Fire water supply design. Calculation and design of external and internal fire-fighting water supply systems for populated areas and industrial enterprises Design of fire-fighting water supply systems for buildings and structures

Internal fire water supply (IPV) - a complex system pipelines and auxiliary elements installed to supply water to fire valves, primary fire extinguishing devices, fire stops of dry pipes and stationary fire monitors.

ERW ensures fire safety inside public buildings. In accordance with regulatory requirements, ERW must either be installed mandatory or not installed at all.

Structure of ERW design documentation

Part project documentation The ERV includes the following sections:

  1. Explanatory note with a list of equipment used, its characteristics, and a description of the mechanism of action of the ERW system.
  2. Plans of each floor of the facility, showing the placement of equipment, fire cabinets and distribution of the pipeline network.
  3. Hydraulic calculation of the ERW system, which determines the water flow and pressure at the outlet of fire hydrants.
  4. Axonometric diagram of pipeline layout.
  5. Pumping station plan.
  6. Electrical diagram for connecting devices.
  7. Specification of equipment and materials.

Also, the ERW design documentation includes methods for checking and testing ERW during service maintenance, technical regulations, and calculation of the number of maintenance personnel.

Design stages

Fireproof internal water supply can be of two types:

  • a multifunctional system connected to a domestic water supply and designed to satisfy domestic needs and extinguish a fire if necessary;
  • independent pipeline complex and technical means, which is mounted over the entire area of ​​the building and is triggered automatically.

In order for ERW equipment to operate efficiently, it is necessary to pay attention when designing Special attention central stages:

  • Determining the number of jets produced and the flow of water in them. This takes into account the fact that each point in the room must receive at least two jets from adjacent risers. Therefore, after calculating the number of jets, the number of fire risers and their placement points are determined.
  • Design of pipeline network layout. In buildings with five or more floors, equipped with fire-fighting water supply systems, a two-way water supply must be provided. Therefore, risers and taps with water intake risers are looped. Autonomous systems If appropriate conditions exist, the ERW is connected in an emergency using jumpers to other water supply systems.

Development of an ERW project, preparation of drawings and calculations is a labor-intensive process with many nuances and difficulties, which only a professional designer can perform.

Requirements for designing ERW

The internal fire water supply must ensure automatic activation of pumps when the fire hydrant is opened and manual control of the control center or pumping station, as well as from manual fire call points mounted inside fire cabinets.

The method of supplying water to the water supply system, the number of inlets into the building, water flow and the number of fire hydrants are established taking into account the architectural and planning features of the facility.

In an ERW combined with a drinking water system, pipes, fittings, materials and coatings must have a sanitary and epidemiological certificate, and the water quality must meet hygienic standards.

Water consumption and the number of fire hydrants simultaneously used to extinguish a fire depend on the type and purpose of the building, number of floors, fire hazard category, degree of fire resistance and structural hazard class.

Electrical parts and pipelines of ERV must be grounded in accordance with GOST 21130 and PUE. If technological installations with a voltage of more than 0.38 kW are located in the coverage area of ​​fire cabinets, then manual fire nozzles are also grounded.

Scroll legal requirements the design of ERW is regulated by the joint venture “Fire protection systems. ERW."

Completed the development project and installation ERW internal fire-fighting water supply systems in the production laboratory building in Moscow.


To effectively solve fire extinguishing problems, the internal fire extinguishing system must satisfy a number of requirements of regulatory and governing documents that determine the composition, quantity and placement of fire-fighting equipment.

