Guidelines. Electronic budget: faster and easier without papers Electronic budget pilot project

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011. No. 1275-r approved the Concept for the creation and development of a state integrated information management system public finance"Electronic budget", the main goal of the creation and development of which is to ensure transparency, openness and accountability of the activities of state authorities and local governments, as well as improving the quality of financial management of organizations in the public administration sector through the formation of a unified information space and the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the field of public finance management.Subsequently, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2015 N 658 “On state integrated information system public finance management "Electronic Budget" approved the Regulations on the state integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget".

One of the target indicators for the creation and development of the “Electronic Budget” system is to provide access to work in the “Electronic Budget” system to all entities Russian Federation And at least 50 percent municipalities of the Russian Federation.

One of the subsystems of the “Electronic Budget” information system is the “Accounting and Reporting Subsystem”, the full operation of which throughout the Russian Federation will begin from 01/01/2017. Thus, all government institutions at the level of the Federal Budget of the Russian Federation, as well as budgets at other levels, must provide budget and accounting reports for 2016 using the “Electronic Budget” information system.

Ministries, Departments and Agencies, including subordinate institutions participating in the pilot project of the second wave, will be required to provide information on budgetary and financial statements into the “Electronic Budget” information system, starting with reporting for 9 months of 2016, i.e. as of 10/01/2016

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, and Federal Treasury of the Russian Federation provide a large amount of information on connecting users to necessary systems, including training videos. After completing all organizational measures to connect to the accounting and reporting subsystem of the “Electronic Budget” information system, the chief accountant of any institution, department and department will be faced with the eternal question:“Where is his button????”

Let's talk.

To properly integrate data from one information system into another, you need:

  1. Publishing download formats into one information system
  2. Availability of appropriate download formats from another information system
  3. Stable Internet connection and local user support
  4. User sleight of hand (correct export/import operation)

The points.

  1. As of the day this information article was written, it is known that when importing reports from files in the Electronic Budget system, text files in the FC format (*.txt) are used
  2. For users of the 1C: Public Institution Accounting 8 program, processing of uploading reports in FC format is included in the standard delivery of upload formats as part of the following releases:
    • Accounting of a government institution 8 ed. 2 (current release as of 09/21/2016.)
        • For government institutions- current as of September 21, 2016. format 4.11 ( “Uploading in FC 4.11 format”)
        • For budgetary and autonomous institutions- current as of September 21, 2016. format 8.0 ( “FC format for reporting of autonomous and budgetary institutions 8.0”)
        • For financial authorities/state extra-budgetary funds- current as of September 21, 2016. format 3.0.25 (“FC format for reporting FO 3.0.25”)

Upload formats are updated when the next release is updated. In most cases, additional connection of external unloading processing is not required.

Accounting of a government institution 8 ed. 1 (current release as of September 21, 2016.). Information from the ReadMe file included in the delivery of external processing of the Exterp catalog:

External processing for uploading reports should be connected and subsequently updated to the latest ones.

To do this, go to the “Accounting Reports” section using the menu item “Accounting” - “Regulated Reports”

Click the button "Unloading"

In the “Uploading reports” window, click on the “Exchange format” button to select an element from the directory “Formats for downloading financial statements” and click on the “Create” button

Next, in the window for creating a directory element, click on the “Load from file...” button, enter the path to the current upload format in the form of external processing from the Extrp directory, paying attention to the date the file was created, and click the “Open” button.

After which the name, version and processing information will be automatically filled in for the new element:

After clicking on the “Select” button, the created element will be selected in the “Exchange Format” field:

3. The stability of the Internet connection is ensured by the Internet provider; support for the work of the local user will be provided by the institution’s system administrator
4. Carrying out the export/import operation:Export from the program “1C: Public Institution Accounting 8”

"1C:BGU 8" Edition 2

In the “Accounting and Reporting” section, follow the “1C: Reporting” link to the list of accounting and tax reports, and after creating the corresponding reports containing the correct data, click the button "Unload" by selecting one of the commands: “Download selected report” or “Batch upload”:

On the “Upload” tab, select the appropriate institution, the period of the uploaded reports and click the selection button in the “Exchange format” field to select the appropriate upload format:

Set the download format corresponding to the type of government agency, indicate the path for downloading reports. In the settings window, in the “Archive reports” field, you should determine the format of the uploaded files in terms of the need for archiving (“Yes” - the uploaded reports will be in the “*.zip” format, “No” - the uploaded reports will be in the “*.txt” format).

