Examples of unsuccessful marriages. Examples of unsuccessful marriages What quality should a scientist have?

How to determine your purpose? What is the purpose of a woman? What is the highest purpose of man? Types of incompatibility in marriage. Male scientist, female leader. Male leader, female scientist. Male leader, female businessman. Male businessman, female leader. Why shouldn't a businessman lead? A male worker, a female businessman or a female worker and a male businessman. A man-worker, a woman-scientist or a woman-worker and a man-scientist. What qualities should a leader have? What should a real businessman be like? Traits of a creative personality. What qualities should a scientist have? What qualities should a businessman develop in himself to achieve success? Why can a passion for money ruin a person’s life? How can pride ruin a person? To whom is the energy of power given? Why can't I get married? How to achieve success in life? The power of true faith in life. The purpose of family relationships. Questions and answers.

Lecture for beginners from the section “Family Relations” with difficulty of perception: 3

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00:00:00 [applause] Thank you, good evening. Thanks a lot. I thought I would break through unnoticed today [laughs].

How to determine your purpose?

00:00:14 Let's continue our conversation on psychotypes associated with our purpose in life, associated with determining what activity a person should engage in. In the last lecture we decided that there are four types of human mind. According to these four types of mind, we have divided society into four modes of existence, in a social environment.

00:00:49 The first way is to look at the world through the eyes of a person who studies it, through the eyes of a scientist. Those. such specialties... such people should be doctors, scientists, psychologists, lawyers, priests, teachers. That is, those people who look at the world through the eyes of a person who is inclined to improve society, to make it better, such people should be military, should be leaders, should be politicians, should be rulers, should be soldiers, police officers, etc. .d. Do you understand?

00:01:40 And today we will talk a little... further, those people who look at the world through the eyes of increasing people’s well-being, i.e. they look at the world from an economic point of view, such people must be businessmen, must be accountants, must be people who are involved in financial activities, bankers, etc., as well as farmers, well, that is, this is in this category applies too. And those people who look at the world through the eyes of creativity, the desire to change the world for the better with the help of their creative activity, should be workers, artists, people of art, theater, etc., everything related to creative activity.

00:02:39 So, four categories of thinking. If a person, who by nature was already born to engage in some kind of creative activity, begins to lead people, then he will ruin his life and the lives of the people around him. The reason for this is that his psyche is not designed to engage in this activity. He is not woven for this, he is not woven for this, he is not woven this way. We talked about what There are psychic centers that are located in the forehead, heart and coccyx. These psychic centers are called nodes. These psychic centers can be filled with psychic energy in different ways for different people. And in accordance with this filling, a person has certain inclinations in his life.

00:03:29 And in principle, well, let’s say there’s a girl... a woman in a green blouse, this mental center is working strongly for you, i.e. you must be a teacher there, you must be engaged in some kind of activity related in this direction. What is your specialty? [inaudible] Huh? [inaudible] Hairdresser. What are you doing there, are you cutting hair or explaining something to them? And so and so it happens, i.e. you, even if you chose the specialty of a hairdresser, you still will not be a hairdresser, you will have to tell them something, you need to study something and tell people. Do you understand? That is, you have such an inclination, you like to study everything. Yes or no? What do you do in your free time? [inaudible] He studies and reads everything. That's good. Let's go further.

00:04:31 Let’s say there’s a woman with glasses behind you. This psychic center, the heart center, is very highly developed in you. This means that you... you have two options: either you will be a businessman or you will be involved in management. What do you do? [inaudible] Huh? In honey Academy, you want to be a doctor. I guarantee you that you will not be a doctor, but a manager. clinic there [laughs] or something like that. You will not heal, you will still command. Do you understand? Those. even if a person, for example, has chosen a specialty, say, a doctor, but his inclination is to lead, he becomes the head. doctor. You see, and fulfills his duties in this direction in this way.

00:05:30 Oh well. Look at you, right? [audience laughing] Okay. Let me take a look at you. It doesn’t just work for you, this upper mental center is already sufficiently realized, this means that you are minding your own business. What do you do? I am a doctor. Well, that’s clear... that’s clear. But let’s say a man with a beard is engaged in some kind of creative activity. What are you doing, tell me? [inaudible] Yes. [inaudible] Manager. Do you manage people? [inaudible] Huh? What kind of company do you have, what do you do? [inaudible] What, what will it be? [inaudible] That's it. You love... a creative person, you love flying [laughs] Not a manager, not management [laughs]. You will be there flying, you will be there doing something, engaging in creative activities. Do I get it right? This is what attracts you most. So it will be.

00:06:45 Tell you, yes? Okay, I’ll tell you too, but don’t be offended [laughter in the audience]. And you made a mistake in your life. You gave a lot of strength and energy to your activities, as a result you received severe mental exhaustion and now you are recovering mentally from this. You need to turn on your feminine nature, feel like a mother, a wife, feel like a woman. And when all this happens, only after that will you turn on those mental centers that should work in your life. This is the middle and upper psychic center. This means that you can lead and you can do science, but most likely you will be inclined to do management. [inaudible] No? No? [inaudible] It was. This means that you will not be able to determine what to do until you recover mentally. You have made a very big mistake in your life. You have directed your mental energy in the wrong direction, which we discussed in detail in previous lectures. Have you been to previous lectures? Yes, and you understand what I'm talking about now. Or not? [inaudible]

What is the purpose of a woman?

00:08:00 Let me explain again. This is very important question.We have two psychic channels, left and right, female and male. Feminine, connected with family life, connected with personal communication with people, connected with, connected with children, with women, with society, i.e. in terms of some personal relationships, i.e. With. Do you understand? Connected with all these matters. The right channel is mental, masculine in nature, associated with work, efforts to achieve, in order to move up the social ladder, in order to become a qualified specialist etc.

00:08:44 You have been directing your mental energy for six years to achieve social success. Those. you moved along this ladder and exhausted your entire psyche. Because your mental energy has begun to work incorrectly in the body. As a result, a year ago, you entered the hardest. You didn’t know what to do next, you were absolutely at a loss, because you had exhausted yourself. A woman should put the first place in her life not on an external goal, but on being a wife, being a mother. Yes, study, study the psychology of relationships within family relationships... with, with children, with a husband, with girlfriends, i.e. become a very strong person in this society. And then the energy will flood into your psyche. And only after this can you fully devote yourself to creative activities related, for example, to society.

00:09:53 Like, let’s say, yesterday I was accused of burying Tsvetaeva, there, and everyone, i.e. women who have achieved success in their lives and activities. But the person who accused me of this simply did not understand me, because I explained a way for a woman to achieve success in society. How can she achieve success? She must first reveal herself as a woman, and then go into the world with her feminine heart and in this way she will behave correctly in a social environment and she will achieve success there. This is exactly what I was talking about yesterday, and not about the fact that a woman is not capable of being successful in a social environment. It’s absolutely absurd to even think like that. It’s not like you should sit here with such thoughts [laughs]. Do you understand? I simply explained the scheme and you are a clear example of a person acting according to a different scheme. Those. You…

00:10:49 Now tell me. You studied very intensively. We received it, started working and burned out. [inaudible] Yes. Here she confirms that she did wrong in her life. And I explain a diagram of how to recover mentally. Look, this is very easy to understand. When only one idea, the correct one in a person’s life, arises in his heart, he immediately becomes happier. So I’m telling you, dedicate your time to understanding what it is, dedicate your life to feeling like a woman, as a person who is able to give to people. Does your heart light up with joy? Yes! You feel good [inaudible]. That's it, that's the answer. Do you understand? And everything else will come very easily in life when a man or woman acts this way.

00:11:42 But because... this scheme does not exist in society now. Previously, even, say, in tsarist times, we had all sorts of women’s institutes for noble maidens, etc. And we are laughing now, the very idea is funny, the Institute of Noble Maidens, hee hee hee. So? Do you want to laugh? No? Well, thank God. If a woman received an education on how she should live correctly, then she would be very strong personality. She would behave correctly, she would do everything correctly, but now all education is based on a male model, so women become men, you know, in our society. Their male hormones begin to act. Therefore, many...

00:12:28 What is this? [audience laughing] A play on words? Or microphones? [laughs] That's why many women... Is that better to hear? Yes? Well, a little quieter, otherwise I feel it’s too much. Behind... [laughter in the audience]. In general, it’s not very good form to regulate the volume during a lecture [laughs] This is necessary... let’s finish the regulation now. Let's finish now, because I can't give a lecture. This bothers me. Are we all done? Can you hear normally now? Yes.

00:13:08 So... So... Where did I stop? On the fact that Many women are infertile only for the reason that they cannot turn on this feminine energy, they do not have enough strength, even for... Here, about 50% of female infertility that I have seen is associated with this. A woman becomes mentally exhausted due to the fact that she is exhausted due to the wrong goal in her life. At one of the previous seminars the topic was called “Development of the Mind”, raise your hand who attended it. There are such? Very good.

What is the highest purpose of man?

00:13:57 So, you remember that we said that a goal in life is the basis for a person to have a woven life. The purpose of life determines the whole destiny of a person. AND Often we do not choose the purpose of life, but the purpose chooses us. For example, we are already studying at school and they tell us: “You need to go to college, this is your goal in life. Once you graduate from college, you will become a human being.” And we don’t understand that this is how my goal in life is set. And we don’t understand that we can’t set such goals for ourselves. The first goal that a person must set for himself is to comprehend his eternal spiritual nature, he must understand that he, that he was born in this world in order to purify his spiritual existence, in order to become happy. He must find the highest, which does not depend on institutions, there and everything else.

00:14:47 Because, according to fate, it happens that a person goes through a bad period and he simply, by definition, cannot experience happiness, now, let’s say, at this time, at all. He will not have any success either at the institute or at work, he is simply beaten down by life and that’s all. It just nails it to the wall. This is connected with, you can even simply calculate from the map when such a period in life begins. If a person does not have some higher goals in life, he will simply be destroyed by fate. He will simply think that everything, his life is over, because his salary does not go to work, nothing goes to him in the world, there, or in family relationships. Everything, i.e. life is over, cracked.

00:15:34 For example, a woman in a white blouse. Here you are. Yes. You recently began to end a bad period associated with your personal life. You were under severe stress related to your personal life. And you barely got out of it. Do you understand? Do you agree, yes, with me? So, did you feel at that time that your life was over or not? Didn't you feel it? So you had something else. So you could pray, so you could wish everyone happiness? Yes! You see, in this case the person was lucky, he learned in time that there is something else in life, something more important. Do you understand?

00:16:12 Let’s say there’s a woman, in a cape like this. Yes you do. Smile, that's the thing. Your bad period is just beginning [laughter in the audience]. I'm not saying anything funny. It becomes worse for you, it becomes harder to live. Do you feel like life is bearing down on you or not? Do you feel Lately, it gets hard. And it's just getting started. Do you understand? And this will last two and a half years. Do you understand? It will be very difficult for you to live if you do not pray, you will simply feel very bad. Do you understand?

00:16:47 And this happens often in our lives. Do you understand? Very often, fate tests us. Suddenly some difficulties arise. And if a person sets goals in his life incorrectly, he cannot escape from these difficulties; his life seems to become a wall before his eyes. All people who end up in a mental hospital, 80% of mentally ill people, are broken people who have set their goals in life incorrectly, broken down mentally, feeling that they cannot achieve them, they simply go crazy.

00:17:20 Well, let’s say a person... there is such a possibility, let’s say, a probability such that a person is three years old... he will be unemployed. He won't be able to find a job, he won't be able to get a job. It’s not meant to be by fate and that’s it. Raise your hand, who has experienced this in their life? Here you are. What, are you bad people? That you don’t have enough education or knowledge? No, it’s just fate, that’s how it’s supposed to be. Let's say, here you are, a woman in red, I'm sure you have higher education. Yes, and she raised her hand, three years without work. Not because she is a bad person, but because that’s how fate works. Do you understand? This is how fate works. And nothing can be done. Do you understand?

00:18:04 The only way out is to set goals correctly in your life. When a person, for example, has set as his goal to gain knowledge that there are some higher powers, that there is a higher happiness, independent of what happens in our lives, right here. That person... he has such a concept that there is an “inner life”. This “inner life” begins to gradually become active in his heart. Well, let’s say, for someone “inner life” means making relatives happy, he constantly “I wish everyone happiness”, there, “I wish happiness for my son”, this is also “inner life”. A person, as it were, directs his strength to the happiness of others. He develops as a person in this direction. And, let’s say, if he feels bad, he switches to this, to “inner life.” It doesn’t work out in external activities, but “internal activity” saves.

00:18:58 It’s especially terrible when, let’s say, today I had a young man for a consultation, he goes blind, the person loses his sight. And if, for example, he had not dealt with his inner life, he would have gone crazy long ago, you know, well, imagine, if a person loses his sight, this can happen to anyone. And how to live further? Who needs such a person? How to live? How to work? That's it, if a person does not understand that there are higher goals in life, he will simply die.

00:19:26 I know one young man, he lost his mobility, became immobilized. And he began to survive, to try to survive. At first he tried to get to his feet, but nothing worked, he thought about what to do next, what, how to live. And she began to work on herself. He began to pray, do various exercises, began to study how to be healthy, there, and everything else, and after a while people came to him. He, that is, lies on the bed, people come to him for advice, then further, one girl came, talked to him, decided to look after him, then married him. And you understand how the house is full of people, there are endless people walking every day. When a person walks in, he glows, you know, with happiness, he has found himself and he says: “If I had not become like this, I probably would never have found this feeling in life.” You see, everything in our life is designed to make us happy. It’s just that not every person is able to pass his exam in life. Do you understand? Not every person, because there is not always enough understanding of how this should be done.

00:20:30 So, the first, main goal in life is to gain inner freedom from material problems. Man must learn to love God. Believe in a Higher Power, believe in the truth, believe in your Spiritual nature, that you are immortal, etc. Those. it must be felt and understood. This is the main purpose of a person, in general, in life. Main! No matter how you argue with this within yourself, this is the main thing. Someday you will understand this.

00:20:58 Next , the second greatest purpose is to become useful in society and make everyone around you happy. Our seminar is about this second purpose, we are talking about this now, that there are two divisions in this purpose, male nature and female nature, and four layers of society according to the state of how a person will strive for his own, his way of achieving the goal. A person became a doctor, let’s say he studied to be a doctor, but he will manage doctors, you know, because his nature is like that, because when he looks at people, he thinks how to make sure that everything goes well for them. Those. For example, he treats people, but he looks at what a mess it is, everything is wrong here, everything is wrong here and he constantly tells everyone. He comes up to the manager and says: “Listen, well here, let me…”, he says: “Well, no, God be with him, I’ll stay, I’ll just put things in order myself,” he says: “Let me do the work schedule, I’ll do it there.” so that no one is late." And he constantly hammers and hammers the brains of his leader, he comes up: “We need to do this, we need to do that.” And then one day, the assistant manager leaves work and he thinks, let’s install this one, he’s already doing everything [laughs]. And that’s it, they put him there, first as an assistant, and then as a leader. Do you understand? Life itself forces him to do this, because he cannot live without it, this is how he is woven. He cares about everyone, he wants there to be order. That's how his psyche works. Do you understand?

00:22:29 Another person studies everything, he observes, looks at everything. This is how my mind has always been structured. Everyone, let’s say, is studying, the students are learning, let’s say they are studying how to treat correctly, and I sit and watch the teacher, how he behaves, whether he is telling the truth or not, I sit and watch the students, i.e. I do completely different things and study life. I watch how everything is happening, I try to understand the essence, I think, but the teacher had a normal day yesterday or not [laughs], so I look at him, no, he had a fight with his wife in my opinion [laughs]. My psyche worked completely differently. They study there, the “femur” there, back and forth, studying. I think, “What a femur,” [laughs], everyone has their own way of living, you know. Each person perceives the world in his own way, and these are the four main perceptions. And if we don’t understand this, then we will have an unfortunate fate. Do you understand? And we will not understand how to use ourselves in life. We will not go there, we will not feel our nature. But in moving towards your goal, there are two ways to achieve your nature.

