Collagen for joints and spine. Ultra collagen - nutrition for the spine and joints. Pharmacological properties, how the drug works

A huge number of medications have been created for the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal disorders. Dietary supplements based on collagen can enhance their therapeutic effect. Safe and effective means from this category is “Collagen Ultra” for joints and spine. The dietary supplement is able to restore the structure of connective tissue, eliminate inflammation and prevent the development of severe complications.

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What is collagen used for?

The connective tissue of all organs is formed by a filamentous protein - collagen. The elasticity and firmness of the skin directly depends on this substance. Collagen ensures cell regeneration, inhibits the formation of melanomas, and is the basis for the structure of joints. The required amount of collagen is produced in the body until the age of 30-35, after which a gradual reduction in its production is observed.

A lack of collagen affects the condition of the skin, pain in the joints and muscles, and rapid fatigue. Therefore, the substance is used both in cosmetology and medical practice. Experts recommend using collagen in the form of dietary supplements.

Description of the product "Collagen Ultra"

The product “Collagen Ultra” for joints and spine has long been known in medicine. Contained in it active ingredients help compensate for the lack of collagen for the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissues. The drug eliminates inflammation, prevents the development of diseases such as osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, osteoporosis.

  • With constant physical activity. To prevent wear and tear of cartilage tissue during sports or heavy physical work, an additional source of collagen is needed, which the product can serve as.
  • The presence of pathologies of the spine and joints. The remedy cannot be used as the main method of treating these ailments. However, a dietary supplement can enhance the therapeutic effect of medications.
  • Postoperative period. "Collagen Ultra" for joints and spine is recommended for use during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Release forms and composition

The dietary supplement is produced by the company " Healthy eating" (Russia). "Collagen Ultra" is produced in several dosage forms: powder, cream and gel. In addition to collagen hydrolyzate, the gel contains glucosamine. This substance is indispensable in the formation of synovial fluid and cartilage tissue. The gel also contains essential oils of fir, geranium, rosemary, eucalyptus and lemon. Extracts of hot pepper, wormwood, burdock, and horsetail enhance the therapeutic effect of the product.

“Collagen Ultra” in powder form is enriched with vitamins C and D, calcium, and glucosamine. Such a product may have various flavoring additives.

How to use Collagen Ultra for joints and spine?

Reviews from patients and specialists confirm the effectiveness of the dietary supplement. It is possible to use several forms of the drug simultaneously. In powder form, the drug must be taken once a day. The contents of the package should be dissolved in a small amount of any cold liquid and taken with meals.

The minimum duration of taking Collagen Ultra for joints and spine is 1 month (as a preventive measure). Therapy should be extended to three months if it is necessary to treat pathological conditions of the musculoskeletal system.

Gel and cream are indicated for external use only. To do this, a small amount of the product is applied with smooth movements to the area of ​​the inflammatory process. The simultaneous use of powder and gel (cream) will help you get a more lasting and faster result.

"Collagen Ultra" (for joints and spine) for the face

Reviews indicate that the product can help get rid of wrinkles and start the process of natural regeneration of the epidermis. Representatives of the fair sex leave positive recommendations regarding the use of the Collagen Ultra dietary supplement as a cosmetic product.

A cream containing collagen hydrolyzate can significantly improve the condition of the skin, smooth out wrinkles, and restore skin elasticity. The product in the form of a gel has a similar effect. It must be applied to previously cleansed skin, patting with your fingertips. This procedure should be carried out twice a day. Already after the first use, the positive effect of Collagen Ultra (for joints and spine) will be noticeable.

For the face, a gel or cream should be used only after a preliminary test to determine sensitivity to the components in the composition. Minimum duration cosmetic procedures- 14 days.

Collagen is a protein that underlies the connective tissues of the body. It consists of cartilage, tendons, bones - those tissues that provide mobility to the human body.

By the age of 30, the production of this protein decreases. The skin loses freshness and elasticity, and joints lose mobility. To help the skeletal system remain mobile, scientists have created collagen-based preparations for joints and ligaments.

Properties of collagen

The joints provide flexion, rotation and rotation movements. They connect from two to several bones. The ends of the bony phalanges are rounded and covered with cartilage, for the lubrication of which synovial fluid is produced.

Collagen is a fibrous protein that makes up 35% of the body's tissues. It gives strength and elasticity to tissue joints.
Collagen is responsible for the growth of new cells and retains moisture in the cells.

Its deficiency over time leads to deformation and destruction of joints and bones. As a result, pain occurs when moving. The cartilaginous surface becomes thin, wears out, the bones, in contact with each other, cause severe pain to a person.

There is a need to replenish collagen artificially. It is found in gelatin obtained from animal bones. The daily intake of gelatin is at least 7 g. Considering that the course of treatment is at least 2 months, it is difficult to imagine that it is possible to consume gelatin in this form all this time.

Various dietary supplements based on collagen have been developed for the health of the joints and spine in powder enriched with amino acids and vitamins, as well as capsules and creams.

What is the therapeutic effect of taking collagen?


Orthopedist Dikul: “Penny product No. 1 for restoring normal blood supply to joints. Your back and joints will be the same as when you were 18 years old, just apply it once a day..."

Collagen, consumed in the form of dietary supplements, provides ready-made material for the body to produce its own collagen. Protein-producing cells are activated. As a result, the tissue of cartilage, tendons and ligaments is restored and strengthened.

The use of artificial callogen also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. She “looks younger”, wrinkles disappear, deep folds are smoothed out. This is connected with another important property protein - retains water in cells. Moisturized tissues are better absorbent and filled with nutrients.

Protein-based creams and ointments can have a beneficial effect on the dermis and on joints located close to the surface.

What is more effective – collagen or food gelatin?

Gelatin is broken down collagen. It is obtained from connective tissues of animal origin through prolonged heat treatment. In terms of their effects on the body, these substances are identical.

Collagen preparations have a considerable price. For those who cannot afford it, you can prepare jellied meats, jellied dishes, and berry jellies from edible gelatin.

Hydrolyzed collagen is a white powder that is absorbed faster by the body.

Indications for use

Prophylactic intake of drugs with collagen will prevent joint problems.

Its use in one form or another is prescribed:

  1. For athletes and people who are constantly on the move due to their occupation. Collagen allows their ligaments and joints to be strong and mobile. The healthy state of connective tissues helps to avoid injury.
  2. For arthrosis, osteochondrosis, bursitis, spinal hernia or inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. When treating joint injuries or after surgical intervention for their replacement.

