Postinor: instructions for use, side effects. Postinor instructions for use Description of pharmacological action

Postinor: instructions for use and reviews

Postinor is a postcoital oral contraceptive.

Release form and composition

Dosage form – tablets: disc-shaped, almost white or white, with a chamfer, on one side there is a circular engraving “INOR. "(2 pieces in blisters, 1 blister in a cardboard pack).

Active substance: levonorgestrel, 1 tablet – 0.75 mg.

Auxiliary components: colloidal silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, potato starch, corn starch, talc, lactose monohydrate.

Pharmacological properties


Levonorgestrel is a synthetic gestagen with a contraceptive effect and pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic effects. When used in recommended doses, it suppresses ovulation and prevents fertilization if sexual intercourse occurs during the preovulatory phase, which is characterized by the highest likelihood of fertilization. It can also lead to changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation. The effectiveness of Postinor will be minimal if implantation has already occurred.

The probability of preventing pregnancy if you take the drug in a timely manner is about 85%. The longer the time interval between sexual intercourse and taking the drug, the less effective it is (95% during the first 24 hours, 85% after 24-48 hours and 58% after 48-72 hours). Therefore, Postinor should be taken as early as possible (but no later than 3 days after sexual intercourse) if no contraceptive has been used. In therapeutic doses, levonorgestrel does not significantly change blood clotting factors and does not affect the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.


When taken orally, levonorgestrel is rapidly and almost 100% absorbed. After taking 0.75 mg of the drug, its maximum concentration is reached after 1.6 hours and is approximately 14.1 ng/ml. After reaching the maximum value, the concentration of levonorgestrel gradually decreases, and the half-life reaches 26 hours.

Levonorgestrel is excreted in approximately equal amounts in urine and feces exclusively in the form of metabolites. Its biotransformation corresponds to the metabolic processes of steroids. Levonorgestrel is hydroxylated in the liver, after which its metabolites are excreted in the form of conjugated glucuronides. Metabolites of substances with clinically significant pharmacological activity, on this moment unknown.

Levonorgestrel binds to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and albumin contained in the blood plasma. Approximately 1.5% of the administered dose of Postinor is present in the body unchanged, and 65% of the active substance is bound to SHBG. Absolute bioavailability reaches almost 100% of the dose taken.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Postinor is a drug used for emergency (postcoital) contraception (after unprotected intercourse or sexual intercourse using an unreliable method of contraception).



  • Severe liver failure;
  • Lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • Age up to 16 years;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to any of the components included in the Postinor tablets.


  • Crohn's disease;
  • Jaundice (including a history);
  • Diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • Lactation.

Instructions for use of Postinor: method and dosage

Postinor tablets should be taken orally. In total, you need to take 2 tablets within 72 hours after sexual intercourse, with the second tablet 12-16 hours after taking the first.

To achieve the effect, the drug must be taken as quickly as possible after sexual intercourse (no later than 72 hours after it).

If you vomit within 3 hours after taking any of the tablets, you must take an additional tablet.

Side effects

  • Transient adverse reactions (do not require drug treatment): often (more than 10% of cases) – pain in the lower abdomen, fatigue, acyclic spotting (bleeding), nausea; sometimes (in less than 10% of cases) – soreness of the mammary glands, headache, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, delayed menstruation (if the delay is more than 5-7 days, pregnancy must be excluded);
  • Allergic reactions: rash, itching, urticaria, facial swelling.


An increase in the severity of side effects is considered a sign of an overdose of Postinor. There is no specific antidote. If necessary, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

special instructions

Postinor is intended exclusively for emergency contraception and should not be used as a permanent contraceptive method.

It should be borne in mind that this contraceptive does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

You should take Postinor after unprotected sexual intercourse as quickly as possible, since its effectiveness decreases over time (%):

  • Less than 24 hours – 95%;
  • 25-48 hours – 85%;
  • 49-72 hours – 58%.

The drug can be used on any day of the menstrual cycle, but if the cycle is irregular, pregnancy should be excluded before taking the contraceptive. Local barrier contraceptives (for example, a cervical cap or a condom) must be used until the next menstrual period. Repeated use of Postinor (after the second unprotected sexual intercourse) during one menstrual cycle is not recommended, as the frequency of acyclic spotting or bleeding increases.