When developing the design of the internal fire water supply system of the research institute building, the requirements of the following regulatory documents were taken into account:

1. SNiP 2.04.01-85*. Internal water supply and building drainage. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1996;

2. SNiP 2.04.02-84*. Water supply. External networks and structures. Ministry of Construction of Russia - M.: GPTsPP, 1996;

3. SNiP 05/31/2003. Public administrative buildings;

4. SNiP 21-01-97*. Fire safety of buildings and structures;

5. PPB-01-03. Fire safety rules in Russian Federation. - M.: Infra-M, 2003;

6. Designer's Handbook. Internal sanitary installations. Part 2. Water supply and sewerage. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1990;

7. NPB 151-2000. Fire cabinets. – M.: State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2001;

8. NPB 152-2000. Fire equipment. Firefighting pressure hoses. – M.: State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2001;

9. NPB 153-2000. Fire equipment. Fire connecting heads. – M.: State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2001.

10. NPB 154-2000. Fire equipment. Fire hydrant valves. – M.: State Fire Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, 2001;

11. NPB 177-99. Fireman's trunks are manual.

12. SNiP 11-01-95. Instructions on the procedure for development, coordination, approval and composition of design documentation for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures. M.: 1995;

13. PUE-98. Rules for electrical installations.


Administrative, laboratory and utility rooms belonging to group F 4.3 according to functionality are subject to protection by internal fire water supply fire danger(clause 5.21* SNiP 21-01-97*). The building is classified as fire resistance class II, structural fire hazard class CO. The building is five-story with an attic and a basement, with a volume of 20,000 m3.

The premises are heated.


The water fire extinguishing system includes an internal fire network with fire hydrants and a fire pumping station.

The placement of fire hydrants must ensure irrigation of any point in the protected premises with one water jet with a flow rate of at least 2.5 l/s.


In accordance with clause 6.1* and table 1* of SNiP 2.04.01-85*, since the volume of the research institute building is less than 25 thousand m3, 1 jet with a water flow rate of at least 2.5 l/s should be used for internal fire extinguishing of premises . Based on the standard flow rate and the number of fire jets determined in accordance with regulatory documents, the total water consumption for internal fire extinguishing will be: Qin. = 1 · qst. = 1 ´2, 5 = 2.5 l/s.

It is proposed to equip the water supply network with fire hydrants with a diameter of 50 mm, fire nozzles RS-50 with nozzle diameters of 13 mm, and fire hoses 20 m long with a diameter of 51 mm. In accordance with clause 6.8 of SNiP 2.04.01-85*, free pressures at internal fire hydrants must ensure the production of compact fire jets of the height necessary to extinguish a fire at any time of the day in the highest and most remote part of the building. The minimum height and radius of action of the compact part of the fire jet should be taken equal to the height of the room, counting from the floor to the highest point of the ceiling (covering), but not less than 6 m for public buildings up to 50 m high.

At the same time, in accordance with Table 3 of SNiP 2.04.01-85*, with the actual size of the compact part of the fire jet Rc = 12 m, the water flow will be 2.6 l/s, and the required pressure at the fire hydrant will be Npk. = 21 m. Fire hydrant operating radius R cr. for the premises of the research institute building, fig. 4.1., will be:

R cr.= R cr.k.+ l r,

where: R pr.k – projection of the compact part of the jet onto the horizontal plane, m;

T – height of the room (T = 2.6 m for the basement of the building, T = 3.6 m for the above-ground premises of the building);

l р – length of the fire hose, m;

1.35 – height of the fire hydrant, m.

Angle of inclination of the fire nozzle, °.

Taking into account the height of the room, the radius of action of the fire hydrant in the basement of the building will be equal to R cr under. = 25.9 m, in the above-ground premises of the building - R cr above. = 25.5 m.

With this value of Rk, 15 fire hydrants need to be installed in the premises of the research institute building, taking into account its layout.

Since the total number of fire hydrants in the research institute building is more than 12, the main network is designed as a ring and is powered by two inputs from the external water supply network.

From the calculated axonometric diagram of the internal fire water supply network for fire hydrants located on the attic floor of the research institute building, Fig. 4.2, it is clear that the direction of water movement from the fire pump to the PK-14 tap (dictating point) should be taken as the calculated direction.

