Nail cutting horoscope oracle for November. When is the best time to cut your nails depending on the days of the week? Lunar calendar for cutting nails

IN Lately Astrology and magical teachings and beliefs are becoming increasingly popular. They affect all areas of life, including the sphere of beauty. So, there are certain days when cutting your nails means money.

There is no clear answer to the question of which day of the week is best to cut your nails. Rather, getting a manicure on a given day is characterized by various signs. Signs can be both good and bad, and therefore you need to choose the day quite carefully.

For example, you should cut your nails on Monday if you have some health problems. After all, it is believed that performing the procedure on this day has a beneficial effect on the body. It's also good to cut your nails on Tuesday. This can attract wealth or at least improve well-being.
There is a sign that those who are waiting for a decision to make a decision should cut their nails on Wednesday. important issue this week. It is on this day that a manicure promises good news.

Fashionistas should cut their nails on Thursday. It is on this day that the procedure is performed “for a new thing.” Most often, such new clothes were shoes.
The question of whether it is possible to cut nails on Sunday is decided differently by everyone. The fact is that this day is considered one of the worst for carrying out such a procedure. If you do carry it out, you will be accompanied by failures and quarrels throughout the next week. There may even be health problems.

It is preferable for romantically inclined young ladies to cut their nails on Saturday. This will help reveal secret and confirm obvious sympathies. After all, this procedure promises a Sunday meeting with a person who sincerely loves you.

Of course, these are just popular beliefs. In many ways, their justice depends only on your faith in them. And if Sunday is your last day off before the start of the work week, then most likely you will start getting your nails done then. This does not mean at all that everything will “fall out of your hands” all week. But if you have a choice, then it’s better not to cut your nails on Sunday.

There is one more day on which superstitious people will never get their nails done. It is believed that a person who decides to cut his nails on Friday will soon grieve. Of course, this superstition has been repeatedly refuted, and all its confirmations can be called a coincidence. Therefore, you should not take it too seriously.

Determined over time

Now that you have decided which days of the week you can cut your nails, you should think about what time of day to carry out the procedure. It turns out that there are limitations here too. The most favorable time is considered to be morning and first half of the day.

The main sign - why you can’t cut your nails in the evening is due to the emergence of financial difficulties. There is an interesting theory about the origin of this sign. In ancient times, in the absence of electric lighting, houses were not light enough in the evening. Performing a manicure in such conditions threatened to cause cuts. This, in turn, made it difficult to do their usual work and negatively affected their earnings.

The low level of development of medicine and the possibility of blood poisoning from a minimal cut in those days served as another reason why you should not cut your nails at night. Nowadays, superstition has become less accurate. Most often you can only hear that if you do a manicure in the evening, you will “cut off your luck.”

Another question that comes right after this is whether it is possible to cut your nails at night. The Japanese give us the answer. And, in their opinion, definitely not. This is due to the fact that previously all religious activities in this country were carried out at night. The superstitious inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun were afraid of angering the gods with such actions.

But superstition became widespread not only in Asia and the East. On the Eurasian continent, the following answers can be obtained to the question why nails should not be cut at night:

  • Danger of becoming a victim of robbery or theft;
  • Possibility of attack, including armed attack.

In any case, everyone decides for themselves whether they can cut their nails in the evening. On the one hand, there are negative signs. On the other hand, this is often the only time when you can do your nails. And then, what is better, to be exposed to superstitions or to go to work with an old manicure, everyone must determine for themselves.

As the oracle says, cutting nails is an important and responsible task. Indeed, from this point of view, the nail plates are part of the skin, which reflects the entire state of the body. That is why it is necessary to carry out manicure procedures on strictly defined days.

5 lunar day Suitable for manicures for those experiencing financial difficulties. So how does your well-being depend on cutting your nails? It is on this day that the procedure contributes to material enrichment. On the 8th lunar day, you need to get a manicure for those who want to contribute to their longevity and excellent well-being. The 11th lunar day is ideal for those who seek to develop psychic abilities.

The oracle calls the 13th lunar day another favorable day when you can cut your nails. This will promote rejuvenation. Career success will be facilitated by the procedure performed on the 14th lunar day. Manicure procedures on the 19th lunar day will attract happiness and good luck. Manicure done on the 21st and 23rd lunar days contributes to overall improvement appearance, rejuvenation.

A more detailed nail cutting calendar, which the oracle advises, can be found on the Internet. But in general we can say that the 26th and 27th lunar days are the most favorable. A manicure on this day will not only improve your health, it will also attract good luck and financial well-being, and bring joy to your home.

Cutting nails according to A. Rempel is a complex and important ritual. This astrologer is also based on the selection of the most favorable lunar days. Haircut calendars according to Rempel are also compiled monthly.

Of course, it is impossible to take into account all the signs and tips. Thus, cutting nails according to the lunar calendar and the days of the week at the same time is a rather futile task. Since sometimes there are only 3 - 4 suitable days in a month.

The whole ritual consists of cutting nails for people who profess Islam. The answer to the question of when you can cut your nails according to Islam is given in religious traditions. It says that the Prophet trimmed his nails and beard before leaving for Friday prayer. This day is considered the most favorable for Muslims.

Muslims often wonder whether it is possible to cut their nails at night according to Islam. There are no direct or indirect prohibitions on this in religious sources and literature. However, the misconception is quite widespread to this day.

Everyone must decide for themselves when it is better to cut their nails - according to the days of the week, according to the oracle or according to Rempel. Or maybe try to combine all these tips? However, you need to remember that we are just talking about superstitions and you shouldn’t take them too seriously.

The moon greatly influences our planet - even powerful sea and ocean tides prove this. It can be quite logically assumed that this celestial body also has an influence on living organisms living on the blue ball - right down to the growth of nails.

Moreover, it is not only the Moon that acts, but even the zodiac sign in which this celestial object may “stand.”

Each zodiac sign is responsible for one or another energy. Therefore, astrologers say: there are days when you can sign up for a manicure, and there are days when it is better to sit at home before the series and do nothing with your nails.

Moreover, it is imperative to take care of your nail plates; the balance of energies in your body depends on this. In order not only not to lose, but also to increase mental strength, you should cut your nails on certain days, which the lunar manicure calendar will tell you.

Zodiac signs and “manicure days”

Capricorn. This sign is responsible for the nails of the toes and hands, as well as the skin, so on the day of the Moon in Capricorn you can do everything: extensions, haircuts, manicures. Everything will end well!

Taurus and Aries. Neutral nail signs. You can get a manicure, although it is not necessary.

Twins. Bad day - all manipulations with nails can end badly.

Cancer. Another taboo day: if you shorten your nails, they will begin to peel and completely “refuse” to grow back.

A lion. Golden time to decorate your nails. You can draw flowers, stick rhinestones - all astrologers bless you for this!

Virgo. This is a healing day: in addition to decoration, hands can also be treated. Trimming manicure, cutting calluses, baths - everything will go well and give maximum effect.

Scales. Day of departure. You can cleanse your skin and nails, steam them in enriched essential oils"bathhouses".

