Work program "development of cognitive abilities." Additional general education program "development of cognitive abilities" The effectiveness of the lesson cycle is assessed


The work program for extracurricular activities “Development of cognitive abilities” for grade 3 was developed on the basis of the author’s program “Development of cognitive abilities”, author O. Kholodova, 2009, the educational and methodological complex of the course “Development of cognitive abilities”:


Target: development of cognitive abilities of students based on the system

developmental activities.


1) development of thinking in the process of forming the basic techniques of thinking

activities: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, skill

highlight the main thing, prove and disprove, draw simple conclusions;

2) development of mental cognitive processes: various types of memory,

attention, visual perception, imagination;

3) development of language culture and formation of speech skills: clearly and clearly express

your thoughts, define concepts, draw conclusions, reasoned

prove your point of view;

4) formation of creative thinking skills and development of the ability to solve

non-standard tasks; 5) development of cognitive activity and independent mental activity


6) formation and development of communication skills: the ability to communicate and

interact in a team, work in pairs, groups, respect the opinions of others,

objectively evaluate your work and the activities of your classmates;

7) developing skills in applying acquired knowledge and skills in the process

studying school disciplines and in practical activities.

General characteristics.

The program is based on the principle of diversity of creative and search tasks. At the same time, the following two aspects of diversity are the main ones: in content and in complexity of tasks. Most of the time in class is occupied by children independently solving search problems. Thanks to this there appear good conditions to develop children’s independence in action and the ability to manage themselves in difficult situations. At each lesson, it is necessary to conduct a collective discussion of the solution to the problem.

a certain type. Thanks to this, children develop such an important quality

activities and behavior, such as awareness of one’s own actions, self-control, the ability to give an account of the steps taken when solving problems.

The program uses tasks of varying complexity, and weak children can feel

self-confidence, since tasks can be selected for them that they can

solve successfully. The classes are structured in such a way that one type of activity alternates

to others. This makes it possible to make children's work dynamic, rich and less tiring due to frequent switching from one type of activity to another.

This program creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests in children,

forms the child’s desire to think and search, gives him a feeling

confidence in one's abilities and in the capabilities of one's intellect. During classes, children develop developed forms of self-awareness and self-control, their fear of making wrong steps disappears, anxiety and unreasonable worry decrease. Students achieve significant success in their development, they learn a lot and apply these skills in educational work, which leads to success in school activities. This means that interest in learning arises.

This program makes an attempt to create a system of educational assignments and tasks,

aimed at developing cognitive processes in younger schoolchildren in order to

strengthening their mathematical development, which includes the ability to observe, compare, generalize, find patterns, making simple assumptions; check them, draw conclusions, illustrate them with examples.

Course content

The course structure is based on the principle of diversity of creative and search tasks. At

In this regard, the main two aspects of diversity are: in content and in

complexity of tasks.

Development of perception. Development of auditory and tactile sensations. Formation and

development of spatial concepts. Development of the ability to navigate in the space of a sheet. Development of phonemic hearing. Development of perception of time, speech, shape, color, movement. Formation of skills for correct and accurate perception of objects and phenomena.

Training exercises and didactic games on the development of perception and


Memory development. Memory diagnostics. Development of visual, auditory, figurative, semantic memory. Training exercises to develop accuracy and speed of memorization, increase memory capacity, and quality of material reproduction.

Development of attention. Diagnosis of voluntary attention. Training exercises to develop the ability to switch, distribute attention, increase volume

stability, concentration.

Development of thinking. Formation of the ability to find and highlight signs of different

objects, phenomena, recognize an object by its characteristics, give a description of objects, phenomena in accordance with their characteristics. Formation of the ability to highlight the main and essential, the ability to compare objects, highlight similarities and differences, identify patterns. Formation of basic mental operations: analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization, the ability to highlight the main and essential on the basis of developmental tasks and exercises, by solving logical problems and conducting didactic games.

Speech development. Development of stable speech, the ability to describe what was discovered with

using the senses. Enrichment and activation of students' vocabulary. Skill development

make up riddles, short stories-descriptions, compose fairy tales. Developing the ability to give simple definitions of concepts.

Description of the place of the course in extracurricular activities

The program is implemented within the framework of the social direction of extracurricular activities and on the basis of a program of spiritual and moral development and education, and is also aimed at the implementation of educational tasks.

Lesson planning is made for 34 working weeks at the rate of 1 hour per week (34 hours in total) for 45 minutes.

Value guidelines

The content of spiritual and moral development and education are values ​​stored in cultural, ethnic, family and other sociocultural traditions and passed on from generation to generation.

The traditional sources of morality are:

patriotism - love for the Motherland, one’s land, one’s people, service to the Fatherland;

social solidarity - personal and national freedom; respect and trust in people, institutions of the state and civil society; justice, equality, mercy, honor, dignity;

citizenship - duty to the Fatherland, rule of law, civil society, law and order, multicultural world, freedom of conscience and religion, concern for the welfare of society;

family - love and fidelity, care, help and support, equality, health, prosperity, respect for parents (caring for elders and younger ones, concern for procreation;

personality - self-development and improvement, the meaning of life, internal harmony, self-acceptance and self-respect, dignity, love of life and humanity, wisdom, the ability to make personal and moral choices;

labor and creativity - respect for work, creativity and creation, determination and perseverance, hard work;

the science - the value of knowledge, the desire for knowledge and truth, the scientific picture of the world;

traditional religions - ideas about faith, spirituality, religious life of a person, values religious worldview, tolerance, formed on the basis of interfaith dialogue;

art and literature - beauty, harmony, human spiritual world, moral choice, meaning of life, aesthetic development;

nature - evolution, native land, protected nature, planet Earth, environmental consciousness;

humanity - world peace, diversity and respect for cultures and peoples, human progress, international cooperation.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results

In the process of mastering the elective materials, the student gains knowledge about the nature of relationships with other people, which becomes a prerequisite for developing a friendly and caring attitude towards people, emotional responsiveness, empathy, sympathy, tolerance, and the formation of the moral consciousness of a primary school student.

Getting acquainted with the moral content of proverbs about goodness, work, learning, junior schoolchildren begin to understand basic humanistic values, the nature of relationships between people, the need for careful treatment of people and the objects of their labor. Discussion of fairy tales, their dramatization; discussion of works fiction- all this is aimed at educating the initial ethical ideas students (the concepts of good and evil, the meaning of “words of politeness”, rules of polite behavior and their motivation), the development of their emotional perception.

A system of questions and tasks, which is diagnostic in nature, allows you to solve problems of self-assessment and self-test, repeat, clarify and form initial moral ideas, introduce moral concepts (for example, “What is a good deed?”, “What moral choice did the hero make?”, “ What can you advise in this situation? How to change it?", "Does this happen in real life?").

To master meta-subject results (comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships), the course materials contain exercises that help to enhance the intellectual activity of students. They propose to establish the compliance of actions with moral rules; compare, compare heroes, their behavior; classify the material on different grounds (identify groups of proverbs on the topic - about kindness, hard work, attitude to study); compare illustrations with text to determine the emotional state of the characters.

