What different types of aphids look like. Aphids: description, causes, means of control What aphids don’t like

Biological drugs are not far behind chemical ones. A properly selected product can completely remove a colony. or ensure the non-viability of subsequent generations of pests.

In addition, the substances have selective destructive activity and safe for people, beneficial insects and animals.

The most effective method has long been recognized as chemical. Ease of use, availability of drugs, guaranteed excellent results - all this allows chemical insecticides to take first place in terms of effectiveness. The fly in the ointment can be considered the negative impact on environment and the relatively high cost of funds.

Pest control is a complex process, and aphids are one of the most harmful insects. Next, you will learn how to treat aphids and much more.


Very numerous and varied. However, it is worth remembering that the greatest efficiency will be brought by a complex of a number of measures, which includes all available methods for controlling aphids.

To minimize the number of existing pests and prevent their reproduction in the next season, it is recommended combine different measures to get rid of aphids.


  • timely destruction of weeds;
  • autumn deep digging of soil;
  • changing the location of planting potatoes every new season;
  • planting plants that repel aphids or distract them between potato bushes;
  • cleaning and disposal plant waste in autumn.

If you don’t know what aphids and their colonies look like, then look at the photo, and also read below about fighting them.


What to poison?

How to kill aphids? Means aimed at destroying aphids, can be used directly on plants or for soil treatment.

How to cultivate the land?

Experienced gardeners have long noted wood ash as a means of killing aphids. The use of stove ash significantly reduces the number of pests. It is enough to simply scatter it under the potato bushes on top of the soil.

Other means you can use:

  1. Garlic infusions and onion peels;
  2. Tobacco infusion;
  3. Potassium permanganate solution medium pink color;
  4. Copper sulfate;
  5. Insecticides: Aktaru, Force, Hrolpyrifos, Regent, Thunder 2.

What to spray with?

A huge number of folk, biological and chemical remedies can be used for spraying potato bushes.

All any gardener needs is to decide which method appeals to him and choose a remedy from the list.

Chemical insecticides

  • group of organophosphorus compounds - Actellik, Marshall, Nurell D, Fufanon;
  • synthetic pyrethroids— Intavir, Spark “Double Effect”, Karate, Kinmiks;
  • neonicotinoids - Bankol, Biotlin, Calypso, Commander, Confidant, Tanrek.

Neonicotinoids are recognized as the most effective because they have pronounced systemic and translaminar qualities.

Biological drugs

Completely natural products that are the result of the activity of fungi (radiata). Amazing nervous system aphids, causing paralysis.

  1. Agravertine.
  2. Akarin.
  3. Aktofit.
  4. Vertimek.
  5. Lepidocide.

Folk remedies

How ? Here are some of them:

  • solution of tar, potassium or laundry soap;
  • herbal infusions or decoctions: garlic, onion, tobacco, dandelion, marigold, chamomile, horse sorrel, hot pepper, dry peels of any citrus fruits, celandine, tomato tops;
  • a mixture of iodine and milk;
  • Coca Cola American origin;
  • alcohol solutions;
  • essential oils of cedar, clove, tea tree, lavender;
  • suspension from any vegetable oil and water.

How to withdraw?

In order to get rid of aphids, it is not at all necessary to kill them. You can use the repellent abilities of plants and medications and simply drive the pest out of the garden.

Plants whose smell cannot be tolerated by aphids.

  • lavender;
  • pyrethrum or Dalmatian chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • garlic;
  • coriander;
  • fennel;

    Prevention helps prevent massive aphid attacks, helps get rid of single specimens before they begin to reproduce, and prevents pests from flying from neighbors.

    Treatment against aphids in summer has its own nuances. You will learn further how to combat aphids and what will help against them, pest control measures.

    What needs to be done for this?

    1. Actively use all the agrotechnical measures described above.
    2. Attract natural enemies of aphids.
    3. Planting plants, repelling harmful insects.
    4. Carry out preventive treatments of plantings to destroy possible single individuals. You can use chemical and biological insecticides or folk remedies.
    5. Inspect plants regularly in order to track the appearance of aphids in time.