We determine the diameters of the riser pipes for the passage of calculated water flows, taking into account the economic speeds of water movement (V), which should not exceed 3 m/s.

Pipe diameters are determined by the formula:

Taking the water movement V = 2 m/s as the calculated speed value, for the risers and the ring of the internal fire water supply network of the internal fire water supply network we obtain:

For calculation purposes, we accept “non-new steel” pipes with a diameter of 50 mm, taking into account their long-term future operation.

The diameter of the supply pipelines (from fire pumps to the internal ring fire water supply) is taken as d supply. = 80 mm.

Determine the required pressure of the fire pump:

Ntr. pl. = 1.1 h s + Npk + Δz – Hsv.,

where: h с – pressure loss in the internal fire-fighting water supply network;

Npk – free pressure at the dictating point (at the fire hydrant PK-14);

Δz – difference between the installation elevations of the PK-14 fire hydrant and the pump axis;

Nsv. = 10 m – free pressure in the external water supply network at ground level (level 0.00).

Since the fire hydrant with a dictating point is installed at elevation. 20.67 m, and the pumping station is located at elevation. 0.00 then:

Δz = 20.67 m.

As follows from the calculation results, the pressure loss in the network in the design direction (PK-18 - NS) will be:

h c = h PK-14 – 1 + h 1-2 + h 2-3 + h 3-NS = 1.65 + 1.95 + 0.52 + 0.49 = 4.61 m,

where: h PK-14 – 1 = A50 L PK-14 – 1 Q 2PK-14 = 0.01108 22 2.62 = 1.65 m;

h 1-2 = A50 L 1-2 Q 2PK-14 = 0.01108 26 2.62 = 1.95 m,

h 2-= A50 L 2-3 Q 2PK-14 = 0.01108 7 2.62 = 0.52 m,

h 3-NS = A80 L 3-NS. Q 2PK-14 = 965.6 75 0.00522 = 0.49 m,

where: A50 = 0.01108 (s/l)2; A80 = 965.6 (s/m3)2 – resistivity pipes with a diameter of 50 and 80 mm.

The main indicators of the project are presented in table. 4.1.

Table 4.1

Where the required pump pressure will be equal to:

Ntr. pl. = 1.1 · 4.61 + 21 + 20.67 - 10 = 36.74 m.

To ensure the protection of premises with one water jet with a flow rate of 2.6 l/s and to create the required pressure at fire hydrants, it is necessary to install two pumping units (1 main and 1 reserve) CR 15 - 3 with 3 kW electric motors, providing flow 10 m3/h (2.8 l/s) and head 40.0 m.


Fire hydrants should be installed at a height of 1.35 m above the floor of the room and placed in cabinets with openings for ventilation, devices for their sealing and visual inspection without opening. The source of water supply for the internal fire water supply system is the city water supply network.

The internal fire-fighting water supply system must be made in the form of a ring network of pipelines and operated in heated premises of a public administrative building. Start buttons for starting fire pumps and opening the electric valve on the bypass line of the water meter unit are installed in fire cabinets. When turning on fire pumps and electric valves remotely, it is necessary to simultaneously send a signal (light and sound) to the fire station room or other room with 24-hour presence of service personnel.

When you press the start button (turn on the fire pumps and open the electric valve) and open the fire hydrant valve, water under excess pressure (pressure determined by calculation) will ensure fire extinguishing of any room of the building with the calculated number of jets. Fire pumps are turned on manually from the pump control panel in the fire pumping station and remotely from buttons installed in fire cabinets. If the working pump does not reach the design mode from the ECM installed on the pressure line of the main pumping unit, the backup pump is automatically turned on. All pipelines are made of electric-welded steel pipes in accordance with GOST 10704-91.


