, synapses, active, which is necessary for good memory.

Memory problems can affect anyone. Moreover, if some 30 years ago it was mainly older people who suffered from forgetfulness, today the disease has become seriously “younger”. Very young people turn to doctors with complaints of absent-mindedness, forgetfulness and memory lapses, and no one is surprised by this!

Why does memory weaken?

The most common reason for memory deterioration in a modern person is the huge amount of information pouring into him from the TV screen, on the radio, from the Internet or through print media. Such information overload leads to the fact that a person perceives information superficially, without thinking about it and without analyzing it. Over time, this leads to impaired concentration and memory loss.

Another, no less important factor in memory loss is the modern rhythm of life. This complex must include lack of sleep and stress, which a person faces almost constantly. Most people, especially residents of megacities, simply cannot afford to sleep more than 5 hours a day. But it’s no secret that without 8 hours of sleep, our memory is simply not able to work fully. All this is aggravated by the constant stress that haunts us at home, at work, and even in traffic jams.

Finally, it leads to memory impairment poor nutrition. Today we increasingly eat processed foods, as well as foods rich in fats and carbohydrates. But active nutrition of brain cells requires vitamins and minerals, which are often lacking. Add to this bad habits, in particular alcohol and smoking. Harmful resins and alkaloids entering the body damage brain cells, which significantly impairs memory and impairs concentration.

Of course, there are other, more serious causes of memory impairment, for example, traumatic brain injuries or serious brain pathologies, but they should be dealt with by specialized specialists. As for the reasons listed above, a person can cope with them on his own, for which it is important to normalize his own life: improve nutrition, do not forget about rest, avoid stress and get rid of bad habits. Some medications can also help improve memory, but it is much safer to use folk remedies, which are no less effective and at the same time absolutely safe.

Traditional medicine that improves memory

Juices that improve memory

1. To activate your memory, first of all, pay attention to cucumber juice. You need to drink it three times a day, 1/3 cup. However, given that only natural vegetables grown without the addition of chemicals are suitable for these purposes, you can take cucumber juice only in summer period.

2. Combining it with cucumber juice will help enhance the beneficial effects of cucumber juice on the brain. tomato juice and garlic juice. To do this, take half a glass of cucumber and tomato juice, mix them, and then add 1 tsp. garlic juice. Take this medicine regularly, morning and evening, and after a month you will be able to notice the first positive results.

3. Beetroot and carrot juice are also extremely beneficial for brain activity, especially for those people who suffer from forgetfulness. In order for the memory to become more tenacious, and a person to be able to absorb large amounts of information, it is necessary to mix half each of carrot and beet juice and take this mixture in the morning before breakfast.

4. It's no secret that blueberries help improve visual acuity. But few people know that the juice of this berry is simply necessary for the brain to work actively and remember better. Just take half a glass of blueberry juice in the morning and evening during the summer, so that you will not experience memory problems for a whole year.

5. To improve concentration, you should take a mixture of grapefruit and apple juices once a day for a month. Simply mix these healing liquids in a 2:1 ratio and enjoy their consistent taste while reaping the health benefits.

6. To improve memory, you can use a recipe using onion juice. To prepare such a remedy, you will need to pass a couple of large onions through a meat grinder, squeeze out their juice using gauze, and then add the same amount of honey. This remedy should be taken three times a day, one tablespoon at a time. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Let us also add that all of the juices listed, unless the period for taking them is specifically indicated, should be drunk for a month, then take a break of two weeks and repeat the therapy. It is advisable to conduct two such courses per year.

Foods that improve memory

Let’s not forget to talk about natural products that help improve memorization and increase memory capacity. To prevent such problems from arising, make sure that your diet always contains:

  • vegetables: carrots and tomatoes, radishes and horseradish, as well as potatoes and celery;
  • fruits: pineapples, tangerines and all kinds of dried fruits;
  • cereals: rice and buckwheat;
  • berries: blueberries and sea buckthorn, apricot and grapes;
  • nuts: walnuts and almonds;
  • greens: dill and parsley;

Let us also add that among meat products, the most useful for memory is chicken, among eggs - yolks, and among fish - caviar. On the contrary, so that memory does not fail, it is better to abstain from dark varieties of meat, legumes and all kinds of pickled foods.