Set the flag in the appropriate positions to select reports for downloading, click on the “Download reports” button:

Report upload protocol:

GIIS “Electronic Budget”

The “Electronic Budget” system is designed to ensure transparency, openness and accountability of the activities of state bodies and management bodies of state extra-budgetary funds, local governments, state and municipal institutions, as well as to improve the quality of their financial management through the formation of a unified information space and the use of information and telecommunication technologies in the field of state and municipal (public) finance management.

GIIS “Electronic Budget” includes a number of subsystems:

Subsystem maintaining a register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities who are non-participants in the budget process.

A subsystem for maintaining basic (industry) as well as departmental lists of state (municipal) works and services.

Accounting and reporting subsystem.

Procurement management subsystem.

Expense management subsystem, in terms of keeping records of budget obligations.

For all of the above-mentioned subsystems, the Federal Treasury is currently actively working to launch them into commercial operation.

I will try to briefly dwell on each of the named subsystems.

Register of participants in the budget process, as well as legal entities that are non-participants in the budget process.

As of December 1, 2016, the Consolidated Register includes all participants in the budget process at the federal, subject and municipal levels. At the same time, not all organizations intending to carry out public procurement under 44-FZ, regardless of the budget level, have procurement powers entered in the register entries of the Consolidated Register. The absence of “Customer” powers in the registry entry will not allow the creation and placement of a procurement plan, plan – schedule in the GIIS “Electronic Budget” for 2017 and subsequent periods.

In the near future, it is necessary to monitor the register records of the Consolidated Register to identify organizations that should have, but do not have, the specified powers.

Also, organizations, after adding the powers of the “Customer” in the register entry, need to re-register according to 27N in personal account Unified information system in the field of procurement. Re-registration must be carried out by a person with the authority of an organization administrator.

In 2016, data from the Consolidated Register of GIIS “Electronic Budget” is automatically replicated into directories Automated system Federal Treasury in relation to participants in the budget process at the federal level.

Starting from January 1, 2017, replication of data from the Consolidated Register of GIIS “Electronic Budget” will occur in relation to organizations at the subject and municipal levels.

In this regard, it is necessary to ensure 100 percent inclusion in the Consolidated Register of information about participants and non-participants in the budget process at the subject and municipal levels, and to ensure that the register records are up to date.

The above-mentioned measures of replication of data from the Consolidated Register of the GIIS “Electronic Budget” into the information systems of the Federal Treasury should allow one to abandon the use of application software of the Electronic Document Management System.

Maintaining basic (industry) as well as departmental lists of state (municipal) works and services.

In accordance with Art. 69.2 of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the state (municipal) task for the provision of state (municipal) services (performance of work) by institutions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, municipal institutions is formed in accordance with the departmental list of state (municipal) services and work provided (performed) by state (municipal) institutions as main activities. Approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 N 151 General requirements to the formation, maintenance and approval of departmental lists of state (municipal) services and work provided and performed by state institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (municipal institutions).

The formation of departmental lists is carried out by local government bodies performing the functions of the founder of budgetary or autonomous institutions, as well as by the main managers of budgetary funds in charge of government institutions in the GIIS “Electronic Budget”

In this regard, territorial departments need to work as quickly as possible with the bodies exercising the powers of the founder, who have not yet created departmental lists, have not carried out work to update the records of the departmental list in terms of the relevance of the register records of the basic list and the names of institutions in the Consolidated Register.

Of the 48 departmental lists of municipal services and work provided and performed by municipal institutions, 13 were approved according to the GIIS “Electronic Budget”. The absence of approved departmental lists will not allow institutions to fulfill government tasks.