In order to form communicative educational activities (conducting a dialogue, recognizing the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; expressing one’s opinion and arguing one’s point of view; respectful perception of other points of view), the lesson materials present tasks that form them. Thus, collective discussions are organized with students, questions of an “open” type are offered, for example: “Why?.. How?..”, which help children express their point of view, listen to the opinions of classmates, i.e. work collectively or in groups, pairs, as well as multiple choice tasks, alternative solution and etc.

Using fiction and working in the library helps students learn to use various ways searching for information in the library and the Internet. The topics of the assignments allow students to learn how to work in the library space in order to solve information and communication problems. By the 4th grade, students can navigate the school library quite well and find the necessary information on moral topics using various catalogs.


General educational abilities, skills and methods of activity

Cognitive aspect

Formation and development of various types of memory, attention, imagination.

Formation and development of general educational skills.

Formation of a general ability to search and find new solutions, unusual

ways to achieve the required result, new approaches to consideration

proposed situation.

Developmental aspect

Speech development.

Development of thinking in the course of mastering such techniques of mental activity as

ability to analyze, compare, synthesize, generalize, highlight the main thing,

prove and disprove.

Development of the sensory sphere.

Development of the motor sphere.

Educational aspect

Education of a moral system interpersonal relationships(form “I-


Basic principles of material distribution:

1) systematic – tasks are arranged in a certain order;

2) the “spiral” principle – tasks are repeated every 7 lessons;

3) the principle “from simple to complex” - tasks gradually become more complex;

4) increasing the volume of material;

5) increasing the pace of task completion;

6) shift different types activities.

Thus, the main goal of training is achieved - expanding the zone

immediate development of the child and its consistent transfer into

direct asset, that is, into the zone of current development.

Requirements for personal, meta-subject and subject results.

As a result of studying the program, students will have the opportunity to form:

Personal results:


Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of the teacher.


Learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

activities of comrades.

Cognitive UUD:

To navigate your knowledge system: to distinguish what is new from what is already known with

with the help of the teacher.

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result collaboration the whole class.


Communication UUD:


To assess the effectiveness of RPS classes, you can use the following:


on one's own;

an indirect indicator of the effectiveness of these classes may be an increase

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the program

The personal results of studying the course are the formation of the following skills:

Under the guidance of a teacher, identify and express the simplest things common to everyone

people rules of conduct when collaborating (ethical standards).

In situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on general

for all simple rules behavior, making choices, with the support of others

group members and teacher, what to do.

Meta-subject results of studying the course are the formation of the following

universal learning activities (UAL).

Regulatory UUD: Determine and formulate the goal of the activity with the help of the teacher.

Speak out the sequence of actions.

Learn to express your assumption (version) based on working with an illustration


Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

Learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

Learn together with the teacher and other students to give an emotional assessment

activities of comrades.

Cognitive UUD:

To navigate your knowledge system: to distinguish the new from the already known with

with the help of the teacher.

Make a preliminary selection of information sources: navigate

textbook (on the double page, in the table of contents, in the dictionary).

Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using a textbook, your

life experience and information received from the teacher.

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of joint

work of the whole class.

Process the information received: compare and group such

mathematical objects such as numbers, numerical expressions, equalities, inequalities,

flat geometric shapes.

Convert information from one form to another: create mathematical

stories and tasks based on simple mathematical models (subject,

drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams); find and formulate a solution to a problem

using the simplest models (subject, drawings, schematic drawings,


Communication UUD:

Communicate your position to others: express your thoughts verbally and in writing

speech (at the level of one sentence or small text).

Listen and understand the speech of others.

Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

Learn to perform different roles in a group (leader, performer, critic).

The objective results are the formation of the following skills.

describe the characteristics of objects and recognize objects by their characteristics;

highlight the essential features of objects;

compare objects and phenomena with each other;

generalize, draw simple conclusions;

classify phenomena, objects;

determine the sequence of events;

judge opposing phenomena;

give definitions to certain concepts;

determine the relationships between objects of the “genus” - “species” type;

identify functional relationships between concepts;

identify patterns and draw analogies.

Monitoring and evaluation of planned results

The study of the program is based on value guidelines, the achievement of which

determined by educational results. Educational results of extracurricular activities

activities are assessed at three levels.

The first level of results is the student’s acquisition of social knowledge (about

social norms, the structure of society, socially approved and disapproved forms of behavior in society, etc.), a primary understanding of social reality and

Everyday life. To achieve this level of results special meaning has the student’s interaction with his teachers as significant carriers of positive

social knowledge and everyday experience.

The second level of results is the student’s gaining experience and positive

attitude to the basic values ​​of society (person, family, Fatherland, nature, peace, knowledge, work, culture), value attitude to social reality as a whole.

To achieve this level of results, interaction is of particular importance

schoolchildren among themselves at the level of class, school, that is, in a protected, friendly

prosocial environment. It is in such a close social environment that the child receives (or does not receive) the first practical confirmation of acquired social knowledge,

begins to appreciate them (or rejects them).

The third level of results is the student’s gaining experience of independent

social action. Only in independent social action, action in

open society, outside the friendly environment of the school, for others, often

strangers who are not necessarily positively disposed towards him, young

a person actually becomes (and not just learns how to become) social

activist, citizen, free person. It is in the experience of independent

social action acquires that courage, that readiness to act, without which the existence of a citizen and civil society is unthinkable.

Final control in forms


Practical work;

Creative works of students;

Test tasks.

Self-esteem and self-control - determination by the student of the boundaries of his “knowledge -

ignorance”, their potential capabilities, as well as awareness of those problems

that have to be resolved during the implementation of the activity.

Content control and assessment of student results

involves identifying the individual dynamics of the quality of assimilation

subject and does not allow comparison with other children. results

checks are recorded on the teacher’s record sheet. Within the framework of the cumulative

systems, Portfolio creation.

To evaluate the effectiveness of classes, you can use the following indicators:

the degree of assistance that the teacher provides to students when completing tasks:

The less teacher help, the higher the independence of students and, consequently,

higher developmental effect of classes;

behavior of students in class: liveliness, activity, interest

schoolchildren are provided with positive results from their studies;

results of test tasks and tasks from the erudite competition, with

the implementation of which reveals whether students cope with these tasks

on one's own; an indirect indicator of the effectiveness of these classes may be an increase

progress in various school disciplines, as well as teachers’ observations of

the work of students in other lessons (increasing activity, performance,

attentiveness, improvement of mental activity).

Also an indicator of the effectiveness of classes in the RPS course is the data that the teacher entered into tables during the year of classes at the beginning and end of the year, tracing the dynamics of the development of children’s cognitive abilities.


The workbooks include specially selected non-standard tasks,

aimed at developing cognitive processes in younger schoolchildren. In progress

After completing each of them, almost all cognitive processes develop, but each

since the emphasis is on one of them. All tasks can be divided into

several groups:

tasks for the development of attention.

tasks for memory development.

tasks to improve imagination.

assignments for

Tasks for developing attention

The tasks of this group include various labyrinths and a number of games aimed at developing: children’s voluntary attention, attention span, its stability,

switching and distribution. Completing such tasks contributes to the formation

vital skills: to concentrate purposefully, to search for the right path, looking back, and sometimes going back, to find the shortest path, solving two-three-step problems.

