Chronic chlamydial infection. Chronic form of chlamydia. Features of sexual contacts during treatment


The disease is an infection, the treatment of which is difficult even with the use of potent drugs and antibiotics. The complexity of the disease lies in its difficult detection, because it occurs unnoticed, with virtually no symptoms, but with frequent relapses. It becomes chronic, causing inconvenience to both men and women. The course of treatment can range from one day to several years.

What is chronic chlamydia?

Chlamydia is a group of infections that are sexually transmitted through the vagina and rectum, and less commonly through oral sex. Caused by chlamydia - pathogenic microorganisms. There are two types of these bacteria:

  1. The former cause ornithosis infection in people, birds, and animals;
  2. The latter have 15 varieties, two of which affect the genitourinary system, causing urogenital chronic chlamydia.

Statistics show that 100 million people fall ill every year in the world. Up to 15% of sexually active people are infected with chlamydia. Chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted infection. This is due to the fact that the disease is an asymptomatic type, so venereologists turn to the fight against it Special attention. Chlamydia causes a wide range of diseases, spreading throughout the body.


Patients do not realize that they are developing a chlamydial infection. They believe that the symptoms indicate cystitis or urethritis, because individual signs appear: discharge from the vagina and urethra with a white or yellow tint, burning when urinating, redness around the genitals. Symptoms are observed only after the disease has become chronic with developing complications. The main symptoms include:

  1. constantly occurring diseases of the upper respiratory tract;
  2. sharp, long pain during defecation;
  3. pain in the eyes;
  4. joint pain.

In men

The disease in men occurs with virtually no symptoms; 50% of them can learn about the disease only after examination in the hospital. In the acute form, men are concerned about:

  1. increase in body temperature to 37.5°C;
  2. weakness, malaise;
  3. glassy, ​​mucous, purulent discharge from the urethra;
  4. itching, irritation, burning in the urethra when urinating;
  5. cloudy urine;
  6. spotting during urination or ejaculation;
  7. pain in the groin and lower back;
  8. redness, swelling of the external opening of the urethra;
  9. discomfort in the perineum;
  10. pain in the scrotum, anus.

These factors do not cause much discomfort and pass quickly, so many do not consult a doctor. The state of health is deteriorating, but unnoticeably. It becomes chronic. Infection with chlamydia can trigger autoimmune processes, cause infertility, chronic prostatitis, arthritis. The above symptoms are similar to signs of other infections, so it is possible to identify the pathogen only in a hospital after undergoing an examination.

Among women

Symptoms appear in only 33% of women; the rest can find out about the disease after visiting a doctor and undergoing secondary tests. The hidden course of the disease causes a number of complications and increases the chance of infecting a partner. Even a vaginal smear may be normal. During an exacerbation, women experience the following symptoms:

  1. temperature increase to 37°C – 37.5°C;
  2. pain in the lower abdomen, lumbar region;
  3. frequent urge to urinate, pain;
  4. stinging when starting to have a bowel movement Bladder;
  5. signs of intoxication (weakness, fatigue, etc.);
  6. mucopurulent, white, yellowish discharge with a pungent odor;
  7. itching, irritation on the genital mucosa;
  8. discharge with blood from the cervix;
  9. cervical erosion (diagnosed by a gynecologist).

Chlamydia will bring many problems to pregnant women. Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs may occur: salpingitis, endometritis and others. Adhesions appear and cicatricial changes occur in the urethral mucosa. Chlamydia leads to serious consequences: premature rupture of water and childbirth, diseases of the newborn: conjunctivitis, otitis media, atypical pneumonia and other diseases of the internal organs. The infection can cause miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death.

Causes of the disease

The causes of infection depend on contact with the microorganism. Each strain has its own effect on the body. The main cause of chronic chlamydia is ignoring the symptoms of the acute form of the disease. Chlamydia pathogens penetrate soft tissue cells. There are several routes of infection. The main ones are unprotected vaginal, anal, oral sexual contact. The risk of infection is 60%.

A newborn becomes infected with chlamydia from its mother while passing through the birth canal. This provokes future complications. The disease can be acquired by wearing shared underwear or using the same hygiene products. This type of infection is called contact-household infection. There is a risk of becoming infected by airborne droplets from a patient with pneumonia.