If you receive information about critical errors that prevent the formation (updating) of departmental lists of state (municipal) services and work provided and performed by municipal institutions, you must try to understand the problem, if you cannot eliminate the error on your own, recommend that the bodies exercising the powers of the founder open appeals to the GIIS “Electronic Budget” support service and if the problem is not resolved, send information about errors every Thursday to the OVFR in accordance with Appendix 2 to the letter of the Federal Treasury -04-05/05-873.

Accounting and reporting subsystem the state integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget” provides centralized compilation, presentation, compilation and consolidation of reporting on the execution of the federal budget and accounting reports of federal budgetary and autonomous institutions.

The subsystem provides the user with the following functionality:

· creation and configuration of reporting forms;

· filling out reporting forms by manual entry;

· pre-filling reporting forms with data from other reporting forms;

· automatic generation of control protocols;

· launching a package of controls over the reporting form(s);

· setting up control ratios for different levels;

· approval and signing of reporting forms;

· monitoring the process of compiling and submitting reports;

· uploading reporting forms in accordance with the Requirements for text file formats;

· maintaining reference books necessary for the process of compiling and submitting reporting forms.

As of December 1, 2016, 34 budget participants were connected to the accounting and reporting subsystem of the GIIS “Electronic Budget”, who, together with the Department, participate in piloting the specified subsystem.

The department, along with the submission of reports under Chapter 100 of the Federal Treasury in the PPO "SED", carries out parallel submission of reports in the accounting and reporting subsystem of the GIIS "Electronic Budget" starting in July of the current year. The department responsible for providing functional support to pilot organizations is the financial support department of the Office. It is clear that problems arise and errors are identified, which are resolved by contacting the Electronic Budget support group.

It is expected that, starting with the submission of annual financial statements for 2016, all clients at the federal level, including their subordinate branch networks, will submit reports using the GIIS “Electronic Budget”. At the same time, the financial support department with the transfer of powers under Chapter 100 of the Federal Treasury to the Financial Institution "TsOKR" will provide this opportunity to all clients.

Procurement management subsystem State integrated information system for public finance management "Electronic Budget" in terms of generating information from the planned register of large-scale procurements, procurement proposals, procurement plan positions, procurement plan register, LBO statement, schedule positions, register of schedules and financial and economic plan statement activity is intended to carry out procedures for the formation of justifications for budgetary allocations for the purchase of goods, works, services by the main managers of federal budget funds, provided in interaction with the Budget Planning Subsystem, for the implementation of procedures for the formation by recipients of budget funds - federal state customers of proposals for the purchase of goods, works, services to meet federal needs, procurement in terms of public obligations of the Russian Federation for the acquisition of goods, works, services in favor of citizens for the purpose of their social security, procurement in terms of capital construction projects, events (enlarged investment projects), real estate included (proposed to inclusion) in the federal targeted investment program for 2016-2018 and subsequent budget cycles, for the formation of information in the register of procurement plans, the register of procurement plans and schedules, as well as for interaction with the Unified Information System.

Currently, active work is underway to connect participants in the budget process to this subsystem. As of December 1, 2016, 90 out of 196 organizations were connected.

Starting from 2017, government customers at the federal level will formulate their procurement plans and schedules in the GIIS “Electronic Budget”. He will tell you more about working in the procurement management subsystem in his report.

From January 2017, accounting of budget obligations will be carried out in the GIIS “Electronic Budget”, including expense management subsystem.

To gain access to the services implemented in the Component, clients must complete preparatory measures, including submitting applications for access to the Component containing information about the employees responsible for registering budget obligations to the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury at the place of service. By the end of this year, all clients of the Office must be connected and able to work in the expense management subsystem, in terms of keeping records of budget obligations.

Thank you for your attention!

