Candles for the treatment and prevention of thrush. Effective suppositories against thrush. The best inexpensive candles for thrush

Unpleasant manifestations of candidiasis can cause a lot of discomfort and significantly reduce the quality Everyday life. What is even more dangerous - untreated thrush in time can cause the development of serious complications in the female genital area, up to infertility and oncological diseases. Fortunately, cheap and effective candles for thrush for women make it possible to quickly solve the problem and forget about itching and yellow discharge for a long time.

When treating vaginal candidiasis, doctors recommend adhering to an integrated approach - eliminating negative factors, suppressing the development of the Candida fungus and taking care of the colonization of the vagina with “beneficial” microorganisms. And it is the use of candles that is effective way treatment, since suppositories simultaneously destroy pathogenic fungi and restore normal microflora.

Using suppositories from thrush: advantages and disadvantages

Arguments in favor include:

  • quick effect due to the fact that the action of the drug occurs precisely in the area of ​​​​active reproduction of fungi;
  • the shortest duration of recovery (from 1 day);
  • low likelihood of adverse reactions when using topical preparations;
  • during pregnancy, thrush can be eliminated only through the use ofsuppositories oral administration of drugs is prohibited.

As for the shortcomings of local treatment, we are primarily talking about domestic discomfort: candles stain underwear, and during their use you have to limit intimate life. In addition, it will not be possible to get rid of chronic forms of the disease solely due to suppositories.

Tablets and suppositories for candidiasis will have to be used in combination, and the course of treatment will take place at least twice.

The price of the drug: does it make sense to overpay?

The therapeutic effect of the use of suppositories for thrush in women is ensured by the action of active components. As a rule, these are substances of the imidazole series:

  • clotrimazole (used in the preparations Candizol, Clotrimazole, Antifungol, etc.);
  • ketocanazole (the main active ingredient of Livarol);
  • nystatin (suppositories Nystatin);
  • natamycin (added to Pimafucin and Primafungin) and other substances.

In some products, the active ingredient is povidone-iodine, iodine oxide or dequalinium chloride.

Both expensive and more affordable remedies for thrush can have absolutely identical composition and at the same time be sold under different brands. The ideal option is if the drug is selected individually, based on the results of the analysis of a smear from the vagina.

TOP-5 budget and effective candles for thrush

Clotrimazole and Candide B6 (active ingredient clotimazole)

Clotrimazole inexpensive vaginal suppositories for thrush - a pack of 6 suppositories will cost 50-80 rubles. In most cases, the effect of the drug is observed almost immediately, and full course treatment is 6 days with daily use of 1 remedy.

Clotrimazole should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. Side effects are quite rare and can manifest themselves as abdominal pain, itching, burning, increased frequency of urination, pain during intercourse and headache.

Nystatin (active ingredient nystatin)

The cost of a package of 10 candles is from 88 rubles. The drug has much more expensive analogues - Terzhinan and Polizhinaks at a price of 388-670 rubles. for packing. The use of suppositories is indicated, including in chronic forms of thrush, since the drug is not addictive. It is necessary to enter into the vagina twice a day for 10-14 days.

The disadvantages of Nistanin include:

  • inconvenient application scheme,
  • duration of treatment
  • high risk of developing dysbacteriosis,
  • inability to use during pregnancy,
  • The most common adverse reactions are: upset stool, abdominal pain, vomiting, chills.

Klion D vaginal tablets (active substance metranidazole + miconazole)

A pack of 10 products will cost 367 rubles. Candles Metromicon-Neo - a cheap analogue of the drug with miconazole, 14 suppositories will cost 360 rubles. More expensive products with the same active ingredient - Neo-Penotran, cost from 747 rubles. for packing.

Klion D provides a quick effect(for 6-7 days of use), has a wide range of effects and effectively helps even with recurrent forms of thrush. The use of vaginal tablets cannot be combined with the intake of alcohol due to the content of the antibiotic (metronidazole). In rare cases, treatment of thrush with suppositories and tablets Klion D may be accompanied by side effects: diarrhea, itching, nausea. The drug is not used for herpes, diabetes and liver diseases, during lactation and pregnancy.

Livarol (active ingredient ketoconazole)

A pack of 5 candles will cost 489 rubles. A noticeable improvement in the condition is already provided by 1 suppository, and a course of 3-5 is sufficient to get rid of advanced forms of the disease. Multiple courses of treatment with Livarol are not recommended, since in the case of prolonged or frequent use, the pathogen develops resistance to ketoconazole.

The drug practically does not create side effects, in rare cases, the development of allergic reactions in the form of urticaria or itching is possible.

Livarol must be abandoned in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, and in the 2nd-3rd trimesters it is permissible to use them with caution (undergo tests and consult a doctor).

Synthomycin (active ingredient chloramphenicol)

The drug has a very affordable price (on average, about 50 rubles for 10 pcs.). Another important advantage is the slow development of fungal resistance to the action of the active ingredient. It is recommended to use 2-3 suppositories during the day for 8-10 days.

Given the many constraints and significant side effects, it is advisable to use antifungal suppositories from thrush of this particular type only as directed by a doctor, subject to constant monitoring of the composition of peripheral blood.

Synthomycin is contraindicated in pregnant women, during lactation, girls before the onset of sexual activity, as well as with problems with bone marrow hematopoiesis, liver and kidney failure. Taking the medicine may be accompanied by adverse reactions in the form of dysbacteriosis, dyspepsia, the development of a secondary fungal infection, itching and hyperemia of the mucous membranes, and allergic reactions.

An important nuance: Synthomycin can disrupt attention and reaction speed, as a result of which it is not recommended to use it when driving complex mechanisms and driving a car. A significant disadvantage of suppositories is also a small spectrum of action (synthomycin does not affect the reproduction of protozoa and acid-resistant bacteria).


In some cases, instead of products with components of the imidazole series, it makes sense to chooseinexpensive candles from thrush with iodine. Within 290-380 rubles. per package will cost Betadine and Yodoxide. Such funds are used in the complex treatment of vaginosis, and can also be used during critical days at a dosage prescribed by a doctor on an individual basis.

Candles with iodine can not be used with individual intolerance to the components, during pregnancy and lactation.

