Research work on non-standard sources of electrical energy. The most unusual sources of energy Unusual alternative energy sources

The issue of alternative energy sources is discussed very often. Currently, many of them are used quite successfully. However, there are a huge number of theories and developments that consider rather unusual sources. On this moment They are not popular, are considered impractical and even unprofitable, but they show hope. The article contains the TOP 5 such unusual alternative energy sources for you.

Wind, tidal, solar and geothermal energy have long been considered “official alternative energy sources” and have been quite successfully used by people to generate electricity. But scientists and researchers do not stop there; searches and new developments do not stop. I suggest you consider unusual alternative energy sources that are worth paying attention to, since there is a prospect that someday they will become profitable, effective and very popular, because today they give us real hope.

TOP 5 unusual alternative energy sources

1. Use of salt water to generate electricity

Today, Norway already has the first experimental power plant that receives energy from salt water. It was created by Statkraft. To obtain electricity, a power plant uses physical effect- osmosis. That is, as a result of mixing salt and fresh water, it is possible to extract energy from the increasing entropy of liquids. After this, the resulting energy is used to rotate the hydraulic turbine of the electric generator.

2. Application of fuel cells to generate electricity

Solid oxide fuel cell power plants with a capacity of up to 500 kW have already been developed, but at the moment they are operating in demonstration mode. Their work is based on the fact that fuel is burned in the element, and as a result, the released energy is directly converted into electricity. You can draw the following analogy: it’s like a diesel electric generator, only without a diesel engine and a generator, and what’s good is, without smoke, noise, overheating and with much higher efficiency.

3. The use of thermal generators to convert thermal energy into electrical energy

In this case, to obtain electrical energy, the thermoelectric effect is necessary. This is basically not new technology has become quite relevant today, thanks to the massive use of energy-saving light sources and various portable electrical receivers. Moreover, industrial developments have already been successfully applied. An example is heating and cooking stoves with built-in thermogenerators. It can be noted that during their operation they allow you to receive not only heat, but also electricity.

4. Use of piezoelectric generators to harness kinetic energy

Today, experimental installations already exist, and through them it is possible to generate electricity through the use of kinetic energy - pedestrian paths, turnstiles at railway stations, a special dance floor with piezoelectric generators built into it. Ideas for creating special “green gyms” in the near future are also already being considered. According to the manufacturers, a group of exercise bikes in such gyms could generate up to 3.6 megawatts of renewable electricity per year.

5. Application of nanogenerators to use vibration energy

A special nanogenerator is used as an energy source; it converts micro-oscillations in the human body into electrical energy. For such a device, the slightest vibrations are enough to generate an electric current, which will help maintain the functionality of mobile devices. Nanogenerators existing today can turn any movement and movement into a source of energy. Quite promising and unusual options for using nanogenerators in conjunction with solar batteries are also being considered.

These are the sources alternative energy are now seen as the most promising for our future.

When autumn is around the corner and winter is approaching, it is worth turning your attention to more pressing issues. To prevent the cold from taking you by surprise, take care of how you will heat your home, apartment or office. A decent option to solve this problem is infrared heaters, such as, for example, zenet carbon heaters. They have a wide range of advantages: environmentally friendly, efficient, reliable, durable, safe and easy to use. Thanks to this, they are becoming increasingly popular.

Unusual sources energy will be forced to replace fossil fuels over time. Fossil fuels are known to cause pollution, war and climate change. Scientists have researched alternative solutions, like wind and solar energy, hydrogen fuel for cars.

Although some automakers like Toyota and Honda are fueling the market, and wind and solar panels are still more expensive than oil and coal, unusual energy sources may be the best solution for all places where they are used.

For example, some medical devices that are implanted in the human body can use super tiny batteries for several decades.

Scientists continue the search for abundant, cheap and efficient power by investigating unusual energy sources, even funny, unrealistic and, in some cases, painful. In order to meet the looming energy needs, unusual sources of energy are needed that appear supernormal. Who knows, one day sugar could be used to power a laptop, bacteria to run a car, or dead bodies to heat a building.

Eventually there will be a time when your grandchildren will mock your generation for using dirty fossil fuels for the world's resources. They will jeer when they fill the car's fuel tank with coffee!