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation


About connecting to the accounting and reporting subsystem

In addition to May 18, 2016 N 07-04-05/13-368, we inform you that at the organizational meeting on the issues of conducting trial operation of the accounting and reporting subsystem of the Electronic Budget system, which took place at the Federal Treasury on August 17, 2016, it was adopted decision on the presentation of budget reporting in the component of presentation of budget reporting and the formation of consolidated budget reporting of the accounting and reporting subsystem of the "Electronic Budget" system (hereinafter - the Component of the accounting and reporting subsystem) also by the following main managers of federal budget funds (hereinafter - pilot GRBS):

1. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;

2. Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation;

3. Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation;

4. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;-

5. Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation;

6. Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

7. Judicial Department of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation;

8. Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations;

9. Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad, and International Humanitarian Cooperation;

10. federal Service bailiffs.

Thus, budget reporting, in terms of information that does not contain state secrets, of the above-mentioned pilot GRBS, managers of budgetary funds subordinate to them, recipients of budgetary funds, budgetary and autonomous institutions, as well as organizations to which the powers of revenue administration have been transferred (hereinafter referred to as pilot organizations) from October 1, 2016, it is subject to presentation, consolidation and consolidation through the Accounting and Reporting Subsystem Component.

Territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury must:

1. By August 26, 2016, send letters to the pilot organizations with a request to ensure the implementation of preparatory measures for connecting to the Accounting and Reporting Subsystem Component and submitting, by September 27, 2016, to the territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury at the place of service of the Application for connection to Component of the accounting and reporting subsystem and in accordance with Appendices 1, 2 to this letter. At the same time, users of pilot organizations that will be included in the specified applications for connection must (if there is such a need) obtain in advance qualified certificates of keys for verifying electronic signatures from the relevant territorial body of the Federal Treasury (in the manner established by the Regulations of the Certification Center of the Federal Treasury, approved by order of the Federal Treasury dated July 31, 2015 N 197) or at any accredited certification center.

2. Organize and conduct, before September 2, 2016, meetings with representatives of pilot organizations on issues of connecting and conducting the upcoming piloting.

3. Every week on Fridays, starting from August 26, 2016, submit a summary report on all pilot organizations connected to the Accounting and Reporting Subsystem Component to the central office of the Federal Treasury to the email address: [email protected] in accordance with Appendix No. 3* to this letter.

* The text of the application is not provided on the website. - Database manufacturer's note.

In addition, the Federal Treasury plans to train representatives of pilot organizations to work in the Accounting and Reporting Subsystem Component. At the same time, training for the central offices of the main managers of budget funds will be carried out in person, training of subordinate institutions will take place in the form of a meeting with territorial bodies of the Federal Treasury via video conferencing. Information about the date and time of the training will be provided additionally.

And about. head
Federal Treasury
S.E. Prokofiev

Appendix No. 1. Application form for maintaining budget accounting and reporting user reporting

Appendix No. 1
to the letter from the Federal Treasury

for connection to the components of the Electronic Budget system
for maintaining budget accounting and reporting user reporting

from "___" ____________ 20__

Name of company

Legal address

authorized to maintain budget accounting and reporting user reporting

User's full name

Head of the organization

(job title)


(full name)

Appendix N ____

budget accounting and reporting
reporting user

User's full name

Job title


Certificate information

<указывается серийный номер сертификата пользователя, предоставляемого совместно с заявкой на подключение>


Data input







(full name)

Head of the organization
/Authorized person of the organization


(full name)

Appendix No. 2. Application form for connection to the components of the Electronic Budget system for maintaining budget accounting and reporting of the reporting entity

Appendix No. 2
to the letter from the Federal Treasury
dated August 22, 2016 N 07-04-05/13-656

(indicate the name of the Federal Treasury body)

for connection to the components of the Electronic Budget system
for maintaining budget accounting and reporting of the reporting entity

from "___" ____________ 20__

Name of company

Legal address

Contact phone number of the organization

Organization email address

I ask you to register (change) data about the specified users of the organization, authorized to maintain budget accounting and reporting of the reporting entity, to the components of the "Electronic Budget" system in accordance with this application (Appendices ____ pcs.):

Annex number to the Application for connection

User's full name

Head of the organization
/Authorized person of the organization

(job title)