Dietary supplements with collagen are also used in for cosmetic purposes to restore the elasticity of the skin of the face and body.

Natural springs

A sufficient amount of the beneficial substance can be obtained from food. There are many foods rich in collagen:

  • desserts – mousses and jellies prepared with edible gelatin;
  • cold fish and meat aspic dishes;
  • tendons, cartilage, beef, lamb, pork meat;
  • fish;
  • meat, skin of poultry - chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks.

It's important to know that useful substance, in question, is better absorbed simultaneously with vitamin C. Therefore, in many national cuisines meat, fish served with herbs, lemon, sour sauces.

What is offered on the dietary supplement market?

Available both for external use and in the form of powders, and in the form of capsules for oral administration:

  1. Collagen Ultra– powders, gel, cream, - one of the most popular dietary supplements for joints and spine. More about it below.
  2. Collagen Extra plus– powder form, gel, cream, balm. The balm is used to treat the skin of the feet.
  3. Preparations Autologen, Isolagen are administered subcutaneously as injections and used in cosmetology. They add visual volume to the lips, smooth out deep wrinkles, and refresh the skin.
  4. Available powdered drug, packaged in capsules. It is drunk with plenty of liquid, one capsule three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 months.

A large number of cosmetics with collagen are used in the form of creams and serums. Serum Elixir Pro - Collagen contains hyaluronic acid and plant extracts. Available in a 15ml tube. It restores cells and retains moisture in them.

The following products have a similar effect: Lifting - neck balm, seaweed cream with plant collagen, night cream Oxygen Pro - Collagen, Lifting - mask.

Collagen Ultra is a popular dietary supplement for joints

Collagen Ultra is produced by the pharmaceutical industry in three forms - powder, cream and gel. Used for the prevention, treatment and strengthening of joints and ligaments. It is used by patients with diseases of bones and joints, athletes and people who care about the condition of their musculoskeletal system.

The powder is packaged in sachets of 8 g, which are packed in cardboard boxes of 7-30 pieces. Each packet is a daily dose of collagen. In addition to the main substance, the dose includes vitamin C, proline, calcium, and vitamin D.

The gel is a transparent substance, contained in an aluminum tube in the amount of 75 g. Its composition is collagen hydrolyzate, extracts from pine buds, mint, red pepper, sage, vegetable oils, urea, glycerin, other additional components, water.

Cream - a product with the addition of glucosamine is white in color. In addition to the main substance, it contains oils of fir, lemon, burdock, wormwood, horsetail and auxiliary components.

Mode of application

The powder should be diluted in 100 ml of any drink or water. Take with food 1 time per day. The course of treatment is from 1 to 3 months. It is recommended to repeat the courses three times a year. Simultaneously with ingestion of the powder, a cream or gel is applied externally to sore spots.

There are three types of collagen: types 1 and 3 are found in bones and ligaments, type 2 is found in cartilage tissue. It is not recommended to take different types of drugs at the same time. Courses must be alternated.

Athletes widely use the Collagen Ultra supplement to maintain healthy joints. Doctors advise taking it together with ascorbic acid. Dose – 5 – 10 grams per day. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the athlete’s degree of load, physical fitness, pain and consequences of injuries.

People suffering from bone diseases should also take 1 packet of powder per day. The course of treatment is at least 1.5 months.


Collagen preparations should not be taken orally if:

  • blood diseases associated with thrombosis;
  • problems with the stomach, intestines, liver;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • allergies to animal protein;
  • stones and sand in the kidneys;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • obesity.

I have an opinion

A doctor’s opinion on the benefits of taking Collagen Ultra dietary supplement for the health of joints and spine, as well as reviews from athletes and ordinary people.

Collagen Ultra is a Russian-made drug that I recommend to my patients for the treatment of pathologies of the joints and spine. It relieves pain and restores mobility to the musculoskeletal system. The dietary supplement is immediately absorbed into the blood and begins to act. The body begins to produce its own fibrous protein. Collagen does not help immediately; it gradually accumulates in cartilage and bone tissue. To obtain a noticeable effect, it must be taken for a long time. One box is designed for 7-10 days. And the course requires 6-8. It's not cheap, but there is no alternative. The powder, combined with external use of the gel, gives good results for the joints.

We must not forget that Collagen Ultra is a food supplement. It is more of a preventive remedy than a curative one. Suitable for complex therapy in the treatment of joints.

Orthopedist Alla Vladimirovna

Several years ago I seriously injured my knee while skiing. Now when the weather changes, the joint hurts a lot. I tried many ointments. I came across Collagen Ultra on the Internet. I took powders and used gel for 3 months. Slowly, but improvement has come. Now there is no pain, although there is no complete recovery yet.

Angelina, 40 years old

I do powerlifting. Three months ago I noticed a crunch in my knees, and later pain appeared. The sports doctor advised me to take collagen capsules. I drank them for 2 months - all the symptoms went away. I feel cheerful and strong.

Victor, athlete

I started taking a drug with collagen when I noticed a crunch in my joints during gymnastics. I'm still young, this alarmed me.

I read the information on the Internet, bought Collagen Ultra powders at a regular pharmacy and began drinking one sachet a day. I don’t dilute it with water, but pour it into a spoon, put it in my mouth and then wash it down with water. The taste is tolerable.


My husband broke his leg, the bone healed slowly. I read reviews about collagen powder and gel and decided to try it. I bought the drug at full course– 60 sachets. My husband bravely drank them for 2 months. I don’t know if the dietary supplement helped, or if time passed, but the leg soon recovered and was no longer painful.


Collagen is necessary for mobility and youth of joints, fresh skin. Over the years, the body loses the ability to reproduce this protein. It must be supplied to cells from the outside in the form of food supplements and dishes with gelatin. This will allow you to maintain the mobility of the musculoskeletal system for a long time.

Diseases caused by a lack of collagen are one of the most common ailments, against which people of various ages, professions and lifestyles often find themselves powerless. Joint diseases may affect the following risk groups:

  • people leading an active lifestyle. Joints of both professional athletes and just amateurs active rest are exposed to increased stress, which can lead to injuries and subsequent chronic diseases;
  • people over 35-40 years old. After reaching this age, the natural aging processes in the human body accelerate, less collagen is produced, and therefore the risk of joint disease increases;
  • those who already have chronic diseases. A person who has injured a joint or has developed arthritis or arthrosis due to natural causes, without proper production of collagen in his body, can develop complications of the disease.