The equipment was accepted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.01-85*, SNiP 2.04.02-84* and the calculations performed. Two pumping units (one working and one standby) of the CR 15 - 3 brand with 3 kW electric motors, providing a flow of 10 m3/h (2.8 l/s) and a head of 40.0 m, were used as pumps for the internal fire-fighting water supply system. To remove spilled water, a GNOM 10/10 drainage pump with a 1.1 kW electric motor is used.


Plumber (repairman) 4th category - 1 person.

Electrician of the 4th category - 1 person.

The calculation was performed according to RTM 25.488-82.


Maintenance personnel are allowed to work after undergoing safety training with an appropriate note in the log.

When operating the installation, the following rules must be followed:

1. Carry out repair work when there is no pressure in the unit being repaired.

2. Carry out repair work on electrical equipment after turning off the power supply.

3. All work at heights should be carried out by at least two people with safety equipment.

4. Cleaning and painting is carried out while removing voltage from the nearest current-carrying elements.

5. During repair work, if necessary, portable lamps with a voltage not exceeding 12V should be used.


According to clause 92 of PPB 01-03, in the premises of the pumping station there must be posted general scheme fire water supply and pump piping diagram. Each valve and fire booster pump must indicate their purpose. The order in which booster pumps are turned on should be determined by the instructions.

According to clause 1.2 and table 3 of NPB 160-97, fire safety signs must be installed at the remote start buttons.


for construction work

For internal fire water supply systems:

1. The depth of laying pipes in external sections of the water supply network (entry into the building) from the surface of the earth to the axis of the pipe is at least 1.90 m.

2. Make holes in the walls and ceilings of the building for laying internal fire water supply pipes.

In the premises of the fire pumping station:

1. Foundations under pumping units CR 15 - 3, unit weight – 52 kg.

2. Make holes in the walls of the pumping station for laying internal fire water supply pipes.

3. To remove possible spilled water, make a drainage pit measuring 600x600x600 mm.


for the design of power supply for fire pumps

In terms of reliability of power supply, fire extinguishing installations are category I consumers.

It is necessary to supply two independent power inputs to the fire pump control cabinet - working input No. 1, backup input No. 2, voltage 380/220 V, frequency 50 Hz, power 3 kW each.

Working input No. 3 and reserve input No. 4 with a voltage of 220 V, a frequency of 50 Hz, a power of 0.5 kW for the ShZ-1 electric valve control cabinet.

Technical requirements

Lay the backup and working inputs along separate routes, isolated from one another, in accordance with SN 174-75 clauses 11-17.

In the pumping station premises, provide: working, emergency and repair lighting (illuminance from working lighting 75 lux, voltage 220 V; illumination from emergency lighting at least 10 lux; voltage of repair lighting 12 V), as well as telephone communication with the fire station.

Above the entrance to the pumping station there should be light board"Fire extinguishing station."


to protective grounding

All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may become energized due to insulation failure, are subject to grounding (grounding). The following are subject to grounding (grounding): electric motors, terminal boxes, switching cabinets, control panels and dispatch personnel panels.

Resistance protective grounding(zeroing) should be no more than 4.0 Ohm.

Grounding (grounding) must be performed in accordance with the "Rules for Electrical Installations" (PUE); SNiP 3.05.06-85 "Electrical devices"; requirements of GOST 12.1.030-87 and technical documentation of component manufacturers.

We will post the drawings for download upon request.

Availability external fire water supply a prerequisite for the safe functioning of a building or organization as a whole. It is installed on the territory of an organization or settlement and is usually combined with a domestic water supply. As a rule, it consists of low pressure pipelines that can provide water flow from 10 to 35 (40) l/sec. depending on the fire resistance class, height of the building and its volume . Design of external fire-fighting water supply system carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85 (section 12) and SNiP 2.04.02-84. In accordance with these standards, the following types of buildings and structures must be equipped with such a fire safety system:

  • Residential buildings with more than 12 floors;
  • Public entertainment institutions - cinemas, stadiums, clubs, conference halls;
  • Departmental buildings with a height of more than 6 floors;
  • Buildings for public use and all types of dormitories;
  • The vast majority of types of storage facilities, including some open storage areas;
  • Industrial buildings and structures with fire safety classes B, D and D with an area of ​​more than 1000 m 2.