    If you use available methods protection and destruction of harmful aphids in combination, you can minimize populations and colonies.

    Then potatoes will thank you with a bountiful harvest.

    Useful video!

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The family of grass aphids (Aphidinea), to which taxonomy includes about 4 thousand widespread species of insects, of which almost a thousand live in Europe, is usually included in the order Hemiptera. One of the meanings of these insects in biogeocenosis is an example of mutually beneficial relationships between different types animals, for example, the union of an aphid and an ant (you can learn about the symbiosis of ants and aphids).

People have long known the craving of ants for sweets. Aphids are also aware of this weakness: these insects are capable of producing so-called “honeydew” - a sweet, nutritious secretion with a viscous consistency that is attractive to ants and some other insects.

But why are they called “cash cows”? The thing is that the process of ants extracting aphid secretions is reminiscent of milking cows. A worker ant, wanting to get the “milk” of an aphid, massages its abdomen with its antennae. In response, she sprays out a portion of delicious moisture, which is quickly eaten by the ants. The amount of moisture released by aphids per day reaches several tens of milligrams..

Ants are one of the few insects who, in turn, show care for their “wards”. They are able to transfer aphids from one plant to another, guard clusters of aphids, care for their eggs, and even build temporary shelters for them from pasture material to protect the aphids from bad weather and predatory insects.

If a predator nevertheless attacks a defenseless “herd” of aphids, the ants try to repel the attack or save the insects by hiding them in secluded places. Sometimes ants settle aphids in anthills, striving to create the most comfortable conditions for their existence.

Average life expectancy various types aphid life ranges from a couple of days to several weeks. In cool climates, aphids can live longer - up to 2 months.

Insect structure

The piercing-sucking oral apparatus is represented by a thin, sharp proboscis with which it eats. The insect uses it to pierce the tissues of stems and leaves to get to the nutritious juices of plants. Instead of a hard chitinous covering, the aphid's body is covered with a translucent soft shell, which makes it vulnerable to numerous predators, as well as soft hairs. On the anterior segments of the body there are two pairs of respiratory openings, on the posterior segments there are ducts of the secretory and excretory systems.

Some insects have membranous transparent wings. Aphids may have two pairs of wings or not have them at all. The offspring of the former are able to quickly spread over a large area. Wingless individuals are capable of densely populating individual plants with their offspring, reproducing through parthenogenesis.

Despite the long legs, aphids crawl slowly. Some species are able to move forward by jumping using their front legs. On the head and abdomen of insects there may be excretory ducts of glands that secrete a white mass similar to wax. It prevents the body from being polluted by waste products and wetted by raindrops.

What does it look like?

The aphid's body is shaped like a drop of water or an egg.. Its length does not exceed 2-3 millimeters (in some species - up to 7 mm).

The head has the shape of a trapezoid. On its front part there are segmented sensitive antennae and complex compound eyes. Aphids have excellent vision, superior even to that of bees, and an underdeveloped ability to distinguish colors (for example, distinguish red from blue).


What is their significance in nature? Contrary to popular opinions about them, aphids do not play a purely negative role as a pest: they not only harm plants, but also regulate the process of photosynthesis in them, sucking out excess sugar along with juices. In addition, the sweet secretions of aphids, when they enter the ground, fertilize it, saturating it with nitrogen.

Man has come up with many ways to combat aphids since they appeared, from introducing natural enemies of aphids to using pesticides. An effective remedy to kill aphids is ordinary acetic acid.

To bait insects, a vinegar solution is usually used in proportions of 1-2 tbsp. l. acid per 10 liters of water. You can add laundry soap or dishwashing detergent to the prepared solution. A solution with such a concentration will not harm plants.

Small plants can be sprayed with a spray bottle, carefully spraying each leaf from the top and bottom. Large and branchy bushes or trees must be watered abundantly using a watering can. In order to completely and permanently destroy aphids, only a few systematic applications of the solution are usually sufficient.