00:23:49 The first method is female, the second method is male. That is, a woman, how does she achieve her nature? She achieves through love. She needs to open up as a woman, she needs to start becoming a woman first, learn close communication, learn to be compassionate, kind, caring, sensitive. Learn to love children, learn to respect men, learn to treat women kindly, and take care of them. That is, when she reveals herself in this regard as a person, she then goes into life with these qualities. She goes to work and she, this is how a woman behaves there, and everyone really likes it, everyone says: “Come on, you stay with us, you’re a good person,” and they give her the green light.

00:24:32 Another, let’s say, how a man behaves, she is there: “I’m fighting now, that’s all, I’ll go up the stairs, there, I’ll be the boss,” she begins to mentally force herself, there, teach, think, decide, i.e. e. this is how volitional functions are activated and behaves... it becomes a “cracker”. Men don't look at her. He thinks, if I’m the boss, everyone will look at me. “A figurine with butter.” Men don’t need bosses, but women, you need to understand this, sometimes it’s very difficult to understand, so she becomes mentally exhausted. She feels that she is doing something wrong, she is so tired, she comes home tired, quarrels with her loved ones, everything is bad for her, everything annoys her, the kitchen is a mess, but she does not have the strength to clean. Do you understand? And she experiences great suffering within herself.

00:25:27 Another comes to work, there la-la, trul-la-la, she does everything as it should, you do this, you do that, be good, there, she behaves like a woman. She came to the kitchen, cleaned up, because energy is not wasted, on the contrary, it accumulates when a person lives correctly, his river of life flows in full swing and she managed to do everything there, she came home in time to do everything.

00:25:48 A woman comes home, does her strength run out or does it appear? Appear. She, both of them, all - washed the floors, there, back and forth, rushed. Because vital energy turns on. How can you tell if a woman is minding her own business? She comes home, looks at the kitchen like a ram at a new gate, like: “The kitchen is dirty,” she looks so sad, the kitchen is dirty, but she has no strength. This means that she is doing the wrong thing, her energy has gone in the wrong direction. Or the husband came home from work dirty, let’s say he got dirty. Well, a husband can, say, walk past the wall and become white on one side. It was whitewashed there, he didn’t notice, he came there, his cap was white on one side, everything was white. She looks at him and says: “Go to the bathroom and shake yourself off, it’s sickening to look at you,” she would have taken it and shook it off, what a problem. Women usually do this, she can’t, she doesn’t have the strength, which means she’s doing the wrong thing in life. Do you understand? She calls her husband at work: “Did you eat at work? There won’t be anything at home” [laughter in the audience] He’s doing the wrong thing, you know, he’s doing the wrong thing.

00:27:11 A man must give of himself at work. He goes to work, everything immediately flares up, he goes “r-r-ra”, off he goes. He came home, what's in his house? , peace, good, he is relaxed, he wants to give happiness to his wife, he walks around smiling at everyone, hammering a nail is not a problem for him, because it’s a pleasure to hammer nails at home, it’s not work, it’s pleasure. But if a man minds his own business, he cannot, he has no strength, he runs out of strength if he is in the wrong mood.

00:27:40 We said that a person can even mind his own business, but he strives for results strongly, the desire for results, he wants money faster, there, he wants to become a boss faster, he constantly thinks about it, burns out mentally, becomes unhappy from that he constantly thinks about it. He needs more money than he can earn.

00:28:00 So, a person must mind his own business and also have to do with it, he must forget about what he needs. Money comes naturally in life, we talked about this yesterday. Today we will talk about the fact that there are certain rules for the relationship between these layers of society.

Types of incompatibility in marriage. Male scientist, female leader

00:28:24 The first thing we will begin, in this regard, we will describe, marriages in which there is a certain incompatibility in the mind. So, the young man belongs to the circle of scientists, and the girl belongs to the circle of managers (lower in level). Is this favorable or not? This kind of marriage? Yes, it is favorable, because the man’s mind works higher. The center of the psychic mind is higher in a man than in a woman, this is beneficial for the family.

00:29:07 You should know that it’s favorable, but not entirely, it’s best when they are of the same type, mental. So, what problems could there be? In this case, the girl will respect her husband for his reasonableness, but will not fully understand the depth of his desire. It will seem to her that he is not courageous enough and practical enough in matters of relationships with people around him. She will be sad to admit to herself that he cannot, as she would like, protect her in a difficult situation, that he cannot protect her, as she would like, in a difficult situation. He is too intelligent, too learned, i.e. less domineering, practical, i.e. in this case, she will... she will respect and appreciate him all her life, but he will not give her anything. The husband, in this case, will consider his wife ambitious, more than she would like and somewhat more temperamental than she would like.

00:30:07 [sneezed] Today I bought it at the source.

00:30:10 It will seem to him that she pays too much attention to luxury and social interaction, because a person who is inclined to, he must be very socially inclined, occupy a high position. He strives for social communication, this is normal for him. If a person is inclined to power, what kind of acquaintances does he make? There are different levels of dating. A person who is engaged in creativity, he needs a creative circle, his own bohemia, where he would communicate, these are people like him, i.e. they breathe the same way. If a person is inclined towards business, in what circle is he located? He is in a circle of people who are engaged in the same topic, business development, i.e. this is his society in which he conducts himself in life. And if a person is inclined to power, then in what circle is he located? Among the leaders, i.e. circle, a secular circle, which, for example, is engaged in some kind of activity related to leadership.

00:31:14 If a person is inclined to study, then he is in the circle of the intelligentsia, those people who, over there, think, decide something, some philosophical questions, etc. You see, everyone has their own circle in life. If a person has not found his circle in life, he becomes unhappy. He becomes unhappy. Raise your hand, people who haven't found their social circle. Here, there is no communication.

00:31:41 You didn’t find it because you need to develop feminine qualities in yourself. Do you understand? We need to chat with girls more and communicate. You're sociable, aren't you? [inaudible] Yes. Communicate more with girls, try to reveal yourself more as a woman and this will be your circle, and then you will further open up and develop as a person. It’s just that you’re going through a difficult period right now, you’re very sad, that’s why it’s like this, but it will all end very soon.

00:32:11 You need to tell me, yes? [laughs] Well, you’ve found your social circle, why should I tell you about this... Yes?

00:32:21 Question from the audience: [inaudible] heard philosophies [?] how they are taught by the teachers of the institute. Struggle, when there is no struggle, there is no life. What can you answer to this? [laughter in the audience]

00:32:31 Answer: you see, he has found his social circle [laughter in the audience], everything is fine [laughs], he just wants to discuss with me.

00:32:38 With pleasure, after the lecture, with pleasure.

00:32:43 You know, I just, unfortunately, shouldn’t talk about this now, because I have a different purpose for the lecture, but I can say briefly that I didn’t come here to fight someone and it’s in vain that you’re calling me for a fight, I will agree with everything [laughs], because I am not against your views, I just want to explain what I came with. My heart aches about this, I want to convey something. Because, every day I see many people's eyes who need help and I don't want to waste my time. This is exactly my goal.

00:33:25 So, who raised their hand there, is there no communication? You just had a lot of stress, you’re just out of a rut now, you’re a very sociable person, you’re just bored and sad now, because you’ve lost your purpose in life, you know? You need to be reborn Spiritually, pray now, you need to study now, communicate with yourself, this is the meaning of your life. In eight months you will be alive. You have eight months left to suffer.

Male leader, female scientist

00:33:59 So, the second type. The girl belongs to the category of scientists, and the young man belongs to the category of leaders. This is favorable, no? No. A girl's intelligence is higher than a man's, which means that the situation will be worse. The girl will not be able to appreciate the intelligence of her husband, as a result she will behave somewhat withdrawn. It will seem to her that he is behaving rudely with her and is treating her problems somewhat superficially. She will avoid his social circle, considering him so... somewhat so Uzhlan [?], well, tough. The young man will consider his girlfriend quiet and too serious, he will think that she is not fashionable enough, does not have a sense of humor and that her character is not lively enough. It will be difficult for him to understand why she constantly asks him about some very lofty and difficult philosophical topics. He will be irritated by her circle of excessively learned communication. Their compatibility will be slightly below average. Is it clear? Let's go further.

Male leader, female businessman

00:35:10 The young man belongs to the category of managers, the girl belongs to the category of businessmen. Normal compatibility? Above average, because for a man the mental center is here and here, energy, and for a woman it is here and here, i.e. like this, i.e. favorable. In this case, the girl will respect her husband for his knightly qualities, but her behavior towards her husband will be somewhat light and not serious; it will seem to her that he is too harsh and strict a person. That he behaves somewhat harshly with her, it will be difficult for her to behave freely among his friends. The young man will consider the girl somewhat petty and not serious; he will not like the fact that she often gossips and cannot behave properly. She will also seem too difficult for the young man to communicate with.

00:36:11 If a person is inclined towards business, then his way of behavior is conversation, i.e. It is very important for him to find out everything, all the news that is around, i.e. he is a very social person, and a person who is inclined to leadership, news is not important to him, principles in life are important to him, i.e. he talks mainly about how to live correctly, how to work on oneself. A person who is inclined, precisely, to leadership, he is very much aimed at becoming in society a person who very much values ​​​​the principles of life... principles. But a person who is inclined towards business, for him principles are not in such an important place, what is important for him is to understand the situation that is in society, it is important to him what the economic situation is, what is happening, what the market movement is, there, and that’s all other. Those. he seems to be stewing in this juice, you know, it is important for him to understand what the country is breathing, how everything is happening. And a person of leadership, he wants to understand how correctly they behave, how honestly they behave, how decent they behave, how moral principles work correctly in society, etc. Do you get the idea? Those. a man of leadership, principles are more important to him than finances, and a man is a businessman, finances are more important to him than principles, do you understand?

Male businessman, female leader

00:37:45 The girl belongs to the category of managers, and the young man belongs to the category of businessmen. Fine? No, worse than average. Why? Because a girl’s intelligence is higher than a man’s [when a woman is a leader and a man is a businessman by nature]. The girl will consider her husband not a very serious person. In conversation, in behavior, she will try to lead over him, which is not very favorable for the development of normal. Their views will be very different. The guy will respect the girl, but will assume that she is somewhat ambitious and demands more from him than she should. He will be somewhat afraid of her and her strong character. Those. management people are very firm in their intentions. In general, their compatibility is below average.

00:38:41 You should know that people who are associated with the leadership have the right to violence. Do you know about this? That God gave them the right to commit violence and punish people. They have the right to do so. Because they have moral principles in their hearts. If a person who is next to him is subordinate to him, does not comply with some moral principles, does something wrong, a person who is inclined to lead, he has the right to punish him, such is his nature. And this nature can manifest itself in a family, but if a girl also lives next to him, she is prone to such character traits, then they are both very morally stable, for example. The law of honor is most valuable to them. And, let’s say, a girl did something wrong, she repents to her husband, says: “I’m ready to be punished for what I did,” he says: “I forgive you.” Because people of this type are very... they are not generous, they are very inclined to forgive someone who understands, that is, they are not evil by nature, you know?

Why shouldn't a businessman lead?

00:39:51 Here Why, A person who is inclined towards business should not lead? Why? Because, firstly, he will start buying and selling everything, there are no moral principles for him, he will begin to enter into what kind of relationships with all his employees? Economic, not moral. And as a result, the team will not have a goal, a core. It will consist entirely of monetary relationships, which by their nature are not stable. The financial situation was slightly lower in the team, everything fell apart. And the second problem is that when a person who is not inclined to lead has to punish someone, can he punish correctly? No, because he will punish him either very cruelly or deceive him. Do you understand? Those. he will or will cheat him out of his job. Do you understand? Those. he will do wrong to him. Because he does not have enough nobility in his heart to lead people. He has a correct understanding of how business runs, but he cannot lead people, he lacks inner strength in his heart, he lacks honesty towards people, nobility, condescension, these are the qualities of a person who is inclined to be a leader.

00:41:03 This does not mean that a person who is inclined to, he is inferior in something, he has his own nature, he is very generous by nature, he has the ability to communicate with people, understand their problems, he has the ability to understand problems of society, he is inclined to help everyone in life. He is very inclined towards charitable activities, let's say, they are such people... let's say, if a person is in trouble, he doesn't have enough, he will help him, get him somewhere, help him get back on his feet, give him money to live, those. These are the qualities, i.e. they are very generous by nature, such people and caring.

Male worker, female businessman or female worker and male businessman

00:41:53 Now the next option. The girl belongs to the category of businessmen, and the young man belongs to the category of workers. Good compatibility? Zero. Through one, zero compatibility. Do you remember? After one, we seem to be jumping up a ladder, after one, zero compatibility. The girl will consider her husband to be an uninitiative and somewhat simple-minded person; she will feel that he is not reliable enough in the implementation of her plans. The guy will consider the girl too sociable and cunning; it will seem to him that she has too many demands for clothes and cool vacations. He will be afraid of her friends and watch... and will not like too nimble girlfriends. In general, their compatibility will be very low.

00:42:48 The young man belongs to the category of businessmen, the girl belongs to the category of workers. Normal compatibility? It's better than that one, but still weak. The girl will treat the guy with respect, but misunderstanding. It will seem to her that he is very secretive and spends too much time at work and with friends. She won't like the fact that so much money is spent on entertainment and appearance... and business development. The guy will consider the girl simple-minded and unworthy of his circle. He will also not see in her support for achieving his goals. Because she will respect him quite a lot, this softens the overall picture. I see, right?

Male worker, female scientist or female worker and male scientist

00:43:38 Now, next, the next option. If, let's say, the girl belongs to the category of scientists, and the young man belongs to the category of workers. Deadlock situation. [inaudible] Huh? They met based on sexual attraction. Always in such situations, people study first and then talk. But, this is an abbreviation, as if I were talking about it, but this is how it happens. They just love a friend and that’s it, without thinking too much about what will happen next. Do you understand? And then, when they start communicating, it turns out that the girl is, as it were, from a very intelligent family, and the guy is very simple. He doesn’t understand at all what he needs, she starts talking to him about life, about her high, some needs, he says: “I’ll go get the car repaired. Sorry, I don’t understand what you’re talking about.” You see, that’s it, life will be ruined, they won’t understand each other at all.

00:44:48 A young man from the category of scientists, a girl from the category of workers. The same. Those. she will be very simple-minded, she needs something creative, but he talks about some lofty matters. She listens to him and says: “Let’s go to the cinema, just sit and listen to what’s there. Why is all this? All your reasoning? You've already tortured me." I see, right? Deadlock situation.

What qualities should a leader have?

00:45:13 The same thing, for example, if a person is inclined to study everything, work on himself, and he takes up leadership. How will he feel in this process? He will feel that his vitality is running out, that he has too much to command people. He does not want to commit violence against them, and a person who is engaged in leadership, but is a scientist by nature, how will he behave in leadership? Well, let’s say a person is late for work, he will call him, say: “Well, why are you late?”, he will say: “I’m late,” “Well, okay, next time don’t be late,” then next time, again I’m late, he will say: “Are you late?”, “Well, I’m late again,” he will say: “Well, are you having problems, some kind? You are constantly delayed and delayed”, he will say: “Yes, I have problems”, he will say: “Well, we need to solve it, think about how to solve it, work on yourself, so”, he will say: “Okay, I’ll work on myself”, the next day delayed again and he will think: “Something is wrong with him, there is something he doesn’t understand,” and that’s all, and he won’t be able to understand what needs to be done with him next.

00:46:33 Because what should we do with him next? He needs to be punished further, you know, punished, frightened. And intimidate and punish and do it with a kind heart. This is how this world works. Therefore, the rulers understand this. Yes, he doesn’t even need to be punished, he will call, he has such mental energy coming out of him, he will say: “Vasily Petrovich, why are you late?”, he will say: “You’re late,” this one will say the same thing: “Don’t be late anymore.” , he will say: “Okay,” and the next day he will not linger. Why? Because power comes from him, which says: “You will delay! Kayuk!

00:47:17 This is how a leader acts. The real energy of a leader, the mental energy of a leader is such that he does not need to commit violence, because his psyche is so strong that people look at him and they immediately want to obey him. They are afraid to contradict him. And he should not raise his voice, in theory, because when he raises his voice, it means that he is mentally weak. He doesn't need to raise his voice, he doesn't need to punish anyone, he just looks and says: “Well, you know what will happen next, why would you do that?” And the person won’t even continue to do bad things if he doesn’t want to work there, he’ll just leave that job and that’s it, if the manager is very strong. But in order for him to become strong, for this he must educate himself as a leader, he must become an ascetic person, he must always keep his word, he must study some kind of martial arts, there, for example, he must protect his subjects, he must constantly fight for, etc., i.e. This is a person who has inner strength in his blood, i.e. he will never tolerate evil near him, he will fight for the truth. Do you understand? He is strong within himself, he educates and develops this strength in himself.