Distribution system external fire water supply

Important! For settlements with a population of less than 50 people and low-rise buildings, such a water supply system is not provided.

According to SP external fire-fighting water supply must provide a minimum head of 10 m for one-story buildings and structures with maximum household consumption. For each subsequent floor, 4 m are added.

Composition of external fire-fighting water supply

The key element of the external fire-fighting water supply system is the fire hydrant (FH). It is installed along access roads no closer than 2.5 m from the border of the roadway, but no closer than 5 m from the walls of buildings and structures. An access path with a width of at least 3.5 m must be provided for the SG. At the location of the SG, a sign must be installed at a height of 2-2.5 m in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76 standards.

Connection to the PG water supply

A fire stand with a hydrant is a water intake device that is installed in the water supply network and is designed to supply water when extinguishing a fire. At checking external fire water pipes which should be carried out twice a year, technical specifications GHGs must meet the following standards:

  • The provided operating pressure (in mega pascals MPa) with a nominal diameter of 125 mm must be at least 1 MPa.
  • The rotation speed of the opening device (rod) is no more than 12-15 revolutions, while the applied force should not exceed 150N or 15 kg.
  • The mass of the fire pump is no more than 80 kg.

In addition to GHGs, fire-fighting reservoirs of appropriate volume are used as external fire-fighting sources in accordance with SNiP 2.04.02-84 clauses 2.13.-2.17. they are located within a radius of 200 m from the buildings being served if there are motor pumps or 100-150 m if there are motor pumps.

Fire pond

The main difficulties and mistakes when designing yourself (with your own hands)

Solutions LLC "Region"

  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare Terms of Reference for the SPZ project. If necessary, we will carry out the design of the sanitary protection zone and coordinate it.
  • Lack of metering devices and objective (calculated) data on the required productivity.
  • We will collect all the necessary data, carry out calculations and present it to the customer for consideration. If necessary, we will carry out temporary installation of metering devices.
  • Lack of title documents for land.
  • We will assist in the preparation of documentation and, if necessary, include it in the design specifications.
  • Inaccuracies in the preparation of the Technical Specifications: all necessary research was not taken into account, the above listed documents were not taken into account.
  • We will analyze the current situation and prepare the correct technical specifications.
  • The price justification was not carried out correctly, based on commercial proposals from non-specialized organizations, without taking into account compliance with the requirements of technical specifications, the need to inspect buildings and structures, etc.
  • We will prepare an estimate for design and survey work and inspection, using reference books base prices.
  • Inspection, research, design are carried out by different companies - this causes delays and the appearance of additional work.
  • We have significant experience and qualifications to organize a full range of design and survey work. The Region company has SRO approvals for both design and survey work. We are guaranteed to provide a positive expert opinion and support during construction and installation work.
To date, Region LLC has more than 150 successfully completed survey and design work. Our customers are the largest organizations in Russia.Numerous official reviews from organizations confirm our professionalism and responsibility in working with customers.


We have experience in using BIM design technologies and are ready to meet customer requirements and terms of reference develop a BIM project. Technological BIM design is a special art that requires extensive experience and high qualifications, which Region LLC collected bit by bit.


To determine the basic (initial) cost of design estimates and survey work, Region LLC uses a time-tested method: drawing up estimates for design and survey work using reference price reference books. The estimated cost of design and survey work is a justified initial cost of work, which is clarified in the process of clarifying the scope of work and negotiations. An estimate for design and survey work compiled according to reference price reference books can serve as a justification for the price during the competitive procedure in accordance with Federal Law No. 44 and No. 223.

