Approximate description of a conscript from school. Characteristics for a student at the military registration and enlistment office from the class teacher. Characteristics of a student from a disadvantaged family with bad behavior

Characteristics for a student at the military registration and enlistment office is a certificate containing a description of the characteristic and distinctive features and qualities of a teenager and reflective opinion educational institution about him. This document is needed when it becomes necessary to evaluate the young man and establish government regulations regarding him. It is the content of the characteristics that largely determines whether a conscript will serve in the army or not. Therefore, the characteristic personality traits of the student indicated in this document for the military registration and enlistment office must be stated clearly and reliably.

Document for the military commissar

Along with other standard documents, the reference is attached to the conscript’s personal file. After a thorough study by a psychotherapist during conscription events, depending on its content, a decision is made on what types of troops the conscript is fit for.

The characteristics from the place of study for the military registration and enlistment office are important because they contain an assessment of the young man’s social activity, initiative and behavior in society. Such documents play an important role, so here it is necessary to indicate the socio-psychological nuances of the person being characterized. Equally important is data on student performance.

Characteristic content value

However, this is only in theory; in practice, the characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study are purely formal. Most often, its content is taken into account when it comes to distribution to elite types of troops. In this case, representatives of the commissariat examine the psychological portrait of the young man. If the information specified in this document has a negative connotation, then the conscript is unlikely to serve in the Airborne Forces, Marine Corps detachments or the Presidential Regiment.

Psychologists at the military commissariat carefully study the character of the conscript and, if he wishes, to enter alternative civilian service. Since the pacifist attitude of a young man is difficult to document, the characterization becomes the main document confirming or refuting the moral attitude of the conscript.

Who can give a personal assessment

Characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office for a student from school can be presented in two forms: ordinary or psychological. The first option is a mandatory certificate. It is written by the class teacher. In this case, the characteristics will contain the main points that will tell about the student’s family, his academic performance, intellectual development, social status, class position, level of self-esteem and basic psychological qualities. Thus, a pedagogical certificate must contain complete and comprehensive information about the young man.

From a higher or secondary vocational educational institution, for the military registration and enlistment office, the characteristic personality traits of the student (student) are recorded by an official - an employee of the dean's office.

Psychological characteristics

Sometimes, at the request of the competent services, a psychological characteristic is requested. Except general information about the conscript, this document must contain paragraphs describing psychological characteristics young men. In this case, the characteristic personality traits of the student are described for the military registration and enlistment office by a psychologist.

However, before characterizing a young man, it is necessary to conduct a whole range of studies in order to fully identify his main features. In addition to the results, you will also need to describe the methods used to research and test the student. A description of the young man’s behavior during tests will also be of no small importance.

Document form

The characteristic does not have any strict form of filling out; however, when completing it, certain rules and points that must be specified should be taken into account. Such an assessment is written in a free style by hand or printed.

Document structure

The rules for writing characteristics for a student at the military registration and enlistment office mainly consist of certain generally accepted formulations. The structure of the certificate defining the main character traits of a young man should include:

  • A block with personal information, which indicates the student’s full name, date of birth, residential address, place of study, year of admission to the educational institution.
  • A block containing information about family composition, financial situation and intra-family relationships. Next of kin are listed here.
  • A block describing the psychological portrait of a young man, including information about his moral qualities and behavioral standards.
  • A block informing about behavior at the place of study and relationships with classmates and fellow students. The GPA, level of physical fitness and proficiency are indicated. foreign languages.
  • Successes and achievements in the learning process. Participation in public life educational institution.
  • Hobbies of a young man, his habits.

The characteristic personality traits of the student described in the certificate for the military registration and enlistment office must not only contain good qualities conscript, but also point out his shortcomings. The responsible person must enter information, if the young person has been brought to the police station, about conflicts and tendencies to mood swings, outbursts of anger or depression. Despite the fact that many samples of characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office do not contain this point, it should not be missed under any circumstances.

The importance of accurate information

Reliable and complete information about the personal qualities of the conscript will help to avoid unwanted situations. Timely informing military commissariat employees about the young man’s character traits prevents the emergence of possible conflicts during service.