The drug, as a rule, does not affect the course of the menstrual cycle, but a delay of menstruation for several days and the appearance of acyclic bleeding are possible. If there is a delay of more than 5-7 days or a change in the nature of menstruation (heavy or scanty discharge), pregnancy must be excluded. Pain in the lower abdomen and fainting may indicate the development of an ectopic pregnancy.

Adolescents under 16 years of age can use Postinor only in exceptional cases (for example, after rape) after mandatory consultation with a gynecologist.

In case of dysfunction digestive system the effectiveness of the drug may be reduced.

The effect of levonorgestrel on reaction speed and the ability to concentrate has not been studied.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnancy is a strict contraindication to taking Postinor.

The results of relevant studies did not reveal a negative effect on the fetus in women who became pregnant while using this emergency contraceptive.

Levonorgestrel is detected in breast milk. After taking the pills you must stop breast-feeding for at least 24 hours.

For impaired renal function

Information on the use of Postinor in patients with renal dysfunction is not provided by the manufacturer.

Drug interactions

Drugs that are inducers of liver enzymes accelerate the metabolism of levonorgestrel.

The following medications may reduce the effectiveness of Postinor: St. John's wort preparations, tacrolimus, oxcarbazepine, topiramate, nevirapine, tretinoin, lansoprazole, amprecavil, barbiturates, incl. primidone, phenytoin and carbamazepine, tetracycline, ritonavir, rifabutin, ampicillin, griseofulvin, rifampicin.

Levonorgestrel increases plasma concentrations of glucocorticosteroids, reduces the effectiveness of anticoagulants (coumarin derivatives, phenindione) and hypoglycemic drugs. Women who take these medications should consult a doctor before using Postinor.

Levonorgestrel inhibits the metabolism of cyclosporine, thereby increasing the risk of toxicity.


Analogs of Postinor are: Ginepristone, Zhenale, Escapelle, Laktinet, Eskinor-F, Implanon, Charozetta, Mifepristone, Exluton.

Terms and conditions of storage

Keep out of reach of children in accordance with temperature regime from 15 to 25 ºС.

Shelf life – 5 years.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Postinor. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Postinor in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Postinor in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for emergency contraception. Menstruation, pain and possible pregnancy after taking a contraceptive drug. The effect of alcohol on drug availability.

Postinor- a synthetic drug with a contraceptive effect, pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties. With the recommended dosage regimen, the active substance of the drug levonorgestrel suppresses ovulation and fertilization if sexual contact occurs in the preovulatory phase, when the possibility of fertilization is greatest. It may also cause changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation. The drug is not effective if implantation has already occurred.

Efficacy: with the help of Postinor tablets, pregnancy can be prevented in approximately 85% of cases. The more time passes between sexual intercourse and taking the drug, the lower its effectiveness (95% during the first 24 hours, 85% from 24 to 48 hours and 58% from 48 to 72 hours). Thus, it is recommended to start taking Postinor tablets as soon as possible (but no later than 72 hours) after sexual intercourse, if no protective measures have been taken. At the recommended dose, levonorgestrel does not have a significant effect on blood clotting factors, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.


When Postinor is taken orally, the drug is quickly and almost completely absorbed. Absolute bioavailability is almost 100% of the dose taken. Levonorgestrel is excreted approximately equally by the kidneys and through the intestines exclusively in the form of metabolites. The biotransformation of levonorgestrel corresponds to the metabolism of steroids.


  • emergency (postcoital) contraception (after unprotected sexual intercourse or unreliability of the contraceptive method used).

Release forms

Tablets 0.75 mg.

Instructions for use and method of use

The drug is taken orally. You must take 2 tablets in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The second tablet should be taken 12 hours (but not later than 16 hours) after taking the first tablet.

To achieve a more reliable effect, both tablets should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse (no later than 72 hours).

If vomiting occurs within 3 hours after the 1st or 2nd dose of Postinor tablet, then you should take another Postinor tablet.

Postinor can be used at any time of the menstrual cycle. In case of irregular menstrual cycle, pregnancy must first be excluded.

After taking emergency contraceptive Before the next menstruation, local barrier contraceptive methods (eg, condom, cervical cap) should be used. The use of the drug during repeated unprotected sexual intercourse during one menstrual cycle is not recommended due to an increase in the frequency of acyclic spotting/bleeding.