Under the ban, drugs are also used in women with thyroid diseases and kidney failure. The course lasts a week, and it is recommended to use 2 suppositories daily.

What to use for pregnant women?

The development of thrush during pregnancy is often due to a deterioration in immunity caused by physiological factors. It is especially important to choose good suppositories for thrush for pregnant women in the first 3 months of gestation. During this period, it is permissible to use only 2 types of drugs.

Pimafucin (active ingredient natamycin)

A package of 3 suppositories will cost 282, of 6 - 489 rubles. The only contraindication is individual sensitivity to the components of the drug. During the use of the product, a slight burning sensation or itching in the vagina is possible.

Primafungin (active ingredient natamycin)

The purchase of three suppositories will cost 212 rubles. They are considered one of the most effective suppositories for thrush with a wide spectrum of action and minimal adverse reactions (in rare cases, itching or burning may occur). Resistance to the effects of this agent is practically not found.

Starting from the second trimester in women, it is permissible to use Clotrimazole and Nystatin (as well as their analogues, in which the same components act as active ingredients).

Application features

All suppositories are administered intravaginally, however, some products must be moistened with water before insertion into the vagina. The ideal option is to use them at night, placing the suppository as deep as possible into the vagina. It is recommended to use a sanitary napkin so that the resulting residue of the drug does not stain the underwear.

Before the introduction of the suppository, as well as in the morning, it is important to wash warm water. Do not use suppositories for thrush of this type (with an antibiotic) if the treatment does not work, or the use of the drug is accompanied by allergic reactions, itching, swelling of the labia.

Prevention of relapse in women

In 30-40% of cases of passing the full course of getting rid of the fungus, it is not possible to completely recover from unpleasant symptoms. In this case, the only way to solve the problem is to carry out a set of preventive measures.

  • Consult with a qualified therapist and undergo a comprehensive examination of the body - a tendency to a fungal infection can be triggered by the presence of chronic diseases of the internal organs, which significantly weaken the immune system.
  • Undergo a second course of treatment at the same time as a sexual partner and continue to use barrier contraceptives.
  • Adjust the diet - dairy products, sources of omega-3 fatty acids, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C should be present on the table daily.

In some cases, the lack of effect of treatment is caused by the use of an antimycotic drug, to which Candida fungi have developed resistance. In this case, only a doctor will be able to correct the recovery and select the best suppositories for the prevention of thrush. .

In any case, before starting the treatment of candidiasis, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, since other STDs may be accompanied by similar symptoms.

To solve the problem of thrush in as soon as possible it is important to approach the issue comprehensively and in a timely manner. The modern pharmaceutical market presents a wide range of drugs that help to quickly and effectively fight the disease.

The modern pharmacological market is ready to provide a wide range of drugs to combat thrush in women: from tablets and suppositories to inexpensive but effective ointments and creams for candidiasis

Useful site article: Thrush. The treatment is fast and effective. Medications.


It is produced in the form of capsules, the main active ingredient of which is fluconazole, which prevents the growth of Candida fungi. The medicine is taken once at a dosage of 150 mg. As a prophylaxis and prevention of relapse after three days, drink another capsule.

You can take the drug regardless of the time of day and food intake.

The main limitation to the use is personal intolerance to the components of the drug.. Also contraindications include the use of:

  • Children under 3 years old;
  • Women during breastfeeding;
  • Women with lactase deficiency.

Treatment with Diflucan during pregnancy is possible only on the recommendation of a gynecologist.

The price of this drug is from 180 rubles. for 1 capsule.


The drug is made in the form of suppositories, creams and tablets. An antibiotic with a wide range of action that does not have a destructive effect on other systems and organs of the body. The active ingredient is natamycin.

Candles are applied once a day, at night. The duration of the course is 1 week. With the spread of thrush to the external genital organs, experts recommend the use of a cream.

A drug stands out with low toxicity and high tolerability, therefore approved for use by pregnant women and women during lactation.

Pimafucin is one of the few drugs that are approved and successfully used to treat thrush in women during pregnancy.

With little effectiveness from the use of suppositories, therapy is supplemented by taking tablets 1x4 times a day. A contraindication is intolerance to the components of pimafucin.

The price of vaginal suppositories ranges from 200 to 500, cream from 180, tablets from 220 rubles.


The drug is produced in tablets, solutions for internal use, creams and ointments for external processing. The tablet is inserted into the vagina, and its vestibule is lubricated with a thin layer of cream or ointment twice a day. The duration of therapy is 3-4 weeks.

Candles Clotrimazole are very popular among women who treat thrush. The drug is very effective and affordable.
  • Predisposition to uterine bleeding;
  • Difficulty urinating;
  • Ulcers and open wounds of the mucous membranes of the external genital organs.

The price of Clotrimazole tablets starts from 52 rubles, ointment from 25 rubles, cream from 80 rubles, solution from 190 rubles. The price depends on the manufacturer.


Vaginal suppositories with the active ingredient ketoconazole. Candles for thrush in women - inexpensive and effective. During treatment acute forms thrush - 1 suppository at night, for 5 days.

With relapses and chronic course of the disease - 1 suppository every 24 hours / 10 days. Livarol is prohibited for use on early dates pregnancy, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, damage to the vaginal mucosa.

Packing cost: 5 pcs. - 370-465 rubles, 10 pcs. - 570-640 rubles.

Useful site article: Levomekol. What is the ointment used for, instructions, price, analogues, reviews


Produced in the form of suppositories, solution and gel. The active active ingredient is chlorhexidine digluconate. Candles are inserted into the vagina 2 p. per day - 10 -12 days. As a prophylaxis, the course is repeated in a month.

The gel is applied to areas damaged by thrush twice a day for 9 to 11 days. The duration of treatment depends on the overall clinical picture. The solution is applied externally. It is applied to damaged areas in a thin layer with a swab or by irrigation, for 2-3 minutes, 3 times a day.

A contraindication to the use of Hexicon is sensitivity to its components.. The solution is used with caution in the manifestations of dermatitis.

Hexicon - suppositories for thrush in women are inexpensive, but time-tested. Many gynecologists advise patients to choose this drug.

The price of 10 suppositories ranges from 240 - 260 rubles, solution - 100 - 130 rubles, gel - 200 - 300 rubles.