Collagen Ultra is designed to help people at risk improve the condition of their joints. The non-prescription drug replenishes the body with the necessary amount of collagen, which has a beneficial effect on joint tissue, as well as bones, hair and nails.

Component Properties

The drug is based on two components that complement each other and together enhance the positive effect.

Collagen hydrolyzate

The main component is a protein obtained during long-term heat treatment animal collagen. In its effects, it is no different from natural collagen produced by the human body.

Once in the gastrointestinal tract, it is well absorbed by the body, partially entering the blood in the form of amino acids (basic elements for the construction of proteins).

Subsequently, collagen participates in the construction of cartilage tissue.

Vitamin C

This vitamin promotes the body’s effective production of its own collagen, which is also important, since taking collagen only from the outside cannot fully meet the body’s needs.

Additionally, vitamin C has a general strengthening effect and increases a person’s immunity, which helps him more easily endure an exacerbation of the disease.

Depending on the form of release, the drug may also contain the following excipients:

  • glucosamine sulfate. This monosaccharide (a type of carbohydrate), obtained by processing crustacean shells, takes an active part in the regeneration of cartilage tissue, ligaments, as well as hair, nails, bones and skin;
  • proline An amino acid that is the main element for the production of collagen in the body;
  • calcium. A trace element necessary for effective bone strengthening.

The composition of the drug, available in the form of a gel or cream, may additionally include the following components:

  • rosemary essential oil. Has an analgesic effect, relieves inflammation and improves blood supply to joints;
  • pine bud extract. Turpentine, which is part of the extract, has a warming effect on the joints and increases blood flow, accelerating the healing process;
  • burdock extract. Has an antipyretic effect in inflammatory processes.

Release forms

The drug is available in three different forms:

  • powder for internal use. Packaged 8 g in single use sachets, which are packaged in packs of 7 or 30 sachets, the average price is 250 rubles. for a pack of 7 sachets, 850 rubles. per pack of 30 sachets;
  • gel. A transparent substance for external use is available in a 75 g tube, the average cost is 150 rubles;
  • cream. The white substance is available in a 75 g tube, the average price is 120 rubles.

The choice of a specific form depends on the nature of the disease: for injuries and sprains, it is recommended to use a gel or cream that, in addition to collagen, contains active dietary supplements that reduce the intensity of inflammatory processes.

For preventive use, “Collagen Ultra” in powder form is better suited.

A combined course is also possible.

The daily dosage of Collagen Ultra powder is 8 g for an adult. The drug should be taken once a day with meals; for this, the powder must be dissolved in half a glass of water or another drink.

To enhance the therapeutic effect in problem areas, use the drug in the form of a gel or cream.

The duration of use of the gel or cream depends on the intensity of joint inflammation - you should stop using the drug after the symptoms have completely eliminated. Apply the gel or cream by rubbing into the problem area of ​​the body with smooth massaging movements.


"Collagen Ultra" is not a medicine, and therefore does not contain potent, potentially dangerous components, but there are several cases in which the use of the drug is contraindicated:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • high blood clotting;
  • oxaluria, oxaluric diathesis.

Individual intolerance to the components included in the drug is also possible.

Side effects

If the dosage is violated, negative effects may occur due to exceeding the safe level of collagen in the body, for example:

  • increased blood clotting, thickening;
  • gastrointestinal disorder, constipation;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • increased risk of blood clots.

Glucosamine sulfide, which is part of the drug, may cause an exacerbation of diabetes or the appearance of a rash. Individual allergic reactions to the components of the drug, for example, sweeteners and flavors, are also possible.

Customer Reviews

Here are the impressions that collagen preparations made on the people who used them:

Professional running has a strong impact on joints and ligaments. With my weight of 70 kg, the peak load on the foot joint can reach several hundred kilograms. Therefore, in addition to correct technique When running, it is important for an athlete to pay attention to the condition of his joints.

I personally tried many ways to strengthen them and special strengthening exercises, and various electromagnetic devices, but the most effective remedy turned out to be “Collagen Ultra”.

At first I didn’t notice any particular effect from taking it, but after 3 months of use the effect became evident. The intensity of unpleasant sensations in knee joints, stretching became easier. After the break I will resume the course.

Alexey, 26 years old, Moscow

I sent my youngest daughter to gymnastics classes. After several classes, the child began to categorically refuse to go to sports. school, up to tearful hysterics. The reason for the failure was due to stretching. Although we, of course, understood that there were similar exercises in gymnastics classes, we still thought that if the child was 7 years old, then “stretching” would not be so painful for him.

They already wanted to leave the sport. school, as a coach advised us to start taking Collagen Ultra. We consulted a doctor and bought the drug for the child in the form of an orange-flavored powder. P

After diluting it with water, it looks like jelly, my daughter, of course, was not delighted with the taste, but gradually got used to drinking it every day. After just 1.5 months, the results became noticeable: the pain from stretching decreased significantly, and it became easier to stretch.

Alevtina, 31 years old, Astrakhan

At my age, the health of the joints comes to the fore, I didn’t think much about such things before, well, something creaked there, well, God bless him - I moved on. But now it’s no longer possible to get off so easily - I was uprooting an apple tree at the dacha, pulling part of the root out of the ground and severely straining my knee.

As a result, I received arthrosis and limped for 3 months; I would have been limping longer if Collagen Ultra had not helped. The doctor recommended taking it for 3 months in a row, I drank the one that is sold in powder form, and then I also bought a gel to rub into my knee. After about 4 months, all symptoms disappeared.

Sergey, 55 years old, Nikolaev

Doctors' opinions

We also invite you to read the opinions of qualified specialists:

The density of connective tissues significantly increases, the process of restoration of damaged cartilage is accelerated, and pain symptoms are relieved. Of course, using Collagen Ultra will not replace traditional therapy, but as an adjuvant it is very effective.

Viktor Borisovich, 51 years old, Irkutsk

Research shows that taking hydrolyzed collagen provides significant benefits. This is achieved mainly due to the fact that part of the collagen can be absorbed by the body in the form of oligopeptides (chains of amino acids).

Observations have shown that after just a few weeks of taking collagen, the number of fibroblasts (cells that produce collagen) in connective tissues increases significantly.