What should a real businessman be like?

00:48:43 Now a real businessman, when does he become a real businessman? He makes donations, he learns to communicate with people, he learns to forgive everyone, he learns, he learns a very sober understanding of things.. He never…. he doesn’t start drooling when he sees the money, there, the profit. Some people, when they saw the profit, immediately said, “Uh-huh!” and started drooling. He comes to a deal with, say, another person, he is also a businessman, they sit down and this one says: “I have an interesting offer,” well, calmly, he says so, and he says: “I know! Yeah!”, he began to salivate, “I like your proposal,” he says: “Okay, we’ll meet tomorrow for the final decision,” then tomorrow he calls him, he says: “Sorry, I’m busy today, we’ll meet at next time” [laughs] and that’s it, goodbye. Why? Because the saliva started flowing, you know?

00:49:40 If a person is engaged in business seriously, he must be renounced, he must have such a feeling, it will work out, it will work out, no, no. He comes and it’s impossible to understand whether he likes the proposal or not, it’s clear in his eyes that he’s a man of his word, if he starts doing this, he’ll do it, but he doesn’t have it. They tell him: “We won’t cooperate with you,” he says: “I was glad to meet you. Very nice,” everyone thinks: “He’s a good person,” everyone respects him. Because he is not attached, you see, and the right character traits flow in his blood. He is able to be properly minded in business.

00:50:21 Now, let’s say he chooses his employees. A man comes up to him and says: “I can lead people. I can do this, I have such qualifications, I am a good accountant, etc.” He says: “Okay, let's see,” he says: “Well, okay, I'll take you for a week. Let's see". He begins to work, and he watches him carefully, looks, then says: “You are not suitable for us, because this, that, that,” calmly, absolutely, without problems, takes on the next person. Do you understand? He doesn't get attached. He says: “I respected you so much, loved you so much,” he says: “I love and respect you too, but I have a business, you know? Let’s love, we’ll meet tomorrow, there, in a cafe, we’ll talk about life,” meets with him, communicates like a human being, explains to him why he doesn’t hire him - that he can’t just do this, he has a different qualification. You see, it treats a person humanely, but in business he is very calm and very cool-headed, i.e. he doesn’t introduce personal relationships into business, for him there is business, but there is friendship, you see, they stand apart. In business, he behaves like human beings, but he never gets emotional, you see, this is how a businessman behaves.

Creative Personality Traits

00:51:40 A working, creative person is friends with everyone, he is open with everyone, his psyche is open, he is creative, he respects his boss, he likes his job, he doesn’t think about money. What character traits? He is very cordial towards people, he is close to people, he can be the soul of the team, a developed person in this direction. Do you understand what I'm talking about? Those. Each person must become developed in his own direction. To do this, you need to develop the right character traits. Because in a person’s life it depends not on how much money he gets, but on how he behaves correctly. You see, it is very important to know that correct behavior gives rise to the correct attitude of the people around you. The right attitude of the people around him creates an atmosphere around him that enhances him. Increases its activity. And in the end, he achieves success in life. Both spiritual and material. Why? Because he has developed as a person.

00:52:47 Let’s say a worker. What can prevent him from developing as a person? He doesn’t like this job, he’s not a creative person, that’s it, he’s dying in this profession. Because he starts working, he gets tired, he doesn’t like it, he’s not interested, that’s it, he dies there, he cannot develop as a person. The second option, he does not respect his boss, that’s it, there is no further development, he cannot develop, this is a stumbling block. Further, he cannot be the soul of the team, he, for example, works on his own, there, walks around like a gopher, that’s all, he will not develop, no one will promote him anywhere. He has not developed good character traits that correspond to this position in society. He will not develop, he will not become Kulibin. I see, right?

What qualities should a scientist have?

00:53:35 A scientist is a person who values ​​self-development as a person above all else. A scientist should become an example for all people. He must be very honest, he must be very compassionate, he must be very competent in his field, he must be an expert, he must know a lot, understand a lot, work a lot on himself. A true scientist, everyone respects him. When he walks, it seems: “Oh, what a man!”, i.e. this means that qualities of character are manifested in him, he is developed as a person. If, for example, he walks and is proud of himself, he is very proud, can he be a scientist? No, that's it, it's rotten. If he cheats, makes substitutions in his dissertation, can he be a scientist? No, it rotted. Because his qualities of character collapse, his life collapses from this, his internal state collapses. He cannot realize his core of life, fulfill it. Why? Because he buys it all. A person who strives for science must study how to live correctly. This is the basis of any science. Do you understand?

00:54:42 For example, a person defended a dissertation based on the number of scales on a snake’s body or how butterflies have sex. Okay, I don’t mind, this is science, but a person must, first of all, a person who is engaged in scientific activities, he must first of all become a developed personality within himself. Because if you have the title of “scientist”, people respect you as a sage, and if you, besides how many scales a snake has on its skin, know nothing in your life, don’t understand, then, you understand, people, Well, they’ll say: “Doctor of Sciences, biological sciences,” well, well, a very respected person, he’ll come and it’s clear that he’s “zero” as a person. Will you consider such a person a scientist or not? No. It was just a man’s hobby, he counted the scales and defended his dissertation. These are just workers, you see, by nature a creative person who has some kind of hobby, but he has nothing in common with a scientist, because learned man, this is someone who works on himself as a person, i.e. he comprehends the meaning of life, you know, in his life.

00:55:57 This is his nature and he has some business in society, he studies how many scales a snake has on its body. OK, no problems. This is his job, but he, as a scientist, must develop correctly as a person, otherwise he will not be able to be a scientist in society, he can only be a scientist in his institute and that’s all. And as an individual, he will not feel respected.

00:56:20 What should a person who has the nature of a scientist do? He must work on himself, must develop himself as a person, read prayers, moods, do some exercises, try to study how to live correctly, try to study what kind of relationships between people, relationships with his own, etc. , this is his duty in life. He must commit, starve, there, learn to eat right, he must learn asceticism, sleep on the floor, and something else, i.e. must develop in all respects as someone who is stronger than others, you see, then he will be a truly respected person. But if he doesn’t do all this, then the first thing that will eat him is this.

00:57:09 Pride is a snake that bites all people who go the wrong way. That is, how it appears, I will now explain to you using this example. Take, say, a soccer ball, yes, and pump it up. Is there something inside? Yes, there is air there. You can shove something else inside there, no? You can't, because it's filled to capacity. In order to replace the air inside the ball, what should you do? Download one air, pump in another. So, the problem is that when a person becomes proud, his mind is so filled with the air of life, his own significance and his own understanding of things that in this case the person cannot bring someone else’s life air, someone else’s knowledge into his mind. He cannot admit anything else, because he is filled to capacity with his own. He does not understand that he needs to develop, he has already developed, it seems to him that he already knows everything he needs to know in life. Does this mean what kind of person has become? Proud! This means that his development ended there. Do you understand? When a person stops developing, it means that he becomes underdeveloped. Because development must always continue.

00:58:43 The vital air in the ball, when it doesn’t change, it starts to stink. Do you understand? I'm not talking about the ball, but about ours. The mind becomes stagnant when the stench begins to emanate from it. This stench is ruining his life. Do you understand? Therefore, a person must constantly develop. AND The Vedas explain that a person must first of all learn, if a person is a scientist by nature, he must first of all learn wisdom. Wisdom means - . Wisdom equals humility. Why? Because this is the manifestation... the main manifestation of human wisdom. A wise person is the one who is able to accept the knowledge of another person into his heart, understand it, and then decide whether to accept it to the end or not.

00:59:30 That is. who it a wise man? He can release vital air from his mind ball, launch someone else’s, evaluate it and then decide further. Will he live by this knowledge or not? If a person is not wise enough, then he is not able to do this. He cannot digest someone else's knowledge, accept someone else's idea, evaluate it and accept it into his heart. He can't, he doesn't have enough vitality. He can't because something inside is blocking him. I don't believe it, I don't want to listen to it. Do you understand? Pride prevents a person from living. Pride always arises when a person does his job incorrectly. Now I will explain to you.

01:00:15 Every person who acts from the position of some kind of platform, or from the position of a scientist, from the position of a leader, from the position of a businessman or from the position of a worker, always has a swing, two sides of the coin. If a person is not able to move in the right direction in his development, then these swings, they occupy a state... an extreme state that destroys his life. Now we'll talk about it. Let's say a scientist fills himself with knowledge, but does not fill himself with humility, the desire to recognize other people's knowledge. Or a priest, for example, fills himself with religious knowledge, his faith, but does not fill himself with the recognition that there are other teachings that can also bring in themselves. What will happen to such a priest next? When he is filled to capacity with knowledge, sooner or later he will begin to hate other people's teachings, because he will completely deny them. He won't understand them at all. And his life will be destroyed, because the main thing in a person’s life is when does a person achieve success in life? When he finds happiness. Can a person who is not in peace be happy? If a person hates someone, he can be happy, no? No. This means that he stops in his development, becomes skeletal and unhappy.

01:01:45 A person, a scientist, let’s say. He studied, say, some kind of science and he feels very worthy in this regard, but when another scientist comes to him and says the opposite point of view, he cannot accept it. He hates such a scientist and considers him a fool. Can such a scientist continue to live normally? Can he be happy in life? No! Why? Because he has closed himself off, his ball has closed, the ball of his psyche has closed, he can no longer live actively, interact with the world around him, because he is rotting from the inside. This man developed only external qualities in himself, he achieved only external success in himself. Because the main thing in personal development is internal qualities. The main thing in the mind of a scientist is humility. If a person achieves it, he is able to accept everyone in life, he is able to accept everyone in life, and he becomes a sage.

01:02:43 Further, leader, if a person is engaged in leadership, then it is natural that, just as a scientist strives for knowledge, and comprehending external knowledge without gaining internal knowledge, he becomes proud. Similar leader, he strives for . Having achieved power over people and not gaining the ability to care for them, he becomes what? Proud! And as a result, such a person loses himself. How does a proud scientist behave? A proud man who is filled with science, how does he behave? Arrogant, angry, pompous. So? How does a proud leader behave? Cruel, angry, he punishes everyone, he hates someone in life. Those. the person becomes unhappy. Do you understand? He becomes broken in life. Why? Because he developed only the outer side of the coin. There are two sides to the coin, he only developed one, and as a result he became one-sided.

01:04:05 If a person is a leader by nature, when he is born, from the cradle, what does he want? What does he want from the cradle? He wants power. That's how it works. When a person is born a scientist, what does he want from the cradle? Knowledge! This is how his egoism works. What should a scientist achieve in his life? Humility! This means he has reached highest manifestation his talent, he became happy as a result. When Einstein was asked: “What is the meaning of your life? What have you learned?”, he says: “I understand, I learn, I understand, I know that I know nothing. I know that this world is infinite, and I have only understood a very small part of it. I realized that I don't know anything. I have studied a lot, but I don’t know anything in this world.” This person has developed completely, he has become happy. Do you understand?

01:05:03 If, for example, he were asked: “What did you understand?”, “I understood everything!” [laughter in the audience], the ball is inflated, it will be difficult to deflate later. A person needs to live many lives to be blown away, and the most amazing thing is that when a person lives in a mental hospital, for example, and they say to him: “Who are you?”, he says: “I am Napoleon” and stands on the table, this means that in , he was the leader. [laughter in the audience] No, really, I’m telling you, that’s how it is, they describe it, he’s in past life was a leader, but he burned out, his pride destroyed him, you see, and he became Napoleon forever. Well, maybe for one life, he’ll be Napoleon, he’ll be in a mental hospital, then maybe he’ll come to his senses in the next life.

01:05:59 If, say, a scientist, he has become an academician who is not able to understand anything, he knows everything. In the next life, who will he be? By God. Only in a mental hospital, you know? He will only be God in a mental hospital; they will ask him: “Who are you?”, he will say: “I am God!” I know everything,” if someone is a psychiatrist, he knows such patients. Do you have hands? There are psychiatrists, raise your hands. Are there any here? How did you study the topic there? Have you seen the gods? Gods? [inaudible] A lot? He counts his fingers [laughs]. Five people. [laughter in the audience] I saw the gods. How many Napoleons? Unmeasured? Immeasurably... huh? [inaudible] Yours is not Napoleonic mental hospital? [laughter in the audience] Isn’t it Napoleonic times? Well, okay, there are Napoleons, I saw them too, and so on. Well, I mean, someone behaves like a ruler, he fights with everyone, and he fights with alien ships there. Someone God walks, or calls himself .

01:07:17 In America they held a rally of Jesus Christ once [laughter in the audience], a lot of people gathered, some didn’t go, they thought: “Why go there? All the same, they are not Jesus Christ, because I am Jesus Christ” [laughter in the audience] Now, this is the culmination of development in the wrong direction. Means, What is the culmination of a leader’s development? What kind of person should he become? He must become a person who is very much woven out of caring for people, i.e. he constantly thinks about how to take care of them, he wants to give his life to them, to the people around him. You see, he wants everything to be good for them, for his subordinates, the soul of the team, do you understand? Whoever is the leader is the soul of the team, raise your hand. Do you have a good life? Very! She really likes it. This is very rare, but it exists, it happens in our world.

What qualities should a businessman develop in himself to achieve success?

01:08:24 Next, businessman, what does he want, is he born, what does he want? Wealth, successful life. What does he need to develop in himself? Generosity! He must become absolutely, he must not think about money at all. We interviewed an American millionaire once; there was a lot of money there, immeasurably. One of richest people peace. Lives in a simple house and wears simple clothes. They say to him: “Where are you going to put the money?”, he says: “Where are you going?” This is my happiness money. I develop everything in my life, I have charitable deeds, this and that,” he says: “Why don’t you spend on yourself?”, he says: “Why? I feel good as it is” [laughs] it’s impossible for us to understand this, because he has developed, as a person, you know. He has developed, he lives well as is. Because he achieved his goal in life. His main task for such a person is to implement some plans. Do you understand?

01:09:31 When a person is a real businessman by nature, he thinks: “I want to build a children’s hospital there. I want to do this, I want to do that,” and when he does this, his soul sings, he thinks: “What a wonderful life! Thanks to me, such things are happening in the country. So many people are fed. So much of this, so much of that,” he goes to this hospital, looks at the grandmothers and says: “How is your life?”, She says: “I feel better! Thank you very much!”, he says: “Feed her better” and moves on. Do you understand? He is happy because he achieves his goals. Those. his money goes to its intended purpose. Do you understand? He walks down the street and thinks: “We need to plant this alley with normal trees.” Once the money is allocated for this, the state, the authorities have approved and planted the alley. He walks along the alley, apples grow there, pears grow there, the city blossoms. He thinks: “We need to improve the roads there, or something else,” he takes care of everyone, you know, he invests money in the development of the country, the city, his land. Do you understand? Once - he built some good farm, real vegetables and fruits, for example, went to the city. You see, i.e. his heart burns with the desire to help others. He is very generous by nature. Very generous.

01:10:47 I know one such person, he lives in India, my good friend. I came to his house. He has such a house, well, it’s quite small. And a huge park around, his property. And he has a whole family there, several factories there, etc., everyone works in business. But he is in charge, although he is not the elder brother, but he is not in charge, I thought: “Why is he in charge? Why is he in charge?” Because this person doesn’t think about himself at all! In general, he doesn’t even think about how he can warm something up for himself.

01:11:24 He has employees working there, well, in the garden, everyone there takes care of everything, they take care of everything. He walks and walks, once, he approaches one worker and starts talking to him: “Well, how is it in your family? Is everything okay?”, I started talking to him. People gathered around and listened, he said: “This needs to be done, this and that,” and then he went to the next one. And what does he do during the day? It will help this, it will help that. And his brothers manage the whole process. He studies, reads, this man works on himself. Spiritually developed as a person, you know? The brothers, when things get difficult, they come to him and say: “We have a problem in business, at this plant, what should we do?”, he sits down, concentrates, and says: “Do it like this. In two days everything will be restored,” they do like this, in two days everything will be restored [laughs].