Available in capsules, the active ingredient of which is fluconazole. Mycosist is taken once. The 150 mg capsule is washed down with a small amount of liquid. With repeated relapses, it is recommended to take a capsule once every 30 days, for 4-6 months until a stable remission.

The drug is contraindicated in people with intolerance to the individual components of the drug, lactating women. Carefully! Co-administration with terfenadine and astemizole is prohibited.

Treatment with Mycosyst is limited during pregnancy and in conjunction with drugs that break down in the liver with the help of enzymes, the activity of which can be changed by the use of Mycosyst. The average price of the drug for 1 capsule is 570 rubles.

Epigen - intimacy

Immunostimulating and antiviral spray epigen is an effective means of combating candidiasis. The main substance is activated gylicyrrhizic acid, which also contributes to the regeneration of the mucous membranes of the genital organs.

For external use, the spray is sprayed onto the affected areas from a short distance. Epigen is used 4 r. in day, throughout 1 week.

After each use, the spray gun is thoroughly washed with soapy water and rinsed with boiled water. A contraindication to use is the individual intolerance of the components. The cost of epigen intim depends on the volume of the bottle. 60 ml - 1900, 15 ml - 980, 3.5 ml - 550 rubles.


Candles against candidiasis of any severity. The main active substances are ternidazole, nystatin, neomycin sulfate. The medicine is injected into the vagina 1 time per day, at night. The procedure is carried out for 7-10 days.

Attention! Terzhinan - suppositories for thrush in women are inexpensive and reliable, but they are not suitable for everyone! Terzhanin is prohibited for use in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The cost of the drug for a package of 6 pcs. - 390 rubles, 10 pcs. - 440 rubles.


A popular antifungal drug in the form of capsules, the active substance of which is fluconazole. The drug is administered as a single dose of 150 mg, orally. If the disease has become chronic, then Mycomax is prescribed for a course of 4-6 months, 1 capsule every 30 days.

Do not take the drug during pregnancy and lactation. It is also forbidden to use simultaneously with cisapride and astemizole. The price of 1 capsule is 560 rubles.


Combined preparation in the form of suppositories, which include the antibiotic polymyxin and nystatin.

Note! An auxiliary component of the drug is dimethylpolysiloxane gel. It "lubricates" the vaginal mucosa, relieves irritation, and helps the absolute penetration of active substances.

Candles are inserted into the vagina once, before going to bed. The course of therapy can last from 5 to 12 days.

The cost of the drug depends on the number of suppositories in the package:

  • 12 pcs. - 530 rubles. (full course appointed by a specialist);
  • 6 pcs. - 280 rubles. (in case the patient requires a small dose of medication, the gynecologist prescribes a shortened course of treatment).

Polygynax is a lifesaver for those who cannot afford to buy an expensive drug. Gynecologists prescribe these suppositories for thrush in women (inexpensive), since the right dosage will help save money.


A local therapy drug in the form of suppositories, the main component is isocanazole. The suppository is administered intravaginally 1 time, at bedtime, using the fingertips included in the kit.

Candles for thrush in women (inexpensive) doctors do not recommend using for possible allergic reactions. The drug Gyno-Travogen has a rather high price, but it can be used during gestation.

Contraindication is age up to 18 years. The average cost of Gyno-travogen is 1450 rubles.

Rules for the successful and rapid treatment of candidiasis

Doctors are sure that the treatment of candidiasis should be comprehensive. Along with medications, it is recommended to use a diet and folk remedies light action. In addition, you must follow all the doctor's instructions and follow the instructions for use of the prescribed drug.

Taking immunocorrective drugs

With frequent recurrences of thrush, experts recommend connecting immunocorrective drugs to therapy. They are divided into several groups:

After the therapy, it is necessary to normalize the acidity of the mucous membranes of the genital organs and improve the microflora. As a rule, for this doctor it is recommended to use suppositories with lactobacilli Biffidumbacterin or Lactonorm vaginal capsules.

Diet and nutritional habits to strengthen immunity

Dieting during the treatment of thrush is no less important than taking medications.

Important to remember! The diet should be balanced, moderate in calories and rich in B vitamins.

With candidiasis, muffins and brown bread are excluded from the menu, it is desirable to minimize the consumption of sugar. It is advisable to adhere to the diet for 3 months.

This will contribute to the natural restoration of microflora. The restriction also applies to mushroom dishes, products containing yeast and alcohol.

Eating fresh vegetable salads, fruits and garlic will help restore the immune system and speed up recovery. Fermented milk products without preservatives, low-fat varieties of fish and meat are useful during the treatment period.

As vitamin supplements are great: blueberries, lemon and sea buckthorn, decoctions of oregano, wild rose and hawthorn.

Thorough body hygiene on a regular basis

No matter how effective the drugs are, it is impossible to achieve positive results without hygiene.

Therefore, for the duration of therapy, it is necessary

  • refuse sexual intimacy so as not to infect a partner;
  • it is necessary to carry out hygiene procedures and change underwear twice a day;
  • avoid the use of panty liners.

Important to remember! The use of flavored and antibacterial soap when washing is prohibited, it washes away the microflora. The best option would be to use special gels for intimate hygiene with a neutral PH.

Elimination of factors provoking the development of candidiasis

To prevent candidiasis, as well as to get rid of the disease, it is important to follow simple rules:

  • Stay cool, avoid infections and support the immune system;
  • In case of gynecological diseases, disorders in the urinary system and gastrointestinal tract, treatment should be started immediately;
  • With repeated relapses, it is recommended to remove muffins and sweets from the diet in order to reduce the growth of candida.

An important role is played by the quality of underwear. Tight panties made of artificial materials will create ideal conditions for vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Medicines for thrush of a new generation

The pharmaceutical industry does not stand still. Now on sale are the latest drugs for the treatment of thrush.

The most effective of them experts include:

Useful site article: How to induce menstruation with a delay. All ways and means.

There are many ways to treat candidal vulvovaginitis, the main thing to remember is that only a specialist can prescribe an effective drug based on the results of the tests.

Dear readers, the following videos will tell you about this type of drug treatment, like suppositories for thrush in women.

Inexpensive and effective drugs for candidiasis: tablets, suppositories, ointments.

We hope that the material of the article and video clips was useful for you. Take care of yourself, be happy and healthy!