Considering the above, I find it reasonable to use collagen supplements, How additional means in the treatment of joint diseases. In my practice I mainly use Collagen Ultra. The drug has a convenient release form, and it also contains auxiliary components (vitamins and extracts) that help the body cope with the disease.

Irina Gennadievna, 47 years old, St. Petersburg

You will also find interesting facts in the following video:

The use of "Collagen Ultra" is possible as an adjuvant in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis and other joint diseases, and the drug is also used for prevention by people at risk. If the dosage is observed and after consulting a doctor, the product can be safely taken for 2-3 months.

IN Lately joint pathology occupies a leading position in the structure of general morbidity. Data from the World Health Organization puts this problem in 3rd place in terms of prevalence.

Recent statistics indicate that every 4th adult in Russia experiences joint pain. Elderly people are susceptible to such diseases in almost 100% of cases.

Joint pathology occurs due to excessive stress and gradual destruction of connective tissue.

To prolong the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, it is necessary that the body receives a sufficient amount of special substances - collagens.

All tendons, cartilage, and bones in the human body are formed by connective tissue. It is based on thread-like proteins called collagen. Researchers say this protein is most abundant in mammals. Its share is up to 30% of all protein fractions. Collagen performs 2 main functions:

  1. is a building material for connective tissue;
  2. glues all cellular elements into one whole.

Thus, with a deficiency of this protein, most organs and systems can suffer. However, lesions of the musculoskeletal system are determined the earliest.

The role of collagen in arthrology

The degradation of protein fibers also affects the joints. There was a clear connection between age and the amount of collagen in connective tissue. Starting from the age of 25, the synthesis of endogenous protein slows down, and in last years this age begins to decline. Schoolchildren and students are increasingly beginning to complain of pain in the joints and spine. An increasing deficiency of this protein provokes:

  • changes in the qualitative composition of synovial fluid;
  • decreased mobility and flexibility of joints;
  • the occurrence of pain syndrome;
  • increased capillary fragility;
  • dysfunction of muscle fibers.

The above conditions significantly worsen the patient’s quality of life and can lead to loss of ability to work and disability. Therefore, it is important to carry out measures aimed at restoring the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of collagen in the body.

In order to slow down the destruction of connective tissue in the body, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles. The main ones can be considered:

  • cessation of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • adequate physical activity;
  • rational nutrition (fermented milk products, plant food, lean meat and fish);
  • maximum limitation of fast food, carbonated drinks, smoked products;
  • taking vitamin complexes.

However, these measures are not always effective. Therefore, scientists are developing modern methods fight against aging joints. One of these is the use of collagen preparations.


Although the role of collagen for the human body was established at the beginning of the last century, the active use of this protein for the treatment of joints began not so long ago. Currently, the pharmaceutical industry offers a fairly wide selection of both single-drug products and combination drugs.

Most preparations with collagen for joints contain hydrolyzate - amino acids from which protein fibers are synthesized in the body.

The advantage of this form is ease of digestion and rapid onset of action. As a rule, such products contain a large amount of essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized in the body. The raw material for the manufacture of drugs can be animal skin or sea ​​fish.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular medications that contain collagen for joints.

The drug contains collagen hydrolyzate, corresponding to the proteins of human connective tissue.

Indications for the use of this dietary supplement are the prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and use in complex therapy in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative pathologies of the joints. It is also effective for improving the elasticity of ligaments and tendons during strenuous physical activity (for example, in athletes).

Collagen Ultra is available in sachets containing a daily dose of essential amino acids.

Besides different types The preparations are enriched with vitamins and antioxidants, which actively participate in the fight against free radicals.

Prevention and treatment of joint damage is a long process and lasts at least 3 months. With further use there is no danger of overdose. It is recommended to repeat the course of treatment 2 times a year, but for people experiencing severe physical exercise, constant consumption of such amino acids is indicated. The dietary supplement is contraindicated for patients with allergic reactions to the components of the drug, pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Collagen KANDA

An example of collagen of marine origin is the product of the Japanese pharmaceutical industry KANDA. It consists of 3 amino acids: glycine, proline and hydroxyproline, which are the material for the production of endogenous peptides.

According to the manufacturer, each capsule contains 98% natural collagen.

The reduced mass (on average 750 molecules) allows the medicine to be completely absorbed. The raw materials in this product are the skin and scales of sea fish, from which the maximum amount of protein fractions is extracted through a complex processing process. TO beneficial properties of this drug include:

  • increased regeneration of cartilage tissue;
  • qualitative improvement in the composition of synovial fluid;
  • reducing inflammation in joints;
  • obstruction of bone tissue resorption.

Marine protein is used in courses of 1 month, repeated 2-3 times a year. Regular use is recommended for patients over 55 years of age. Contraindications are standard for collagen preparations.

Czech scientists have combined ready-made collagen fibers with substances that enhance its synthesis in the body: vitamins, minerals, glucosamine and other active compounds. The drug contains a hydrolyzate of 3 active amino acids:

  • glycine;
  • histidine;
  • lysine.

Studies have shown that the use of these protein components activates the work of connective tissue cells to produce their own collagen. Thus, the renewal and restoration of cartilage, joints, and ligaments with the help of Geladrink Forte occurs in a comprehensive manner.

When taking the drug, the body receives building material in the form of amino acids and a complex of antioxidants to fight damaging free radicals.

Liquid collagen

Drinking forms of collagen help quickly and effectively replenish the deficiency of this protein. Typically, the solution contains necessary set antioxidants that reduce peroxidation processes in tissues.

The dosage and duration of administration are adjusted depending on age. For people over 50 years of age, a 3-month course of treatment is recommended, repeated 2 times a year.

Local release forms

For joint diseases, collagen can be used topically as part of complex therapy. For these purposes, it is available in the form of a cream or gel. Indications for the use of such forms of release are:

  • complex treatment of dystrophic or degenerative joint lesions;
  • post-traumatic treatment of the musculoskeletal system;
  • reducing the severity of pain;
  • reduction in the activity of the inflammatory process.

The cream is applied directly to the affected joint. Patients note a rapid analgesic effect and improved mobility of the affected limbs. The duration of use depends on the severity of symptoms.

The cream is used until pain or manifestations of the inflammatory process completely disappear. Local treatment can be combined with oral administration of collagen preparations.