Find out about folk methods it is possible to fight aphids, and we talked about helpers in the fight against aphids.

How does it reproduce?

How do aphids appear and how does the process of transformation from larvae into insect occur? The high fertility of aphids is a key reason for the difficulty of eradicating them and the high damage they cause to crops. The fertility of one female aphid reaches hundreds of thousands of new individuals per month. Some species give birth to live offspring by carrying eggs in their bodies.

The reproduction process proceeds with incomplete transformation - bypassing the pupal stage. This type goes through three stages of development. In autumn, females lay eggs on the leaves and stems of plants. With the onset of spring, larvae emerge from the eggs. After molting, the larvae begin asexual reproduction - parthenogenesis, let's take a closer look at what this is.

During parthenogenesis, development occurs in a special way: the offspring of aphids mature from unfertilized eggs carried by adult females. During this period, only females without wings are born. This method of reproduction is necessary to regulate the ratio of adult males to females.

As autumn approaches, males begin to appear and reproduction becomes bisexual. This method is less productive, but there is no alternative for places with harsh winters, since the living larvae of most types of aphids do not tolerate cold.

After summer finally comes into its own, females with wings begin to be born. Winged aphids migrate en masse to neighboring plants. Thus, Over the summer, dozens of generations of female aphids, both winged and wingless, appear.

In the fall, winged male aphids begin to appear, which fertilize the females, who again lay eggs. The rate of such reproduction is low, but it is the offspring that have two parents that are able to survive the winter and begin a new cycle.

After birth, the aphid pierces the stem or leaf of the plant with its proboscis. Then it sucks the juice out of it, and releases its excess through two tubules located in the lower back part of the abdomen in the form of sweet droplets.

The appearance of various bugs and their larvae on indoor flowers is very upsetting for the housewife. Aphids are no exception; this insect is capable of sucking out all the juices from a plant, as a result of which it dries out. Therefore, at the first sign of aphids, it is necessary to carry out procedures to get rid of them.

Causes of aphids

You can immediately see aphids on plants, although they are very small individuals, ranging from 0.3 to 1.8 mm. However, female aphids can be very large and reach up to 0.6 cm in length. On house flowers, aphids are greenish and whitish in color. Using a special trunk, insects suck nutrients from the plant, and it gradually withers and dies. If no measures are taken, the aphids will move on to other plants; they will know that the plant is sick by drying out leaves and buds; they suddenly stop blooming.

To find out whether there are aphids on plants, you need to carefully examine the plant. Signs of damage vary, here are some of them:

  1. Young leaves and buds of flowers wither.
  2. On the shoots you can see dots left by the proboscis of aphids.
  3. The leaves have become sticky due to the secretion of mucus from aphids, or it is called honeydew, and ants often attack it.
  4. Ants appeared around the flower.

For what reasons do aphids attack indoor plants and how to avoid it:

  1. Infection by transfer, bringing home a new flower or seedling with aphid larvae.
  2. Bouquets of flowers, leaves picked up from the ground on the street.
  3. Soil for flowers with aphid larvae.
  4. The wind blew the larvae into the house.
  5. Brought in from the street using clothing or pet hair.
  6. It was brought in by ants.

In order to prevent pests and insects from appearing on flowers in the house, the following rules must be followed for prevention:

  • carefully inspect new plants and keep them away from other indoor plants at first;
  • flowers given as gifts for birthdays or other holidays are placed separately from house flowers; they may contain insect larvae;
  • soil bought in a store should be pricked in the oven, cooled and only then used at your discretion or added to flowers;
  • install mosquito nets on windows to prevent wind-blown insects from entering the house;
  • inspect children’s clothes and clean pet hair upon arrival from the street or a picnic;
  • When black ants appear, get rid of them immediately, they can bring aphid larvae into the house. Red ants destroy aphids and their larvae.

Florists recommend growing geranium or fragrant mint at home; its smell can repel insects that are harmful to flowers. Parsley and dill also help repel aphids. They place pots of herbs on the window along with house plants, and aphids will avoid this place.