When treating women with vaginal candidiasis, suppositories are considered the most convenient. Their effect is due to the strong penetration of the active antifungal component into the mucosa.

In the process of such penetration, the pathogen is destroyed, the inflammatory process is eliminated, and the signs of thrush are reduced.


At the present time, the field of pharmaceuticals has a huge range of various antifungal agents in the field of gynecology. These are medications for oral administration, suppositories for topical therapy, which can be prescribed by a doctor for a complex course of the condition, as well as for chronic form as part of complex treatment.

What are the most effective means to eliminate this condition? These are the agents to which the Candida fungus is sensitive. Sensitivity is determined by conducting a bacterial culture, determine the stability, resistance of the pathogen to a particular drug. Since in a chronic, and often progressive disease, therapy may be ineffective due to the appearance of drug resistance in fungi.

If thrush is treated on its own, without doctoral control, then this provokes the formation of candidiasis in a chronic form, and it also provokes a violation of the vaginal microflora. In addition, many patients actively use douching to eliminate a disease such as thrush.

And this is very dangerous, because such actions become the reason that the disease begins to progress, and the vaginal microflora begins to break down even more. Only a specialist, starting from the history of women and from the clinical picture, taking into account the sensitivity of the fungus, can prescribe the correct treatment regimen. Even if all the signs of the disease disappear, it is considered to be a complete recovery when, during a laboratory test, it is revealed that the fungi are absent over the next three months.

How to use suppositories against thrush

Usually a doctor is prescribed to treat both sexual partners, since in men this condition is common, but without symptoms. Men are carriers of thrush, they pass this disease on to women. If there is no treatment for a permanent sexual partner, then after a complete recovery, the woman picks up the infection again after the first sexual intercourse (unprotected).

During treatment, sexual intercourse should not be, and if they are, then condoms must be used. Candles should be inserted into the vagina before bedtime, try to make the introduction as deep as possible. So that the components of the drug are better absorbed.

When a woman is diagnosed with vaginal candidiasis, then she, in parallel with the doctor, needs to analyze the reasons that provoked the development of this condition. If you do not minimize or eliminate the factors that provoked this condition, thrush can return many times.

Often the presence of candidiasis indicates the presence of other sexually transmitted infections. It can also indicate the development of gardnerellosis and bacterial vaginosis.

Depending on the strength of the symptoms, the acute or chronic course of the disease, therapy may differ in the course of treatment, sometimes the use of one candle is enough, and if the process has chronic course, the therapy will require longer.

  • It is forbidden to use vaginal suppositories during menstruation. the only exception is Sertaconazole and Povidone-Iodine.
  • It is allowed to use one candle of such means as Lomexin, Zalain.
  • For three candles, you can use the following drugs - Pimafucin, Gino-pevaril, Livarol.
  • From 5 candles to 14 - Irunin, Ginezol, Macmirror, Yodoxide.

During the period of therapy, it is not necessary to wear underwear that is very tight, which is made of synthetic materials. You should also adhere to intimate hygiene, do not use scented pads, which contain any chemical elements, you need to change linen and towels every day. You should also avoid liquids for intimate hygiene, which contain chemicals, as this will only worsen the condition.

Since suppositories include various active ingredients in their composition, they differ in their effectiveness and periods of therapy, as well as adverse reactions and contraindications for use.

The best candles for the treatment of thrush

Zalain. This remedy is an imidazole derivative. There is not enough information about the possible harm to the baby and during breastfeeding. But if we take into account the single use case and the absence of systemic exposure to this remedy - during gestation, it may be used if the possible benefit to the patient will significantly exceed the risk to the baby.

Contraindication is hypersensitivity. When using the drug, such side effects may develop - burning, itching in the vagina, allergic manifestations, but all this does not require the withdrawal of the drug. Method of use - one candle must be inserted once into the vagina.

It is best to do this before going to bed at night. If the symptoms of thrush persist, then after seven days you need to reuse the drug. Before use, it is important to wash the genitals with a neutral soap. Can be used during menstruation.

Disadvantages and advantages - the advantage of this drug is a one-time use, the ability to use it during menstruation, and the only drawback is a very high price.

Livarol. This remedy is effective for eliminating such a condition in women as a milkman. Among the side effects, it should be noted the occurrence of urticaria, redness of the vaginal mucosa, itching, rash on the skin, irritation. The use of this drug should be abandoned by persons who have a high sensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, do not use Livarol in the first trimester of gestation. As for the third trimester, you need to be careful during this period. apply funds.

Application - while lying down, it is necessary to insert a candle as deep as possible into the vagina. Do this for four to five days. If thrush has a chronic course, then treatment should be continued for 10 days. The advantage of this drug is that the effect of its use is rapid, almost does not cause allergies. It is usually prescribed when the diagnosis is established for the first time; with frequent and prolonged use, drug resistance appears in the pathogen.

Irunin. These are vaginal tablets that actively eliminate thrush. The tool is forbidden to use in the first trimester of gestation, in the remaining trimesters it is used with caution. Among the adverse reactions should be noted a rash on the skin, burning. itching, redness. It is recommended to carry out the treatment at bedtime, for one to two weeks.

The tool is highly effective for recurrent disease and resistance to other antifungal drugs, among the shortcomings it should be noted that the drug is forbidden to be used in the first months of gestation.

Nifuratel, Nystatin. When carrying, these funds are allowed for use, the only contraindication of these candles is the presence of hypersensitivity. Among the side effects should be noted a rash on the skin, the appearance.

Candles are used intravaginally, for 8 days, one candle before going to bed at night. The main advantage is the possibility of treatment during pregnancy. Of the minuses - overpriced.

Clotrimazole. These suppositories are effectively used to treat thrush. It is forbidden to use them in the first trimester of gestation, as well as for patients who are breastfeeding. When using the drug, certain side effects may occur, including cystitis, soreness of the head, pain during intercourse, and frequent urination.

Clotrimazole is used for a six-day period, the suppository is inserted before bedtime as deep as possible into the vagina.

The advantage of this tool is that it is not expensive, the disadvantage is the frequent manifestation of negative reactions of the body. the rapid emergence of resistance in fungi.