Specifics of writing a general psychological and pedagogical characteristics of a student

Some descriptions of examples of characteristic personality traits of a student for the military registration and enlistment office, in addition to generally accepted points and blocks, may contain detailed information about deviations in the development or impairment of motor skills in physical or cognitive activity and speech characteristics. The items characterizing the student’s mental abilities must necessarily reflect information about the characteristics of the ability to analyze and synthesize information obtained through visual and auditory perception.

Here the emotional-volitional sphere of the student can be characterized: sensitivity, prevailing moods, level of psycho-emotional excitability, presence of outbursts of anger, subordination, suggestibility. Also, if present, the pathological attractions of the young man are indicated.

When describing the characteristic personality traits of a student for the military registration and enlistment office, the teacher has the right to draw conclusions about the orientation of the personality. He is obliged to indicate the main interests, criteria of self-esteem and responsibility of the student. The tasks of the responsible person include forming an assessment of the behavior of the student’s norms and rules of behavior in society, determining the place and role in the team, indicating the level of social adaptation of the young man and relationships with others.

In the characteristics compiled, the responsible person has the right to reflect his own conclusions about the student or indicate the general opinion of the teaching staff.

Sample characteristics of a student to the military registration and enlistment office from school

Characteristics for a student of grade 11 "B"

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 5"

Barnaul, Altai Territory

Petrov Vladislav Fedorovich

Petrov Vladislav Fedorovich born in 1990 has been a student at MBOU “Gymnasium No. 5” since 2008. He is currently completing his studies in the 11th grade.

The level of physical fitness is high. Healthy, physical fitness group - main. Doesn't use alcohol or drugs. Has a negative attitude towards smoking. There were no reports to the police.

Height - 172 cm, weight - 70 kg. Physical development corresponds to age standards.

Family composition:

  • Her mother works as a cook in a school canteen; she has a specialized secondary education.
  • My father works as a technologist at a woodworking enterprise; he has a higher education.
  • My brother is in 6th grade.
  • There are maternal grandparents on the father's side.

They live in their own house, living conditions are good.

The family belongs to the average level of material wealth.

Relationships in the family are warm and trusting. At home, the student is treated with care and understanding, compliance with school discipline and the level of academic performance are monitored. In turn, the student treats loved ones with respect. His father enjoys special authority.

During his time at school, the young man showed himself on the positive side. The teaching staff characterizes him as a responsible, hardworking and conscientious student. Disciplined, modest, independent, sociable and friendly towards peers. He knows how to defend his own opinion.

In the main subjects of the curriculum, she has grades of “good” and “excellent”. GPA - 4.1

By character - calm, balanced, strives to avoid conflict situations. When a conflict arises, he tries to come to a compromise. He has many friends and enjoys authority among his comrades. Always ready to help classmates and support in difficult times.

Active participant in social and sports activities of the educational institution. He strives to complete school assignments with full dedication. Since the second grade, he has been involved in athletics and periodically takes prizes in regional, city and regional sports events.

Date - 01/15/2018

Director - Cherepanova Galina Petrovna

Class teacher - Frolova Irina Viktorovna


Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office from the place of study are a kind of resume. Therefore, the determination of the main characterizing qualities and personal assessment must be approached with special responsibility. After all, not only the effective distribution to certain troops, but also the likelihood of conflict situations during military service depends on how accurately and reliably the facts are presented.

Class teachers of graduating classes are required to provide the military registration and enlistment office with characteristics of young people (this is usually required in the 11th grade). In rare cases, this can be done by the head teacher or school director, as well as by any teacher who knows the conscript personally.

However, not everyone knows how to correctly compile this description: what needs to be written, what words and phrases can be used, and what not to write under any circumstances. In this article we will look at examples of correct writing of characteristics and draw up a plan. It is very convenient when the military registration and enlistment office itself sends a form that needs to be filled out. But in most cases, the class teacher writes the description independently.

