When to go to the maternity hospital. When and what to wear to the maternity hospital during the first and second births: frequency of contractions, accompanying symptoms. Associated symptoms of the onset of labor

During pregnancy, the female body constantly undergoes changes and, towards the end of the term, slowly begins to prepare for an important moment - the beginning of labor. However, not everyone can immediately determine that discomfort in the lower abdomen is the beginning of labor. And it also happens that there are no pulling or cramping pains at all, but the baby is just about to be born. So how can a woman decide when she urgently needs to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital? More about this in the article below.

What are contractions

At the end of the second - beginning of the third trimester, the uterus sometimes begins to harden, and the woman may experience slight nagging pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. If the menstrual cycle before pregnancy was painful, then we can say that at the beginning of labor the sensations are a little similar. In order to determine when to go to the maternity hospital during contractions, it is important to know the nature of their occurrence. This is especially important for those who are experiencing this for the first time.

Periodic contractions of the uterus that a woman cannot regulate, in particular their frequency, intensity, are contractions. In this case, a pulling, aching pain in the lower abdomen may be felt, which is transmitted to the lumbar region. In some cases, a woman’s legs weaken from powerlessness and noticeable discomfort and it becomes difficult to bear the pain while standing. At this moment, the main thing is to suppress the feeling of panic and fear. It is important to switch gears and not give in to the rush of excitement. Not only the intensity, but also the reduction of pain during childbirth depends on a positive attitude and determination, and proper breathing.

False or training?

Before deciding that it is time to go to the hospital, a woman must determine the nature of her contractions. They can be training (or they are also called Braxton-Hicks contractions) and serve as a signal that the body is preparing for an important stage - helping the child to be born. Contractions seem to push the fetus out, helping it pass through the birth canal. Therefore, it is important to determine and know how their intensity changes during childbirth.

If the nature of the cramping pain is temporary, and there is still a month or a little less left before giving birth, then this is a good reason to prepare everything you need for a trip to the maternity hospital. There are several ways to determine that they are actually false:

  • Light a Papaverine candle and take a No-shpa tablet, which helps relax muscles.
  • Take a warm bath or shower.
  • Take a leisurely walk or just sleep.

Their main difference from real contractions is that they pass after a short time and then do not bother you at all.

Stages of the onset of labor

In order to be precise and understand when to go to the maternity hospital during contractions for sure, it is important to know at what stage of labor the woman is. They can be divided into three stages:

  1. The first, or initial, takes 7-8 hours. During this time, the woman can still go about her normal daily activities, take a shower, eat, pack her bag for the maternity hospital, or just sleep. The intensity can be quite frequent - once every 5 minutes for 30-45 seconds. The dilation of the cervix at this stage is up to 3 cm.
  2. The second stage is longer, the frequency of contractions is 1 minute every 4 minutes. It takes from 3 to 5 hours, the cervix dilates to 7 cm.
  3. The shortest transitional stage lasts from half an hour to one and a half. A woman may feel that contractions are becoming constant, with almost no time left for rest between them. If you time it, they can be felt every minute for 90 seconds. The dilation becomes full - 10 cm, and the body is preparing for attempts that will help the baby be born.

Intensity of contractions

It is generally accepted that the time when it is definitely time to go to the maternity hospital during contractions is the onset of intense, frequent spasms of the uterus, accompanied by unbearable pain. True, this is not always the case, because the birth may be quick and the woman simply will not have time to get to the maternity hospital on time. Therefore, it is worth finding out in advance how to recognize the beginning of time “X”. If this is the first pregnancy, then most doctors agree that labor will progress. At first the contractions are weak and infrequent, but the more the cervix opens, the more intense and painful they will become.

It is believed that in multiparous women the intensity of contractions will be immediately frequent and the birth process will take half as long as for those who are experiencing this for the first time.

How to calculate the interval

In order to facilitate the calculation of the interval of contractions before childbirth, they will tell you when to go to the maternity hospital. special programs, which are popularly called “scramble-counters”. Such a funny name is easy to remember, especially with the sudden onset of labor and the absence of any relatives nearby. Just click on the “Start of contraction” and “End” buttons, and the program itself will display a message that it’s time to go to the maternity hospital.