Tasks that develop memory

The workbooks include exercises to improve auditory and visual

memory. By participating in games, schoolchildren learn to use their memory and apply

special techniques to make memorization easier. As a result, students comprehend and

retain various terms and definitions firmly in their memory. However, in children

The volume of visual and auditory memorization increases, semantic memory, perception and observation develop, and the foundation is laid for the rational use of energy and time.

Tasks for the development and improvement of imagination

The development of imagination is built mainly on material of a geometric nature:

completing drawing of simple compositions from geometric bodies or lines, not

depicting nothing specific, before any image;

choosing a figure the desired shape to restore the whole;

drawing unicursal figures (figures that must be drawn without tearing off

pencil from paper and without drawing the same line twice);

selection of a pair of identical figures of complex configuration;

isolating specified figures from the general pattern in order to identify hidden


dividing a figure into several given figures and constructing a given figure from

several parts that are selected from a variety of data;

folding and rearranging matches to form given shapes

Also included is work with isographs (words are written in letters, the location of which

resembles an image of the object in question) and numerographs (object

depicted using numbers).

Tasks that develop thinking

The priority area of ​​study in primary school is the development of thinking. For this purpose, the workbooks contain tasks that allow children to

material and on their life experience to build correct judgments and conduct evidence without prior theoretical mastery of the laws and rules themselves

logic. In the process of performing such exercises, children learn to compare different

objects, execute simple types analysis and synthesis, establish connections between concepts, learn to combine and plan. Also offered are tasks aimed at developing the skills to carry out algorithmic instructions.


for the teacher:

O. Kholodova To young clever people (computer science, logic, mathematics).

Toolkit for the teacher. - M.: ROST - book, 2011.

for students:

O. Kholodova To young clever people (computer science, logic, mathematics). Working

notebook in 2 parts. - M.: ROST - book, 2011.

Internet resources:


Thematic planning

Topic section



Memory development

Development of imagination

Development of perception

Development of attention

Development of thinking


Lesson planning




Identification of the level of development, attention, perception, imagination,

memory and thinking at the beginning of the school year.

Development of concentration. Solving logical problems.

Development of concentration.

ability to reason.

Visual memory training.

Logical tasks for the development of analytical abilities.


Development of spatial imagination. Working with matches.

Development of logical thinking. Logical development tasks

ability to reason.

analytical skills.

Attention training. Logical tasks to develop ability


Auditory memory training. Logical tasks to develop analytical skills

Search for patterns. Logical tasks for the development of analytical


Development of logical thinking.

Solving logical and creative search problems.

Development of concentration. Logical development tasks

ability to reason.

Attention training. Logical tasks for the development of analytical


Auditory memory training. Logical development tasks

ability to reason.

analytical skills.

Search for patterns. Logical tasks to develop ability


Development of spatial imagination. Working with matches

Development of logical thinking

Concentration training. Logical development tasks

analytical skills.

Attention training Logical tasks for the development of analytical skills


Auditory memory training. Logical development tasks

ability to reason.

Visual memory training. Logical development tasks

analytical skills.

Search for patterns.

Development of spatial imagination. Working with matches

Development of logical thinking.

Development of concentration. Logical development tasks

ability to reason and analyze.

Attention training. Logical tasks for the development of logical


Auditory memory training. Logical tasks to develop skills

reason and analyze

Visual memory training. Logical development tasks

analytical skills.

Search for patterns. Logical tasks to develop skills

reason and analyze.

Publication date: 18.10.2016

Short description:

material preview

Municipal educational institution of the city of Irkutsk

average comprehensive school № 16


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Deputy Director for HR

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"I affirm"

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Order No. ____________


Work program of the extracurricular activities course

"Development of students' cognitive abilities"

Direction of student’s personality development:

general intellectual

for students of _5-6_ grades

2016 - 2017 academic year

Compiled by:

Vildan-Bek Elena Viktorovna,

mathematic teacher

MBOU Irkutsk Secondary School No. 16

Explanatory note

Real working programm on extracurricular activities for grades 5-6 was compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FSES LLC), based on the author’s program by N.A. Krivolapova / Extracurricular activities. Program for developing students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades /N.A. Krivolapova. - M.: Education, 2012.

Program focus:

The course program is implemented within the framework of the general intellectual direction of extracurricular activities. The course program is aimed at developing universal (meta-subject) abilities, skills, and methods of activity that students must master, and at developing cognitive and creative abilities and interests. The program involves mastering methods of activity using the conceptual apparatus of mathematics.

Relevance: In modern conditions of expanding the scale of human activity and the gigantic growth of information, the requirements for cognitive activity and intellectual potential of the younger generation are significantly increasing. In the concept of modernization of education in the Russian Federation, the intellectualization of students is named as one of the priority areas. This is due to the fact that the intellectual potential of the population in any civilized society is the most important factor its progressive development. Capable and gifted individuals will increase Russia's human capital and serve its further prosperity. The problem of cognitive interest is one of the most pressing. Pedagogical science has proven the need for theoretical development of this problem and its implementation in teaching practice. The desire for knowledge, which (like any purely human need) is not an innate quality, not a natural gift, but the result of education (spontaneous, imperceptible or organized, obvious) - this desire for creativity can itself be turned into a means of pedagogical influence, in in particular, as a means of forming the cognitive interests of schoolchildren, as a means of forming the need to learn and gain knowledge.

Pedagogical feasibility: Purposeful formation of abilities presupposes deep knowledge of general and specific, age-related and individual patterns of development of a person’s intellectual abilities in the process of his life and professional growth. Psychology and pedagogy, science and practice have always sought ways and means to identify such patterns. However, this task is one of the most difficult. At different stages of age development, there is a qualitative difference in cognitive abilities. Moreover, the age-related and individual symptoms in a particular person may coincide, or may differ significantly. Therefore, to manage the process of formation of cognitive abilities, it is important to reveal their general, holistic functioning and to identify the specificity and originality of the development of individual components of cognitive abilities in age and individual terms. In accordance with the above, the following pedagogical principles were chosen:

humanization of education;

person-centered approach;

scientific character;


implementation of both a holistic and individual approach to educating the child’s personality;

correspondence of the content to the age characteristics of students.

Methods and forms of work:





The purpose of this program:

to form competence in the field of general intellectual activity, to create conditions for students to master methods of activity, which include general and special educational abilities and skills, and, thus, to make children active participants in the educational process, interested in full-fledged educational results.

Main goals:

    development of mental cognitive processes: thinking, perception, attention, memory, imagination in students on the basis of developmental subject-oriented training;

    formation of educational and intellectual skills, methods of mental activity, mastering rational ways of its implementation based on accounting individual characteristics students;

    formation of your own thinking style;

    the formation of educational and information skills and the development in practice of various techniques for working with various sources of information, the ability to structure information, transform it and present it in various forms;

    mastering creative techniques and methods for solving creative problems.