01:12:16 Why can he do this? Everyone loves him, you know, everyone loves him, everyone is afraid of what will happen to him, God forbid. Why does he do this? Why is such a successful life? Because he achieved success and moved correctly in his life. I developed correctly as a person. Do you understand? A generous person is a selfless person who cares about others. Engaged in self-improvement. He has a very mature mind and understands how to grow a business very accurately, but he is not involved in the business itself. He says: “Let the brothers work. Why worry about it? Can a thief live next to him? Can it, no? No! Because such people see right through everyone. Do you understand? If you are a thief, let’s say you don’t come within a kilometer of him, he will see right through you, immediately say: “Well, go work somewhere else,” that’s all. Do you understand? Because he is developed as a person, he is very insightful. If a person has the nature of a businessman, he becomes very insightful, he sees right through another person. He knows exactly your character.

01:13:26 You come to him to get a job. He says: “I can hire you, but you will be late for work,” he says: “Well, I won’t be late,” he says: “Why were you kicked out of your last job?”, “Well, I was late,” [ laughter in the audience] It is impossible to deceive, he sees everything, immediately understands everything. Why? Because he has developed as a person, he has developed character... character traits. If a businessman is very honest in his transactions, let's say he is decent, he begins to see people whether people are deceiving him or not, gradually.

01:13:58 I know a banker in Moscow. Do you know how he developed as a banker? He told me, he is Georgian himself, he says: “You know, I have a way, a good one, I, he says, when they call me, do an operation, some kind of financially important one. I say I sniff the phone - is he telling the truth or not. I sniff the pipe like that [laughter in the audience], I sniff it, and I feel it stinks! It really stinks,” so he says: “That’s it, I’m not making a deal with him,” [laughter in the audience] and you know, everything is thriving for him, he’s a simple guy. He just knows how to do business. His pipe stinks, everything doesn’t work with him [laughs]. And everything is fine with him at the bank, everything is developing. Why? Because he developed this ability, insight, to see people. This is the quality of a businessman, it gives success, try how to develop this in yourself? If you deceive someone even once in a transaction, all your insight will end there, because you will stop trusting people. You won't see them. To see a person, you must first believe him. Do you understand? First you need to with open eyes look at it like this, like a blank sheet of paper. And he will open up to you, and you will see what kind of person he is. And then decide whether you need it or not. Do you understand?

Why can a passion for money ruin a person’s life?

01:15:23 As a person who, say, is a businessman, how does he ruin his life? Begins to become attached to money, more and more attached to money. What comes from him? Stink! He’s like this with his, say, colleagues, subordinates, there, talking, let’s say: “This is how we will develop, in this direction. Our wages will go up,” he thinks: “I’ll get more for myself,” they look at him and don’t believe him! Not a single word. He will have a good team, no? Everyone will run away, they will be afraid of him. They will work with him a little, then, once, they will leave somewhere when the opportunity arises. Why? Because he thinks about money, the toad killed him. He is not a businessman by nature! A businessman by nature, but he burned out. Do you understand? His pride overpowered his character traits. He didn't work on himself. He did not develop himself as a person. He didn't understand that The highest purpose of a person is to develop yourself, and then you can establish yourself very well in your activities."Toad" ruined it. This is power! Do you understand?

01:16:31 The desire for money is a huge force. If a person, for example, does not work on himself, the more money, the more chained he is to it. He begins to think all about himself, I’ll grab everything for myself now, everything will be great. Everything is falling apart, such a mood appeared in the psyche, all people immediately... once... began to be afraid of him. They think: “Aha, it’s clear what kind of person this is,” politics begins in the team, gossip begins, deception begins, everything begins to move in this direction. Now you tell me, how can a businessman live without profit? Why live without profit? No problem, please, you can take money there and build yourself a house. It's just, you see, there's a certain amount of money that you can take, and that amount is determined not by you, but by God.

01:17:21 Let’s say you have a factory, and you can…. There is a bank there, everything is there, there is its own financial structure, and let’s say you go up to an accountant and say: “I need to take this much money, build a house there, back and forth,” and every person inside will understand that you are taking more than you should , or not. any accountant will understand that you are taking more than you are entitled to, because if you take a little more than you are entitled to, the business will immediately begin to fall apart, you see. There is such a law, they took a little more, that’s it, the money is not invested enough in the business, everything is falling apart. If everyone invests enough, everything develops, everyone’s salaries are good, you take the rest for yourself and that’s it, no one worries, everyone is happy. Do you understand? This is what a real businessman does. But for this, you just need to have, right here, a very cold mind. And for this you need to work very seriously as an individual. You need to understand clearly how you should act in this direction. Under no circumstances should you fall into this trap. Do you understand? It is very dangerous.

How can pride ruin a person?

01:18:27 Let's say a person is not sober, globalism immediately begins in his head, he is proud of himself, he thinks: “We will build a big plant! Now you can borrow a lot of money there,” he took it, because of karma it’s not allowed. What kind of person can run a factory? Who has a lot of money or what? No! A big business can only be for a person who has many faithful people around him who will follow him, he has a strong team. If the infrastructure of the team is created, people value and respect each other, they have a common goal, they have common traditions, they have great strength for each other. Just put the money right into this team and that’s it, and the plant is created. You see, there are no problems.

01:19:20 A person who is not proud, who understands everything correctly, is how he understands life. He creates loyal people around himself who gradually walk next to him through life. And no matter how many people he has, he can invest so much money! If he invests a little more, he hopes that there will be even more people, but he does not have the character qualities to keep more people around him. Everything will collapse! He takes this money, say, into a mortgage, and this mortgage strangles him. To end. Fully. He remains without pants. Why? Because he was proud of himself.

01:19:51 How does a leader remain without pants? He takes on more leadership than he is naturally comfortable with. As a result, he is knocked out of life. They fire him, they don’t want to hire him anywhere, because he can’t cope. Next, how does a businessman remain without pants? Takes out more credit than required. Why? Because the brains don't think. Pride jammed his understanding of things. That's it, he remains without pants. How does a scientist remain without pants? Very simple! I lied! Or simply, no one needs him. Let's say he's like a doctor. He constantly thinks about how he can rip money off his patients. Will anyone go to him for treatment? Or not? It will go on for a while, and then it will be forgotten. Because he will become an unhappy person. How does a worker lose himself and remain without pants? He begins to be proud of himself and says to his boss: “I need this salary, otherwise I won’t work,” “Well, go.” Goodbye,” that’s all... and then he can’t find a job and goes around begging for wages from everyone. He thinks about his salary, not about his work. He is gradually losing his qualifications. He can no longer work the way he worked before. This is how everything happens.

01:21:11 That is. The development of character qualities is the basis in human life. Always! It’s just that each person must develop his own. If, for example, a person who is a scientist by nature develops the ability to lead people, authority, what will happen to him, to this person? He will lose himself! The energy will go in the wrong direction. He will feel that something wrong is happening in his life. It seems like he should somehow communicate with people kinder, more gently, take care of them, give them knowledge, but he began to manage them. He cannot control them, he does not have the power to do so. Do you understand?

To whom is the energy of power given?

01:21:53 After all, when a person is born a leader, he simply said from childhood that everything, everyone understood everything. Small child, there, five years old: “I said it will be like this,” the father says: “Everything is clear, good,” to the son, everything, the son said. Do you understand? [laughs] it’s already manifested in his character. He is with the children, when the children, for example, are playing in the sandbox, they are all distributed, someone builds a house there, another comes up, this is how it should be done, he, for example, says to him: “Get out of here, I’ll build it myself,” he looks at him: “Okay, build it yourself,” he steps aside, the team unites around him, and begins to build a large house. Because he is the leader, he commands how the house should be built [laughs].

01:22:44 And someone there establishes a relationship, walks around and says: “Let’s build houses together? There we will connect your house with ours, you will have a common castle,” he says: “Come on, I’m bored alone,” he approaches this and says: “I have decided everything, all the questions, now we will build together. I have part of the castle,” [laughs] he says: “Okay,” and this one doesn’t pay attention, the other one, he’s tinkering, he’s making stuff there, he’s not interested in what’s going on around there. Who walks there, who wants to say what, who directs what. He's just there, he creates everything. Do you understand? Each person has his own nature. And someone brings a project for a castle: “This is how it should be built!” Do you understand? Everyone has their own nature! Someone draws and explains how to build correctly.

01:23:37 That is. Each person should do his own thing in life, if he begins to develop other character traits that do not correspond to his nature, what happens to this person? Ruins his life. This is what I want to talk to you about now. If the leader... if the scientist begins to command. What's happening to him? He becomes unhappy because he cannot command, he does not have the strength to do it! His life is falling apart. Do you understand? A man is a scientist by nature, he needs to study how to live, teach people how to live, explain to them how to live, but he has no right to command, force them to live as they should. He can explain, he can tell, but he has no right to force, his nature is different.

01:24:26 Then we went, the man, a leader by nature, began to explain to everyone how to live, he said: “Vasily Petrovich, well, let me leave you at work, don’t drink, everything will be fine,” he explains to him, he becomes impudent, explains, he becomes impudent. He feels that life is so bad for him. He said to himself: “I will not fire Vasily Petrovich. I won’t punish him, I’ll just explain to him,” he explains, explains, everything is boiling inside him, he thinks: “I would kill him,” and he explains everything to him. Then he says “Vasily Petrovich!”, He says: “That’s it! I got it!" [laughs] and that’s it, a person acts by nature, there’s no need to even explain, he understood everything right away. And if he doesn’t do what he should, he suffocates and simply ruins his life. Do you understand? He just destroys his own.

01:25:17 Or a person, let’s say, is a leader by nature, he is interested in his countries, he is a politician, he runs for somewhere, he lives by this, power, people love him, appreciate him. He thinks: “Lord, what a man we got!” and this man, on the sly, began to rake in money, got involved in some kind of shady business, and sold himself. What's going on with his life? As a society, it is collapsing, you know, it is collapsing. Gradually, first his relations with the lower classes will be destroyed. Everyone will build business relationships with him, no one will believe in him. What happens next is that the relationship with his friends will collapse, and then, when they find out from above what he’s doing, they’ll just [whistle] and kick him out and that’s it. This will end his career and he will die suffering from the fact that his life was not a success. Do you understand? Therefore, the person who is involved in management should stay away from transactions. He must be clean from all this, it is dirt for him. He will have as much money as he needs, there is no point in worrying about it. Do you understand? Because power gives everything, but you shouldn’t misuse it. A person who has power will be given everything as a gift! They will tell him: “We will build this for you!”, “Well, build it if you want.” Do you understand? He already has everything, why should he row for himself, deceive someone. Do you understand? He already has everything. The time will come and he will receive everything he needs in full! But if he starts rowing for himself, starts engaging in financial fraud, that’s it, kaput. As a ruler, he is destroyed; he has no chance to continue to have power.

01:27:06 Do you know why? Because higher powers give us energy for life. Because, the energy of power is not our energy. The energy of beauty is not our energy. Women think: “Why am I not beautiful? What’s wrong with me?”, what do you think, women, does beauty belong to you or not? Some people think it belongs. Well, keep it for life if you own it. They say that if you behave like a woman all your life, then you will be beautiful all your life. Try to remain beautiful if you act like a man. does not belong to a woman. He behaves like a woman, like a woman functions, she always becomes beautiful, she is deeply beautiful, everyone loves her, appreciates her, respects her. At a young age she has external beauty, when older she has internal beauty, even older, there is still internal beauty, but beauty always comes from her, whether from the outside or from the inside, she is still a woman for everyone, everyone loves her. Do you understand? Because she behaves like a woman.

01:28:13 Let's say if a person a man by nature, he was born a man, he has masculinity, strength, influence on the people around him, masculine dignity, what does it belong to him? No, if he behaves like a man, these qualities will develop in him; if he does not behave like a man, he will die in these qualities.

01:28:33 I was in Krasnodar, once, giving a lecture for the police. One academician, there, these sciences, I don’t know what they are called, legal, or something else. He listened to my lectures. And he says: “Let’s give a lecture there, at the police academy? Lecture course. We need to raise good police officers,” I say: “Well, okay, let me read it,” “That’s it, come at such and such a time.” He came, he went like this, with an adjutant, like this... he goes. I entered the hall, six hundred policemen were sitting, my legs were giving way, [laughs] six hundred policemen. I’ve never seen anything like this, six hundred policemen [laughs] together. One and the same problem. And here are six hundred! I walk in, the adjutant says: “Get up!”, and then they all stand up. I’m walking like this, thinking: “What will happen next? I don’t know,” [laughs] I came in, went and sat upstairs.

01:29:43 Adjutant: “Sit down!”, and this man comes up to me, this man who leads everyone, he says: “You have forty-five minutes,” [laughter in the audience] I say: “Okay.” [laughs] Everyone looks at me like that, I say: “Hello,” there’s such silence, they look at me. I was thinking how to establish contact with them, I started telling them something, they looked like mines, completely zero. None, that's it. I think, Lord, what should I do? [laughs] That is. I need contact with the audience.

01:30:22 I tell this and that, I tell it, then I think: “I need to say something that is so important in them,” and I tell them: “You know, I say, I had such experience in my practice that if ...he’s connected with the police, in general,” they say, [laughter in the audience] I say: “It gives masculinity to a person, he is like that, he becomes strong, his sexual power increases when Mars is strong, i.e. Women like him,” they’re already looking at me like that. Here, I say, he is like that, he has muscles, there, he is so big, strong, like Schwarzenegger, i.e. it’s when Mars is strong that a person becomes like that,” they look at me like that, so respectfully, like, man, you understand where you’ve come, everything is right. [laughter in the audience] I say: “It is very important to understand how to behave correctly... this planet, it acts correctly in a person if he behaves correctly. Let's say I noticed that if a person, say, commits violence... i.e. in general, the genital organs of a person, his ability, men, it is strongly connected with his ability to be, as it were, a man, but at the same time not have violence within himself. Those. this energy of violence burns the sperm.

01:31:38 And I tell them: “Well, if, I say, a policeman, for example, behaves nobly with a person, if he is wrong, he punishes him, and if he is right, he lets him go,” they look at me like that with understanding: “You speak correctly, man!”, I say: “Then in this case, I say, if he behaves incorrectly, I say, their sperm are depleted and they become impotent,” [laughter in the audience] They heard this, such... [laughter in the audience] cool, such, in general, such, such people changed in their faces, then they started clapping [laughs] and the lecture started after that. [laughs] I got into the game right away, I discussed the necessary question of how not to become impotent.

01:32:24 That is Every person has his own nature. If he acts in the key of his nature, then his life is filled with meaning. Those. I came, sat down there, I started talking about something else, you know, that did not correspond to their nature. People were absolutely not interested. When I started talking about their lives and how to do everything correctly, they immediately became interested, you know, this is very important to understand.

01:32:47 So, it is very important to understand that a person must act correctly everywhere because the energy of success does not belong to him. Do not belong. It belongs to higher powers. AND if a person does everything right, higher powers first begin to encourage him by making him strong. And then, further, when he does everything right, his higher powers encourage him by gradually gathering the right people around him, who believe him and love him. This is a very strong criterion that a person is doing everything right. Further, if a person does everything correctly, his status in society increases. If a person does everything right, he has the means to live, and then only from there. First, enthusiasm appears, then people appear, then status increases, and only then money appears. And it happens naturally. If a person acts, follows the right path,

Why can't I get married?

01:33:48 If a woman follows the right path, as a woman, first she blossoms, she has a desire to live. Then she begins to feel that they are looking at her, that men treat her differently. Next, she begins to understand how to behave with them. Those. She develops as a woman, she begins to understand how to behave correctly with them. And only after that she finds the right person. Can you imagine the path a woman often has to go through... some women come up to me and say: “I can’t”, I say: “You need to understand yourself as a woman”, “So what? Will I get married?”, “No, then something like this will happen, you will begin to blossom,” “So what? Will I get married?”, “No, then you need to learn how to behave with men,” “So what? Will I get married?”, “No, then you have to wait until you get married. The time will come, you will get married. Because everything has its time,” Do you understand?