Scorpion. If the Moon is in this sign, then vice versa - baths are contraindicated. Today they can burn your skin. But getting a manicure is not forbidden.

Sagittarius. On this day you can do whatever your heart desires.

Aquarius. Want a manicure? Yes please! But it’s even better on this day to start treating inflammation or a crack in the skin.

Fish. Be careful: when doing a manicure (which is not prohibited today), avoid sharp objects. Today you are in danger of getting hurt. Also, do not try new cosmetics - today your body may develop unexpected allergies.

It is also important to remember: all trimming procedures are strictly prohibited during the new moon and full moon. You also need to be careful three days before and the same period after the specified days.

Lunar calendar of manicure and pedicure by day of the week

Astrologers say: if you cannot follow the movements of the heavenly bodies, then you will definitely find a calendar on your wall!

Monday - it's a lunar day. Although it is traditionally considered “heavy”, Monday really “loves” all manipulations with marigolds. Moreover, by starting the week with bright nail art, you can set yourself a great mood for the next six days. And besides, according to astrologers, a successful manicure or pedicure on this day is a healthy genitourinary system.

Tuesday. Mars Day. Having time to cut your nails today, you will make them strong and strong, and in addition (believe it or not) you will attract new cash flows into your wallet.

Wednesday. On this day, getting a manicure is allowed and even recommended for tired, exhausted people. This creative activity will give you strength for new achievements at work or school.

Thursday. This day is “supervised” by Jupiter himself, so it is traditionally considered a day of growth (including spiritual), purification and renewal. By making your nails beautiful, you improve the condition of not only your hands, but your entire body. On such a day, the “claws” are put in order by people who for some reason cannot get along among the employees.

Friday. There are two days of the week that place a taboo on all manipulations with nails, and Friday is the first of them. Today, all the processes in your body are slowed down (after such and such a week of work!), so even trivial cutting of nails can worsen your internal state.

Saturday. Saturn day. Astrologers call it the day of deliverance. You can even get rid of too long nails - and in general, today you can do whatever you want with your “claws”. Salon (or home) nail procedures are especially recommended for people who are lonely or tired of financial debts.

Sunday. A day off on all “fronts” - according to religion, on this day God himself rested from the creation of the world. Working with nails on this day is also not allowed - even this seemingly small deviation from religious rules can attract evil spirits into your life. Relax and think high!

Lunar calendar for manicure and pedicure - 2020 by month

Lunar manicure calendar for January 2020

January 1, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 29lucky days for a manicure. The best time for all types of manicures and relaxing spa treatments. An aquarium nail design will look especially incomparable and will highlight your unique image in the coming New Year.

January 3, 10, 17, 19 and 31 - Not favorable days. To avoid quarrels and failures, do not perform a manicure procedure during this period.

Lunar manicure calendar for February 2020

February 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 20, 24, 27, and 29

February 16, 21, 23 – unfavorable days. Do not do manicures or any manipulations with your nails at this time to avoid troubles at work and in personal life.

Lunar manicure calendar for March 2020

March 4, 5, 7, 9, 18, 21, 25, 26 28, 30 – favorable days for a manicure procedure. For the purpose of treating nails, a Japanese manicure is perfect, which will refresh their appearance and make them strong, healthy and well-groomed. Choose light and calm shades of colors at this time.

March 13, 20, 22– unfavorable days for applying manicure. Cutting your nails these days is also not recommended to avoid unexpected financial costs.

Lunar manicure calendar for April 2020

April 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30 – favorable days for manicure. Any, even the most original experiments with nail design will do.

April 10, 12, 19 – unfavorable days. Do not visit a nail salon at this time if you do not want problems in business and in relationships with loved ones.

All other days of April are neutral. During this period, it is good to massage the nail plates using chamomile and calendula oils, or a bath based on a decoction of these plants.

Lunar manicure calendar for May 2020

2-5, 12, 13, 21, 23, 26, 27, 28, 30 May – favorable days for manicure. Try to do the procedure in the salon at this time, since the lunar calendar promises an important business meeting on the side, which can happen, including during a visit to the master.

May 8, 10, 15, 17– unfavorable days. Any manipulation of the nails can cause feelings of depression and irritability.

All other days of May are neutral. Don't cut your nails. During this period, massage your hands and apply masks with nourishing creams to them.

Lunar manicure calendar for June 2020

2-4, 18, 22-25, 27 June – favorable days for applying manicure. You can carry out any manipulations with your nails. Shellac, French shellac, nail decoration with rhinestones, and gel polish coating will look great.

June 14, 19, 21– unfavorable days for manicure. Avoid any procedures with them at this time to avoid injury to your nails.

The remaining days in June are neutral. Do not cut or file your nails at this time.

Lunar manicure calendar for July 2020

July 2, 4, 15, 18, 21, 22-25, 27 - favorable days. A visit to a nail salon at this time will bring good luck in business and add romance and passion to your relationship.

July 10, 17, 19– unfavorable days. Do not apply manicure during this period to avoid quarrels with family and friends.

The remaining days of the month are neutral. Pamper your nails with a relaxing spa treatment.

Lunar manicure calendar for August 2020

1, 3, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29, 31 August – favorable days for applying manicure. This procedure will improve your mood and increase your performance.

August 7, 19, 14 - unfavorable days. At this time, do not apply manicure if you do not want to experience a leak of vital energy and loss of strength.

The remaining days of the month are neutral. You can do a manicure at this time, but it’s better to wait for favorable days.

Lunar manicure calendar for September 2020

The best days for manicure in September - 1st, 8th, 9th, 15th, 19th, 21st, 22nd, 24th, 26th, 28th of the month . This is the period of embodiment of the most daring ideas regarding your marigolds. Hot manicures, all types of nail polish, as well as restorative and relaxing procedures will be great.

September 4, 11, 13, 20 – unfavorable days. Give your nails a rest to avoid problems in business and personal relationships.

The remaining days of the month are neutral. This is not the most favorable time to visit a nail salon.

Lunar manicure calendar for October 2020

October 5, 8, 14, 17, 21, 22, 27, 31 – favorable days for manicure. This is a period of increased vitality, when you feel like a real Woman, capable of seducing dozens of men. An American manicure, a Spanish manicure, gel nail polish, or gel-based acrylic varnish painting done at this time will look great.

October 2, 9, 16 – unfavorable days. Do not perform procedures with your nails to prevent waste of money and failures in relationships with loved ones.

The rest of the days are neutral. This time is also favorable for applying manicure and will not lead to problems with your health and personal life.

Lunar manicure calendar for November 2020

November 7, 9, 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 26, 28 - favorable days. Carrying out a manicure procedure during this period will bring you good luck in newly starting business and bringing to life the most daring projects.

A person's nails can say a lot about their owner. By their appearance and condition you can determine social status, level of human culture, type of professional activity. Among other things, nails can affect the health and quality of life of their owner. However, it is worth noting that nail cutting and manicure are different procedures. This article deals only with cutting nails, since they reflect a person’s state, both physiological and emotional.