Sports and collagen

In the diet of professional athletes, collagen occupies a leading position among nutritional supplements. High energy consumption, increased need for plastic material, heavy loads on tendons, joints, spine - all these factors can lead to early aging of body tissues and frequent trauma.

Therefore, constant replenishment of collagen reserves is an effective measure in confronting damaging factors.

In sports practice, hydrolysates are used that combine a complex of essential and essential amino acids.

Due to the increased need, the dosage also increases, which can reach up to 10 grams per day. The intake of collagen is divided into 2 times for an even supply of this building material into the body. The benefits of joint protein supplements increase when combined with chondroitin and glucosamine.


You can make up for a slight deficiency of collagen fibers through certain foods, the daily consumption of which will help support joints and cartilage tissue. The greatest benefits can come from:

  1. Sea fish and seafood. In addition to the high content of healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids, these products are rich in easily digestible collagen. Laminaria also have a complex effect on the body. They are a source of natural protein fractions and saturate the body with iodine.
  2. Turkey meat helps prevent the destruction of endogenous collagen due to the high content of amino acids that make up this protein. And if eating pork or beef reduces the production of your own protein fiber, then turkey dishes have a positive effect on this process.
  3. Scientists have noticed that all products containing vitamin C enhance the synthesis of collagen fibers. Therefore, eating citrus fruits, green salads, and currants has a beneficial effect on the condition of the connective tissue of the whole body.
  4. Gelatin and dishes containing it.

A balanced diet in combination with collagen preparations will help maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system despite age and the damaging effects of external and internal factors.

Latin name: Collagen
ATX code: B02BC07
Active substance: collagen and
vitamin C, methylparaben, essential oils
Manufacturer: NPO, Russia
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

Ultra collagen is a dietary supplement that is used as an additional drug in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Collagen is considered a natural protein that is part of human body. Collagen is found in every organ. It participates in metabolic processes. IN large quantities localized in the spine, joints and cartilage. Protein is also involved in the structure of connective tissue.

Scientists distinguish three main types of protein. It depends on which organ the collagen is located in. Types of collagen:

  • Type 1 – found in connective tissue. It helps to form ligaments, gives them elasticity and firmness.
  • Type 2 – localized in the joint area. This protein contributes to the strength of cartilage tissue and binds cells together.
  • Type 3 – found in nails and hair. It makes the nail strong and the hair silky.

If protein is supplied in sufficient quantities, then all tissues will be healthy. Scientists back in the twentieth century discovered this protein and also established its functions. Specialists were able to chemically isolate protein from certain products. To date, many drugs based on it have been produced. One of the most popular is collagen ultra.

Indications for use

Collagen Ultra is intended for people with problems in the musculoskeletal system. It helps improve the elasticity of ligaments and gives strength to cartilage tissue. The main indications for use are:

  • Degerative-dystrophic changes in the musculoskeletal system
  • Inflammatory processes in joints and spine
  • Joint lesions
  • Nonspecific diseases of the spine
  • Injuries of various etiologies in the musculoskeletal system
  • Infectious joint diseases
  • Spinal dysfunction
  • Various diseases of the nail plate
  • Hair lesions.

Ultra collagen is considered an analgesic and effectively relieves pain in muscles and joints. Helps improve blood circulation in tissues and prevents inflammatory processes. The drug improves mobility.

Composition of the drug

The composition of the drug is rich in vitamins and microelements. It contains natural substances that are safe for the body. Main components:

  • Collagen
  • Demineralized water
  • Glycerol
  • Essential oils
  • Vitamin B and C
  • Sodium
  • Active substances
  • Red pepper and mint extract.

The drug can be saturated with additional additives: rosemary, sage, lingonberry. All components interact well with each other and have a beneficial effect on the body.

Medicinal properties

Price from 114 rubles.

The drug collagen ultra has an effect on the restoration of joints and the spine. It is quickly absorbed by the body and is eliminated within a few hours. The route of drug elimination is through urea. The drug is absorbed by the blood and synthesized into ready-made chains of amino acids. This property of ultra collagen helps strengthen cartilage tissue. Experts prescribe collagen ultra to patients who suffer from lesions of the musculoskeletal system.

The drug relieves inflammatory processes in osteochondrosis, bursitis and diseases of cartilage tissue. When you take it, hair and nails become strong, silky, and their rapid growth begins. In case of delamination of the nail plate and the consumption of collagen, the cells begin to divide faster. After applying the protein, the nail becomes strong, silky, and the layering process goes away. Ultra collagen has a beneficial effect on the deep layers of the skin. The dermis acquires a natural shade, rejuvenates, and the aging process is slowed down.

Release forms

Price from 230 rubles.

The drug is available in three forms:

  • Powder.

All three forms are quite effective when exposed. Each of them is prescribed to prevent a specific disease. Your doctor can prescribe Collagen Ultra. To do this, it is recommended to undergo a preliminary consultation. Each drug comes with detailed instructions.

  • Collagen ultra gel is intended for external use for injuries, bruises and sprains. It comes as a clear gel that comes in a tube. It has a neutral odor and promotes the restoration of connective tissue. The gel penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, relieves inflammatory processes. Available in 75 gram tubes.
  • Collagen ultra powder restores the musculoskeletal system, improves motor activity, and relieves inflammatory processes. Available in packs of 7 and 30 sachets. Each contains 8 milligrams.
  • Collagen ultra glycerin cream promotes skin rejuvenation. Removes toxins from the body, smoothes wrinkles. The cream penetrates into the deep layers of the skin, regenerates cells, while the epithelium is silky. It is also used as an aid for arthritis and arthrosis. May have a release form: 75 gram ointment.

Mode of application

Price from 114 rubles.

Depending on the form of release and purpose, the drugs have different uses. A patient who has been prescribed protein is advised to read the instructions:

  • Powder, application: orally twice a day. The powder must be diluted with boiled water: 1 sachet per 100 milliliters.
  • Gel, application: recommended three times a day. The drug is applied to areas of the skin and joints where there is damage.
  • Cream, ointment application: three times a day, rub into the layers of the skin in a circular motion. The ointment is quickly absorbed and leaves no traces.

Before taking the drug, you should consult your doctor. This procedure is required due to some contraindications.


The drug should not be taken by pregnant women; it may have a harmful effect on the fetus. It is also not recommended to use during lactation. Be careful when taking Collagen Ultra; patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug should. This may cause allergic reactions. Read the instructions before use.