Only doctors can determine the treatment method for chlamydia in chronic form, based on the results of blood, urine and immune enzyme tests, immunogram, liver test, bacterial culture, polymerase chain reaction. To cure the disease, both partners need to see a doctor. The main drugs are antimicrobial because they eliminate chlamydial infestation. During therapy, 2 types of antibiotics are actively used.

For treatment, mixtures based on animal and plant enzymes are used. This method is called enzyme therapy; it increases the concentration of drugs at the site of infection. The liver and kidneys are stimulated, recovery is enhanced, and intoxication is reduced. The use of small doses of antioxidants and vitamins plays an important role in the treatment of chlamydia due to the effective strengthening of the immune system.

Hepatoprotectors are prescribed when using antibiotics to maintain a healthy liver during toxic exposure. They reduce inflammation and improve immunity. Probiotics increase the protective function of the intestines during treatment for diarrhea and dysbiosis. Immune drugs prevent germs from appearing. Taking antibiotics alone to achieve results in treating the disease will not work.

Treatment in women

There are no ready-made methods with algorithms for the treatment of chlamydia in women, because everything depends on the form and condition of the disease and the diseases present. The main therapy is a combination of antibiotics with immunomodulators. During treatment, avoid sexual intercourse or use a condom. Avoid alcohol and stimulants that lower your mood immune system.

Treatment regimen

Exist different schemes treatment of chlamydia in women, which depends on many factors. The duration of the course, frequency and type of medication are prescribed. For chronic chlamydia, basic treatment and recovery are prescribed. If an inflammatory process has begun in the genitals, use the following diagram: you need to start with antibiotics, immune agents, vitamins, antioxidants, after a week add antifungal and enzyme drugs. With these and other complications during illness, contact your doctor to receive an individual regimen.


Modern medicine has developed many drugs, but Azithromycin has proven to be much better than the rest. It acts quickly on chlamydia, excluding possible complications due to deep penetration into infected cells. It accumulates, effectively destroying the pathogen, and microorganisms do not develop immunity to the drug.

Treatment in men

In order for treatment of chlamydia in men to be effective, you need to consult a doctor. Single and short courses of treatment will not help in therapy. Even with making the right choice It is not possible to create a treatment regimen for the drug yourself. The methodology is determined depending on the tests obtained, which are carried out only in medical institutions.

Treatment regimen

You can choose a treatment regimen for the chronic form of chlamydia in men based on the symptoms and clinical picture. Any regimen includes the use of antibacterial drugs, drugs that stimulate the immune system, probiotics and hepatoprotectors for recovery. At the same time, men attend physiotherapy, use folk remedies: infusions with decoctions.

Is it possible to cure chlamydia forever?

The question of whether chlamydia can be cured forever arises for everyone who has been diagnosed with the disease. There is an opinion that chlamydia cannot be treated, so many people do not begin to fight the infection. There is no risk of death, but discomfort and complications will not keep you waiting. With rapid detection of the disease and selection correct scheme You will feel better within a month of treatment.

Chlamydia is a dangerous infectious disease that must be treated immediately after the first signs of infection appear, because it is fraught with serious consequences and complications.

There is a lot that can be said about this disease, as well as everything that concerns it. But now we will talk about chronic chlamydia in men.

About the disease

The disease in question can affect the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, visual and respiratory systems, but most often the genitourinary system. Urogenital chlamydia manifests itself with symptoms of inflammatory diseases, and becomes chronic quite quickly. This cannot be allowed, since the consequences are quite serious. Among them are infertility, ascending urinary tract infections, neurochlamydia, impotence, cardiovascular diseases, joint damage, etc.

The infection is transmitted sexually. Pathogen - Chlamydia trachomatis. Unfortunately, in Lately There are more and more cases of infection. Most often, those affected are men aged 20 to 40 years, as well as sexually active teenagers. According to statistics, 90 million people around the world become infected with chlamydia every year. At risk are people with weakened immune systems.

Very often, chronic chlamydia in men is combined with other infections. As a rule, these are gardnerellosis, thrush, ureaplasmosis, syphilis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis. The combination of several infections only aggravates the course of the disease, and this negatively affects the duration of treatment.

Before we talk about how to cure chronic chlamydia in men, it should be noted that the pathogen can live inside the cells of an infected person for a long time. Bacteria simply do not manifest themselves in any way during this period, which can last for years. But if the body’s defenses weaken, they will begin to actively multiply and progress, which will lead to clinical manifestations of chlamydia.