When buying a plant in a store, they carefully study and examine it for insects and their larvae; in most cases, the plants are infected. Therefore, after purchasing, do not place it on the windowsill with other pets to eliminate the risk of infecting other plants. Store-bought soil can be placed in the freezer and frozen, insect larvae and the insects themselves can be frozen in this way. effective method they will simply die.

Measures to eliminate aphids

How to deal with aphids if they have grown on indoor flowers. If you notice aphids on one flower, inspect other plants. All infected plants are isolated from each other and insect control methods are adopted. After all, aphids reproduce quickly, and even after a few hours they will be able to lay their eggs on other plants.

The easiest way to get rid of aphids is summer period place a pot of flowers outside where ladybugs or red ants live. They will happily feast on insects and their larvae.

Insecticides can be purchased at flower shops or in special departments in shops or markets. They are used only if measures to destroy aphids were not taken in a timely manner, and a lot of them have multiplied. There is a choice here: either save the flower or it will wither and die. For the home they use non-odorous chemicals such as: Intavir, FAS, karate. After treating the plant, it is advisable to put it outside and thoroughly ventilate the room. When using these products, after one or two treatments, the aphids disappear.

However, you need to take precautions, wear disposable gloves when processing flowers, and carry out the procedure in a ventilated area. Children and pets should not be allowed to be around the treated plant, as minor poisoning may occur.

Oil-based preparations are also purchased; they not only get rid of aphids, but also protect plant leaves from new damage by insects. In addition, they are safe for plants, people and pets. These drugs can be purchased at flower shops.

Folk remedies against aphids

In case of primary infection of a flower and a small number of insects, you can use folk remedies that are safe for both plants and humans.

Means to combat aphids:

  1. Treat the infected areas of the plant with a solution of laundry soap.
  2. Dilute kerosene with water and coat all the leaves with a brush with this solution, but you need to do everything in a ventilated area, and after a while wash the plant in running water.
  3. Infusions of fragrant plants are an excellent way to get rid of aphids. The following are suitable: tomatoes, tobacco, wormwood and celandine.
  4. The garlic infusion is mixed with aromatic soap and ash and sprinkled on the plants.
  5. Arrange water treatments for the infected plant, carefully using a shower to wash off the insects along with the water.
  6. While the plants are infected, sprinkle it with grass, tobacco and shag.
  7. Prepare onion infusion with soap.
  8. An infusion of citrus peels, they can also be dried and placed on the soil where the plant grows.
  9. You can spray the plant with an infusion of tomato leaves, soap and water. A very effective method of getting rid of various insects.
  10. Sometimes watering and spraying the plants with a weak solution of potassium permanganate can help. Just don’t overdo it, it can cause burns to the leaves and roots, and the plant will die.

If the above methods do not help, then use chemicals to combat aphids, which are purchased in special stores.

Prevention of flowers

To prevent aphids and other insects from appearing on plants, it is necessary to care for them and carefully monitor their condition. If there are primary signs of plant damage, immediately take measures to eliminate insects. After all, saving one plant is much easier than saving all the flowers. Aphids cannot tolerate damp indoors or odorous odors, so you should wash the plants and give them a shower, and occasionally treat their leaves with a solution of laundry soap for prevention against pests. Carefully examine the young shoots and leaves of the plants; aphids settle in those places. This type of insect can be found on roses and chrysanthemums, so if you give these flowers as a gift, do not place them on the windowsill near indoor plants. There is a high risk of infestation of indoor plants with aphids, because rose petals may contain larvae or individual insects themselves.

Aphids often plague gardeners and gardeners. It sucks the juice from the leaves and thereby destroys the plantings. The pest does not only appear in areas. It also attacks domestic flowers. To effectively fight it, you should know where aphids come from on plants.

How aphids appear in areas

Many people encounter an “invader” on summer cottages and in the gardens. As soon as warm weather sets in, young leaves and shoots on trees and plantings are attacked. It seems like she appears out of nowhere.