So, the characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office should describe the socio-psychological aspects of the personality, since special attention it will be studied by a psychiatrist, whose conclusion is important in determining whether the young man is fit for the army or not.

It also includes information about academic performance, social activity, behavior, relationships at school and in the family. The characteristics of a student at the military registration and enlistment office can be free-form, but there are some rules and points that must be written down.

Rules for compiling characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office

  • writing on a standard A4 sheet;
  • use of the official letterhead of the educational institution.
  • using a pen with black or blue ink;
  • written in third person;
  • in the present tense (or not so long ago).


  • Title of the document (“Characteristics to the military registration and enlistment office”).
  • Full name, year of birth, nationality, education (kindergartens, schools).
  • Brief information about the family (parents' full names, date of birth and place of work). You can also note material well-being, the presence (if any) of registered mental illness and alcoholism.
  • General health.
  • The nature of the conscript (how observant, coordinated, trainable, responsible, how developed is memory and reaction), behavior (including in difficult situations), relationships with family and peers (does he enjoy authority, what kind of relationship is he with teachers), social extracurricular activities (sports and other competitions, Olympiads, events, community service, sections for the last three years).
  • Performance at school, attendance at additional courses.
  • Type of temperament, best aspects and skills, favorite subjects at school (You can highlight those that are best and worst for him). Please note if the student smokes or drinks alcohol or has had any problems with the police.
  • Subjective conclusion: is the student, in your opinion, fit for service, and if so, what branch of the military would you recommend him for?
  • The purpose of issuing the document (“for presentation in admissions committee military registration and enlistment office").
  • Signature of the class teacher, school director and seal.
  • Date of.

All this data must be relevant; the student must be described in the present tense. Remember that if you are appointed as the person responsible for writing a student's profile for the military registration and enlistment office, you are directly responsible for what you write and are responsible for the accuracy of the information you provide.

When writing a student’s characteristics, it is necessary to highlight his positive aspects, and, if you consider it necessary, point out his shortcomings in a neutral way if they are significant.

Characteristics of a pupil or student is one of the mandatory documents that a young person must provide to the military registration and enlistment office. It should give a clear idea of ​​who a person is in ordinary civilian life.

It is believed that the characteristic greatly influences which troops the future soldier will end up in: in fact, this is one of the few ways to understand what a person is like. If you describe some skills of a student useful for the army, there is a high probability that he will serve in specialized troops, and not in an ordinary construction battalion. This document also remains in the archives, in the conscript’s personal file. Therefore, you should take filling out this document with complete seriousness and responsibility.

Everyone knows such a document as a reference; it can be written out for any person in a certain social circle - a company employee, a student or a school student. Such a paper allows you to find out basic information about a person, and also introduces him to some personal qualities.

Today we’ll talk about the characteristics for high school boys, which are written out in secondary schools for the military registration and enlistment office. We will find out how this document is compiled, what information it contains and what interests the employees of the commissariats in the first place.

The difference between “military” characteristics and others

Before moving on to a detailed consideration of the issue, let us focus on how the characteristics specifically for the military commissariat differ from other analogues of this document.

Since military service is associated with heavy workloads and adherence to a strict regime, the student’s parameters such as health, physical fitness, discipline, responsibility and organization come to the fore. Such elements of characterization will help military registration and enlistment office employees evaluate the young man from the point of view of his readiness to perform military duty, as well as determine the guy’s predisposition to serve in certain branches of the armed forces. Having understood the priority qualities of the future conscript, we move on to a detailed consideration of the document itself.

What is a document, its type and structure

The student's characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office is a uniform form, which is filled out by the boy's class teacher and certified by the school director. Such a document can be of two types - a regular description and a psychological one.

The first option is mandatory to fill out and submit to the commissariat. A typical profile contains basic information about the student (the composition of his family, academic performance, position in class, psychological and moral qualities, level of intellectual development and self-esteem).