Another way is to independently calculate the intensity of the onset of labor on a piece of paper. To do this, you will also need to stock up on a stopwatch, which will help record the time interval. This method is suitable when the spasms are not very painful and tolerable, and the interval between them is more than 10 minutes. It is best if one of the relatives is nearby to help the woman in labor.

Admission to the maternity hospital without contractions

The reason for calling an ambulance and worrying about the intensity of the onset of labor is broken water. In this case, you don’t have to worry about whether you will be admitted to the maternity hospital without contractions. It is better to come and be under the supervision of doctors than to try to independently control a process at home, which can become completely unplanned. This is due to the fact that even after the water breaks or partially leaks, contractions can be either weak or pronounced.

Every woman experiences it differently First stage labor activity. For example, contractions can be frequent, but at the same time be quite tolerable. A woman may feel like she will give birth in a matter of hours. However, during the examination it turns out that the dilation of the cervix is ​​only at the very beginning and the process of childbirth has already been started by the body. In this case, the doctor has no right to refuse hospitalization. Monitoring the frequency and intensity of contractions in the maternity hospital is carried out using CTG. This is a special method that also allows you to listen to the fetal heartbeat.

When you need an emergency ambulance call

There are obvious symptoms when you need to go to the maternity hospital immediately during contractions and you should not wait until they become frequent and intense. These include bloody vaginal discharge, accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. This may indicate the onset of premature labor caused by placental abruption.

It is also urgent to get ready for the maternity hospital when leaving amniotic fluid. As a rule, after this the contractions begin to come one after another, frequent and painful. You should not delay calling an ambulance, as getting to a medical facility on your own in this state will be difficult and unsafe.

Is it possible to start labor?

If this is the woman’s first pregnancy, or the due date is still far away, then she may not immediately determine the frequency of contractions and when to go to the maternity hospital immediately. Don't forget about this feature female body, as a high pain threshold, at which a pregnant woman endures even intense contractions on her feet. Therefore, it is quite possible that she may not notice that it is time to go to the maternity hospital.

Judging by the reviews of some mothers, contractions can begin at night or early in the morning, when you want to sleep a little more, and therefore many simply do not want to think about the onset of labor. If they are not training, then, most likely, in a few hours you will still have to go to the hospital, since the intensity of uterine contractions will only increase.

Should I wait until my water breaks?

By counting the interval between contractions, you may not notice how the amniotic fluid drains. The process of opening the cervix is ​​directly related to the release of the mucous plug, which protects the fetus from infection. In some cases, it begins to come out some time before the birth itself, in particular a few days before it begins. In this case, cramping sensations can be rare and pass after some time, with a long interval between each other.

The structure of the amniotic sac can be very dense, and it does not always burst on its own. In this case, the doctor does this, as a rule, after the cervix dilates to 4 cm during the next contraction. The puncture itself is not felt, but the woman will feel the effects of amniotomy almost immediately. If up to this moment you could just walk and wait out the contractions, breathing correctly, then after that you won’t want to move again. This is due to the fact that their intensity begins to increase, and if the process of opening is slow, then anesthesia or epidural anesthesia may be required to relieve the painful symptom.

Intensity of contractions after water breaks

After the bubble is punctured or if it bursts on its own and water begins to leak, you should understand that there will be very frequent contractions in the future. Before giving birth, you can decide on your own when to go to the maternity hospital or wait longer; it is better to ask your family or spouse for help. They will be able to adequately assess the situation and take you to the hospital on time so that the woman in labor is in good hands under the supervision of doctors.

Uterine contractions when the waters break are felt very acutely. This period occurs during the active phase, when the opening of the cervix can occur very quickly. During this period, a woman can no longer count the interval or think about when to go to the maternity hospital. Contractions during pregnancy (in this case we are talking about training contractions) cannot be compared with those that you experience at this moment. Only proper breathing and following the doctor’s advice can smooth out the constantly changing and one after another spasms.