But infection occurs in two ways:

  1. She's being torn apart.
  2. New individuals hatch from eggs overwintering in tree trunks.

During the cold season, ants carry aphids and their eggs from plants to their nest so that they do not die from frost and icy wind. With the onset of warm days, foragers seat their “pets” on young leaves and begin grazing, jealously guarding the “food supply” from ladybugs. Aphids can appear on any plants and seedlings.


The little workers feed on honeydew, a lice secreted by plant louses. They tickle the aphid's abdomen with their antennae, and the aphid gives them a drop of the sweet drink.

If there are too many insatiable pests on a tree or shrub, then worker ants begin to spread them to other fruit crops and weeds. So, thanks to the efforts of the garden species, aphids appear on plants.

But the insect is capable of independently taking care of the continuation of its kind. The eggs hatch into females that reproduce new offspring. In mid-summer, winged females and males appear from the next clutch. They fly to other plants and lay eggs in the bark of trees and shrubs, which must survive the winter.

With the onset of warmth, new individuals emerge from the clutch. The cycle repeats itself again.

Those who suffer most from aphid infestations are:

  • (including , and );

How aphids appear on house flowers

Pests manage to spread throughout. This happens in the warm season, when flower growers send their “pets” to the balcony - and they are attacked by winged individuals.

On a note!

But this is not the only way the pest gets into apartments. Aphids are formed in the following ways:

  • flies through open windows and doors;
  • brought by people on their clothes and shoes;
  • gets into the house with other plants, bouquets of flowers.

All purchased potted flowers are processed or kept in quarantine for 2-3 weeks, and wildflower bouquets collected in a field or forest are placed away from indoor plants.

Aphids reproduce quickly and spread throughout plants. It creeps from weeds to trees, bushes and fruit crops. Foragers often help her with this. To protect the garden, you need to fight not only aphids, but also.

Perhaps it is one of the most common enemies of garden, vegetable and greenhouse crops. This dangerous insect is found almost everywhere, and the period of its harmful activity lasts throughout the entire season - from the beginning of spring to the very frost. The omnivorous nature of the pest is also amazing: aphids destroy flowers, berries and vegetables with equal appetite.

As a result of the activity of this small bloodsucker, the life cycle of the plant is disrupted: it stops growing, loses flowers and ovaries, leaf tissue and shoots are deformed. In addition, the sticky waste of aphids remaining on the leaf and stem plates is a favorable environment for the development of various fungal diseases, as a result of which the crop becomes polluted, photosynthesis processes are disrupted and the plant may die.
Finally, the aphid itself is a carrier of various viral viruses: by moving from an infected plant to a healthy one and introducing viruses directly into the tissue while sucking the juice from it, the insect contributes to the spread of infection on bushes and trees, like a person infected with the flu actively sneezing in a crowded public transport.

Did you know? Aphids are capable of reproducing unusually quickly. Fertilization and egg laying usually do not occur; as a rule, insects are asexual. However, from time to time, single individuals with sexual characteristics may appear in a generation, which, when fertilized, give rise to the same heterosexual offspring.

Aphid: description of the insect

A pupa is not formed in aphids; living insects emerge either from overwintering eggs or are directly born by an adult (and often a baby aphid is born already pregnant).

Aphids on fruit trees, what are the consequences

Aphids can cause harm to an orchard, the scale of which is absolutely incomparable with the tiny size of the pest itself. By forming colonies on the inside of the leaves, insects are able to remain unnoticed for some time, as a result of which, after the pest settlement is discovered, it is necessary to fight aphids on infected fruit trees using radical methods.
In addition to sucking juice from buds, leaves, young shoots, buds and flowers, aphids secrete poison that is toxic to the fruit tree. As a result, depending on the period during which the infection occurred, the buds fall off, the leaves curl into tubes and die, the buds, if they have not yet opened, simply fall off, the flowers become like lace napkins, and ovaries do not form after such deformation.

If control of aphids on such fruit trees is not carried out, they may stop developing altogether.