Precautionary measures

Collagen is not medicine, its overdose can lead to serious consequences. Women who are expecting a baby should consult a doctor and get complete information on collagen consumption.

Cross-drug interactions

Interacts well with drugs of natural origin.

Side effects

Development of allergic reactions in case of sensitivity to the components of the drug. You should stop taking it immediately.


An overdose may cause an allergic reaction.

Conditions and shelf life

Ultra collagen is good for 24 months. Store in dark place, at room temperature. Inaccessible to children.


There are several analogues that include collagen. It is recommended to purchase them only after consulting a doctor.

Manufacturer: Belkozin Russia, Japan

Price: from 130 rubles

Active ingredient: collagen

Release form:

  • Powder
  • Tablets, capsules.

There is also a cosmetic protein that is available in ampoules. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, rejuvenates it and regenerates cells.


  • Various release forms
  • Efficiency
  • Ease of use.


  • High price for products
  • Short shelf life
  • The storage location should be cool and dark.

Ultra collagen is a product that is used not only to treat pathologies of the joints and spine, but also to prevent the occurrence of such pathologies. Produced as a biologically active food supplement (BAA), as well as in the form of gel and cream. This remedy is most often used in combination with other drugs.

Description of the remedy for the treatment of joints

The drug, the active ingredient of which is synthetic collagen, helps stimulate the restoration of bone tissue structure, as well as the shock-absorbing properties of cartilage discs, which are located between articular joints. Collagen strengthens connective tissue and reduces inflammation in the joints. It is also able to stop the process of cartilage destruction.

In combination with other drugs, Collagen Ultra gives high results in treatment age-related changes musculoskeletal system.

Composition of the drug and release form

This drug is available in several forms, which allows for a comprehensive approach to treatment. It can be purchased in the form of powder for internal use, cream and gel.

Dietary supplement Collagen Ultra contains:

  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • vitamin C;
  • hydroxyproline;
  • proline;
  • calcium;
  • vitamin D;
  • glucosamine

Gel components:

  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • extracts of lingonberries, pine buds, sage, mint, red pepper;
  • essential oils of fir and rosemary;
  • methylparaben;
  • propylparaben;
  • glycerol;
  • diazolidinyl urea;
  • sodium carboxymethylcellulose;
  • hydroxyethylcellulose;
  • demineralized water.

The cream contains:

  • collagen hydrolyzate;
  • glucosamine sulfate;
  • essential oils of rosemary, eucalyptus, lemon and fir;
  • extracts of burdock, wormwood, horsetail, red pepper;
  • glycerol;
  • demineralized water;
  • propylparaben;
  • methylparaben;
  • diazolidinyl urea;
  • soybean oil;
  • emulsion wax;
  • distilled monoglycerides.

Ultra Collagen cream and gel with glucosamine provide anti-arthrosis effects, actively restore cartilage tissue and ligaments, and improve the condition of blood vessels

Indications for use

Collagen Ultra is not a full-fledged medicine and is used only as an adjuvant therapy. This biologically active food supplement is used for the following pathologies and conditions:

  • age-related changes in the structure of cartilage;
  • lack of basic elements that strengthen bones;
  • traumatic lesions of small and large joints;
  • osteochondrosis of various parts of the spine;
  • joint pain;
  • osteoporosis.

Interactions with drugs, contraindications and side effects

According to research, the drug does not react with other medications, does not reduce or enhance their effect. Contraindications and warnings for taking the powder are the following conditions and diseases:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • phenylketonuria.

Gel and cream cannot be used:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • with a tendency to allergies;
  • if there are lesions and wounds on the skin.

Side effects when using various dosage forms of the drug are quite rare. However, in some cases, unwanted effects such as allergies may occur.

If a pregnant woman or a nursing mother wants to use this supplement, then first of all you need to consult a doctor. After all, the risk in this case has not been fully explored.

How to use the products correctly

Powder for oral use is usually diluted in half a glass of any liquid. For the base you can take water, juice, milk or tea. Use the product regularly, preferably during meals.

The gel and cream are rubbed into the problem area several times a day with massaging movements. The gel has a lighter texture and is absorbed faster. The cream is thicker and will take a little longer to absorb.

Drug analogues - table

Name Release form Active substance Indications Contraindications Price
Osteoprotection with collagenCapsules
  • Glucosamine;
  • chondroitin;
  • hyaluronic acid.
To improve the functional state of the musculoskeletal systemIndividual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation615 rub.
Laura collagen drinkPowder
  • L-carnosine;
  • collagen peptides.
Replenishes collagen deficiency due to age-related changesHypersensitivity to the components of the drug790 rub.

Osteoprotection with collagen

Osteoprotectant with collagen is often used after the patient has completed the course of treatment with the main drug. This vitamin complex helps prevent joint diseases and maintain them in good condition after therapy. It contains important substances responsible for restoration processes in cartilage tissue. Hyaluronic acid stimulates the release of collagen, which strengthens bones and ligaments.

Collagen drink Laura

Laura with collagen allows you to compensate for the lack of hyaluronic acid, which becomes less and less with age. This product can restore not only bone tissue, but also improve appearance skin - to give it elasticity, reduce the number of wrinkles, and also make the complexion more attractive.

After using the drug it becomes more elastic and bone, since collagen improves its structure and strength, joint mobility increases.

How to restore joints and cartilage - video

Reviews of Ultra Collagen for joints and spine

Many mothers are familiar with the problem of joint pain. You constantly carry a child in your arms, while doing something else at the same time. In addition, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, the reserves of substances in the mother’s body decrease, and the body begins to malfunction. When I had the opportunity, I went to the gym, the swimming pool, now there is no one to leave the younger ones with, so I work out at home, at least 30-40 minutes a day for myself... So, I don’t have any problems with my back, the muscles are quite strong, but my knees have become get sick. I was advised to drink collagen. Tastes like gelatin. The manufacturer added orange flavoring and overdid it with sweetener. I think you can drink regular gelatin for the same purposes; it will be more natural and more economical. I drank 2 packs while taking calcium supplements, and the pain in my knees went away. Therefore, I will recommend this drug!