Assistance in completing applications for participation in Federal Target Programs (FTP). We make all technical and technological decisions based on variant design and comparison of all technical and economic parameters, including operational ones.
Assistance in completing applications for Money from regional budgets (feasibility study, Justification). Development of a feasibility study (feasibility study) for a project on initial stages implementation of the investment plan.
Consultations on lending from European banks and attracting grants.
Assistance in the development of investment programs. Consulting in the field of design, design stages, design stages, approvals, necessary initial permitting documentation, etc.
Assistance in attracting credit funds for the implementation of energy service contracts (energy efficiency) and environmental projects.
The Region LLC company is part of a number of large design and construction holdings and is ready to implement turnkey projects throughout Russia.


30% Costs of construction and installation works. Based on variant design and modern technologies we select the optimal solution. 3D modeling technologies help to avoid waste of materials and minimize the likelihood of errors.
25% For the cost of design and survey work, you get a high-quality project that allows you to implement your plan on time. Thanks to an integrated approach, everything is in one hand (collection of initial data, surveys and measurements, surveys) and the experience of our specialists, we can optimize costs and offer you a competitive price.
20% Time during construction and installation work. The decisions made by our engineers and architects are not only reliable and aesthetic, but also thought out in terms of convenience and speed of implementation (flexible solutions in terms of work execution).

We always include warranty obligations as part of the design contract.
and financial liability for failure to meet deadlines.

Region LLC specialists are ready to provide assistance at all stages of decision-making, both at the stage of considering the project concept and when considering options for the reconstruction of existing buildings and structures. At the design preparation stage - prepare technical specifications for design and the necessary research.
And also prepare estimates for design and surveys based on collections of basic prices (price justification for holding a competition).


  1. Customer's idea
  2. Preparation of pre-design solutions and variable design
  3. Development of technical-economic feasibility study (feasibility study)
  4. Protection of basic solutions to the customer, selection of the optimal option
  5. Preparation of detailed technical specifications for: project development, engineering survey, examination
  6. Development of working documentation
  7. Approvals
  8. Author's supervision
  9. The customer's vision embodied


Region LLC is a member of voluntary quality certification in accordance with GOST R ISO 9001-2015. Registration No. SMK.RTS.RU.03121.17


We design on nanoCAD - a Russian universal CAD platform containing everything necessary tools basic design, production of drawings.

Our PCs are equipped with Windows 10 - Operating system for personal computers, developed by Microsoft Corporation as part of the Windows NT family. After Windows 8, the system received the number 10, bypassing 9.

We work on Microsoft Office 2010 - a package of programs focused on the requirements of modern business and the needs of its employees.
Using a licensed software guarantees information security, legality of work and reduces the risks of company closure due to inspections by regulatory authorities.

In order to ensure the specified for a specific building Fire safety, during construction a fire extinguishing system must be provided. The most common and self-justifying method is considered to be the use of water. Provides this design of internal and external fire water supply simultaneously with the development of the building design.

Submit your application

General idea of ​​fire water supply

How is a fire water supply different from a regular one? Why create a separate system? Let's imagine a situation: we need to put out the flame. This can only be done with a powerful jet of water. Will a household tap provide the required pressure? And will it provide a flow rate of 2.5 liters of water per second? But this is the minimum standard that one fire hydrant produces. A temporary lack of water in the structure also cannot be ruled out.

Let us consider the requirements that are taken into account during the design, separately for external and internal water supply systems installed for fire safety purposes.

External fire water supply

The complete system consists of a hydrant, a water intake structure, a water source and water lines. Depending on the conditions and capabilities, water supply units, tanks, pumping stations.

The design decision is made in each specific case individually, taking into account the requirements set out in SP 8.13130.2009.

The main purpose of the external fire water supply is to refill fire equipment with water. It must constantly maintain the specified water pressure. The fire hydrant must be located in a place with free access to it for specialized vehicles. The number of water intake points for fire equipment (hydrants) in a given territory or in a populated area is calculated in accordance with the standards. The remaining components of the system are responsible for ensuring that the required amount of water is always in the tank.