Palmists and astrologers are constantly working to create a calendar according to which you can cut your nails. The main goal of the prognosis is to improve the quality of a person’s life, his state of health, material well-being, and mental state. Also in the calendar you can find tips on behavior, what you should abstain from during a given period of time, and what, on the contrary, you can afford. Cutting your nails according to the lunar calendar will help you achieve what you want much faster and easier. After all, you will move with the Universe, and not against it.

Today, many calendars have been invented, designed for different periods of time. For example, there is a calendar for cutting nails by month, indicating the dates of favorable and unfavorable days for cutting nails. There are calendars for the whole year and much more. But the most practical is a calendar based on the days of the week. The calendar based on the days of the week is taken as the basis for calculating other periods.

The day that is under the auspices of the Moon is Monday. If you cut your nails on this day, you can help yourself get rid of many negative emotional experiences, such as melancholy, sadness, and bad memories. Also, cutting nails on this day has a beneficial effect on the human genitourinary system.

Tuesday is under the influence of Mars. He is also patronized by the God of War. If you have troubles or various situations that require powerful, assertive energy, then you need to cut your nails on this day.
Wednesday- day of Mercury. Mercury affects the nervous and immune system person. If you cut your nails on Wednesday, you can have a positive effect on your emotional state and the body’s ability to resist harmful factors. environment. Thus, thoughts are put in order, a person finds correct solution, attention is concentrated. It is recommended that schoolchildren and office workers cut their nails on Wednesday.
If you have liver problems, it is better to trim your nails in Thursday. This day is patronized by Jupiter. It helps increase confidence in yourself and your abilities. People around you will appreciate this from a positive side.
Friday. Venus is the patroness of beauty, charm, softness, and tenderness. These qualities are inherent in a real woman. But, oddly enough, you shouldn’t cut your nails on this day. After all, by the end of the week, all processes occurring in the body slow down. Nails trimmed on this day will grow for a long time. The risk of gaining overweight and attract life troubles that can have significant consequences.
Saturday- day of the week on which you can get rid of various types of debts. Also, cutting your nails on Saturday helps you meet a loved one and get rid of loneliness and protracted illness.
Sunday is under the influence of the Sun. On this day, it is forbidden to do things such as cleaning, washing, sewing, cutting hair and nails. The thing is that on this day our karma is very vulnerable. Therefore, you should not anger higher powers, so as not to lose their help.
By following the above rules, you can not only transform your appearance, but also find inner harmony and improve your health. It’s not without reason that our grandmothers said that you need to cut your nails and hair when the Moon is waxing, and not when it’s waning. It has long been believed that the Moon, which is on the way to profit, helps to increase prosperity and accelerate growth processes, and the Moon, which is on the decline, is capable of slowing down processes.

Lunar calendar for nail cutting

Man is part of the universe. He is influenced by all the processes occurring in it. Astrologers have long been studying the relationship between man and the Moon. They came to the conclusion that the Moon, located in different signs, affects the body differently. Therefore, cutting hair, nails, and manicure must be done in accordance with the horoscope. This will help not only prevent troubles in life, but also speed up what you want.
The moon is in Aries or Taurus.
You should cut your nails and do a manicure at this time only if necessary, since these days are neutral. They don't predict anything bad, but they don't predict anything good either.

Location of the Moon in the zodiac sign Twins prohibits artificial nail extensions. Otherwise, you can attract negative energy. It is better to postpone this procedure to the days when the Moon is in Virgo. This period is definitely favorable for various cosmetic procedures.

When is the Moon in the zodiac sign? a lion, then you need to make the most of this time for self-improvement. Any, even very bold ideas for transforming your nails, will be a huge success.

Moon in Cancer helps slow down the processes occurring in our body. Therefore, cutting your nails these days is not recommended.

Scales do not interfere with cutting nails and creating a manicure. To attract positive energy, achieve inner harmony and balance, female representatives are recommended to apply delicate and warm tones of varnish.

Moon in sign Scorpion, provides energy for various massage manipulations. This time can be used for a massage with aromatic oils. But various nail baths will not bring the desired result.
Wrapping arms and legs is best done on days when the Moon is in the zodiac sign Sagittarius. The effect of olive oil on the body will be especially beneficial.
The most favorable days for cutting nails and manicures are the days when the Moon is in Capricorn. Absolutely any procedures related to the care of hands, nails and more will be useful here.

Aquarius gives energy that will have a positive effect on any massage procedures.

If the Moon is in Pisces, then you should be very careful when creating a manicure. Also, these days there is no need to experiment with new cosmetics.

Recently, people have begun to pay more and more attention to all sorts of signs and astrological forecasts for any reason. Issues related to the sphere of beauty were no exception. According to the lunar calendar, favorable days for hair cutting, manicure and other procedures are calculated. It is believed that if one or another cosmetic operation is performed on the wrong day, it can lead to negative consequences.

Today we will talk about cutting nails. After all, nails have long served not only to protect the fingertips from possible damage, but also, according to astrologers, they have certain magical properties. On what day is the best day to cut your nails in order to attract prosperity and prosperity, our ancestors learned to calculate using the lunar calendar back in ancient times. Nails, in addition to their protective functions, were also considered a sign of well-being and, by their appearance, determined whether a person belonged to a certain social stratum of society.

Nowadays, beautiful and well-groomed nails are an indicator of a cultured and educated person. Today, the aesthetic appearance of nails is of considerable importance for every person. And what is important is not so much their appearance, but what signs this seemingly ordinary cosmetic procedure has become endowed with. Whether to believe them or not is a personal matter. But let's still get acquainted with some of them.

Astrologers suggest cutting nails at certain days, according to the phases of the moon, and even at certain times of the day. Thus, as astrologers believe, you can attract financial well-being, success in business, in relationships and many other areas of life. Since hair, in their opinion, conducts some kind of cosmic energy into the body, nails are like buttons that regulate the flow of this energy throughout the human body. Thus, simply by cutting our nails, we influence the rhythm of our life, changing it for good or bad. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right day and time for this procedure.

Magicians and astrologers unanimously claim that the best day to cut your nails is Monday. And on Friday and Sunday it is better to refrain from this manipulation. Astrologers believe that everything on earth, animals, plants, birds, seas and oceans, as well as people, come under the direct influence of the Moon. Based on long centuries of observations of this celestial body, a lunar calendar was created. Our ancestors perpetuated a lot of signs and predictions associated with this celestial body.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also knew that hair and nails must be cut during the waxing moon, so they will grow faster. And if this is done on the waning moon, then they become stronger and healthier. Therefore, when choosing a day to cut your nails, you need to pay attention Special attention on the lunar calendar, in which each day has its own specific energy.

  • According to the oracle, cutting nails on the fifth lunar day is advisable for those who are experiencing financial difficulties. Manicure treatments on this day contribute to material well-being.