First and subsequent pregnancies: difference in frequency of contractions

Doctors believe that there is a significant time difference between the first and subsequent births. For women experiencing motherhood for the first time, doctors set an interval of approximately 9-11 hours or more. In other cases it is twice as long. However, if contractions begin, and when to go to the maternity hospital is still an unresolved issue, then you should listen to your body and first determine their frequency. This is the first question that doctors ask when calling an ambulance, as well as during registration at the emergency room of the maternity hospital. Knowing this is necessary to determine the stage of labor.

Women note that the shorter the interval between the first and subsequent pregnancies, the more painful and intense the contractions are felt. However, such births also take place faster. On the one hand, a woman in labor tolerates less pain, on the other hand, the rapid birth of a baby can negatively affect his health and physical development.

What to take with you

Having decided the question of which contractions to go to the maternity hospital for, all that remains is not to forget to take with you the things necessary for the first time. Clothing you will need is a robe, shirt and underwear. Be sure to take slippers with rubber soles, a towel, washing supplies and hygiene products (pads, wet wipes) to the hospital. Charger for phone. Relatives can bring things for the newborn after the birth.

Few people think about what to wear to the maternity hospital during contractions. It will be better if it turns out to be clothes that can be changed easily and quickly. With rare contractions, you will be able to get ready without rushing, but if the interval is shorter and their duration is about a minute, then you will need the help of your family. Therefore, you should think about things for the maternity hospital in advance. By the way, this also applies to things for mom and baby for discharge.

Which option is closer to you - go to the maternity hospital in advance or come there with contractions?

10. Training(false) contractions– uterine tone, the uterus is preparing to open. uterus: the stomach sometimes becomes hard, sometimes soft..., and pain is not necessary: ​​there can be both completely painless and painful - pulling sensations, like during menstruation. Training contractions are chaotic, disorderly, without dynamics, with an interval between contractions: sometimes 2 minutes, then 2 hours, then 2 seconds, then 20 minutes... If at this moment we go to the maternity hospital, we can be returned home.

The very first training contractions can begin even before the stomach drops (for me they started 2 weeks before the stomach drops), and have a very long interval: Oops! And they forgot - silence for several days/weeks...

11. Generic contractions dynamic, more enhanced, interval between contractions 20 minutes. and goes downsizing. Indicates that the opening of the w. the uterus has begun.
By this time, everything for the maternity hospital should be ready. Now you can take care of yourself: sex on the path, take a shower, manicure: cut your nails (it is not necessary to cut them very short, you can leave up to 5 mm) and remove the varnish (coating your nails with transparent varnish is allowed, since doctors determine the color under the nail skin state of a woman in labor), shave, call friends...

12. Labor pains are dynamic, interval between contractions 10-5 min. and continues to decline. About 6-7 hours before birth.
At this moment we call an ambulance, regardless of whether the plug and water have broken or not. We're going to the maternity hospital. If your water still doesn’t break, the bladder will be punctured in the maternity hospital.

The strongest and longest labor contraction lasts 1 minute, all other contractions last a few seconds.

The rate of cervical dilatation is 1 cm (1 finger) per hour, full cervical dilatation is 10-12 cm (10-12 fingers) per 10-12 hours.

Contractive pain begins gradually and increases in an increasing order, from completely painless contractions/then: “Oh!” - and they forgot, to: “God, kill me!” - Not like in the movies, - the woman is quiet, calm..., and then suddenly the whole house: “A-aaaa...”, and it began... After 5 minutes. she’s holding a baby in her arms..., - this doesn’t happen in life !

The peak of contractive pain occurs at the moment when sh. The uterus is already fully dilated to 10-12 cm, and the baby descends into the pelvis. In this case, the pain is accompanied by a strong desire to push. At this moment, you should under no circumstances push, as this may cause your neck to break through. uterus, also at this moment you should never sit on your butt, because this can damage the baby’s head (you can only sit on your haunches or on a fitball; if you are lying down and want to get up, you need to get up avoiding a sitting position), - the first pushing contractions need to be breathed !

When the baby is completely lowered into the pelvis, the cramping pains go away, the midwife sees the back of the baby’s head without touching you, and you can touch the back of the baby’s head with your hand - from now on you can push... It is important to listen to the midwife in everything!

The first birth lasts approximately 10-12 hours on average. The second – 5-7 hours on average. Third - even faster.