Side effect

  • urticaria, rash, itching, swelling of the face;
  • vomiting, diarrhea;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • chest pain;
  • delay of menstruation (no more than 5-7 days; if menstruation is delayed for a longer period, pregnancy must be excluded);
  • nausea;
  • fatigue;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • acyclic spotting (bleeding).


  • adolescence up to 16 years;
  • severe liver failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • rare hereditary diseases such as lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Postinor is contraindicated for use during pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs while using an emergency method of contraception, then based on the available data, no adverse effect of the drug on the fetus has been identified.

Levonorgestrel is excreted in breast milk. After taking the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped for 24 hours.

special instructions

Postinor should be used exclusively for emergency contraception. Repeated use of the drug Postinor during one menstrual cycle is not recommended.

The effectiveness of Postinor tablets after unprotected sexual intercourse, during which contraception was not used, decreases over time.

The drug does not replace the use permanent methods contraception. In most cases, Postinor does not affect the nature of the menstrual cycle. However, acyclic bleeding and a delay of menstruation for several days are possible. If menstruation is delayed by more than 5-7 days and its character changes (scanty or heavy discharge), pregnancy must be excluded. The appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and fainting may indicate an ectopic (ectopic) pregnancy.

Adolescents under 16 years of age, in exceptional cases (including rape), need to consult a gynecologist to confirm pregnancy.

After emergency contraception, a consultation with a gynecologist is recommended to select the most appropriate method of permanent contraception.

Emergency contraception does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

In case of gastrointestinal dysfunction (for example, Crohn's disease), the effectiveness of the drug may be reduced.

The simultaneous use of Postinor and alcohol increases the risk of bleeding and increases the load on the liver (hepatotoxicity).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

The effect of Postinor on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery has not been studied.

Drug interactions

The following drugs may reduce the effectiveness of levonorgestrel: amprecavil, lansoprazole, nevirapine, oxcarbazepine, tacrolimus, topiramate, tretinoin, barbiturates including primidone, phenytoin and carbamazepine, drugs containing St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum), and rifampicin, ritonavir, ampicillin, tetracycline, rifabutin, griseofulvin. Levonorgestrel reduces the effectiveness of hypoglycemic and anticoagulant drugs (coumarin derivatives, phenindione) medicines. Increases plasma concentrations of GCS. Women taking these drugs should consult a doctor.

Drugs containing levonorgestrel may increase the risk of cyclosporine toxicity due to inhibition of its metabolism.

Analogues of the drug Postinor

Structural analogues of the active substance:

  • Levonorgestrel;
  • Microlute;
  • Mirena;
  • Norplant;
  • Escapelle;
  • Eskinor-F.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

Postinor, the instructions for use of which must be strictly followed, is a popular drug for women that can prevent unwanted pregnancy. The pills are a means of emergency contraception.

Release form and composition

Postinor birth control pills are white. The size of one piece is about 6 mm, the color is white.

The active substance is levonorgestrel. The composition also includes colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide and other excipients.


If it is necessary to use Postinor, the instructions must be followed exactly as indicated on the package.

Indications for use are as follows:

  • unprotected sex;
  • use of unreliable contraceptives;
  • rupture or displacement of barrier contraceptives - condoms, diaphragms;
  • skipping a daily dose hormonal drugs oral contraception;
  • error in calculating ovulation days;
  • forced sexual intercourse.

The drug's manufacturer states that preventing unwanted conception occurs in approximately 85% of all cases.

How does it work?

Postinor tablets are an antiestrogenic, progestogenic emergency contraceptive. It is based on levonorgestrel, an artificially synthesized hormone.

The action of the drug is as follows:

  1. Inhibition of the process of egg maturation, delayed ovulation. After taking the drug, the egg is not able to leave the ovary and move into the fallopian tube, therefore, conception becomes impossible.
  2. Creating an obstacle to the movement of sperm. Male cells are deprived of the opportunity to reach the egg.
  3. Changes in the structure of the tissues of the internal cavity of the uterus. As a result, if conception has not yet occurred, the embryo cannot implant in the uterus.

If there is a need to take Postinor tablets, the instructions for use state that they can be used on any day of a woman’s cycle.