Before drawing up a project for an external fire water supply system, a survey of the area is necessary.

Internal fire water supply

It is arranged with the aim of the shortest possible time begin to extinguish the fire: unfold the hose, open the valve, and a stream of water begins to flow. It must be designed so that it is always in combat readiness.

The internal fire water supply system consists of pipes and technical means, without which the supply of water to fire hydrants is impossible. Such means include water pressure tanks, hydropneumatic tanks and pumping units.

The list of conditions under which the construction of a special internal water supply is necessary, norms and requirements for the components of ERW are given in SP 10.13130.2009.

The internal fire water supply can be fed from the external one.

Design stages

Having received all the input data related to the object, we begin to implement the project. Our engineers are faced with the following tasks:

  • drawing up a block diagram that takes into account all components of the system;
  • reference to a building (VPV) or terrain (NPV);
  • calculation of the parameters of each unit with the selection of equipment and connecting pipes;
  • calculation, supply and distribution of power supply;
  • drawing drawings and working sketches;
  • preparation of estimate documentation.

When performing the above points, it is necessary to use the knowledge and experience of engineers of related specialties: builder, plumber and electrician. With their constant interaction, a water supply system is developed, the need for the installation of technical means is considered: tanks, pumping units. The points for their placement are selected. In a high-rise building, for example, the water tank is located on the roof or upper technical floor (if provided). This is the only way to ensure a fast water supply with the required pressure. In some cases, it is advisable to use hydropneumatic tanks in which water is constantly under pressure. By opening the fire hydrant valve, you get a stream of the required pressure.

When several PCs are opened at the same time, the contents of the tanks are enough for a matter of minutes; during this time you need to have time to turn on the main pumping station, if it is not automatically turned on. All these moments are modeled and calculated by specialists.

The requirements for the construction and equipment of pumping stations, ensuring their reliable operation at the right time, are especially stringent. For example, protection against blackout is carried out either by providing an autonomous power source, or by connecting to at least two different lines or transformer substations.

What does the project customer get?

As a result of cooperation with our company, within the contractual period, the customer receives a complete set of design and estimate documentation, completed on the basis of the technical specifications accepted by us for execution. The kit includes

  • construction drawings with the system layout and installation locations of fire hydrants (fire panels), tank or tanks with their installation and overall dimensions for ERW;
  • construction drawings of each facility (reservoirs, pumping stations, water intake location) with details and connection diagrams for the NPV;
  • a complete specification (list) of all parts, materials, instruments and finished installations (purchased);
  • a set of diagrams: functional, schematic, electrical, using which workers will connect all the elements into a reliable, operational system.

It should be noted that for individual components or equipment, operating parameters are indicated in the documentation. For example, for pumps, pressure, flow and power. The specification indicates a specific type, but a similar one may well be used. This issue is resolved with the customer, the model is specified, since differences in installation dimensions can lead to a hitch during installation.

All large modern buildings have a fire-prevention water supply system. Needless to say about its significance. How to make a competent project.

Fire fighting is the process of influencing forces and means, as well as the use of methods and techniques to extinguish a fire.

First we need to separate the concepts. There is a fire water supply system, which is a pipeline system with fire panels (FB). Most often it is combined with a domestic water supply system. The system is designed for manual fire extinguishing. As a rule, the coverage area of ​​one fire shield is limited to the maximum length of the fire hose - 20 meters.

And there is an automatic fire extinguishing system (AFS), which is separate network water supply with sprinklers literally throughout the entire area of ​​the building, as well as deluges. On average, a sprinkler can irrigate up to 12 square meters. The system turns on automatically, from a fire alarm signal or from the remote control.

In this article we will talk about the fire water supply system - for manual fire extinguishing. The design of this system is regulated by SNiP 2.04.01-85* “Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.”