  • On the eighth lunar day, cutting your nails is recommended for those who want to improve their well-being and live a long life.
  • The oracle advises those who want to develop psychic abilities to do manicure procedures on the eleventh lunar day.
  • Manipulation of nails on the thirteenth lunar day helps rejuvenate the human body.
  • If you strive for achievements in your career, the oracle advises performing nail procedures on the fourteenth lunar day.
  • Happiness in your personal life and good luck will be attracted to you by procedures on the nineteenth lunar day.
  • A manicure session performed on the twenty-first and twenty-third lunar days contributes to improved appearance and general rejuvenation.
  • But the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh lunar days are considered the most favorable days in the lunar calendar for improving well-being, appearance, health and attracting good luck in business and personal life.

Also, in accordance with the lunar calendar, there are certain tips regarding cutting nails for each day of the week. Thus, manicure procedures in Monday, which is under the auspices of the Moon, is the prevention of diseases associated with the genitourinary system, and will also relieve you of despondency, melancholy and sad thoughts.

On Tuesday, the day patronized by Mars, cutting nails is necessary for people who find themselves in a difficult situation and need help and protection. This day has a positive effect on improving your financial situation.

Wednesday is under the influence of Mercury. On this day of the week, astrologers advise those who want to improve their health, put their thoughts in order, and also achieve success in their studies or work, to perform manicure procedures.

Cutting nails in Thursday. This day is under the protection of Jupiter and helps strengthen authority among others, brings prosperity and renewal to the house. In terms of improving health, it is the healing of the liver that has a beneficial effect on nail manipulation on this day.

It is not recommended to carry out any actions with nails in Friday. Although it is under the influence of Venus, it was on this day that a slowdown of all things was noticed in the human body. biochemical processes. Cutting your nails on Friday can have a negative impact on a person’s inner harmony and lead to unpleasant blows in life.

If you want to rid yourself of all karmic or material debts, astrologers recommend cutting your nails in Saturday. This day is accompanied by the planet Saturn. By getting a manicure on this day, you will save yourself from long-term illnesses, and you will even be able to find your soulmate if you don’t have one in your life.

On the day of the sun Sunday‒ it is strictly not recommended to carry out any manipulations with nails and, in general, to start serious business. This can negatively affect the successful completion of what you started, attract negative energies and bring trouble into your home.

These are the simple tips given by astrologers about when to cut your nails. To trust them or ignore is a personal matter. But still, one should take into account the fact that these observations and signs are the result of centuries-old observations, and it is not for nothing that all magicians and sorcerers follow them. Perhaps, by following these tips, you will be able to improve some area of ​​your life that until now has not completely suited you.

But, in any case, you choose whose advice it is better to listen to. Should you cut your nails according to the oracle, the days of the week, or folk signs you decide. We wish you to achieve prosperity and harmony in life.

When is the best (and best) time to cut your nails in June 2018?

date Day Lunar day Zodiac Moon phase The best days for a manicure
1 Fri 17, 18 Capricorn Waning moon A whole successful day lies ahead. You can and should have time to cut your nails and get an amazing manicure
2 Sat 18 good time in June for cutting nails and caring for the nail bed. Decorate and strengthen your nails, they will come in handy in the future.
3 Sun 18, 19 Aquarius An extremely unfavorable day. We do not do manicures or pedicures. Neither together nor separately.
4 Mon 19, 20 Although it is light when the moon is almost full, it is better not to disturb your hair or nails. Watch a thriller on TV, read a detective story.
5 W 20, 21 Fish Unfavorable day. You can't cut your nails today. Don't strain your eyes, take care of your eyesight
6 Wed 21, 22 Neutral day. The decision to cut your nails is yours. Moon calendar, confused. There are both pros and cons.
7 Thu 22, 23 Who asked when you can cut your nails in June?? Today is a great day for manicure and pedicure.
8 Fri 23, 24 Aries Unfavorable day. Taking care of your nails. Anything is possible, but not cutting your nails. Put aside other evening activities and do your hands.
9 Sat 24, 25 In general, this is possible and a good day, but it is better not to cut your nails or use new polish today.
10 Sun 25, 26 Taurus A great time of day to visit any place, including a manicure salon. On this day you should cut your nails and apply polish.
11 Mon 26, 27 A good time in June when you can cut your nails and do an original French manicure
12 W 27, 28 Twins If yesterday you didn’t have time to shorten your nails and get a manicure, then you can do it today.
13 Wed 28, 29, 1 New moon Unfavorable day in June for cutting nails. By the way, tomorrow, it is better to shorten the horny plates on the back surface of the fingertips. It will be a good time to create a new manicure soon.
14 Thu 1, 2 Cancer Waxing Crescent The day is clearly not conducive to cutting your nails and creating a new nail look. Today length doesn't matter.
15 Fri 2, 3 Unfavorable day. Cutting your nails and applying fashionable polishes on this yt day will give you pleasure. Wait, but don't hesitate
16 Sat 3, 4 Lev Don't be in a rush to grab your pliers or scissors. If necessary, it’s better to do a little sawing today. But without fanaticism.
17 Sun 4, 5 Whether you like pastel tones or bright colors, short or long nails, today is the time to take care of them. Go for it.
18 Mon 5, 6 Virgo We answer everyone who was interested in cutting your nails today. Can. And not only to cut hair, but also to do procedures called “manicures”.
19 W 6, 7 Who was interested in the question of when to cut nails in June?? We answer everyone, not today. And prepare a new varnish, it’s time for other paints.
20 Wed 7, 8 Libra A very auspicious day. Let's shorten our nails. And precisely today, on the day when the Moon recommends this to us.
21 Thu 8, 9 Unfavorable day for a new manicure and nail cutting. The lunar calendar prohibits, but not everything. We don’t change the varnish; if absolutely necessary, you can do a little work with a file...
22 Fri 9, 10 Scorpio No, no and NO. You can cut your nails in June, but, of course, not today.
23 Sat 10, 11 Whenever it is today, start actively caring for your nails. We cut, paint, create manicures.
24 Sun 11, 12 An extremely unfavorable day. Working with sharp objects is prohibited. Nail biting is also not recommended. This is bad form that shocks others.
25 Mon 12, 13 Sagittarius It's time, it's time to get your nails done. June 25 is a good day to cut your nails.
26 W 13, 14 Anyone who denied themselves the pleasure of cutting their nails yesterday can do it today, or in July.
27 Wed 14, 15 Capricorn No, it’s not today that you have to cut your nails. Unlucky day. The procedures should begin on June 29, after 20:00. Just the time for long women's series.
28 Thu 15, 16 Full moon Cutting your nails and applying fashionable polishes on this day will not bring you pleasure. Don't dare, wait until early July
29 Fri 16, 17 Waning moon June ends with days favorable for fantasies of a new manicure. Whether we cut our hair or not, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that everything is possible, and that we make it before July...
30 Sat 17, 18 Aquarius If you did not have time to shorten the length of your nails, then this can be done in June, but the main thing is not to do it today. Wait for the right time to come

When to cut your nails: signs

Many signs seem illogical and meaningless, but among all the superstitions there are well-founded ones. For example, there is a belief that yellow spots on nails indicate a person’s poor condition. Indeed, unhealthy pigmentation indicates the development of liver and kidney diseases.