If a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle, she should first rule out pregnancy.


  1. The tablets are taken orally with water.
  2. The first tablet must be taken within the first 72 hours after unprotected sex.
  3. The second tablet is taken 12 hours after the first (it is important that this is no later than 16 hours).
  4. To obtain the maximum effect, both the first and second tablets should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected communication (no later than 72 hours).
  5. If a woman vomits after the first or second tablet, she must take another one.

After using this emergency contraceptive until the next day of menstruation, a woman needs to be more careful and use barrier contraceptives for protection.


Evaluations by pharmacists and reviews of women who have used Postinor confirm the high effectiveness of the drugs. Undesirable consequences can be avoided in 85% of all cases.

However, the success of emergency abortion largely depends on when the first pill was taken after an unprotected act:

  • taking the drug during the first 24 hours is about 95% effective;
  • taking the drug within 48 hours is about 85% effective;
  • taking the drug within 72 hours is about 58% effective.


For use birth control pills There are contraindications that should be taken into account:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • age less than 16 years;
  • diseases of the biliary tract and liver;
  • individual intolerance to individual components.

If there is a need for a nursing woman to take medication, breastfeeding should be stopped for one day, since levonorgestrel is excreted in breast milk.

Side effects

Even if you follow the instructions for use of Postinor, the following side effects may occur:

  • bloody issues;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • weakness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness, headache;
  • pain in the mammary glands;
  • diarrhea;
  • lack of menstruation on time;
  • allergic reactions.

Possible consequences

The consequences of Postinor can manifest themselves in different ways. And if in one case they are unpleasant, then in another they are dangerous for the woman and require urgent medical attention.

Possible scenario after taking emergency contraception:

  • . The active substance of the drug changes the endometrium in the uterine cavity. The reason is a sharp increase in the amount of gestagen in a woman’s body. As a result, bleeding begins. Similar consequences are likely when the 12-hour period between two tablets is not observed, as indicated in the instructions. In case of bleeding, the help of a doctor is necessary.
  • . The reasons are either the conception that occurred, or the appearance of problems in the functioning of the reproductive system. A doctor's examination is required.

Postinor should not be taken by pregnant women. But if emergency contraception was used and pregnancy did occur, then, according to available data, there is no negative effect on the fetus and its development.


There are safe analogues of Postinor.

Preparations containing exactly the same active ingredient:

  • Eskinor-F;
  • Escapelle.

Other drugs that have a similar effect on unprotected sex:

  • Lactinet;
  • Genale;
  • Implanton;
  • Gynepristone.

These drugs can only be used after consulting a doctor.


How much does Postinor cost? This is a question that women often ask.

The price at the pharmacy starts from 300 rubles for one package containing two tablets. The cost depends on the manufacturer and the policy of the pharmacy chain.

Despite the availability of the drug, it should be remembered that the drug can cause harm to the body and reproductive health. To avoid negative consequences You should visit a doctor before taking pills.

Video about emergency contraception

Postinor is one of the most common emergency contraceptive drugs, but before using it you need to read the instructions and weigh all the risks. Doctors always warn against rashly taking Postinor.

In some countries, its sale is strictly by prescription or is completely prohibited. In our country, Postinor is sold freely, and some women, when taking it, do not realize how dangerous the incorrect use of such strong contraceptives can be. Therefore, it is best to use Postinor only after consultation with a gynecologist.

The drug is available in tablet form. The package contains a plate with two white tablets. On one side there is an engraving of the manufacturer - “INOR”, which is a guarantee of the authenticity of the drug. Also included in the package are instructions for use.

The main active ingredient of the drug is levonorgestrel. This is a synthetic hormone that can inhibit the process of conception at an early stage.

Additional components of the drug are:

  • silicon;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • talc;
  • corn starch;
  • potato starch;
  • lactose.

What is it used for?

Postinor is used as an emergency contraceptive.

After sexual intercourse during which conception occurred, it is necessary to take a tablet of the drug as soon as possible. Due to this, the fertilized egg dies and the conception process stops.

In some cases, Postinor can be used as prescribed by a doctor if pregnancy is dangerous to the woman’s health.