You can go to the maternity hospital in your own car - by gravity. In this case, admission occurs in the order of the general queue and after those who arrived by ambulance.

But if you decide to go to the maternity hospital by ambulance to the specific maternity hospital you have chosen, the following tips will help you:

1. When the team arrives, explain to the driver which maternity hospital you need to go to and offer the driver money as a reward. Typically, the driver’s remuneration is 500 rubles - 1,000 rubles, but the amount can rise to 5,000 rubles, or even 10,000 rubles. Ambulance must for free take only to the nearest maternity hospital where there are free places or to the maternity hospital indicated by the dispatcher.

If the driver is against taking you where you want for a fee and continues to insist on his own.

2. Refuse the services of this team and call a friend. In this case, they have no right to take any money from you, such as a penalty.

3. When calling a new ambulance, you must inform the dispatcher that you will give birth in a specific maternity hospital and indicate the address of this maternity hospital. In this case, the arriving brigade will be obliged to take you exactly where the dispatcher says and for free, and not where it is closer to them.

If you arrive at the maternity hospital by ambulance, admission occurs without a queue, but in the order of those who arrived by ambulance before you.

And finally: Before leaving for the RD, do not forget to wash off the nail polish. This is a very important point, because doctors monitor the condition of the woman in labor by the color of her nails.

Good luck and have an easy birth!

P.S.: She called an ambulance to go to the RD when contractions were occurring with an interval of 5 minutes, and the interval was getting shorter. They arrived quickly, within 5 minutes. The emergency doctor determined the dilatation of the sh. uterus 2 cm (2 fingers). I was asked which taxiway to take me to? I named the desired RD. The doctor asked, if there are no places there, then where to go? I called Alternative option RD. The doctor asked, and if there are no places there, then where...? I said, then it’s at your discretion... Afterwards, she called the desired taxiway to find out about availability there... They took her for free. We drove for about 30 minutes.

There were places in the desired taxiway and they gladly accepted me, because the opening of the highway. the uterus was already 4 cm. As soon as they were registered, they were immediately taken to a separate maternity unit, with the w. uterus 6 cm... I gave birth completely free of charge according to my Birth Plan:
Birth plan

The only thing... Upon discharge, the husband gave an envelope with money to the midwife who handed over his daughter, but this was his personal initiative... The midwife accepted the envelope and, without opening it, put it away...

Details here:
My first birth in 2012: Natural vertical, without obstetric assistance!

When to go to the maternity hospital during contractions:

First, you need to know the expected calendar date of birth. The length of pregnancy is different for each woman; on average it is 280 days, or 40 weeks; fluctuations from 38 to 42 weeks are considered normal.

How to find out your due date?

Exist various ways calculating the date of birth. Some try to determine the day of conception and count the days from it. However, the day on which sexual intercourse occurred and the day of conception itself may not coincide, since sperm are able to maintain their viability and “wait” for the egg in the woman’s genital tract for several days.

Determining the date of birth by menstruation

The most common way to calculate the date of birth is “by menstruation”. This is usually a well-documented event. It is necessary to remember exactly the first day of the last menstruation, from the beginning of which it is proposed to count 280 days. And it’s even simpler - add another 7 days to the date of the first day of the last menstruation and count back three months. For example, the last menstruation began on September 5th. Then birth can be expected on June 12 (5 + 7 days = 12, 9th month September - 3 = 6th month June). But this method will be unreliable if a woman has an irregular menstrual cycle or does not remember the date of her menstruation.

Our Due Date Calculator will help you calculate your due date based on menstruation.

Determining the date of birth by ultrasound

IN modern conditions The date of birth is determined quite accurately, based on the data of an ultrasound examination (ultrasound) performed before the 12th week of pregnancy. IN late dates During pregnancy, the error in determining the due date using ultrasound increases. This is due to the fact that the size of the fetus, which the doctor focuses on in his calculations, has large individual fluctuations at the end of pregnancy.

In the same way, calculations are made based on the date and duration of pregnancy established at the first visit to the doctor (the “first appearance at the antenatal clinic” method). The sooner your doctor determines your gestational age, the more accurate future birth date predictions will be.