Miconazole. Contraindications to use is high sensitivity, care should be taken when using this remedy during the lactation period, as well as while waiting for the baby. At the time of treatment with the drug, it is recommended to suspend breastfeeding. in addition, it is worth refusing to use these funds for people who have impaired liver activity, diabetes mellitus, herpes.

Side effects include diarrhea, nausea, itching, abdominal pain, and discomfort. Usually, all of these symptoms occur at the beginning of therapy. Method of use - for one week, one candle, during therapy, drink alcoholic beverages. Among the advantages - the effect occurs quickly enough, a large spectrum of activity, a highly effective remedy for frequent occurrences of the disease, does not provoke dysbacteriosis. The disadvantage is the danger in using it while waiting for the crumbs and during the period of breastfeeding.

Miconazole. It is not recommended to use this drug in the first trimester, in the second, as well as in the third trimester, use is allowed, but with great care. During the period of use of the drug, you should stop breastfeeding the baby for a while. Among the side effects are itching of the skin, rash, local irritation.

Use - treatment is carried out for two weeks. Even if the signs of the disease disappear, treatment should still be continued. These candles according to reviews is enough effective tool to eliminate a disease such as thrush.

Nistanin. Complex means, which include nystanin. This remedy is prohibited for use in case of individual intolerance, as well as at any stage of pregnancy. When used, such negative reactions of the body may occur - nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, chills.

Candles are recommended to be used for two weeks twice a day - in the morning and evening. Among the advantages, it should be noted that the drug is cheap, compared to other drugs, Candida does not develop resistance to the active component of the drug, so it is often recommended for the treatment of recurrent, chronic disease. Among the disadvantages of this tool is the presence of complex side effects, twice a day use, a long course of use.

Yodoxide, Povidone-Iodine. The drug is prescribed for the treatment of thrush. If the disease has an acute course, then it is prescribed to use one candle for one week, if the disease has a chronic course, then the treatment is prescribed for two weeks, one candle each.

Among the contraindications for use are the first trimester of gestation (in the second and third - with caution), thyroid adenoma, thyrotoxicosis, kidney failure, individual sensitivity, while breastfeeding, the drug is used with caution. Candles can provoke local hyperemia, allergic manifestations.

The drug is allowed to be used during menstruation, as part of complex therapy for bactaginosis.

Contraindications for use is the period of expectation of the child, it is prohibited to use during menstruation, if the woman has an individual intolerance to the nutrients of the drug. Among the side effects, allergic manifestations should be noted - erythema, urticaria, rash on the skin, not strong signs of irritation, which pass very quickly on their own and do not require treatment to be stopped.

Fluomizin. This tool is presented in the form of vaginal tablets with antiseptic effects. It is used to treat candidal vaginitis, with bacterial vaginosis, and also before delivery.

Means e is suitable for use by girls who have not yet begun to have sex, with ulcers of the uterine neck, with ulcers of the vagina, as well as in the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Fluomizin is able to provoke such adverse reactions from the body as erythema, urticaria and rash. Tablets are used for six days, at night. During menstruation, therapy must be completed, and at the end - resumed.

In addition to suppositories, there are creams that have an antifungal effect - Econazole cream, Butoconazole, Lomexin, Travogen, Ecodax.

Pros and cons of using suppositories for the treatment of thrush

  • When the agent is injected into a place where fungi multiply with great activity, the result with local therapy will be provided much faster than with the use of current highly effective agents such as Zalain or Livarol.
  • Current antifungal drugs can be used once.
  • Since local drugs have low systemic absorption, the frequency of adverse reactions is significantly reduced, in contrast to the use of oral agents.

Cons of local therapy:

  • local therapy is a little inconvenient - sexual life is limited, linen is constantly dirty.
  • A good effect from such treatment can only be manifested in the treatment of non-complex forms of candidiasis, when the course of the condition is aggravated, prolonged, then local treatment must necessarily be prescribed in conjunction with taking antifungal tablets. For this reason, it is often necessary to repeat the therapeutic course after a certain time period.
  • When using combined antimicrobial agents, often a negative reaction of the body manifests itself in the form of vaginal dysbacteriosis. This condition requires additional therapy.

Often in women during the period of gestation, a physiological deterioration in the activity of the immune system occurs. The body becomes weakened and this causes the development of thrush, and many funds during this period are prohibited for use, or there is no accurate information about the safety for the child. Among the large selection of local medicines, such candles can be used while waiting for the baby:

  • Candles, Primafugin and Pimafucin;
  • Combined funds called Macmirror complex.
  • Nystatin, Clotrimazole, Pimafucin, Gynofort - all these remedies are allowed to be used in the second and third trimester of gestation. The doctor appoints them if the possible risk to women's health is much higher than the potential risk to the fetus.
  • Some doctors recommend a combination remedy called Terzhinan. The remedy is allowed for use only if the possible benefit for the mother is higher than the risk for the baby, since the remedy contains hormones and it can provoke the development of many negative reactions of the body.


If you follow all the rules of hygiene and adhere to doctor's recommendations, then the prognosis is favorable. It is no secret that this disease occurs against the background of adverse factors. These are weakened immunity, beriberi, severe hypothermia, non-compliance sanitary norms hygiene.

To exclude the development of thrush, it is necessary to conduct healthy lifestyle life, increase the protective functions of the genitourinary system and the whole organism as a whole through the use of immunomodulatory drugs.

You should not often change sexual partners, since the microflora each time begins to adapt to new conditions, protective functions decrease and there is no barrier to infectious processes.

The consequences of thrush

If this disease is not treated, then it can provoke the development of cystitis, the occurrence of ulcers and erosions on the uterine neck, a change in the structure of the genital organs. and sometimes even infertility! Therapy should be started when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Comprehensive treatment, which includes the use of candles, will help overcome the disease.

When prescribing medications, which contain antifungal components, suppositories are far from the last place. But you need to understand that even the most highly effective candles cannot replace a set of measures that are aimed at stopping the growth of the fungus. Before you start using any antifungal products.

It is imperative to consult a doctor. Only he can choose the right treatment. In some cases, you need to use several funds at the same time, but only the doctor decides all this.

The disease can develop due to hormonal failure in the body, due to infections or during pregnancy.