However, as a rule, from the moment of infection to the onset of symptoms, 7 to 15 days pass (slightly less often - up to one month).


They also need to be listed, since we are talking about chronic chlamydia in men. The fact is that in approximately 46% of patients the disease proceeds without any symptoms. This significantly complicates diagnosis and treatment, and also increases the risk of complications. But an asymptomatic disease is still dangerous. The carrier of the infection is potentially dangerous, as he can infect his partner.

But in most cases, symptoms of chronic chlamydia appear in men. The following can be distinguished:

  • Discharge from the urethra is watery or mucopurulent in nature. As a rule, they appear in the morning.
  • Burning and itching that occurs when urinating. The urine itself becomes somewhat cloudy.
  • Redness and swelling of the urethra.
  • Increased body temperature to 37-37.6 °C.
  • Loss of strength and general weakness.
  • Pain in the lumbar and groin area.

All these symptoms are characteristic of a disease that is in the acute stage. If left untreated, they subside, but this does not mean that the disease has receded. On the contrary, he entered the stage of chronic chlamydia. In men, the symptoms disappear and are replaced by damage to the urethra, which is much more difficult to treat than an acute form of the disease.


How to determine the presence of a disease? This question also needs to be answered, since we are talking about chronic chlamydia in men.

Diagnosis is carried out by urologists. However, it is also necessary to make an appointment with a venereologist in order to exclude the possibility of infection with other sexually transmitted infections based on the results of the examination.

What about diagnostic measures? A general cytological smear does not give a complete picture of the presence of chlamydia. Therefore, PCR diagnostics are now being carried out. This method makes it possible to detect the pathogen in the test material even in very small quantities. Its accuracy reaches 95%.

Another informative method is enzyme immunoassay. It helps to detect the presence of antibodies to the pathogen. Sometimes they resort to direct immunofluorescence, which involves microscopy of smears stained with a special substance.

In addition to the above, bacteriological culture is often used to diagnose chronic chlamydia in men, the photo of which shows an unpleasant picture. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotic sensitivity testing.

As a rule, the material for carrying out all the above-mentioned procedures is blood, semen, urine, cell scrapings, as well as discharge from the genitals.

Preparing for diagnosis

A man who decides to make an appointment with a urologist for an examination must prepare. Here are the rules that must be followed:

  • 1-2 days before the appointment you need to give up intimate relationships.
  • You will need to stop using any special hygiene products.
  • You will have to stop using sprays, ointments and other medications as soon as possible.
  • On the eve of the examination, in the evening, it is necessary to cleanse the external genitalia. For this you are allowed to use warm water and soap. You don't need to do anything in the morning.
  • It is advisable not to relieve yourself 2-3 hours before the examination.


The consequences of chronic chlamydia in men must be discussed separately. If this disease is not treated, there is a high probability of the following complications:

  • Prostatitis. It begins to develop due to the involvement of the prostate gland in the infectious process. Chlamydial prostatitis is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms: pain in the rectum, perineum and lower back, slight discharge from the urethra, problems with potency, difficulty urinating.
  • Urethritis. Accompanied by damage to the urethra. Pronounced symptoms are frequent painful urge to urinate, as well as mucopurulent discharge. This disease cannot be allowed to continue. This can lead to narrowing of the urethra.
  • Epididymitis. Develops due to inflammation of the epididymis. This complication is accompanied by severely elevated temperature, redness and swelling of the scrotum, as well as direct enlargement of the appendage.

All of the listed urogenital diseases are fraught with infertility and impaired spermatogenesis. In addition, there is a possibility of inflammation of the rectum, lungs, joints, kidneys, and bronchi.

However, one of the most serious consequences is Reiter's disease. It manifests itself in simultaneous damage to articular tissues, eyes, mucous membranes and, of course, the urogenital tract. Urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis, dysuric disorders, swelling, deformation of fingers - these are only a small part of the symptoms of this disease.

It is difficult to cope with it; treatment lasts at least six months. It is possible to achieve stable remission, but this does not exclude the possibility of exacerbation.

Chlamydia and reproductive function

Scientifically speaking, there is hyperproduction of the active form of oxygen radical by sperm polymorphonuclear leukocytes. This leads to damage to the sperm membrane. And this phenomenon, in turn, has a depressing effect on the ability to fertilize.