Determining the date of birth by fetal movements

You can roughly calculate the date of birth by the first movement of the fetus: in primiparous women this occurs on average at 20 weeks, and in multiparous women at 18 weeks. Of course, these are very subjective sensations, because the moment of the baby’s first movement is not always clearly visible.

You can find out about the full-term pregnancy and impending birth by several signs. In about 1 - 2 weeks, the so-called “harbingers” of labor appear.

Harbingers of childbirth

Most women at the end of pregnancy notice that their stomach “sinks” and it becomes easier to breathe. This happens because during full-term pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases slightly, and the fetal head is pressed against the entrance to the woman’s pelvis. The uterus becomes more excitable, it “trains”, prepares for the upcoming great job. Irregular, low-painful tension of the uterus and a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen and lower back are called “pregnant contractions.” Even a doctor cannot always say with certainty whether labor is beginning or preparatory contractions are occurring. If this state of increased irregular excitability of the uterus continues for 1 - 2 days, then it is better to contact maternity hospital, where they can assess whether the child is suffering.

A few days before birth (or on the day of birth), light mucous discharge may appear from the genital tract, sometimes with small streaks of blood. Usually they say that “the mucus plug has come off.” This is a favorable sign of softening and “ripening” of the cervix.

Towards the end of pregnancy, many women release colostrum from their nipples, a precursor to mother's milk.

A healthy woman with a favorable pregnancy can stay at home until labor begins. If there are deviations in the woman’s health, the pregnancy has complications, if signs of fetal suffering are established, then, of course, the last 1 - 2 weeks (and more, if necessary) should be in the maternity hospital under the supervision of specialists. IN Lately many women, especially city dwellers, prefer to go to the maternity hospital in advance. This is obviously due to the general deterioration in the health of the population and the desire of families to insure themselves against various accidents whenever possible.

When is it time to go to the maternity hospital?

So, at home you felt some changes in your condition. Heaviness appeared, a slight pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, the uterus tensed and became very dense to the touch. At first, contractions and relaxations of the uterus are irregular, lasting 5 to 10 seconds with long breaks (up to half an hour). Then their frequency and intensity increase. It was the contractions that started. If you are giving birth for the first time and live close to maternity hospital, then you can wait until contractions become regular - once every 5 - 7 minutes. If the birth is repeated, then immediately with the onset of contractions you should go to maternity hospital. Repeated births are usually faster than the first, and there is a risk of giving birth outside a medical facility.

Often, amniotic fluid may leak before contractions begin. The normal water content in the uterus by the end of pregnancy is up to 1.5 liters. You may feel a light, warm fluid leaking from your vagina (not associated with urination). A little liquid may pour out, or even 1.5 - 2 liters. Be that as it may, if you notice unusually wet underwear, this is a situation in which you need to go to the maternity hospital. If the water has completely poured out or is leaking slightly, this means that the integrity of the membranes has been compromised, and the child is no longer protected from environmental influences, primarily from infectious agents. Time is counted by the clock; in such a situation, it is advisable for a child to be born no later than 12 hours after the water breaks. Doctor in maternity hospital should determine whether you have a chance of giving birth vaginally, or whether it is better to have C-section. In most cases, after the water breaks, normal contractions begin, and the birth ends safely.

The above described typical normal situations at the end of pregnancy. But complications are also possible. There are situations that require special attention And emergency assistance, which a woman with a full-term pregnancy should know about. Call immediately Ambulance” and go to maternity hospital, If:

    Bloody discharge appeared from the genital tract, spotting or “like menstruation”;

    Blood-stained water leaks;

    The pain is very strong, the uterus is painful to the touch, does not relax between contractions;

    Fetal movements become unusually strong, weak, or painful;

    worries headache, your vision has become blurry (“spots are flashing” before your eyes), pain has appeared in the epigastric region, your blood pressure has increased, you cannot urinate.

In any case, if you feel any discomfort, be sure to consult with the doctor monitoring your pregnancy, and at night, contact maternity hospital. Practice shows that it is better to play it safe than to underestimate the seriousness of the situation and endanger the life of the child and your own.