Rising energy prices, economic and environmental consequences have pushed green technologies into practice.

As it turns out, there are much more unusual sources of energy than corn and molasses.

Here are some unusual energy sources that can power household appliances every day:

Dead cats

Obviously, you're unlikely to find a supplier selling dead cats by the kilo in the average supermarket, but that doesn't mean they're not a reliable source of fuel.

A German inventor named Dr. Christian Koch invented a process in which old tires, weeds and animal corpses (in this case, dead cats) are used to create high-quality bio- diesel fuel. The process produces approximately 2.5 liters of diesel per cat. The inventor drove his car for several kilometers, powered in this unusual way, without any problems.

Obviously, animal rights activists are furious about this scenario. Admittedly, the idea sounds too terrible, but this is technology for the future.

Human body heat

The traditional way of using energy is the natural heat of the human body!

This natural source of energy has been realized in many countries, but Sweden has the most effective method its use.

Human body heat is used to use.

Body heat, 250,000 passengers created by the crowd on railway station Stockholm (a bustling tourist destination in Scandinavia) is huge. This heat is used to drift and not be lost, but engineers have found a way to harness it and transfer it to a newly renovated office building down the street.

The heat generated by passengers is used by the station's ventilation systems and is intended to heat water in underground tanks. This water is then directed into the office ventilation systems, thereby heating the entire unit.

Coffee waste

A hot cup of coffee in the morning provides a boost to activity for most. However, the same coffee can also be used to fuel cars.

Every year, the world's population consumes about 600 billion cups of coffee. The average coffee shop throws away 10 kg of used coffee every day. However, discarded coffee grounds can actually be used to produce bio-diesel.

An architecture student in London, he claims to have created the first company to industrialize coffee waste to process and produce bio-diesel and biomass products from a previously recycled resource.

Coffee machines will undoubtedly be popular among hipsters (a style mixed with vintage and casual).

Chocolate is a source of energy

A popular movie states that “life is like a box of chocolates: you never know what you're going to do.” From a box of chocolate you can get fuel for cars.

The waste left over from a chocolate factory can actually feed bacteria, which leads to the production of hydrogen. Hydrogen is one of the most well-known fuels because its only byproduct is water.

The fat from chocolate can also be converted into bio-fuel and used to power a racing car.

Energy in dance

No matter what kind of nightclub the dance floor is, it must be illuminated.

A number of dance clubs in Japan have already implemented this technology in order to make their establishments self-sufficient.

The kinetic energy of people walking or dancing can be converted into electricity, which is then used. The principle is the application of mechanical force to the floor, showing the direct output of electricity from human movements.

This concept works on the principle of piezoelectricity. Piezoelectricity is produced when a shock or pressure is applied to an object, which can then be converted into electricity.


An unusual source of energy and the most promising option on this list is algae, which could realistically replace fossil fuels on our planet. Algae has a greater calorific value (heat content) than corn or sugar, making it more efficient as a fuel source.

This idea has been around since 1942, and since then scientists have been actively working on various ways to exploit these possibilities.

Algae as a fuel source can be dried and use fatty acids, which are then extracted. These fatty acids undergo esterification into biodiesel.

These are wild and unusual sources of energy that in our time can be regarded as the choice of a madman now, but not for the future of humanity.

nikita. a. sergeev@ gmail. com

Relevance of the topic

Modern life is simply unthinkable without electricity - just imagine the existence of humanity without modern household appliances, audio and video equipment, evenings with a candle and a torch. The process of obtaining and transporting electricity is labor-intensive and expensive. To generate electricity, you need fuel, and someday it will run out: oil, coal, and even uranium. The solution may be to create an eternal thermonuclear reactor, but whether it will be possible to create it is unknown. What can humanity hope for? You can use renewable resources - sun, wind, water. But it turns out that, in addition to them, the environment is full of sources of almost free current.

Based on this, I chose the following research topic"Unusual Electricity"

The purpose of my work is to identify in various ways obtaining electricity and experimental confirmation of some of them.

At the beginning of the study, I put forward hypothesis: If power plants obtain electric current using natural resources, is it possible to obtain current using other unusual current sources?

Research objectives:

1. Study and analyze scientific and educational literature about sources electric current.

2. Get unusual current sources.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and educational literature, network materials Internet on the chosen topic, physical experiment.