This information is necessary not only for initial acquaintance with the future conscript, because some details of the characteristics, insignificant for the average person, for the employees of the commissariat can say a lot and become decisive when choosing the troops into whose ranks the young man will be sent. In other words, such a document, as a regular reference, contains important information presented in a succinct form, and is a kind of resume for a young man for the military registration and enlistment office. The filling form is divided into special blocks and looks like this:

Find out: How to obtain a registration certificate at the military registration and enlistment office

  • the header of the document indicates the full name of the educational institution that provides a reference for the young man;
  • the first block contains personal data of the student and his parents (full name, date of birth, information about the composition of the young man’s family; full name, age and place of work of parents or other legal representatives);
  • medical block, which contains information about the state of health, physical and mental development of the student (the presence of diseases and their severity, the presence of a sports category, the presence of cravings for drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes, the data is based on the testimony of the school medical worker and the parents of the young man);
  • a block devoted to the family education of a young man (the material well-being of the family and the moral character of the parents, the degree of their participation in the life and upbringing of the student, as well as the relationship of the young man himself to his relatives);
  • block containing information about the student’s intellectual development (here the personal observations of teachers are taken as a basis regarding the young man’s ability to analyze, generalize and formulate when expressing his thoughts, in addition, the level of attention is noted - that is, how quickly the student can switch the train of thought from one object to another);
  • a block in which the young man’s temperament is described (in particular, one of the generally accepted types is indicated, for example, choleric, and an analysis is also given of the student’s emotional state and the manifestation of his reaction to certain events occurring around him);
  • a block where the student’s moral qualities are listed (information is provided based on the teacher’s own observations, the presence of generally accepted qualities is indicated, such as responsiveness, conflict tolerance, honesty and ease of learning).

Finally, the class teacher lists the points that, in his opinion (as a public representative), in the student’s behavior should be adjusted, changed, or eliminated altogether. It is also necessary to indicate which methods are best used in relation to this particular young man.

It is important that the teacher compose the characterization in the most detail and truthfully, since the military registration and enlistment office will primarily focus on the written conclusion of the school representatives, and not on the oral, unsupported arguments of the conscript.

The second type of characteristic is psychological. Due to the fact that it contains a more in-depth analysis of the personal qualities of the future conscript, such a characterization is compiled by a psychologist visiting the school for the purpose of conducting tests and practical exercises, during which pronounced character traits such as perseverance, activity, isolation or aggressiveness are manifested .

Find out: Presidential Decree on conscription for military service and training

The psychological portrait of a young man is built on the basis of a specialist’s observations during test tasks, as well as on the results of their completion. This characteristic, or rather the checkboxes desired by the military registration and enlistment office employees, placed in front of certain personal qualities of the conscript, can play a significant role in the distribution of military personnel into the so-called elite troops (airborne, marines, reconnaissance or honor guard company).

The importance of help

Thus, we see that the characteristics of a high school student for the military commissariat are quite an important document - after all, it will become a document with which the draft commission will become familiar much earlier than with the candidate for service.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office for a student are required from every young person undergoing training in the 11th grade. This document is compiled by the class teacher. Less often, it is written by directors or head teachers, or other teachers who personally taught this young man.

Not everyone knows exactly what information should be contained in this characteristic, and what information should not be included in it. And therefore it makes sense to make some clarifications regarding this paper.

It is very good when military registration and enlistment offices independently formulate and transmit to schools forms that simply need to be filled out. But this practice is still rare. As a rule, class teachers draw up characteristics themselves.

Characteristics of a student at the military registration and enlistment office - basic rules

When compiling a profile, you need to disclose information about a person’s personality and his socio-psychological traits. In addition, information about academic performance and family is included in the profile.

In general, writing can be done in free form, but some rules should be kept in mind. So, in particular:

  • The characteristics are written on A4 sheet. This must be official school letterhead;
  • Writing is possible using black or blue paste;
  • The characterization is written in the third person;
  • It is written in the present tense.

The reference letter to the military registration and enlistment office for a student must contain the name and other personal data regarding the student for whom it is written, information about his family, and detailed information about his parents. It is also necessary to mention the health of the conscript, his character and inclinations, school attendance and academic performance. It is also worth noting the additional activities that the conscript has been interested in for the last 3 years. These could be mugs sport sections, and so on. Bad habits are also indicated.