Where does the design of a fire-fighting water supply system begin? First of all, it is necessary to determine its necessity. This is the responsibility of clause 6.5 of SNiP 2.04.01-85*

Internal fire water supply is not required to be provided:

  • a) in buildings and premises with a volume or height less than those indicated in the table. 1* and 2;
  • b) in buildings secondary schools, except for boarding schools, including schools with assembly halls equipped with stationary film equipment, as well as in bathhouses;
  • c) in seasonal cinema buildings for any number of seats;
  • d) in industrial buildings, in which the use of water can cause an explosion, fire, or spread of fire;
  • e) in industrial buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance of categories G and D, regardless of their volume, and in industrial buildings of III-V degrees of fire resistance with a volume of no more than 5000 m3 of categories G, D;
  • f) in production and administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, as well as in premises for storing vegetables and fruits and in refrigerators that are not equipped with drinking water or industrial water supply, for which fire extinguishing from containers (reservoirs, reservoirs) is provided;
  • g) in buildings storing roughage, pesticides and mineral fertilizers.

Buildings less than 5000 can do without fire water supply cubic meters by construction volume. Or residential buildings larger than 5,000 cubic meters, but below 12 floors. All taller and larger buildings require a fire suppression system.

For different buildings there are different fire extinguishing systems, which differ in several parameters.

Fire extinguishing is carried out from hoses that are attached to fire shields. Usually hoses are taken with a maximum length of 20 meters. Fire extinguishing through one such hose is called a "fire jet". There are several types of fire jets, they depend on the diameter of the fire hydrant. To simplify everything, a 50 mm diameter fire hydrant corresponds to a jet of 2.5 liters/second, and a 65 mm fire hydrant corresponds to a 5 liter/second jet.

The fire-fighting water supply design process begins with determining the number of fire extinguishing jets and determining their flow rate. All these parameters are in the tables of SNiP 2.04.01-85*.

Residential, public
and administrative
buildings and premises


Minimum water consumption for internal fire extinguishing, l/s, per jet

1. Residential buildings:
with the number of floors from 12 to 16

with the number of floors St. 16 to 25

the same, with the total length of the corridor of St. 10 m

2. Office buildings:
height from 6 to 10 floors and volume up to 25,000 m3

the same, volume of St. 25,000 m3

the same, volume 25,000 m3

3. Clubs with a stage, theaters, cinemas, assembly and conference halls equipped with film equipment

According to SNiP 2.08.02-89*

4. Dormitories and public buildings not listed in pos. 2:
with a number of floors up to 10 and a volume from 5000 to 25,000 m3

the same, volume of St. 25,000 m3

with the number of floors St. 10 and volume up to 25,000 m3

the same, volume of St. 25,000 m3

5. Administrative buildings of industrial enterprises, volume, m3:
from 5000 to 25 000

When determining the number and location of fire risers and fire hydrants in a building, it should be taken into account that in industrial and public buildings with an estimated number of jets for internal fire extinguishing, two or more, each point of the room should be irrigated with two jets (one jet each from two adjacent risers), in residential buildings are allowed to supply two jets from one riser.

Once the number of fire extinguishing jets and the flow rate per jet have been determined, the network layout should begin to be designed. IN multi-storey buildings five floors or more high, equipped with fire-fighting water supply, fire risers with a number of fire hydrants of five or more must be looped with water risers and provided for installation on lintels shut-off valves, providing two-way water passage. It is recommended to connect the risers of an independent fire-fighting water supply system with jumpers to other water supply systems, provided that the systems can be connected.

Fire hydrants must be installed at a height of 1.35 m above the floor of the room and placed in cabinets that have holes for ventilation and are suitable for sealing and the possibility of visual inspection without opening. Twin fire hydrants may be installed one above the other, with the second hydrant installed at a height of at least 1 m from the floor.

Fire hydrants are best located near stairwells.