01:34:46 Women often strive for results. If a woman... let's say, a woman needs to get married in order for her to fully and actively function in society. A woman who wants to get married, what happens to her? She's burning out, she'll never get married. Why? Because she wastes her feminine energy. What should she want? She must want to become a woman, work on herself, etc. She shouldn't even think about when she gets married. She shouldn't think about it at all. Although you want to think about it, you don’t have to think about it.

01:35:26 What does a businessman want to think about? About money. What does a leader want to think about? About power. What does a scientist want to think about? About the dissertation, about the result of knowledge. What does a worker want to think about? That everyone will appreciate him, that he will achieve glory in his activities. But a person should not think about it, this is the loop. What does a man want to think about? That he will find himself a very good woman who will love, respect, appreciate, but this is a noose, you know, a noose that strangles a person.

01:36:10 One young man came up to me and said that he could not get married, he had no opportunity. Why? Because he finds a girl, she seems good, and then she starts to behave badly and his life collapses. I say: “But you, don’t get acquainted right away,” you immediately keep a little distance, try to understand what kind of girl is first, and then start building a closer relationship with her.” Can not! Why? Because he is very attracted to the girl, he wants to marry her quickly. This means he wants results. Do you understand? But the result must be achieved! First you need to meet a person, then get to know him, then understand who he is and love, this feeling, sexual, must be restrained all this time. This is work! Serious work on yourself, but you go crazy, you know, but you have to continue to restrain, study the person, and only then, when you study, you should already understand whether you need such a wife or not. Because it’s not immediately clear. When love comes unexpectedly, the whole world will immediately become so amazingly good. Especially the person who is next to you. Do you understand? In general, a person does not see his shortcomings, he is blinded, the picture becomes completely blind. Impossible to understand the quality! Impossible. And he behaves very well. When people fall in love they become perfect. A woman falls in love and becomes an ideal woman. Her feminine psychic energy is filled to capacity, she walks so humble, always nods her head and she is so good and so, that’s it... an ideal person.

01:37:53 A man falls in love, he runs after her and jumps, all over... and he punched someone in the face for her, that’s it, cool, in every way. Do you understand? When he gets married, the flowers are gone, the tomatoes are wilted. He doesn’t need her, he still doesn’t have time to deal with her. She hisses at him like a snake. He says: “You were different when we met,” “You were different too!” Do you understand? People must first get to know each other, time must pass. And for this you need to strive not for results, but simply learn to be a man, learn to care. Don’t wait for her to jump on you, but simply take care of her, look after her, study the person. You see, for this you need to develop masculinity in yourself. Masculinity also means that a person tolerates his sexual feelings, this is also a manifestation of masculinity. And the manifestation of femininity also means that a woman studies a man and tolerates the desire to be close to him.

01:39:00 Many women have already approached me in my life and told me the same thing: “That I can’t get married. I have a lot of... men around me. I get to know them very quickly, then they all leave me when something happens between us,” I tell them: “This is how it should be, because you are behaving incorrectly, you are not ripe for. You have not matured as a woman because you must learn to keep a man at a distance, you must learn to restrain yourself, you must develop a calm relationship with him, you must test him in relation to you, how serious he is, what he wants from you, you need to figure everything out and then you will be successful in family life. At the same time, you must believe him, appreciate him, but still understand from a distance what he wants. He himself will show what he wants.

01:39:53 Some women are disappointed in relationships and don’t trust men. She meets him, but does not believe him right away, because she is disappointed. Will she get married? No! Men need to believe in learning, we need to forgive everyone to believe in their own. A man does not believe, does not trust women. Is he getting married? No, get acquainted, walk around, take a walk, leave. Get to know each other, go for a walk, leave. I also have such an example in my life. A good, decent, handsome man cannot get married because he doesn’t trust any woman, because he sees only the bad in them. He does not understand good character traits and cannot accept them into his life. None of them. Because he hasn't developed as a man. He had to develop in himself the ability to trust a person, you see, the ability to believe and develop good character traits in him. This is a very important point in this whole topic, because the least expensive thing in this whole topic, you know what thing? A person can only become a scientist when he believes that he will succeed in everything in life. - this is the key, such a core for the development of his understanding of things. Faith... when does a person become a genius? Who is this genius? A person becomes a genius when he has boundless faith that he will develop himself as a person; faith is, you know, boundless. And this faith pushes him.

How to achieve success in life?

01:41:23 Michelangelo knocked on marble for fourteen hours and created excellent sculptures. He ate only one meal a day. He worked fourteen hours a day and lived for more than ninety years, breathing marble dust, which is one of the most poisonous dusts. And he didn’t get sick with anything. This proves that everyone comes from . If a person is absorbed in creativity, he goes about his business, he becomes famous, he develops himself as a person, he no longer dies, he lives for a very long time, he dies very late, because life energy is in full swing. Do you understand?

01:42:00 Further, the leader is that he believes that he will preserve his team, that everything will be fine, nothing can break him, his faith. Positivism is in the thinking of a businessman, he believes that his business will develop, he believes that everything will be fine, nothing can break him, his faith. And the positivism of the thinking of a person who is engaged in creative work, he believes that he will develop as a creative person. Where does faith come from? Where does positivism of thinking come from? Know that this is Spiritual energy, this is Spiritual, this is not material energy. The positivism of the thinking of a woman who believes that she will get married, that she will give birth to children, the positivism of the thinking of a man who believes that he is capable of creating good family and be good. The positivism of thinking of any person is based only on one thing whether this person does or not. Because a person’s faith arises only if he is connected with the Higher Powers.

01:43:07 Spiritual energy arises as a result of the activity of the mind. If a person’s mind is aimed at development, then spiritual energy begins to descend into him and his life begins to be illuminated by faith, a feeling appears in him that everything will be fine. This feeling does not appear on its own. Mostly people live in , because they face insurmountable difficulties in their lives. Difficulties affecting the fate of every person.

01:43:38 Life is compared to the waves of a river or ocean. First a good wave rolls in, then it rolls back and it turns out bad. This is an inevitable process, because the planets move in cycles, and at every point in space the planets give us this or that energy. As a result, happiness is constantly replaced by suffering. Happiness gives us, and suffering gives us. If a person does not engage in spiritual practice, he quickly forgets inspiration, and disappointment remains in his destiny.

01:44:12 Today at my appointment... we were filming, there was a girl who has a disease that is associated with negativistic thinking. All diseases are connected with this, but simply using her example, I can now show it to you. I asked her: “Has something good happened to you in three days?”, She says: “No”, “Did something bad happen?”, She says: “Yes”, I say: “You’ll remember, maybe maybe something good happened after all?”, she says: “Nothing happened,” I see she had a favorable day the day before yesterday, I tell her: “So, the day before yesterday you had a favorable day, there must have been exactly that something good will happen,” she says: “Yes, my father felt better the day before yesterday,” I say: “Why would they forget about this?”, she says: “I don’t know.” This is how our psyche works, you see, our body is a storehouse of negative emotions, everything good is forgotten like this, in one second. Everything bad is remembered forever. Why? Because a person does not have enough spiritual energy. This is a contaminated state, it is called a contaminated state of mind, when a person is constantly in a negative mood. This defiled state of mind suffocates all life. Why? Because... just as a dirty person becomes sick, in the same way a person with a dirty mind becomes sick. To prevent your teeth from smelling, you need to brush your teeth. So? To prevent your mind from stinking, you need to read prayers. If you don’t believe in God, repeat: “I wish everyone happiness!” This is also a Prayer, it connects a person with the energy of higher powers.

The power of true faith in life

01:46:01 There is Personality, there is radiance. The Vedas explain this: the radiance of higher powers is the energy of happiness. If a person repeats “I wish everyone happiness!”, he connects himself with higher powers. That's it, so this is his prayer. He doesn't believe in God, he doesn't believe that this is... It’s good, if a person believes in God, read those prayers that are in your Spiritual tradition. Develop your connection with Higher powers. A person who studies what Faith is, all traditions are important to him, all traditions are needed.

01:46:37 Let’s say I don’t consider myself, let’s say, but when I was in Kazan, a week ago, it was Easter, where did I go? [inaudible] Which one? [inaudible] I went to the Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan. Why did I go there? In order to see a miracle and I saw it. I saw this icon that appeared there two years ago. She traveled all over the world, she was stolen from there almost a hundred years ago. From Kazan. So, she finally appeared. They brought her, put her in front of people, over these two years, she had such a layer of gold chains there, when someone is healed, she hangs a gold chain, such a layer of gold chains hangs, such a layer. When I looked at the icon, I looked at the eyes, I looked at the eyes of Jesus Christ, his Mother, when I looked at all this, what did I see? I saw eyes like these, only on one doctor in India, who healed people like this [snaps fingers] he treats five hundred people a day. A person comes up, he tells him the diagnosis, gives him the root, and he is cured. Next! Doesn't charge anything for treatment. I saw such enormous healing power. I saw . I saw enormous power emanating from this icon.

01:48:12 Let’s say, I’m not an Orthodox Christian, what should I say about this icon? It’s not all ours, I don’t believe it. I didn't say, do you know why? Because it's all ours. Whatever faith a person has in his heart, if there is something amazing next to him, for example, which is in another religious tradition, a person should accept it into his life, because this is the essence of our understanding of things in this life . We must accept everything related to God. It doesn't matter where it comes from. But each person has his own faith, his own tradition, in his heart, he follows it, but he must accept everything in this world that is connected with God, and this possibility is achieved only with the help of sincere prayer. When a person is sincere, he is able to open his heart to everything progressive. Do you understand? He becomes a progressive person who sees everything positive, everything important in life. He rejects everything that is not necessary.

01:49:18 Recently, a very serious monk who occupies a high position in Orthodoxy secretly came to me for treatment. It’s secret, because there’s always a lot of politics in religion, so why cover it all again? We talked to him, I treated him, we talked a lot about life. I learned how difficult it was for him to build Temples; he built three Temples in his life. Mmmm, so much interesting conversation, I told him about my life, he told me about his, we didn’t have any problems in communication, you know, not at all. He knew my faith, I knew his, this real life, you know, when people understand each other.

01:50:04 But if it lives in the heart, it means that a person is not developed as a person, he can hold a high position somewhere, he can believe in God, he considers himself a very believer, sincere, but if he is not understands other people, their needs, their wants, their faith, their views, this means that he is not a very distant person, pride is stronger in his heart than common sense. This is the problem that every person must overcome within himself. And there are a lot of such problems, you know. Basically, people don’t face such problems in life, mostly they simply face negativity of thinking, they don’t believe that they can be happy. This means that in their life there was not enough purity of mind, the toothpaste ran out, you know? They don't clear their minds. This is the essence of our problems. The essence of all our problems.

01:50:57 Which of you wished everyone happiness at the lectures for the first time in your life, raise your hand. Did you repeat it at home later? When you come home, whoever repeated it at home, raise your hand. You didn’t waste your time here, it’s one hundred percent not in vain, you know, because if you start practicing this thing yourself, it means you become invincible in life. You see, you won’t understand this right away, but then such strength will come out of you that all your problems will collapse. You will wish everyone happiness, just repeat “I wish everyone happiness!”, do experiments. You don't believe it, let's say it works, okay. If you man of sense, check.

01:51:35 Let's say you have problems in a relationship with a loved one that last for years, wish everyone happiness, think about this person for two months, think constantly about how your relationship with him changes, how your relationship with him changes with this person. You will see that relationships really change. Your ideas about him change, you begin to remember something good about him, gradually you... this is how the process goes. The first thing that happens is that you don’t believe that you can wish him happiness at all. You just wish everyone happiness and remember it a little. Further, as you work on yourself, you begin to feel that you can wish him happiness and you wish him happiness sincerely, but you don’t like him as a person. The next stage, you begin to remember, little by little, that there is something good in his character and remember that there was good things between you. You continue to wish happiness to all people and remember him, you also wish him happiness, along with everyone. The next stage, you begin to feel that there is some kind of relief, you begin to believe that you can change your relationship with him. The next stage, you begin to wish everyone happiness, then you continue to do this, what do you feel next? You feel that between you and this person, normal relations have been restored or are being restored, you feel a good connection has developed. Next, you wish everyone happiness, think about this person, how do you feel? You feel that everything, relationships have improved. What will happen next? After a while he will make himself known. And even in reality there will be a normal relationship between you. This is how a person changes his life.

01:53:14 Because in the fate of every person there is a stumbling block, sometimes it concerns character, sometimes it concerns a person, for other people it concerns some event. Well, let's say, there was a disaster in '94 or whatever year? There, everything fell, default. Many people became simply mentally traumatized. They had everything, they have nothing left and they cannot continue to live, psychotrauma, that’s it, they cannot continue to live. A negative event stifles their life. They should wish everyone happiness and think about this event. In two months, life will be in full swing again, they will feel that they have forgiven everything for this event. They forgave their fate. It became easier for them to live, because a person, with the help of such activity of the mind, conquers his fate.

01:54:06 Fate is not defeated by something being lucky, many people just stand and wait for everything to be fine, but it never will be, because when this problem sits, it strangles life, you see, she is strangling, and she must be resisted, and all this happens on the subtle plane. Not on the gross, on the subtle. Some people don't believe in their future. He doesn't believe it at all. Etc. there are many problems. Some come from a past life.

01:54:35 For example, one girl came up to me and said: “I can’t live,” I said: “Why?”, “It seems to me that I’ll hang myself,” it seems absurd, I think: “What an absurdity,” I look at her carefully, I looked. I looked, I began to try to understand what happened in my past life, I felt that she... it was as if her neck was separated from her body. I feel it right here and once, I looked at her neck, I see that the energy line is going straight. I look at her eyes, like they’re rolling out, I see she has such a mental constitution. I think: “Wow!”, by all indications, in a past life she committed suicide, by hanging, hanged herself. And this energy remains in this life, it is on it. Do you understand? I started to explain everything to her, I said: “This has already passed, you see, this is what happened before, this will never happen to you again,” I began to explain to her, explain, explain. And she began to work on herself, she understood everything, she began to pray, to wish everyone happiness. And the next time she came, I saw that the streaks were almost gone, her eyes had become better, i.e. the man felt life, began to breathe life. She says: “I felt like I was breathing. It’s as if life has become easier for me. It’s like...”, she had been suffocating all her life, you know, to this place, to this age, because on the subtle plane her oxygen was cut off there, you know? She was suffocating, she could not live. And then, when she made enough of these efforts, she, once, began to breathe, it became easier for her. Life entered the body, life entered the face, the whole person became normal. Do you understand? There can be a lot of such problems! Everyone has their own problem. And every person must solve it with the help of such activities aimed at working on themselves.

01:56:22 Many people don’t even understand that this is the most important thing in life. They think that the main thing for me is to raise children, the main thing for me is to get married, the main thing for me is not to quarrel with my husband, and every person gets fixated on some problem in their destiny. But this problem will never be solved because there is no energy for this. Energy comes from prayer. It comes from such positive attitudes. This energy then shows the way to solve the problem. She begins to make her way up, she gives hope, a feeling that everything will be fine. This energy makes it possible to move forward, it breaks through your destiny. She arranges the right relationships, she does everything herself.

01:57:09 One girl came up to me, “I can’t get married,” she said. I look and say: “Well, you do this and that,” she says: “They don’t even come to me. Not like there...”, she says, they don’t even approach her. I see that she has just zero, just zero, the family karma is so heavy that she has no chance of getting married now. Because the energy falling on her is so heavy that it’s simply unbearable. Do you know what I told her? I say: “Go to the monastery. Go to the monastery. Pray to God there with all your might. And when you pray there correctly, the river of life will flow through you. The female river of life will flow, you will work off this karma. You can pray for these…” and she went. Do you understand? The man realized that this was the only way out in life, she had no more chances, that’s it, there were no chances, she couldn’t get married. She went and she became a woman, gradually life woke up in her, because she spent all her time praying. She began to do what she needed in her life now, what the doctor ordered. Do you understand? Because for some people the doctor orders them to fulfill their social duties, while for others, who are jammed by life, the doctor orders them to pray.

01:58:33 A person has a mental illness, he’s going crazy, what should I advise him? Go to work? What kind of job does he have? He doesn't even have the strength to cope with himself. What advice should I give him? Marry? What a marriage, he can’t be around people, let alone his wife, with whom it’s very difficult for everyone to be around, because heavy karma is revealed there. I tell him: “Pray, dear friend. Pray. There’s nothing else you can do in life right now.” And he began to pray. And the man began to come to life. Any mental illness can be cured. You see, the only question is strength, what is the inner strength of a person that gives him the opportunity to do this.