1. Decide in advance in which institution you will give birth. Many women prefer to have the same doctor manage their pregnancy and deliver the baby. In practice this is not always feasible. The state monitoring system for pregnant women is organized in such a way that the doctor is not necessarily present at the birth of his patient. And in non-governmental clinics, the obstetrician who observed you, due to various circumstances, may not be next to you at this very moment. However, you should not perceive as a tragedy the situation when you are given birth by an unfamiliar doctor. Choose a facility with a good reputation for delivery; if you are not “assigned” to it on a territorial basis (formal objections may arise during hospitalization), decide in advance for yourself whether you agree to paid services. It is advisable to undergo a set of examinations accepted in this institution and enter into a service agreement.

2. Keep your documents collected, namely:

    An exchange card with the data of all tests and ultrasound examinations in the third trimester;


    Insurance policy.


In the absence of medical documents, childbirth should be carried out in the II obstetric (observation department) or even in a specialized infectious diseases maternity hospital! If you don’t have a passport or insurance policy with you, then problems may arise with the possibility of free childbirth (under compulsory health insurance). Be careful.

3. Prepare a bag with things: 2 - 3 cotton shirts, 3 - 4 diapers (preferably special disposable ones), 3 - 4 pairs of cotton panties, pads (the largest), bathrobe, washable slippers, 2 - 3 pairs of cotton socks, toiletries, towels .

However, in the maternity ward itself, you won’t need anything other than slippers: usually the necessary linen and clothing are provided at the birth center. maternity hospital. Everything else, including things for the baby, will be brought to you by your relatives after the birth.

Our service will tell you what to take with you to the maternity hospital List of things to take to the maternity hospital

It will be more convenient for doctors, and for you too, if, when you feel the approach of labor, you do not put much strain on your stomach. While waiting for labor to begin at home, limit your diet to light crackers, a cup of broth, and tea.

Trim your nails; You can shave your pubic area yourself - these are mandatory procedures before giving birth.

Do not lose your presence of mind, be decisive and collected - you will have difficult but joyful work. Remember that first of all, you are responsible for yourself and for your child.

As pregnancy ends, the pregnant woman begins to think about when to go to the maternity hospital, what signs indicate that the baby will soon be born, and other questions. They especially worry women who will give birth for the first time: everything is still new and unfamiliar. But nature has provided for everything: there are several sure signs that it is time to immediately go to the maternity hospital: childbirth is about to occur.

But in addition to your own feelings and monitoring your condition, some information about pregnancy and signs of impending birth is also important. The first thing you need to find out is the date of conception, after which it becomes possible to calculate the approximate date of birth. If the exact date of conception is not known, it is calculated based on ultrasound readings. Since the time required to carry a child is 38-42 weeks, it is possible to accurately calculate the month in which the baby will be born.

It is believed that the duration of a woman’s first labor is at least twelve hours, and sometimes it lasts up to twenty hours or longer. There is an opinion that the duration of the second birth is significantly shorter, it lasts up to ten hours. But it is not possible to say for sure whether this is so: the duration of the first and subsequent births depends solely on individual characteristics woman's body.

How to count contractions and when to go to the hospital

The key to a successful birth is the right attitude. If the pregnant woman has a positive mental attitude, the chances of a successful delivery will increase significantly. It happens that maternity hospital staff are not very friendly, so you need to be prepared to be a little nervous when answering doctors’ questions about your place of residence, payment for maternity hospital services, etc. For this reason, some women who have already been to the maternity hospital recommend going to the maternity hospital in advance.

If, based on the results of an examination in the maternity hospital, it turns out that labor may not begin soon, the pregnant woman will be sent home (if there is no threat of pregnancy). A pregnant woman will be left in the maternity hospital only if active labor begins in a few days or hours. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the harbingers of childbirth, which make themselves felt shortly before you need to go to give birth. The following signs of close labor are known:

  • A few weeks before delivery, the pregnant woman experiences a drooping of her abdomen, the baby’s head drops lower, and breathing becomes easier.
  • Within a few days the mucous plug comes off.
  • Within three to four weeks, nagging pain begins in the lower abdomen.
  • In two to three weeks, training contractions begin.

False contractions should be distinguished from real contractions. Training contractions appear only from time to time, without the same interval. Real contractions manifest themselves after regular, ever-decreasing intervals. The intervals between false contractions do not decrease, and sometimes increase. If you change your body position during false contractions, they will become weaker or stop altogether.