It is also important to take into account that such pathology often leads to abnormal development fetus

Features of therapy

Now we can talk about the treatment of chronic chlamydia in men. It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that therapy for this disease, no matter what form it occurs, involves taking antibiotics. It is strictly forbidden to select them yourself.

The doctor prescribes drugs of the tetracycline group - macrolides and fluoroquinolones. But, as a rule, the course rational treatment chronic chlamydia in men is not limited to medication alone. Often the patient has to take two drugs from different groups. The doctor may prescribe bacteriophages, antifungals, enzymes, enzymes.

If necessary, the patient is prescribed physiotherapy. The most popular are magnetic therapy, ultrasound and electrophoresis.

Tetracycline drugs

The most famous medicine is the drug “Tetracycline” in tablets. It is prescribed if the patient does not have liver or kidney pathologies. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks. It must be taken four times a day, 0.4 g. The ointment is usually prescribed for chlamydial conjunctivitis.

Metacycline is also effective. It has diverse antimicrobial activity. Capsules must be taken for one week. The daily dose is 600 mg.

Minocycline is also prescribed. This is a medicine of semi-synthetic origin, which is available in the form of a suspension, capsules and tablets. It should be taken 40 minutes every day, 200 mg before meals, also for one week.

But the most effective drug from this group is Doxycycline. It is available in the form of a powder (a solution is prepared from it, which is administered parenterally) and capsules. The active substance destroys most strains of the pathogen. In the pharmacy the drug can be found under the names “Dorix”, “Vibramycin”, “Unidox Solutab”. Take one of these remedies twice a day, 0.1 g, for 1-2 weeks.

When talking about the drugs taken in the treatment of chronic chlamydia in men, it should be noted that side effects may occur. Most often this headache, nausea, hypertension, vomiting, gastrointestinal problems, as well as increased skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.


This is another group of drugs that are used in the treatment of chronic chlamydia in men and women. Antibiotics of this series have a powerful bacteriostatic effect. They are semi-synthetic and natural.

Most often, patients are prescribed Erythromycin. This is an effective macrolide, but not everyone tolerates it well. You need to consume it four times a day, 0.25 g, one and a half hours before meals. The course lasts one week. It is allowed to supplement the treatment with a local effect on the organ - for this purpose an ointment containing erythromycin is used.

Patients tolerate Spiramycin (Rovamycin) best. This drug has less toxicity, and it also accumulates at the site of inflammation. It should be taken three times a day, 3 million units for 10 days.

The doctor can also prescribe Sumamed, the best azalide available. A single application is sufficient for the drug to remain in the maximum concentration at the site of inflammation for the next five days.

This remedy can destroy even Treponema pallidum and gonococci. Plus, the likelihood of side effects minimal. This remedy is taken as follows: once two tablets of 0.5 g each on the first day, and in the next 5-7 - one at a time.

Another option is Roxithromycin. Low-toxic, but highly active, it is removed from the body slowly. You need to drink it 2 times a day, 0.15 g, always 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment lasts 10-14 days.

Often prescribed are "Klacid" and "Vilprafen" (twice a day, 0.5 g, course 1.5-2 weeks) and "Macropen" (three times a day for two weeks, 0.4 g).


As clinical trials have shown, medications in this group are somewhat inferior in effectiveness to the notorious tetracyclines and macrolides. These are Norfloxacin, Lomefloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Sparfloxacin, and Levofloxacin. They are rarely used in the treatment of acute or chronic chlamydia.

However, there is a drug that has excellent reviews - Ofloxacin (Tarivid). It represents the second generation of fluoroquinolones. It should be taken for 7-10 days once a day. The dosage is 0.4 g.

Possible side effects include: renal failure, sleep problems, epigastric pain, and also cardiovascular disorders. The medicine is serious, but effective. It is even used in the fight against resistant forms of the disease.

Other drugs

The above medications are not all the drugs that help eliminate the symptoms of chronic chlamydia in men. Treatment of this disease often involves the use of Amoxiclav. This is a combined antibacterial drug that has a broad spectrum effect.

The doctor may additionally prescribe Amoxiclav if a streptococcal infection is added to the underlying disease. However, it should not be taken together with aminoglycosides.

Augmentin may also be prescribed. It is a complete analogue of the notorious “Amoxiclav”. The active ingredients are the same, only the manufacturer and price differ.