01:59:17 Thus, there is the highest duty of a person. Sometimes, when life stops, a person must deal only with this duty and nothing else. Do you think there is at least one person in this room whose life will not stop at some point? No, there are no such people, this is impossible. Someone close to you will die, let’s say, every person in their life has a close person who dies. A loved one dies, life stops. What to do at this time? Go to work? Work with children? What to do during this time? Only prayer can help. There is no other way, you see, this is the only thing a person has to do. When life stops, a person must work on his mind. He has no other choice, you know, he must clear his mind and what must awaken in his mind? “My earthly compass,” [sings] you understand, hope must flare up in life. When hope appears, then everything is fine, you can continue to live. There is no hope, so we need to pray.

02:00:20 Those who have no hope, raise your hand. Well, there is no hope in life now. There are such people. Well, you raised it correctly. You need to pray, you are going through a difficult period in your life. Simply the hardest. And it didn’t start today, not yesterday, it’s been going on for five years, it seems to me. Five years, right? So. And it ends, do you know when? Should I tell you when it ends? In three months. But you still need to pray, you see, Life will soon enter your heart. But you still need to pray. Because this is the meaning when such a situation occurs in life.

The purpose of family relationships

02:01:06 So, you need to listen to a seminar on developing the mind. This is a key seminar to resolve this issue, this seminar. Now I would like to answer questions regarding your personal practical activities. If you have any problems related to your work and your relationship in the family, i.e. you have to ask me these questions and I will answer directly, specifically, it is better if the person is in front of me, so that everyone understands how it practically works. And I also want to say... yes, now... I want to say this thing that relations in society between people is the lightest, the karma of industrial relations is the heavier karma, the heaviest is the karma. From family relationships to family relationships For a man, the most difficult karma is the relationship with his wife; for a woman, the most difficult is the karma of the relationship with children.. And you should understand that there is a mystery here and there is a solution. For a man, the following is a mystery.

02:02:27 If a man considers his wife to be the goal of his life, then he will be defeated, he will be an unhappy person. A man should set his goals higher, but at the same time love and care for his wife. At the same time, be attached, but set higher goals. If a man is not attached to his wife, the family collapses. If a man is attached to his wife, but not attached to a higher purpose, the family collapses. It's clear? A woman should put life for her husband higher than life for her children, and life for her should come first above all else. If a woman puts her children above her husband, her family will be destroyed and her relationship with her children will be destroyed. I get the idea, right? This is a mystery and a solution.

02:03:21 The mystery is that every woman wants to put children above everything else in her life, because that’s what she wants, this is her test of life. Do you understand? The child is the most important thing to her, but she must put her husband above her child. She must learn to do this. If she doesn't learn, her family will fall apart, her personal life will fall apart. A man, he wants a woman more than anything in the world, he is most attached to a woman, he wants to think about her most and he also wants to mock her most of all, in this case. And this means that his life will be ruined. Because when a person gets attached. When a man becomes attached to a woman, what happens to him? Do you know what's happening to him? He begins to demand from her as from God, you know? He constantly watches her. He begins to be jealous of her, begins to mock her, and finds fault with all sorts of little things. He doesn't give her a chance to live. Why? because he thinks she is God. It’s not clear what he wants from her. This means that he made her the goal of his life. And his family life will be destroyed if he does not change his attitude towards her.

02:04:37 If a woman becomes attached to a child and begins to think about him. What's happening to her? She begins to engage in hyperprotection. She doesn’t let him live, she doesn’t let him breathe easy, she constantly watches him, watches, constantly bullies him, he becomes a thief because there is too much attention on him. He begins to hate his mother because she is already sick of him. As a result, the family is destroyed, you see, the child becomes a hater, a mother-hater, he hates his mother because she destroys his life, she does not allow him to live. It's very important to understand all these things.

02:05:16 [inaudible] Huh? [inaudible] It is not him who should be directed [laughter in the audience] [inaudible] this is the trap, you see, let’s say a man is not in the right mood, and he says: “Well, yes, my wife, she doesn’t love me because that I love her. She is constantly capricious. What should I do with her?”, but don’t do anything with her, you have to do with yourself. You just need to tune in correctly and everything will be fine in the family. If a child grows up selfish... [sneezed]... right... What should you do with him? Yes, you don’t need to do anything with it. You need to do something with yourself, you need to change your attitude towards him, then he will begin to behave normally. It’s very difficult... it’s harder to do something with yourself, but it always seems like you have to do something with someone else.

Questions and answers

02:06:06 Ask questions about your work directly from the audience. Yes, here is a man. Yes.

02:06:12 Question from the audience [inaudible]

02:06:17 Answer: And that’s a fact. Yes. What is your job? [inaudible] Leader. This means that you must understand that in your nature, in your nature, in your mental nature, you lack the ability to see the prospects for the development of your business. This ability has now been destroyed by the will of time, for the reason that you are very attached to one specific direction and believe, very blindly, that it should be so. You cannot consider anything else, because you are absolutely one-sided, you know, in understanding things. Because you perceive it all very skeletally. This is your flaw as a leader. A leader should not be tied to where to develop; he should consider all directions equally. Due to the fact that you have such a character flaw, fate has put you at this point and if you cannot renounce your ideas and, as it were, you are not an ideologist, you are a leader, you understand, you must find yourself a person who will explain to you how to develop your business, what goals, what ideas you can have and you should follow his advice. Otherwise, everything will be destroyed, you said correctly, this situation will last six months. In six months you will feel better. This is an exam in your life. You are a woman...

02:07:44 Question from the audience [inaudible]

02:07:47 Answer: Are your personal relationships being destroyed? Yes? You are going through a bad period right now and it is due to the fact that you have stopped trusting a loved one. A man sometimes behaves badly, you know, but a woman must still trust him, she must believe him, you know, inside herself, she must still learn to respect him as a man. And you stopped respecting him. [inaudible] Huh? Now what? Pray to God because you have run out of strength inside. You lack this energy, you are negatively disposed towards him, you don’t believe him, you don’t trust him as a person. You need to start praying and during prayer, this force will come and begin to attract him to you. Now he is disappointed in you because you do not value him as a man. Fate keeps you apart, but if you pray and have the right mindset, it will all end. Do you understand?

02:08:44 On the other hand, I look at it. [laughs] This girl, yes, really wants to ask a question. Yes.

02:08:49 Question from the audience [inaudible]

02:08:55 Answer: You see, I didn’t understand anything in the lecture. You say what I said during the lecture in this case. Well? What? Let's. [laughter in the audience] Start working on yourself as a woman, make sure that feminine energy poured through you, do you understand? To make you feel like a woman. Do you feel like a woman? No? [inaudible] No. That's all. The whole problem. Maybe I should change my occupation, but what will change from this, I have no energy. Either change it or don’t change it. We need to start working on ourselves as a woman, to behave like a woman. When was the last time you and your girlfriends communicated closely, in a feminine way? [laughter in the audience] Huh? [inaudible] When? [inaudible] A long time ago. What stops you from lisping? What stops a woman from tweeting? We met “tweet-tweet-chirp”. No time! So this is the most important thing! She came “tweet-tweet-tweet-tweet” with each other “tweeting”, everything was cool, everyone was “chirping”, good. [laughter in the audience] Because a woman must exchange energy with another woman, with the people around her.

02:10:14 When was the last time you “tweeted” with your mother? [inaudible] That's it, I get it. You need to pray. So, we need to pray. Those. A difficult fate has befallen you, this is reflected in your vital energy, you don’t know whether to work or not. We must pray to God. It’s very difficult for your father now, he really has a very serious condition. He needs help. That's why. you must pray and give him your psychic energy. If you do this, he will receive a huge feeling in his heart because you will have fulfilled your duty to him. As far as I understand, this happened literally a week ago, somewhere. A? [inaudible] Well, yes, somewhere like this, i.e. recently. Therefore, you must definitely do this. This is your duty, you don’t have to think about any work. Do you understand? And you feel better now, did I say? [inaudible] It has become. See, because you went to think right. The thought went in the right direction.

02:11:24 Who really wants it? [laughs] I even got up. Well, come on, okay, you stand up and speak. Well, talk, talk, time goes by.

02:11:35 Question from the audience [inaudible]

02:11:54 Answer: Of the four categories, you are a woman, first of all. You don’t understand anything, your feminine energy doesn’t circulate. You need to pray to God so that you have Faith, that everything will be fine with you. And then begin to develop your feminine nature. Do you understand? It doesn't work, bye bye. We need to start developing it first. Energy will flow into your body, even if you are disabled, even if you are not disabled. You see, the energy will flow, you will want to continue working. And you will work. You couldn't work because you don't have the strength. You are not being held anywhere. Kicks you out. Because where does a woman get her strength? From her feminine nature. Do you understand? Which doesn't work for you. There is no love in your life. Do you understand? There is no love, no close relationships with women. Develop yourself as a woman, everything will be fine.

02:12:46 There’s a woman in the back, in green, yes.

02:12:50 Question from the audience [inaudible]

02:13:00 Answer: You were taking care of the children all the time... [sneezed] thank you... overbought. I’m there at your holy spring...ach...somehow? Achi [?] I'm either warm or cold, or warm or cold. Now I'm sneezing a little. I got it. You know, everything was right in your life. You did what you needed to do. It's just a difficult time right now. The energy simply ran out and that’s it. Don't worry about anything, just pray well. Just a week and you will all understand what you need to do. Pray to God well for a week and everything will work out for you. You don't have such a big problem. There really is a problem, but it will be solved.

02:13:51 Well, here, let's have a woman in blue.

02:13:53 Question from the audience [inaudible]

02:14:02 Answer: You see, the problem is that you are angry, you understand, when a person is angry, he should not leave. He must first forgive, and then decide whether to leave or not. You see, you are now going through a bad period related to work. In my opinion, fate will push you out of this place, in any case, it seems to me, but you should not leave there now. Because you will be lost in life if you do it like this. Because if you leave, you will destroy yourself as a person. You must first forgive everyone and establish normal relationships, and then you will decide everything yourself. Fine?

02:14:50 Well, here we go. You, you, yes.

02:14:53 Question from the audience [inaudible]

02:15:01 Answer: First, develop your feminine nature. It develops in you anyway, but you must always remember this. Next, you must understand that you have two centers, this one and this one, that are actively working. Those. It seems to me that you are a leader by nature. Those. you must somehow participate in the leadership. It's your nature, it seems to me. Go ahead with that, but first of all, become a woman. Do you understand? This is very important to understand.

02:15:32 Well, come on.

02:15:34 Question from the audience [inaudible]

02:15:35 Answer: Same question? [audience laughing] The answer is not the same. [laughter in the audience] If her feminine nature works for her, then for you it is trampled upon by your life. You are very broken as a woman and therefore you will not find yourself in work. This is impossible. Restore yourself as a person, as a woman, forgive everyone, pray well so that everything is forgotten, what happened there was bad in relationships in your personal life. Forgive everyone who is close to you and surrounds you. Try to establish some kind of relationship with them, and then everything will be fine in your life, everything will continue to develop.

Character Traits of a Scientist

It is difficult to prescribe in advance, in practice it is even impossible to do, what kind of scientist should be, what character traits he should have in order to leave a noticeable mark on science. The history of science has a wide variety of examples in this regard. However, there are some features that are more or less common to all. These are, first of all, hard work, passion, curiosity, self-criticism, simplicity and clarity of thinking, strong intuition, goodwill towards people, generous giving of knowledge and personal charm. Some of them will be discussed in more detail.

Sometimes some young people, especially schoolchildren who do not know the specifics of scientific work, have a false idea that it is easy. Perhaps this happens because we always see, read, hear about the results of the activities of scientists, and the creative process itself fades into the background. Often they don’t know about it at all. Scientists themselves are often to blame for this, because they do not sufficiently illuminate their creative search. The result of the work obscures sleepless nights, analysis of thousands of thoughts, doubts, numerous failures, after which sometimes you want to give up everything and not deal with the problem under study anymore. But the more difficult it was to solve, the more valuable it is for the scientist.

Karl Marx wrote that there is no broad highway in science and only those who, without fear of fatigue, climb rocky paths, can reach the shining peaks. Therefore, hard work should be one of the characteristic traits of every scientist. In his potential, a person may even be talented, a genius, but if he does not work on himself, then nothing will come of it. It is no coincidence that sometimes a less capable but more hardworking person achieves more in science than a capable but disorganized person. Ideas do not come by themselves - they are born in pain and joy, in constant and purposeful work. Albert Einstein was often asked how many hours he worked, and he always found it difficult to answer because for him working meant thinking. Sometimes he himself asked someone he knew: “How many hours a day do you work?” And when he received the answer - eight or ten, he shrugged his shoulders and said: “I can’t work that long. I can’t work more than four to five hours a day, I’m not a hardworking person.”

In fact, A. Einstein devoted himself to creative work completely, completely, which gave him great satisfaction and made creative work more effective.

A scientist never stops in his pursuit of knowledge of the truth. This was Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov (1887–1943). His performance was truly amazing. Covering himself with a raincoat from the pouring rain, he drove for a long time from early morning experimental plots. And more than once his employees thought about the questions: what makes Nikolai Ivanovich, an academician, a world-famous scientist, get up at dawn and drive a cart across the sodden steppe in order to see forest plantings? Are many agronomists interested in this? How can one man comprehend the great questions of origin, geography and taxonomy? cultivated plants, the most complex controversial problems of genetics and, above all, delve deeply into the matter of the introduction of tree species into the steppe?

According to the testimony of everyone who knew Vavilov closely, he slept no more than four to five hours a day, and this completely satisfied him. It seemed that nature had endowed the scientist’s body with some special physical qualities, specially adapted to the gigantic work for which it was intended. At the Institute of Plant Growing, they brought him the literature received during the day in the evening, and he managed to look at or read it all during the night. While traveling, he was satisfied with short periods of time for sleep, managing to sleep while traveling in a car and driving his companions to overwork.

The director of the Institute of Cotton Growing in Florida, Professor Harland, according to the memoirs of Academician N. A. Maysuryan, upon his arrival in the USSR, said that after Vavilov visited their institute, the employees had to be given a three-day rest.

Nikolai Ivanovich began his real work after the end of the working day. The passing hours did not tire him, and, full of energy, he sat down in a chair, bending over a manuscript, book or map. The institute was empty, visitors were leaving, and he, engrossed in work, sat until late, when he could turn entirely to science and stop feeling like the director and head of two major scientific institutes - the All-Union Institute of Plant Growing, the Institute of Genetics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and the president of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

He was indomitable, did not know how to rest or “do nothing.” Whether he was traveling by train, sailing on a ship, or flying on an airplane, he always, as soon as he took his seat, took out books and papers and began work, not paying any attention to those around him. A short rest for him was a conversation with his companion.

It is characteristic that Nikolai Ivanovich himself never complained of fatigue or tiredness, although he never took advantage of vacation. The pace of his life and especially the pace of his scientific work were able to withstand only those who were truly devoted to science.

The famous Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849–1936) loved and respected work. And it is no coincidence that the first question to a new employee who wanted to get into his laboratory found out the person’s ability to work, his desire to work: “How long can you work? What can distract you? Family? Housing difficulties? The main thing for him is business. And he devoted himself entirely to the cause of science. Ivan Petrovich tried to approach others this way too.

A true scientist simply cannot imagine himself without work. The great mathematician Christiaan Huygens, according to the notes of his contemporaries, in his free time studied not mathematics, but physics. What was a tedious activity for others was entertainment for him, since without work he did not know a useful activity for himself.

Leonhard Euler had an amazing capacity for work and a colossal memory for numbers - he remembered the first six powers of all numbers up to one hundred. Once, in three days, Euler made so many calculations that other academicians would have had to work for several months! True, from inhuman stress on the fourth day Euler became blind in one eye, and by the age of sixty he had completely lost his sight. And for another fifteen years, immersed in eternal darkness, he dictated his mathematical calculations to his son Ivan, academicians Nikolai Ivanovich Fuss (1735–1825), Stepan Yakovlevich Rumovsky (1734–1812), Mikhail Evseevich Golovin (1756–1790).