A few simple recipes to improve memory

Grated carrot salad with raisins and walnuts, seasoned with sour cream. This salad should be eaten daily. In addition to supporting memory, the fiber contained in carrots cleanses the intestines well.

To improve concentration, and at the same time memory, drinking regular white cabbage twice a week, it needs to be boiled and seasoned butter. It is also useful to eat 1-2 baked apples, 200-300 g of grapes or 100 g of seaweed.

Herbs and herbal teas for memory restoration

Now we’ll talk about the means that herbalists and herbalists recommend to restore memory.

This wonderful plant is famous for its beneficial effects on the circulatory system and, in particular, on the nutrition of the brain. It’s not without reason that thanks to clover-based recipes you can calm down headache, improve blood pressure, and, of course, activate memory. To prepare a clover tincture, you need to take a jar (1 liter), fill it halfway with clover petals, and then pour in 0.5 liters of vodka. After closing the lid, the product should be infused for two weeks in a cool place. The finished infusion should be taken 1 tbsp. per day for three weeks. After this, you will need to take a three-week break and repeat the course of treatment.

No less effective means The root of elecampane will also be used to activate memory. This recipe will be especially useful for people whose brains are simply overloaded with information. For this you will need 1 tbsp. Send elecampane root powder into a glass container, pour two glasses of vodka on top and, closing the container, leave for a month. This medicine should be taken 20 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. One course of treatment lasting 30 days is necessary per year. You just need to remember that this folk remedy is not suitable for pregnant women, as well as people with heart and kidney pathologies.

Rowan bark is another remedy that can restore blood supply to the brain and thereby improve memory. For this purpose, pour boiling water (150 ml) into a tablespoon of rowan berries, put on fire and boil for 10 minutes. After letting the decoction brew for 6 hours, all that remains is to strain it and you can consume 20 ml three times a day. We also add that treatment should be carried out in courses of 35 days, and two such courses are allowed per year.

Mint and sage

An excellent way to improve memory is a decoction of sage and mint. It’s not difficult to prepare, you just need to combine dried herbs, 1 tbsp each, and send them to glassware and pour 0.5 liters of hot water. After 12 hours the product will be ready. This infusion should be taken 50 ml three times a day before meals. After 15 days of taking the medicine, you should take a month's break and repeat the course of treatment, although after the first course you will be able to notice that memory has improved and brain performance has increased.

Calamus marsh
This is one of the oldest, and at the same time the most effective recipes troubleshoot memory problems. In addition, it is the simplest, because to treat with this medicine it is enough to crush calamus root into powder and take 1 tsp of it. 30 minutes before meals three times a day. Therapy should be carried out for a month, after which you need to take a 10-day break and resume taking the powder for another 15 days. Contraindications to treatment with calamus root may include inflammatory diseases, as well as renal failure.

It is no secret that this unique spice has the most beneficial effects on the body. It will also help the brain, in particular, it will activate the brain and make memory more tenacious. To do this, you just need to cut the ginger root into slices, take 10 g of this product and pour 250 ml of boiling water. If desired, you can add a pinch of lemon balm or mint. You should drink 1-2 cups of this tea per day for a month.

Gymnastics for the mind

By the way, the brain, like the body, can be trained. All kinds of crosswords, puzzles and puzzles are great for this. Moreover, every day after waking up, do the following morning exercises for your brain:

  • name the letters of the alphabet one by one, coming up with a word for each letter;
  • count from one hundred to one at speed;
  • name twenty female names, not forgetting to assign numbers to them (for example, Katya - 1; Anya -2);
  • repeat a similar exercise with male names;
  • name 20 words denoting objects or phenomena included in a certain group (for example, furniture: table, chair, cabinet);
  • name twenty words that begin with a certain letter, not forgetting to number them (example: watermelon - 1; Arctic - 2);
  • count to 20 in any foreign language.

Spend 10 minutes every day to exercise your brain, remembering to change names, letters in tasks, and also learn new languages ​​to be able to count on different languages. All this will strengthen your memory, making it more tenacious and capacious.
Take care of yourself and remember only the good!