(full name)

Appendix N ____
to the Application for connection to components
"Electronic budget" system for maintaining
budget accounting and reporting
subject of reporting

User's full name

Job title


Certificate information

<указывается серийный номер сертификата пользователя, предоставляемого совместно с заявкой на подключение>


Data input



NSI Administrator





Terminating user access to the system

Filled in if it is necessary to terminate user access to the system

Organization employee (user)


(full name)

Head of the organization
/Authorized person of the organization


(full name)

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official website of the Treasury
Russia for the Republic of Kalmykia
as of 09/14/2016

" № 5/2012

Until 2015, the electronic budget system will unite all ministries and departments of the Russian Federation and all organizations included in their structure. A single and common cyberspace, where a response to a request is provided quickly, and the information system of each organization is part of a single electronic organism, today seems to many managers to be a virtual reality. Computers in their institutions are “intimidated” even by Microsoft Word, not to mention complex software. But nevertheless, funds have been allocated for the “electronic budget”, legislative standards are being developed, and implementation tasks have been distributed at all levels. What awaits us?

The transition to an electronic budget (EB) is a requirement of the time and international standards. The implementation of the electronic security system is part of the “Electronic State” project.

International standards - electronic

The principles of the “Electronic State” are formulated within the framework of the international initiative “Partnership – Open Government”. They are concluded in the transparency of the financial and economic activities of each participant in the budget process, starting with a ministry or department and ending budgetary organization , A also in the participation of citizens, public institutions, and businesses in every stage of the formation and approval of an audit of financial information. “All this makes it possible to strengthen the accountability of government bodies to society, and therefore increase transparency and efficiency in the use of budget funds.”

The importance of the project is evidenced by the fact that in the ranking of e-governments, which has been conducted annually by the UN since 2003, Russia in 2012 rose to 27th place from 59th place, which it occupied in 2010. V.V. Putin announced this at a meeting of the Presidium of the Government of the Russian Federation on March 15.

Minister of Communications and mass communications I. O. Shchegolev is confident that in the next ranking, which will be compiled in two years, Russia will be able to enter the top twenty.

The creators of the financial management system studied the experience of more than ten countries, held meetings with developers and users of similar systems in Brazil and France, in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region, consultations with leading specialists from the World Bank, studied the experience of using corporate financial management systems and regional experience.

The structure of the “Electronic Budget” system includes 12 subsystems : maintaining registers, budget planning, income management, debt and financial assets, in cash, expenses, procurement, non-financial assets, human resources, accounting and reporting, financial control, information and analytical support, as well as a single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation. This portal, in particular, will contain information on projected and actual receipts of budget revenues, financial condition public legal entities, expenses for the implementation of state and municipal programs. The information is planned to be used by federal authorities executive power, federal government institutions and provide it as a service to constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities and their institutions.


The principle of unity of the budget system of the Russian Federation means, among other things, unity:

  • principles of organization and functioning of the budget system of the Russian Federation;
  • forms of budget documentation and budget reporting, budget classification;
  • the procedure for establishing and fulfilling expenditure obligations, generating income and making expenses;
  • maintaining budget accounting and preparing budget reporting budgets.

The concept for the creation and development of the state integrated information system for public finance management “Electronic Budget” has been approved By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 20, 2011 No. 1275-r. The concept was developed in accordance with the provisions of the Russian Government Program for increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures for the period until 2012, approved By Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 30, 2010 No. 1101-r.

Clear, accessible, for everyone

The implementation of an electronic security system must achieve three interrelated goals. “Firstly, make open not only the result of financial and economic activities, but also the decision-making process itself. Not only open documents - reporting data, projects, forecasts, but also make citizens understand the logic of decision-making .

The second task is to link financial information with the final results of government activities, make it available to a specific user .

The next task is the transition from local information systems of each institution to the use of so-called cloud technologies, which create a unified system for all participants in the budget process according to uniform rules . We are now in budgetary institution on every table Personal Computer, which essentially closes the entire network, does not allow users to participate in a single space that can be created using cloud technologies. More than 20,000 federal agencies spend billions of dollars to purchase, develop, and annually maintain accounting software. The electronic system will allow you to create a single software product that can be used by all participants in the budget process, and this product will be available for use on the Internet » .

Information changes in financial management


First stage

Second phase

Third stage


Paper report

Electronic document

Process openness in real time

Information Technology

Lack of automation

Local information systems

Cloud technologies, unified information environment


Professional community

Representative bodies

Media, citizens

What is written will be digitized

In order for electronic security to become truly effective tool, necessary convert into electronic form, that is dematerialize all storage media . A. G. Siluanov noted: “We still have primary documents compiled in paper form, filed in folders that can be stored for several decades. It is necessary to create electronic forms, the rules for filling which are mandatory and certified according to unified registers and unified classifiers. This will ensure comparability of information and the possibility of its use by all participants in the process. Today, it is often difficult to find and compare the necessary information, since several databases are maintained. As a result, difficulties arise in classifying objects. Due to the fact that there is no comparability of cadastres and land property cadastre, we have problems with the introduction of a real estate tax, not to mention the classifiers that exist in various information departments.”

Information without deformation

When switching to EB it is also necessary ensure that information is entered once . Information should be created in the system once at the time of the event, and then only used. This is exactly what will happen guarantee the accuracy of the information , the absence of so-called “dirty data”. For example, if a ministry or department submits an application for financing the purchase of a car, the make of the car and other necessary data will be recorded in the application. The application is submitted for consideration, a decision will be made on it, the vehicle will be purchased, registered, used, written off, and the information that was entered when drawing up the application will accompany the product throughout its entire “life.” And by purchasing, for example, a VAZ, an organization will not be able to ultimately purchase a Mercedes, which often happens.

How to do more and easier

When switching to electronic security, it is necessary to ensure maximum automation of operations . To process information in real time using the information systems themselves, excluding duplicative procedures, it will be necessary to develop standards for business processes: regulations, generation of budget requests, review, etc.

Illustrate the effect of implementation information technologies can be seen using the example of the Federal Treasury, which, having automated cash flow operations in the accounts of participants in the budget process, obtained the following results: the number of income accounts was reduced from 4,400 to 83, which made it possible to free up more than 8,000 employees out of 10,000 performing these functions . The number of operations performed by one specialist has doubled. Paper costs have been reduced, transport and time costs for visits have been eliminated, and the speed of information exchange has increased up to 30 times.

Automation of business processes leads to specialization of functions, which, in turn, reduces costs and increases efficiency . A. G. Siluanov reports: “For example, the accounting report of the participants in the budget process consists of hundreds of thousands of accounting workers involved, all this can be done by the Treasury. We set ourselves this task within the framework of electronic security. Today, large companies such as IBM wages 400,000 employees in Slovenia employ only 360 specialists. With a similar approach, the salaries of 600,000 federal civil servants will be calculated by no more than 1,000 Treasury employees. And now more than 10,000 calculation specialists do this. That is, we can achieve a tenfold effect.”

It's more effective when we work together

Creation of an electronic security system will require interdepartmental cooperation , since it should become an effective tool for every participant in the budget process. Therefore, the EB system data will be integrated with data from others electronic systems . For example, with federal property register data. Information about any purchase carried out at the expense of the budget will automatically be sent to the state property information resource and there, accordingly, will be taken into account as a property asset of the state. The electronic database will be connected to the government procurement website, the federal portal of management personnel, etc., and will cover all systems of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

The creation of a unified system will increase the efficiency of state and municipal finance management. Controlling authorities will be able to view primary documents in real time, which will eliminate business trips. Financiers will reduce the time for preparing and submitting accounting and tax statistical reporting . For example, the period for generating financial and management reporting for federal organizations in the public administration sector is planned to be reduced by one and a half times.

To receive budget information from the entire territory, ministries will not need to send, collect and process reports. It will be enough to use the data from the electronic database. The processing time for documentation of federal government sector organizations will be reduced by 30%.

There are no secrets!