How talented was one of the founders of nuclear physics, the Danish scientist, Nobel Prize winner Niels Bohr, nevertheless he was very picky and scrupulous about every phrase. The researcher sought “to make every phrase sound exactly as Bohr wanted it - all this is characteristic of him,” Ruth Moore wrote about Niels Bohr. None of his articles saw the light of day without the same hard work. He really wanted every word he said to be accurate - both for today and for the future. And this was not only hard work, but also a great culture in work.

Those entering science must remember that the work of a scientist requires maximum tension and concentration of all mental and physical strength, constant and persistent work on oneself. The work of a scientist is no easier than the work of a steelmaker or miner. It is also necessary for society, like the labor of a farmer or worker. Therefore, a scientist needs to continuously, systematically work to improve his work methods.

However, hard work alone is not enough. You need to be inquisitive. “Without curiosity,” wrote L. Landau, “normal human development, in my opinion, is unthinkable. The absence of this precious quality is visible in every encounter with a scanty intellect, with a boring old man of any age.” Not losing the great gift of childhood - the ability to be surprised - for a very long time is also a great blessing for a person. Unfortunately, not everyone has it. Moreover, we must develop these qualities from school.

Curiosity always borders on passion. He is a scientist and an enthusiastic person, infinitely devoted to science, an enthusiast of his work. In this regard, he is always and everywhere absorbed in his work, in love with it. It’s hard to say that while he’s working passionately, he’s resting, and that while he’s resting, he’s working. He is always at the scientific battle post, unless something greatly distracts him.

This is confirmed by one of the examples of the life and work of I.V. Kurchatov. According to the memoirs of Abram Fedorovich Ioffe (1880–1960), “Igor Vasilyevich was infinitely devoted to science and lived by it. It was almost systematically necessary to remove him from the laboratory at midnight. Every young physicist found it tempting to be sent to the best foreign laboratories, where he could meet new people and new methods of scientific work. Twenty researchers from the Institute of Physics and Technology were sent abroad for periods ranging from six months to two years. For several years, Igor Vasilyevich had such an opportunity. But he kept postponing its implementation: every time he had to leave, he had to interesting experiment, which he preferred to travel."

This episode very well shows one of the characteristic features of a modern scientist - passion. After all, it is an enthusiastic person who, as a rule, does the same thing: either proves theorems, or paints pictures, or composes music, etc. And then it is difficult to say what it is - efficiency or passion? Perhaps it’s both. In this case, these concepts are always interconnected. A scientist who is passionate about something never notices the movement of the dial hand. And it is during this period, when he is most focused, most passionate, that his qualities as a scientist and as a person are best manifested. A scientist cannot be disengaged.

Passion for scientific creativity never knows any barriers. When, in the summer of 1896, Marie Skłodowska-Curie (1867–1934) passed the exam that gave her the right to teach in higher school, it was necessary to choose a topic for a doctoral dissertation.

It was at this time that Antoine Henri Becquerel (1852–1908) discovered the mysterious rays of uranium, which, however, had not yet been investigated. This became the subject of the work of Marie and her husband Pierre Curie (1859–1906).

Having no funds, the couple, after much effort, finally found a laboratory for their experiments. It was an empty barn on the grounds of the school where Pierre taught. The floor was earthen. The glass roof is damaged. An iron stove with a rusty pipe was used for heating. There was no ventilation. In winter the room barely warmed up. In the summer it was unbearably hot under the glass roof. Through a gap in the roof, water from rain and snow dripped onto the work tables.

Both physicists carried out all the work with their own hands using unimaginably primitive means.

Later, in 1903, when Marie and Pierre Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their discovery of radioactivity, the barn became a place of pilgrimage for journalists and scientists alike. Wilhelm Friedrich Ostwald (1853–1932), who inspected this “laboratory” a few years after the discovery of radium, wrote in his autobiography: “It was something between a stable and a potato cellar, and if I had not seen the work tables with chemical instruments, I would have thought that they were just playing a joke on me.”

But it turns out that these qualities are not enough. You must love your chosen profession, and then the work turns into something sublime and noble. That's why for the greats scientists research“blank spots” of nature and social development is not simple work, but real pleasure, to which they devote all the heat of their soul. It is perhaps difficult to find an area of ​​physics that would not interest Lev Davydovich Landau, a famous theoretical physicist. One day, an academician was asked a question: did versatility help in his work? To this Lev Davydovich replied: “No, I’m not versatile, on the contrary, I’m narrow - I’m just a theoretical physicist. I am really only interested in as yet unknown natural phenomena. That's all. I wouldn't call researching them work. This is high pleasure, pleasure, great joy. Incomparable to anything."

You need to love science very much, be infinitely devoted to it, merge with it into a single whole, so that science with its joys and failures (and there are much more of the latter than the first) brings the researcher great joy, high pleasure, and completely captivates with its uncertainty and boundless perspective. And the sooner such a meeting between a young scientist and science occurs, the better for science and the future scientist. More than one creative biography of great scientists can serve as a brilliant example.

Already in his student years, Igor Vasilievich Kurchatov showed big interest to knowledge of the unknown. The lectures ended in the first half of the day and, having hastily had lunch at the free student canteen of shrapnel soup with anchovy, Igor Kurchatov and Kostya Sinelnikov rushed to the physics laboratory, which was located two kilometers from the center. There their studies continued, but in a practical way - preparing lecture demonstrations, making instruments for the workshop, and making their first attempts at experiments. They stayed in the laboratory late - until eleven or twelve o'clock at night, and then in cold rooms, by the light of smokehouses, they continued their theoretical studies - deciphering hasty notes from lectures while they were fresh in their memory. And so on day after day. No one begged them and no one forced them to act and do this. The fact is that in such activities, in the complete dedication of strength, knowledge, and energy to their favorite work, they saw the meaning of their lives. And this love for knowing the truth never left them. And they passed on this love for science, like a baton, to their students.

A true scientist is always subject to one great passion - creativity. Whatever he does, due to circumstances, he inevitably comes to that in which his nature, his stock of creative and moral energy, is most strongly and clearly manifested.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) prepared himself to become a lawyer, but inevitably came to mathematics, to the discovery of differential and integral calculus. The great astronomer Johannes Kepler (1571–1630) studied astrology in order not to die of hunger, although he did not believe in it. When they accused him of this, called him a charlatan, he answered with a smile: “Astrology is the daughter of astronomy; Isn’t it natural for a daughter to be fed by a mother who would otherwise be dying of hunger?” The father of letter algebra, François Viète (1540–1603), was a lawyer. The famous mathematician, mechanic and physicist Simeon Denis Poisson (1781–1840) was preparing to become a barber. They wanted to forcefully make a doctor out of Jean Leron d'Alembert (1717–1783). In the end, he abandoned the lucrative business of medicine and, according to Conderce, “devote himself to mathematics and poverty.” Officer Rene Descartes (1596–1650) introduced the concept of a variable quantity and a rectangular coordinate system into mathematics, which opened up extraordinary scope for the rapid development of science. Albert Einstein worked in the patent office for a long time. Lobachevsky prepared himself for the medical faculty.

Love for what you love always transforms a person, makes him sublime and at the same time simple, an ordinary person. I had to be convinced of this more than once when talking with major scientists of the republic. Once, on a business trip to Dubna, chance brought me together with corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR Vladimir Gennadievich Sprindzhuk. The conversation first turned to the problems of the activities of councils of young scientists and specialists (Vladimir Gennadievich headed the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Central Committee of the LKSMB). Unnoticed, the topic of discussion became problems of social and natural sciences. Vladimir Gennadievich began talking about theorems with enthusiasm, excitement, and a sparkle in his eyes. And he was so transformed that the fatigue never happened. And I thought that this is how it should be, because a favorite thing is already an internal need of a person and no force can stop a scientist from thinking about it in any conditions: in rainy or sunny weather, in the quiet of an office, on a crowded train, on a business trip, a walk, etc. And everyone will be busy with their own: one - polishing a phrase, another - a theorem, a third - setting up an experiment, etc.

It is known that in 1927, a small but theoretically very important work by Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov, “Geographical Patterns in the Distribution of Genes of Cultivated Plants,” appeared in print, written by an agronomist on a ship when returning from a trip to Ethiopia! In it, the great researcher for the first time in biological science gave scientific basis distribution of forms of cultivated plants around the globe.

The best theorem of academician Alexander Danilovich Alexandrov’s doctoral dissertation was proven while he was in a mountaineering camp. Academician Yuri Vladimirovich Linnik (1915–1972) made very important work during treatment in the hospital. Winner of the Lenin and State Prizes, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Alexey Vasilyevich Pogorelov was thinking about his best scientific works when he walked to work at the institute and back home. Every day – 15 kilometers.

During the period of A. Einstein's life in Berlin, his consciousness was completely absorbed by the problems of the relativity of accelerated movements, gravitation, and the dependence of the geometric properties of space on events occurring in space. He always thought about this. Philipp Frank (1884–1966) recalls how one day, having arrived in Berlin, he and Einstein agreed to visit the astronomical observatory in Potsdam. A meeting was scheduled at a certain time on one of the bridges; Frank, who had a lot to do, was worried that he would not be able to arrive on time. “Nothing, I’ll wait on the bridge,” said Einstein. - “But it takes up your time.” - “Not at all. I can do my work anywhere. Am I less able to think through my problems on the bridge than at home?

His thoughts, Frank recalled, were like a stream. Any distracting conversation was like a small stone in a mighty river, unable to influence its flow.

These examples once again convincingly indicate that only the internal need to do what one loves all the time makes a researcher a real scientist. After all, you can be a researcher, have academic degree candidate or even doctor of science, do the given work and at the same time still not be a scientist. The scientist, according to Academician A.D. Aleksandrov, is, first of all, the inner content of a person. He is so passionate and busy researching his problem that he doesn’t even think of himself outside of it, and therefore he devotes all his knowledge, experience, enthusiasm, and completely devotes himself to the service of science.

In order to obtain an important result in research, to do something new, not only intense, painstaking work is required, but also great self-criticism of the results of one’s work, to which several years, decades of creative inspiration, and sometimes grief are devoted. Perhaps there is nothing more difficult than carefully and impartially checking the accuracy and truth of your hypotheses, generalizations of experiments, and theorems. This is probably the tragedy and greatness of the researcher.

A true scientist is very scrupulous, carefully treats the results of his research, values ​​​​his reputation and the title of scientist. The founder of microbiology, the Frenchman Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) wrote: “To think that you have discovered an important fact, to languish with a feverish thirst to announce it and to restrain yourself for days, weeks, years, to fight with yourself, to try to destroy own experiences and not announce your discovery until you have exhausted all opposing hypotheses - yes, this is a difficult task.”

The following example is known from the life of Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov. Once he returned to Leningrad from one long and distant expedition and was preparing to speak in the large conference hall of the Academy of Sciences with a detailed scientific report.

On the day of the meeting, the hall was packed to capacity. The report was recorded in shorthand. The next day, journalist S. M. Spitzer received a transcript (which he was preparing for publication in a popular science magazine) and made some additions to the text that increased interest in individual stages of the expedition. And when Nikolai Ivanovich began to look at the finished article, he began to mercilessly cross out these additions, saying: “This is an exaggeration, this is too much, it needs to be more modest, they have over-salted, this cannot be done, this is advertising.” The material appeared in the interpretation of N.I. Vavilov.

A scientist must always and everywhere be critical of himself and others, critical of the results of his scientific work. It is no coincidence that sometimes it takes more time to check the correctness of an experiment or a proven theorem than it does to check the theorem or experiment itself. American scientist Robert Andrews Millikan (1868–1953) was the first in the world to measure the charge of an electron. However, in all this work of the scientist, measuring the charge took the least part of the time, and most of all - checking the results.

A scientist should always be haunted by the thought: is there a mistake? Are there vulnerabilities? If so, why and how to explain them?

A scientist must put forward a hypothesis when enough facts have been accumulated and verified. It is no coincidence that I. Newton, having discovered the law of gravitation, refused to explain its reason: “I do not build hypotheses.” He believed that there was not enough material for this yet.

Academician Sergei Ivanovich Vavilov (1891–1951), brother of N. I. Vavilov, also followed this rule. It is known that he was extremely careful when determining the reliability of the results obtained by graduate students and employees. Sergei Ivanovich, as a rule, insisted on conducting a series of control experiments, measuring the same quantities with different methods, in different ways, and only after such cross-checking of the results did he recognize their correctness.

Sometimes S.I. Vavilov was not content with just describing the experience carried out by an employee. Then he himself sat down at the instrument and checked the results obtained, and in critical cases he carried out entire series of measurements.

Louis de Brolle was also distrustful of hasty conclusions. The preface to the book “Light and Matter” says: “The collapse that over the course of some decades well-founded principles and seemingly no less solid conclusions suffered shows us how careful we need to be when trying to build general philosophical conclusions based on progress of science. Anyone who notices that the sum of our ignorance far exceeds the sum of our knowledge hardly feels inclined to draw too hasty conclusions.”

However, in life the opposite often happens, since not every scientist can determine this ratio or understand the creative process of his fellow scientist. Roentgen was not “lucky”, whom some researchers reproached for the small number of works (the list of his publications contains no more than 60 articles, i.e., on average, one work per year). And as a counter example, information is given that William Thomson (1824–1907) published over 600 research publications, Leonhard Euler – more than 800, Max Planck published about 250 scientific papers, Wilhelm Ostwald wrote over 1000 printed works, etc.

In this regard, the famous scientist Laue considered the motives put forward against Roentgen to be false. In his opinion, the impression of the discovery that Roentgen made when he was 50 years old was so strong that he could never free himself from it. And this influenced the further creative process. In addition, Laue points out, Roentgen, like other researchers, experienced too many troubles due to various bad qualities of people.

According to Friedrich Gerneck, a scientific researcher from Germany, Carl Friedrich Gauss's motto "pauca sed matura" ("small but mature") could also become Röntgen's slogan. He could have said with Gauss: “I hate all hasty publications and always want to give only mature things.” Roentgen condemned the “speculative and publishing fever” of many, especially young scientists, and did not even want to hear about predictions: “I am not a soothsayer and I don’t like prophecies,” he told one reporter. “I continue my research, and until I have guaranteed results, I will not publish them.”

When his student A.F. Ioffe sent him a preliminary message about his research in the spring of 1904, he received a postcard from Roentgen: “I expect from you serious scientific work, and not sensational discoveries. X-ray."

The criticality and self-criticism of a scientist are especially increasing now, when huge amounts of money are spent on experiments. cash. An incorrectly conducted experiment means a lot of public money is wasted.

And here I would like to say a few words about another, very important trait of a real scientist - modesty. This trait is common to almost all scientists and has therefore become typical. Is this why we know little about the work and activities of scientists? After all, they themselves, with rare exceptions, write and talk very little about themselves. It is accepted that this trait is also adopted by the younger generation of researchers.

One day a photojournalist from Komsomolskaya Pravda came to Minsk. A photo album was being prepared about the best representatives of our youth, including young scientists. Soldatov was unanimously recommended. Vladimir Sergeevich has just received the Lenin Komsomol Prize for his scientific work.

But when it came to being photographed, he categorically refused: “I haven’t done anything yet to be photographed.”

And this was not affectation, not narcissism, but rather modesty in judging the results of one’s work.

Worldwide famous physicist Max Planck made an epoch-making discovery. He discovered the elementary quantum of action, a new natural constant, the value of which for the physical picture of the world can only be compared with the value of the speed of light constant. He laid the foundations of the atomic age and gave a theoretical justification for his radiation formula.

However, Planck himself considered his merits to be very modest. In response to speeches made at the ceremonial meeting of the German Physical Society in April 1918 on the occasion of his 60th birthday, he said: “Imagine a miner who, with all his strength, is prospecting for noble ore and who one day comes across a vein of native gold, Moreover, upon closer examination, it turns out to be infinitely richer than could have been expected in advance. If he himself had not come across this treasure, then, of course, his comrade would soon have been lucky.” Planck went on to name a number of physicists, most notably Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr and Arnold Sommerfeld (1868–1951), thanks to whose work the quanta of action gained their significance.

A scientist is one who looks forward. A true scientist is always ahead of his time. By absorbing the knowledge and experience of past generations, he will move science forward only if he sees one or two generations further and more than others. It is not surprising, therefore, that many major scientists were not recognized during their lifetime, since society in those conditions was unable to give a real assessment of their work and discoveries, since they could not be explained scientific views that time.