For example, after a miscarriage or stillbirth, it usually takes time for female body recovered and it became possible to conceive a healthy fetus. Otherwise, there is a threat of repeated miscarriage and even a risk to the mother’s life. If a second pregnancy occurs earlier than the recommended period, doctors prescribe termination with Postinor.

In other cases, a woman may independently decide to take Postinor if pregnancy is undesirable for her. Often the drug is used after unsuccessful use of other means of protection, for example, after a condom breaks during sexual intercourse.

pharmachologic effect

The main effect of the drug is gestagenic and antiestrogenic. Due to this, the process of suppressing ovulation occurs. When fertilization occurs in the preovulation phase, the likelihood of becoming pregnant is especially high. In this case, the antiestogenic effect has a depressing effect on the egg cell, as a result of which it dies.

Postinor causes changes in the endometrium, which prevents implantation. The effect of the drug is ineffective if the implantation process has already begun.

Instructions for use

Postinor is intended for oral administration. The result of its use will only occur if you take both tablets within the next 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse. The interval between two tablets should be 12 hours (but not more than 16 hours).

Taking pills is not associated with either the last meal or the phase of the menstrual cycle. Take the tablets with a sufficient amount of water.

Levonorgestrel is a strong hormone, the action of which can lead to side effects listed below. Vomiting can occur as a side effect of taking Postinor, or as a symptom of another disease, such as poisoning.

If vomiting occurs after taking the first tablet, it is recommended to consider its effect as cancelled. Thus, you will have to take two more tablets, not counting the one after which you vomited.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindications to the use of Postinor are:

  • individual intolerance to levonorgestrel or any other component;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • liver failure;
  • pregnancy.

As for pregnancy, if this contraindication is neglected, there is a risk of fetal death and a serious threat to health and life. The result may be infertility and other serious chronic diseases genitourinary system.

Side effects in all other cases may include:

  • allergic reaction;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lower abdominal pain;
  • minor bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • loss of strength and deterioration of general condition.

All these symptoms usually go away on their own after 12-48 hours. If this does not happen, you should consult a doctor.

special instructions

It must be taken into account that the more time has passed between unprotected sexual intercourse and taking Postinor, the less effective the drug will be:

It is also important to consider the following instructions:

  1. Postinor is strictly not recommended for use as a permanent contraceptive. Some women, having experienced its effectiveness, decide to use it constantly. This can cause serious harm to health, and there is a risk of inability to become pregnant in the future.
  2. Postinor, like any other means of emergency contraception, does not protect a woman from sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, if unprotected sexual intercourse poses a risk of infection, after taking the pills you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and testing.
  3. In some cases, the drug may be prescribed to girls under 16 years of age. But only a doctor can do this after all possible risks have been weighed. While taking the pills and the first 24 hours after this, it is recommended to stay in the hospital under constant medical supervision.
  4. Before using Postinor, it is recommended to exclude pregnancy. To do this, simply use the test. There are cases where women, not knowing that they were pregnant, took the drug, as a result of which the fetus died.

Drug interactions

There is a group medicines, which are not recommended to be taken simultaneously with Postinor. Otherwise, the action of one of them will not be as effective as possible.

These include hypoglycemic and anticoagulant agents, glucocorticosteroids, as well as drugs containing amprecavil, lansoprazole, nevirapine, oxcarbazepine, tacrolimus and some other components.

To avoid the wrong combination of medications and not to harm your health, you should consult your doctor before starting to take Postinor.


Postinor is a unique drug that is produced in Hungary. There are no domestic analogues of the product. It is not yet known about analogues of the drug based on the active substance - levonorgestrel.

Thus, you can replace Postinor with other means of emergency contraception:

  • Lupinor (manufacturer India);
  • Model 911 (manufacturer Spain);
  • Escapelle (manufacturer: Hungary).

Registration number: P N011850/01

Tradename: Postinor

International nonproprietary name:

Dosage form: pills


Each tablet contains:

Active substance: levonorgestrel 0.75 mg.
Excipients: colloidal silicon dioxide, potato starch: magnesium stearate: talc; corn starch; lactose monohydrate.

Flat tablets of white or almost white color, disc-shaped with a chamfer and with a circular engraving "I N O R ●" on one side.

F armacotherapy group: gestagen.