The program is designed for students in grades 5-6, has a practice-oriented nature, since 80% of the time is devoted to mastering techniques and methods of activity, and consists of the following blocks:

    development of intellectual skills

    learning to work with information

In the process of mastering the content of the program, its effectiveness is supposed to be checked using a diagnostic system: psychological and pedagogical tests, observation, and questioning.

Personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering extracurricular activities “Development of intellectual skills” The educational results of extracurricular general intellectual activities of schoolchildren are distributed at three levels:

1. Results of the first level (the student’s acquisition of social knowledge, understanding of social reality and everyday life): the student’s acquisition of knowledge necessary for a full-fledged daily life, successful socialization in society, knowledge about the rules of constructive group work, about methods of independent search, finding and processing information; about the rules for conducting research.

2. Results of the second level (formation of a positive attitude of the student towards the basic values ​​of our society and to social reality as a whole): development of the student’s value-based attitude towards the Fatherland, native nature and culture, work, knowledge.

3. Results of the third level (the student’s acquisition of experience in independent social action): the student’s acquisition of experience in public speaking, experience in self-organization and organization of joint project and research activities.

The educational result of a student’s participation in extracurricular activities should be spiritual acquisitions that will help him adapt to basic school and reveal his creative abilities. As a result of mastering the program of extracurricular activities “Development of intellectual skills”, the following results are formed: Personal:

Sustainable motivation for self-development and self-education, schoolchildren’s readiness and ability to learn;

Conscious, respectful and friendly attitude towards another person, his opinion, worldview;

Willingness and ability to conduct dialogue with other people and achieve mutual understanding;

Moral feelings and moral behavior, a conscious and responsible attitude towards one’s own actions

Sustained and broad interest in ways to solve cognitive problems. Metasubject:

the results should reflect:

The ability to independently determine the goals of one’s learning;

The ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, consciously choose the most effective ways to solve cognitive problems;

Possession of the basics of self-control and self-esteem;

The ability to define concepts, make generalizations, establish analogies, classify, establish cause and effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference, and draw conclusions;

The ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and diagrams to solve cognitive problems;

Meaningful reading;

The ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group; formulate, argue and defend your opinion;

The ability to consciously use verbal means in accordance with the communication task to express one’s thoughts and needs;

Formation and development of competence in the field of use of information and communication technologies;

Subject results:

must ensure successful learning at the next level of general education.

Distinctive features of the program from existing programs: During classes, the child develops developed forms of self-awareness, self-control, and self-esteem. Students’ anxiety and unreasonable worry decrease, they stop being afraid of incorrect answers, since there are no marks.

At each lesson, children independently solve search problems, after which a collective check of the solution is carried out, and a collective discussion of the solution to problems of a certain type is also held. The course uses tasks of varying difficulty, so children can feel confident in their abilities.

This course consists of a system of training exercises, special tasks, didactic and educational games. In my classes, I use entertaining and easy-to-understand tasks and exercises, tasks, questions, riddles, puzzles, and crosswords. Children often prepare entertaining tasks on their own, on their own initiative, which allows them to feel confident, develop curiosity, and broaden their horizons.

To implement the program, an educational and methodological complex has been prepared: course program / Extracurricular activities. Program for developing students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades /N.A. Krivolapova. - M.: Education, 2012 and a collection of tasks for working with students / Extracurricular activities. A collection of tasks for students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades. /ON THE. Krivolapova. - M.: Education, 2012.

Age of children participating in the program.

The program is intended for students aged 11 - 14 years old; children who have some gaps in their knowledge of mathematics are invited.

Timing of the program implementation.

The program is designed for students in grades 5-8.

Development of intellectual skills (grades 5-7) - 228 hours

learning to work with information (8th grade) - 76 hours.

Forms and mode of classes:

Forms of conducting classes are selected taking into account the goals and objectives, cognitive interests, and individual capabilities of students:

    educational game;

    educational game;

    thematic assignments for subgroups;

    practical lesson;

  • quiz;

participation in promotions.

Planned results.

As a result of studying the course, students should:

rules for constructing definitions and formulating conclusions;

rules of classification and comparison;

methods for solving creative problems: resolving contradictions, the method of contradiction, brainstorm, test questions, property transformation, morphological box;

ways of reading, structuring, processing and presenting educational information;

rules for searching information in the library, working with catalogues;

methods of planning and conducting observations and research;

rules for storing information, memorization techniques;

    analyze, compare, classify, generalize, systematize, highlight the main idea, abstract, formulate conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, identify patterns, draw conclusions;

    listen, master the techniques of rational memorization, work with sources of information (reading, note-taking, writing abstracts, bibliographic search, work with a reference book), present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical), transform from one type to another;

    carry out observations, measurements, plan and conduct experiments, experiments, research, analyze and summarize the results of observations, present the results of observations in various forms;

    master monologue and dialogic speech, retell the text read, draw up an outline of the text, convey what was read in a compressed or expanded form, draw up notes, theses, analyze the text from the point of view of the main features and styles, describe drawings, models, diagrams, compose a story using a map, diagram , models, ask direct questions and answer them;

    work with text information on a computer, perform operations with files and directories.

Forms for summing up the results of the program implementation

    diagnostic testing;

    final testing.

Educational and thematic planning

Section name

What is intelligence

Concept. Relationships between concepts: genus-species


Functional relationships between concepts

Comparison of concepts

Classification of concepts

Explanation of the meaning of words



Design on a plane and in space

Assessment of phenomena and events from different points of view

Method for solving inventive problems

Reading as a way to obtain information

Techniques for working with texts

Disadvantages of Traditional Reading

Differential reading algorithm

Methods for processing received information

Methods of presenting information in various forms

Working with spoken text

Bibliographic search


Logical and creative tasks


We develop logical thinking.

What is intelligence. The concept of intelligence, creativity. Gift and talent. Work. The importance of intelligence development. Different types of intelligence.

Diagnosis of intellectual development.

Concept. Relationships between concepts: genus-species.

Generalization of concepts. A more general and a more specific concept. Drawing up a logical chain: general - less general - particular (forward and backward). Choosing a more general concept for a given one. Generalization of pairs and groups of concepts. Limitation of concepts. Educational games.

Functional relationships between concepts.

Part - whole, sequence, juxtaposition, cause and effect. Establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Practical tasks.

Comparison of concepts.

Identifying similarities and differences. Opposite attitude. Concepts of the same order, opposite in meaning (antonyms). Synonyms. Homonyms. Identification of similarities and differences in essential characteristics. Main and secondary signs of phenomena. Recognition of objects by specified characteristics. Analogy. Ability to make analogies. Educational games.

Learning to think creatively.

Identification of essential features of concepts.

Generalization of concepts and formulation of definitions. Rules for drawing up definitions: concept: generalizing words (generic concept) + essential feature (specific difference). Practical tasks and educational games.

Comparison of concepts.

Identifying similarities and differences. Opposite attitude. Concepts of the same order, opposite in meaning (antonyms). Synonyms. Homonyms. Identification of similarities and differences in essential characteristics. Main and secondary signs of phenomena. Recognition of objects by specified characteristics. Educational games.

Classification of concepts.