Thrush has become a huge problem in the lives of many women, each of them at least once felt its manifestations. Symptoms of thrush are hard to miss. One of the main ones is curdled discharge, which has an extremely unpleasant odor. Very often they cause itching and burning. Also, in the presence of thrush, discomfort can be observed during intimacy.

Every woman wants to find the most effective remedy to combat this disease. It is best to choose cheap and effective candles for thrush, as safe and easy to use as possible.

Key Benefits of Candles

Most effective method in the fight against thrush is the use of candles. They don't do any harm female body. When used, they have a local effect, due to which the symptoms of the disease disappear very quickly. Candles from thrush are cheap and effective, there are practically no cases of side effects in women who used them. There are two types of substances in candles from thrush:

  • (aimed at fighting the fungus that causes thrush).
  • Special components designed to help restore the natural flora of the vagina.

In the pharmacy you can find a great variety of suppositories for thrush, but not everyone is helped by the same drug equally well. Before buying, it is very important to carefully read the composition and properties of the drug. Modern antifungal agents are usually applied once. But in some situations it may be necessary course treatment or re-applying them to consolidate the result. The main advantage of candles is that they can be used for long term because they don't have any side effects. Many are interested in the question of what cheap and effective candles are for thrush and what is their price. Having studied the reviews of doctors, several brands of candles can be distinguished.

"Nystatin" (price 60-80 rubles)

These are popular cheap and effective candles for thrush. Due to the fact that the fungus does not show resistance to the components of this drug, Nystatin quickly relieves the symptoms of the disease. After using the drug, a long-term positive effect is observed. Best of all, inexpensive and good suppositories from thrush "Nystatin" help with chronic form this disease. It is this drug that is used in the most advanced cases. With prolonged use of "Nystatin" may occur. This happens due to the fact that the drug affects not only the pathogenic, but also the natural flora. The product must be applied up to three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of "Nystatin" are: pregnancy, especially on later dates, and intolerance to the main components of the drug, which occurs rarely. The main side effects occur in rare cases, among them there are abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea.

(price 35-60 rubles)

The course of treatment with the drug is most often no more than 10 days. These suppositories must be applied twice a day. The greatest effectiveness of treatment is achieved by constant use of the drug throughout the course. If you use suppositories regularly, then the bacteria do not have time to develop resistance to them. This results in a complete recovery.

One of the side effects is the manifestation of sensitivity to certain components of the drug. Sometimes a negative effect on the work of the hematopoietic organs is possible. With excessively prolonged use and overdose of the drug, a mild form of renal or hepatic insufficiency may occur, in this regard, it is necessary to use suppositories in accordance with the instructions for use. Of the minuses, one can single out a narrow focus of the action of these candles. They are ineffective in the fight against acid-resistant microorganisms, so it is best to use these cheapest and most effective suppositories for thrush after consulting a specialist, according to the results of the tests. When using this drug, it is better to give up work that requires a high concentration of attention, as well as driving a car.

Candles "Pimafucin"

Famous antifungal drug. These are effective. "Pimafucin" is prescribed for pregnant women because they are the safest for both the woman herself and the fetus. Their basis is the substance natamycin. "Pimafucin" has a local effect, destroying the cells of pathogenic fungi.

Candles "Klion-D 100"

The effect of the drug appears after a short period of time after the first use. These candles kill a huge amount various kinds pathogenic microorganisms. At the same time, they do not have a negative effect on the natural microflora of the vagina, and therefore do not cause its dysbacteriosis. At constant use this drug helps to fully recover even in advanced cases. Side effects are extremely rare. Mostly this is discomfort in the injection area, less often - pain in the stomach. Contraindication for use is the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Candles "Livarol"

A drug that has a fast action and does not cause side effects. Rarely, irritation or rash occurs. With frequent use, the activity of the drug decreases. "Livarol" is not used during pregnancy.

Candles "Lomexin"

Quite popular Contraindications for use are pregnancy and lactation. As a side effect, the appearance of allergic reactions, irritation and redness is not excluded. The main advantage of these candles is their high efficiency.

"Clotrimazole" (price 30-60 rubles)

Everyone knows candles from thrush, cheap and effective. The photo is shown above. Unfortunately, they often cause side effects (burning sensation, abdominal pain, discharge). The use of this drug is contraindicated in early pregnancy and lactation. "Clotrimazole" is a course of treatment lasting 6 days.

Candles "Iodoxide"

Do not apply in the presence of diseases of the kidneys and thyroid gland. Pregnancy and lactation are also a contraindication for the use of this drug in the treatment of thrush. The duration of treatment is usually about two weeks. The main side effect is the appearance of an allergy to the components of "Iodoxide".

Candles "Miconazole"

This drug is contraindicated in people with liver disease and diabetes. During pregnancy and lactation, these suppositories are also contraindicated. As side effects, there may be pain in the abdomen or itching in the vagina.

Candles from thrush, cheap and effective, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

When a pregnant woman has symptoms of thrush, the most important thing for her is that the remedy chosen by the doctor is safe not only for herself, but also for the baby. Candles in this case will become the best option in the fight against this disease. They are absolutely harmless, in rare cases, side effects may occur.

Candles from thrush are allowed to be used not only during the period of bearing a child, but All suppositories have a local effect, due to this the risk of getting the drug into milk is minimized. Very often, drugs for thrush are prescribed by doctors before childbirth in order to guarantee the safety of the child during childbirth and protect him from pathogenic microbes entering the body. To do this, a woman is examined and, if there are symptoms of thrush, an effective drug is prescribed, most often these are suppositories.

When dealing with thrush during pregnancy, an integrated approach is very important due to the fact that bearing a child greatly undermines a woman's immunity. The most effective in this case will be "Pimafutsin" and "Makmiror complex". In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the use of more aggressive drugs is prohibited due to their ability to be absorbed into the blood. In extreme cases, the doctor may prescribe Nystatin or Clotrimazole. Many of the doctors produce a drug of complex action "Terzhinan", which is used in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and has the most effective effect in the treatment of thrush, when other drugs do not help. It is applied according to the risk/benefit ratio.

To choose cheap and good suppositories for thrush, it is important to take into account the severity of the symptoms and the presence or absence of pregnancy. If possible, you should first try the most gentle drugs. If they do not help, you can pick up other candles from thrush, cheap and effective. Patient reviews indicate that in each individual case, a different drug is suitable.