ATX code: G03A POP

Farmacological properties
Levonorgestrel is a synthetic gestagen with a contraceptive effect, pronounced gestagenic and antiestrogenic properties. With the recommended dosage regimen, levonorgestrel suppresses ovulation and fertilization if sexual intercourse occurs in the preovulatory phase, when the possibility of fertilization is greatest. It may also cause changes in the endometrium that prevent implantation. The drug is not effective if implantation has already occurred.
Efficacy: with the help of Postinor tablets, pregnancy can be prevented in approximately 85% of cases. The more time passed between sexual intercourse and taking the drug, the lower its effectiveness (95% during the first 24 hours, 85% from 24 to 48 hours and 58% from 48 to 72 hours). Thus, it is recommended to start taking Postinor tablets as soon as possible (but no later than 72 hours) after sexual intercourse, if no protective measures have been taken. At the recommended dose, levonorgestrel does not have a significant effect on blood clotting factors, fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

When taken orally, levonorgestrel is rapidly and almost completely absorbed.
After taking 0.75 mg of levonorgestrel, the maximum concentration of the drug in serum equal to 14.1 ng/ml is achieved after 1.6 hours. After reaching the maximum level of concentration, the content of levonorgestrel decreases, and the half-life is about 26 hours.
Levonorgestrel is excreted approximately equally by the kidneys and through the intestines exclusively in the form of metabolites. The biotransformation of levonorgestrel corresponds to the metabolism of steroids. Levonorgestrel is hydroxylated in the liver and metabolites are excreted in the form of conjugated glucuronides. Pharmacologically active metabolites of levonorgestrel are unknown. Levonorgestrel binds to serum albumin and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Only 1.5% of the total dose is in free form, and 65% is associated with SHBG. Absolute bioavailability is almost 100% of the dose taken.

Indications for use
Emergency (postcoital) contraception (after unprotected sexual intercourse or unreliability of the contraceptive method used).

Hypersensitivity to any component of the drug, use in adolescents under 16 years of age, severe liver failure, pregnancy.
Patients with rare hereditary diseases such as lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Diseases of the liver or biliary tract, jaundice (including a history), Crohn's disease, lactation.

Pregnancy and lactation
Postinor should not be used during pregnancy. If pregnancy occurs while using an emergency method of contraception, then based on the available data, no adverse effect of the drug on the fetus has been identified.
Levonorgestrel passes into breast milk. After taking the drug, breastfeeding should be stopped for 24 hours.

Directions for use and doses
The drug is administered orally. You must take 2 tablets in the first 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The second tablet should be taken 12 hours (but not later than 16 hours) after taking the first tablet.
To achieve a more reliable effect, both tablets should be taken as quickly as possible after unprotected intercourse (no later than 72 hours).
If vomiting occurs within three hours after taking 1 or 2 Postinor tablets, then you should take another Postinor tablet.
Postinor can be used at any time of the menstrual cycle. In case of irregular menstrual cycle, pregnancy must first be excluded.
After taking emergency contraception, a local barrier method (eg, condom, cervical cap) should be used until the next menstrual period. The use of the drug during repeated unprotected sexual intercourse during one menstrual cycle is not recommended due to an increase in the frequency of acyclic spotting/bleeding.

Side effect
Allergic reactions are possible: hives, rash, itching, swelling of the face.
Transient side effects, occurring with different frequencies (often: ≥1/100,<1/10, очень часто: ≥1/10) и не требующие медикаментозной терапии: часто: рвота, диарея, головокружение, головная боль, болезненность молочных желез, задержка менструации (не более 5-7 дней), если менструация задерживается на более длительный срок, необходимо исключить беременность.
Very common: nausea, fatigue, lower abdominal pain, acyclic spotting (bleeding).

Frelease form
Tablets 0.75 mg. 2 tablets in an AL/PVC blister. 1 blister in a cardboard box with attached instructions for use.

Ustorage conditions
List B. At a temperature of 15 °C to 25 °C, out of the reach of children.

WITHrock expiration date
5 years.
Do not use the drug after the expiration date.

Uterms of dispensing from pharmacies
On prescription.

JSC "Gedeon Richter"
1103 Budapest, st. Demrei 19-21, Hungary

Consumer complaints should be sent to:
Moscow Representative Office of JSC Gedeon Richter
119049 Moscow. 4th Dobryninsky lane d.8.