Traditional sources of electric current

Before electric current reaches our home, it travels a long way from the place where the current is received to the place where it is consumed. Current is generated in power plants. Power station - power station, a set of installations, equipment and apparatus used directly for production electrical energy, as well as the necessary structures and buildings located in a certain area. Depending on the energy source, there are thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, as well as tidal power plants, wind power plants, and geothermal power plants.

Unconventional sources of electric current

In addition to traditional current sources, there are many non-traditional sources. It turns out that electricity can be obtained from almost anything.

From the weather

This idea came to the mind of the American engineer Anthony Mamo when he was looking at weather maps and saw the letters “H” and “B” on them. We see exactly the same ones on TV during the weather forecast. The letters indicate zones of low (H) and high (H) pressure. The engineer looked up the archives of observations and found out: in some areas of the United States the pressure is usually high, while in others it is low. So why not connect them with a pipe? After all, then air from the B-region will blow into the H-region and spin the turbine.

Alas, the inventor died. But he managed to obtain a patent and create a company called “Cold Energy”, which is now implementing his idea - laying a pipe in the state of Arizona. And he plans to supply the people with electricity at a price (in our money) of less than a penny per kilowatt-hour.

From living trees

No one can really explain how a tree generates electricity. But there is an effect.

“It’s easy to see,” says inventor Gordon Wadle. - Insert an aluminum rod through the bark into the trunk of a living tree. And into the soil next to it is a copper tube. So that it goes in about 20 centimeters. Connect the voltmeter. The arrow will show that between the rod in the barrel and the buried tube there is a potential of 0.8 - 1.2 volts DC."

It is these volts that the specially created company MagCap Engineering from Massachusetts (USA) intends to pump out. Engineers are confident that in a few years we will be stringing wires to nearby trees in parks and forests to power our homes with electricity. Of course, it's not that simple. Waddle created a contraption that filters the "wooden" current and increases the output voltage. His prototype already produces 2 volts. And in the near future, enthusiasts promise 12 with a current of 1 ampere from each tree. But this is not the limit. It turns out that sticking a few nails in increases the energy output. And the size of the electric “green friend” does not matter. For some reason, tension also increases in winter, when the leaves are dropped.

From TV and radio broadcasts

Perhaps trees get their energy from radio waves. After all, they carry not only information, but also energy, which is still wasted.

The Hawaiian company Ambient Micro has undertaken to combat the lack of ownership of airwaves. But without trees, but by creating magnetic antennas and related units that convert into D.C. passing radio signals. Of course, we are talking about tiny power in fractions of a watt. But this one is also useful for powering a variety of electronic devices, instruments, and sensors. Instead of current batteries and accumulators.

From the dirt

Another amazing microorganism was found by Charles Milliken and Harold May from medical university South Carolina - the so-called desulfitobacterium. It generates electricity by feeding on any kind of dirt, including poisonous and oily ones. Willingly eats garbage too. Even if you simply stick one electrode into the dirt with bacteria and place the other in water, electricity will appear, which will be enough to run a computer.

“As long as these microorganisms have food, they can supply energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,” says Dr. Milliken.”

And humanity has inexhaustible and renewable reserves of such “food”.

There are other objects that at first glance have nothing to do with electricity, but can serve as a source of current.

Getting an unusual current source

After studying the literature, I learned that electricity can be obtained from certain fruits and vegetables. Electric current can be obtained from lemon, apples and, most interestingly, from ordinary potatoes. I conducted experiments with these fruits and actually received a current. Let's consider these experiments.

To carry out the experiment we will need: several medium potatoes (about 10), copper wires, steel or galvanized nails (plates from the electricity kit can be used) and a multimeter.

First of all, I clean each copper wire from both ends (remove the insulation), screw a nail to one end of the wire. We insert a galvanized nail into the fruit, stick a copper wire next to it (make sure that they do not touch each other, otherwise it will short circuit). Thus, we assemble a battery from several potatoes, connecting them in series. After this, we measure the voltage in the circuit using a multimeter. In my experience, the multimeter showed 7.82V.

Similarly, you can get electricity from lemon and apples; if you are using citrus, try sticking a nail and a wire into the same slice.

Why is current produced in fruits? Let's try to understand this using the example of a lemon.