The reference letter from the school contains a subjective conclusion about whether the young man is fit for service. In what branch of the military could he be recommended? Also, the document must contain the signature of the director, the teacher who compiled the paper, and the school seal.

Characteristics for the military registration and enlistment office - writing structure

Characteristics are an important document for a conscript. It is compiled in detail, with full responsibility. The personal attitude towards the student on the part of the teacher must not be taken into account.

The characterization of a student at the military registration and enlistment office is in some ways similar to writing. As a rule, the description is written in a neutral presentation, indicating information that is relevant and necessary for the military registration and enlistment office:

  1. Student personal data- last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of birth, hobbies, information about the composition and completeness of the family.
  2. Level physical development — health status, how physically developed the future conscript is. It is also necessary to indicate injuries, previous operations, tendency to drink alcohol, drugs and smoking.
  3. Family education of a student - the state of the family in which the child grew up. Level of moral well-being. Material security. It is necessary to indicate the child’s relationship to family members.
  4. Level of intellectual development brief analysis student, according to his own observations. Does the child have developed attention and concentration? Can he easily analyze a large amount of information? Is he able to generalize, quickly switch to another topic, and abstract? The analysis also takes into account reviews from other teachers who taught the student.
  5. Features of temperament — the schoolchild’s temperament is indicated: melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic or choleric. Based on data received from the school psychologist, detailed analysis emotional health of the student: hot-tempered, or vice versa calm. Reactions to various situations.
  6. Moral qualities of the student — kindness, sensitivity, mutual assistance, conflict tolerance, ease of learning.
  7. general information - what can be added about the student, how to eliminate behavior problems, increased conflict with peers, etc. The best and worst qualities of a future conscript.

Given to Zhan Valerievich Razezdyukov, a student of class 7 "F" of school No. 812 named after. P.O. Phil. Born on March 17, 1998 in the village of Nadzhigo, Lazarevsky district. Kindergarten and attended the first two classes in the aforementioned village of Nadzhigo. In connection with the family's move to the village of Gadyukino, from 2007 to the present, he has been studying in the 7th grade of school No. 812.

Family composition:
Father - Razezdyukov Valery Sysoevich, teacher at Gadyukinsky gymnasium No. 1 named after. Vileni N.A., born in 1968
Mother - Razezdyukova Mila Mavrikovna, housewife, born in 1973
Brother - Razezdyukov Menelai Valerievich, student of the 9th "P" grade, school No. 812 named after. P.O. Phil, born in 1997
Family relationships are friendly. Parents are keenly interested in the educational process and progress of their son.

Generally normal except for myopia, shortness of breath, lameness in both legs and missing 12 teeth.

By character Razezdyukov Zh.V. rather choleric, prone to quick, rash decision-making. Decisive, purposeful and active. Possesses high level self-criticism expressed in noisy self-flagellation and promises to improve.
Lisps and burrs.
Academic performance is average. Has four C's in geography, chemistry, biology, and literature. In physical education, the score is 5. The rest are fours. Favorite subject is physical education. Stays after class and jumps, jumps, jumps. He really doesn't like chemistry and geography. Often expresses disagreement with a scientific point of view, comes into conflict with teachers, damaging equipment and kicking teachers out of the classroom.

Takes part in socially useful activities related to the manufacture of fences with pleasure,
birdhouses, houses for rodents, etc.

He is respected in the team due to local victories over chemistry and geography teachers, as well as due to his extraordinary physical strength. Often comes into conflict with students of other classes. Relationships with peers are good. IN Lately loves to communicate with girls, from whom complaints about free behavior began to come.

Attends the club "Scout to Guard the Motherland."
Engaged in jiu-jitsu wrestling at the club named after. Kano Jigoro. Has 2nd dan.

In general, he is an independent, active student who should pay attention to discipline and self-control.

The character reference was issued for submission to the district military registration and enlistment office.

Deputy Director
School No. 812 named after. P.O. Phil
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