Classification rules. The ability to classify concepts according to two and three criteria. Generalization of concepts. Selection of definitions for selected concepts. Educational games.

Explanation of the meaning of words.

Stable phrases that determine the meaning of sentences. Introducing stable grammatical combinations. Adding text. Understanding the content of the text. Semantic combinations. Complementing known phrases according to their meaning. The role of semantic combinations in the text. Practical tasks and educational games.


What is creativity? Methods for solving creative problems. From the lives of great people. Practical tasks and educational games.


What is imagination? Types of imagination. Recreation of images. Fantastic image. Associations. Techniques for developing imagination: puzzles on a plane, unfinished story, description of a picture, problems with matches, etc. Educational games.

Design on a plane and in space.

Tangram. Puzzles on a plane. Creation of figures according to given drawings. Diagnosis of spatial imagination. Construction in space. Creation of models of spatial figures. Practical tasks and educational games.

Assessment of phenomena and events from different points of view.

Formation of skills to ask questions, see the positive and negative sides of phenomena. Practical tasks and educational games.

Statement and resolution of problems.

Analysis of the problem situation. Methods for resolving problem situations: brainstorming, method of resolving contradictions. Brainstorming: history, main stages, rules of work. Method of resolving contradictions: the essence of the method, application to solving problem situations.

Methodological support

A course of developmental activities in extracurricular activities creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests in schoolchildren, forms the child’s desire to think and search, gives him a feeling of confidence in his abilities, in the capabilities of his intellect. During classes, children develop developed forms of self-awareness and self-control. Their fear of making wrong steps disappears, anxiety and unreasonable worry decrease.

The methodological features of the classes are as follows:

1. Methods and techniques for organizing students’ activities in classes for the development of cognitive abilities (CD) are more focused on strengthening independent practical and mental activity, developing control and self-control skills and cognitive activity, as well as other methods:

2. Reproductive: oral questioning, exercises for memorizing material, game.

3. Partial search: independent generalizations on specific issues, solving cognitive problems, drawing up a plan for independent work.

4. Problematic: performing logical operations, comprehending the material, drawing up a plan.

5. Research: awareness of the educational problem, independently putting forward a hypothesis for solving the problem, conducting an experiment, correlating the results obtained with the assumption made, generalizing on the problem as a whole.

Forms of classes should be varied: group, individual, frontal. Differentiation of students occurs both at the desire of the students to complete tasks of different levels of complexity, and at the discretion of the teacher, depending on the real capabilities of the students.

Each lesson is allocated 1 hour per week.

Technical training aids

    Multimedia computer

    Multimedia projector


    Hinged screen


For the teacher

    ON THE. Krivolapova. Extracurricular activities. A collection of tasks for developing students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades. - M.: Education, 2012

    Guzeev V.V. Students’ cognitive independence and development educational technology. - M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2004

    Tikhomirova L.F. Development of a student’s intellectual abilities: A popular guide for parents and teachers. - Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1996

For students

Educational and thematic planning


Man and his intellect

Diagnostic testing

Generalization and limitation of concepts

Identification of essential features

Generalization of concepts when constructing definitions

Relationships between concepts: juxtapositions, part - whole

Comparison of concepts. Establishing similarities and differences

Comparison of concepts. Opposite relationships

Establishing cause-and-effect relationships

Logic problems

Classification of concepts

Comparison of concepts. Analogy

Search for patterns

Identification of essential features of objects

Explanation of concepts depending on context

Final testing

Calendar and thematic planning

Comparison of concepts. Establishing similarities and differences.

Comparison of concepts. Opposite relationships.

Establishing cause and effect relationships

Logic problems

Logic problems

Classification of concepts.

Classification of concepts.

Classification of concepts.

Comparison of concepts. Analogy.

Comparison of concepts. Analogy.

Search for patterns

Search for patterns

Search for patterns

Search for patterns

Search for patterns

Identification of essential features

Explanation of concepts depending on the context.

Logic problems

Logic problems

Final testing. Competition.

Total hours

Section name, lesson topic


Diagnostic testing

Classification of concepts. Generalization and limitation of concepts

Comparison of concepts

Identification of essential features

Stable phrases that determine the meaning of sentences

Semantic phrases

Synonyms, antonyms

Creation. Methods for solving creative problems

Test question method

Assessment of phenomena and events from different points of view


Computer workshop

Design on a plane

Construction in space

Statement and resolution of problems

Resolving problem situations

Method of resolving contradictions

Final testing

Solving creative problems

Calendar-thematic planning

This work program for extracurricular activities for grades 5-8 is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FSES LLC), based on the author’s program by N.A. Krivolapova / Extracurricular activities. Program for developing students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades /N.A. Krivolapova. – M.: Education, 2012.

The course program is aimed at developing universal (meta-subject) abilities, skills, and methods of activity that students must master, and at developing cognitive and creative abilities and interests. The program involves mastering methods of activity on the conceptual apparatus of the academic subjects that the student is studying; classes are conducted in the form of subject-oriented training.

The purpose of this program:

to form competence in the field of general intellectual activity, to create conditions for students to master methods of activity, which include general and special educational abilities and skills, and, thus, to make children active participants in the educational process, interested in full-fledged educational results.



Work program for extracurricular activities for the development of cognitive abilities of students in grades 5-8

Compiled by: Safonova L.D.

Explanatory note

This work program for extracurricular activities for grades 5-8 is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FSES LLC),based on copyrightprograms N.A. Krivolapova / Extracurricular activities. Program for developing students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades /N.A. Krivolapova. – M.: Education, 2012.

The course program is aimed at developing universal (meta-subject) abilities, skills, and methods of activity that students must master, and at developing cognitive and creative abilities and interests. The program involves mastering methods of activity on the conceptual apparatus of the academic subjects that the student is studying; classes are conducted in the form of subject-oriented training.

The purpose of this program:

To form competence in the field of general intellectual activity, to create conditions for students to master methods of activity, which include general and special educational abilities and skills, and, thus, to make children active participants in the educational process, interested in full-fledged educational results.

Main goals :

  • development of mental cognitive processes: thinking, perception, attention, memory, imagination in students on the basis of developmental subject-oriented training;
  • formation of educational and intellectual skills, methods of mental activity, mastering rational ways of its implementation based on taking into account the individual characteristics of students;
  • formation of your own thinking style;
  • the formation of educational and information skills and the development in practice of various techniques for working with various sources of information, the ability to structure information, transform it and present it in various forms;
  • mastering creative techniques and methods for solving creative problems;

The program is designed for students in grades 5-8, has a practice-oriented nature, since 80% of the time is devoted to mastering techniques and methods of activity, and consists of the following blocks:

  • development of intellectual skills
  • learning to work with information

The logic of presentation and content of the author’s program fully complies with the requirements of the federal component state standard basic general education, changes were made to the program since the program is designed for 34 school weeks, and we have 35, then I added one hour for repetition: “Solving logical problems” in grades 5 and 6, “Solving creative problems” in 7th grade, “Computer workshop” in 8th grade.

In the process of mastering the content of the program, its effectiveness is supposed to be checked using a diagnostic system: psychological and pedagogical tests, observation, and questioning.