Also, in order to strengthen the immune system, the patient may be prescribed drugs such as Levamisole and Thymogen. They significantly increase the body's defenses. It is also often appropriate to use interferon inducers (“Cycloferon”) and proteolytic enzymes (“Chymotrypsin”).


Much has been said previously about the treatment of chronic chlamydia in men and the consequences that follow from ignoring this disease. What can we say about forecasts?

It is very important to start therapy right away. And if a man is diagnosed with chlamydia, it is necessary to examine both partners, even in the absence of symptoms. Why? Because if one of the partners infected with the disease does not start therapy, then the second, cured partner, may become infected again.

It is also very important to undergo diagnostics one and a half to two months after completing the course (ELISA and PCR methods are used). If the test results for chlamydia are negative, then the person is healthy.

Once again, it must be noted that this disease must be treated in the acute stage. Chronic chlamydia is very difficult to get rid of. In addition, it is fraught with a host of consequences - from infertility to impotence.

Chronic chlamydia- a phrase indicating that the disease has entered an advanced stage. Perhaps this happened due to improper therapy, interrupted or not started treatment at all. In any case, to get rid of chronic chlamydia, you need to make an effort and be patient, because you need to carry out certain diagnostics, and the selected course of treatment can be long.

In this article we will talk about the symptoms of chronic chlamydia in men and women, find out what medications are prescribed for this disease, and also consider possible complications of chlamydia.

Chlamydia is an infectious disease caused by Chlamydia trachomatis. According to WHO, about 1 billion people worldwide suffer from chlamydia. The main route of transmission is sexual (during vaginal or anal intercourse), less often - through household contact.

The transition of chlamydia from an acute to a chronic form occurs due to late diagnosis of the disease or incorrect treatment. Typically the transition period lasts 2-3 months.

Chronic chlamydia is characterized by the formation of elementary bodies that stop at some stage of development without turning into reticular ones. Further diagnostic studies may reveal chlamydia-like structures that do not complete the development cycle, as a result of which they are not sensitive to antibiotics.

Signs of chronic chlamydia in men have no characteristic manifestations and are hidden behind nonspecific urethritis, accompanied by:

  • burning during urination;
  • itching in the initial part of the urethra;
  • pain and discomfort in the scrotum;
  • phenomena of prostatitis.

Important! In many cases, chlamydia in men is asymptomatic, which significantly impairs diagnosis and contributes to negative consequences.

In women, exacerbation of chronic chlamydia is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vaginal discharge, mucopurulent in nature;
  • burning when urinating;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • itching of the genitals;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • pain during menstruation.

In cases of advanced chronic chlamydia, Reiter's disease develops, which is a serious complication leading to disability. The syndrome is accompanied by asymmetric arthritis, urethritis and conjunctivitis.

Treatment methods for chronic chlamydia

Today, the treatment of chronic chlamydia has advanced significantly, thanks to modern methods diagnostics and medicines. Treatment of this disease is carried out comprehensively, using different groups of medications.

For example, the treatment regimen for chronic chlamydia in women allows the use of:

  • vitamins;
  • immunomodulators;
  • probiotics;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • adaptogens;
  • antibiotics;
  • vaginal suppositories and tampons;
  • baths;
  • enzymes;
  • physiotherapy.

Regardless of the gender of the patient, before prescribing treatment, the doctor must conduct an antibiotic sensitivity test. In addition, when treating a chronic disease, the simultaneous use of two antibacterial drugs is recommended.

As for what is prescribed for men with chronic chlamydia, the treatment is almost identical, but has slight differences. The following types of drugs are used:

  • antibiotics;
  • probiotics;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators;
  • enzymes;
  • rectal suppositories;
  • enemas;
  • baths;
  • physiotherapeutic methods.

To treat chronic chlamydia, antibiotics from the group of macrolides or fluoroquinolones are usually used. The instructions for these drugs, as well as the recommendations of a specialist, state that the course of treatment should last at least 14 days.

Quite often the antibiotic azithromycin, a macrolide, is prescribed. This remedy has many features that are not characteristic of conventional macrolides, which makes it very effective in the fight against chlamydia.

The treatment regimen with azithromycin for chronic chlamydia is selected individually, depending on the severity of symptoms and the severity of the disease.