If you stick two nails from different metals, a chemical reaction will occur. If the zinc can let go of its ions, it will release energy but also lose electrons. If zinc is connected to copper in electrical circuit, electrons will begin to move along this chain and neutralize the copper ions in the lemon. This process releases energy, which is converted into electricity.

So, after conducting experiments, I learned that electric current can be obtained from fruits and potatoes. Each fruit produces an electrical current of different strength and voltage.

The highest current in a lemon. But since we live in a climate where lemons do not grow, and apples are not in sufficient quantity, we can get electricity from potatoes, which we have quite enough of (this is for the future, when electricity will be very expensive).


Analysis of scientific and educational literature led to the conclusion that there are a lot of objects around us that can serve as sources of electric current.

Experience has shown that it is possible to obtain electricity from some fruits; of course, this is a small current, but the very fact of its presence gives hope that in the future such sources can be used for their own purposes (charge MP 3-player, mobile phone, etc.).

13 open youth

research conference

named after S.S. Molodtsova

Section physics __


Natural electricity

Garifullin Ilyas

4th grade, MBOU "Gymnasium No. 2" named after Baki Urmanche, Nizhnekamsk

Scientific supervisors:

Nugmanova Alsu Sarimovna,

Physics teacher of the highest qualification. categories

Petrunina Nazilya Rasimovna,

Teacher primary classes first quarter categories

Nizhnekamsk, 2015

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………

I. Theoretical part

1. Sources of electric current. History of the creation of the battery……………………….3

2. Traditional sources of electric current.…..……..………………………….…4

3. “Living power plants”…………………………………………………….…………..5 4. Non-traditional sources of electric current……………………………………..6

II. experimental part

1.On the use of fruits and vegetables to generate electricity………………….6

2. Obtaining an unusual current source……………………………………………………………….7-8

3. Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………..9

Used literature……………………………………………………………10


Our work is devoted to unusual energy sources. In the world around us there is very important role are played by chemical current sources. They are used in mobile phones and spaceships, in cruise missiles and laptops, in cars, flashlights and ordinary toys. Every day we come across batteries, accumulators, fuel cells.

Modern life is simply unthinkable without electricity - just imagine the existence of humanity without modern household appliances, audio and video equipment, an evening with a candle and a torch. The process of obtaining and transporting electricity is labor-intensive and expensive. To generate electricity, you need fuel, and someday it will run out: oil, coal, and even uranium. The solution may be to create an eternal thermonuclear reactor, but whether it will be possible to create it is unknown. What can humanity hope for? You can use renewable resources - sun, wind, water. But it turns out that, besides them, the environment is full of sources for almost nothing!

Currently, there is a tendency in Russia to increase prices for energy resources, including electricity. Therefore, the issue of finding cheap energy sources hascurrent meaning. Humanity is faced with the task of developing environmentally friendly, renewable,non-traditional energy sources.

We first read about the non-traditional use of fruits in Nikolai Nosov’s book. According to the writer's plan, Shorty Vintik and Shpuntik, who lived in the Flower City, created a car that ran on soda with syrup. As a result, we wanted to learn as much as possible about electricity.

Based on this, we chose the followingresearch topic "Natural Electricity".

The purpose of my work is to identify various methods of generating electricity and experimental confirmation of some of them.

At the beginning of the research, I put forward the following hypothesis: If power plants obtain electric current using natural resources, is it possible to obtain current using other unusual current sources?

Research objectives:

    Study and analyze scientific and educational literature about sources of electric current.

    Get to know the battery structure and its inventors.

    Get acquainted with the progress of work on obtaining an unusual current source.

    Get unusual current sources.

Research methods: analysis of scientific and educational literature, experimental method, method of processing results, comparison method.

I. Theoretical part.

1. Sources of electric current. The history of the creation of the battery.

First chemical source Electric current was invented by accident at the end of the 17th century by the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani. In fact, the goal of Galvani’s research was not at all the search for new sources of energy, but the study of the reaction of experimental animals to various external influences. In particular, the phenomenon of the generation and flow of current was discovered when strips of two different metals were attached to the frog's leg muscle. Galvani gave an incorrect theoretical explanation for the observed process.