The secretions left by aphids on the leaves, as a result of which the process of photosynthesis is suspended, and the tree becomes infected with a fungus, have already been mentioned above. The danger of aphids for fruit trees is also caused by the fact that young shoots, the juices of which the pest especially likes to feed on, become so weak that they are not able to withstand even a mild winter.
Finally, an aphid-infested tree loses its overall ability to resist various diseases and other pests.

There are certain varieties of aphids that form entire growths on tree branches - galls. The cankers that affect the branches of a tree due to such tumors can kill it completely.

Aphids on trees in the garden: how to deal with the pest

There are many varieties of aphids, which only a professional scientist can distinguish from one another. Fortunately, such personification, in general, is not required, since remedies for aphids on fruit trees work well on any representatives of this insect.
There are several in various ways control of aphids: mechanical, biological, chemical, preventive. How exactly to get rid of aphids on trees depends on the personal preferences of the gardener, the extent of the infestation, as well as the period when the aphids settled on the tree (budding, flowering, formation of ovaries, the beginning or end of fruiting).

Biological methods of controlling aphids on trees

In nature, aphids have both helpers and enemies. It is common knowledge that the best remedy from aphids on trees - ladybug.

Did you know? In just one day, a small ladybug can easily eat two hundred of these disgusting bloodsuckers!

Other orderlies of fruit trees are, for example, flower flies (popularly called hoverflies), fleur-flies () and some other insects, as well as birds. Red aphids can be considered assistants in the fight against aphids. They do not feed on the aphids themselves, but they destroy black earthworms, which, in turn, are not only carriers, but also natural defenders of aphids.
Obviously, such insects and birds should be attracted to your garden in every possible way, or at least avoid actions that can drive away the natural enemies of aphids. All of the listed beneficial insects overwinter in dry grass and fallen leaves, therefore, by burning this in the fall, gardeners thereby destroy their “friends.”

Important! Black ants - distributors of aphids - cannot be destroyed by fire: they live deep enough in the ground so as not to die when the leaves are burned.

To make the garden seem attractive to ladybugs, you can use some tricks: for example, plant tansy and other plants that these elegant red speckled bugs like between the fruit trees.
It is also recommended to take care of wintering for ladybugs: to do this, you should not burn them, but, on the contrary, leave bunches of dry grass, ideally corn tops, in the corner of the garden. Some even take the time to build tiny houses for beneficial insects - something akin to birdhouses, only much smaller.

It’s even easier for this purpose to twist a cardboard tube, seal it with grass or other available materials at one end and place it in the garden among dry leaves.

A rather ingenious way to get ladybugs in the garden is to simply buy a package of bugs in a specialized store (insects, indeed, are sometimes specially bred for sale).

The “reverse” way to combat aphids using biological methods is to plant plants in the garden that the aphids themselves cannot tolerate. These are, for example, henbane, various types, mustard, tansy, etc. From flowers, aphids do not like the smell of marigolds, dandelions, blackbuck (), chamomile, from vegetables -,.
Some of these plants can also be used as a basis for spraying trees already infected with aphids. For example, it is recommended to chop wormwood stems with a knife or pruning shears, pour boiling water over them and leave for several hours. After this, strain, add a little of any soapy substance to better retain the liquid on the leaf plate, and generously spray the trees, paying Special attention back side of the leaves.

The solution consumption per adult tree is about five liters. Preparations for aphids on fruit trees can be made independently in a similar way, using leaves, onion skins, chopped unpeeled, chamomile inflorescences and stems, dandelion leaves and roots, hot capsicum fruits, celandine stems, pine needles, peel of any citrus fruit, potato or tomato tops, etc.
When spraying with such herbal decoctions and infusions, you must follow some precautions. Firstly, a high concentration of the active substance or spraying into daytime in bright sunlight may cause burns on the leaves.

Secondly, some plants are destructive not only for aphids, but also for their natural enemies; moreover, a person can become poisoned during the procedure.

In any case, spraying should be carried out wearing a protective mask and gloves and not resort to this method of combating aphids during the fruiting period and at least two weeks (or better yet, at least a month) before the start of harvesting.