Haircut by day of the week

The best time to cut your nails is on Monday. An undesirable day for manicure is Sunday. You should not get your hair cut on Friday, otherwise you can invite serious trouble on yourself.

To choose the best “manicure” time, you need to focus on the calendar:

  1. Monday. Getting a haircut at the very beginning of the week helps improve your health and also get rid of negative thoughts and memories. Monday is suitable for getting rid of negative energy. On this day, it is recommended to carry out various water and hygiene procedures.
  2. Tuesday. Trimming your nail plates on Tuesday helps get rid of pain in various locations. According to popular belief, cutting your nails on the second day of the week results in sudden receipt of money.
  3. Wednesday. Cutting nails on Wednesday helps resolve various family problems. If you cut your nails on this day, good news will come soon.
  4. Thursday. A manicure on Thursday strengthens a person’s authority and makes him socially significant. It is recommended to trim your toenails on Thursdays to improve your mental health.
  5. Friday. It is strictly forbidden to cut your nail plates on Friday. Otherwise, the person will experience a loss of strength, and soon sad news will arrive to him.
  6. Saturday. Cutting your nails on Saturday will help you find your soulmate and strengthen your immune system.
  7. Sunday. You shouldn't get your nails done at the very end of the week. A haircut will negatively affect your financial well-being and can also affect your health.

It's quite easy to navigate by the days of the week. The haircut calendar is specifically designed to attract well-being and get rid of mental problems.

Is it possible to cut your nails on your birthday? No, trimming your nail plates can leave a negative imprint on the entire next year. You can give yourself a beautiful manicure and remove the length with a nail file.

By time of day

At night, negative energy accumulates, and nails are a kind of shields that protect against bad phenomena. By cutting your nails late in the day, a person risks inviting disaster upon himself. It is best to do a haircut during the day or in the morning. During daylight hours, positive energy reigns in the house.

An ancient Russian belief says: if you bury the nails of a sick person at a crossroads, you can contribute to his speedy recovery.

Nail cutting according to the lunar calendar

Astrologers unanimously declare that you should not cut your nails and hair during periods of the waning moon. There are several reasons for this:

  • haircuts during the waning moon lead to quarrels in the family;
  • manicure can cause health problems;
  • nails that grow back where they were cut will be thin and brittle.

It turns out that you need to cut your nails while the moon is waxing. This time is considered the most favorable.

According to Rempel

What is better: cutting nails according to the lunar calendar or according to Rempel? Rempel is a famous astrologer who has been compiling haircut calendars for many years. Accordingly, this person also focuses on the position of the moon at a given time.

The famous astrologer does not recommend cutting your nails during the new moon and the first quarter of the waxing moon. During this period, the earth element dominates, so the human body is weakened and various cosmetic procedures difficult to tolerate. Rempel states that the most favorable time for manicure is the second quarter of the waxing moon and the third quarter of the waning moon. The last quarter of the waning moon is suitable for a haircut only if a person is completely confident in his strength and health.

According to the Oracle

An oracle is a reaper who brings the predictions of a deity to people. This figure is of great importance in the world of magic and predictions.

You need to cut your nails according to the Oracle on certain days. The most favorable: 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29 and 31. You can safely cut off overgrown nails according to these numbers. They are successful, so the haircut will not cause any discomfort. A manicure done on these days can lead to money and good luck, as well as strengthen moral well-being.

Neutral days: 2, 4, 11, 18, 21, 25, 30. Most likely, a haircut will not bring anything good or bad. These days, your nails will not be in the best condition, but you can still cut them off.

Undesirable days for cutting: 5, 6, 9, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 23, 26, 29. It is strongly not recommended to cut overgrown nails. Because of a haircut, a person will end up in the hospital, receive unwanted news, quarrel with loved ones, or experience financial failure. These days the nails are at their weakest and there is a risk of injury or hangnails.

What are the best days to cut your nails? According to the Oracle: 7, 14, 28. It is worth noting that all these numbers are divisible by 7, which also has a magical hidden meaning.

When should I cut my child's nails?

You can trim a newborn’s nails only on the 10th day of his life. Signs say that there is no need to cut the nails of a child under one year old. They should be bitten or filed. In any case, the haircut should be done extremely carefully. If you cut your baby's skin, you can easily get an infection.

The best time to trim a newborn's nails is early in the morning. You should not cut the nail plates of a sleeping child. During sleep, babies are defenseless, so bad energy can get to them. The child will not sleep well, and the next morning will begin to be very capricious. There may even be health problems.

When can Muslims cut their nails?

If a Muslim decides to make a sacrifice during Eid al-Fitr, then he will also not be allowed to cut his nails and hair. The ban on such actions comes into force starting from the onset of the 12th month of the Islamic calendar (Dhul-Hijjah) and ending directly with the moment of sacrifice.

According to Islam, Muslims must cut their nails on Friday, as the weekly prayer takes place on the same day. Trimming the nail plates has a good effect on a person’s morale and health. Haircut on the eve of prayer is also considered the correct tone, an expression of respect.

Muslims need to choose the right days to trim their nail plates. People belonging to Islam cannot have their hair cut while in the state of ihram until they acquire the status of haji.

Not every manicure is considered acceptable for Muslims. It is recommended to look at a photo of the permissible length of marigolds.

No astrologers or magicians can give a 100% guarantee that a person’s well-being depends on the condition and length of the nail plates. In this matter, the decisive factor is faith. If you strongly believe in specific signs and superstitions, then they will definitely come true - both good and bad.

In terms of the regular calendar, favorable days will be 1-3, 8, 14-16, 24, 28 and 30 of the second month of spring. Astrologers recommend visiting a specialist for extensions, manicures or nail cutting these days. However, it is worth paying attention that throughout the day the influence of the Moon may weaken or, on the contrary, intensify. The optimal time of day for nail treatments is listed in the full calendar (if available).

It would be absurd to believe that an ordinary manicure performed on a bad day will turn a measured and perfectly developing life back and ruin the future. However, you still risk causing certain difficulties to fate. In order to protect yourself from possible troubles, we recommend that you refrain from getting a haircut or manicure on the 4th-7th, 9th, 13-14th, 18th, 21st-23rd, and 25th.

And now we propose to find out the judgment of astrologers regarding the entire day of the month. Their interpretation of the movement of the Moon through the zodiac constellations will help you choose the right day for a manicure and improve the state of affairs in certain areas of life.

  • 1.04. A manicure performed on the 1st day of the second month of spring will help you discover a fascinating person, one who will soon become your lover.
  • 2.04. Manipulations with claws, performed in the morning (no later than 11-00) will help get rid of prolonged depression and restore the fun of life. In the evening, you should refrain from them - there is a high probability of damage to the nail plate.
  • 3.04. Astrologers recommend paying attention to skin care procedures (including hands). However, it is advisable not to perform a haircut.
  • 4.04. Manicure or pedicure is unacceptable. Otherwise, you risk falling under the influence of other people’s squabbles, gossip, and starting to quarrel with your loved ones.
  • 5.04. Neutral day for nail manipulation. Astrologers are confident that they will not have any power in the near future.
  • 6.04. If you've been dreaming of a career move for a long time, it's worth getting an authentic manicure. Rest assured: great news from management will come in the coming days. The Moon in Scorpio will contribute to this.
  • 7.04. Men will consider you more sexy and attractive if you get your nails cut or done in the evening.
  • 8.04. The best way The latest manicure will help you get out of a depressive state. It will help you forget about all unpleasant thoughts and take you to a clearer path in life.