Galvani's experiments became the basis for the research of another Italian scientist, Alessandro Volta. He formulated the main idea of ​​the invention. The cause of electric current is a chemical reaction in which metal plates take part. To confirm his theory, Volta created a simple device. It consisted of zinc and copper plates immersed in a container with saline solution. As a result, the zinc plate (cathode) began to dissolve, and gas bubbles appeared on the copper steel (anode). Volta suggested and proved that an electric current flows through a wire. Somewhat later, the scientist assembled an entire battery from series-connected elements, thanks to which he was able to significantly increase the output voltage.

It was this device that became the world's first battery and the progenitor of modern batteries. And batteries in honor of Luigi Galvani are now called galvanic cells.

Just a year after this, in 1803, Russian physicist Vasily Petrov assembled the most powerful chemical battery, consisting of 4,200 copper and zinc electrodes, to demonstrate the electric arc. The output voltage of this monster reached 2500 volts. However, there was nothing fundamentally new in this “voltaic column”.

2. Traditional sources of electric current.

Before electric current reaches our home, it travels a long way from the place where the current is received to the place where it is consumed. Current is generated in power plants. Power plant - an electrical station, a set of installations, equipment and apparatus used directly for the production of electrical energy, as well as the necessary structures and buildings located in a certain area. Depending on the energy source, there are thermal power plants (TPPs), hydroelectric power plants (HPPs), pumped storage power plants, and nuclear power plants (NPPs). . There are also “living power plants”.

3. "Living power plants."

There is a group of animals in nature that we call “living powerhouses.”

Animals are very sensitive to electric current. Even a small current is fatal for many of them. Horses die even from a relatively weak voltage of 50-60 volts. And there are animals that not only have high resistance to electric current, but also generate current in their bodies. These fish are electric eels, stingrays, and catfish. Real living powerhouses!

Electric eels, found in the fresh waters of Guiana and Brazil, can generate electricity up to 300 volts, depending on the condition and size of the fish. These fish reach 2-3 meters in length and weigh 15-20 kg.

The source of the current is special electrical organs located in two pairs under the skin along the body - under the caudal fin and on the upper part of the tail and back. By appearance such organs are an oblong body consisting of a reddish-yellow gelatinous substance, divided into several thousand flat plates, cells, longitudinal and transverse partitions. Something like a battery. More than 200 nerve fibers approach the electrical organ from the spinal cord, branches from which go to the skin of the back and tail. Touching the back or tail of this fish produces a powerful discharge that can instantly kill small animals and stun large animals and humans. Moreover, current is transmitted better in water. Large animals stunned by eels often drown in the water.

Electric organs are a means not only for protection from enemies, but also for obtaining food. Electric eels hunt at night. Approaching the prey, it randomly discharges its “batteries”, and all living things - fish, frogs, crabs - are paralyzed. The action of the discharge is transmitted over a distance of 3-6 meters. All he can do is swallow the stunned prey. Having used up the supply of electrical energy, the fish rests for a long time and replenishes it, “charging” its “batteries”.

Fish are living powerhouses and are dangerous. Electric stingrays - torpedoes, of which there are many in the Mediterranean Sea, can give up to 150 discharges per second with a voltage of up to 80 volts within 10-15 seconds. In some countries, people previously used stingray discharges for medicinal purposes. IN Ancient Rome Doctors kept stingrays in large aquariums at home. Even now in Mediterranean countries you can see old men wandering in shallow water in the hope of being cured of rheumatism by discharges electric stingray.

Something about electric fish...

Pisces use discharges:

    to illuminate your path;

    to protect, attack and stun the victim;

    transmit signals to each other and detect obstacles in advance.

4. Non-traditional sources of electric current.

In addition to traditional current sources, there are many non-traditional sources. It turns out that electricity can be obtained from almost anything. Non-traditional sources of electrical energy, where irreplaceable energy resources are practically not wasted: wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy.

There are other objects that at first glance have nothing to do with electricity, but can serve as a source of current.

II . Experimental part.

1.About the use of fruits and vegetables to generate electricity.

After studying the literature, I learned that electricity can be obtained from certain fruits and vegetables. Electric current can be obtained from lemon, apples and, most interestingly, from ordinary potatoes - raw and boiled. It was Israeli scientists who proposed using an unusual battery as an energy source. boiled potatoes, since the power of the device in this case will increase 10 times compared to raw potatoes. Such unusual batteries can work for several days and even weeks, and the electricity they generate is 5-50 times cheaper than that obtained from traditional batteries and at least six times more economical kerosene lamp when used for lighting.