Rules for the use of candles

How to use candles correctly:

  • suppositories must be inserted as deep as possible into the vagina;
  • it is best to introduce candles at night, so that you can lie down and relax;
  • at the time of treatment it is necessary to exclude sexual relations;
  • during treatment, you need to wear loose cotton underwear;
  • treatment is necessary not only for a woman, but also for her sexual partner;
  • suppositories for thrush, cheap and effective, incompatible with alcohol and other drugs;
  • Before using suppositories, you should consult your doctor.

Probably all women have heard about thrush, because this is the most common gynecological disease. Thrush is caused by fungi of the genus Candida, which attack the weakened chronic diseases, antibiotics, pregnancy, stress and other body factors.

Candida fungi constantly live in our body, but reduced immunity makes them appear aggressive, multiply faster, causing inflammation and discomfort.

Thrush symptoms

Thrush can be recognized by an unpleasant burning sensation and itching in the vagina, white discharge that looks like lumps of cottage cheese with a sour smell, pain from contact of the mucous membrane with water, soap, urine and during sexual intercourse. In addition to general signs, there are also individual ones, due to the state of the body.

Having found these symptoms in yourself, you should contact your gynecologist, find out about effective remedies for thrush in women. Drugs are selected individually, taking into account the nature of the current disease., general health of the patient and other factors.

The main ways to treat thrush

Despite the variety of drugs presented, alas, there is no universal, suitable for everyone and always.

Important to remember! This disease cannot be left unattended. By itself, it is treated quite easily, and without treatment it acquires a protracted chronic character and causes a number of exacerbations.

In pharmacies, the assortment includes various remedies for thrush in women.

Drugs can be divided into 3 groups:

  • vaginal douching (for example, with a solution of soda or antiseptics);
  • local funds;
  • systemic antifungal drugs.

The first method is the simplest, but at the same time insufficient, as the only method of treatment. His supporting role along with douching, antifungal drugs are prescribed. In addition, this method is not suitable for pregnant women.

Local remedies are suppositories or tablets of internal action. The duration of their intake is determined by the doctor, but on average we can talk about 5-7 days for an acute process and 10-14 days for a chronic one.

Systemic drugs are connected if local treatment has not given the desired effect. Among the remedies for thrush in women, Fluconazole and preparations based on it are especially distinguished. contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

Effective drugs for a simple form of candidiasis

Tablets against thrush

The simple form of thrush allows the use of special vaginal tablets with local action. Before going to bed, one of the remedies is administered, after douching with a solution of soda (1 tablespoon of soda per liter of water) or an antiseptic (Miramistin or Chlorhexidine).

One tablet of Terzhinan or Clotrimazole is injected into the vagina (course 6 days).

It's important to know! Treatment with vaginal agents alone is possible only with the first episode of thrush. In other cases, local therapy is combined with systemic drugs, such as fluconazole, ketoconazole or itraconazole.

Fluconazole copes well with the causative agent of the fungus

Fluconazole capsules cope well with the causative agent of the fungus, easy to use and require only 1 capsule of 150 mg. They are also used in chronic cases and to prevent relapses.

For the treatment of acute candidiasis with itraconazole, a 3-day intake of 200 mg 1 time per day or in 2 doses of 200 mg is required.

Itraconazole and Ketoconazole are used in cases where there is no visible effect from Fluconazole or the patient has an individual intolerance to it. For the treatment of acute candidiasis with itraconazole, a 3-day intake of 200 mg 1 time per day or in 2 doses of 200 mg is required.

Itraconazole is used when there is no visible effect from Fluconazole

It is also applicable in chronic candidiasis and for preventive purposes. Ketoconazole must be taken twice a day at 1 tablet of 200 mg or 2 tablets (400 mg) at once for 5 days, but this drug is not suitable for preventing new cases of the disease.

Carefully! All of the above drugs are contraindicated in women during the period of expectation of a child and are not recommended for breastfeeding.

Candles from thrush

Candles are an effective and indicated therapy for most patients with thrush. The first case of the disease in a mild form allows the treatment to be reduced only to the use of suppositories. The selection of funds for thrush is individual, because the drugs have their own composition, features of action and undesirable effects in women.

Natamycin preparations are widely used (candles "Natamycin" and "Pimafucin"), being the only approved for use in pregnant and lactating women. This drug is one-component, with one antifungal agent in the composition. In addition to "Natamycin", this includes candles Ginezol-7, "Gino-Dactanol", "Gino-Travogen Ovulum", "Zalain".

All of the above funds, except for "Natamycin", also have antibacterial activity, which means their effectiveness in thrush, complicated, for example, by bacterial vaginosis.

Treatment of chronic thrush

Chronic candidiasis is a manifestation of acute thrush recurring at least 4 times a year due to weakened immunity, improper treatment previous attacks of thrush, frequent and inappropriate use of antibiotics.

Excessive consumption of sweets can cause thrush

The reasons can also include long-term use of hormonal contraceptives, antidepressants, excessive consumption of sweets.

The symptoms and manifestations of thrush in the chronic form are the same as in the acute form. Sometimes chronic candidiasis is almost not noticeable, and the presence of infection appears only after intercourse, when the genital mucosa is in an irritated state.

Treatment requires complex and long-term therapy with a special diet, increased immunity, the use of local remedies, baths or douching.

For the period of treatment and up to six months in advance, it is advisable to stop taking antibiotics, to carry out antifungal sanitation of the vagina 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation.

Creams and candles

Treatment of thrush with ointments and creams has several advantages. These are effective remedies for thrush in women, the drugs evenly fall on the surface of the skin, soften the tissues affected by the fungus, and quickly relieve discomfort and symptoms.

Before applying an ointment or cream, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Pre-treat the skin and mucous membranes with douching.
  2. The affected area is treated with a thin and uniform layer of the drug.
  3. Apply for at least another week after a noticeable improvement in the condition.
  4. If this attack of thrush is not the first, use additional systemic drugs.

Among ointments and creams, "Pimafucin", "Gino-Pevaril" are recognized as the most effective. Ginofort, Clotrimazole, Econazole, Candide. Of the contraindications, pregnancy in the 1st trimester and breast-feeding(except for the safe and widely used "Pimafucin").