When real contractions occur, the uterus dilates and copious discharge is observed, which may indicate the onset of placental abruption. Pain is felt in the lower abdomen and lower back. If the intervals between contractions are constantly decreasing and are already less than ten minutes, you should know that childbirth should take place soon.

At the first birth

After false contractions, regular labor begins. The duration of the first regular contractions is 5-10 seconds, they will repeat after half an hour, or even later. As soon as the pregnant woman feels the onset of real contractions, she should observe the intervals between them; they will invariably decrease. At the first stage, lasting up to eight hours, the intervals between contractions are reduced from half an hour to five minutes, and by that time their duration is already half a minute. During this time, the cervix will dilate 3 centimeters.

It is believed that at this time it is necessary to call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital. At the second stage, the cervix dilates by 7 centimeters, contractions last for a minute, and the intervals between them are only 3-5 minutes. After four to five hours, the third stage begins, lasting only an hour and a half. Contractions last 1.5-2 minutes at intervals of 30-60 seconds. The cervix dilates 10 centimeters.

Doctors recommend going to give birth already at the first stage due to the fact that sometimes the second, and especially the third stage lasts quickly and the pregnant woman simply does not have time to get to the maternity hospital. If a woman gives birth for the first time, she may not feel the first stage of prenatal activity, and begins to pay attention to contractions only when the interval between them is only 3 minutes. Therefore, you need to urgently go to the maternity hospital; delivery will begin in 5-6 hours.

During the second birth

Every woman who has given birth is already familiar with the symptoms that accompany labor, can tolerate pain more easily, and knows how to listen to her body. For a woman who has given birth, repeated births are faster and much easier, so she needs to go to the maternity hospital earlier. If at the birth of the first child the duration of the second and third stages lasts about 6 hours, then at the birth of subsequent children its duration is half as long - only three hours. To avoid being late, it is recommended to contact medical care faster.

Frequency of contractions

Before regular contractions begin, a woman’s body must prepare for them, and this is facilitated by so-called false contractions. They are easy to distinguish from the beginning of regular prenatal activities; they are significantly weaker and occur irregularly. There are three phases of prenatal activity:

Stage 1 - it lasts 8-10 hours during the first birth, and several hours less during repeated births. This stage is characterized by contractions that last from 25 to 45 seconds with an interval of 5 minutes.

Stage 2 - lasts from 2 to 6 hours. The contractions have been going on for a minute with an interval of 2-5 minutes.

Stage 3 - lasts from 2 hours for the first and up to 30 minutes for repeated births. Contractions last a minute to a minute and a half with an interval of half a minute to a minute.

What to do if your water breaks

One of the main signs of the imminent onset of labor is the breaking of amniotic fluid. If the amniotic fluid and mucus plug have receded and contractions have begun, it means that the baby will be born very soon. Amniotic fluid, necessary to ensure the life of the baby in the mother's womb, drains unexpectedly - sometimes immediately, and sometimes gradually.

Amniotic fluid is a liter to one and a half liters of liquid. More often they are colorless, dark or greenish. If the water is opaque, this means that it contains meconium, a waste product of the fetus. A child cannot be without amniotic fluid for more than 24 hours: this is dangerous for his life and health.

If the baby is not born 24 hours after your water breaks, doctors may perform a caesarean section. Some doctors believe that nothing will happen to the baby even after two days without amniotic fluid, but this is at the discretion of the maternity hospital medical staff. After the waters have broken, you need to go to the maternity hospital immediately - the health and life of the fetus depends on this.

Video: Time to go to the maternity hospital

The birth of a child is the culmination of the entire pregnancy, it is important that the delivery process goes smoothly. Therefore, we advise you to listen to your body and the opinion of the medical staff. We also recommend watching a video on the topic: “When to go to the maternity hospital.”

When is it time to go to the hospital?

“When to go to the maternity hospital” is perhaps the most pressing question that begins to worry the expectant mother in the last trimester of pregnancy. Women who are preparing to become mothers for the first time are usually especially worried. The fear of giving birth at home and not having time to get to the maternity hospital is absolutely natural. Among other things, anxiety is fueled by a favorite cinematic technique when a woman feels sharp pain and realizes that she is about to give birth.