To implement the program, an educational and methodological complex has been prepared: course program / Extracurricular activities. Program for developing students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades /N.A. Krivolapova. – M.: Education, 2012 and a collection of tasks for working with students / Extracurricular activities. A collection of tasks for students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades. /ON THE. Krivolapova. – M.: Education, 2012.

Forms of conducting classes are selected taking into account the goals and objectives, cognitive interests, and individual capabilities of students:

  • educational game;
  • educational game;
  • thematic assignments for subgroups;
  • practical lesson;
  • conversation;
  • quiz;

participation in promotions.


  • diagnostic testing;
  • diagnostic training;
  • final testing.


Requirements for the level of preparation of students 2 years of study

Program sections

Expected results

Identification of essential features of concepts

Students know:

Rules for drawing up definitions: concept: generalization of words (generic concept) + essential feature (specific difference).

Students can:

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • development of ethical feelings;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Comparison understood

Students know:

Similarities and differences;

Concepts of the same order;

Antonyms, synonyms, homonyms;

Main and secondary signs of phenomena;


Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Classification of concepts

Students know:

Classification rules;

Rules for generalizing concepts.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Explanation of the meaning of words

Students know:

Set phrases;

Semantic combinations;

The role of semantic combinations in the text.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.



Students know:

Types of imagination:

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Work with a source of information (reading text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Students know:

Methods for solving them.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Students know:

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Work with a source of information (reading text);

Formulate conclusions;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Requirements for the level of preparation of students 3 years of study

Program sections

Expected results

Universal learning activities



Students know:

What is creativity, imagination;

Methods for solving creative problems;

Types of imagination:

Techniques for developing imagination.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Work with a source of information (reading text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously construct a speech utterance in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • choice the most effective way solving the problem;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to given criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one’s thoughts fully and accurately;
  • managing the partner’s actions (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate your actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • predicting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation towards their implementation;
  • focus on understanding the reasons for success in activity;
  • awareness of responsibility for general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • installation on healthy image life;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Design on a plane and space

Students know:

Concepts of tangrams, puzzles;

Methods for solving them.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Carry out observations and measurements;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Assessment of phenomena and events from different points of view. Statement and resolution of problems.

Students know:

Positive and negative aspects of phenomena;

Methods for resolving problem situations;

Methods for resolving contradictions.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Work with a source of information (reading text);

Highlight the main idea, abstract;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Method for solving inventive problems

Students know:

Method of control questions;

Synectics method;

Property conversion method.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Work with a source of information (reading text);

Highlight the main idea, abstract;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish cause-and-effect relationships;

Identify patterns;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

- master monologue and dialogic speech.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students of 4 years of study

Program sections

Expected results

Universal learning activities

Reading as a way to obtain information

Students know:

Types of reading;

Quick reading rules;

Reading a shortened string.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Build conclusions;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously construct a speech utterance in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • choosing the most effective way to solve the problem;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to given criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one’s thoughts fully and accurately;
  • managing the partner’s actions (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate your actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • predicting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation towards their implementation;
  • focus on understanding the reasons for success in activity;
  • awareness of responsibility for general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • setting for a healthy lifestyle;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Techniques for working with text.

Disadvantages of traditional reading.

Students know:

Hypertext presentation of information;

Method of thick and thin questions;

Reading with marks, reading with omissions;

Semantic guess method;

Integral reading algorithm;

Rules for highlighting keywords;

Highlighting the main meaning of text segments.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Retell the text read;

Convey what you read in a compressed or expanded form;

Make a plan for the text;

Build conclusions;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Methods for processing received information

Students know:

Concepts: plan, extract, quotes, theses, annotations, summary, abstract, review.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Retell the text read;

Convey what you read in a compressed or expanded form;

Make a plan for the text;

Write abstracts;

Present information in various forms;

Build conclusions;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Methods of presenting information in various forms

Students know:

Methods of presenting information: verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical, sign-symbolic;

Graphic methods;

Encoding and decoding of information.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Work with a source of information (reading text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

- draw up a text plan;

Present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical, symbolic);

Identify patterns;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.

Working with oral texts. Bibliographic search. References

Students know:

Rules of discussion;

Types of catalogs;

Rules for working with catalogs;

The role and purpose of directories;

Rules for working with reference literature.

Students can:

Analyze, compare, classify, summarize and systematize;

Work with a source of information (reading, bibliographic search, working with a reference book);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Build conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Possess monologue and dialogic speech.



  • ON THE. Krivolapova. Extracurricular activities. A collection of tasks for developing students' cognitive abilities. 5-8 grades. – M.: Education, 2012
  • Guzeev V.V. Cognitive independence of students and the development of educational technology. – M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2004
  • Tikhomirova L.F. Development of the student’s intellectual abilities:A popular guide for parents and teachers.– Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development”, 1996

Technical training aids

  • Multimedia computer
  • Multimedia projector
  • Telecommunications
  • Hinged screen

Planned results

Expected results

Universal learning activities

  • analyze, compare, classify, generalize, systematize, highlight the main idea, abstract, formulate conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, identify patterns, draw conclusions;
  • listen, master the techniques of rational memorization, work with sources of information (reading, note-taking, writing abstracts, bibliographic search, working with a reference book), present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical), transform from one type to another ;
  • conduct observations, measurements, plan and conduct experiments, experiments, research, analyze and summarize the results of observations, present the results of observations in various forms;
  • master monologue and dialogic speech, draw up an outline of the text, convey what has been read and condensed or expanded form, draw up notes, theses, analyze the text from the point of view of basic features and styles, describe drawings, models, diagrams, compose a story based on carriages, diagrams, models, assign direct questions and answer them;
  • work with text information on a computer, perform operations with files and directories.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously construct a speech utterance in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • choosing the most effective way to solve the problem;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish cause-and-effect relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to given criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one’s thoughts fully and accurately;
  • managing the partner’s actions (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate your actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • predicting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral standards and orientation towards their implementation;
  • focus on understanding the reasons for success in activity;
  • awareness of responsibility for general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • setting for a healthy lifestyle;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination.


As a result of studying the course, students should:


  • rules for constructing definitions and formulating conclusions;
  • rules of classification and comparison;
  • methods for solving creative problems: resolving contradictions, the method of contradiction, control questions, transformation of properties;
  • ways of reading, structuring, processing and presenting educational information;
  • rules for searching information in the library, working with catalogues;
  • methods of planning and conducting observations and research;
  • rules for storing information, memorization techniques;

be able to:

  • analyze, compare, classify, generalize, systematize, highlight the main idea, abstract, formulate conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, identify patterns, draw conclusions;
  • listen, master the techniques of rational memorization, work with sources of information (reading, note-taking, writing abstracts, bibliographic search, working with a reference book), present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphical, schematic, analytical), convert from one type to another ;
  • carry out observations, measurements, plan and conduct experiments, experiments, research, analyze and summarize the results of observations, present the results of observations in various forms;
  • master monologue and dialogic speech, retell the text read, draw up an outline of the text, convey what was read in a compressed or expanded form, describe drawings, models, diagrams, ask direct questions and answer them.

The main feature of the European region and the activity of the “third sector” - NGOs - in it is, first of all, its history, which provided the theoretical and then practical basis for the foundations of a democratic society in action. The emergence of the third sector in Europe is closely related to theoretical philosophical models of civil society. The formation of the definition of civil society, its potential and functions, largely predetermined the functions of the third sector in it.

Considering the main trends in the formation of the philosophy of civil society in Europe, we can highlight the following authors, for whom the concept of civil society was determined by slightly different components. Thus, G. Hegel singled out in civil society, first of all, its moral qualities, and considered its main function to be the basis of the moral character of the government and the state as a whole. For K. Marx, civil society formed the basis of support for the bourgeoisie. In the definition of A. Gramsky Antonio Gramsci, civil society is the “ethical content of the state”, the arena for the protection of societies against the market and the state. 1 By contrasting the state and society with each other, he to some extent fostered mutual distrust, especially among society and political parties towards each other.

Explanatory note

This work program is based on the author’s program by M.M. Bezrukikh, T.A. Filippova “Steps to school” and the author’s program A.S. Sirotyuk “Program of neuropsychological development and correction of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” and in accordance with the basic requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool and primary education.

The program is designed for 2 years of study. The lesson is held once a week. 26 lessons per year. Class duration is 25 minutes.

Purpose of this course:

  • development of students’ cognitive abilities based on a system of developmental activities.

Main objectives of the course:

  • development of thinking in the process of forming the basic techniques of mental activity: analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, the ability to highlight the main thing, prove and disprove, draw simple conclusions;
  • formation of voluntary behavior skills;
  • development of mental cognitive processes: various types of memory, attention, visual perception, imagination;
  • development of language culture and the formation of speech skills: clearly and clearly express your thoughts, define concepts, draw conclusions, argue your point of view;
  • formation of creative thinking skills and development of the ability to solve non-standard problems;
  • development of cognitive activity and independent mental activity of students;
  • formation and development of communication skills: the ability to communicate and interact in a team, work in pairs, groups, respect the opinions of others, objectively evaluate one’s work and the activities of comrades;
  • developing skills in applying acquired knowledge and skills in the process of studying school disciplines and in practical activities.

Planned learning outcomes of the course

Universal educational activities provide the stages of mastering educational content and the formation of the student’s psychological abilities.

As a result of studying the course, students will have the opportunity to form:

Personal results:

Determine and express, under the guidance of a teacher, the simplest rules of behavior in cooperation common to all people (ethical standards).

In situations of communication and cooperation proposed by the teacher, based on simple rules of behavior common to everyone, make a choice, with the support of other group members and the teacher, what to do.

Meta-subject results:

Regulatory UUD:

Determine and formulate the purpose of the activity with the help of a teacher;

Speak out the sequence of actions;

Learn to express your assumption (version) based on work with illustrations in the workbook;

Learn to work according to the plan proposed by the teacher;

Learn to distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one;

Learn, together with the teacher and other children, to give an emotional assessment of the activities of comrades.

Cognitive UUD:

Find your bearings in your knowledge system: distinguish the new from the already known with the help of a teacher;

Gain new knowledge: find answers to questions using information received from the teacher;

Process the information received: draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the entire group;

Find and formulate a solution to a problem using the simplest models (subject models, drawings, schematic drawings, diagrams).

Communication UUD:

Convey your position to others: express your thoughts in oral speech;

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them;

Learn to perform different roles in a group (leader, performer, critic).

Subject results:

By the end of the training program “Development of Cognitive Abilities” (6-7 years), children are expected to advance in social, personal, general development, improve the organization of activities, develop cognitive processes, communication skills and creative abilities. At the same time, children develop the following basic skills:

1) The ability to communicate with other adults and peers, knowing the basic rules of communication and behavior.

2) The ability to manage your behavior.

3) The ability to adapt to a new environment.

4) The ability to work independently without reinforcement by a play motive.

5) The ability to fairly objectively evaluate the result of your work
6) Ability to independently find and correct errors.

7) The ability to perceive instructions and, according to the instructions, complete the task to the end in accordance with the set goal and objectives without repeated instructions.

8) Ability to plan your activities.

9) The ability to concentrate, without distractions, complete a task within 10-15 minutes.

10) The ability to switch from one type of activity to another without being distracted by external stimuli.

11) The ability to mechanically memorize 5-6 unrelated words with 3-4 repetitions, 8-10 words when memorization is supported by visual or verbal images.

12) The ability to apply logical memorization (grouping by meaning).

13) The ability to systematize, classify and group processes, phenomena, objects.

14) Ability to analyze simple cause-and-effect relationships.

15) The ability to perceive any new information.

16) The ability to distinguish the spatial arrangement of figures, parts in space and on a plane.

17) The ability to classify objects and figures by shape and size.

18) The ability to mentally find a part of a whole figure and complete it according to the diagram.

19) The ability to maintain interest in various activities.

20) The ability to show perseverance when overcoming difficulties

"Development of cognitive abilities"

Personal-motivational block.

Formation of the motive for educational activities. Formation of social, cognitive, evaluative, positive motives.

Development of the motive of personal achievements, recognition, self-affirmation.

Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with adults and peers.

Organization of activities. Arbitrariness.

Development of the ability to perceive instructions. Carrying out tasks according to instructions in accordance with the set goal and objectives.

Activity planning. Ability to complete a task.

Assessing the quality of work. Independently find and correct errors.

Cognitive processes.

Development of basic types of perception, assimilation of sensory standards: color, shape, size.

Formation of perceptual actions: equating to a standard, modeling. Development of time perception, visuospatial perception and hand-eye coordination.

Development of different types and types of memory.

Visual-figurative memory: remembering color, sound, image of individual specific objects.

Development of emotional, motor and verbal-logical memory.

Formation of the ability to directly (mechanically) memorize several unrelated words with 3-4 repetitions.

Arbitrary memorization of words when memorization is reinforced with visual or verbal images.

Mastering the techniques of logical memorization (grouping and correlation by meaning).

Development of types and properties of attention.

Increasing the level of development of voluntary attention. Increasing the volume and stability of attention. Developing the ability to switch from one type of activity to another.

Development of forms of mental activity.

Expanding the volume and deepening the clarity and clarity of knowledge about the world around us, ourselves, everyday life, life.

Development of visual-effective, visual-figurative, visual-schematic, verbal-logical (conceptual) thinking.

Formation of the ability to systematize and classify (finding what is common and different in objects, phenomena, processes). Analysis of simple cause-and-effect relationships. Activation of perception of new information.

Development of the ability to express one’s own elementary judgment, draw a simple logical conclusion, continue verbal reasoning or figurative action.

Speech development.

Development of free communication with adults and peers (the ability to ask a question, answer a question, express one’s thoughts).

Increasing the volume of simple and complex sentences, increasing the number of generalizing words. Use of explanatory speech. Formation of internal speech to ensure planning function.

Neuropsychological correction.

Stretch marks.

Breathing exercises.

Oculomotor exercises.

Exercises for the tongue and jaw.