  • 9.04. Extensions or dyeing, according to astrologers, will bring complete trouble. Better yet, move it to a favorable day.
  • 10.04. If you have a lot of unpleasant and envious acquaintances in your close circle, cut your claws while the Moon is in Capricorn. But you will “pay” for getting rid of them with a low growth rate of the nail plate.
  • 11.04. Nails cut on a given day will not grow as quickly as we would like. It is possible that they will even stop sparkling. But there will be an upswing in all aspects of your life.
  • 12.04. In the morning and afternoon, it is advisable to refrain from interfering with the design of your claws or metamorphosis of their appearance. It’s best to do all this in the evening. Without noticing it, you will become much more attractive to others. Bonus tip: Don't let men cut your nails.
  • 13.04. If you are alone, visit a master. Coming soon life path a companion will appear with whom you will feel unconditionally joyful.
  • 14.04. Repainting your nails will have a positive effect on your destiny. People around you can only envy your energy and cheerfulness.
  • 15.04. A visit to a master is desirable if you are unsatisfactorily confident in your own attractiveness. Significant metamorphoses will appear the next day.
  • 16.04. Pay attention to hand skin massage. This procedure will have a beneficial effect on your health and will help you concentrate your efforts to overcome difficulties.
  • 17.04. It is advisable to do a hand massage. It will increase the likelihood of receiving glorious news over the coming days.

  • 18.04. Any procedures are contraindicated. They will lead to the emergence of unwanted obstacles on the way to the designated goals.
  • 19.04. According to astrologers, this day is neutral, that is, a visit to the salon will not have any influence on fate. But it will make your nails healthier, they will stop breaking and peeling.
  • 20.04. It is suitable to have a pedicure and take care of the health of the skin of your feet. For example, it would be great to remove calluses or massage your feet.
  • 21.04. If you believe astrological calendar, when cutting your nails, the risk of losing vital energy or even incurring prolonged depression will increase.
  • April 22. Let's say briefly: put off going to the specialist if you don’t want to lose your excellent health for a long time.
  • April 23. If the nail plates are peeling and look unhealthy, an excellent option to correct this situation would be to paint them. As an alternative, astrologers recommend nail extensions.
  • April 24. It's a great time for manicures and pedicures. The forces of space will attract financial triumph and help bring your relationship with your loved one to a new level of high quality.
  • 25th of April. Bad day for tampering with the structure of the nail plate. If you ignore the signs of the stars and go to a nail stylist, you can end up with unwanted tasks. Moreover, in all areas: at work you will expect a severe reprimand, in a relationship - serious discord, in your favorite activity - unforeseen obstacles, etc.
  • 26 April. Take time for nourishing and healing treatments for the skin of your hands, you can do a light massage, thereby improving blood circulation. It’s better not to touch the nails themselves.

  • April 27. A haircut will have a symbolic meaning, it will help you “cut your hair” and leave all negative life moments in the past. To do this, the cut slices must be collected and buried. The extension procedure will also have a beneficial effect on your aura.
  • April 28. A new manicure or pedicure will help you get rid of annoying negative mental images. Do not doubt: literally from tomorrow, life will shine with new colors, and your well-being will be at its best.
  • April 29. When doing a manicure, you should use the most shiny, colorful varnishes and gels. The more variegated the marigolds are, the more positive changes will happen soon.
  • April 30. Extending or cutting your nails will not have any significant impact in the future. But this day should be primitively used to treat the nail epidermis.

The most favorable days for cutting nails in April

In terms of the traditional calendar, favorable days will be 1-3, 8, 14-16, 24, 28 and 30 of the second month of spring. Astrologers recommend visiting a specialist for nail extensions, manicures or cutting these days. However, it is worth paying attention that throughout the day the influence of the Moon may weaken or, conversely, intensify. The optimal time of day for nail treatments is listed in the full calendar (if available).

Bad days for manicure in April 2018

It would be foolish to think that an ordinary manicure performed on a bad day will turn a measured and perfectly developing life back and destroy the future. However, you still risk causing certain difficulties to fate. To protect yourself from potential troubles, we recommend that you refrain from getting a haircut or manicure on the 4th-7th, 9th, 13th-14th, 18th, 21st-23rd, and 25th.

Complete nail cutting calendar for April 2018

And now we invite you to find out the opinion of astrologers about each day of the month. Their interpretation of the movement of the Moon through the zodiac constellations will help you choose the right day for a manicure and improve your state of affairs in specific areas of life.

  • 1.04. A manicure done on the first day of the second month of spring will help you find interesting person, who will soon become a lover.
  • 2.04. Manipulations with claws performed in the morning (no later than 11-00) will help get rid of prolonged depression and restore the joy of life. In the evening, you should refrain from them - there is a high probability of damage to the nail plate.
  • 3.04. Astrologers recommend paying attention to skin care procedures (including hands). However, it is advisable not to perform a haircut.
  • 4.04. Manicure or pedicure is not advisable. Otherwise, you risk falling under the influence of other people’s squabbles, gossip, and starting to quarrel with loved ones.
  • 5.04. Neutral day for nail manipulation. Astrologers are confident that they will not have any impact on the near future.
  • 6.04. If you have long dreamed of career advancement, you should get an original manicure. Rest assured: good news from management will come in the coming days. The Moon in Scorpio will contribute to this.
  • 7.04. Men will consider you sexier and more attractive if you cut or extend your nails in the evening.
  • 8.04. The best method To get out of a depressive state, a new manicure will be. It will help you forget about all unpleasant thoughts and take you to a bright spot in life.

  • 9.04. Extensions or coloring, according to astrologers, will bring complete trouble. Better move it to a favorable day.
  • 10.04. If you have a lot of unpleasant and envious acquaintances in your close circle, cut your claws while the Moon is in Capricorn. But you will “pay” for getting rid of them with a low growth rate of the nail plate.
  • 11.04. Nails cut on this day will not grow as quickly as we would like. Perhaps they will even stop shining. But there will be an upsurge in all aspects of your life.
  • 12.04. In the morning and afternoon, it is advisable to refrain from interfering with the structure of your claws or changing their appearance. It is better to do all this in the evening. Without noticing it, you will become much more attractive to others. Bonus tip: Don't let men cut their nails.
  • 13.04. If you are alone, visit a master. Soon a partner will appear on your life's path with whom you will feel absolutely happy.
  • 14.04. Repainting your nails will have a positive impact on your destiny. People around you can only envy your energy and cheerfulness.
  • 15.04. A visit to a specialist is advisable if you are not confident enough in your own attractiveness. The very next day significant changes will appear.
  • 16.04. Pay attention to hand skin massage. This procedure will have a beneficial effect on your health and will help you concentrate your efforts to overcome difficulties.
  • 17.04. It is advisable to massage your hands. It will increase the likelihood of receiving good news over the coming days.