Clotrimazole is one of the most effective ointments

With pronounced inflammation of the skin, as well as the presence of a mixed infection, Candide B, Pimafukort or Triderm are prescribed.

But they are absorbed into the bloodstream and can affect the functioning of other organs due to the antibiotic or hormonal substance in the composition. Therefore, they are also not prescribed to women who are carrying a child, especially in the 1st trimester, and to nursing mothers.

The cream treats external lesions, but is also used for internal administration. It has a lighter base than an ointment. Due to the water contained in it, it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the surface of the skin, and enters the bloodstream only in small doses.

Pimafucin - proven and effective cream

Among the proven and effective creams are Pimafucin, Ginofort and Gino-Pevaril."Ginofort" is enough to enter into the vagina once - it will last on the mucosa for 4-5 days, that is, the entire treatment is equivalent to 1 procedure.

apply suppositories with a combined active substance ("Livarol", "Klion-D", "Terzhinan", "Polygynax")

"Gino-Pevaril" is also applied to the surface of the genital organs 2-3 times a day, it is injected into the vagina once a day with a special applicator for at least 3 days without interruption, even during menstruation.

To get rid of vulvovaginitis caused by the fungus Candida together with other pathogens, suppositories with a combined active substance (Livarol, Klion-D, Terzhinan, Polizhinaks) are used.

With their antibacterial effect, they cope with many sexual diseases of an infectious nature.

Antifungal tablets

Antifungal agents such as Poligynax, Diflucan, MIKOmax and MYKOsyst, Pimafucin, Terzhinan, Clotrimazole are produced in tablets. Diflucan, Mycomax and MYKOsyst have the active ingredient fluconazole, are easy to use and effective.

One capsule of Diflucan is enough for a visible result

One capsule of Diflucan or Mycomax is enough for a visible result. Most of these remedies for thrush are not recommended during gestation, as the drugs show a number of side effects in the woman and the fetus.

vitamin therapy

To cure thrush and consolidate the effect of its treatment, it is necessary to take care not only of personal hygiene, but also of a balanced diet. In addition to excluding sweet, starchy and spicy foods from the diet, it is necessary to start taking multivitamins and immunostimulants.

Vitamins help maintain immunity so that its decline does not provoke new cases of thrush. It is advisable to take multivitamin complexes, such as Multitabs, Vitrum, Centrum, Duovit and others.

Thanks to the action of the trace elements that make up their composition, the body smoothly carries out biochemical reactions, which means the immune system can cope with foreign elements such as Candida fungi.


Along with the adoption of fast-acting drugs that relieve the symptoms of the disease, one should responsibly approach the treatment of dysbacteriosis, reconsider their diet. To make up for the damage to the body from taking antibiotics and re-create normal microflora in it, eubiotics will be needed.

Eubiotics are healthy human bacteria and microorganisms in live or dried form. They are divided into lacto and bifidobacteria. The principle of operation of eubiotics is simple: as soon as they enter the intestines, their active reproduction begins, and an acidic environment is created that is detrimental to harmful elements.

Bifidobacteria are necessary for the processing of B vitamins and the "production" of organic acids for the absorption of nutrients by the body. They cannot be used simultaneously with antibiotics, since the latter “block” bifidobacteria and prevent them from multiplying.

Lactobacilli support immunity and produce lactic acid. Preparations with them are prescribed simultaneously with a course of antibiotics in order to exclude dysbacteriosis and normalize the microflora.

In order for the action of eubiotics to bring tangible benefits, it is necessary to strictly observe the conditions for their storage.

Lactobacterin - a common remedy for thrush

Among the most common remedies for thrush for the normalization of microflora in women are the preparations "Lactobacterin" and "Lacidophil", containing lactobacilli; "Bifidumbacterin forte" with bifidobacteria and "Linex", which combines both types of bacteria.

Vaginal eubiotics are presented in the form of suppositories containing lactobacilli. They are used in the presence of inflammatory processes, thrush, and also often in preparing a woman for childbirth.

Is it possible to use douching drugs for thrush

Despite the fact that douching seems to be a simple and effective remedy for thrush, most gynecologists do not approve of this procedure and even consider it harmful. First, if carried out without medical indications, you can reduce the resistance of your body to various bacteria.

Secondly, there is a chance to disrupt the microenvironment in the vagina, cause dysbacteriosis and earn a new thrush against its background. Thirdly, a jet of water causes damage to the epithelium of the uterus, and in pregnant women it can provoke a miscarriage.

In addition, it is impossible to carry out the douching procedure before a visit to the gynecologist due to the fact that it greatly distorts the results of swabs taken and ongoing studies.

And yet, with thrush, douching can be carried out, primarily to restore the acid-base balance of the mucous membranes. Together with drug treatment, it gives a good result.

Furacilin can be used for douching

Among the pharmaceutical preparations for preparing solutions are hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 0.5 liters of water), furatsilin (1 crushed tablet dissolved in a glass of warm water), a weak light pink solution of potassium permanganate, chlorophyllipt (1 tablespoon per liter of boiled water), malavit (15 ml of the drug per 300 ml of water), miramistin and chlorhexidine, which are sold ready-made.

Prevention of recurrence of candidiasis

Since candidiasis can appear for a variety of reasons, the prevention of relapse also involves the fulfillment of several conditions.

These include:

  1. avoiding antibiotics as much as possible and using antifungal suppositories at the same time as taking antibiotics;
  2. adherence to a balanced diet with the exclusion of sweets and the reduction of carbohydrate foods;
  3. increasing the immune properties of the body;
  4. refusal of contraceptives based on hormones;
  5. treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system.

There are preventive remedies for thrush in women, drugs Fluconazole and Itraconazole help to avoid recurrence of the disease. Fluconazole is taken 1 capsule 150 mg once a week for 3-6 months. Itraconazole is used on the first day of menstruation, 100 mg for 3 months.

Fluconazole is taken 1 capsule 150 mg once a week for 3-6 months

Every year there are new drugs that fight candidiasis. Treatment with a properly selected drug, maintaining immunity, giving up bad habits and following simple rules will help you forget about thrush once and for all.

About the methods of treating thrush in this video:

Gynecologist's advice on how to properly treat thrush:

About the most effective tablets obstetrician-gynecologist L. Vesnina tells from thrush: