Business plan for a children's playroom. Step-by-step business plan for a children's playroom to open from scratch Project play area in the library

Designing children's playrooms in residential premises or institutions preschool education, it is necessary to provide for an important factor. Play occupies a very important place in a child's life. Through the gameplay, the baby acquires new skills and masters the world around him. Starting from one year and ending with primary school age, children, through games, receive the information they need for the correct development of personality and subsequent socialization.

The modern design of a playroom for children must meet all the requirements set by doctors and psychologists for the room in which children spend most of the day. Professional designers always take into account all these nuances and at the same time harmoniously combine them with unique solutions that make it possible to create an individual play space for each child, allowing him to develop. creativity and children's fantasies.

Playroom design for children

When creating a playroom for children, it is necessary to combine an individual approach to the personality of each child with the safety and comfort of his stay in the playroom. Therefore, children's playrooms should be:

Brightly decorated;



Zoned if they are combined with a place for sleeping and studying;


Well lit;

Equipped with a good ventilation system;

Designed with individual consideration for the age, gender and psycho-emotional characteristics of the child.

Choosing materials and colors for children's play areas

In houses and apartments, children's playrooms are often combined with the child's sleeping area. The baby spends the first years of his life in such a room. most time. He sleeps here, does crafts and active and educational games. Therefore, such a room should be decorated only with environmentally friendly materials.

When choosing the design of a playroom for children, a professional designer always takes into account the safety of the finishing materials that will be used to decorate the nursery. A specialist with an architectural education knows what colors will need to be used to solve specific tasks related to the design of the children's premises and play area in it. Children's playrooms, which are developed by designers with extensive experience, always meet all necessary safety standards. Only in a room designed by an experienced designer will a child be completely safe and receive everything he needs for development during games. A properly designed children's playroom, the design of which is tailored to the individual preferences and characteristics of a particular baby, should also be furnished with safe furniture. Today, manufacturers offer a huge selection of specialized furniture for children of various age groups. The designer will help you choose suitable safe structures for children's playrooms, which will not have sharp corners, metal elements, glass and other parts that are dangerous for the baby.

You can also order the development of the design of special furniture for children's playrooms. This will allow you to decorate the room as required for its safe and full development, and at the same time get a unique design for the nursery. Today, the manufacture of high-quality children's furniture according to individual sketches is very popular among parents, as this allows them to create original design children's premises, taking into account the specific layout of the room. Even in a small room, with the help of such functional furniture you can create space for a playroom.

Advantages of our services

Our company offers design services for children's playrooms to private and corporate customers. Experienced designers who are well versed in the specifics of designing children's playrooms.

They will help make the child's room functional, colorful and safe. A professional designer will be able to create a magical world for your child, in which he will be able to master all the skills he needs.

Dear friends, below is an example of a business plan for organizing a children's playroom (CHG) in a shopping center. Calculations are prepared in Excel format and made by specialists with economic education and extensive experience in this field. If you are preparing your own business plan on this topic, then it can be easily adapted to your project in any city in Russia.

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The task of implementing the project is to create a children's playroom in the city of Yekaterinburg.

The objective of the business project: the installation of a children's playroom in the new shopping and entertainment center "Mega-mall" of the city in the absence of entertainment places for young and middle-aged children and children's leisure centers in the access area.

Initiator of the project

The organizer of the project is individual entrepreneur, who acquired the necessary experience as an operator-educator in an entertainment center.

Investment costs

In order to open a recreation center, it is necessary to make minor cosmetic repairs to the rented premises, purchase and install gaming equipment. Investments for the implementation of the project will amount to 773 thousand rubles.

Business plan financing

Financial support for the implementation of the business plan is provided from two sources: the personal savings of the project initiator will amount to 30% of the total investment.

70% of the investment amount is issued in the form of a loan from VTB Bank at an annual rate of 20%. The loan amount will be 540 thousand rubles, the loan will be repaid in annuity payments over 5 years in equal installments.

Project payback indicators

To ensure the return on investment of the project to organize the work of a children's room, the following financial model has been built, which is designed for the next 5 years. Based on the planned financial flows, good data have been calculated for the implementation of the business plan:

  • model construction period - 10 years;
  • inflation - 10%;
  • simple payback period - 1.3 years;
  • discounted payback period - 1.3 years;
  • NPV - 18,290 thousand rubles;

The business plan has significant potential for its payback, so it will be attractive for attracting depositors and banks involved in lending.

Suppliers and contractors

To carry out cosmetic renovations of the premises, a construction team of 2 people with the necessary work experience and good recommendations will be hired.

A company that has all the necessary licenses and safety certificates for the materials used has been selected as the company from which the gaming equipment will be purchased.


The main service of a children's playroom is communication with children in a playful way while their parents are doing shopping or other things. There is also a service for organizing children's party with the participation of life-size puppets.


Practice shows that by ordering a business plan from specialists, you will save time, increase the quality of the finished document by 4-5 times and increase the chances of receiving investment by 3 times.

Investment plan

Investment costs

The business plan plans to rent for up to 5 years with the possibility of extending the term of the contract for premises in a new shopping and entertainment center and organize a children's playroom in it. It will be located in an area of ​​the city where there are no other play and entertainment centers for children nearby.

The main costs of opening a room will be the cost of cosmetic repairs to the walls, ceiling and floor, and the purchase of gaming attractions and furniture. For interior decoration, DIC will be used Construction Materials, resistant to physical impacts and having safety certificates. It is planned to put a special soft covering on the floor that will prevent slipping and protect against impacts when falling.

The maximum number of children who can simultaneously use the services of the playroom is 25 people.

Investment costs can be seen in the table:

Events/products Cost, rub.) Qty Amount, (rub.)
Room refurbishment 120 000
Purchase and installation of a game labyrinth kit " Undersea world» and furniture 460 000 1 460 000
Individual entrepreneur registration 13 000
Obtaining permission from Ropotrebnadzor 25 000 1 25 000
Obtaining permission from the State Fire Inspectorate 20 000 1 20 000
Advertising 30 000
Rent of premises for 5 months 100 000
Purchase Supplies 5 000
TOTAL: 773 000

Sources of financing

Investments will be financed from the individual entrepreneur’s own funds (30%), and bank loan (70 %).

Work plan


In order to begin the activities of the DIK, a convenient location was chosen on the territory of the newly opened shopping and entertainment center "City Mall", which is being rented out. The rental cost is 20 thousand rubles. monthly. A diagram of the premises and arrangement of furniture and attractions is attached:

The children's playroom can accommodate a maximum of 25 children under 12 years of age.

The total area of ​​DIC is 214 m2.

In one half it is planned to install a labyrinth with 5 slides and a ball pool, in the second half:

  • trampoline with a soft area around,
  • 5 tables and 20 chairs for activities and board games, as well as meals when celebrating children's parties,
  • cabinets for clothing of employees, children and storage of consumables,
  • 5 beanbags of different colors,
  • table and chair for the teacher.

The possibility of purchasing other attractions and sports equipment will be considered upon actual confirmation of the success of the project.

Working hours

The operating hours of the DIC will coincide with the operating hours of the shopping and entertainment center - daily from 10-00 to 21-00, on weekends and holidays - from 9-00 to 23-00.

Marketing plan


In the city as a whole, children's playrooms are available in all major shopping and entertainment centers, as well as in family cafes and restaurants. The price of services varies from free ( family cafe) up to 120 rub. per hour during peak hours.

Market analysis

A study of all available offers of this type of service allows us to confidently assume that in Yekaterinburg the market for children’s leisure services has not been fully developed. More than 70% of children under 12 years of age do not attend entertainment and entertainment centers. A good advertising campaign will attract not only visitors to the shopping center, but also residents of nearby neighborhoods.


A children's playroom is planned to be located in a new building of a shopping and entertainment center, located in a new residential area of ​​the city of Yekaterinburg. Residents of nearby houses belong to the middle class category. There are no such game rooms in the center or nearby areas. Therefore, the success of this type of business is undeniable. The occupancy of the shopping center will only grow, and this type of service will be in demand.

Range of services and prices

2 types of services will be offered:

  1. Activities with children according to their interests: visiting a labyrinth, other attractions, playing with balls, drawing, modeling from plasticine, etc.
  2. Organization of children's parties, including the use of life-size dolls. Actors can be called from another company as needed, including the cost of their services in the order amount.

Prices for children in the playroom will vary depending on the time and days of the week: from 80 to 120 rubles per hour. Frequent visitors will be offered a discount program: for the second visit to the room for more than 2 hours - 5%, for the third and subsequent ones - 10%.

The cost of children's parties will be 8 thousand rubles. This includes: game program for 3 hours, one actor in a costume of his choice, drinks, Board games. Extension of the program - 2.5 thousand rubles per hour.

The revenue distribution diagram between types of services is as follows:

Volume of sales

Since the attendance of the shopping and entertainment center is good, from the first day, especially if you open the room before the New Year holidays, the children's playroom will begin to generate income. This will be facilitated by proper advertising activities.

The dependence of revenue volume on seasonality is presented in the following graph:

SWOT analysis

Advertising strategy

To attract customers, illuminated signs will be installed, as well as information stands and acrylics on all floors and the most visited points of the shopping and entertainment center. The distribution of leaflets near the shopping center will also be launched, the DIC website will be created, and registration will be carried out on sites where entertainment services are mentioned. Advertising will be launched on television and radio.

The yield of sales level up to 100% is presented in the following graph:

Organizational plan

Business registration

This business project is planned to be implemented under the jurisdiction of the individual entrepreneur. The mechanism of bank lending is used as collateral for financing. This makes it possible to use a simplified taxation system - 6% of the amount of income.

Personnel and staffing structure

The staffing table is made up of 5 staff units. It is planned to pay a salary for working the full number of hours, as well as from 1 to 2% of revenue monthly.

The bonus is set to encourage employees to increase the number of children in the play area.

The manager of a children's playroom performs the following duties: buys everything necessary for activities with children, draws up reports, organizes normal work hours, organizes repairs if necessary, manages staff, collects revenue, and finds a replacement for the teacher during the period of temporary disability or next vacation.

The teacher (2 people) receives the children, helps them use the equipment correctly, makes calculations, works with the children, and organizes their leisure time.

An assistant teacher (2 people) helps the teacher monitor the children, organizes their leisure time, cleans the room, and can take his place during the teacher’s illness or vacation.

Below is the company's personnel structure:

Financial plan


To calculate the payback period, a period of 5 years was taken. It is planned that inflation will be no more than 10% per year, and the discount rate is calculated within 11%

In connection with the choice of a simplified taxation system and the form of doing business, taxation indicators are the following values: - 18,290 thousand rubles;

Break even

Based economic model The break-even point was calculated for the first year of the project. It amounts to 224.0 thousand rubles.

Project sustainability analysis

To analyze the stability of this project to the influence of negative factors, the following calculations were made, showing the change in the profitability of the business plan depending on changes in the following indicators: prices for services, necessary expenses and level wages. The results are in the table:

Risk analysis

The project provides protection from the influence of negative factors to which this plan may be subjected. Risks can be large-scale and specific. Large-scale risks include the following:

  • Social - a decrease in the birth rate may lead to a decrease in the number of children in children's playrooms.
  • Technological - it is possible that more interesting and knowledge-intensive attractions will appear, which may interest some older children.
  • Economic - a decrease in income among the population can lead to a decrease in the number of children visiting the playroom and, accordingly, to a decrease in the cost of services.

The plan to counteract negative factors is as follows:

Negative factor Negative impact Prevention options
Material losses in case of fire or flooding Fire alarm, employee training, insurance
Material losses in case of theft or damage Repair or purchase of new furniture or attractions Insurance, contacting the police
Decline in attendance Decrease in profit Cost reduction, advertising
Delay in payments and loans Increase in costs by the amount of penalties Connecting online banking to eliminate payment delays
The emergence of competitors Decrease in profits and volumes of services Creation and development of unique offers


The viability of this project is ensured by careful forecasts and calculations. A short payback period for a business plan ensures its successful implementation.

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Young mothers, both full-time and part-time, often have to face the problem of who to leave their child with. The site of our building can help solve this problem, since student psychologists and student teachers will cope well with the tasks of an educator.

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Kurgansky building state university №2.

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Clothes hangers and shoe racks; Toys and shelves or baskets for them; Dry pool; Tables and chairs; Plasticine; Books; Stationery; Floor covering;

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Description of activity

Age category of children: 3-6 years. Approximate opening hours: from 7.50 to 18.30 hours. The children's room can also be open on Saturday. Payment: hourly, approximately 70 rubles per hour. Children's activities. Most of the time is spent in the form of play, since the child can be brought and taken away at any time. A specific weekly schedule of training sessions is possible, primarily aimed at the comprehensive development of children. Sample activities could be: modeling; finger games; applique; reading a book aloud.

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The initial amount of invested funds is 200,000 – 300,000 rubles; Required room area - 30 sq.m; The largest load in terms of the number of children is 20 children; Entrance fee for visitors - 70 rubles per hour; Monthly expenses - 50,000 rubles; Monthly income - 100,000 rubles; Monthly profit - 50,000 rubles.

Slide 8

Positive sides

Additional income for the university; Additional income for students; Additional practice for students; Help for young mothers; Self-development and self-improvement of psychological and pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities; Children's development and expansion of social circles; Lots of positive emotions; An opportunity for parents to do their own thing on their days off.

View all slides

Game room "Bibliodom" for younger schoolchildren. Here children spend their leisure time. In addition to the book collection, there are a wide range of games for every taste and preference. The librarian conducts loud readings, conversations with children, hours of exciting games, creative competitions, and celebrations during the holidays. All activities are designed to help children learn to communicate, think, and develop their abilities.

The game is not only fun, a fun pastime, but also the development of ingenuity, imagination, and memory. And we offer users a type of service that is still unusual for a library - a game library. Along with books, toys are full-fledged inhabitants of the room, which not only enliven the interior, but also help to fall in love with books through a child’s favorite activity - play. In their free time, children enjoy visiting the playroom, where they can play games and take part in master classes on making crafts.

administration 21-13-93, 21-13-87
subscription 21-13-95
reading room 21-13-85

Opening hours:
Daily from 9.30 to 20.00
Saturday Sunday from 9.30 to 18.00
Monday - day off
Last Thursday of the month - Sanitary day




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Creating playrooms in libraries

The head of the Karsky Scientific Library, Nadezhda Davydik, said that this implementation of the innovative project will help introduce children to reading from an early age.

The rooms are equipped with children's furniture, educational games, various toys and, of course, shelves with books for kids, so that children get used to being near books while playing. Children's room staff will periodically read fairy tales and poems to children, unobtrusively forcing them to listen to the words and understand, and then retell the moments they liked.

By the beginning of 2014, playrooms for children will operate in all libraries of the Grodno region, and they will also be designed to accommodate disabled children in order to develop the horizons and communication of children with disabilities.