  • 18.04. Any procedures are contraindicated. They will lead to the appearance of unwanted obstacles on the way to your goals.
  • 19.04. According to astrologers, this day is neutral, that is, a visit to the salon will not have any impact on fate. But it will make your nails healthier, they will stop breaking and peeling.
  • 20.04. It is useful to get a pedicure and take care of the health of the skin of your feet. For example, it would be good to remove calluses or massage your feet.
  • 21.04. If you believe the astrological calendar, cutting your nails will increase the risk of losing vital energy or even inducing prolonged depression.
  • April 22. Let's say briefly: postpone going to the master if you do not want to lose your good mood for a long time.
  • April 23. If your nail plates are peeling and look unhealthy, good option To correct this state of affairs will be to color them. As an alternative, astrologers recommend nail extensions.
  • April 24. A very good time for manicure and pedicure. The forces of space will attract financial success and help bring your relationship with your loved one to a whole new level.
  • 25th of April. A bad day to interfere with the structure of the nail plate. If you ignore the signs of the stars and go to a nail stylist, you can cause unwanted problems. Moreover, in all areas: at work there will be a severe reprimand, in a relationship there will be a serious conflict, in a favorite activity there will be unexpected obstacles, etc.
  • 26 April. Take time for nourishing and healing treatments for the skin of your hands, you can do a light massage, thereby improving blood circulation. It is better not to touch the nails themselves.

  • April 27. A haircut will have a symbolic meaning, it will help you “cut your hair” and leave all negative life moments in the past. To do this, the cut pieces need to be collected and buried. The extension procedure will also have a beneficial effect on your aura.
  • April 28. A new manicure or pedicure will help you get rid of obsessive negative mental images. Do not doubt: literally from tomorrow, life will shine with new colors, and your mood will be high.
  • April 29. When doing a manicure, you should use the brightest, most colorful varnishes and gels. The more colorful the marigolds are, the more positive changes will happen very soon.
  • April 30. Extending or cutting your nails will not have a significant impact on your future. But this day simply must be used to treat the nail epidermis.

What is the Egyptian Oracle?

At all times, Egyptian culture has attracted people with its mystery. First, let's figure out what the word "oracle" means. Translated from Latin, this is a prediction. On the Internet, the Egyptian oracle is the most popular online fortune telling, and it’s also free. This type of prediction is based on the Egyptian ideas about good and evil, about the unity and struggle of these two principles in man. It is believed that the oracle sees through everyone, all the good and bad thoughts, the essence of a person. The virtual oracle compares your strengths, then your weaknesses, evaluates your potential and anticipates what to expect from you in the future. The modern Egyptian oracle is a separate isolated room, with a mysterious atmosphere, in which you have to choose three triangles from those offered. For a high-quality result, it is important to focus on the question and the answer will be represented by the selected tiles. The online program presented is based on the table of celestial signs.

History of the Egyptian Oracle

Egyptian culture gave many various types fortune telling, which were used very widely in ancient times. Such predictions, containing all the wisdom of Egypt, were very popular in Ancient Egypt about 5,000 thousand years ago. In those days, priests were called oracles, and fortune telling was based on the ability to predict events. Oracles directed a person to achieve a new spiritual level and attract joy, goodness and harmony. Largely thanks to this, we have preserved information about many secret knowledge ancient civilizations. Therefore, this oracle remains relevant to this day, with increasing interest daily.

Rules for fortune telling using the Egyptian oracle

When using the online version of the Egyptian Oracle, to get the correct answers to your questions, it is important to adhere to the following rules.

  1. Before you begin fortune-telling, you need to relax and choose an appropriately calm environment and get rid of unnecessary extraneous thoughts.
  2. Completely trust the oracle, do not doubt the result, show respect for the ritual.
  3. Concentrate on a topic that excites you.
  4. State your question in a focused and clear manner. Choose only the question that is really important to you today.
  5. Don't ask the same question several times in one day. Even if you are not satisfied with the result, wait until the next day and repeat the ritual again.

By following these rules, you will get an amazingly truthful result: the oracle will warn you about your readiness for trouble, tell you how to overcome difficulties and do it completely free of charge.

What can the oracle tell you?

This method of fortune telling will help you understand the following situations:

  • problems in personal relationships with a loved one;
  • troubles in matters related to work, career, business;
  • conflict situations in communication with relatives;
  • disagreements with friends.

As you can see, Egyptian fortune telling will help you understand almost all areas of your life in the present and future, give worthwhile advice and help you avoid many troubles and problems. Time-tested, amazingly accurate predictions will help you reveal all your personal secrets in the shortest possible time.

Virtual fortune telling The Egyptian oracle can reveal to you many secrets of the present and future and show you the right path. This fortune telling is more than 5000 years old, it came to us from Ancient Egypt, and is capable of revealing the secrets of fate and the world. Many of the predictions of the Egyptian Oracle are amazingly accurate, but to do this you need to concentrate extremely hard on the question being asked.

Nail cutting, proper treatment and care

A properly formed plate should be rounded, without causing discomfort during household chores. Ideal shape- this is the one that completely follows the shape of your fingertips.

The shape of the plate must be rounded, otherwise sharp edges can cause ingrowth and excessive growths in the corners. You should not cut your nails very short, as the tips of your fingers will expand after a while, resulting in an unattractive shape. Better yet, before you start processing them, use the lunar calendar, where you can find out when it is best to trim the records.

If you prefer long nails, do not forget to constantly clean the skin under the plate, since it is in this place that a huge number of bacteria accumulate. In addition, you can grow your fingertips thanks to a horoscope, which provides information on favorable days for nail treatment.

It is recommended to cut the plates with special professional manicure scissors. In this case, the lines will be smooth and even. During treatment, the nail should be carefully grabbed with scissors and moved in small steps. Then your fingertips will look more well-groomed. It is equally important, before processing, to study the information about favorable days that the oracle provides us.

In more difficult to reach places, you can use tweezers. If your plates have a more complex shape and a very large area, the cutting process will be somewhat more complicated for you. In order not to damage the integrity of the fingertips and not to damage the skin, place the bottom edge of the nail clippers to the bottom of the plate and carefully cut without pressing on it. In the event that you need to remove a plate that has grown into the skin, it is best to use angular nail clippers.

What are the best days to cut your nails?

To ensure that your fingertips grow back strong and healthy, it is advisable to cut them on favorable days indicated in the horoscope. Then the marigolds will grow much faster if you treat them during the new moon, or during the waxing moon phase. At the same time, the most better days will coincide with the lunar hair cutting calendar.