Do electronic data available in real time to all interested users is the fourth task of transition to electronic energy supply. “For example, if citizens know that their house needs to be completely renovated, they can find the corresponding allocations in the budget, see how much funds are allocated for the next financial year, and how they are used. This will be precisely the control of citizens over the activities of government bodies.”

An example of accessibility and clarity is the official website of government procurement With the introduction of electronic accounting, this information will also be linked to budget data. A.G. Siluanov notes: “And if in a standard government contract we also stipulate the need to disclose information from all contractors and subcontractors about the purchase price, how much certain materials cost, used by the end consumer when selling a product or service to the state, then the mechanism for determining pricing for goods and services purchased by the state will be even more transparent and understandable.”

For your information

Operational efficiency of electronic energy supply is :

1) speed:

  • automatic generation of management and accounting documents;
  • improvement of work with documents (sorting, searching...);
  • reduction of reporting preparation time;
  • shared access to stored primary documents;

2) quality:

  • simplification of operations;
  • single entry of information (fewer errors);
  • registration and tracking of information in real time;
  • greater security when exchanging documents;

3) savings:

  • saving paper;
  • reduction in the number of employees;
  • reducing costs for printing, archiving, storage;

4) convenience:

  • automation individual species control;
  • ease of data exchange;
  • simplification of the nomenclature of primary documents;
  • reduction of processing and payment processing times.

Electronic budget - plan of attack

The concept of creation and development of the “Electronic Budget” system provides five-year implementation period – until 2015 .

For your information

"Road map" of the "Electronic budget" system :

  • 2012 – transition to unified registers and classifiers, testing of the first subsystems of the electronic security system;
  • 2013 - creation of a unified portal of the budget system -;
  • 2014 – transition to accounting in the electronic accounting system;
  • 2015 – full-scale implementation of the project at the federal level. Providing services for constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

The first stage of the electronic security system will be operational in 2012. By this time, the following subsystems will be implemented: information and analytical, maintaining registers and forms, accounting and reporting, personnel management, procurement, and non-financial assets.

At the second stage, in 2013, the first stage subsystems will be transferred for operation to pilot government bodies of the Russian Federation and a number of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The implementation of the “Electronic Budget” system in federal executive authorities will take place according to a separate schedule. From 2014, it is planned to put into operation subsystems for budget planning, expense and cash management, and from 2015 – subsystems for managing income, debt, financial assets and financial control.

By 2015, forms, registers, classifiers, a regulatory framework, a single portal of the budget system will be created, and information interaction with external systems will be ensured.

For your information

Advantages of the EB system :

1) for state (municipal) institutions:

  • cost savings on procurement and support software for budget design and execution;
  • speeding up the passage of documents by organizing paperless document flow using digital signatures between the institution and its main manager or financial authority;

2) for the main managers of budget funds:

  • the ability to work on the design and execution of the budget together with its subordinate institutions (PO) in a single database;
  • the ability to control and authorize operations to execute the software budget;
  • operational monitoring of the progress of execution of the software budget;
  • the possibility of using an electronic digital signature to organize paperless legally significant document flow;

3) for executives and managers:

  • the ability to analyze the progress of design and budget execution with any degree of detail online;
  • control over the activities of the main managers of budget funds and state (municipal) institutions online;

4) for the budget system:

  • application of a uniform methodology for budget design and execution for all;
  • no duplication of information;
  • saving budget funds and increasing the efficiency of budget expenditures by unifying procedures and reducing the time required for their implementation, eliminating paperwork, reducing costs for IT specialists;

5) for the population: the ability to control the planning processes of budget execution.

From the speech of the Minister of Finance A. G. Siluanov at a meeting on February 17, 2012 in the technopark of the Novosibirsk Academic Town on the topic “On the state integrated information system for managing public finances “Electronic Budget” (hereinafter - from the speech of A. G. Siluanov).

Article 29 of the BC RF.

From the speech of A. G. Siluanov.

From the speech of A. G. Siluanov. From the speech of A. G. Siluanov. From the speech of A. G. Siluanov.