Listening to our own body signals

In fact, in most cases, a woman manages not only to get to the maternity ward on time, but also to calmly collect the necessary things, call her loved ones and slowly go to give birth. It is only important to hear the signals that the body gives. These signals are harbingers of labor in a woman.

There are two symptoms that can be used to determine with a high degree of probability that labor will occur in the next 24 hours. These are regular contractions and discharge of amniotic fluid. In addition, there are many indirect signs that may occur, or may be completely absent or go unnoticed.

A few days before important event A woman’s body undergoes a restructuring and her hormonal levels change. In this regard, a woman may notice a slight weight loss and a decrease in swelling. This way the body gets rid of excess fluid. In addition, over a few days, bowel movements may become more frequent, and even diarrhea may occur. This is also a natural cleansing of the body before childbirth.

An important precursor to labor is the release of the mucus plug. A plug is a protective barrier that protects the entrance to the cervix from the external environment, bacteria and fungi that inhabit the vagina. A woman may notice thick mucus discharge, ranging from clear to bloody. They cannot be confused with dangerous bleeding, since these are precisely clots of mucus. The plug may come off entirely, or it may come off gradually over a long period of time, up to two weeks. It is important to understand that after the plug comes out, the entrance to the cervix is ​​no longer protected, which means you should not visit the pool, take a bath, and it is advisable to stop having sex.

A drooping abdomen is another sign of impending labor. After the fundus of the uterus has sank, it becomes easier for the woman to breathe, but the urge to urinate becomes more frequent. It is difficult to focus on this phenomenon in a temporary sense, since for some the stomach drops 2 weeks before childbirth, and for others directly during the birth process.

If a woman notices any of the above symptoms, this is only a reminder and warning that labor will occur soon. None of these symptoms require seeing a doctor unless your general health worsens.

But there are two signals that indicate that you need to pack your things and go to the maternity hospital.

The first of these is the outpouring of water. Regardless of the stage of pregnancy and whether contractions have begun or not, if you find that your water has broken, you need to get to the maternity hospital within an hour or an hour and a half. It is impossible not to notice the passage of water. The amount of fluid after the rupture of the amniotic sac will be quite large. Don't be bothered by slightly damp underwear - this is a natural increase in mucus before childbirth.

True and training contractions

The most important sign of the onset of labor is contractions. Most women feel abdominal tension during the last months of pregnancy. The stomach seems to turn to stone, and a pulling sensation appears not only in the stomach itself, but also in the lower back. These sensations are similar to discomfort during menstruation.

There are so-called Braxton-Hicks training contractions. It is very easy to distinguish false contractions from true ones. They are not very painful, but that is not the main thing. True labor contractions are always regular, that is, they are repeated at certain intervals, which are gradually reduced. For example, abdominal tension occurs for 10 seconds every 12 minutes. At first, the interval between contractions is quite large, and their intensity and pain are very moderate. This allows you to calmly observe yourself and notice whether contractions are regular or not. The interval between false contractions is always different; in addition, they can subside and intensify depending on physical activity and body position. The real ones will grow regardless of your actions.

So, if you have decided that you have started having regular contractions, your emotional state will tell you when to go to the maternity hospital. You should go to the maternity hospital when you are no longer comfortable at home. But you should still wait at least 9 minutes between contractions, so as not to spend too much time waiting outside the house.

If this is not the first time giving birth

It is believed that the second and subsequent births are much faster than the first. In fact, this is not always the case. But a woman who is about to give birth for the second time can decide for herself when to go to the maternity hospital. She already knows what contractions are and how to count them. You just need to take into account that during the second birth, the rate of increase in labor activity, and, accordingly, the intensification and frequency of contractions usually occurs faster.

If the pregnancy proceeds with some peculiarities, planned hospitalization may be needed shortly before the expected date. The doctor can advise the patient about when to go to the hospital if she is breech. This may have to be done taking into account those very harbingers of childbirth. After all, only immediately before childbirth, the doctor usually makes a decision about how the birth will take place in a breech presentation - naturally or through a cesarean section.