Indian scientists have decided to use fruits, vegetables and their waste to power simple household appliances. The batteries contain a paste made from processed bananas, orange peels and other vegetables or fruits, in which zinc and copper electrodes are placed. The new product is designed primarily for residents of rural areas, who can prepare their own fruit and vegetable ingredients to recharge unusual batteries.

2. Obtaining an unusual current source.

Scientists say that if the power goes out at your home, you can light your home for a while using lemons. After all, there is electricity in any fruit and vegetable, since they charge us humans with energy when consumed.

But we are not used to taking everyone’s word for it, so we decided to test it experimentally. In order to prove the hypothesis that various fruits and vegetables can serve as sources of electricity, I conducted several experiments. Fruits were used: lemon, apple, pickled cucumber, raw and boiled potatoes;

    several copper plates from the electrostatics kit - this will be our positive pole;

    galvanized plates from the same set - to create a negative pole;

    wires, clamps;

    millivoltmeters, voltmeters


Most fruits contain weak acid solutions. That is why they can be easily converted into a simple galvanic cell. First of all, we cleaned the copper and zinc electrodes using sandpaper. Now it’s enough to insert them into a vegetable or fruit and you get a “battery”.

We entered the results of the experiment into a table:

Battery base

Voltage at the electrodes, V

Pickled cucumber

Banana (with peel)

Banana (without peel)




Boiled potatoes

Conclusion: The voltage on the electrodes is different. The highest voltage in pickles is 1.2 V. If you use boiled rather than raw potatoes, the voltage is also higher. A banana with a peel gives a result of 0.4 V, and a banana without a peel gives a result of 0 V. So, to get voltage, the banana must have a peel!

While removing the copper and zinc plates from the vegetables and fruits, we noticed that they were heavily oxidized. This means that the acid reacted with zinc and copper. Due to this chemical reaction and a very weak electric current flowed. Similarly, you can get electricity from lemon and apples; if you are using citrus, try sticking a nail and a wire into the same slice.

We have been watching our “delicious” batteries for some time.

We concluded: gradually the voltage on all “delicious” batteries decreases. There is still tension on the apple and the boiled potato. But it was the pickles that we wanted to leave until the morning. They wanted to find out how much the current would decrease overnight. Here is the result: it was 1.2 V, and by the morning after 15 hours it also shows 1.2 V. As a result, we came to the conclusion that in order for the current to decrease, we need to observe it for more time.

The results of the measured voltage on the batteries were entered into the table:

Voltage at the electrodes, V

In 15 hours

Pickled cucumber

Conclusion: The current gradually decreases. The current is too low to light the bulb. Therefore, we plan to further find out in what ways we can increase the current in the circuit and make the light bulb glow.

Musical pot. Do you know that flower pots can sing? I want to offer you this experiment. (SHOW potty experiment).

So, after conducting experiments, I learned that electric current can be obtained from fruits and vegetables, and there are also singing flowers. Each fruit and vegetable produces an electrical current of different strength and voltage.


1. We studied and analyzed scientific and educational literature about sources of electric current.

2. We got acquainted with the battery design and its inventors.

3. Made vegetable and fruit batteries and got unusual current sources.

4. Learned to determine the voltage inside the “tasty” battery and the current created by it.

5. We discovered that the voltage at the terminals of a battery made up of several vegetables increases, and the current decreases.

3. Conclusion.

To achieve the goal of my work, all the research tasks have been solved.

Analysis of scientific and educational literature led to the conclusion that there are a lot of objects around us that can serve as sources of electric current.

During the work, methods for producing electric current were considered. I learned a lot of interesting things about traditional power sources - various kinds of power plants.

Through experience, I have shown that it is possible to obtain electricity from some fruits; of course, this is a small current, but the very fact of its presence gives hope that in the future such sources can be used for their own purposes (charge an MP 3 player, mobile phone, etc. .). The simultaneous operation of several of these batteries allows you to run a wall clock, use an electronic game and a pocket calculator. Such batteries can be used by residents of rural areas of the country, who can themselves prepare fruit and vegetable ingredients to recharge bio-batteries. The used battery composition does not pollute environment, like galvanic (chemical) elements, and does not require separate disposal in designated areas.