For a long time, for example, Burchard Riemann (1826–1866), the founder of Riemannian geometry, and N. I. Lobachevsky, the creator of non-Euclidean geometry, and the father of genetics Gregor Johann Mendel (1822–1884) were considered “unrecognized geniuses.” Moreover, many of them, like the discoverer of the electromagnetic field Michael Faraday (1791–1867), Roentgen, Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky (1857–1935), had to listen to the ridicule of their contemporaries for many years for their discoveries and brilliant ideas. But time passed, the general educational and cultural level of the population increased, the need for ideas that were “unnecessary” in the past appeared, and society recognized scientists who, as a rule, were no longer alive, but their discoveries and ideas remained immortal.

Now many well-known concepts seem simple and self-explanatory. But at one time these were truly revolutionary ideas, for which sometimes great scientists paid with their lives. It is noteworthy that the most complex problems of science are resolved not through new complicated concepts, but through their simplification through new, simple constructive ideas. However, the whole difficulty lies in finding these simple and clear solutions, which, as a rule, do not follow from previous ideas and therefore require a certain logical leap. The solution to these difficulties is usually only within the power of great scientists. Over time, new ideas are confirmed by new experience, enter people's consciousness and begin to seem natural to them.

The idea of ​​matter waves, which was discovered by Louis de Broglie, had a revolutionary effect on the older generation of physicists. In this regard, Max Planck, at the celebration of Louis de Broglie in 1938, said: “Back in 1924, Mr. Louis de Broglie outlined his new ideas of the analogy between a moving material particle of a certain energy and a wave of a certain frequency. At that time these ideas were so new that no one wanted to believe in their correctness, and I myself became acquainted with them only three years later, after listening to a report given by Professor Kramers in Leiden to an audience of physicists, among whom was our outstanding scientist Lorentz (Hendrik Anton , 1853–1928). The boldness of this idea is so great that I myself, to be fair, just shook my head, and I remember very well how Mr. Lorentz told me confidentially at that time: “These young people believe that they are throwing aside the old concepts in physics in an extremely lemo way.” ! At the same time, we were talking about Broglie waves, about the Heisenberg uncertainty relation - all this was something very difficult for us old people to understand. And development inevitably left these doubts behind.”

New things, as a rule, always find it difficult to find their way into life, but in the end they always take their rightful place in science. The famous Soviet geneticist Nikolai Petrovich Dubinin in his book “Perpetual Motion” recalls how D. D. Romashov, together with V. N. Belyaeva, discovered amazing facts. It turned out that after irradiation of loach sperm, mutations occur in the cells throughout the development of the larva. This phenomenon did not correspond to the theory of mutation at that time and was therefore met with hostility. Time has passed and now the discovery of D. D. Romashov adorns new ideas in the field of mutation theory.

Anyone starting their journey into science must remember that nothing is permanent in science. And if there is, then only for today, at the modern level of knowledge of nature and society. Since the time of Archimedes, it was believed that the atom is indivisible. No one doubted the obviousness of this. But in 1896 the phenomenon of radioactivity was discovered, a year later Joseph John Thomson (1856–1940) discovered the electron, and two years later Pierre Ernest Rutherford (1871–1937) announced the discovery of alpha and beta rays and explained their nature. Together with Frederick Soddy (1877–1956), he created the theory of radioactivity. He proposed a planetary model of the atom, carried out the first artificial nuclear reaction, and predicted the existence of the neutron. This was the time of the beginning of the newest revolution in natural science.

These new discoveries completely overturned previously known ideas in science about the structure of matter. It took great courage of some scientists to recognize new knowledge and abandon old ones. Only real scientists can do this. It is known that the founder of nuclear physics, Ernest Rutherford, at one time, like other physicists, supported the statistical model of the structure of the atom by J. Thomson. But when Rutherford began bombarding atoms with alpha particles, he discovered an atomic nucleus in which almost the entire mass of the atom and the entire positive charge, equal to the total charge of all electrons in a neutral atom, were concentrated. In this regard, it followed that the atomic model should be dynamic. After this, Rutherford boldly abandoned the statistical Thomson model of the atom. Over time, the model was improved and now every schoolchild knows about its structure.

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Are you a young, up-and-coming scientist who strives to change the world for the better? Or an experienced person who is interested in how to work more productively? In any case, there are a few key points that will help you increase your productivity and contribute to science.


Part 1

What character traits does a scientist need?
  1. Love of science and scientific research. This is perhaps the most important quality that will motivate you to learn and develop your ideas with passion and curiosity.

    • A person in any profession lives much better if, when leaving work, he feels that he did a good job.
    • If you love science and research, this is already a huge step towards becoming a successful scientist. It is only important to find the right direction and work as hard as possible.
  2. Experiment with new ideas. Much of scientific discovery is the result of hard work and luck. For example, luck played a large role in Fleming's discovery of penicillin and the discovery of new ionization methods. Therefore, do not be afraid of new ideas, look for new approaches to existing ideas. You never know where you'll get lucky.

    • Often discoveries are made by chance when someone notices a discrepancy and starts working hard to figure out what's wrong. Look for new approaches to experimentation.
    • Pay attention to randomness, do not ignore small discrepancies in the results. Make an effort to understand what happened, because it may lead to a great discovery.
  3. Be patient. Almost none scientific discovery doesn't happen right away, you need patience, years of work and hundreds of experiments to prove your hypothesis.

    • It is important to be able to notice tiny details and keep notes. Classifying the information received and carefully analyzing the data is a huge part of your job, so you need to learn how to do it correctly.
  4. Analyze all the facts; a good scientist accepts the results of an experiment as they are, and does not try to adjust them to fit his hypothesis. It is important to take into account the work of other scientists and use it as a resource.

    • A good scientist will not produce false results in his experiments, and he should also respect other scientists in his field, even if their views are contrary to yours.
  5. Be prepared for failure. You may think that scientists are always successful because they are the best at what they do. This is, of course, an incredibly important skill, but you need to remember the possibility of failure and be prepared for such a set of circumstances.

    • IN modern world Scientific activities do not always receive funding, and besides, it may turn out that after many years of work, you will not achieve anything. It is important to be prepared for unsuccessful experiments and the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time experimenting.
    • Sometimes time spent on the theoretical part turns out to be wasted. But through failure, you can develop a creative approach to scientific research and be better prepared for the moment when your experiments show successful results.

    Part 2

    Improve your science skills
    1. Get into your ideas. Think about your project at least once a day, some thoughts may be completely useless, but perhaps you will have a thought that will tell you the right decision.

      • Don't be shy about your ideas. You have a lot of competitors, so don’t be shy about your ideas, make every effort to develop them.
    2. Set goals. Take a piece of paper and make a list of goals that will help you realize your project and develop your ideas.

      • Set your priorities. You may deviate from your list of goals as you explore, but try to focus on those goals and the experiments that will help you achieve them.
      • Like any other person, you have hours and days to make decisions, develop ideas, achieve goals. Learn to use your time productively, this will help you succeed in any profession.
    3. Collaborate with other scientists and develop strong partnerships. It is very difficult to succeed alone, look around, find people you can trust and work with.

      • Learn to work both independently and in a team. Working as a team will help you build your career and achieve success.
      • Learn to present your project in scientific circles to find collaborators.
      • Not only can creating strong partnerships with colleagues be very mutually beneficial, it will also give you incentive to support and develop your project.
    4. Record correctly, in peace and quiet, so that nothing distracts you. Write small notes every day, recording your successes and failures. The habit of taking notes in the future will help not only to achieve success in experiments, but also, possibly, to write your own scientific book.

      • It is important to keep in mind the experiences of other scientists in your field of study; you can learn about them from scientific articles or journals. Keep up to date with current topics in science and consider how you can build on the work of other scientists.
    5. Develop your speaking skills. Avoid dry and boring conversations and listing data. Tell a story that is not only informative and useful, but also interesting.

      • You can start the discussion with the reasons that motivated you to get into science, then give some examples of good and bad experiences, and then move on to a conclusion that will encourage the audience to learn more about your field of study.
      • A good scientist should be able to have an interesting and informative conversation with someone from another profession. So show your enthusiasm, but don't be too complicated.

Nobel Prize laureate Dan Shechtman (Israel) explained what traits a good scientist should have in order to succeed in his field. His advice can be very useful for young scientists, students and schoolchildren in Armenia.

1. First of all, according to Dan Shechtman, to become successful, a scientist must be an expert in his field, in other words, a really good scientist.

2. A good scientist must also be part of the international community. According to the Nobel laureate, there is no such thing as Armenian or Israeli science - science is actually international, and therefore a good scientist must be part of the international community, study the work of other scientists, and keep abreast of the latest news.

3. A good scientist is a recognized leader in his field. Other scientists follow him, study and cite his work.

4. A good scientist commits important discoveries, which are then studied and developed by his colleagues.

5. A good scientist knows how to communicate. He, according to Dan Shechtman, should not sit endlessly in his laboratory, he should be able to communicate with the world, with other people - both colleagues and those who know nothing about science. A good scientist can speak in such a way that he is understood. He tells people about developments in science, arouses their interest, moreover, he becomes a role model for them, an example to follow.

6. A good scientist collaborates with other scientists and takes part in scientific conferences, works in other laboratories, invites other scientists to collaborate in his laboratory.

7. A good scientist knows English. Not at all because it is a good language, but because English is the language of science, the language of communication between scientists.

“It’s good if your work is published in Armenian or Russian, but keep in mind that the world will not be able to read it. It is necessary to publish in English - in the best scientific journals,” the scientist noted.

8. Self-confidence, in one’s abilities, confidence that one can solve any problems in one’s field is another important trait for a successful scientist.

Let us remind you that Dan Shekhtman came to Yerevan to participate in the Nobel Days in Armenia, along with other Nobel laureates - Ada Yonath (Israel), Aaron Ciechanover (Israel), John Robin Warren (Australia) and Ei-Ichi Negishi (Japan/USA) .

Let us also remind you that for the first time, within the framework of the “Nobel Days” event from April 12 to 16 of this year, Yerevan State Medical University named after. M. Heratsi receives 5 Nobel laureates who will give open lectures on biochemistry, physics and medicine, as well as lectures on global problems of science in the world.

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Science has long ceased to be the preserve of talented individuals. Powerful teams and scientific schools can solve current problems and global problems. A scientific school is a creative team formed under a prominent scientist with the goal of collectively developing a specific scientific idea, bound by a commonality of principles and methodological techniques, ensuring the creation of an original scientific direction.

However, in science there is not and cannot be anonymity, as in any other creative activity. True recognition in science at someone else's expense is impossible. Anyone who hopes for success must remember the immortal words of Marx that “in science there is no broad highway, and only he will reach its shining peaks who, without fear of fatigue, climbs its rocky paths.”

It is very important to identify abilities for scientific research and qualities that determine the possibility of successful work in science. The creation of a shift has always worried real scientists.

Academician G.I. Marchuk, discussing how the formation of young people entering science should occur, emphasizes, first of all, the need to perceive the social, scientific, technical and spiritual potential of society, prepared by the work of previous generations. Properly preparing a specialist to perform tasks means saving time on finding new ways to solve problems facing society. Moreover, the new, unusual can be more easily perceived only by a person who is not burdened by already established traditions and cliches. Indeed, Bohr, Newton, Einstein, Galois and many others obtained their most important results when they were not yet 30 years old.

Something else is also important. In his youth, during his studies and independent work a foundation will be created that determines the quality of a specialist for life. Minimizing efforts to learn, mindlessly completing educational tasks, formally performing official duties in the first years of work means wasting time for self-improvement and developing abilities. Other life skills will be developed, other professional techniques and methods will form the essence of the activity, but just as Kipling’s Mowgli, who grew up in a pack of wolves, “skipped” a stage in his development and could not become a man, so the student-student will never become a real scientist. A superficial approach to knowledge will close the path to creativity.

The future researcher needs to develop such qualities as memory and observation.

Constant memory training is necessary in order to have the most essential information on the problem, without which it is impossible to provide the logic of analysis, it is impossible to fruitfully discuss and work. Observation -

This developed ability notice and focus on all the details of the processes and phenomena being studied, sometimes appearing in an implicit form.

Let's give an example. Galileo watched the lamp in the cathedral swing many times. Drafts could make the lamp oscillate with different amplitudes, but it seemed to him that the period of their oscillations remained constant. How can I check this? Some kind of time standard was required, and there were no clocks with a second hand then, Galileo used the beat of his heart. And he was right: the period was constant. This is how the property of isochronism of a pendulum was discovered.

This story demonstrates several qualities of a scientist. Firstly, his observation and ability to understand the meaning of an unremarkable phenomenon. Secondly, his peculiarity is to constantly reflect on the problems of his science. Thirdly, the ingenuity of the scientist in finding means to solve the problem.

A scientist must have a creative imagination. It is imagination that predetermines the scientific result when the factual material is still far from serving as the basis for rigorous proof of specific conclusions. Imagination, based on a broad outlook, the ability to make analogies and associations, determines the possibility of scientific foresight and allows you to choose an original direction of scientific research.

The materialization of ideas and guesses depends on the researcher’s ability to make independent judgments. Independence of creative thinking can, according to Academician P. L. Kapitsa, develop in the following main directions: the ability to scientifically generalize - induction; the ability to apply theoretical conclusions to predict the course of processes in practice - deduction; and, finally, identifying contradictions between theoretical generalizations and processes actually occurring in the object under study - dialectics.

What is valuable is the ability for divergent, or, simply put, flexible thinking, the ability to see the same subject in different, sometimes unexpected aspects, the ability to see it included in different situations. A humorous illustration is Mark Twain's answer to a little girl when asked if he liked receiving books as a birthday present. “You see, honey,” answered the humorist, “it all depends on what kind of book they give me.

If, for example, it has a leather spine, then it’s a good idea to shave the razor on it. If it is thin, it is convenient to place it under the leg of a wobbly table. An old heavy book is good to throw at a pestering dog, but a large book like a geographical atlas is an excellent patch instead of a broken window glass.”

A scientist needs knowledge of formal logic. Paradoxes serve as incentives for creativity, but not sophistry (see Appendix 3). I will also note two professional qualities that a scientist needs to develop - the ability to speak and the ability to write. New scientific ideas and results are published and discussed. They are reviewed for accuracy and sometimes defended in heated, principled discussions. The speaker must abstract from details, from side associations that only complicate perception, and highlight the main core, main result, obtained in the work. In the ability to give a clear interpretation of complex theoretical constructs, to reveal the reason for the inconsistency of experimental data, to strictly and simply present

The main aspect of the problem is that it is in this skill that the scientist’s intelligence finds its manifestation.

The great I.P. Pavlov, in a letter to young people who devoted themselves to science, first of all, wished for consistency, restraint and patience. The second is modesty. “Don't let pride take over you. Because of it, you will persist where you need to agree, because of it you will lose a measure of objectivity.

Third is passion. Science requires great effort and great passion from a person.”

The thoughts of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.V. are interesting. Wolkenstein about scientists: “A scientist is a person engaged in scientific work, whose worldview and psychology are determined by his life task, which consists in revealing the secrets of nature, in finding harmony in the world around him. The psychology of a scientist is specific. He is little susceptible to statements of a declarative nature. A scientist can be honest or dishonest, but in the second case he is usually deliberately dishonest, because he tends to analyze his actions. Cowardice, selfishness, envy and malice are found in the scientific world. But “Genius and villainy are two incompatible things. (A.S. Pushkin).”

Moral degradation is inevitably accompanied by degradation of the mind and talent,

The concept of “scientist” in principle presupposes high human qualities, because true science honest, bright and pure. A scientist is first of all, a patriot.

He lives in the interests of his country and serves the people. “From the point of view of science serving the people,” wrote academician S.I. Vavilov, “one should never forget that its goal is the greatest possible assistance to the state and society.” The achievements of science in a real technogenic society are easily demonstrated by the living conditions of people in modern comfortable apartments. Compare with the life of people just 200 years ago according to A.S. Pushkin: “In a hut, singing, a maiden spins, and, a friend of winter nights, a splinter crackles in front of her.” The economic costs of science are small. The steam engine alone gave society such an economic profit that society had not spent on science during its entire existence.