Cross body exercises.

Exercises for fine motor skills of the hands.

Exercises for relaxation and visualization.

Functional exercises.

Exercises for the development of communication and cognitive spheres.

Exercises with rules.

The effectiveness of the training cycle is assessed:

1) based on the results of the final psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students;

2) according to feedback from the students themselves, a desire to continue cooperation;

3) according to the observations of a psychologist and subject teachers.

Thematic planning for the course

"Development of cognitive abilities"

1 lesson per week, total 26 lessons during the training period

Lesson number


Number of lessons

Formation of methods of educational activities.

Formation of the ability to act according to the rule and different types

control and evaluation actions: planning, intermediate and final types of self-control.

Formation of self-control techniques.

Increasing the level of arbitrariness.

1. Suspension stretch.
2. Breathing exercise.

“Frog”, “Snakes”, “Ear massage”, “Castle”, “Lezginka”, “Locomotive”, “Drawing Elephant”.
Complication - exercises are performed with eyes closed.
5. Functional exercise “Who flies?” Goal: development of concentration.
6. Cognitive exercise "Visualization of movements."
7. Communication exercise"Centipede".
Goal: developing skills for interacting with peers
8. Communicative exercise with rules “Confusion”.
9. Relaxation "Magic carpet".

Development of perception and orientation in space.

Practicing the concepts of “right” and “left”.

Performing exercises to master spatial relationships.

Recognizing an object by its outline and details

1. Stretch "Snowman". 2. Breathing exercise.
3. Oculomotor exercise

4.Exercises for developing fine motor skills:
“Frog”, “Snakes”, “Castle”, “Lezginka”, “Locomotive”, “Drawing Elephant”, “Owl”.
Complication - exercises are performed with the tongue lightly bitten and eyes closed.

5. Functional exercise “What can you hear?”
Goal: development of concentration. 6. Cognitive exercise "Visualization of the Wizard."
7. Functional exercise "Chopping wood".
Goal: elimination of aggression.
8. Communicative exercise "Car".
9. Relaxation "Swinging tree".

Development of attention.

Exercises aimed at increasing the volume and level of distribution of attention.

Exercises aimed at enhancing concentration and stability of attention.

1. “Cat” stretch.

2. Breathing exercise.
3. Oculomotor exercise.
4. Exercises for developing fine motor skills:
“Frog”, “Snakes”, “Castle”, “Lezginka”, “Ear massage”, “Locomotive”, “Drawing elephant”, “Owl”.
Complication - for every movement of a finger or hand, the child must say “hwe” out loud. 5. Functional exercise "Counting and mumbling." Goal: development of concentration. 6.Communicative exercise with the rules “Animals”.7. Functional exercise "Tuh-tibi-duh".
8. Functional exercise “Dancing-opposites”.
Goal: elimination of aggression and impulsivity.
9. Relaxation "Sea".

Memory development.

Exercises for the development of visual, auditory, emotional, semantic memory.

1. “Half” stretch.
2. Breathing exercise.
3. Oculomotor exercise.
4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands: “Frog”, “Snakes”, “Castle” “Lezginka”.
Complication - for each movement of a finger or hand, the child must pronounce “hwe” and “fi,” alternating them. “Ear massage”, “Locomotive”, “Drawing elephant”, “Owl”.

5. Cognitive exercise "Visualization of a waterfall."
6. Communicative exercise with the rules of “Bragging”.
7. Functional exercise “Naughty girls”.
Goal: development of motor control, elimination of impulsivity.

8. Communicative exercise "Compass".
Goal: eliminating impulsivity and developing skills for interacting with peers. 9. Relaxation "Sailboat".

Development of thinking.

Exercises aimed at developing visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical (conceptual) thinking.

1. Stretching “Rays”. 2. Breathing exercise. 3. Oculomotor exercise.4. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills: “Frog”, “Snakes”, “Castle”, “Lezginka”, “Ear massage”, “Locomotive”, “Drawing Elephant”, “Owl”.
Complication - for each movement of a finger or hand, the child must pronounce “hwe” and “fi,” alternating them. 5. Functional exercise "Chicks".
Goal: development of concentration and collaboration skills. Participants sit in a circle.
6. Cognitive exercise "Visualization of the magic eight."
7. Cognitive exercise “Encrypted sentence”.
Goal: formation of voluntariness, auditory-verbal memory and interhemispheric interaction. 8. Communicative exercise with the rules “Prince on tiptoe.”
9. Relaxation “We stretched and broke.”

Speech development.

Increase vocabulary. Development of explanatory speech.

Formation of inner speech.

1. Star stretch.2. Breathing exercise "Cleansing Breath".3. Oculomotor exercise.4. Exercises to develop fine motor skills of the hands. 5.Cognitive exercise "Pointeism".
Goal: formation of tactile sensations, elimination of aggression. 6.Communicative exercise “Bridge of Friendship”. 7.Communicative exercise “Blooming Bud”. Goal: development of skills of joint activity and motor control, elimination of impulsivity. 8. Relaxation "Rostock".

Educational, methodological, material and technical support of the educational process

1. Bezrukikh M.M. “Development of cognitive abilities in older children preschool age" M., 2014

  1. Filippova T.A. "Steps to school." M., 2014
  2. Sirotyuk A.L. “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” M., 2005.
  3. Panfilova M.A. “Game therapy of communication” M., 2008
  4. Golub V.T. “Graphic dictations” M. 2006
  5. Arkhipova I.A. “Preparing a child for school” Ekaterinburg, 2006
  6. Agafonova I.N. Express diagnostics of school readiness St. Petersburg 1997

8. Dubrovina I.V. I work as a psychologist... M., 1999.

9.Konovalenko S.V. Development of cognitive activity in children from 6 to 9 years old. M., 2000.

10. Matveeva L.G. Practical psychology for parents, or what I can learn about my child. M., 1999.

11. Savina L.I. Finger gymnastics. - M., 1999

12. Sirotyuk A.L. Teaching children taking into account psychophysiology.-M., 2000..

13. Sirotyuk A.L. Correction of the development of intelligence in preschool children. - M.: TC Sfera, 2002

To successfully implement this program it is necessary:

  1. Classroom for classes with children.
  2. Dance hall.
  3. Educational board.
  4. Carpet covering.
  5. Workbooks.
  6. Sets of simple and colored pencils, eraser.
  7. Demonstration and handout material from the Game “Fun in Pictures” series:

Lotto games “Logic”, “Find and read”, “Where did I see this?”, “Select by color and shape”, “Right - left”, “Children about time”, “What are we made of?”, “ Same - different”, “Objects from plots”, “Logical tables”, “What is a day like?”;

Test tasks to test knowledge of “Thinking”, “Attention”, “Memory”;

Educational games “Objects and contours”, “Find the difference”, “Mittens”, “Rebuses”, “Decipher the words”, “Opposites”, “Put in the basket”, “Choose a picture”, “Find the odd one out”, “Stories in in pictures, the first unnecessary check of knowledge is necessary; it is also necessary to compare; their relations of educational actions (), “What did the artist mix up?”, “Picture in picture.”