According to the standard, they prescribe:

  1. 1 g once a day, 1-2 hours before meals early stage chlamydia.
  2. In chronic - 0.5 g twice a day for the first 3 days of the course, and 0.25 g 4 times a day in subsequent days.

The danger of chronic pathology

Chlamydia, like many other diseases affecting the reproductive system, can lead to certain undesirable health consequences. Neglecting the symptoms that have arisen, delaying or refusing treatment - the cost of such actions is sometimes too high, but not many people think about this at the initial stage.

Complications of chronic chlamydia:

From the photos and videos in this article, we learned that untreated chlamydia is quite dangerous, and we also became familiar with the treatment options for this disease.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Which drug to choose

Good afternoon. On this moment I am on antibiotic therapy for chronic chlamydia, but my doctor insists on prescribing metronidazole for chlamydia. Is this drug really necessary?

Greetings. Metronidazole is an antimicrobial and antiprotozoal drug. Prescribing it for chlamydia is justified in cases where there are concomitant infectious diseases, for example trichomoniasis.

What is chronic chlamydia and how to treat it?

The disease is difficult to detect because in most cases it goes unnoticed.

80% of women have no symptoms, unlike men. In them, symptoms of the development of chronic chlamydia are visible at 2 weeks of development. This is a burning sensation when urinating, white discharge from the penis. However, the presence of these signals occurs during the acute phase.

According to official data, more than 1 billion infected people have been officially registered in the world. The disease is an infection of the body by the gram-negative microbe Chlamydia trachomatis, which lives inside human cells.

The result of the disease is diseases of the genitourinary tract, joints, eyes, rectum, or lungs. The latter case occurs in newborns. When there is no treatment, the infection progresses to the second stage, chronic chlamydia, which is difficult to identify. In this case, the consequences will be sad.

Over the years, bacteria remain in the body and cause a number of complications. The microbe can be identified by taking tests during a routine professional examination or by testing for sexually transmitted diseases.

The consequences of advanced chlamydia will be as follows:

  • pneumonia;
  • bronchitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • arthritis;
  • pericarditis, endocarditis.

In pregnant women, it leads to miscarriage, premature birth or undeveloped fetus. Reider's disease, when complications appear in the joints, eyes and respiratory tract, affects men. Sometimes this leads to disability.

Often, prolonged chronic chlamydia appears as a result of ineffective drug treatment. Microorganisms adapt to exposure medicinal components. A favorable environment has a good effect on them, they begin to multiply, provoking inflammation.

Due to the fact that the pathogen is detected too late, it is discovered after the onset of complications. For example, a woman becomes infertile, the cause will be salpingitis or suppuration in the fallopian tubes. The obstruction of the latter and the formation of adhesions complicate the fertilization process.

From the day of infection, the incubation stage ranges from 6 days to a month. In its early form, chronic chlamydia, namely in a fresh state, is caused by the presence of discharge mixed with pus and an unpleasant odor.

In addition, it is noted:

  1. burning sensation when going to the toilet;
  2. pain during sexual intercourse, sometimes with bloody leucorrhoea;
  3. pain in the lower abdomen;
  4. bleeding between periods;

To a lesser extent, chronic chlamydia is accompanied in all women by intoxication, low-grade fever, general malaise and weakness.

Failure to see a doctor leads to directly related illnesses, such as cystitis, erosive ulcerations of the cervix, colpitis, and adhesions in the fallopian tubes. In this case, chronic chlamydia and its symptoms will not manifest themselves in any way.

Manifestations during pregnancy

Pregnant girls may notice leucorrhoea mixed with pus in an increased volume, but not always.

The latent form hides inflammation for a long time, only exacerbations reveal themselves in this way. This should not be ignored, because the sore is passed on to the baby. When children catch it, they develop pneumonia, otitis media, and inflammation of the eyes.

The constant course of the disease worsens the general condition of pregnant women. After giving birth to a child, there is a high probability of organ infection or postpartum fever.


The process occurs against the background of unprotected sexual contact with an infected person, relapse and transmission to a newborn baby by passing through the birth canal.

When entering the body, the pathogen does not always behave actively; the virus sleeps in the human body for years, and only a few factors bring it out of its dormant form.

The circumstances are:

  1. stressful situations;
  2. weakened immune system;
  3. change of sexual partners;
  4. colds and other sexually transmitted diseases.