Lena T1981

I decided to take a course of collagen because I’ve been doing strength training for six months and my knees started to hurt badly and my joints started to creak. Of course, I work out with a trainer, he says it’s because of the heavy workload. But the joints need to be strengthened from the inside, but not from the outside. And if you don’t strengthen it, then you’ll have to reduce the training time, and even reduce the weight of the iron. But my workload wasn’t high anyway, and it’s a pity to waste my efforts, since the results of the training became visible only recently. So I had to support my body with another dietary supplement. By the way, there is a lot of information about collagens on the Internet. I'll tell you briefly: there are 3 types of collagen - plant, marine and animal. Marine and vegetable are used mainly in cosmetics, and animal - in dietary supplements. The difference is with dietary supplements containing collagen: the body best absorbs preparations containing collagen hydrolyzate. This is precisely why the body does not need to break down this drug; collagen has already been converted into hydrolyzate in pharmaceutical production, which is very convenient. Now about the taste. It’s neutral, you can’t feel it in food at all, it doesn’t interfere with the taste of the food, which is very good, I don’t like these flavoring additives, they’re cool at first, but the topping really gets boring. I dissolved it in warm water, dissolves quickly and easily, does not leave lumps. You only need to drink half a cup a day. Economical! I took the whole course, didn’t lose any sense, plus I didn’t reduce the load, and 3 months after taking it, my joints stopped cracking, the pain in the joints and muscles practically didn’t bother me, I only noticed it a little when I overtrained. Plus, I also noticed cosmetic changes in my appearance (perhaps the diet helped), my hair became silky and shiny. So there is a result from taking it, the money was not wasted. Express weight loss after the second birth went with a bang!

Having once read about the benefits of collagen for the skin, I was inspired by the idea of ​​purchasing it. The best way The site would have made such a purchase, but I was not looking for easy ways. I didn’t want to wait a whole month for the package to arrive, but I needed the results from taking the drug urgently. After scouring the Internet, I was quickly able to find a replacement for collagen - this is regular food gelatin. There was only one “but”, I’ll try to explain it as I understood it myself. I repeat, first I decided to drink gelatin. The daily norm for this product is 10 grams, which means I would spend only 300 rubles a month on such nourishment of the body. It's very inexpensive, which couldn't help but make me happy. However, very quickly I realized that this method did not suit me. It is impossible to eat gelatin in dry form - the powder sticks to the palate and gums, and it is impossible to swallow it, even with water. Then the brilliant idea of ​​soaking it in liquid came to mind. So gelatin can already be eaten, but this slimy substance turned out to be so disgusting that it caused my gag reflex. Then I turned to the Internet again in search of a source of collagen that I could buy without waiting for a long time for the package. The answer was the Russian-made drug Collagen Ultra. I found it quickly; it was sold in the pharmacy closest to my house. The drug itself is a very finely ground white powder without a pronounced odor. The manufacturer recommends diluting Collagen Ultra in a small amount of any liquid. To begin with, I decided to dilute the dietary supplement with water. It immediately became clear that the powder dissolves very poorly and does not become homogeneous. I read that the problem can be solved if you add the additive slowly with constant stirring, but even this way I got lumps. In some of the reviews of collagen hydrolyzate they wrote that you can use a milk frother to prepare the drink, but I haven’t tried it myself. “Collagen Ultra” diluted in water turned out to taste simply disgusting. I couldn’t drink it, even holding my nose. The gag reflex arose very quickly, and I was afraid that I would simply throw up. The aftertaste of the drink is also disgusting. It seems that you have eaten enough burnt bones; you still have a smell in your mouth for a long time, which you can feel while sitting in the dentist’s chair. The consistency of the finished drink most closely resembled snot. It was a shame to throw 210 rubles into the trash, so I decided to give Collagen Ultra a second chance by trying to dilute it in lemonade. I managed to take this slimy horror into myself in three large gulps, then I needed 2 more glasses of water to wash it down. Now I clearly understood that I would never buy collagen in powder form again, even though it was cheaper - only in capsules. I finished the pack, but my natural greed played a big role here. Every time after drinking the drink I was ready to spit, I felt sick. I had to breathe slowly between sips to prevent the contents of my stomach from coming back up. A girl who used Collagen Ultra to treat her knee wrote: “If you want to live, you won’t get so excited,” and she’s right, but I’m not yet ready to endure this mockery for the sake of beauty. Unfortunately, I cannot write anything about the effect of Collagen Ultra. I only took it for a week, but it takes more than 3 months for visible results on the skin. I didn’t feel any changes in my body while taking it, and I shouldn’t have. Therefore, it is difficult to assess. Subjectively, I’m ready to give it a 3. Objectively, I can note the following: the product’s composition is good, it’s easy to find in city pharmacies, and it’s affordable (although you can buy collagen hydrolyzate for 3 times cheaper, but you’ll have to order it online and wait a long time) , the taste is disgusting. Whether you drink it or not is up to you. It all depends on what goals you are pursuing and what sacrifices you are willing to make for them.

Fedorino grief

It all happened to us all at once - my husband severely sprained his leg in the gym, I twisted my ankle on a slippery bridge over the railway track, my dad’s joints hurt. In general, the whole family is limping :))) We decided to get treatment all together. Well, everyone drinks and applies their own medications, of course, but I want to speed up the recovery process. As the most Internet addict, I was sent to look for reviews - what could help. I went to my favorite sites. I read the reviews for two days, and in the end I settled on Collagen Ultra. Of the negative things I saw, only someone didn’t like the taste. And so basically everyone wrote back that the dietary supplement copes with its task and helps. Since there are many of us, I immediately ordered the Collagen Ultra kit without fragrance. For 84 days of admission. Costs 2304 rubles + delivery on the Collagen Ultra website. That is, just enough for the three of us for a month. In general, a courier brought it and they immediately started drinking it. My husband started spitting - but he can’t stand jellied meat either, he didn’t like the taste at all. I then diluted it for him in juice and compote - it turned out like jelly, he drank normally. But as for me, the taste is just like taste, nothing special. Dad drank without question all month. so it depends on how spoiled the person is, as for me - you can drink Collagen Ultra and not wince. As a result of taking it, my ankle stopped hurting very quickly (about a week after I started taking Collagen Ultra). My husband’s leg healed within two weeks. and in general his joints stopped creaking during exercise in the gym. Dad has seen improvements; he says that his joints don’t hurt as much when he moves. But! I ordered him a course for another 2 months; in case of illness, they still recommend not one month, but three.


Collagen Ultra helps replenish the necessary vitamins for the proper functioning of the joints and spine. It contains calcium, which strengthens bones, collagen, vitamin C and many other components that accelerate the formation of cartilage tissue in the area of ​​injury or in case of age-related deficiency.