Important! It should be remembered that while some plants repel aphids, others, on the contrary, attract them. From this point of view, you should not plant poppy or legumes next to fruit trees. , and should be planted away from the garden, as they are also favorites of aphids.

Chemical methods of protecting the garden from aphids

As practice shows, it is possible to destroy aphids on trees without the use of pesticides. However, in particularly difficult cases, chemical intervention may still be required.

When choosing what to use to destroy aphids on fruit trees, you should keep in mind that, unlike many other pests, aphids do not have a very thick shell, so it is quite easy to get rid of them using any chemical. Based on this, You should not resort to particularly heavy poisons.
It is recommended to focus on preparations containing esters. Insecticidal black soap made on a natural basis (flax and olives) is an excellent way to get rid of aphids. Also Such drugs as intavir have proven themselves well.

It is equally important to choose the right time and method of processing. It is best to spray the trees for the first time before the leaves bloom.

Further procedures depend on the degree of infection and the gardener’s attitude towards the use of chemicals. In general, no more than three sprayings are carried out per season, but the latter, just as in the case of using natural poisons, cannot be carried out later than three weeks before harvest.

If pests are already visible on the foliage, treatment is carried out using a contact method: this allows the insect to be killed by direct external influence on it. The negative side of this method is that its effectiveness directly depends on precipitation (any unexpected rain can negate all the efforts of the gardener), as well as on the thoroughness of the treatment (the poison kills only the pest with which it comes into direct contact).
Since aphids often hide not just on the back of the leaves, but also inside the tube into which they are curled, the contact method of treatment does not achieve the goal. In this case, systemic insecticides can come to the rescue, penetrating into the sap of the plant and killing the aphids that feed on it from the inside. This method is also good because the tree quickly absorbs the poison, and rain cannot interfere with the effective destruction of the pest.

However, it should be noted that any precautions when working with pesticides cannot fully ensure their targeted effect, aimed only at one insect. Any drug has its own side effects, negatively affecting other living organisms, including humans. Therefore, you should still resort to chemical protection against aphids in extreme cases.

How to protect fruit trees from aphids using folk remedies

In addition to mechanical protection (washing with water or shaking off with hands) and spraying with plant decoctions, a common means of protection against aphids is to water the leaves with infusions of ash, soap solutions (using laundry, liquid or tar soap), as well as soda solutions and birch tar.

To spray fruit trees with similar folk remedies, 300 g are needed per 10 liters of water (for better dissolution, the ash and water are boiled for about half an hour); 100 g tar soap, 300 g laundry soap or 125 ml liquid soap. Some gardeners recommend rather original ways to get rid of aphids. In particular, they claim that the pest dies if the tree is sprayed with vodka or Coca-Cola, a solution sunflower oil(1 tbsp per 10 liters of water), as well as water mixed with cream (1.5 tbsp per bucket of water) and essential oils, tea tree and (about 50 drops of each per bucket of water).

One more folk remedy against aphids on fruit trees is fumigation with tobacco(a small fire is made from wood chips in a tin can, tobacco dust is sprinkled on top and, when thick white smoke begins to pour out of the can, it is placed under a tree). Some authors offer even more creative fumigation options - for this they use burning rubber, various windshield wipers, etc.
It is quite possible that the aphid will not be delighted with the fact that it was doused with vodka and Coca-Cola and fumigated with burning tires, however, it seems that such a radical method can help get rid of not only aphids, but also from neighbors, as well as household members (yes and vodka can be used more adequately in the household).

In order to understand how to prevent aphids from entering the garden, you need to find out where they come from.

By understanding these features, it is easier to avoid creating favorable conditions for the spread of aphids in the garden.

First of all, when treating your own garden against aphids, you must simultaneously (if possible) spray the unkempt trees in the neighborhood, and also not forget about your own lawn, where the pest can also settle.

When mowing grass, it is recommended to leave flowering ones, shepherd's purse, and wild carrots. These plants actively attract predators - natural enemies of aphids.
It is equally important to block ants’ access to fruit trees. To do this, it is necessary to get rid of the entire colony, and not fight individual specimens.

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