Nail and hair cutting calendar

Are you familiar with this horoscope? If yes, then it will be no secret to you that fingertips and hair cut at one time or another can affect most circumstances in our lives. If, for example, the processing was carried out according to the oracle, then good luck and success await the person. But, if it is not at the right moment, then a person can lose very important things in his life. In addition, treating nails and hair, according to the horoscope, increases their growth and significantly improves their condition, while they become strong and smooth.

When should you cut your nails? We present to you the horoscope

The oracle says that treating hair and nails on the 5th lunar day favors their enrichment. This is a great time to attract wealth and financial prosperity.

The eighth lunar day is also good for this procedure. During this period, it will promote longevity and excellent well-being. This is also a good time to strengthen relationships with your loved ones.

If you want to develop your insight, then cut your plates and hair on the 11th lunar day. This time is optimal for the development of psychic abilities.

The 13th lunar day is also great for this procedure. Those women and girls striving for rejuvenation should definitely take note of this.

If you want a promotion at work or improve your financial situation, then the procedure carried out on the 14th lunar day will help you with this. Treating your fingertips and hair on the 19th lunar day is recommended for those who dream of living a long and happy life. A good time to attract improved health and good luck.

If you want to be very beautiful, then cut your hair and nails only on the 21st lunar day. The same applies to the 23rd lunar day. The moon is positioned in such a way that thanks to it, the complexion improves and all wrinkles are smoothed out.

The 26th and 27th lunar days will bring joy to your home.

The optimal day for establishing relationships with the people around you is the 28th lunar day. On this day, get your hair and nails cut, and you will gain charm and charm in the eyes of your acquaintances and friends.

So, listen to what the oracle says and everything in your life will be just wonderful!

According to popular wisdom, it is better to cut your nails based on the calendar. It is advisable to carry out this procedure on a certain day of the week or lunar day of the month. In this case, many troubles will be prevented.

Signs by day of the week

Let's look at which days of the week signs advise cutting your nails.

  1. Monday is a very favorable day to cut your nails. Beliefs say that thanks to this procedure, a person gets rid of various complexes, negative memories and connections with unpleasant people. In addition, on this day, sadness, depression and melancholy are “cut off” along with the nails.
  2. If you decide to cut your nails on Tuesday, then, according to signs, you will prevent unpleasant surprises, protect yourself from ill-wishers and be able to feel confident in any extreme situation.
  3. Trim your nails on Wednesday - eliminate confusion in current affairs. The sign in this case promises that you will receive good news that will help you intelligently resolve existing problems. You will be able to understand yourself, your thoughts and normalize relationships with people around you.
  4. If you want to assert yourself in society, then it is advisable to cut your nails on Thursday. Signs say that the procedure carried out on this day helps to increase authority, gives self-confidence and helps to realize talent.
  5. An unfavorable day, according to most signs, is Friday. It is extremely undesirable to cut your nails on this day, otherwise the body will experience a slowdown in biochemical processes and, as a result, a loss of strength, Bad mood, depression is possible. But at the same time, there is another belief that says that women, having a manicure on Friday, can enhance their natural charm and emphasize femininity.
  6. The best day to cut your nails is Saturday. There is a saying: “Whoever cuts his nails on Saturday pays off his debts.” On this day you will be able to free yourself from some of your karmic debts. If you are single and you are very depressed by this circumstance, then according to the sign, this procedure significantly increases the chances of meeting your soulmate.
  7. The worst day to cut your nails is Sunday. It is on this day of the week that you are closely connected with your guardian angel. The sign warns that by doing a manicure, you are interfering with the processes occurring in the body, and thereby breaking the connection with the protective light force.

Haircut according to the lunar calendar

In order to choose the most favorable time for a manicure, you should look at the lunar calendar.

  • Waxing phase of the moon - nails will grow much faster after cutting.
  • The waning phase of the moon means the nail plates will become thicker and stronger.
  • Good Friday - a haircut on this day is associated with three signs at once. The first suggests that this procedure can attract misfortune. According to the second belief, a person will get rid of toothache. The third superstition claims that an unmarried girl, cutting her nails on Good Friday, will see her betrothed in a dream.
  • As for, it is better not to cut your hair during this phase of the moon. During this period, mental strength is overly tense, and therefore the person becomes very emotional. When doing a manicure, you risk disrupting the biological rhythm of your body.

Signs for pregnant women

There are signs according to which pregnant women are not allowed to do manicures at night, otherwise it may have a bad effect on their health.

Other superstitions say that a woman who is expecting a child will have a miscarriage if she steps on a cut nail. It is worth noting that you should not pay attention to such frightening interpretations. During pregnancy, the expectant mother should think exclusively positively.

As for cutting nails, there is no haircut calendar for pregnant women.

You should be careful when doing a manicure on your feet while in the third trimester.

Bend over too much and lean on your stomach is now extremely undesirable. It is recommended to take the most comfortable position so as not to feel discomfort, and even better, ask someone for help. And don't forget to thoroughly disinfect your scissors.

When should you cut your child's nails?

According to popular belief, it is best for a child to start cutting his nails only after he is one year old. Until this time, it is recommended to file the delicate plates or shorten them with special nippers. Signs say that this should be done in the morning, immediately after waking up.

You should not cut your child's nails while he is sleeping. At this time, the baby is defenseless against evil spirits, and therefore, during the procedure, evil spirits can easily get close to him. As a result, the child's sleep will be disturbed, and the next morning he will be restless and capricious. Beliefs also say that this can negatively affect his health.

Signs advise the mother, after the first haircut, to put the baby’s nails in a bag and bury them under an ash tree. This will protect him from the influence of evil spirits.

It should also be remembered that it is extremely undesirable to carry out this procedure on Monday - superstitious people warn that in this case all the child’s teeth may fall out. If a mother dreams of her child singing well, then in this case the signs advise cutting his nails when going out the door of his house onto the street.

Why can't you cut your nails in the evening or at night?

There is a belief that says that you should not do a manicure in the evening, otherwise financial difficulties will overtake you. These may be losses associated with thoughtless spending of money, as well as situations where you find yourself a victim of criminals.

Another sign has come to us from ancient times. It is interpreted as follows: cutting your nails in the evening will reduce the productivity of your work, because of which your financial well-being will be at risk.

If we talk about cutting hair at night, then doing this is also not recommended. People say that day is a symbol of stability, and night is subject to dark forces. For this reason, this procedure will be tantamount to entering into a conspiracy with them - the person will end up giving evil spirits part of your energy.

In addition, if you do a manicure at night, then again, financial losses are possible. In this case, the meaning of the sign echoes the previous interpretation.

Where to put cut nails?

And finally, it is worth noting that you cannot leave cut nails or simply throw them in the trash. This is due to the fact that they can fall into the hands of bad people, because, as is known, these particles have long been used by sorcerers to cast love spells and damage.

They need to be flushed down the sink or toilet. There is also a belief that if a person is sick, then his nails should be burned or buried in a secluded place - then he will definitely get better.

There are a lot of signs about cutting your nails, and they can really help you avoid negative events. But if you nevertheless carried out this procedure on an unfavorable day, do not be discouraged. Try to think only about the good, and then negativity will not be able to enter your life.