Beautiful skin healthy joints, strong bones are the merit of collagen, which is independently produced in the body. With age, the first signs of a lack of this structural protein begin to appear. "Collagen Ultra" - a product with unique properties, which is quickly absorbed by the body and slows down the aging process.

The role of collagen

70% of skin protein consists of collagen, which is located on the surface of cells. Thanks to it, firmness, elasticity and fit are preserved. Collagen fibers in joints, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, bone and muscle tissue perform a supporting and strengthening function.

Modern developments in the field of cosmetology and medicine are aimed at replenishing collagen reserves and stimulating its independent production. Preparations with this active ingredient are an essential component in treatment regimens for various injuries and sprains. The Collagen Ultra series consists of gel, cream and dietary supplement. Serves to accelerate metabolic processes in tissues and can be used for prevention and therapy.

Properties of the drug

Collagen hydrolyzate of natural animal origin is the active ingredient. It is this form of the composition that allows it to be quickly and easily absorbed by the body, restoring the structure of connective tissue. This is a source of essential amino acids (hydroxyproline, oxysilin) ​​necessary for collagen synthesis, and the process activator is vitamin C. Collagen Ultra cream and gel are used when it is necessary to treat problems with the musculoskeletal system. To achieve maximum effect, you need to use a bioactive supplement from the same series.

The cream contains glucosamine, which is necessary for bones, cartilage and is a component of synovial fluid. Relieves pain from rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis and osteoporosis. Helps restore and strengthen muscle tissue and ligaments. Essential oils contained in preparations for external use have an anesthetic effect.

Release form and composition

The product is available in several forms:

  • Powder- 7 sachets of 8 g in one package. Take 1 sachet per day, dissolving the contents in a glass of water. Improvement in condition will be noticeable after 3-4 weeks of using Collagen Ultra powder. The instructions for use stipulate that the course of treatment should be at least 3 months. After a break, therapy is repeated. Powder is available in different fruit flavors.
  • Gel tube volume 75 ml. The composition includes collagen hydrolyzate, glucosamine, extracts of lingonberry, mint, pepper, sage, peppermint, and essential oils. The gel is applied to the affected area and rubbed in with gentle movements.
  • Cream - aluminum tube volume 75 ml. In addition to the main active ingredients, the product contains sunflower and mustard oils, emulsion wax. Essential oils (lemon, fir, geranium) and extracts medicinal plants(horsetail, burdock) are ideal for using the cream as a massage product.

Indications for use

According to the annotation, the drug is not medicine, but can have a strengthening, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect. "Collagen Ultra", the use of which is also justified as a preventive measure, is prescribed in the following cases:

  • Degenerative-dystrophic diseases.
  • Functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Joint diseases (osteoarthrosis, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis).
  • Injuries, bruises, sprains, dislocations.
  • Recovery period after surgery.
  • Regular heavy physical activity (eliminates pain).

After 35 years, the body’s independent production of collagen decreases. This can be seen by the condition of the skin and hair first of all. Therefore, from now on, the use of collagen-based products will help improve your appearance.

How to use the product?

Preparations for external use are applied in small quantities to areas of the skin where therapeutic effects are needed and rubbed in with massaging movements. After a short period of time, the product begins to act, the analgesic effect appears, and the damaged tissues receive restorative material (active components from the Collagen Ultra composition). The instructions for use indicate that the product must be used until the symptoms of injury or sprain completely disappear.

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. If the product is used for prevention, then you need to alternate the ointment (gel) with the dietary supplement. It is recommended to use them at equal intervals, observing the interval between courses.

If allergic rashes appear on the skin after applying the products, you must stop using. During pregnancy, the drug should be used only after consultation with a gynecologist.

Rejuvenation with the help of the drug

Collagen is used in the field of cosmetology due to its ability to retain moisture in the skin, which helps maintain youth and a fresh appearance. Collagen fibers in the dermis act as springs, which lose their shape with age. As a result, the skin sags, folds and wrinkles appear. Today, 3 types of collagen are used for the production of cosmetics: animal, marine and plant origin. Each has both advantages and disadvantages (poor digestibility, allergies, high cost).

By using Collagen Ultra on the face, you can restore water balance and remove age-related signs of aging. The cream produces a lifting effect, the result of which can be seen within 2 weeks after starting use. Collagen masks are recommended for use by women over 35 years of age. To do this, it is not necessary to attend treatments in beauty salons. Home use of a product based on collagen hydrolyzate can improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Masks with collagen

Making your own mask with collagen is not difficult. It is enough to purchase “Collagen Ultra” or an analogue of this product, apply it correctly to the skin - and the result will not be long in coming. For a positive effect, it is important to properly prepare your facial skin before applying the gel or cream. You can also use powder from this series. It is stirred in a small amount of water to form a mass resembling gelatin.

You must adhere to the following rules when using the drug as an anti-aging mask:

  • Cleanse your face with cosmetic soap and warm water.
  • The mask is left on the face for at least 20 minutes.
  • After washing off the remaining product, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.
  • The recommended course of home rejuvenation using collagen hydrolyzate is 1 month (1-2 times a week).

“Collagen Ultra” cream is applied in a small amount to the face and rubbed in with smooth movements. Residues of the product that are not absorbed into the skin must be removed with a napkin.

How to use hair product?

Collagen hydrolyzate has proven itself well for restoration damaged hair. It helps retain moisture in the structure and creates a protective film on the surface. Many hair care products contain small amounts of protein, but this is not always enough. In this case, you can use collagen gel.

Apply the product to washed, damp hair, evenly distributing it along the length, but without affecting the roots. You can dry your hair with a hairdryer or just leave it for a while until the product dries. The drug is left overnight, putting a shower cap on your head. In the morning, the collagen mask can be washed off. Hair becomes manageable, silky and “alive” after the first procedure.

What to replace the drug with?

In case of an allergic reaction or individual intolerance, it is necessary to replace the “Collagen Ultra” drug. Instructions similar product must confirm the presence of collagen hydrolyzate, the main active component. In addition, excipients are needed to allow protein to be better absorbed.

“Collagen Extra Plus” has identical properties and therapeutic effects. This is a powder for internal use that has restorative, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. The product can slow down skin aging, improve motor function of joints and enhance the effect of medications.