My work can be continued: find other unusual current sources.


1. Gorev L. A. Entertaining experiments in physics. M., “Enlightenment”, 1974

2. Peryshkin A.V. Physics 8th grade: Textbook for general education educational institutions– M.: Bustard, 2002.

3. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young physicist. -M.: Pedagogy, 1991 O. F. Kabardin.

4. Encyclopedic dictionary of young technicians. -M.: Pedagogy, 1980

5.Reference materials on physics. -M.: Education 1985.

6 Magazine “Science and Life”, No. 10 2004.

7 A.K. Kikoin, I.K. Kikoin. Electrodynamics. -M.: Nauka 1976.

8 Kirilova I. G. A book for reading on physics. - Moscow: Education 1986.

9 Magazine “Science and Life”, No. 11 2005.

10. N.V. Gulia. Amazing physics. - Moscow: “Publishing House NC ENAS” 2005

Internet resource.

1. Flying wind generator
The Buoyant Airborne Turbine (BAT), a huge wind turbine balloon, can reach altitudes of up to 600 meters. At this level, wind speeds are significantly higher than at the surface of the earth, allowing energy production to be doubled.

2. Oyster Wave Power Plant

The yellow float is the surface part of the pump, which is located at a depth of 15 meters, half a kilometer from the shore. Using wave energy, Oyster (“Oyster”) transfers water to a completely ordinary hydroelectric power station located on land. The system is capable of generating up to 800 kW of electricity, providing light and heat to up to 80 homes.

3. Algae-based biofuel

Algae contain up to 75% natural oils, grow very quickly, and do not require arable land or water for irrigation. From one acre (4047 sq. m.) of “sea grass” you can get from 18 to 27 thousand liters of biofuel per year. For comparison: sugar cane, with the same initial inputs, produces only 3,600 liters of bioethanol.

4. Solar panels in window glass

Standard solar panels convert the sun's energy into electricity with an efficiency of 10-20%, and their operation is quite expensive. But recently, scientists from the University of California have developed transparent panels based on relatively inexpensive plastic. The batteries draw energy from infrared light and can replace conventional window glass.

5. Volcanic electricity

The operating principle of a geothermal power plant is the same as that of a thermal power plant, but instead of coal, the heat of the earth's interior is used. Areas with high volcanic activity where magma comes close to the surface.

6. Spherical solar battery

Even on a cloudy day, Betaray's liquid-filled glass globe is four times more efficient than a conventional solar panel. And even on a clear night, the sphere does not sleep, extracting energy from moonlight.

7. M13 virus

Scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (California) managed to modify the M13 bacteriophage virus so that it creates electric charge with mechanical deformation of the material. To get electricity, just press a button or swipe your finger across the display. However, so far the maximum charge that has been obtained by “infectious means” is equal to the capabilities of a quarter of a micro-finger battery.

8. Thorium

Thorium is a radioactive metal similar to uranium, but capable of producing 90 times more energy when decaying. In nature, it is found 3-4 times more often than uranium, and just one gram of the substance is equivalent to 7,400 gallons (33,640 liters) of gasoline in terms of the amount of heat generated. 8 grams of thorium is enough for a car to drive for more than 100 years or 1.6 million km without refueling. In general, Laser Power Systems announced the start of work on a thorium engine. Let's see!

9. Microwave motor

As is known, spaceship receives impetus for takeoff due to the ejection and combustion of rocket fuel. Roger Scheuer tried to erase the fundamentals of physics. Its EMDrive engine (we wrote about it) does not require fuel, creating thrust using microwaves that are reflected from the inner walls of a sealed container. There is still a long way ahead: the traction force of such a motor is not even enough to throw a coin off the table.

10. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)

The purpose of ITER is to recreate the processes occurring inside stars. As opposed to nuclear fission, we are talking about the safe and waste-free synthesis of two elements. After receiving 50 megawatts of energy, ITER will return 500 megawatts - enough to power 130,000 homes. The launch of the reactor, based in the south of France, will occur in the early 2030s, and it will not be connected to the energy grid until 2040.