You can also push chlamydia through frequent douching and insertion of intrauterine devices. It is not transmitted through household contact, so it is impossible to pick up bacterial cells by swimming in the pool or using other people's towels and linen.

It is important not to trigger the condition, but to carry out therapy on time. Timely treatment of chronic chlamydia will avoid serious consequences.


In order to identify bacteria, it is necessary to undergo diagnosis using the following methods. Examination of the smear under a microscope will show whether there are leukocytes in the material.

Sowing on a nutrient medium will not only identify the bacillus, but will also help you select the most effective antibiotics. A biopsy is taken from the tubes when the stage of chlamydia in women has led to adhesions on the organs. The required piece is carefully examined by a specialist.

Difficulties arise when the patient becomes simply a carrier of the disease. That is, chlamydia does not develop, the period is prolonged, and even modern laboratory methods do not always show inflammation.


Once the diagnosis is made, the doctor will select the necessary treatment. It is based on the use of antibiotics, antifungal tablets and immune agents.

In case of a prolonged course, enzyme therapy will be a way to eliminate symptoms.

What it is?

Complex control aimed at eliminating pathogens. The combination of the right mixtures of enzymes containing plant and animal components has a beneficial effect on the body. Enzymes are most concentrated at the site of infection.

The scheme is individual in each case. Usually 2 anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed at once. It is necessary to take into account the fact that some medications are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Doxycycline, Clindamycin, Azithromycin, Rovamycin are widely used in the treatment of chlamydia in women. The first one should not be used by pregnant women. During therapy, it lasts 2 weeks, sexual contact is not allowed, and the partner is also required to undergo treatment.

Otherwise, there is a high risk of re-infection. After the antibacterial stage of chronic chlamydia, further treatment includes probiotics, remedies for intestinal and vaginal dysbiosis.

It is important to strengthen your immune system at least a week before starting treatment. Since its weakening will not be able to give a worthy rebuff to bacterial cells and not a single medicine will cope with its task, therefore, vitamin complexes and immune system stimulants will serve as a supplement.

To reduce re-infection to a minimum, you need to abstain from sexual intercourse without a condom if you are not confident in your partner. Always do therapy together. Remember protecting your health is the key to a long and fulfilling life.

If acute chlamydia, which occurs with clear symptoms and can be recognized even by the patient himself, is not treated, then a chronic form of the disease occurs. This form of the disease is difficult to treat, since the causative agent of the disease develops immunity to some antibacterial drugs, and to those that are the basis of all therapy. If chlamydia is left unattended at this stage, there is a high risk of damage not only to the genitourinary system, but also to the respiratory system, as well as the heart and blood vessels.

In the vast majority of cases, initial infection with chlamydia occurs through sexual contact. Moreover, the transmission of chlamydia (the causative agent of the disease) can occur not only through classical sexual contact - the disease also spreads through airborne droplets. If within two months from the moment of infection the acute form of chlamydia has not been cured or at least not brought under control, then a “chronic” develops.

Reasons for the disease becoming chronic:

  • Misdiagnosis.
  • Incorrect selection of medications.
  • Resistance of chlamydia to the drugs used.
  • Violation of the treatment regimen by the patient.

Often people undergoing therapy mistake the disappearance of symptoms for complete relief from the disease. They interrupt treatment without “removing” the dangerous infection from the body. As a result, the disease continues to develop in a latent form; the transition to chronic chlamydia is a matter of time.

Sometimes the development of the disease occurs unnoticed. The fact is that chlamydia, even in its acute form, is sometimes asymptomatic.

Symptoms of chronic chlamydia

Symptoms of the disease differ between men and women. At the same time, it is quite difficult to detect the disease in a chronic form without a medical examination - the signs practically do not appear.

Signs of chlamydia in women

Symptoms actively manifest only if the disease has caused a serious decrease in the level of the body's immune defense. These symptoms include:

  • severe burning sensation when urinating;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen, and they can manifest themselves both in a state of complete rest and during physical activity;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina.

Please note that even if the discharge does not involve blood, it is difficult not to notice a change in its color. In addition, they are accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor.

A much more striking sign of chlamydia is the occurrence of other concomitant diseases:

  • cervicitis;
  • uterine erosion;
  • cystitis;
  • colpitis.

There is also a high probability of adhesions in the fallopian tubes. The most terrible consequences of chronic chlamydia are cervical cancer and infertility. In these cases, the symptoms are clear, and before this, the disease in the vast majority of cases can only be detected during a gynecological examination or by taking tests in the laboratory.

Signs of chlamydia in men

Representatives of the stronger sex even acute form Chlamydia in 45-47% of cases is asymptomatic. The chronic form most often occurs without any symptoms. At the same time, the man remains a potentially dangerous carrier of infection for his sexual partners. If symptoms do appear, they look like this:

  • the temperature rises to 37.5, especially in the morning and evening hours;
  • there is increased fatigue and general weakness in the muscles;
  • the first drops of urine when visiting the toilet are cloudy, and the process of urination is accompanied by a burning sensation;
  • in the morning, glassy and purulent discharge from the urethra is observed;
  • the urethra swells a little and takes on a reddish tint;
  • During ejaculation, bloody impurities in the semen are possible.

All these symptoms can be striking in the chronic form of the disease, but they appear in short periods of time, most The man is not worried about the course of the disease. But there is one exception - with chronic chlamydia, representatives of the stronger sex almost continuously feel discomfort in the lower back.

If women have a large “set” of concomitant diseases, then in men they are limited to cystitis and prostatitis.

Treatment regimen for chronic chlamydia

The treatment regimen for the disease in both men and women is based on suppressing the activity of the infection and its complete elimination from the body through the use of antibiotics. At the same time, treatment of the chronic form of the disease is longer and more difficult, since the causative agent of the disease has already managed to develop immunity to certain medications.

Treatment in men

Before starting therapy, the doctor conducts a study of chlamydia activity, and also assesses the general condition of the body:

  • the ability of the immune system to resist microorganisms;
  • the presence or absence of diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys and gall bladder (it is through these organs that antibacterial components exit the body);
  • Is there a microbiocenosis of the gastrointestinal tract?

The general condition of the genitourinary system is also assessed. After this, tests are carried out to determine the characteristics of chlamydia in each specific case of the disease.

After this, the doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs. Among them may be:

  • tetracyclines: "Dorix" (from 11,748 rubles),"Unidox Solutab" (340 rubles), "Vibramycin" (about 950 rubles);
  • fluoroquinolones: Lomflox (469 rubles), "Rovamycin" (from 1,089 to 1,634 rubles), "Ofloxacin" (from 31 to 194 rubles), "Levostar" (357 rubles);
  • macrolides: "Sumamed" (from 219 to 1,114 rubles), "Vilprafen" (from 540 to 686 rubles), "Hemomycin" (from 143 to 304 rubles).

Antifungal agents are sometimes used to treat chronic chlamydia. Among them, Fluconazole stands out. (from 32 to 298 rubles), "Pimafucin" (from 163 to 534 rubles).

Treatment in women

The general principle of therapy is no different from the “male” version - taking antibiotics. But there are still a number of differences. Ladies should take more “killer” doses of drugs, since the infection takes root better in their bodies, which means resistance to antibacterial drugs is much higher. At the same time, the therapy itself is somewhat longer.

The main remedies for the treatment of chronic chlamydia in women:

  • "Vilprafen" (once a day, 2 grams for 14 days). Price from 540 to 686 rubles;
  • "Rovamycin" (3 units 3 times a day for a week). Price from 1,089 to 1,634 rubles
  • “Tetracycline” (one and a half grams once a day for 14 days). Price from 77 to 80 rubles.

A drug such as Clindamycin is particularly effective. price from 184 to 595 rubles. Take it according to the scheme 3-4 times a day, 0.3 grams for 7 days. At the same time, sometimes one dose is enough to completely eliminate all symptoms, but, of course, this does not mean complete elimination of the disease itself, so the course of therapy should not be interrupted.

Women suffer this disease much worse than men. Therefore, in order to fully recover after treatment, it is necessary to take a course of medications to increase the resistance of the immune system, as well as vitamin complexes. Sometimes doctors recommend physical therapy along with taking antibacterial drugs. In addition, after completing the course of treatment, you should undergo additional testing for concomitant infections with chlamydia.

Chronic chlamydia sometimes leads to such sad consequences as infertility and cervical cancer. Treatment is complicated by the fact that at an advanced stage of the disease, symptoms rarely manifest themselves, so the disease can only be identified in a clinical setting. You can learn about the causes and course of this disease by watching this video.